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Ana Sofía Guadeloupe

The angel's blazing sword rammed through my Master's chest.

The weapon burst out his back in a spray of bright crimson. A deep growl rose in my throat as my vision dimmed red. I lunged at the angel, snarling with fury. He would pay for what he did. I would tear him apart for daring to hurt my master.

I crashed into the angel, claws digging into his flesh. My muzzle snapped down to tear him apart.

Light exploded from the angel and slammed into me. The purity of the brilliance burned my skin. I howled in pain as I flew back and crashed into the adobe-brick wall of the convent's sanctum. I landed on my belly, whimpering.

“Carl!” screamed Sister Mary Salome as the angel wrenched his sword from Master's chest. He dropped to his knees, blood pouring out of his chest.

Master's nun-wife ran to him. She would save him with her prayers. She was a wondrous woman. I struggled to rise to aid her, but the pain blazed through my body. The light smote me with such pure righteousness.

The power of Heaven left me battered.

The angel seized Sister Mary Salome by her black hair, yanking her short of reaching Master. Light pulsed from around his bronze body. “Daughter, it is time you ended your dalliance with this perverse man!”

“No!” Sister Mary Salomeshouted. “Lord, save him! Save my husband from his wounds!”


Carl Bergman

Blood poured out of the wound in my chest and splashed over my knees. The agony blazed through my veins. That damn angel stood over me, lording above me. Words echoed in my mind, rattling about as the agony blazed through me.

My wife is not a monster!” My words, but I don't remember ever saying them. They were, true, though. Jessica was no monster. She was a sweet woman. A loving succubus. She cared for me. Treasured me. She would never do anything to hurt me.

Would never do anything monstrous.

She took the Fruit from the Morningstar!” a voice shouted in my mind. “She tricked Eve in eating it. You! She is corrupted! One of his spawn!”


What are these words. That was my voice protesting, but this conversation never had happened.

Let all her children bear her sin!”

I will fix her!” I cried. “I won't let you curse my wife! Lilith is not evil!”

Let her spawn be monsters. Creatures who punish the children of Eve. Who haunt them. Trick them. That is her punishment for following, and you, Adam! Let you be chained in the Pit for your defiance! When your Mortality ends, you shall join the Morningstar in Perdition!”

What were these words?




I was so confused by them, and... offended. Angered. Fury built in me that was stronger than the pain I felt twisting through my chest. Something terrible had happened to my wife, and I didn't even remember it. But this angel... He knew about it. He had spoken those other words, hadn't he?

The fury built and built in me. A righteous rage of a husband who would defend his wife. And with it was pain. A festering curse. An agony of chains. The impotency of prison. The Pain of Perdition blazed through me.

I wanted to be free. A plan. Why did I think I had a plan to escape it? To be free of this torment and find my wife again. These emotions, these shadows of memories that I never had, filled me up. I had escape. I used the Morningstar, a desperate gamble, and now... now...

I was dying.

My life poured out of me. The angel had rammed his sword through his chest. He had hurt me once again. He held my nun-wife in his strong grip. She wanted to help me, and he was keeping her from saving my life. I didn't want to die. I just wanted to live with Jessica. To enjoy her dream of a harem that we could share together.

I just wanted to be happy with my wives.

“CARL!” Jessica's voice screamed, but she was distant. “CARL! HELP ME! SAVE ME!”

Fire exploded out of me. Boiling, scarlet flames. Tongues of burning blood rippled around me as I rose to my feet and glared at the angel holding Sister Mary Salome by a fistful of hair. How dare he touch her. How dare he put my wives in danger.

“Let her go!” I roared.

The angel glared at me, such hatred in his eyes. “Mephistopheles,” he sneered. “You think—”

“I do not go by that name any longer!” I roared as I understood. That was my demonic name. The guise I had adopted to manipulate the world. I wasn't Carl Bergman, either, but I wanted to be. I was awake now. A spear sprang into existence in my hand.

Made of shadow and hellfire.

I thrust it at the angel's chest.

He threw Sister Mary Salome to the side and swept his golden sword before him. Our weapons struck as he parried my attack. A gong rang through the convent, the stones groaning from the impact of our two powers.

The world shook as I thrust again.

The angel's face twisted with fury as his golden sword flashed. He blocked and deflected my thrusts. I plunged my spear for his flesh, eager to pierce his side. To ram my weapon into his heart and destroy his monster.

Burning shadows met blazing light.

Our weapons traded blows as we battled to kill each other. This was the bastard who was there when he condemned my wife. Jessica. That wasn't' her name then, but it was her soul. I finally had her back—had them both back—and I wouldn't let this angel keep us apart.

I battled with love and fury in my heart.


Candace Riese

The convent shook with the power unleashed. Carl Bergman was Mephistopheles. He burned with hellfire and the shadows he'd stolen from my husband. My king stood strong. My wings fluttered at the power flooding through the room.

The nuns and wildhounds struggled to stand, but the light had injured them all. They were helpless. Ana Sofía struggled back to her feet from the blow she'd taken. I had to do something. My gaze swept across the convent.

Morgan drew a magic circle in her own blood.

“Master!” roared Ana Sofía. The werewolf rose to her feet. Shaggy fur covered her body, twisting her flesh into something monstrous and lean, a feral bitch who threw herself at the angel again. She landed on his back and bite.

