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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Daylight flooded the room down the stairs that had not been there a moment ago. Morana smiled. The banshee darted for the stairs, Chara slithering after her. The deathly monster girl gained the streets, the ghosts and vampires following.

A cyclops stood before Morana reeling in surprise. The banshee, black mist spilling down her back, opened her mouth wide. She didn't have to inhale to scream. She didn't breath at all. She just screeched.

Her deathly shriek rushed at the cyclops. She slammed her silver warhammer into her breastplate. A massive thunderclap exploded from the impact. The ear-piercing sound canceled out the banshee's killing shout.

Pity, Morana thought as Chara slithered up.

From behind the cyclops, five hellhounds rushed down the street. Their bodies, all black with cracks of glowing red through them, bounded up the street. They snarled in fury. Above, harpies screeched and swooped down at them.

“Vampires!” cried Morana, pointing up.

“Yes,” Palka said.

The three vampires became large bats and took to the air. Chara slithered up beside Morana while the ghosts surged past them. The cyclops swung her hammer at Grobi, but the silver weapon passed harmlessly through the ethereal woman.

Duhot and her fellow ghostssurged at the hellhounds. The Level 1 monster girls leaped at the Level 2. The hellhounds passed through Dusata, Ipalsi, Nevidena, Grobi, and Duhot. All five of them enemy monster girls went limp and burst into motes before they hit the ground, drained by the deadly ghosts.

Harpies shrieked in the air as Morana screamed again at the cyclops. The air rippled.

The cyclops slammed her warhammer into the street this time. The loud thunderclap exploded, canceling out Morana's death shriek again. The street split from the loud sound. A crack shot toward the Banshee. She shifted, losing her balance.

Chara, her lower half a snake, didn't suffer that problem. She slithered forward as Morana grabbed the side of the temple to keep her balance. Icy daggers spat from Chara's mouth and struck across the cyclops. Two shattered on her silver armor, bursting into shards. A third stuck into the arm of the cyclops.

The one-eyed monster girl swung her hammer and struck Chara in the chest. Morana winced at the sickening crunch. Chara reeled back, her breastbone caved in. She collapsed on her back, wheezing for breath.

The ghost surged at the cyclops who whirled and slammed her hammer into the ground. The thunderclap distorted the air. Morana's ears burst in pain as the ghosts reeled back from the sonic attack, their ethereal bodies pushed back like a wind struck them.

Morana stared at the banshee's back.

She shrieked.

As the cyclops recovered from her attack, the deadly sound crashed into her. The cyclops had no defense now. The banshee kept shouting, focusing all the deathly energy on the enemy monster girl. The cyclops staggered.

The hammer fell from her hand.

She dropped limp to the ground and vanished in a burst of motes.

Chara wheezed, her hand reaching up. Morana glanced to the sky. The vampires were feasting on harpies, sucking the blood from the Air monster girls. Morana darted to Chara. She grabbed the lamia's hand.

“First... time... out...” she gasped. “I... I...” A smile spread on her lips.

“I'll see you soon,” Morana promised and kissed the Ice monster girls fingers.

Chara burst into motes of light.

Morana felt no grief. There was none. Chara died in service of the Dark Lord, and she would revive thanks to his magic. So would the cyclops and the hellhounds and the harpies that died, drained of their blood by the vampires.

Her team had a temple to secure.

Team Morana successful,” she sent to her Dark Lord, hoping it was going equally as good with the other teams.

*  \ * /  *

I revived Chara even as Morana sent me the report. I placed her back in the very room where she was so she could slither back out and rejoin Team Morana. She wasn't the only monster girl that had died. This was only getting started.

I gripped the Void Crystal. I had three goblins to revive.

*  \ * /  *

Ms. Trueno led her team up into the streets. Usiku was right beside her, a blade of darkness in the fomorian's hand. They burst the street and found the adlet, one of Tuerien's unique Ice monster girls. She was a dog-like monster girl with white skin and blue hair, a fluffy tail wagging behind her and long ears that twitched.

She turned to face them and snarled. She leaped forward like a dog attacking an intruder. Usiku charged forward and slashed with her sword. The adlet ducked the attack and slashed with claws. The pair traded blows as shrieks filled the air.

Harpies descended from above. Harpies and hellhounds were thick in the area around the temple. That was Ms. Trueno's job to clear them from this side of the temple. Howls bayed behind her position. A group of hellhounds raced down the street.

Rih and her unicorns lowered their heads, their horns thrusting out, and charged. Their hoofs clattered on the cobblestones as they hurtled at the bounding enemy monster girls. The harpies hurtled down from above.

The sirens sang as they came around Ms. Trueno.

Dala, Nimfa, and Veszeli bewitching melody rose around the thunder sprite. The teacher smiled as the harpies shuddered in the air, affected by the siren's melody. the enemy monster girls all landed on the edge of the temple close together, lulled almost into sleep.

