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Chapter Thirty-Three

The monster girls around me vanished. I groaned, the boulder still on my leg.

We had won, but I was in agony. Siwang did it. He pulled it off. I closed my eyes, my body in agony. I had wounds all over my body. There was nothing for it but to heal myself.

Graven wounds pulse in pain, let the healing of Lord Dumazid flow,” I muttered, the magic flowing through me. It mended the wounds, but...

“Fuck!” I snarled as the rocks were still on me. Still crushing me.

Leo, Halia is in peril!” Siwangshouted inmy mind. “She saved us with her faith, but she's dying.”

Fear shot through me. I sat up and glared at that damned boulder. A spell I don't recall using flitted through my mind. Expert tier. Earth Shatter.

The hammer falls, let the strength of Lord Abzu smash!”

The boulder crushing my leg burst into a thousand pieces that fell off me. I groaned, my legs useless, but I had Fly still on me. I rose into the air and spun about. I got my bearings and hurtled for the temple.

Graven wounds pulse in pain, let the healing of Lord Dumazid flow!” I roared, healing my hurt legs as I flew.

Hurry!” Siwang roared, fear in his voice. “She's badly hurt!”

Flying took too long. I focused at the entrance to the distant temple and unleashed Electric Jump.

Lightning flashes, let the passion of Lady Uttu fly!”

I flashed to the entrance of the temple and stared down at the path my monster girls had forged.

Lightning flashes, let the passion of Lady Uttu fly!”

I appeared in the sanctum by the stairs to my dungeon.

Lightning flashes, let the passion of Lady Uttu fly!”

I flashed down to where Kassie waited for me by the teleport circle. She stood there, her face pale. She clutched her magic symbol as I rushed onto the pad. The moment I stepped onto it, she screamed the words.


White light engulfed us, my heart screaming. I appeared in the teleport hub. Siwang knelt only feet away, Halia sprawled before him. Hagza was there, holding my paladin's damaged breastplate. Siwang had hands over her belly, blood spilling around his digits as he fought to keep her from bleeding out. The color had drained from Halia's features. A pool of crimson spread out from beneath her. The horror of it struck me.

She was dying.

Life revitalizes and mend, let the restoration of Lord Dumazid mend!”

An arrow of positive energy flew from a bow that appeared before me and struck Halia. She gasped as the healing magic washed over her. She spasmed there, her eyes shooting open. The color returned to her cheeks. Her body. Her large breasts quivered.

“Lord Leo,” she said.

“We won,” I said. My entire body shook. “We won! We won! Siwang, you did it! You beat him.”

“I... I did,” Siwang said. He rose on his shaking knees. He swallowed, looking around in shock as the realization washed over him. “We really did it. We won.”

“You beat him,” I said, thrusting my hand out to him.

He clasped it. Squeezed it, his hand sticky with Halia's blood. The joy on his face shone from him. He threw back his head, laughing in delight. His plan had worked. Tuerien never saw it coming. I doubted that bastard believed I would let one of my subordinates kill him and get all that power.

Yes, Tuerien sent his own lackey in here, but I doubted that little pissant that attacked with hellhounds was meant to be a threat. He was a distraction. A way to keep my dungeon locked down so Tuerien could unleash his Level 4 monster girls. Munjan had defended my dungeon.

I laughed. What a day.

What a glorious day.

Halia stood, her big breasts jiggling. I released Siwang's hand. I was so glad she had lived. She came close to dying. So close. I shouldn't have sent the adventures into the dungeon. I didn't think Tuerien was that powerful.

She threw her arms around me and pressed her large breasts into the shattered armor I still wore. I dismissed it as I kissed my paladin. Her lips melted to mine. She was so lovely. As was Kassie and Hagza. They were both there, grinning.

“I need to revive my monster girls,” Siwang said. “And I need to see Anji.”

I nodded.

“I'll take him back,” Hagza said, slapping Siwang on the rump. “You destroyed that bastard. The shock on Tuerien's face when he realized he was dead was hilarious.”

Siwang chuckled as they walked to the teleport circle that led to the entrance of his dungeon. With a spoken word, they vanished. I knelt to kiss Kassie when the light flared bright again and Hagza returned, stretching her back.

Kassie's lips felt wonderful on my mouth. They were delicious to enjoy. I thrust my tongue into her mouth, swirling about in her. She trembled against me. My tongue flicked through her mouth. I danced around in her mouth.

“My turn,” Hagza said, grinning at me.

“Yes, yes, you deserve your reward, too,” I said and rose. She was taller than Kassie, but short enough I had to bend over to kiss.

My dwarven mage threw her arms around my neck. My tongue danced through her mouth. She trembled as I kissed her like that. Her tongue flicked around in my mouth. She tasted so good. I loved that. She was delicious to make out with. Just perfect.