The angel snarled in pain as her teeth savaged his neck. Carl thrust his shadowy, burning spear at the angel. The golden sword knocked back the attack as the air rang with power. Golden light exploded from the angel.

Ana Sofía howled as she was flung back again. I raised my hand to ward my eyes against the brilliance and the purity of the heavenly light. Carl grunted, momentarily dazzled by light. The angel struck at him, another blow that would pierce his body.

“Husband!” I cried.

My King and Husband parried the sword strike with his spear, battering back the attack. He rushed at the angel, fire burning behind him. Trails of bloody flames trailed him as he fought the angel. He w such a lordly man.

A King.

His spear plunged at the angel's belly, but the bronze figure blocked it again. Carl needed help. I had to do something. I had to weave illusions. Subtle ones. The angel was distracted, his sight focused on my husband.

The sword slammed into the spear held up to block. The blow knocked Carl back now. The angel lunged with a thrust, forcing Carl to dance back. He was retreating now. The angel's wings flapped as his sword hammered at my wounded husband. Blood spilled down Carl's stomach and thighs. His life dripped from him while the angel...

The angel was a Warrior of the Lord, fighting with righteous anger.

I wife my illusions and whispered, “Plumdrop.”



I pressed the demon in human form. I slashed for Mephistopheles, that bastard Carl. I would cleave his head off this time. He blocked and jumped to the right, blood dripping from him. The demon had gambled on escaping perdition in a human form. To be born as a baby and live as a mortal. He wore human flesh.

Had human weakness.

I drew back my blade and hacked at Carl. He raised his spear, but it was too late. My sword cleaved him in half. I passed through his body in a flash. I staggered from the force of my swing because...

I felt no resistance.

An illusion.

I spun and narrowly blocked the spear stabbing for my back. Power rang from the impact of hellfire and heavenly light. He thrust again and again. He had found a second wind, his eyes blazing with his hatred. His defiance of heaven.

He rebelled like he always did. Like when he had defended that whore Lilith.

I raised my sword for the strike, but something tickled my ear. I gasped as a pixie buzzed there. She tugged on my ear, pulling on me as Carl thrust again. I snarled in rage, batting at the pest even as I jumped back. Like a buzzing gnat, the pixie darted out of the way.

Carl's attack drove me back toward the corner of the worship hall. We stepped over corrupted nuns and chained wild women all writhing in pain on the floor, struck down by my light. Carl's spear thrust burning at me, the shadowy weapon wreathed in scarlet hellfire.

I thrust for his head.

He ducked and rolled to the side. A mistake. I hacked my sword for his body. I passed through him as he rose, comply open to attack. My blade hit the ground with a burst of sparks. The image of Carl burst into rainbow motes.

Another illusion.

My wings flapped as I threw myself back toward the corner, narrowly avoiding Carl's next thrust. The fairy queen he'd tamed worked her magic. Her pixies darted through the air, sending out burst of rainbow lights that irritated my eyes. I parried. Blocked.

“MAAAAASTER!” howled the werewolf. The bitch gained her feet, her fur smoking. “MAAAAASSSSSTEEEEER!”

Her roar echoed through the room. The wild women, all chained by the Lord of the Hunt, howled with bestially fury. They rolled over, ignoring the pain to their own bodies. They lunged at me, flinging themselves as I fought to block the demon's attacks.

Light burst from me, slamming into the wild women. They screamed as they flung back.

“YOU BASTARD!” Carl roared like he cared about them.

He attacked faster. My sword swept before me, blocking his blows. He drove me back toward the corner. I would be trapped. I tried to dart to the right, only for the werewolf to cut me off with her snapping jaws. I slammed light into her.

“MAAASSSSTEEER!” she snarled as she flew back.

His spear rammed at my guts.

My wings flapped, throwing me back to avoid the shadowy spear burning in hellfire. He had stolen Oberon's power. Gained more strength. He should have bled out by now. He had a terrible wound to his stomach, but the demon fought on, sustained by hatred.

Carl spear plunged for my face. My halo pulsed as I swept my sword upward to block the—

I passed through his weapon as pain exploded in my thigh. I gasped as the illusion wavered, reveling he had actually stabbed low. Hellfire burned across my thigh, attacking the light in me. Evil burned through me, trying to consume me.

I wrenched my leg back, slashing wildly with my sword to keep him from attacking a second time. I stumbled back, limping. Golden ichor dripped from the wound as I stepped back into the corner of the worship hall.

Crimson light shone around me. I gasped as a circle drawn in blood encased me. The air rippled, and Morgan the Witch appeared kneeling to my right, her hand bleeding. She smiled at me. I hadn't seen her. Hadn't noticed her.

Illusions. Damned trickery. Lies. The weapons of evil. I had to...

The glowing scarlet seized me. I was in a magic circle. Bound by it. Fear ripped through me as the witch stared with such exultation at me. She trembled, naked and wanton. She glanced to her demonic master. To Carl.

“NOOOOO!” I howled.


Carl Bergman

The angel roared in fear and slammed his sword forward. It struck the edge of the circle and rebounded. Light ricocheted through the circle as the magic seized him. Shackles appeared about the wrists and ankles of the bronze figure.

My women had worked to trap him.

