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Chapter Nine

Hagane hit the paving stones with a loud clatter. The fierce face of the manticore stared down at the animated statue. Hagane slashed with her armblades, only for the manticore to grab the animated statue's limbs slam them to the ground.

“Sorry,” the manticore said. “You're better off serving Lord Tuerien than opposing him. When he kills Leo, don't seek oblivion.”

“I will not surrender,” said Hagane.

Bjorni roared nearby. She ripped the yeti who had pounced on her in half and rose. But the yuki-onnas on the rooftop sent glittering daggers that ripped through Bjorni. The bugbear staggered, her body spurting blood.

She fell to her knees and vanished.

Monster girls fought and died around her. Hagane couldn't fight, pinned by the manticore. One of Siwang's basilisks shouts. The yeti staggered but her claws flashed out and ripped the cockatrices throat out. She vanished.

Neredza dueled one of the yeti, but the monster girl ducked beneath the armor's sword and slammed into her breastplate. Claws raked on metal. Bits of steel plate flew apart before Neredza screamed and vanished.

“Neredza!” Aizsardzi cried. The last of Leo's animated armors slashed her sword and cut the yeti's head off.

Zobens and Dzelzs dueled another yeti. The two orcs' golden swords kept the Ice monster girl at bay. An ice dagger struck Zobens in the arm. She gasped. The yeti sprang for her, but Dzelzs shoved Zobens to the side, and thrust. Her blade took the yeti in the belly.

The yeti's claws ripped out Dzelzs's throat. The orc vanished.

“NOOOOO!” Zobens roared and hacked off the yeti's head, killing her.

More ice struck Zobens a heartbeat later and cut her down. The yuki-onna decimated them. Another cockatrice died while the last one alive shouted, hitting sole remaining yeti. She staggered and Aizsardzi's sword flashed, cutting down the enemy monster girl.

Ice pinged off the animated armor, her steel exterior protecting the spirit inside.

I cannot just lie here, Hagane thought, pinned by the manticore. The enemy monster girl was waiting for her allies to come and finish Hagane off. Ice can freeze me. Those yuki-onna can make me brittle then I can be torn apart.

Hagane had to act.

She had to think of a new way to attack. She could shape her arms, so why not other parts of her?

“You should serve,” said the manticore. “Lord Tuerien does not treat his monster girls poorly. He is far better master than my original owner.”

“My Leo is the best man in the world,” Hagane said. “I will serve no master but him.”

“Then you are a fool,” the manticore said, ice shattering on metal in the background, poor Aizsardzi pelted from all directions.

“No,” Hagane said. “A fool believes she knows everything. Wisdom in understanding you know nothing”

“What?” the manticore asked. “That's the dumbest—”

Hagane re-shaped her face into an ax blade even as she headbutted the manticore. The sharp edge of her features buried deep into the manticore's face and skull. The manticore screamed in pain, blood spurting from the wound. She ripped her head back, her rip on Hagane's arms relaxing.

The animated armor yanked her armblades free and plunged them both into the manticore's body. “Serve my Leo, and you will not be sorry.”

The manticore gurgled, blood spilling over her lips, then vanished.

Ice crashed into Hagane's body. The cold hurt more than the impacts. She rolled to her feet as the yuki-onna above had the freedom to attack. The temperature in her body lowered with each impact, making her chrome-like flesh brittle.

*  \ * /  *

“Shit,” I muttered as I watched the battle. “Smerta, I have a mission for you!”

Please, I'm eager to join the fun,” the valkyrie answered.

Then move your ass east!”

*  \ * /  *

Hagane dropped to her knees, her back pelted with the ice. Aizsardzi staggered in the street, the frozen daggers scoring her armor. Eventually, one would hit her in the right spot to drive into the spirit beneath and disrupt her.

Kill her.

Frost spilled over Hagane's chrome. Strands of her wiry hair snapped off from the brittle cold. The pain grew. Agony struck her. She didn't see how she would stay in this fight. She had no range powers. She had failed to secure the bridge.

Lightning flashed from the end of the street.

Hagane blinked to see Smerta racing in her frozen armor, a horde of devas behind her. They fired blasts of lightning up at the yuki-onnas on the rooftops. The bolts of electricity slammed into the air and killed some.

The icy daggers flew at them.

Krutysi died, the deva cut down by the daggers. But it didn't matter because more blasts of lightning from Kekse and Puliu, from Tvanku, Siela, and Auksasa hurtled up at the yuki-onna, killing them or forcing them behind cover.

Which was bad for them as the werefoxes scrambled up the buildings. Their orange-red tails swished behind them as they scrambled up homes on both sides of the street and sprang on the yuki-onna taking cover.