I broke the kiss with her and glanced over to see Priestess Lysila holding the Blessed Sword of Water and Fara watching. They both were all smiles. I stared at the blade. We had accomplished something magnificent there.

At Fara believed she knew which shrine was Water. The one beneath the ocean. It made a certain sense, but there was only one way to find out. I had already been driving my dungeon that way when the events of the last few days had overwhelmed me.

But now...

Now it was time to have a breather.

King Thanitis, your city is liberated,” I told him. “Tuerien is dead.”

That is wondrous news, my Lord,” he answered, relief in his voice. “I am so grateful. I shall tell my people at once. You are, of course, invited to the celebration.”

I'll make an appearance,” I said. “Later. I have a lot to do. It was costly victory. Tuerien had more power than I thought.”

Of course, of course,” said King Thanitis. “Enjoy your bevy of beautiful monster girls.”

I grinned. I would at that.

Tuerien had Level 4 Monster girls. That meant his dungeon had sixteen mana veins running through it. I would have those soon. I would have the Ultimate power. I would be on par with Fuegin now. Things would only grow more tense between us.

Bur of the moment, I had to celebrate. I pulled Halia too me and led her and my other lovers from the teleport hub. I moved them into my living quarters. I wanted to revive my monster girls, but I had almost died, and so had Halia.

“Let's get you cleaned up,” I said, leading Halia into the steamy baths.

“Yes, yes, we must cleanse you,” said Priestess Lysila. She sat the sword against the wall. I would have to find a safe place to keep it. I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to manipulate it with my dungeon functions. I don't think Lysila counted as the owner. She just could touch it.

I stripped out of my robe as did Hagza. Her magical symbol dangled between her big breasts. Kassie pulled off her red-and-blue robes, her magic symbol resting in her own cleavage. She stretched her back as Fara helped Halia remove the rest of her gear.

“Stormlight saved my life,” said Halia. “With Lady Sherida's blessing, it was more powerful than you imagine.”

I glanced at her belly covered in her blood. “You sure it was that effective?”

“It destroyed eleven of the spikes,” she said. “Only one got through. I would be a pincushion and dead without it.”

“Good,” I said, glad that it helped her. “Very, very good.”

Lysilapeeled off her vestments and slipped into the water. She led Halia out and pressed her down into the water. I smiled as I watched the two emerge and kiss. Their bodies pressed together, black hair soaked by the water. My dick was hard.

Fara approached the kissing pair, moving with her elvish grace even through the water. She slipped her hands around both their waists and leaned in. The two-way kiss became three. The elf and the two humans made out. It was a beautiful to watch them.

Relaxing after this awful day. The stresses of the last few. The crisis that had piled one on the other until I felt like they would crush me. Now I just admired the beauty of the three black-haired beauties making out, their hands sliding down to cup each other's asses.

They kissed with love. Passion. It was a beautiful sight. I couldn't look away. Kassie and Hagza were with me, watching. I drank in the vista, letting this magnificent tableau wash away the desperation of those final moments.

Lysila and Fara broke the kiss. They pushed Halia back down into the water and started rubbing at her body as they sank with her. Steam rose around them as they bathed Halia. Washing her away. I had almost lost her.

If she died, there was no coming back for her.

None of the soldiers sworn to me who died in the evacuation could come back. There was no spot for the in the Void Crystal. They were gone for good. Their lives forever snuffed out by the cruelty of the world.

Lysila and Fara bathed Halia. They cupped their hands to scoop up water to spill over her body. They cleaned her off until they rose and brought her back to the shore. Halia's big breasts bounced before her. They were lovely tits. They had such a bounce to them. It was... strange to witness the way they swayed back and forth.

They were beautiful.

The trio reached the shore and pushed Halia down by me. She stretched out on her back, her big boobs jiggling. Water beaded across her body, some of the drops running over the curves of her gorgeous form. They merged with others.

“Mmm,” Priestess Lysila purred as she knelt between Halia's thighs with Fara.

The elf and the human lowered their faces to Halia's trimmed bush. They nuzzled in together and pressed into Halia's pussy. The pair licked at her. Halia groaned, her face twisting in delight. She whimpered as they licked at her delicate folds. They teased her with their lips and mouths. They did such naughty things to her, flicking their tongues over the beauty's folds.

“Mmm just watch, Lord Leo,” Kassie said. The halfling mage moved before me. As short as she was, she was at the perfect height to suckle on my cock. She opened her mouth wide and slid her lips over my dick.

She engulfed me.

I groaned as her lips slid over the crown of my cock and sealed around my cock. She flicked her tongue over it. Pleasure shot through me. I loved the way she suckled on me. She nursed with all her passion on my dick. She suckled hard.