I panted, leaning on my spear. I should be in agony, but I just felt out of breath from the exertion. I studied him, not sure what to do with him now. Fury beat in me at those memories of how he had cursed my wife. He had made her into the mother of monsters. Into a succubus.

“What do we do with the angel?” I growled.

“Banish him to heaven, my Lord,” Morgan said. My naked with rose to her feet, holding a bloody dagger in one hand.

“And how do we do that?” I felt I should know, but while I knew I had escaped Hell by being reborn as Carl Bergman, I was still missing so much of my knowledge. I just knew that Mephistopheles wasn't my real name. Just one I had adopted. A horrible persona I had drawn about me to conceal my goals.

“He's an angel.” Morgan winked at me. “He can't be around sin and perversion, my Lord.”

“Perversion.” A smile spread around me. I looked about. The women were rising. My nuns and the wildhounds. The light that hurt them couldn't shine through the barrier any longer. “Reverend Mother Abigail, lead your nuns in a daisy chain around the magic circle. Let's start with some lesbian perversion.”

“Yes, Carl,” purred the reverend mother. The MILF-nun had a wicked grin on her lips. Her white wimple framed her ebony face, her big boobs rising and falling. “You heard her, sisters. Let's show this angel how we love each other.”

“For Carl!” Sister Kylie Annette cooed and darted forward.

“We'll love each other,” Sister Rachel Leah cooed as she sauntered by me. “You've shown us just how wondrous it is to love each other.”

I smiled as the nuns all surrounded him. Reverend Mother Abigail sank to the ground and laid on her side. She devoured Sister Andrea Ruth's pussy who ate Sister Kylie Annette. A chain of feasting nuns. Sister Esmerelda Esther, Sister Evelyn Maria, Sister Petra Esmerelda, Sister Rachel Leah, Sister Rebecca Anna, Sister Paulina Regina, and back to the reverend mother.

I smiled at the perverse sight of the once-virginal nuns. They had all sworn to be pure. Amatiel stared at them with horror. He flinched at their gasps and moans. The scent of hot pussy filled the air, swallowing the coppery aroma of blood.

The pain faded from me as my dick throbbed hard.

“Sister Mary Salome, why don't you eat out Morgan,” I suggested to my nun-wife.

“Gladly,” she said. “Amatiel, we all just love each other here. Isn't that amazing.”

“It is perverse, Daughter,” the angel said. “Do not do this.”

“But I want to,” purred Sister Mary Salome. She sank to her knees as Morgan stretched out on her back. My petite witch spread her thighs wide. “I do so love eating pussy. My husband has so many wondrous concubines for me to enjoy.”

“Yes, my Lord has many wondrous women,” purred Morgan, her eyes smoky as she stared at me. I had used her to help me become reborn, not that Morgan had understood all the tasks I had given her over the last century. It wasn't a coincidence that she became involved.

My wedding to Jessica in Vegas... Not a coincidence at all.

“Candace, sit on the witch's face,” I said to my busty call girl.

My fairy-MILF smiled at me, her wings gleaming behind her. She wore her crown. A queen. I didn't plan on her, had I? But she was a delicious bonus. She sauntered forward and straddled my witch's head. My fairy queen lowered her pussy and planted her cunt right on the witch's mouth.

“Ana Sofía, suckle from my queen,” I said. “Drink from her bounty. You earned it. Your roar galvanized the others.”

“Thank you, Master,” my Hispanic werewolf purred. She was no longer in her bestial form. She was all woman. She sauntered forward, her golden-brown figure athletic and gorgeous. She dropped to her knees, latched on, and suckled.

Ana Sofía was another surprise. She wasn't part of my plans, but I was so glad to have her.

The angel glowered at the perversion. My wild women were paring off, too. They were kissing. Making out. Thandi and Astrid kissed. Beatrice devoured Xuân's pussy. Siona and Pallavi sixty-nined. I loved the sight, my cock so hard.

“You cannot keep me in heaven forever!” the angel roared.

“It takes power for you to be here,” I said as I dropped to my knees. “Purity of purpose. I don't plan on letting you have that again. You are going to see things that you will never forget. Perverse passion. I am going to fuck Sister Mary Salome in the ass.”

“Yes!” my nun-wife whimpered into Morgan's pussy. “Oh, please, my husband. I love it up the ass.”

“You have perverted my daughter!” the angel roared. “You have turned her into a whore! Just like you did to Eve! You and that monstrous bitch Lilith!”

I glanced down at Sister Mary Salome. She was part of my plan for a reason. If Jessica was Lilith reborn, then that made Sister Mary Salome Eve. No wonder I had to have her when I saw her at the fountain. I recognized my wife, just like with Jessica. It wasn't love at first sight, but remembering that I loved her.

I pressed my cock into her butt-crack and slid down to find her asshole. I grinned at the angel as I thrust against his daughter's asshole. She was nephilim. Half-angel. No wonder he was so pissed to learn that his little girl had become my wanton wife.

The entire worship hall resounded with moans and gasps. So much feminine passion. I loved it as I drilled my dick against Sister Mary Salome's asshole. Her backdoor stretched open to take me like she had so many times already.

“Carl,” she whimpered her anal ring widened and swallowed my cock.

She rubbed her face into her Morgan's pussy as I sank into her bowels. My nun-wife's velvety sheath swallowed my cock. I loved that delight. I savored every inch of her backdoor as I plunged to the hilt in her. I gripped her hips, savoring this passion.