Ms. Trueno drew in a deep breath and roared. Her thunders shout hit the harpies, ripping feathers from their wings and blasting them back. They screeched in pain and burst into motes of light that vanished. It was so unfair to use the sirens.

Ms. Trueno did not care.

The whinnying of the unicorns and the baying of the enemy hellhounds echoed down the street. Rih and her monster girls slammed into the scampering hellhounds, horns ramming into their bodies as they leaped. The unicorns drove back the enemy monster girls. The black, red-cracked forms of the hellhounds burst into motes that sparkled around the unicorns.

Ms. Trueno whirled to help Usiku. Her black sword swept through the air at the adlet. The dog-like monster girl dodged and howled. A wave of frost billowed out from her mouth and surged at Usiku. Ms. Trueno shouted.

Her sonic attack hit the mist, disrupting it. Frost rippled across the ground and the side of the temple. Usiku plunged in the opening, shielded from the cold by Ms. Trueno's thunderous bellow. The fomorian's shadowy sword slashed.

The adlet's head spun from her body before she vanished into motes.

Ms. Trueno looked around the street. The unicorns were crouched, ready for another attack. The sirens hummed as they stood there, stretching their backs. Not a sign of the enemy could be seen. Ms. Trueno nodded, her eyes flicking about in satisfaction.

*  \ * /  *

Hagane lead her team out onto the streets to clear out the monster girls on this end. Patrols of harpies and hellhounds surrounded the building. They had to be cleared away. She formed her arms into blades as she stepped out of the dungeon, peering up.

The harpies screeched as they dove at her. Ljosa stepped up beside Hagane. The lampetia's eye-beams flashed. She smote one of the harpies. Light burst and the enemy monster girls screamed as she smoked and died.

Hagane faced the others descending quickly, their claws at the ready. The goblins with her team shouted and charged up the street toward the barking hellhounds. The orcs roared and followed. One harpy swooped at Hagane, claws flashing. They scratched across her metal body.

Though the sound was horrendous, Hagane hardly felt the attacks. She swung her armblade, cutting off the harpy's leg. Then she stabbed with her other arm at the screeching monster girl.

The armblade rammed through the harpy's lower back and organs. She hit the ground and flopped there. Another harpy struck her in the head, claws scraping over her body, leaving a few scratches to mar her polish finish.

Ljosa fired an eye beam and missed. The pair winged over the top of the temple and were gone.

Up the street, the goblins and hellhounds fought. The short goblins swung their sword, stabbing hellhounds, but the enemy monster girls were tearing into the goblins. Motes burst as monster girls on both ides died.

Zobens and her orcs reached the fray, Their golden swords flashes. A hellhound slammed into Dzelzs, but couldn't penetrate the golden breastplate she wore. In moments, the hellhounds were done and the goblins were picking themselves up.

Hipera, Mazsi, and Zala had died in the brawl.

“Where did those harpies fly off to?” Ljosa asked.

“It is curious,” said Hagane, staring up at the sky. “Leo, we have secured our section of the streets.”

*  \ * /  *

Leo gripped the Void Crystal. Things had gone on well. He found the Metal section of the monster girls and revived Hipera, Mazsi, and Zala. He sent them rushing back out into the streets.

All the teams outside the temple had done their job. He didn't think they would have any problems. The forces outside were light. So he shoved the next tunnel up into the temple itself. Right into the Vault where, hopefully, the Blessed Sword of Water awaited.

Your turn, Mrs. Maia,” he sent.

*  \ * /  *

It will be fine, honey,” Mrs. Zoe Maiasent her lover as the stairs appeared before her.

She charged up into the Vault itself, not sure what they would find in there. She ran up first with Baaghi right on her heels, the rakshasa snarling. The satyrs, werewolves, and werebears charged behind the two monster girls, snarling, hoofs clattering. She burst out of the dungeon into the temple, the architecture so much different. Not that she had time to appreciate it as she came face to face with the enemy shesha, banshee, and over a dozen cockatrices.

Mrs. Maia stopped short, her breasts heaving. The banshee opened her mouth wide to scream, but Baaghi leaped forward. The rakshasa crashed into the undead monster girl and bore her to the ground. The banshee's head smacked hard against the floor.

Baaghi's teeth ripped at the undead monster girl's throat, tearing out the pale flesh. Black mist roiled over the ground. Clawed fingernails raked down Baaghi's stripped sides, but the rakshasa bit deeper. Something cracked. Popped.

The banshee's head popped off. Her body vanished into motes a moment later.

But she wasn't the only one that shouted. As the satyrs and werebears surged out of the dungeon around Mrs. Maia, the cockatrices screeched. Their terrible roars slammed pain onto the dryad's ears. Their sonic attacks pulverized poor Khur. The satyr staggered beneath the sonic assault before she collapsed, blood bursting from her nose.