Ice flashed, cutting down Laal and Shikaara, but the other werefoxes sprang on the yuki-onna and attacked with their vicious teeth. Hagane groaned as she stood, steam rising off her body as the frost melted from her. It hurt to move, though.

“We have a bridge to secure,” Smerta said, striding down the street and grinning at her.

“Indeed,” Hagane said. “Your arrival was timely.”

She pointed up. “Lord Leo is watching over us.”

The pain faded from Hagane for a moment as a warmth washed through her metal body. Joy. Leo was watching over them. They would win this battle. She could feel it. Leo and Tuerien appeared evenly match.

Leo had allies.

*  \ * /  *

Smerta and Hagane strode onto the bridge over the river. The surviving werefoxes, devas, and one lone animated armor took up positions on it. I nodded, glad that the route for the women would hold, for now. I moved back to the palace.

Terra and her forces waited at the Spire for any of Tuerien's forces to appear. They had not. Was he not at Void Crystal? Maybe he wasn't. Was he somewhere in the city? Perhaps at the Temple of Water figuring out how to take the sword.

If he saw Tuerien in the open, well, Leo might have to bring the fight to him. The battle had gone very well. It was so tempting to invade Tuerien's dungeon, but they had to worry about the civilians. Those took priority.

Maya, start the women moving,” I sent to my girlfriend.

*  \ * /  *

Sure, perv,” Maya answered Leo. She looked at Morana then glanced to King Thanitis. He was moving amid the women, giving them comfort.

Many of them were hugging him, planting kisses on his cheeks. The children cheered him. He looked so regal. In his element. He cared for his people. Maya couldn't help but smile. Things had gone so well. Their causalities were surprisingly light.

At least here.

“Your Majesty,” Maya said, moving to him. “It's time evacuate your people. The bridge over the river is secure, as are the gates. Ms. Trueno and Xiongbu are moving through the streets, but so far it's safe.”

“Right, right,” he said and turned to them, holding up his arms as he gave his commands.

His people listened.

They began to move, the soldiers forming around the women. They marched through the palace grounds toward the two open gates, the forces dividing into two serpents that wound away from the palace.

Maya waved to Terra standing guard at the spire with her monster girls.

*  \ * /  *

Tuerien had not considered this problem. His teleporter had to be outside his dungeon. It was right there. The damned golem was standing on it. He stared at her from the window. Several arachne crawled on the outside of his building.

It was a trap. The moment I stepped out, I would be attacked. I might get to it before they could hurt me, but...

Tuerien debated if now was the time to reveal all his tricks. Leo still had not revealed himself. So long as he slunk around in the city somewhere, now wasn't the time. Tuerien didn't need to get to his Void Crystal. He had left it back in the heart of his dungeon miles to the south and protected behind lethal traps.

So long as know one came near it, he would hold back.

Frustration burned through him. He wanted to revive his dead monster girls and send them in for the counterattack. All his plans, his future army of sons and daughters, evaporated before his eyes. He had worked hard to take the people of the city.

But there would be other cities.

He breathed slowly. Carefully. Leo was a slippery bastard. He had destroyed Sulanga. Best to wait for the perfect chance to annihilate him. It would come. Leo would show himself eventually. He would crawl out of the shadows like the self-important roach he was.

Leo had to be the hero.

That was why Tuerien knew that one day, they would fight. Leo would have to defeat the “evil” Tuerien Ironbane himself. His ego would not allow him any other option. His view of himself as a “good” dungeon builder demanded it.

“Patience,” Tuerien whispered to himself.

*  \ * /  *

Terra, the armies are moving,” I sent to my golem and her forces in front of the Spire. “Guard the rear.”

Sure thing,” Terra said.

I watched her on the scrying sensor burst into a job. The arachne on the building leaped down and rushed after her with her remaining force. Things were shifting. The battle was turning in our favor. Hopefully.

I watched the screen. Reinforcements from the Spire could come at any moment. If Tuerien wanted to stop the exodus. But I was here at my Void Crystal. I could start reviving my own forces and flood them through the city if I needed to.

I could force my monster girls to have to die a second time. A third. I watched the screen, waiting to see what would happen next.

Chapter Ten

I watched the city. Mordera died. I shifted my sensor around to find a fight between the hounds (both my hell and my dark) along with Paanee in the streets with a group of Tuerien's cockatrices. My hounds were being pressed from all side.

Paanee spat acid, hitting one in the face. The green-scaled monster girl fell to the ground, her face sizzling, and vanished in a burst of motes. The cockatrices screamed as my hounds pounded. The hellhounds and wildhounds both leaped through the air.

Some hit limp on the ground, paralyzed by the cockatrices shouts.

Lana, help out Paanee's patrol,” I sent to my favorite movie star. “They're in the eastern side of the city.”

On it,” she answered.