The angel glared daggers at me.

I grinned at him and drew back my cock. Sister Mary Salome's asshole gripped my dick, massaging me with her velvety delight. I groaned out all the pleasure I had. I didn't hold back anything. I wanted the angel to hear how much I loved her asshole.

I buried back into her anal sheath. I plunged to the hilt in her bowels and savored every last inch of her flesh around me. She had such a glorious anal ring. It was fabulous to have gripping my cock. I smiled and winked at the angel.

“Bastard!” he roared and slammed his sword into the wall.

Crimson light burst, driving back his blade.

“Mmm, she's got a delicious asshole,” I groaned as I pumped away at my nun-wife's tight bowels.

“I love his cock so much,” moaned Sister Mary Salome into Morgan's cunt.

The witch whimpered in delight, shuddering on the ground as she devoured the fairy-MILF's twat. Candace wore a huge smile on her lips, her blonde hair spilling around her mature and beautiful features. She held the werewolf to her tit, nursing her.

I loved the sight as I fucked my dick in and out of the nun's asshole. I pounded my nun-wife hard and fast, my nuts slapping into her taint. I reveled in her velvety grip around my dick. She held me tight as I fucked her with force.

The nuns moaned as they daisy-chained around the angel. The sight of the beautiful women feasting on each other was delicious. And so were the moans from my wild women. The warrior beauties loved each other, feeling the air with their moans.

And the delicious scents of their pussies.

All I could smell were hot cunts. A melange of sweet, spicy, tart, and tangy aromas mixing together. A heady perfume that I reveled in as I fucked to the hilt in my nun's asshole. I buried into her asshole again and again.

“I will crucify you!” the angel roared, slamming his fist into the wall. “You hear me, Mephistopheles!”

I just grinned at him and fucked my nun-wife's asshole with such force.

“I will see you howl in agony for eternity for what you've done to her!”

“He only loved me!” Sister Mary Salome cried. “Lord, I thank you for my husband's big dick fucking my asshole and for the delicious pussy of Morgan, his concubine, that I am privileged to eat!”

The angel snarled in pain at those words. I grinned at them. Sister Mary Salome's heartfelt prayer hurt the shining cocksucker. It was perfect.

I gripped her hips as I buried into her bowels again and again. I plunged my dick into her asshole. I fucked her hard and fast. I reveled in that delight. Every thrust was amazing. I was in heaven here fucking into her bowels. I slammed to the hilt in her.

I grunted and groaned. I plowed deep into her bowels, her anal sheath gripping my dick. I smiled at my fairy-MILF as she rode Morgan's face. Candace licked her plump lips, holding the werewolf to her breast.

“Oh, yes, yes, our man is such a stud,” purred Candace. “He took me from my husband. I'm his whore now. His queen. I worships my new king's dick.”

“Whore!” roared the angel.

“His whore,” purred Candace, throwing a glance at him over her shoulder. “Not yours.”

“Like I would touch an unclean descendant of that whore!” roared the angel.

I just grinned at the angel, pounding his daughter's asshole hard. I buried into Sister Mary Salome's anal sheath again and again. She moaned, squeezing her flesh around me. She massaged me with that wonderful grip. I loved every last second of fucking her.

I pounded her again and again. I thrust to the hilt in her bowels. I plowed into her with such force. It was a beautiful moment. I fucked into her with force, all my women moaning. One of the nuns in the daisy chain squealed.

Orgasms burst through them.

The angel snarled as the reverend mother climaxed. Sister Rebecca Anna cried out in delight.

“Yes!” I groaned, burying into my nun-wife's asshole. I hurtled toward my orgasm.

“Morgan!” groaned Candace. “Oh, that tongue. You naughty witch!”

“Yummy witch!” Sister Mary Salome moaned, her bowels clamping down on my dick. “Such a yummy witch!”

“Oh, I love your tongue,” the witch purred, her voice muffled by the fairy-MILF's hot twat. “Sister Mary Salome! Oh, you sweet nephilim!”

The angel snarled in pain as the air reverberated with the nuns' climaxes. They kept daisy-chaining, kept feasting on each other as I buried to the hilt in my nun-wife's asshole. My nuts brimmed with my cum, the ache tightening at the tip.

I was so closer to bursting in her. I groaned, drawing back my dick. I breathed in the heady aroma of hot cunts, savoring that delight as I hurtled closer and closer to my orgasm. I would have such a huge one. A big burst of delight.

I pumped away at that hot anal sheath. I slammed to the hilt in her, hurtling closer and closer to erupting in her bowels. Candace gasped. Her face twisted in delight as she threw back her head. She held the werewolf to her breast as she cried out in orgasmic delight.

“Stars above!” the Fairy Queen cried out as she climaxed.

“Your Majesty!” Sugarkiss and Plumdrop cried out, the two pixies tribbing in the air above us.

“Drink my pussy cream!” moaned Candace as she ground her snatch on Morgan's lips.

“Fuck, yes!” Morgan moaned. “Oh, oh, Sister Mary Salome! I love you!”

“I love you, too,” gasped my nun as she drowned in the witch's pussy cream.

I slammed into my nun-wife's asshole. She gripped me with her tight bowels, massaging me with that wonderful flesh. She moaned into the witch's cunt as her anal sheath went wild around my cock. I drew back, savoring her spasming flesh.