I groaned as she bobbed her head. She worked her mouth up and down my cock. She suckled with hot passion on my dick. It was delightful having her bob her head and flick her tongue around my throbbing dick. It felt passionate as I watched Halia squirm.

“Fara! Lysila!” Halia moaned. “Lady Sherida, that's wondrous!”

“Yes, it is,” Hagza said. The dwarven mage sauntered over her, big boobs jiggling. She straddled Halia's head and lowered herself.

She planted her cunt right on Halia's mouth. My dick throbbed in Kassie's mouth as Hagza groaned, rubbing her thick bush onto Halia's face. The sight before me only became more beautiful. The lesbian sex brought such a smile to my lips.

Kassie bobbed her head. She worked her mouth up and down my cock with that hot mouth. She suckled on me with everything she had. Her tongue swirled around the crown of my dick. I slid my hand through her red hair.

“Fissured stone, that's good,” Hagza said. “You got that wonderful tongue, Halia. Being a hero's daughter teaches you a few things.”

“How does being a hero's daughter teach me to do this?” Halia asked.

Whatever she did, Hagza shuddered, her big breasts bouncing and heaving. Hagza groaned, “Clearly, you inherited your father's skill at pussy eating. Your mother must have been very happy with him.”

“I suppose,” Halia said. “Or I have just been around naughty monster girls for months on end.”

Hagza laughed, her big boobs jiggling. “They are a lusty bunch, aren't they?”

“So lusty,” I groaned as Kassie bobbed her head.

The halfling suckled with passion on my cock. She was such a delight to enjoy. I was in heaven having her mouth nursing on me. She swelled the pressure at the tip of my dick. I would have such a huge climax. I couldn't wait to spurt my cum into her mouth. Just to unleash that flood of jizz.

“Shit, shit, shit,” I groaned, my balls tightening.

Fara and Priestess Lysila feasted on Halia. They lapped at her with hunger. They flicked their tongues about Halia's pussy while she did the same to Hagza. The dwarf gripped her breasts and kneaded them. She dug her fingers into them as she ground herself on Halia's mouth.

I loved the sight. Kassie brought me closer and closer to the edge as Halia's big boobs jiggled. They shook with her delight. She whimpered as the pleasure she experienced built in her. She hurtled closer and closer to bursting.

Closer and closer to erupting.

I loved the sight. My cock throbbed and ached in that hot halfling's mouth. She suckled hard as Hagza shuddered. She pinched her nipples as she ground her furred muff on Halia's mouth. Fara and Priestess Lysila feasted on the paladin.

“Lady Sherida,” whimpered Halia, her body trembling.

Fara started suckling on Halia's clit. The paladin shuddered. Her boobs jiggled in such a delightful way. I grabbed the back of Kassie's head. I held her as she nursed on my cock. It was about to happen.

“Oh, yes!” gasped Halia as she climaxed.

She trembled through her rapture. She gasped and moaned as the pleasure swept through her body. She drowned the scholar and the priestess with her juices while crying out into the dwarf's pussy. Hagza grinned.

“Yes!” she moaned, squeezing her big breasts. “Keep sucking on my clit, Halia! Just... Fissured stone!”

She bucked on Halia's mouth, climaxing, too.

I watched my four women sharing in their pleasure. I groaned and erupted into Kassie's mouth. The rapture slammed through my body and slammed into my mind. I grunted, jizz spurting out of my cock.

Kassie gulped down my cum. She swallowed it all down as I climaxed over and over again. It was spectacular to feel that bliss shooting through me. I loved that ecstasy slamming into my mind as I unloaded my jizz.

“Shit,” I groaned.

Hagza arched her back, her tits bouncing before her. She gasped out her rapture as she drowned Halia. My paladin shuddered on her back as her juices soaked Fara and Lysila's mouths. It was hot watching that happen, too. I was in awe of the delight as the pleasure slammed through me.

Stars burst across my vision with my each eruption. I groaned, pumping spurt after spurt of cum into her mouth. The pleasure slammed through me. It was such a magical moment. I groaned through it all, so happy with this ecstasy.

“Shit,” I groaned. “Shit, that's good.”

I fired the last blast of spunk into Kassie's mouth.

She popped her mouth off and purred, “Mmm, that was so good.”

“Yes!” Hagza roared and rose off Halia, leaving the paladin's face dripping in dwarven pussy cream. “So good!”

She marched over, grabbed Kassie, and kissed the halfling, bending over to do it. their tongues danced while Halia sat up. Her large tits jiggled as she stretched. She looked so beautiful there. She stared down at the pair who'd eaten her out.

“I believe Priestess Lysila is in most need of your tongue, Halia,” said Fara and rose, moving to the side.