Cysgodied a moment later as she lay paralyzed, a cockatrice ripping her throat open. Paanee spat another ball of acid, but the enemy ducked beneath it and sprang at her. Talons flashed and ripped open the front of Paanee's belly. Her tail swung around and crushed the enemy cockatrice, flinging her back and slamming her into a wall with a bone-crunching impact.

Paanee swayed from her injuries as another cockatrice jumped on her. Paanee bit her foe on the thigh, but the cockatrice ripped out the naga's throat. I shuddered as Paanee died, returned to my Void Crystal. The enemy that killed her landed on her bird-like feet.

She didn't stay up long. She fell to the ground, twitching and dying from Paanee's venomous bite.

From the shadows, the enemy adlet joined the fray. The icy dog-like monster girl jumped onto Ci and ripped her apart. I hated watching this.

*  \ * /  *

Lana Fulmine spotted the battle. She descended on the battle, watching Ci burst into sparks. The enemy adlet jumped and slammed into Hela who was in mid-leap. The pair tumbled and landed on the ground. Hela burst into sparks. The adlet spun and ripped open Du as she went to her fellow wildhound's aid. The cockatrices stunned Solodada and Infierna, killing them on the ground.

“Bitches,” Lana hissed at the sight of the helpless hellhounds being ripped apart.

Perra and Marwo had their revenge. The wildhound and hellhound jumped onto the backs of the cockatrices and ripped out their throats. Lana's heart sang with victory as she led her quetzalcoatls and thunderbirds into the fray, Paetu flying at her side.

Lana Fulmine's wings crackled with electricity, her anger manifested in arcs of energy.

“NOW!” Lana cried.

Bolts of lightning erupted from the skies. Her wings discharged her electricity while more fired from the quetzalcoatls and the thunderbirds. They slammed into the cockatrices. Enemy monster girls burst into motes before they could stun more of the surviving hounds.

A mighty wind roared as Paetu spun into a tornado and slammed into the street.

The adlet turned and fear flashed across her face as the swirling wings swept into the Ice monster girl. The winds engulfed her in the funnel. She spun around before being flung high into the sky. The adlet clawed at the air as she soared past Lana Fulmine.

Fear twisted her face as the adlet hit the top of her arc. She twisted about, looking around for something to save her. But there was nothing. She hurtled back to the ground and struck the roof of a building hard, breaking through it with a bone-crunching impact and a burst of motes.

Lana Fulmine swooped over the surviving hellhounds and wildhounds. They yipped at her as she banked over and turned to spot the mass of civilians and the army flooding through the streets north to flee the city.

The hellhounds and wildhounds bounced off to guard them.

Lana Fulmine led her team back up into the air to spot any other threats. They were so close to success. So close to getting the civilians out of the city. They just had to keep working for it. From up high, she watched the women streaming across the bridge to join their men.

A mass of humanity that she helped save. A smile split her lips. This was far more satisfying than sucking some fat producer's dick to have a part in another movie.

*  \ * /  *

Garnet gasped as she spotted Guang's patrol. Siwang's Lampetia was on her back while Tuerien's manic maenad had pounced on her. The lampetia tried to fire her light, but she was being pummeled from behind while around her, chaos boiled.

The goblins and will o' wisps she lead were in trouble. Tuerien had his own ghosts, and they were killing the poor monster girls. The goblins swords were useless. The little, green monster girls jumped and leaped to avoid the spectral touch of the ghosts, but...

They died.

“No!” Garnet cried, a big, shadow dildo in her hand.

The will o' wisps fired their lightning, but the ghosts could take one or two hits, surviving long enough to sweep over the will o' wisps and kill them. Garnet shook in anger while the phoenixes with her burned bright.

“Let's go!” she cried, swooping down on them.

“Yes, yes, we have to save them!” Alizee cried, diving with Garnet, the phoenixes behind them.

And it wasn't just ghosts in the enemy party. Vampires, too.

One jumped on Klitorsa and bore her down, biting her on the neck and feeding on her blood. Hipera, the last goblin standing, dodged a ghost only of a vampire to pounce from behind and tear into her neck. She kicked as she died.

Sviesos and Dvasia both fired their balls of lightning at that vampire. They stuck the enemy monster girl in the back. The vampire ripped out Hipera's throat. Blood spurted. The goblin died. The vampire turned to the two will o' wisps.

They hit the vampire again. The energy burst across her body. She staggered back and died. The two Level 1 monster girls had taken down the Level 3. But the ghosts were on them. Sviesos and Dvasia winked out from the spectral touch.

“Kill them!” screamed Garnet.

“Ooh, that evil cunt!” screamed Alizee.

The phoenixes shot fire down.