I grinned at the angel. Pain twisted his face as he watched me bury to the hilt in his daughter's spasming asshole. With a growl, I erupted into her convulsing bowels. My cum flooded her hole as the pleasure slammed through me.

“Yes!” I cried, the pleasure hurtling through me.

“Oh, husband, I love your cum in my asshole!” Sister Mary Salome squealed, her bowels suckling at my spurting cock.

Rapture and triumph shot through me. I groaned as I savored that heat shooting through me. Pleasure swept through my body as my nun's asshole convulsed around me. She suckled at me with that hot anal sheath.

Her bowels rippled and writhed around me. They felt so amazing. I loved how she suckled at me with all her passion. This incredible heat washed through me. I groaned with each eruption. Each blast of cum into her bowels.

“Shit, shit, shit,” I moaned, savoring that pleasure sweeping through me. “Oh, goddamn, that's good!”

“YOU BAAAASTARD!” the angel roared as I dumped more and more of my cum into Sister Mary Salome's asshole.

The pleasure slammed through my body. I groaned, reveling in the triumph of my victory. The pleasure swept through me. It was perfect. Just a wonderful rush of delight. I was so glad for it. So thrilled for all this pleasure sweeping through me.

Stars flashed across my vision. I groaned with each eruption of jizz into her bowels. I filled her up to the brim, her anal sheath rippling around me. My other women moaned and whimpered as they savored their own orgasms.

“Oh, damn,” Morgan moaned. “Mmm, that was delicious.”

“So delicious,” purred Candace. “Stars above, that was wondrous.”

Ana Sofía ripped her mouth off the fairy-MILF's nipple and glanced at me. “Master...”

I smiled at her as my pleasure peaked. I ripped my cock out of Sister Mary Salome's asshole. My dick bobbed before me, throbbing and twitching with my excitement. I was so eager for this. So glad to share this.

My dick pulsed and throbbed as I shook it at my werewolf. She licked the breast milk off her lips and crawled to me. She kissed the tip of my dirty dick before sliding her lips over it. I groaned at the warmth of her mouth engulfing my dick.

“Damn,” I groaned, savoring her tongue dancing around the crown of my dick. “Oh, damn, that's good. That's so good.”

She winked at me as she suckled on my dick. She nursed on me with all that she had. It was a glorious moment. I savored that delight as she swirled her tongue around my cock. I grinned at the angel.

“Perversion!” he growled. “You fill the world with corruption and sin.”

“Yep,” I said. “And it makes me damned thirsty doing it.”

“Oh, then let me refresh you, my King,” Candace purred and rose off Morgan's face. The sexy fairy sauntered to me, her milk-heavy boobs bouncing and jiggling. She sank down beside me and cupped her heavy mound. White dripped from her nipple. “Drink deep, my King.”

I opened my mouth wide and latched on. I suckled.

The milk flooded my mouth. I groaned at how good her breast milk tasted. I closed my eyes and swallowed. The creamy delight flooded down my throat. I suckled hard, gulping down the delight as Ana Sofía suckled on my dick.

My werewolf polished my dirty pole with her hot mouth and agile tongue. I shuddered as she suckled on me. Pleasure shot down my shaft while I nursed on that wonderful nipple in my mouth. More of the hot, creamy breast milk flooded my mouth.

“That's right, my King,” cooed Candace. “Drink deep!”

“So deep,” Morgan purred. “Ooh, let me lick that cum out of your asshole, Sister Mary Salome.”

“Oh, that would be delightful,” my nun-wife said.

“Daughter!” whimpered the angel, tortured by our love and lust. It was pathetic. This was a beautiful moment. My harem was loving each other right now. This was Jessica's dream come true.

Ana Sofía suckled so hard on my dick, it was hard to think of much. Her hot tongue swirled around my dirty cock, polishing me. I loved it. Pleasure rippled through me as she suckled. I gulped down more of Candace's breast milk.

I reveled in the fairy's creamy treat. Her dairy delight flooded my mouth and poured down my throat. I gulped it down, suckling with all my might. Candace cooed, her fingers stroking through my hair as she ensured I drank down every drop.

“That's it,” she purred. “Oh, just like that, my King. You're just enjoying my breast milk. It's wonderful, isn't it?”

I groaned around her nipple.

“Oh, Morgan,” whimpered my nun-wife. “Ooh, I love your tongue exploring around in my asshole. That's just so perfect!”

I loved it. Ana Sofía suckled hard on my dirty dick. Her tongue flicked around my shaft and crown. Pleasure shivered through me. I rose toward another orgasm. I would have a mighty one. Just a huge explosion of bliss.

My women moaned around us. The daisy-chaining nuns cried out with another orgasm. The angel roared. The glow about his circle pulsed brighter, feeding on our lust and perversion. Morgan wiggled her hips as she feasted on my nun-wife's asshole.

It was sexy seeing the petite witch's face buried in the nun's butt-crack.

“Oh, that's wondrous,” Sister Mary Salome. “Ooh, scoop out all that cum that you find in me.”

“Every last drop!” the witch purred. “Yum!”

I gulped down more of the fairy-MILF's breast milk. Her motherly delight poured down my throat to warm my belly. I groaned, my hand sliding down her back to cup her rump. I squeezed her ass as I enjoyed the werewolf sucking on me.