The sound was only supposed to paralyze, but that many screeching in the enclosed place.

Mrs. Maia's body seized up. So did the satyrs and the werebears, paralyzed. The cockatrices rushed forward, falling on the helpless monster girls. They swarmed the lead werebear, Garjan, and tore into her body, ripping apart the bear's tough hide. She died. Doodh didn't fair any better, the satyr ripped apart by the talons on the cockatrices bird-like feet.

Mrs. Maia broke out of the paralyzation as the three werewolves leaped over the frozen monster girls. They soared over their lesser kin and slammed into the ranks of the cockatrices. The gray wolves moved with speed and deadly precision, tearing at throats.

Roots grew from Mrs. Maia and rushed at the shesha, the fiery cobra monster girls slithering forward. Mrs. Maia's tendrils raced across the floor amid the fighting werewolves and cockatrices. They seized the body of the cobra, wrapping around her red tail. The roots climbed fast, growing up the body to restrain her.

The shesha opened her mouth, the cobra-like hood behind her head spreading wide. Flames burst from the enemy's mouth. They swept over the fight and slammed into Mrs. Maia. The woody dryad screamed as she went up like a bonfire.

The pain consumed her. She wasn't the only one hit. A werewolf howled. A werebear growled. Satyrs screamed. The flames burned Mrs. Maia until...

The pain ceased. She floated in the Void, hugged by Souleen's comforting arms.

*  \ * /  *

“Fuck,” I muttered. My landlady's assault had gone badly. She died with Seeng, Havas, Panja, and Chaandi.

Terra, you're up,” I sent, gripping the Void Crystal and changing the dungeon.

*  \ * /  *

Terra formed her hammer fists as stairs appeared before her. She raced to it.

Bjorni roared and charged up first. The bugbear raced up it, Terra hot on her heels. The basilisk and rock elementals followed, their foots slapping and thudding on the stairs. Awful shouts echoed above. Terra emerged to find the shesha breathing fire, driving back Mrs. Maia's team.

Baaghi died in the fire, trying to close on the shesha.

Bjorni roared and leaped for the flaming cobra monster girl.

The shesha whipped her head around. Fire slammed into Bjorni as she closed the distance. The flames washed over her body. A moment later, the pair crashed together, The flames cut off with a sickening crunch.

The enemy cockatrices whirled on their bird feet. They opened their mouths. Terra sprang forward and slammed her hammer fist, crashing into her head, caving it in before she could shout. The other five did, slamming into her.

Terra groaned, her entire body seizing up. She couldn't move. The paryalization had seized the golem's flesh, holding her in place. She fought against it as two of the cockatrices rushed at her. But a noxious fume swept around Terra.

The basilisk's petrifying breath washed over the enemy monster girls.

The two cockatrices became stone, their forward momentum slamming them into the vault's stone-tiled floor. The shattered into hunks for gray rock that vanished into sparkles of light around Terra's feet. The paralyzation still hit her as the basilisks joined the life monster girls.

Bjorni roared in triumph as she ripped off the head of the shesha. Bjorni rolled over, bad burns over her breasts and stomach. Her flesh sizzled but she didn't die. She lay there in pain.

A rock elemental punched a cockatrice in the head. She reeled back into the crush bear hug from Maan. The basilisks joined the satyrs and werewolves. The remaining cockatrices went down fast, the fight echoing through the Vault.

Terra battled the paralyzation on her body. She broke through it and stumbled forward. She would have panted if she breathed. The fine wires of her copper hair swayed around her as she caught her balance. She glanced at the sword waiting where it should be.

She marched over to Bjorni whimpering on the ground.

“Got the bitch,” Bjorni said, the bugbear grinning despite the pain.

“You got her,” Terra said and drew back her fist. “See you in a few.”

Bjorni closed her eyes. Terra slammed her fist down into the bugbear's face to euthanize her, putting her out of her misery. She would be reborn fully healed. Already, Mrs. Maia and Baaghi emerged from their stairs with the dead satyrs, werebears, and one werewolf.

Terra turned to the sword as Bjorni emerged from the stairs whole and unblemished. Terra moved to the sword, joined by Mrs. Maia. The blade looked so ordinary. She wanted to touch it, but she had no idea what would happen.

Sword secure, Leo,” Terra reported.

*  \ * /  *

Lysila lurched as she suddenly was in a different spot in the dungeon. Stairs rose up before her. The priestess's heart raced. She swallowed before she marched up the stairs and out of the safety of Lord Leo's demesne.

She emerged into the Vault of her temple. The Holy of Holys where only she was supposed to enter once a year. Well, it did have to be cleaned, but that was a whole ritual to bless the acolytes who would do the cleaning.

The sword lay where it was supposed to be. She had blessed it with water, flicking it on the blade, but she had never touched it. She trembled as now she knew the truth. Lady Ninli lay inside of it. The Goddess of Water.