The maenad ripped off Guang's head and held it up for the brief second it lasted before vanishing into motes. Her victory was short lived as all the phoenixes hit her with a ball of fire. The maenad went up like a dead pine tree struck by lightning.

She became a bonfire before she died.

The four vampires turned into bats and leaped into the air to fly up at Garnet's forces. The enemy ghosts started two only for Leo's and Siwang's ghosts to emerge from the building and sweep into them. Ghosts grabbed ghosts, annihilating each other.

The four vampires climbed into the sky in their bat form, eyes red. Garnet turned her dildo into bondage net. She threw that down at one, wrapping it up. Wings pinned, she fell to the ground. Alizee slashed the air, her blade of wind slicing another in half. Fire shot at the other two.

One dodged.

The other didn't.

The vampire burst into flames and screeched as she died. The remaining vampire banked around and fled for the ground. She dove for the fight between the ghosts. As she did, sphinxes appeared on the nearby roofs.

They roared.

Their sonic attacks slammed into the vampire from three different directions and ripped her apart.

“That's right!” Garnet shouted, Leo's and Siwang's ghosts the only ones remaining on the street. “You don't mess with Dark Lady Naughty Garnet and the evil forces of Dark Lord Big Bro!”

“Woot!” Alizee cheered. “That's right! We kick ass!”

Chapter Eleven

It seemed that the last resistance in the city had fallen. The army was escorting the refugees through the city. Almost all the women had crossed the bridge. Terra was at the end of it, the last monster girl across.

“It is going well,” Fara said. “Our loses are better than expected. Are you going to reinforce?”

I shook my head. “Tuerien is replenishing his forces, but he hasn't sent them out yet. I don't want to open my dungeon up to any surprises he might have in the city. For now, we're winning. We're leading the civilian's north.”

“Lady Ninli has blessed us so far,” Lysila said from where she prayed.

“Yes, she has,” I said. I wondered what she would be like. Ultimately, I planned on recovering the Blessed Blade of Water from the temple, but that was for the second half of the operation. The most important part was getting the civilian's clear. “Fara, watch the battle. I'm going to start reviving our forces and ready for sending them back in if they're needed.”

“Yes, Lord Leo,” Fara said and stepped up to the scryer. “Thank you for leaving it in a panoramic view.”

I chuckled. “Would be pointless not to.”

She couldn't move it.

I grabbed the Void Crystal. Right now, Tuerien had to be doing the same thing, replenishing his forces. I didn't know why he hadn't immediately sent them out or at least grouped them up for counterattacks. The women's column was weak, and he could have other exits scattered throughout the city I didn't know about.

What was Tuerien's next move?

*  \ * /  *

Tuerien stood before the closed doors of his dungeon. He stared at them. The golem and her forces had evacuated, but had Leo left any nasty surprises outside of the doors. He has to know this is where my reinforcements will come from.

Tuerien took a deep breath. He had to do it. He nodded to the two duallahans that stood by the door. The Death monster girls pushed open the door for him. He stepped outside alone. He didn't know what magics Leo had. The man had all the Glyphs.

He felt exposed out here. It was silent. Rubble from where Leo's dungeon had erupted lay scattered around the palace grounds. A section of the wall had collapsed. But no one was here. Everyone had fled. Tuerien was ready to cast spells.

He had his first attack ready in his mind as he stepped to the spot.

He felt it like a current running over his skin.

He activated it and appeared in a thicket. A dense bramble of blackberry that shrouded the entrance to his dungeon. It was thirty or forty feet thick in every direction. Dense and woody. An adventuring party would have to hack through it to find him, and that was work.

When he discovered this natural bramble near his dungeon, he knew it was the prefect spot to hide his entrance. He rushed down the stairs and into the darkness of his dungeon. He still had to navigate through the labyrinth back to his Vault.

He broke into a run, knowing the path instinctually.

It takes time for him to get back. Time for Leo and his forces to regroup, too. It was clear Leo didn't want a confrontation. He cared only about appearing heroic and saving the people. And yet he hadn't appeared in person.

Tuerien had to counter attack to force him into the open.

Finally, he reached his Vault. He panted as he entered. Soulita stretched on the black crystal. “You lost a lot of monster girls.”

“Yep,” he said. “Fucker flooded the city. He scouted me out.”

“Mmm, that's so mean of him.” She giggled like a schoolgirl. She appeared eighteen with a playful smile. “Ooh, you need to kick his butt!”

“If he ever shows up. The coward managed to stay hidden.”

“He didn't seek the glory?” Soulita kicked her legs. “That's so weird of him. I don't get why he would do that. Not one bit.”

“Nor me.” Tuerien grabbed his Void Crystal and began summoning his monster girls, filling up the chambers of the Spires with them.