“Are you certain, Fara?” Priestess Lysila asked.

“Very.” The elf smiled as she watched them. Then Fara glanced at me and gave me such a subtle nod. Her eyes flicked to Halia kneeling down now between the priestess's thighs.

What a naughty elf Fara was.

I moved around Hagza and Kassie kissing. Halia wiggled her rump. I had to be in her. I had to fuck my Halia. I had sent her into danger, but she had come back to me. That was important. My dick throbbed and ached. I just had to ram my shaft into her pussy.

Her black bush dripped with her juices. Her pink cuntlips peeked through her curls, half-parted and ready to welcome me into her depths. I dropped to my knees and pressed my cock into her snatch. I thrust hard into her cunt. I buried to the hilt in her snatch.

She moaned as I did that. Her cunt swallowed my dick. It felt spectacular to have her snatch devouring my jizz. She moaned, her pussy clamping down on me. I loved the warmth of her. She moaned into Priestess Lysila's shaved cunt.

“Mmm, my Lord, fuck her so hard,” the priestess moaned. “Oh, yes, yes, just ram into her cunt with such force, Lord Leo.”

“Such force,” Fara echoed, her fingers rubbing at her hairless pussy. She masturbated, her pointed ears twitching.

I loved the warmth of Halia's pussy. She felt so delicious around me. She squeezed her cunt down around my cock. It was a wondrous moment. I was so happy with it. Just so thrilled to have that delicious cunt wrapped around my cock.

I drew back my dick as Hagza sank down to the floor by us, pulling Kassie down on her. The halfling squirmed around on her until she had her face buried between Hagza's thighs. The pair sixty-nined.


Hagza was one of the few who could sixty-nine with Kassie. Outside of the goblins, of course. Those shortstacks were the perfect height for a halfling.

I gripped Halia's hips and drew back my cock. Her pussy gripped my dick. Heat rippled around my cock. It was such a beautiful moment. I savored that wonderful grip. I thrust back into her snatch. I buried to the hilt in her snatch, loving that wonderful grip.

“Fuck,” I breathed as I pumped away at her. “Oh, fuck, that's perfect.”

“Hero's daughter,” Hagza growled, her face nuzzled into Kassie's pussy.

“Yep,” I grunted, burying into those juicy depths.

Halia's butt-cheeks jiggled as I fucked her. She moaned into Priestess Lysila's pussy. I loved the smile on Lysila's face as the paladin ate her out. The priestess moaned, her round boobs jiggling as she quivered there.

Fara thrust her fingers in and out of her pussy as she watched the fun. I loved the sight as I savored pumping away at hot pussy. Fara's eyes on me made this even sweet. I fucked Halia's pussy with force. I buried into her and loved it.

My nuts slapped into her bush heavy with my cum. With the need to bury into her snatch. I fucked her with force. I slammed into her cunt again and again. She held me tight, wiggling her hips to stir her twat around my cock.

“Fuck,” I groaned as I buried into her.

“Oh, Lord Leo,” she whimpered into the priestess's pussy.

Priestess Lysila beamed at me as she trembled there, clearly loving what was being done to her pussy. She trembled, her boobs jiggling as she enjoyed the heat. I loved the sight as I fucked to the hilt in Halia's pussy.

I buried deep and hard into her cunt. I fucked into her with force. I slammed to the hilt in her cunt over and over again. I pounded her with force. She moaned, squeezing her snatch down around my dick. She held me tight with that wonderful twat.

“Shit,” I groaned, burying into her cunt again and again.

“Oh, yes, yes, that's good,” Kassie moaned. “Hagza! Oh, you dwarven slut!”

“Halfling tart!” the dwarf retorted with delight. “Such a delicious tart!”

Kassie squealed in delight.

I grinned from ear to ear at the sounds. Fara fingered her pussy, her breasts quivering as she watched me burying to the hilt in Halia's pussy. I slammed deep and hard into her snatch. I fucked her with force, reveling in this amazing delight. I pounded that delicious cunt.

My hands slid down Halia's body to grip her boobies. I squeezed them as I fucked with force into that tight cunt. I fucked her with force. I pounded her with all the passion that I had. I hurtled toward the breaking point.

It was magnificent to do that.

“Shit, shit, shit,” I groaned, slamming into her cunt. I fucked her with such passion. “Oh, damn, that's good. That's so good.”

She clamped her twat down around my cock. She held me tight with that pussy. It was fantastic feeling her cunt massaging me. She held me tight as I buried to the hilt in her snatch again and again. The pressure swelled in my nuts.

Priestess Lysila arched her back. She humped her cunt into Halia's face. I loved watching the priestess's features twisting. She whimpered, her head tossing. She was about to cum, and that was a beautiful sight.