Lady Ninli, please allow me the honor of touching your vessel, prayed the high priestess silently as she moved toward the sword. Terra and Mrs. Maia nodded to her. Bjorni's bear head wore a smug and toothy grin. Baaghi stretched like a feline, her whiskers curving.

All the monster girls—werebears and werewolves, basilisk and rock elementals, and the satyrs—stared at her expectantly. They all knew what this meant for Lord Leo. One more step closer to his goal. The weight of it fell on her.

She stood straight with the honor of helping him in his noble goal. She shot out her hand and seized the blade. She tensed, not sure what would happen. Would the blade vanish because she wasn't of the rightful bloodline?

No. It hummed in her hand.

She held it up, trembling at the feel of the blade. The power it held. The monster girls burst into applause and shouts. Rock elementals clattered stony hands together. Baaghi and Bjorni roared like beasts, joined by the werewolves and the werebears. The basilisks hissed in delight. She turned to face them, beaming.

I have the sword, Lord Leo,” she said and marched back toward the stairs. “The Blessed Blade of Water is secure!”

Thank god.” He sounded so relived as she stepped onto the stairs and returned to safety with it.

Just as she stepped off the bottom, she was suddenly in the Vault. She blinked as he stood to her right holding the Void Crystal. Souleen beamed at him. Fara looked up from the scrying circle, ears twitching.

“Well done,” Kassie said, the last occupant in the Vault.

“One thing done,” said Lord Leo, smiling at her. “Now for the real fun to begin.”

High Priestess Lysila beamed as she crossed the Vault. She opened the door to where the Goddess of Light slept. Lady Sherida lay on the bed Lord Leo had fashioned for her. Now there was a weapon rock. A stand for the sword. With reverence, Priestess Lysila placed the sword there and stepped back.

It gleamed, waiting to be used in the Shrine of Water.

*  \ * /  *

The sword is secure,” I sent to all the teams, Priestess Lysila emerging from the Goddess Room. A look of awe shone on her face. “Liberate the city.”

He opened up the last of the dungeon. His monster girls poured into the city and flooded the Streets. He closed all the exits save the ones in the temple. His monster girls could flow out through there when they died.

Now the real battle began.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Tuerien entered his Vault. He had abandoned the Spire as soon as the attack had commenced, using his teleport spot to return to the entrance of his main dungeon. He had worked through the labyrinth of traps to the heart of it, passing through his throne room and living quarters to reach his Vault.

Leo and his monster girls had attacked the temple first. That sword was important, but why?

Tuerien didn't know. None of his monster girls could touch it. Nor could he. What did Leo know that he didn't? What did it matter. He would crush Leo. Tuerien didn't need a sword. He had his army. He revived his monster girls.

His casualties were mounting. Not only had all his protectors around the temple, save for a pair of harpies, had died, but so did the other monster girls he had patrolling the streets. Leo's army was moving fast, heading for the bridges across the river.

Tuerien revived all his monster girls. They poured out of the spire into the ruined grounds of the palace, the scars from Leo's first attack still abundant. He rolled his shoulders. This was it. Leo had his forces committed.

Lutin, have Foc ready his attack,” Tuerien sent to his goblin.

He's eager for it,” Lutin reported. She sounded eager, too.

Just try to keep him from getting killed. I need him to stall Leo long enough.”

I'll do my best, Lord Tuerien. He does not listen to me much.”

That was fine. Foc would be just enough to tip the balance. Leo's dungeon would be locked. Unable to revive his monster girls, the war of attrition would began. And Tuerien had his reserves ready to strike.

The forces he had held back during their first clash.

They are almost to the bridges,” reported Acier.

Tuerien smiled, ready for this to begin.

*  \ * /  *

I watched Tuerien's monster girls moving out from the palace. They were heading to the intact bridges to hold them against my forces, splitting into two forces. They would reach the bridges first. That was perfect.

Dongara, be ready to destroy the east bridge,” I said.

Yes, Lord Leo,” she sent.

Maya, they are moving how we expected,” I sent to my undine girlfriend. “Be ready in the river.”

We'll be ready, big perv.”

I smiled as I watched Tuerien's forces. I had my forces split up, but the force heading toward the eastern bridge knew not to cross. They were already turning in the streets to assist with the assault on the western of the bridges.

Tuerien's forces rushed out onto the bridge. From the scrying sensor, they looked like ants swarming out across it. I waited as the span they crossed was wide. I waited until they were all rushing across it.

Half of his forces. He would revive them, but, that would take time. Leo had the initiative.

Drop the bridge!” I commanded.

“You should drop the bridge...” Fara trailed off. “Never mind.”

The bridge shook. The enemy monster girls stopped. The panic swept over them as dust burst across the bridge from large cracks. It shook. Pieces broke off along the railing. Then the collapse began.