He sent them out into the square to fill up their ranks and charge at Leo's forces in mass. It would warn his enemy, but he had no choice. He had a lot of monster girls to revive. All his companions plus his Level 1 through Level 3 monster girls had died today.

Next time would be different.

*  \ * /  *

“Terra's off the bridge,” Fara reported.

I paused in my recreation of monster girls to look over my shoulder at her. I thought for a moment. “Oreads, take out the bridge now.”

Yes, Lord Leo!” Dongara reported.

I headed to the scryer to watch that. The bridge the women crossed quivered as the three oread did their work. Dust burst from parts of it. A hunk of stone fell from it and crashed into the river. I smiled at that.

“More monster girls coming,” gasped Fara.

I flicked to the streets to see Tuerien had revived his monster girls. They were flooding through the streets. More were in the air. The counterattack was coming. I took in a deep breath. The ground forces rushed for the bridge.

Another section of stone broke free and plummeted into the Myr. Water splashed. A great wave washed through it before the current dissipated it. The supports of the bridge shook. I couldn't hear it, but I imagined a loud groan filling the air.

The bridge plummeted into the river.

I didn't feel any of the oreads die.

Good work,” I sent them as the enemy monster girls realized they had to find another way across. There were other ones, but it bought a few seconds. “Take your positions to spy on the city.”

Yes, Lord Leo,” a pleased Dongara responded.

*  \ * /  *

Tuerien scrying sensor appeared in the air. No longer in his lofty vantage in the Spire, he had to see. He watched the bridge collapse. His monster girls split up to head east and west to cross other bridges.

“How did you do that?” wondered Tuerien. “And why would you march an army through your dungeon. Why take that chance?”

“He's got balls,” said Soulita.

“Of course he does.” Tuerien tapped his foot. “But an army? That's a lot of men to let into his dungeon. They could have turned on him and killed him.”

“They wanted to save their families.” Soulita did the splits on top of her jewel and giggled. “Men do strange things for love, right?”

“I suppose.” Tuerien fumed. “Those soldiers. There's a lot of them. How can I get my prisoners back?”

“By killing them all!”

Tuerien snorted. “If it only it was that simple.”

*  \ * /  *

The enemy monster girls were across the river and closing in on my forces. The army was at the gates, though. The refugees were fleeing the city. Terra turned to make her stand as the rear guard. Morana and Maya rushed to help, the vampires and aoi sithe with them.

The arachne fired their webbing at the lead monster girls, a mix of goblins and cockatrices. They slowed some down, but there were too many. Terra formed her hammer fists and slammed one into a wendigo, killing her, but the forces were on her.

They mobbed her.

Morana's shriek tore through the enemies. Aos sithe teleported into the fray while the vampires dropped from the sky. Lana Fulmine soared in with her forces. Paetu's tornado swept in from the side of the enemy force.

It was chaos.

My surviving monster girls rushed down the force to join the battle.

Terra died.

Mrs. Lucina dove into the fray, her halo bursting with light. Feya's wand fire burst of light. Alizee slashed her wind blade and my little succubus threw out her dildos and her bondage ropes, tangling up flying monster girls while she dodged blasts of fire and screeches from sphinxes.

Lightning sizzled in the air.

Lana Fulmine dodged beneath a blast of wind from the tennyo. She hit her with a burst of lightning only for feathers from three hippogriffs to rip through her crackling form. My favorite movie starlet burst into motes.


Baaghi charged into the fray. The survivors of my forces fought and died. Agubnamus breathed her blasts of water, slamming into the enemy forces. I watched on, debating if I should intercede. The battle raged on the streets.

The army evacuated the civilians.

Baaghi died in the middle of the brawl. Somewhere in that press of enemy monster girls, she vanished. Motes burst across the battle field. Morana's shrieks killed a few goblins, salamanders, and orcs. Then she killed a yuki-onna. But the ghosts rushed through her shrieks and pounced on her. They swarmed her, letting a group of orcs charge.

Her scream killed three of them.

The fourth took her head off.

The fiery shesha spat fire that hit Mrs. Lucina in the air. My angel burst into flames.

Alizee finished off the shesha. The cheerleader soared through the sky, throwing out blades of air down into the enemy monster girls. She decapitated a sphinx and sliced in half a wendigo. She dodged a barrage of ice from enemy yuki-onna.

A loud shriek burst from the enemy monster girls. Tuerien's banshee killed Alizee.

Unleash me, Lord Leo!” Agubnamus demanded. “Let me show this foul villain the true power of Myrecilla's defender!”

No,” I said. I did not have enough mana veins for that. Only five. “The civilians are escaping. Just keep attacking for as long as you can.”

Fine, my Lord!”