My bitch nursed on my cock. She must have buffed me clean by now. She brought me closer and closer to cumming. It was such a rush. I was so thrilled by this delight. It was so perfect having her suckling on me. She nursed with all her might on me.

I ripped my mouth from Candace's nipple to growl, “That's it, bitch. You're going to get a mouthful of cum!”

Ana Sofía wiggled her hips and suckled so hard on my dick. She stared up at me with those feral eyes. The Hispanic werewolf loved my dick. Her tongue danced around my crown. I shuddered, hurtling closer and closer to cumming.

Candace stroked her fingers through my werewolf's hair and purred, “That's right, bitch. Please my King's dick. Mmm, he owns you. He has the right to dump his cum in your mouth when he wants. You're his slave.”

The angel howled.

“My slave,” I growled as the werewolf suckled on me with such passion. Her eyes stared up at me with such heat in them. I loved it. I savored the way she suckled on me. “Oh, yes, yes, you're my slave, right?”

Ana Sofía nodded, moaning as she suckled on my dick. She swirled her tongue around my cock. It was fabulous having her do that to me. It was wondrous. I rose toward my orgasm. I would have such a huge climax.

“I'm going to dump all that cum into your mouth,” I growled. “You know you want it.”

“Yes, yes, she does, my love,” whimpered Sister Mary Salome. “Oh, Morgan! Oh, you're going to make me cum just from licking my asshole. I love it!”

The angel's snarled as I rose toward my orgasm. It was so hot hear all this passion. My werewolf danced her tongue around my cock. My nuts tightened with my need to cum. The pressure hit that bursting point.

“Fuck!” I snarled and erupted into my werewolf's mouth.

I flooded Ana Sofía with spurt after spurt of my salty cum. The pleasure swept through me. Stars flashed across my vision as I dumped my load into her hungry mouth. She gulped it down, swallowing every drop of my jizz.

Candace petted my werewolf as she drank my jizz. Ana Sofía swallowed again and again. I loved this pleasure sweeping through me. I grunted as the angel roared in pain. The nuns were gasping out with their orgasms.

“Oh, Morgan!” howled Sister Mary Salome. “Yes!”

My nun-wife came just from having her asshole rimmed. I loved it. I erupted a final blast of cum into Ana Sofía's mouth. The angel threw back his head. The magic circle burst with crimson life. Then he shot upward, driven from the world and banished back to heaven.

“Yes,” I growled in delight, Ana Sofía suckling on my dick to get out the last of my cum. “Jessica, did you see...”

I turned my head and swept over the room, looking for my succubus-bride. My redheaded wife should be... enjoying one of the women. She wasn't with the daisy-chaining nuns. Nor was she with the wild women.

My stomach lurched. I remembered her crying out for help. She had spurred me on to rise and keep fighting, but... Where the hell was she? What happened to my succubus-wife? I felt a strange tingle across my mind.

Magic. A geas that had been subtly cast to make us all ignore the fact that Jessica had vanished.


Jessica Bergman

The hellish screams end.

The world lurched and suddenly I was standing in an office. A large one with a grand view of out the window. I could see a large body of water. An executive desk sat before it, leather chair pushed back from it.

The man who had grabbed me at the convent and dragged me through Hell threw me to the floor. I landed on the carpet, my breasts swaying. I shuddered as he walked around me. He wore an expensive suit of dark-gray, a handsome man with his black hair slicked back.

It was Lucius Morgenstern, but...

Memory sparked in me. A name rose in my mind. “Morningstar!”

Anger swept through me as I had a flash of taking the Fruit from a shining form. Something halfway between serpent and man. I had taken a bite from that fruit and been changed. Awakened to desires I never knew I had. The things I had done with my husband and his second wife filled me with...


But it was also the Fruit that had cursed us. Broken up our family. Condemned my husband to torment and cursed all my children to be hated and feared. I glared up at Lucius Morgenstern and recognized him for the rebellious angel he was. For the demon he had become.

Lucifer Morningstar.

“Yes, yes, I am finally free to finish what I should have completed all those millennia ago, Lilith,” he said, a big smile spreading on his lips. “Ready to finally claim you like I should have that day you took the Fruit and bit into it.”

“Claim me?” I glared at him. “I've already been claimed by a real man.”

“Carl Bergman.” Lucius Morgenstern shook his head. “Who wears glasses. Yes, yes, such a real man.”

I smirked. “You have no idea.”

“And you have no idea how long I have searched for you. I have broken so many succubi to find you.”

A cold pit yawned in my stomach. “My mother?”

He smiled.

I snarled and lunged for him, my fingernails reaching out to claw his smug eyes out. His hand seized me by the throat, his fingers as hard as iron. He squeezed down hard and threw me back down onto the floor.

I struck the ground with a hard grunt. I groaned at the impact. My air burst from my lungs. I lay there, wheezing and coughing as he smirked down at me. He had such a smug look in his eyes. An infuriating one.

He snapped his fingers. Light blazed from him. The radiance of the morningstar. The false hope. That was what he was. The brightest star in the night sky was still nothing compared to the sun. A pale imitation who is hidden by real brilliance.

He was nothing.

Chains of light snapped down around me. I gasped as they stretched my arms and legs wide. He nodded in satisfaction, his eyes ogling my naked form. My lips curled in disgust as his eyes raked over my big breasts.