“Ooh,” Kassie said. “Those oreads are scary.”

“They have been weakening the bridge to prepare for this,” Fara said, her ears twitching.

Large chunks of the bridge fell into the river, carrying the enemy monster girls with them. The rocks splashed, waves washing through the river. And lucking in the depths were Maya and my water monster girls.

Tuerien's monster girls turned to race back across, but the bridge collapsed there, cutting them off and plunging many into the river. The bridge shook before the central mooring column that held up the span shattered.

I smiled.

*  \ * /  *

Maya felt the impact of the bridge slamming into the water. Waves swept through the river even beneath the surface and buffeted her liquid form. The mermaids, hippocampi, oozes, kelpie, and Paanee waited with her.

The animated armors on the bridge plunged straight to the bottom with the rubble. A cherfu and a group of salamanders thrashed nearby. The fiery monster girls screamed as they thrashed, the water heating up around them. This was not their element.

They were dying just from being in the river.

Maya smiled at that as other enemy monster girls kicked and thrashed, trying back to the surface. The rubble and impact dragged them deep, the large chunks of the bridge creating devastating undertow.

The undine surged toward the maenad. Her long, black hair billowed in the currents as she clawed for the surface. She looked human save for the claws on her fingers. Maya slammed into the wild monster girls, wrapping around her body and keeping her from reaching the surface. The maenad thrashed, but could do nothing to fight her fate.

Maya hated drowning monster girls. It was an awful way to die.

Cikata gelatinous body wrapped around the erinyes. The winged monster girl thrashed in the water. Her metal whip slashed through the water. It had a sharp edge that narrowly missed Pani. The mermaid swam passed and grabbed a wendigo swimming for the surface. With powerful flicks of her tail, Pani drove the enemy toward the bottom.

The erinyes kicked as she struggled to get the ooze off her head. The metal monster girl slashed her own razor whip at the ooze. The blade moved through the water with supernatural ease. The ooze, though, parted her body.

The metal whip struck the erinyes in the throat, ripping deep. Blood spilled into the water before she vanished in a burst of sparks. Maya shook her head as she kept drowning the maenad.

Other wendigos and goblins were pulled down into the depths by the mermaids and hippocampi. Paanee swam down to the bottom. The armless naga wrapped around the animated armors walking along the silty river bottom.

They didn't have to breathe, but...

Paanee crushed them with her armor. The kelpies joined her, grabbing the enemies to keep them from attacking Paanee as she swam up to the animated armors one by one to crush them with her powerful snake tail.

The maenad stopped thrashing. She came sparks that passed harmlessly through Maya's body. She twisted around and searched for more enemy monster girls swimming for the surface, glad to do her part to help the man she loved.

*  \ * /  *

The east bridge had collapsed. The western bridge was different. It was two bridges that met at an island in the middle of the river. I left his one up for a reason. My monster girls surged for the bridge as half of Tuerien's ground forces crossed it.

Hit them on the island,” I ordered, watching the battle. I needed the island secured to shift my dungeon entrance to it. God,I hated being back here, but I was the general. I had to see the whole battle. “Maya's team are destroying those who fell into the river.”

*  \ * /  *

“You heard Lord Leo!” Lana Fulmine cried as she soared in the air. The enemy monster girls spilled across the bridge. “Go!”

She drove toward the island with the other airborne monster girls flying around her. Most of her team was on the ground, lead by Vilkas. They crossed the bridge with the others, but she flew with Garnet, the dragons, Nina Naughty, the thunderbirds, the phoenixes, the harpies, the pixies, the hippogriffs, Alizee, Paetu, and more.

They hurtled down for the monster girls crossing the bridge.

Lightning crackled across Lana Fulmine's wings. Lightning, fire, feathers, and wind hurtled down at the force of enemy monster girls. They crashed into the formation, motes of light bursting in the midst of the enemy.

*  \ * /  *

Hagane led the charge across the bridge, racing at the fore. Bjorni, Baaghi, Terra, Usiku, and Vilkas were almost level with her. The horde of monster girls were behind them. Orcs, goblins, rock elementals, hellhounds, wildhounds, will o' wisps, werebears, werewolves, satyrs, salamanders, ghosts, and more. They had a horde of them. Mrs. Maia, Crystal, Ljosa, Smerta, Morana, and the rest charged.

A massive force rushing at the enemy monster girls being hammered from the sky. They died, thinning the ranks. Hagane readied her armblades to crash into the enemy forces. A group of hellhounds and cockatrices were at the lead, with orcs and ghosts behind them.

Black mist billowed as the enemy banshee emerged, her body as pale as Morana's. She screeched.

Hagane's metallic body resonated with the deathly shriek. Pain exploded through the metal monster girl. She collapsed to her knees as the sound ripped her body apart. She burst into agony and vanished into calm.

She floated in the Void. Killed.