Her anger resonated in her words. Her torrents of water struck with such power, she battered enemy monster girls to death. She struck the lich and dove down, ripping out the red gem, killing her. As she took to the air, the enemy redcap jumped on her back, stabbing with swords. The pair vanished into the brawl.

Motes burst from where Agubnamus landed. Water jetted as she killed the enemy, but she was silenced. My monster girls perished. Garnet died. I didn't even see how. She was just gone. My forces were dwindling.

My ghosts were among the last, killing pixies in the air. They descended on the ground and killed some cockatrices and orcs. But the enemy ghosts surged in. Phoenixeshit them with fire from above. The last of my monster girls died save the ones in the rivers and the oreads.

“If you're going to send in your reinforcements, now is the time,” said Fara. “They are regrouping.”

I glanced to the army. They were almost all out of the city. The civilians were fleeing north while the soldiers were holding the gate. King Thanitis was in the rear, shooting orders at his men as they started withdrawing now.

Tuerien's forces were in turmoil, regrouping after their horrendous losses. My forces had fought with ferocity and inflicted more causalities than they should have. That was heartwarming, but already, the enemy dead were revived and spilling out of the dungeon.

It would be an endless grind. My monster girls versus his like some MOBA game. DOTA or League of Legend. Just endlessly spawning monster girls but without any control towers or ways to gain advantages. It would just be endless death over and over until one of us took to the battlefield.

It wasn't the fight I wanted.

“We'll ready to deploy them outside the city,” I said and began shifting my dungeon. “To protect the army, but they're out of the city. They're on the road marching north.”

I would beat Tuerien a better way. One that didn't require my monster girls to be thrown over and over in a pointless fight.

*  \ * /  *

Tuerien stared at the scryer. The army and the women he wanted for his harem escaped.

He watched them fleeing down the road. The soldiers were mostly in the back, but there were elements all along the line. They were armed with long spears and armor. He had no idea how they would fare against his monster girls.

The army of Myreman was supposed to be among the best in the world. The city had never fallen to a dungeon builder until King Thanitis had foolishly marched north and created this opportunity for Tuerien.

Instead of conquering Leo, they had allied with him.


This was not how things were supposed to play out. The army was heading further and further from Tuerien territory. He would have to extend his dungeon across the Myr to have a chance to recapture them, and Leo's army would be ready. His monster girls were excellent fighters.

“Superior to the force I used today.” It galled Tuerien to say that.

“What?” gasped Soulita. “No way! You're forces are the best!”

He had held back. “No, no, they are marching closer to Leo's power base and farther from mine. This is not a fight worth having.”

But it galled him. Those women... He would have to get more. There were other in the world. He would find them and make them his. He would breed his army of loyal children one way or the other. Let Leo have to take care of all those refugees. Thousands of mouth to feed.

The city was his.

He had the sword.

Once he figured out how to make use of it, he would have power. The strength to hold off his enemies long enough to breed and form his own army. Twenty or more years, and he would have thousands of loyal sons and daughters to fight for him. Forces that didn't require power. A way to bypass the limitations of dungeon builders.

How did you seduce King Thanitis? Tuerien pondered as he watched the army and survivors marching north.

Today was a set back, yes, but in the long term, he would prevail. Leo hadn't been trying to kill Tuerien, that was obvious now. He either didn't think he could do it, or he was waiting for another opportunity.

Either way, Tuerien would be ready. He was glad he held back. Leo would be in for a surprise.

“I'm going to figure it out, Soulita,” Tuerien growled. “I'm going to figure out what the Incarnation wants from me.”

“To protect her,” said Soulita.

Tuerien grunted and revived more dead monster girls. He would harass this army going north, though. He dispatched his fliers. Why make it easy on them.

Chapter Twelve

King Thanitis watched the phoenixes bank away and turn back. The arrows from the archer cohorts had killed two and driven off the others. More flying monster girls waited to the south of them, circling the skies.

So far, the arrows had held them back.

But there had been loses.

King Thanitis ached as he marched on foot with his soldiers. It had been a long, long day. The sun was setting while the enemy monster girls were circling just to the south of them. His people kept marching, weary and hungry.

He wanted to do more for them.

“Your Majesty,” Knight-General Arthemar said as he marched up. The older man looked as strong as ever.

How are you enduring this better than me? wondered the weary king.

“The arrows?” asked King Thanitis.

“We're running low,” he said. “And the refugees are starving. We have to stop. There's a farm ahead. We can ring up around them in the field.”

“Do it,” the king said and glanced upward. “Lord Leo, we're stopping at a farm.”

I see the one that you're talking about,” Lord Leo answered. The telepathic communication was... startling. But it also made commanding the battle easier. He could send messages directly to his cohort commanders. “I'm leaving a large cache of grain there. Those flyers are still too close I can't risk letting the refugees into my dungeon unless we're sure Tuerien can't ambush us.”