“My husband will come for me!” I snarled.

“He won't even realize you're missing,” he said. “Assuming he can survive Amatiel's wrath. Mephistopheles was always weak. A schemer whose plans always unraveled.”

“Who?” I demanded.

“Your husband's true name,” he said.

“His true name is Adam!” I snarled before I realized it. No, no, it was Carl. I pictured my husband's youthful face, glasses perched on his nose. Another face, nearly identical, superimposed over it. Same shape, but the skin was tanned by the sun, aged by hardship. Hardened by life.

“I see your memories are returning, Lilith,” said the Morningstar. He clapped his hands together. “Perfect.”

He thrust out his hands. They rose up toward the heaven as he began chanting in a language I didn't recognize. The world rang with power. The floor groaned behind me. It shook beneath me as he implored something to sprout.

I could feel him begging something to grow. Light flared from him. The brilliance washed over me, but it didn't blind me. It was bright enough I should be flinching, but it was all an illusion. I saw through it.

Concrete burst behind me. Dust washed over me as a... tree grew above me. Its brown bark had streaks of gold through it. Broad leaves, veined in silver, grew on branches that reached over me. White flowers blossomed for a moment before the petals dropped and...

Golden fruit grew.

They shone with life. I shuddered at the sight of the Tree of Life. I had eaten from that fruit before we were banished from Eden for eating from another tree. For taking the fruit from the fraudster before me. He smiled as the roots of the trees grew beneath me.

They seized me.

“How I have waited for this moment,” he said. “Thank you, Lilith. I could not have brought the tree here without you. Now to make you mine. You will be my wife. You were always meant to be mine. Not that worm Adam. You deserved something grander than a mere human!”

I spit at him.

He plucked one of the golden fruit. “One taste of this, and you'll submit. Just like you did the first time. Only I will be your bridegroom this time. Not him. Not that unworthy man you married. You shall surrender all to me!”

He laughed as he knelt before me, suddenly naked. His cock thrust out before him as he took a bite of the fruit. The sweet scent of its nectar filled my lips as the juices dripped down his chin. He chewed, groaning as he savored it.

My body quivered at that aroma. There was no scent sweeter in this world than the Fruit of the Tree of Life. My entire body ached for it. Memory from that other life swept through me as he held the fruit over my face.

The juices dripped onto my cheeks. My lips. The flavor swept through my mouth. I moaned, staring at the fruit. I wanted to take a bite from it. I yearned for it. He lowered it toward my lip. If I ate from that fruit, I would be lost to the euphoria.

I would be open and aching and ready to be claimed.

A drop landed on my lips. I moaned at the heat.


Carl Bergman

“Where is she?” I demanded, rising to my feet. “She was here when the fight started. I saw her moving against the wall to stay out of the way.”

“I don't know,” the reverend mother said. “I... She was here, but it was so chaotic.”

“She's not dead!” My heart lurched at those words. She couldn't be dead. “Where did she go? Ana Sofía?”

My werewolf breathed in deeply and frowned. “She's far away.” She turned slowly, inhaling deeply. “More than a thousand miles.”

“How is that possible?” I demanded. “She was here when the fight started. It's barely been a half-hour. She can't be that far!”

Ana Sofía stopped and opened her eyes. “She's that way. Chicago. Lucius Morgenstern has her, Master.”

My stomach lurched. “How the fuck does he have her?”

“A distraction,” said Candace. “While we were busy, he used magic. A subtle glamour. Lucifer Morningstar was always good at that. The arrogant prick though the could do no wrong.”

“Fuck,” I snarled. “He killed her mother! All the other succubi. What does he want with her?”

“She's Lilith reborn, my Lord,” Morgan said.

I shuddered. “Yes, she is.” I glanced at Sister Mary Salome. “We have her back, Eve. We finally have her back, and that bastard seized her. I knew it was a mistake to use Lucifer, but he was the best vehicle to make it possible for me to be reborn.”

“Reborn?” Sister Mary Salome asked.

“My tasks,” said Morgan, her eyes so wide. “I... I helped free Lucifer, didn't I? Ninety years ago. And then... The spells I cast. The people I manipulated into meeting. Into having children. Your parents.”

“And grandparents,” I muttered. “The bloodlines had to be right. He wants her. He wants to claim her. He wants to steal my wife! We have to get to Chicago now!”

“I'll book a flight,” said Reverend Mother Abigail. “First one out of McCarran.”

“No time,” I snarled and clenched my fists. I understood how Lucifer had carried off my wife so fast. The method that he used to spirit her away so fast. I could do that. I understood now. How realities were layered on each other. There were other realms than this. Heaven. Hell. The Otherworld. A dozen others. All of them were around the mortal world with different properties.

I slammed my fist into the floor. Hellfire burst from the impact. The entire room shook as a mighty crack split open. Screams of the damned, of those condemned to Perdition's Pit, echoed from the rift I had opened.

“Hell bridges space,” I said. “That is how he took her so far. Reverend Mother Abigail, ready your nuns.”

“Yes, Carl,” the reverend mother said. “Go! The armory!”

The warrior nuns darted off with her while the three support nuns—Sister Rebecca Anna, Sister Paulina Regina, and Sister Petra Esmerelda—knelt and prayed. The wild women all crouched around the rift, growling as the madness of the hunt settled on them. They grew feral.