*  \ * /  *

Tuerien's monster girls died.

A whole bridge collapsed. Scores of his monster girls perished in that moment. He gripped the Void Crystal to begin reviving them. It was time to shift the battle. Leo's forces were about to meet his on the island.

They would start dying.

Lutin, let Foc have his fun.”

Yes, Lord Tuerien!” the goblin answered gleefully.

*  \ * /  *

Hagane was the first to die.

I gripped the Void Crystal and sank into the menu. I found her and just as I was about to say her name, when the intruder alarm in the valley tripped. The ritual I had placed there to give me warning had my head turning.

“Adventurers?” I asked.

“It could be a Saint,” Fara pointed out.

“Shit,” I muttered. I had to get Hagane revived. I focused on the interface. “Hagane, ap—”

I was thrown out of the interface menu. I gasped at the slap that sent my mind reeling. I clutched at the Void Crystal, pain rippling across my head. Souleen bolted to her feet as a new alarm sounded. The intruder alarm.

The dungeon had been breached.

“Fuck,” I growled. “How did they get in the dungeon that fast. They just tripped the valley alarm.”

I was cut off from the dungeon. It was up to Munjan and his monster girls to defend my temple. All my monster girls were committed. And they were dying. I couldn't revive any of them. My heart pounded.

Is it a Saint, Munjan?” I asked.

It's monster girls,” Munjan answered. “Hellhounds.”

That explained how they got in the dungeon so fast. But how did Tuerien get a force of hellhounds this far north?

Siwang,” I sent to my friend. “How is going?”

We're working on it,” Siwang answered. “We're working on it.”

*  \ * /  *

Leo's dungeon is shut down,” Lutin reported. “Hellhounds inside. Foc went with them.”

Doesn't matter,” Tuerien said. “Just have to stay alive long enough. Now it's time to draw out Leo.”

Tuerien drew in a deep breath. He had grown in immense power conquering the city. And he had also discovered a few new mana veins. He had sixteen. He had reached the ultimate power as a Dungeon Builder.

He unleashed his reserves hiding in the spire. His Level 4 Monster Girls.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Here comes the fliers,” Mrs. Lucina said.

Lana Fulmine rose from the battle on the island and fired a blast of lightning that fried an enemy pixie. The monster girl shrieked as she spun through the air and vanished into motes. A screech above Lana Fulmine gave the movie a star just enough warning.

She spun to the side and dodged a harpy and her slashing talons. Lana Fulmine's wings crackled with power and blasted the harpy. Feathers burst from the sizzling monster girl. She spun and vanished as she plummeted toward the ground.

Lana Fulmine cast her gaze about and spotted the tennyo flying with Tuerien's airborne forces.

The lightning sprite gathered her lightning in her wings. The tennyo waved her hand faster. A powerful wind dancing with pink blossoms hurtled at Lana Fulmine. She choked off her attack and ducked beneath the wind of flowers.

Her lightning hurtled at the tennyo.

The human-looking monster girl dodged beneath her, her black hair flying behind her. More petals danced in her wake. She rose up, a smile on her red lips. She blew at the air before her. The powerful wind crashed into Lana Fulmine.

She spun in the air, blossoms dancing around her. Through the fluttering, an enemy phoenix swooped down and fired a blast of fire. The wind hurtled Lana right for that deathly hit. Isatu appeared.

The dragon-girl took the fireball and laughed, the flames spilling harmlessly over her body. She beat her wings and chased after the phoenix. Lana Fulmine caught herself and clenched her fists. She spotted the tennyo.

Her wind slammed into a quetzalcoatland spun her off-balanced.

Lana Fulmine flapped her wings and hurtled at the tennyo from above. Lightning crackled across her wings. A blast of electricitysurged out for the graceful enemy. The tennyo glanced over her shoulder. Shock crossed her face.

“You should have made sure I was hit by the fireball instead of assuming!” roared Lana Fulmine as her lightning fried the tennyo.

The heavenly maiden screamed in pain and vanished in motes.

*  \ * /  *

Tuerien revived Brise, his tennyo, along with a pixie, an orc, and more.

Though they didn't matter. His Level 4 monster girls were on the field. Leo's forces were about to be shocked by what was coming. Tuerien wished he could see Leo's reaction when he realized just what he had bitten off.

He gripped his Void Crystal as two more of his orcs died. He revived them and sent them to the Spire.

*  \ * /  *

Morana's screamed died away.

The two orcs rushing at her vanished into motes of lights. She smiled. They were massacring Tuerien's monster girls on the bridge. They would clear them off and charge at the Spire. She glanced at it.

Once they were in there...

Motes burst to Morana's right. One of the salamanders vanished, ice crashing to the ground. The lamia turned at Morana and spat ice. The banshee ducked low. The freezing attack flying over her head. Black mist spilled off her body.

Her cape.