“Just burst, Priestess,” I groaned, burying my dick to the hilt in the paladin's pussy. “Just explode!”

“Yes!” she howled, her thighs squeezing around Halia's head. “I... I... Polluted waters!”

She bucked in place. Halia's pussy clamped down on my cock. She held me tight as I fucked to the hilt in her snatch. I reveled in that wonderful cunt around my dick. She held me with such passion. She massaged me with that wondrous flesh as I hurtled toward my orgasm.

“Oh, Lord Leo!” Halia moaned, her pussy going wild around my cock.

Her hot flesh convulsed around my dick, suckling at me. I shuddered and buried to the hilt in her cunt. I savored her spasming sheath. The pressure at the tip of my cock hurtled toward that amazing moment. I threw back my head.


“Fuck!” I gasped as I pumped my jizz into her pussy.

I flooded her with my seed, her hot cunt spasming around my dick. She moaned as I filled her with more and more of my cum. Pleasure slammed into my mind. Sparks flared at the bliss sizzling through me. I gripped her hips, holding tight to her.

“Cholera!” Kassie gasped. “Hagza!”

“Yes, yes,” Hagza moaned. “Drown me, Kassie! Oh, drown me!”

The halfling and the dwarf cried out their rapturous delight as I pumped more and more of my seed into Halia's pussy. I shuddered, savoring that bliss. It was a delight. I savored the rapture sweeping through me. I groaned, erupting again and again.

I felt so good. Just what I needed after such a long day. Halia's pussy suckled at my cock. She nursed out all the jizz that I had in my snatch. I erupted into her again and again. I flooded her with so much of my spunk.

“Oh, yes,” I groaned. “Oh, that's so good.”

I shuddered through all the ecstasy. I loved it all. I trembled through the passion. It was fantastic. I erupted one last time into her pussy. I panted before I pulled out of her and fell back on the decking. I stared up at the ceiling, steam washing around the stones above.

Fara whimpered as she climaxed on her digits. I watched her, those ears twitching. Her pussy juices dripped through her digits. I smiled at her as she whimpered through her delight. She pulled them out when she finished and suckled on them.

“Creampie!” Kassie squealed and rolled off Hagza. “Halia! Let me eat your pussy clean.”

“What?” growled Hagza. “You little halfling brat!”

“I claimed it,” she said as she scampered up to Hagza. “Mmm, I'm going to enjoy that pussy.”

“Sure,” Halia said. “Sorry, Hagza, she did cal it.”

“Fair is fair,” I panted, feeling so good.

“Fair is fair,” Fara said, sauntering toward me. She straddled me and grabbed my dick. She held me up to her asshole. She pressed it into the crack of her ass. Then she hesitated. She looked like she wanted to say something.

“Yes?” I asked.

“Just a passing idea I had,” she said. “I will consider it and elaborate on it later, my Lord.”

“Sure,” I said as she pushed me right against her asshole and pressed her anal ring down on me. I groaned as my petite elf pressed her sphincter harder onto the tip of my cock. “Damn, you're in a kinky mood today.”

“An anal mood, my Lord,” she moaned.

Her anal ring popped past my cock and sank down my dick. Her velvety flesh felt so wondrous around my dick. It was perfect to feel her engulfing my bowels. She bottomed out on me, her ears twitching. She whimpered her delight.

I groaned at how wonderful it was. She squeezed her bowels around me, her eyes distant with thought. She did have an idea. I was so curious now. She slid her asshole up my cock. She massaged me. Bliss swept through me. I groaned in delight, wanting to just enjoy this sensation. It was a fantastic one.

She plunged back down my cock, savoring that wonderful grip. Her boobs quivered. I groaned as she slid back down my shaft. I rubbed at her thighs. I massaged them, savoring the silkiness of her skin. She was a delicious elf.

“Mmm, my Lord,” moaned Priestess Lysila. “A man of your talent should not be so lacking in stimulation.”

“What?” I frowned then grinned as the priestess's shaved pussy appeared over my head. She dripped with sweetness. “Oh, right, stimulation. For you or me.”

“Why, you, my Lord,” the priestess purred as she lowered her pussy to my face. She planted her cunt right down on my face. “Do you think I am sitting on your face for my own pleasure and not to provide you with a delicious pussy to devour while enjoying Fara's wondrous asshole.”

“Yeah, that's what I think,” I said and licked through her folds.

“You wound me, sir,” she moaned. “I live only to serve you!”

Fara giggled. I don't think I ever heard her make such a girlish sound before.

She squeezed her asshole around my cock and slid up me. I groaned into the priestess's twat as I savored the elf's bowels working up and down me. The pleasure swept through me so I lapped at Priestess Lysila's twat with hunger, my tongue flicking through her pussy.