Ana Sofía blurred into her werewolf form and snarled with bestial rage.

Morgan held her bloody dagger and nodded while Candace's wings blurred behind her. She wore her crown nestled amid her blonde hair. Her two pixies perched on her shoulder, ready for what was to come. I would need their illusions.

“Lord, protect us as we travel through Hell and guide Carl true to his beloved wife,” Sister Mary Salome prayed, standing over the three other kneeling nuns.

“Yes, Lord,” the three nuns chanted.

“Lord, let Your love gird us for battle. We beseech You to let us be victorious over Lucifer and liberate Jessica from his pernicious clutches. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.”

“Amen,” the three nuns chanted.

Golden light spilled from Mary Salome and washed over us. I shuddered at the way it tingled around me. Her blessing settled into my flesh. It wasn't actually from the Lord, but from my nun-wife. From Eve reborn. She was my second wife. Her, Lilith, and I had dwelt in love and harmony in the Garden before Lucifer had interfered.

Once again, he sought to rob me.

The other nuns returned dressed in their skin-tight bodysuits. They had guns holstered on their hips and submachine guns in hand. They all wore their wimples and veils, sexy warrior-nuns ready to go into battle. Crucifix flowed with the same holy light from Sister Mary Salome.

Her blessing had reached them.

My wild women snarled, their eyes glowing. So did Ana Sofía's. The athame in Morgan's hand, her bloody ritual dagger, exuded the same blessed light. Candace's crown glowed and the pixies shone. I nodded to them.

“With me,” I said as my women gathered around me and the crack.

I stepped into Hell. My women followed.

Screams of agony. Of unending torment rippled around me. They echoed and reverberated with endless punishment. Demons bound in eternal chain. Fallen Angels condemned for their rebellion. Humans for their apostasy.

Or for loving their wife and refusing to cast her aside.

“JESSICA!” I roared into Hell as we traveled through the hellfire.

My women were around me, protected by my will. We were not prisoners of hell. Just trespassers slipping through the prison. We rushed through it, but only for maybe a hundred yards. That was all it took. Hell was... boundless.

Infinite and unending. The world was finite.

I felt this was the spot. I slammed my fist not the cavern ceiling above us. I broke through the obsidian roof and shattered the stalactites hanging down around us. A rift opened onto a bright and sunny day.

I burst out of the hell with my women before a tall skyscraper in Chicago. The building reached up into the blue sky, sunlight gleaming off its windows. The sunlight played across the features while I fought to get my barrings. Shouts echoed before me.

Men poured out of the skyscraper's front doors in suits and sunglasses. Not business men, though. I could tell at a glance these were security forces. Mercenaries or something since they had guns. Automatic guns.

“Defend our man!” Reverend Mother Abigail shouted.

Gunfire erupted around me. The warrior-nuns in their tight-fitting bodysuits fired from a crouch at the man pouring at. Bullets riddled the security forces. Men fell twitching to the ground as the others fired wildly, bursts of gunfire that had me ducking my head. The survivors retreated inside.

Bullets chased them, bursting the mirrored glass along the front of the building. My nuns advanced shooting. Magazines ejected from half of their weapons. They reloaded and started firing while the other half reloaded. It was a choreographed scene. They had long drilled this. Behind them, the wild women advanced at a crouch.

“We must hurry,” Ana Sofía growled, her body changing form. She became wolfish “The police will come. They will secure the lobby first. That will by us time. We must be inside and secure the maintenance room.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because then we can control the elevators, not the enemy.” She glanced at me. “Do you want to be stuck between floors on an express elevator waiting to be captured or killed? Do you want to climb seventy stories.”

Jessica was up there. I could feel the air brimming with power. “Go!”

My nuns changed magazines again and rushed for the door, my ears ringing from the gunfire. The streets echoed with screaming people fleeing in all direction. The nuns reached the shattered doors and fired inside. The wild women charged beneath their gunfire.

Ana Sofía led them, howling with fury.

I raced up the steps, Sister Mary Salome on one side of me, Candace on the other side. Fairy Queen Titania in all her radiance with her two pixie attendants buzzing around her head. Morgan marched ahead of me, my witch looking serious as she stepped through the broken glass of the door.

My nuns were crouched in fire positions, shooting at targets. More men with guns were bursting out of the elevator lobby. The wild women leaped at them, crashing into them with ripping teeth and claws. Ana Sofía jumped into the midst, ripping and tearing into them. Blood spurted from the wounds. The men's screams were swallowed by pain.

Another group appeared from the side, the lobby huge. They aimed at me. I shoved Sister Mary Salome behind me and burned with hellfire. They fired at me. Bullets slammed into my flames, melting into liquid lead that splashed across my body.

I formed my spear of shadows and threw it at them. It ripped through two of them, flinging them back into the wall where they crashed in a stump. The others were firing. Two of the wild women charged at them, dodging bullets.

I threw another spear, ripping a man's head off.

“The Lord protect us all from harm,” Sister Mary Salome prayed, golden light blazing behind me.

The wild women savaged the defenders. Lucifer had gathered a large force, but they were falling before my women. Anger pulsed through me as I marched into center of the lobby. Ana Sofía ripped out a man's throat and howled.

The nuns were slapping in fresh magazines and looking around. The targets were down. Anger burned in me.


To be concluded...


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