She was Dark Queen Morana, Undead Concubine to Dark Lord Leo.

She screamed.

The deathly shriek slammed into the lamia. Her blue-scaled tail twitched. She clapped hands over her head. Blood burst from the corner of the lamia's eyes. She slumped and collapsed, bursting into motes across the ground.

Morana smiled.

Eye beams flashed upward in the sky. Ljosa screamed as an orc plunged an iron sword into her belly. The orc's other hand had grabbed Ljosa's jaw, forcing her to look up so her eye-beams couldn't be used.

With a vicious slice, the orc disemboweled Ljosa. She burst into sparks. The orc grinned.

Morana brimmed with cold fury. She opened her mouth to scream.

Morana screams and kills two orcs. the lamia slithers toward her. Screams and kills her. Loves it. She sees Ljosa get killed. Other monster girls are dying. That's the plan.

Heat exploded behind her. Fire engulfed her. She fell forward, burning. Her undead flesh blazed. She screamed at the pain and collapsed on her belly. Her hair crisped away. She reached forward only to surrender to the pain.

She plunged into the Void, hugged by Souleen. Morana knew she wouldn't sleep long. The Dark Lord would revive her and send her back onto the battle. He would...

Why hadn't she been revived by now?

*  \ * /  *

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I growled. I couldn't send my monster girls back into the fight. That was how this was supposed to work.

Morana died.

I had to keep Tuerien's forces out of his dungeon. I had to keep them engaged. I stood here helpless. Could Munjan handle the hellhounds? More and more of my monster girls were dying out there. My shoulders rolled.

Sukkub died.

Daant went next.

Hela, Valuna, Terra, Havas, Zobens, and Daleitha. My forces dwindled in the wild fight on the bridge. The island was a melee. I had more forces there, I was putting a dent, but Tuerien's would be reviving and flooding back in. Any minute, all the monster girls slain in the river would be back.

“Damn it,” I growled, hating this. I wanted to be out there. If I couldn't revive my monster girls, there was no point in me being in here.

I had magic.

I could massacre lesser monster girls. I could be fighting with my women instead of hiding in here like a coward. Shame pressed down on me. I closed my eyes, breathing in slowly. This was the right way to do it.

The smart way. If I went down, there was no coming back for any of us.

I just had to trust Siwang. It all rested on him.

*  \ * /  *

Crystal formed a dagger of ice and clutched it tightly as she watched Daleitha die, cut apart by spectral scythes thrown from the lich. She was one of Tuerien's deadliest companions. Crystal's frozen body seethed with anger.

She threw her dagger, catching a phoenix flying overhead in the throat. The monster girl burst into sparks. Crystal would take the lich down. She formed another icy blade and rushed at her enemy. She crossed the fray.

A goblin rose up before crystal, steel sword raised to cut her down.

A flaming pitchfork slammed into the goblin's face. The burning weapon threw the short monster girl back and killed her. Nina Naughty hurtled over, forming another pitchfork she threw at an enemy yuki-onna.

Crystal ran through the motes of the dead goblin and threw her dagger. The blade took the lich into the head. The monster girl ripped the blade out, her wound heeling. More daggers flew out at the monster. She raised an arm to cover her phylactery, that red jewel centered between her tits.

The blades struck the monster girls arm, cutting the lich. The wounds healed.

A spectral scythe flashed out at Crystal. She dove beneath it and came up with another knife. She threw it.

The lich blocked. Behind her, Garjan roared. The werebear threw herself on the lich. The powerful claws of the pair slashed down the lich's back. The blow threw the lich onto her belly, tits slapping the pavement. The deep rents down her body healing.

The lich rolled over as Garjan's powerful jaws lunged own to rip flesh. A spectral scythe decapitate the werebear. She fell forward, her bulk bursting into sparkles that sprayed across the lich. She waved her hand in the air to disrupt them.

Crystal reached the lich, an icy dagger in hand.

“Fucking hate smug pretty girls!” Crystal roared and slammed her dagger down onto the red gem. She shattered the jewel.

The lich gasped in horror before she vanished.

“You bitches wear the gaudiest jewelry,” Crystal said, straightening.

*  \ * /  *

The halo of light slashed through the phoenix.

Mrs. Lucina flew through the shower of sparks as she soared over the battle. Crystal dispatched the lich. She glanced behind her, expecting to see the revived monster girls rushing back in, but she didn't spot any of them yet.

Her next blast took a lemure leaping at Hipera the goblin, killing the undead before she could hit Hipera. The goblin jumped at the sparks raining around her. She spun around then waved up at the angel.

Mrs. Lucina nodded.

She banked around and hissed as Sparnas took fathers from a hippogriff soaring above. Her halo flashed out and clipped the hippogriff's wings. She banked to the right, pulling away from Sparnas, but the snake-tailed monster girl was bleeding badly.

Sparnas vanished into motes.