I stroked her folds, loving her taste cunt. That sweetness pervaded my mouth. I thrust my tongue into her, enjoying Fara's tight asshole. She worked up and down me. It was just a perfect delight to feel. I loved how she massaged me with that velvety bowels.

She rode me with hunger. She worked that anal sheath up and down my cock. It was such a perfect moment. I flicked my tongue around in the priestess's pussy, eating her out. She moaned, her butt-cheeks clenching before me.

“Kassie,” whimpered Halia. “Oh, you sweet halfling.”

“Mmm, and you are just full of all of Lord Leo's wondrous cum,” Kassie moaned.

“Yes, yes, clean her out,” moaned Fara as she worked that hot asshole up and down my dick.

I shuddered at how wondrous it was feeling her asshole working up and down my dick. She squeezed about me, driving me wild. I tongued Priestess Lysila with all my might, flicking my tongue through her folds and enjoying her pussy delicious flavor.

My balls tensed from the wonderful bliss of Fara's asshole. She squeezed her bowels down my cock, massaging me with that delicious hole. I groaned into the priestess's sweet twat. I flicked my tongue around in her, my orgasm building.

I flicked my tongue through her folds to her clit.

“Lord Leo!” gasped Priestess Lysila as I fluttered around her tongue. “Yes, yes, that is the stimulation that you require.”

“Or is it you,” Fara moaned, her asshole plunging down my cock.

“I am but a loyal servant who derives pleasure in serving her Lord,” groaned the priestess. “The way any servant should.”

I suckled on her clit.

“Polluted waters, yes!” she squealed.

I flicked my tongue over her bud as she rode me. She worked her hot bowels up and down me, massaging me. The pressure built and built at the tip of my dick, swelling me toward my orgasm. Toward having a mighty burst of cum into her bowels.

I would flood her with everything that I had. Just pumped my jizz into her anal sheath. She squeezed down around me. She held me tight with her bowels as I suckled on Priestess Lysila's clit. The pressure grew at the tip of my dick.

I had to cum in Fara's asshole.

“Damn,” I moaned around the priestess's clit. “Oh, damn, Fara.”

“Mmm, our Lord loves what you are doing to him,” whimpered the priestess, her sweet cream dribbling down my cheeks.

“Of course he is,” Fara moaned. “My asshole serves him and pleasures him. Oh, my Lord, cum in my bowels! Unload your passion in me!”

I suckled harder on Priestess Lysila's clit as the elf's velvety bowels massaged my dick. I hurtled toward that moment of explosion. The priestess whimpered on me. She quivered on me before she gasped out in rapture.

“Lord Leo!”

Her sweet pussy juices gushed out. I drowned in them, reveling in the delight of her pussy juices. I licked through her folds, savoring the delight of her cunt. I reveled in how delicious she tasted. She had such a yummy cunt. It was outstanding.

She drowned me in her passion as Fara plunged her asshole down my cock. The elf squealed in rapture. Her anal sheath convulsed around me. She suckled at me. I groaned into the priestess's pussy as my scholar massaged my dick with her velvety passion.

“Fuck!” I groaned and erupted.

“Lord Leo!” Fara moaned as I flooded her asshole with jizz.

I spurted into her anal sheath again and again. The rapture slammed through my mind. It was fabulous to enjoy. I grunted with each eruption. The ecstasy swept through my body as I moaned into Priestess Lysila's pussy.

I tongued her cunt as I dumped my cum into Fara's asshole. Her anal sheath suckled at me. My tongue flicked through the priestess's folds. I lapped at her, groaning through my pleasure. I felt so amazing.

“Kassie!” Halia cried out. “Oh, Kassie!”

Fara suckled at my asshole with that hot anal sheath. It was a wonderful time. I loved the rapture sweeping through my body. I erupted a final time into Fara's anal sheath, feeling so good. So rested after the hard day.

“Damn,” I breathed into the priestess's pussy.

Chapter Thirty-Four

Siwang grinned at the sight of Anji waiting for him in his throne room. She knelt on a cushion before his throne, rising in a diaphanous nightie of the softest pink. It was a gorgeous delight that he had made for her with the power of his dungeon and Void Crystal. She smiled, her dimples shining and green eyes sparkling. Her large breasts quivered beneath the delicious garment, her nipples dark shadows.

“My love,” she said and darted to Siwang as he crossed the map, his step-mother at my side. A smile lit up his lips as she reached him and threw her arms around his neck. Her lips melted to his.

He held her tight, savoring her delicious lips. He thrust his tongue into her mouth as his hands slid down her back to cup her rump through the silk nightie. He felt so alive. He had finally done something important. His plan had worked.

He had risked his life like Leo did and prevailed.