I understand, my Lord,” King Thanitis said. “The grain is appreciated.”

The archers drove off another attack, this time from the hippogriffs and pixies. Their arrows sang, felling a few. But some of the hippogriffs feathers struck lethal blows. The amount of archers King Thanitis had dwindled again.

But the grain was found in carts along with water and cookpots with the fuel to make porridge for the refugees and soldiers to eat. Perimeters were drawn up. Archers dispersed. King Thanitis and his people settled in for a long, long night.

*  \ * /  *

I watched on the scryer as the carts and their contents were being cooked. I could create “loot” for adventures to find and leave with. It wasn't hard to make the loot into carts and pots and even firewood. But not into food itself.

That grain was harvested and organized by the villagers.

Thank you, Bevlin, for readying the grain,” I sent to the mayor.

Our pleasure, Lord Leo,” he answered.

“You looked exhausted, my Lord,” Fara noted.

“Yep,” I said. I felt exhausted. “The army is hunkered down for the night and the monster girls are holding back.”

I created tunnels beneath the army. I moved monster girls into positions. If I needed to, I could open them up and spill out reinforcements. Right now, Tuerien was just harassing the army. He wasn't massaging his monster girls. They were still in the city.

“Let me I know if anything changes,” I said. “Right away. I'll be in the quarters.”

“Eat and relax,” Fara said.

“And what about you?” I asked as I left her before the scryer. The army was forming up a defensive perimeter as night fell.

“I'm an elf. I can go longer than you, my Lord.” She smiled at me, a dazzling display.

“Lucky you.” I left that to head to the bath. My companions were already in there relaxing after their long day.

I hadn't fought. I hadn't died. So why did I feel so exhausted? I just stood around and watched.

I stepped into the steamy bath of the hot springs. My women were lounging in it. They glanced at me. Alizee waved. Mrs. Maia rose from the water and hurried by me. I knew exactly where she was going.

To make me something to eat.

I sank into the water with a groan. It rose up my sore legs. I sank into it and leaned back. The day had been so fucking long. I couldn't think at all. Maya came up to me. She had gotten herself killed in the fight, leaving behind the river to come back. Now my undine was straddling my waist. Her watery body was as warm as the water.

She sat on my cock with a soft moan.

I groaned at the feel of her watery pussy around my cock. Waves washed through her body and rippled around her pussy. She rested her head on my chest. I just closed my eyes and leaned back against the side of the pool.

I relaxed with my cock in her pussy.

I savored the feel of Maya around me. My dick twitched her as I breathed slowly. Her round breasts felt so soft on my chest. I started to drift away, falling into a doze as I just enjoyed her straddling me.

Holding me.

I don't know how long I dozed for. I know I passed out because I rose out of a groggy sleep to Maya still straddling me. My dick was still hard in her pussy. How could I not be erect in her juicy twat.

I stroked my hand down her back and grabbed her ass. I squeezed her watery rump, feeling the waves wash through her. I when I gripped her, more swept around her body. She squirmed on me, shifting her cunt around my cock.

“Mmm,” she purred. “You're coming back to the living, eh, big perv.”

“Yeah,” I said. “Mmm, why don't you help me out even more by working that pussy up and down my cock. That would help a lot to revive me.”

“Such a big perv,” she cooed and lifted her head from my shoulder. She stared me in the eyes. “Things going smoothly.”

“Tuerien never bothered to show his face,” I said.

“So no mano a mano fight with him,” she said.

“I just want to end the threat of him,” I said. “It doesn't have to be me, but he did what I did.”

“So he did the smart thing and remembered that he's a commander, not a soldier.” She slid her pussy up my cock. “Generals stay in the rear so they can do general stuff. We're you're officers. Your captains and stuff. We can lead the battle.”

She plunged her pussy down my cock.

I groaned at the feel of her twat around my dick. That hot and juicy sheath massaged my shaft. Pleasure swept through me. I groaned at how great that felt. She smiled at me as she rode me, her eyes gleaming with her amusement.

It was amazing how her watery flesh could still hold all the details of her. I loved that. The joy in her eyes, the mischievous smile on her lips. She worked up and down me, her boobs rubbing into my chest, her nipples hard.

“”Mmm, that's good,” I groaned. “Yes, yes, I can definitely lead from the rear when I have officers of this caliber I can trust.”

“So you only trust sexy women with tight pussies that love to ride your dick?” she asked, squeezing her cunt around me.

“Obviously,” I said. “Look around.”

“Mmm, there are a surprising number of naked women in your life that love you,” Maya moaned. “And your big dick.”

“Perks of being my officer,” I groaned.

“Such a big perk,” she moaned as she plunged her pussy down my cock.

“Big perv.”