Hurry back, thought Mrs. Lucina. It wouldn't be long before Tuerien's reinforcements arrived.

Spikes flashed up around her. One took her in the gut. The busty angel gasped in pain. Poison burned in her guts. It spread through her, making her body shudder. The enemy manticore flashed the angel a grin.

She fired a halo at the manticore, but the manticore just flapped her bat-like wings to jump back and avoid it. Mrs. Lucina clenched her hands. Sweat broke about her angelic body. The poison blazed though her. She felt woozy.

She flew over the river as her wings lost their strength.

The angel plunged into the cold water. She gasped at the shock of it. She thrashed, drowning now as the poison killed her. Her body grew weaker and weaker. She stared up at the surface when Ghoda grabbed her.

The hippocampus kissed her, breathing oxygen into the angel's mouth while swimming them to the surface. They broached. Mrs. Lucina leaned her shoulder on the hippocampus's blue shoulder, panting. The pain burned through her.

“I think... I'm dying,” she groaned.

“It's okay,” Ghoda said. “I have you. Soon, you'll be in Souleen's embrace and Lord Leo will return you.”

Mrs. Lucina took comfort in that. She would be back in the battle again. I'll find you, manticore. I'll cut off that foul... scorpion... tale...

She fell into the Void, no longer hugged by Ghoda but by Souleen. She waited to be revived. And waited.

*  \ * /  *

“Come on, let's go,” Alizee shouted as she flew above the battlefield. “We are going to kick those—”

Fire roared behind the sylph. She spun around to see two of the pixies, Amkuraya and Atmaya vanish in the same blaze of fire. The cuties screamed before they snuffed out. A phoenix soared over, her flaming wings angering Alizee.

“You basic bitch!” Alizee shouted and threw blades of air.

The phoenix turned at the shout only to take one blade in the face. It ripped her head open. Alizee looked away—she hated gore in movies—and hear the twinkle of motes. Her foe was dead. Time to kill more of these basic bitch monster girls.

The fenghuang flew over the battlefield with her multicolored fathers. Alizee was above her, unnoticed. The fenghuang hurtled toward the melee on the ground. Toward Crystal. Alizee liked Crystal. She could have been a cheerleader back in the other world.

Alizee threw out her air blades. “Go, babies, go!”

The first one slashed before the fenghuang. She jerked to a stop, wings flapping. That was a mistake because the next one sheered through the enemy monster girl's wing. She spun in the air, shrieking as she fell to the ground. She struck the bridge with a bone-crunching impact.

“Whoopsie!” Alizee said. “Don't you be messing with one of my girls. I'll pull hair! You don't want to get in a fight with a—”

Pain slammed into her back.

Alizee gasped and spun to see a hippogriff hurtling at her. Another pair of turquoise feathers slammed into the sylph's belly. She shuddered at the pain and slashed her arm before her, ripping through the hippogriff's belly.

“Don't mess... with the best,” she said, her body in pain. Blood spilled down her. The feathers ripped deep.

She closed her eyes and didn't fight the pain. It was better to die and come back fresh after halftime. She fell toward the bridge but entered the Void before the impact, the pain a distant memory in the soothing embrace of Souleen.

*  \ * /  *

Nina Naughty shook her head at Alizee's death.

She threw a pitchfork and slammed it into the back of an orc. Paetu swept over the bridge, throwing three hellhounds into the water where the mermaids and hippocampi awaited them. The battle was almost over. It was just moping up.

Hraniti, one of the rock elementals, burst into pieces of stone from a cockatrice's shout. Level 1 monster girls were more susceptible to the paralyzation. But she died. Maybe because she was made of stone. Sonic attacks probably are more effective.

Nina Naughty threw her pitchfork.

It buried into the back of the cockatrice and dispatched her.

Garnet threw a net that tangled up an enemy hippogriff. Then Isatu flew by and breathed fire, engulfing her. The pair high-fived before flying off to cause more problems. Those two would be a great pair of dominatrixes. Cute girls in leather with whips. Make some great femdom porn.

Well, Nina Naughty wasn't in the porn business any longer. She was in something far, far wilder.

She looked around and nodded. A lot of their forces were gone. She seemed to be the highest ranked monster girl in the air. And it wasn't much better on the ground. Vilkas tackled a lemure and savaged the poor thing.

Nina grinned at Pajara, one of the phoenixes, winging by. “Nice dust up.”

“We kicked their asses, Big Sis Nina!” the phoenix answered. “Ooh, a rogue pixie! Bye!”

A ball of fire killed the enemy monster girl.

Below, Zobens cut off the head of a yuki-onna. That was the last of the enemy monster girls left.

Producer, first wave is a success,” Nina Naughty sent to Leo. “But we need those reinforcements. You are clear to move the dungeon entrance to the island. It is secure.”

We have a big problem,” he answered.

Click here for the next part! 


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