He broke the kiss and stared into her green eyes. They sparkled in delight as she stared back at him. “Welcome home.”

He scooped her up in his arms. “It's good to be home.”

He carried her through the throne room, his step-mother following. The wraith made not a sound, but he could feel her delight. He was so happy holding his Anji in his arms. He couldn't wait to marry her. To make her his lady wife.

He wished he could give her the power to use his dungeon, but that was beyond him. Still, she was here. His sweet treasure hidden away from the world for him to enjoy. Him and his monster girls. Anji was becoming more and more at ease with his servants.

Making love to choirs and lemures while he was busy.

He carried her into their bedchamber. Toward the large bed he shard with her and his companions. He set her down. She smiled at him as he stripped. His step-mother came up to him, black mist spilling down her back. She took his robe as he stripped it off and folded it with care.

“Thank you, Mother,” he said. She had done so much. Sending her straight to Tuerien's core had saved all their lives today.

The wraith winked at him.

His cock was so hard as he slid onto the bed. He kissed his Anji, his body over hers. He wanted to plunge into her right away, but he also wanted to feast on her pussy. His tongue danced with hers as they made out, her hands sliding around him.

She broke the kiss. “You should lie on your back, my love. Lady Xiongbu and I must take care of you.”

“Oh?” Siwang asked.

“We must suck your cock,” she said as he rolled onto his back.

“Mother can suck my cock,” Siwang said. “I want your pussy, Anji. Sit on my face.”

“As you desire, my love,” she purred and rose, her nightie swaying about her thighs, her boobs jiggling beneath it.

She straddled his head, her thick, black bush dripping with her passion. The tart aroma of her aroused pussy filled his nose as she lowered herself to him. She planted her furred muff right on his mouth, the curls tickling his face.

He loved that sensation as he flicked his tongue through her folds. She moaned in delight. She squirmed on him as his step-mother grabbed his dick. She stroked up and down him with her cool hand. Her touch felt wondrous on his feverish cock.

“My glorious son,” purred Xiongbu before she swallowed her step-son's dick with ease.

He moaned into Anji's pussy as his step-mother suckled on his cock. She hummed around his mouth. He loved that sensation. He savored it as she bobbed her head. She worked her mouth up and down his dick. She suckled on him with such wondrous passion. Her mouth felt amazing around his cock.

He lapped at his fiancee's pussy as he enjoyed his step-mother's cool mouth. She swirled her tongue around his cock, sucking on him with passion. His nuts twitched as the heat built and built. He squirmed there, loving this sensation.

“Oh, Siwang,” moaned Anji as she squirmed on his face. “Mmm, my love! Your tongue is so sweet. You do not have to pleasure me!”

“No, but I want to.” He thrust his tongue into her pussy and swirled around in her tart depths.

“Siwang!” she squealed in.

Her pussy clenched down on him as he danced around in her. He flicked around in her snatch as his step-mother bobbed her head. The wraith suckled his dick with her loving passion. The delicious bliss flowed down his shaft to soak his nuts.

His cum brimmed in them The jizz that his step-mother hungered. His tongue swirled around in his fiancee's hot pussy. Her tart juices trickled down his cheeks as she squirmed on him. Her bushy tickled his face. He breathed in her musk.

He flicked through her folds, stroking over her clit. The pressure rose in his nuts as he flicked about her bud. He stroked her with passion, wanting to make her cum. He had to drown in his Anji's pussy juices.

“Oh, my love!” she moaned. “Oh, yes, yes, that's so good. That's wondrous!”

He agreed. It was wondrous. He was in heaven here. His tongue flicked around her bud as his step-mother suckled hard on his cock. His nuts twitched as the wraith suckled with such passion. She brought him closer and closer to spurting.

Closer and closer to erupting.

“Damn,” he groaned into his fiancee's pussy.

“Oh, Siwang,” she whimpered as she ground her furred muff on his face.

He suckled on her clit with the same loving passion his step-mother used on his cock. The pressure in his nuts rose toward that bursting point. He hurtled closer and closer to flooding her cunt. His nuts twitched. The wraith suckled with such force.

Such motherly love.

He groaned around his fiancee's bud as the pressure burst at the tip of his cock. He groaned and flooded his step-mother's mouth with his jizz. He erupted again and again, the ecstasy slamming through him. He growled around her clit.

“Oh, my Siwang!” gasped Anji. “Yes!”

Her tart juices gushed out and bathed his mouth. She drowned him in her cunt cream. She soaked him in her passion as he pumped his cum into his step-mother's mouth. The wraith gulped down his jizz. She swallowed it all.

“Oh, Siwang,” gasped Anji as she squirmed on his face.

