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How can you resist that delicious pussy full of all your cum?

You fall to your knees on the couch Miranda is lounging against, her legs spread wide. The scent of tangy pussy and salty cum fills your nose. You never knew it's a combination that would make your mouth water so much.

You lean down to feast on her when Miranda shudders, “What about me?”

“Huh?” you ask, your cum matting her fiery bush. It looks just delicious. “I'm about to eat you.”

“But my mouth doesn't have anything to do.”

Your cock throbs. “Sixty-nine?”

She nods wickedly.

“Oh, Miranda, I think I love you!”

She grins. “Mmm, at least you love my mouth.”

You giggle and turn around. You slide over her, your girl-dick swaying beneath you. It's hard and throbbing. It aches so much. You shudder, pussy juices leaking down your shaft to her hungry mouth. Your cock sways over her, swinging back and forth. You brush the inner slope of her boob as you crawl backward over her.

She giggles while you shudder. Her tit feels amazing on your cock. Then she grabs your clit-dick, stroking it. She pulls you along as you settle into position above her. She presses the spongy tip right into her hungry lips.

She sucks your girl-dick into her mouth.

You moan in delight. Your pussy clenches, pussy cream running down your shaft to her hungry lips. You can feel the trickle working lower and lower to her sucking mouth. Then it reaches her lips. She groans, tasting your flavor.

“Mmm, Miranda, you are the best,” you moan as Miranda sucks and nurses on your cock.

You lean your head down and stare at that beautiful pussy spread out before you. Cum leaks out of her depths, matting her fiery bush. Pleasure surges through your body as you nuzzle into her. You lick and lap at her, collecting that wonderful mix of her tangy cream and your salty cum.

“That's delicious,” you moan.

She sucks harder on your girl-dick.

Smiling, you're eager to make her explode. You nuzzle your tongue into her twat, gathering your thick, salty futa-jizz out of her. She gasps, her back arching. Her body shudders beneath you. She wiggles, rubbing her cum-matted bush into your face as you lick and lap at her, gathering up more and more of your spunk.

She sucks and nurses, her tongue dancing around the spongy crown of your dick. More pussy cream dribbles down your shaft. You love it. Your tongue darts through her folds, feasting on the creampie you made. You tease her, flicking your tongue through her folds as you squirm beneath you.

“Damn,” you pant between licks. “This is hot. I fired so much in you.”

“Uh-hmm,” she purrs around your dick. Her tongue caresses around your spongy crown before she sucks again.

You shudder at the wicked sensation.

Your girl-dick pulses in her mouth as you lap up your jizz. You jam your tongue deep into her, searching for all the spunk you can find. She tastes delicious mixed with your girl-cum. You're eager to find every drop you can.

It grows rarer and rarer. The tangy flavor of her pussy dominates until all your jizz is gone. You don't mind. Miranda tastes amazing.

Her passion echoes through the room. She sucks and nurses on your girl-dick while you feast on her. The couch squirms as your hips wiggle. Your pussy clenches every time she sucks. The pressure grows and grows in your ovaries.

“I'm going to flood your mouth,” you groan.

“Mmm,” she purrs.

“Yeah, you want that.” You lick from her clit to her pussy hole. “Just eager for it.”

“Uh-huh,” she groans, voice muffled.

She sucks harder. The pleasure is incredible. She creates a vacuum with her mouth. The pressure pulls at your ovaries. The ache builds at the tip of your girl-dick. You latch onto her clit, eager to nurse just as hard on her bud.

She bucks beneath you. She moans about your girl-dick. She shudders, wiggling from side to side. Her bush rubs into your nose and mouth. Her clit throbs between your lips. Her moans hum around your dick, driving you wild.

You're so close. It won't take much more.

Miranda squeals. She sucks hard as her tangy juices gush out of her. She bathes your mouth and lips. She drowns you in her pussy cream. You lap it up. You gather up all her spunk. You feast on her. It's incredible to enjoy.

Your tongue darts into her pussy. You lap and lick and savor this amazing treat. It's the best thing you've ever had. You shudder atop her. Her sucking increases as she shudders through her orgasm. You groan.



Your pussy clenches as your cream flows out of you, dribbling down your cock. You fire cum into her hungry mouth, flooding her with blast after blast of your jizz. You pant, your face rubbing back and forth into her silky bush and juicy pussy.

The dual pleasure surges through you. You shudder, sparks bursting in your eyes while she gulps down your cum and the pussy juices flooding down your cock to her lips. Your cunt spasms. Rapture and ecstasy fill your body.

“Oh, my god, yes!” you moan. “Oh, that's it. Mmm, I love it. I love cumming with my futa-dick”

You wiggle your hips, fucking your erupting cock in and out of her mouth. You shudder, the two pleasures surging through your body. Your heart pounds in your chest. You gasp and moan, ecstasy firing from your spurting clit-dick while rapture washes out of your writhing cunt.

It's incredible.

Your mind is melting. You whimper, squeezing your eyes shut. Your pleasure peaks in you as Miranda sucks the last of cum out of your ovaries. You pant and groan into her pussy, breathing in her tangy delight. She pops her lips off your cock and pants.

“Oh, that was amazing,” she whimpers beneath you. “Mmm, and you're still hard.”

Her finger nudges the tip of your cock. You groan as she giggles. She bats it again, making your dick swing back and forth. Pleasure races up to your pussy still aching from the orgasm.

“That's not a toy,” you say.

“Mmm, it's not?” She flicks the tip with your tongue. “You sure, because my pussy really, really wants to play with it again.”

Your dick twitches. “Oh?”

“Imagine me on top this time, riding you.” Miranda flicks the tip of your dick again, swinging it back and forth. “You can watch my breasts bounce. How does that sound?”

