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You groan as her pussy squeezes around your cock. Your body buzzes from exploding into Miranda's pussy. The redhead shudders, her twat squeezing around you. Your clothing rustles, skirts bunched up. The elevator shifts and groans. You're on the thirteenth floor. You could get off, but you want to find somewhere private.

“I know a place,” she groans as she hits the button for the 20th floor.

You're intrigued as the elevator lurches up. Her pussy clenches around your dick as she shifts her stance. You're rising fast, not far to go. If it stops on any floor... People are in for one kinky surprise. You can't wait for it.

The elevator dings at the 20th floor. It opens up onto an empty lobby with a comfortable-looking couch to the right facing a receptionist desk. Beyond is a glass wall with a door through it, Mondical Games is printed in wild lettering across it.

“Mondical Games?” you ask, frowning. “Why are they closed on a Friday?”

“You know, they're one of those trendy video game developers,” she purrs as she steps off the elevator, working at the buttons of her light-purple blouse. “They all to the park on Fridays and relax. But weirdly, they work all through the weekend.”

“Huh,” you say. “Mondical? What does that even mean.”

Miranda shrugs as she slides out her blouse. “Do you care what they call it? They have a couch and we can get naughty. No one will be here.”

“No, I don't,” you answer, stepping off.

The elevator doors close behind you. You smile as Miranda'sround breasts jiggle in her white bra. You attack the buttons of your own blouse, the rose-hue silk caressing your fingers. You are aching for it your girl-dick eager for more fun. Having a futa-cock is amazing. It's the best thing you've ever experience. You just want to have more and more fun with Miranda.

Your blouse falls to the floor and you unhook your satin bra, freeing your round breasts. You lick your lips as her tits come into view. They sway as she slides off her tight, dark-purple skirt, revealing white panties bunched around her thighs. Your cum drips out of her pussy lips. You groan as she peels down her panties and you work off your satin pair, your girl-dick bouncing before you.

“Ooh, that cock is amazing,” she moans, stretching out naked on the couch, her legs spread wide.

You shudder as you shove off your skirt. It slides over your girl-dick. You gasp at the silky caress. Your hard cock throbs and aches. It springs out a moment later, slicking a bead of Miranda'spussy juices that lands on her tit.

She scoops it up with her finger and sucks on it, shuddering in delight. “Mmm, cum here and fuck me!”

You smile as you stare at her. Your cum is leaking out and running down to her rump. You've already fucked her pussy. A naughty idea pops into your head. “What if fucked your asshole? Mmm, but I could also eat out your cunt full of my jizz.”

“While I suck your girl-dick?” Miranda asked, a naughty gleam in her eyes.

“Yes!” you gasp. “That sounds hot, too.”

“So does getting fucked up the ass!” moans Miranda.

Both options sound kinky Which one do you choose?

Do you eat out Miranda'scum-filled pussy? 

Do you fuck Miranda'stight asshole? 


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