Her bush tickled his lips as he lapped up her tart juices. He grunted, the pleasure slamming through his body. His step-mother swallowed every spurt of cum that he had. He erupted one last time into her mouth, feeling so amazing.

So damned alive.

“Anji,” he groaned as his step-mother slipped her mouth off his cock.

“Mmm, revel in her love,” Xiongbu said.

“Please, please, revel in it!” Anji moaned.

She slipped off him, ending up on the bed beside him. He rolled over onto her, loving the feel of her silk nightie against his skin. Her warmth bled through it. He just had to bury his cock into her pussy and fuck her so had.

“My love,” she moaned as her thighs parted around him. The tip of is cock nuzzled into his bush.

“My Anji,” he groaned and kissed her.

He thrust his cock into her pussy. He sank to the hilt in her snatch. He loved the feel of her twat devouring his dick. He savored that rush. He loved the way her cunt gripped his cock. She squeezed down on him.

He drew back his hips. She moaned beneath him, her tongue dancing around in his mouth. He thrust back into her, savoring the way her twat welcomed him. His sweet Anji held him while his step-mother watched on.

“Mmm, love each other,” she purred.

He loved Anji so much.

He pumped away at her pussy, his strokes growing harder. Faster. He thrust deep and hard into her snatch as she squirmed beneath him. Her twat held him in that delicious embrace. She massaged him with his every thrust into her.

He plunged into her again and again. He fucked into her snatch with such force. He loved how she held him tight. She gripped him with that delicious cunt. He groaned with each plunge into her pussy. Each thrust.

She massaged him.

Loved him.

Her hands stroked up and down his back as he plunged into her. Her hard nipples rubbed at his chest through the silk of her nightie. Her hot twat gripped him, massaging his cock. His heavy nuts slapped into her taint as the pressure to cum built and built in him.

Her hot twat squeezed around him. Loved him. He buried into her again and again, the pressure in his nuts hurtling toward that bursting point. He just had to erupt in her. Had to flood her with all his cum.

He broke the kiss and stared into her green eyes. “Anji! Oh, Anji! I love you!”

“My Siwang!” she gasped as he buried into her.

That wonderful pussy went wild around his cock.

She suckled at him with her silky flesh. He groaned at the wondrous rush of her cunt suckling at him. It was an amazing rush to have her convulsing around him like that. He loved every last second of this delight as he buried into her.

He erupted.

“Yes, yes, my love!” she moaned as his cum spurted into her pussy.

He shuddered on her as he filled her up with all his jizz. He flooded her with so much passion.  Her cunt rippled around his cock. She suckled at him with so much bliss. He groaned, savoring all that delight. It was a fabulous rush to have all that pleasure sweeping through his body.

He groaned, savoring that wonderful pleasure sweeping through him with each eruption of his cum. It was a wonderful moment. He groaned as he spilled the last of his spunk into her pussy. He panted as the pleasure swept through him.

He groaned and rolled off her, sliding out of her pussy. She whimpered and snuggled against him. Her hand fell on his chest. On his glyphs. she stroked over the new marking she had gained. Fire. Ice. Metal. Wind.

“Four new glyphs,” she said.

He nodded. “Four new glyphs. Four more companions to summon.” He wasn't even sure who it would be. What other women he could summon. “Four new Level 1 Monster girls and Level 2 monster girls. Maybe more. I don't know how many companions that will want to serve me who used to serve Tuerien.”

“Find out,” she said. “I'm so curious.”

He was, too.

He rolled out of bed and padded to the Vault. He opened the door, his step-mother and Anji following. The Soul sat on her perch on the Void Crystal, a welcoming smile to her. She quivered, rubbing her hands in anticipation.

“My, my, so much gained at once, Siwang,” she told him. “I knew you would be a wonderful Protector.”

“Yeah,” Siwang said. I protected you by risking my life. I didn't have to put myself in such danger.

No, he had to. Like Leo, had had to be out there on the front line.

He grasped the Soul of the Void Crystal and sank into the interface. He felt that there were twelve companions that Tuerien had. Twelve. Five of them, the redcap, cherfu, lich, fenghuang, tennyo, and lamia refused to serve him. But seven others did.

He shifted through them, finding a shesha named Mei, a Fire monster girl; a banshee like Morana named Tukeni, a Death monster girl; a maenad named Savurma, a thunder monster girl; a second cyclops named Skrige, a thunder monster girl; a manticore named Vejra, a wind monster girl; an adlet named Frosseta, an ice monster girl; and an erinyes named Kyuuma, a metal monster girl.

Seven new companions plus the four he could summon from the world that he didn't even know yet. He shuddered, wondering if this was what Leo felt like. Siwang had so many monster girls. He had so much power.

Siwang didn't even know where to begin.

Click here for the next part! 


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