“Well, this is a game developer's lobby,” you say, “it would be a mistake not to play some sort of game.”

She giggles.

The pair of your squirm, shifting out of the way. You manage to squeeze between her and the back of the couch, the fabric rubbing on your flesh. You get on your back, your breasts jiggling. Miranda gasps and rolls off.

“You okay?” you ask.

She bursts into giggling laughter. “Fine, fine. You won't be looking at my butt, anyways. So you won't notice the bruise.”

“Mmm, just those cute titties.”

She pops up, rubbing her rump before she straddles you. Her round breasts, topped by her pink nipples, sways. A wicked gleam pops into her blue eyes. Her fiery hair, mussed from your naughty fun, tumbles about the hungry expression on her face. She mounts you, grabbing your cock in hand, her tongue flicking over her ruby lips.

“Mmm, your pussy cream tastes good,” she said. “It was hot when it ran down your cock to my mouth.”

“So did yours,” I said, the tangy flavor lingering on your lips.

As she brings your cock to her pussy lips, you catch her gaze. You shudder at the intensity in her blue eyes. They bore down on you, making you shiver. You groan as she sinks her pussy down your cock. You whimper as she takes more and more of you. The pleasure surges down your shaft. Your heart hammers in your chest as she swallows your dick. It's an incredible thrill.

More and more of her pussy engulfs you. That amazing cunt bottoms out on your dick. You groan, her blue eyes twinkling. That passion so intoxicating to witness. Your hands casually stroke up her thighs to her hips as you grin at her.

“Mmm, you're supposed to be staring at my tits,” she says as she rises up your cock.

“Then your eyes shouldn't be so bewitching,” you groan, your heart speeding up as pleasure ripples down your shaft.

“Bewitching, huh?” she asks, arching an eyebrow. “Mmm, so you're under my spell?”


She winks a sapphire eye at you.

The pleasure builds and builds as she rides you. Your cock savors being in her pussy. It's incredible having this futa-dick. Your cock throbs and aches in her depth. It twitches, the pleasure building and building with her every undulation. You groan, hands flexing. Your heart pounds in your chest, drinking in this wild delight.

She feels incredible wrapped about you. Her cunt drives you insane. It's a bliss. A wicked treat that will have you exploding. You clench your hands, gritting your teeth against the intensity of her pussy working up and down your cock.

“Shit,” you pant, heart thudding. “Oh, wow, that's good. Mmm, Miranda!”

“I know,” she moans, her hands finding your tits. She's staring into your eyes with such intensity, her blue depths almost glowing. “Wow, you have pretty eyes.”

You smile, your hands sliding up her stomach. You feel her muscles flexing as she rides you, dancing beneath her skin. You climb higher to those tits. You cup them, squeeze them. You love how plump they feel.

She moans, groping you as you knead her. Your hands play with the other's tits. You brush nipples. Her digits caress yours. You moan and gasp, the pleasure building and building in the depths of your cunt.

“Ooh, yes, yes, you have such a tight pussy!” she moans. “Mmm, I'm going to cum so hard on this dick!”

“Yes!” you pant, lost to those blue eyes.

She leans over, changing the angle that her pussy slides up and down your cock. You're rubbing against the top of her silky sheath. Your dick throbs from the silky friction. Her fingers dig into your tits as she licks her lips.

She ducks down, pressing her tits into yours as she kisses you. The taste of your pussy mixes with her naughty juices. You kiss each other, moaning as she rocks on you. Your hands slide around her body, rubbing her back as she works her cunt up and down your dick.

Your breasts rub together, nipples brushing. Sparks of delight fly from them. They zap down to your pussy. Your cunt clenches as the current passes through on the way to the tip of your girl-dick. The pressure aches there as her pussy massages you.

She feels incredible around you. She moans into the kiss, her tongue penetrating your mouth. You duel with her, hands sliding down to grab her rump. You squeeze her as she rocks on you, pussy sliding up and down your dick.

It's heavenly.

Your heart pounds. You feel so close to Miranda. Drunk on her. She breaks the kiss, staring into your eyes.

She moans your name.

“Miranda!” you gasp back, kneading her ass. “Oh, Miranda, yes!”

“I know,” she purrs, her eyes bright and hot. “Ooh, this is wicked. I love it.”

“Work that cunt up and down my cock,” you pant, lost to her blue eyes.

“Yes, yes,” she moans. “We have to explode. Together.”

“Together!” you gasp, fingers digging into her rump as the glide of her pussy brings you to that point of exploding in her twat.

She slams down your cock. You're so close. She shudders atop you. You can feel it. That moment building and building in you. Then she throws back her head. She gasps out in rapture as her pussy convulses around your dick.

You erupt.

You both kiss as your orgasm surges through you. This amazing rapture hammers your mind while her pussy milks your girl-dick. You kiss her, emotion surging through you as your cum erupts over and over into her pussy.

You tremble beneath her, your tits rubbing together as that wonderful pleasure spurts out of you a final time. Your pussy keeps convulsing, waves of rapture mixing with the ecstasy that fires from your cock.

It's the best thing in the world

She whimpers into the kiss and then breaks it. Her eyes sparkle as they stare down at you. She shivers, licking her lips. You groan and pant, your dick twitching inside her cunt as this swell of emotions rushes through you.

There's something about Miranda.

Something amazing.

“Screw work,” you say. “Let's get out of here and have fun.”

She nods in delight.

Continue on to you and Miranda have a wild time! 

Note: These links are to give context to the pole!

Do you decide to double-down to Paris on the lie that you were born futa? 

Do you give Paris a sneak preview of the Small Titty futa-test? 

Do you and Cassie pull Paris into her office to give her results? 

Do you go to Deandra's lab with Miranda to learn about your futa-cock? 


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