She giggled and kissed me.

I shuddered at the feel of my girlfriend's lips on my mouth. They were soft and delicious. Her watery tongue thrust into my mouth. I loved the feel of her doing that. She kissed me with such passion. Her tongue danced around in my mouth.

It was delicious to feel. A wonderful experience to have her tongue swirling around in my mouth. I groaned as she kissed me with such passion. It was a delight to have her making out with me while her pussy worked up and down my cock.

She had such a delicious pussy. A magnificent cunt to feel wrapped around my cock. I groaned, reveling in every last second of her hot twat wrapped around me. I shuddered while I heard such naughty sounds around me.

“Ooh, fuck my pussy with that tail, Nina,” Crystal moaned. My older roommate sounded so happy. “Such a naughty tail!”

“A naughty tail from Nina Naughty!” squealed Garnet. “Oh, Terra. I love your tongue. You're so good at that!”

“Morana!” gasped Ms. Trueno. “Mmm, yes, yes, such a good student!”

“She sure is!” squealed Alizee. “Ooh, ooh, Mrs. Lucina. Work those fingers in and out of my butt! That's it! Go, MILF, go!”

“Team MILF!” Garnet squealed.

I loved the sounds echoing around Maya and me. She worked her cunt up and down my cock, the hot spring sloshing around us. I loved that hot pussy squeezing down on me. It was the perfect delight to feel around my cock. Just a fantastic rush to enjoy her hot pussy squeezing around me.

She held me tight. She had such a delicious snatch. A wonderful twat. It was fantastic to have her around me. I groaned, savoring that hot twat plunging down my dick. She held me with her amazing cunt. It was a rush to have all that bliss around my cock.

“Shit, shit, shit,” I moaned. “Work that cunt!”

“Oh, I'm working it,” she purred, her eyes so hot. “You can feel me working it. Ooh, you're going to cum so hard in me, Leo!”

“Big perv!” I groaned.

“That's right.” She squeezed her pussy down on me. “Ooh, fill me up with all that cum. I want that jizz flooding me. I want all that spunk filling up my cunt. I need it!”

She kissed me again, her tongue thrusting into my mouth. She danced it around in me as I squeezed her rump. My fingers dipped into her butt-crack. I slid down my undine's crack to find her puckered backdoor.

I thrust my finger against it. She groaned as I did that. I pushed and pushed against her. She moaned as I did that. Her pussy squeezed down on me. It was fantastic to feel her twat gripping my cunt as I fingered her asshole.

I thrust my digit in and out of her asshole. I drove her wild. I loved how she groaned as I did this. I buried into her asshole and drew back. She moaned as I did. She groaned as her hot pussy squeezed around my cock.

She broke the kiss and gasped, “Yes, yes, I love it up the ass!”

“Dirty perv!”

“Your dirty perv, big boy,” she moaned, her pussy slamming down my cock while I thrust a second finger into her asshole. He anal sheath rippled around my digit like her cunt did my cock. “Oh, Leo! I love you!”

Her pussy convulsed around me.

Waves of delight washed through her body. They distorted her boobs and her face as she bucked on me. Her bowels spasmed around my digits as she shuddered through her pleasure. Her moans mixed with the other gasps around us.

“Terra!” my little succubus squealed nearby.

Maya's pussy suckled at my dick. I groaned and erupted. My cum fired into my undine's watery pussy. My monster girlfriend suckled at my cock. She nursed at me with such passion. I groaned with each eruption into her snatch.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I moaned as the pleasure shot through me. Ecstasy washed over my mind. “Oh, yes, yes, that's so good! That's amazing!”

“It's so amazing!” Maya moaned as I flooded her pussy.

I pumped blast after blast of cum into her snatch. I shuddered, reveling in that heat shooting through me. My mind reeled from all the bliss of this moment. It was incredible to share this with Maya. She trembled on me, her body rippling.

I pulled my fingers out of her asshole and gripped her ass again. I held her tight as her pussy rippled around my cock. She suckled at me with that hot twat of hers. The pleasure burned through my mind as I pumped so much spunk into her snatch.

I felt so good. Just amazing. I could float away.

I groaned as my dick throbbed in her pussy. Her hot cunt rippled around me as she worked out the last of my cum in my nuts. I panted there, enjoying this so much. What a wonderful moment. My companions moaned around me.

“Big bro,” Garnet moaned. She loved to call me that nickname. She appeared beside me, water dripping off her crimson wings. “I want to lick all the cum out of Maya's pussy while you fuck me in the ass! You must plunder Dark Lady Naughty Garnet's asshole to save the world!”

“Well, if it's to save the world,” I said, smiling at my little succubus. “Then I have to do it.”

She beamed at me. God, she was cute.

Click here for the next part! 


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