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Chapter Six

Lana Fulmine beat her electric wings as she climbed above the buildings of Myrecilla with the rest of her team. She had a formidable team with her. Nina Naughty, Paetu, both dragons, the quetzalcoatls, and the thunderbirds.

“For Leo!” Nina Naughty cried, a flaming pitchfork in her hand.

For my number one fan, Lana Fulmine thought.

There they are!” Isatu cried. “They're south of us.”

Lana Fulmine smiled at the sight of the tennyo leading fifteen pixies. This team was to scare Tuerien. When he learned that both the dragons were coming for him. The former movie starlet turned to the left, lightning crackling through the golden strands of her hair.

Her wings beat as the charge surged. She aimed at the group. A bolt lightning arced through the skies over Myrecilla

*  \ * /  *

Lord Tuerien, Leo has unleashed both his dragons,” reported Brise, Tuerien's tennyo. “My force is not going to survive. Not against the dragons, the lightning sprite, a djinn, a devil, and a force of quetzalcoatls, and thunderbirds.”

Tuerien gripped the armrest of his chair. Would his surprise be enough.

They don't matter,” he sent. “I want to know where the coward is. He has to be with one of the groups. Find him for me!”

His surprise were eager to be unleashed.

*  \ * /  *

Nina Naughty threw a flaming pitchfork.

It slammed into a mean-looking pixie. These ones weren't the cute and adorable monster girls Nina knew. The porn star felt only disgust at the sight of them. She smiled as the enemy pixie burst into fire and vanished into motes.

Lightning bolts fired from the wings of the thunderbirds and the mouths of the quetzalcoatls, sending the pixies scattering. But half of them were already killed. Six or seven vanquished in the opening volley. The tennyo escaped, pink petals drifting in the air after the radiant monster girl.

Nina Naughty conjured another pitchfork. She would show the “heavenly maiden” the power of hell.

As she threw, a violent wind erupted from the tennyo. Swirling with the pink cherry blossoms, the wind struck her pitchfork and whipped it back at Nina. She dodged it, barely, but the wind had seized her. She screamed as it hurtled her down into—

She struck something hard. Stone. Pain exploded through her body before it was gone.

The porn star floated through darkness. Souleen's comforting arms wrapped around her and held her tight, comforting her. The pain faded. The ifrit closed her eyes. She was out of the fight. For now. She'd get another shot.

She couldn't wait for Round Two.

*  \ * /  *

Lana Fulmine fired a blast of lightning at the tennyo, furious that Nina had already been killed.

A pixie darted up and took the hit, shielding the Wind monster girl as she rose up, petals swirling around her. A blast of water for Agubnamus almost hit the tennyo, but she spun to the side and hurtled a wind that struck the dragon.

She spun in the air, flying over Isatu who breathed fire on a pixie. Agubnamus caught herself and stopped her plummet to the ground. Lana Fulmine grit her teeth and fired another blast of lightning at the tennyo.

The graceful bitch spun in the air and dodged Lana Fulmine's blast of lightning. The tennyo swept her arm before her. Lana cursed and dove beneath the powerful blast of air. She dived for the city below. She spread my wings wide, electricity crackling around the lightning sprite. She pulled out of the attack andlooked behind her.

The tennyo chased Lana Fulmine.

The enemy monster girl stared at Lana with such intensity. She hates me, Lana realized. Wants to kill me. Lana felt the same way so she banked to the right, a powerful wind slamming past her.It hit the ground below. Debris clattered. Shebuilt the charge in herwings than noticed Paetu.

I'm leading her for you,” Lanasaid and turned.

Right!” the djinn answered.

Paetuspun into a tornado as Lanacame out of the turn and flew straight at the whirling air. Paetu rushed at Lana. The lightning sprite slammed into the tornado, the tennyo right behind her. The winds grabbed Lana and threw her upward. Shefelt Paetu's touch across her body as she hurtled skyward.

Lanaburst out of it and spun, so high above the city.

The tennyo hurtled from the tornado a heartbeat later. She didn't fly upward. She streaked for the ground. She hit into the sight of a building. Her back bent in ways it shouldn't. She burst into motes and vanished from the world.

Lana Fulminesurveyed the skies. Agubnamus slammed into the last pixie and ripped her apart. Therewere missing monster girls. Dangu, Iaidas, and... Nina. One thunderbird, a quetzalcoatl, and porn star. Lana Fulminesighed and turned toward the boiling chaos at the executioner square.

Let's help out where we can, ladies,” Lana Fulmine said as she led her force to help, her eyes flicking across the city.

*  \ * /  *

I stood nervous in the Vault as more of my monster girls died. It was chaos in the city, but we needed to save those people. I kept my hands clasped behind my back as Priestess Lysila kept praying softly to herself, her hands clasped before her.

I stared at the scrying sensors. So many people needed to be saved. Anger swelled in me. Part of me wanted to storm the Spire. It was still up. Still in place. The fucker didn't retreat. He wanted this fight, didn't he.

He wanted me to come for him.

I could storm into his dungeon and end this. I had skills. I could grab Halia and the other adventures. It would be so easy. Instead of staying in here while my monster girls were dying, I could be out there ending them.

I closed my eyes, breathing softly. I was commanding this battle. I had to see the entire picture. I couldn't let myself get pulled into a skirmish. Tuerien had to wait. The civilians took priority over fighting that bastard.

“Come on,” I whispered as I watched the fight at the execution square. “Save them.”

Chapter Seven

Mrs. Zoe Maia led the charge out of the dungeon onto the Execution Square. The dryad smelled the stench of blood and death. A metallic tang in the air along with a foul rot. The animated armors about to behind their next group of men turned to face us. Blood dripped from their swords. More splattered their feminine armor.

Surprise. They had surprised them.

Roars of fury echoed behind me as the soldiers charged out. “FOR MYREMAN!”

The air shook with their battle cries as Mrs. Maia closed on the nearest animated armor. She faced the dryad, her sword dripping. Though Mrs. Maia could see no eyes through the slits in the visors, she felt the enemy's anger. The rage. Mrs. Maia stopped and surged out her roots.

They grew from her toes and across the bloody paving stones to the armor. They reached her armored boots before the animated armor could react. A hollow gasp burst from beneath her helm as she slashed at the roots.

They climbed up the animated armor's legs, searching for weakness. Joints. Pain flared through Mrs. Maia as the enemy severed one of her roots. But she had many. At the knee joints, she ripped the legs apart.

The armor fell to the ground with a clatter, the roots growing over the armor, around the sculpted boobs and toward the head. The armor thrashed as the dryad ripped her apart, throwing pieces of metal to the side.

The sword cut through three roots. Mrs. Maia attacked that armor.

She ripped it from the shoulder armor and threw it to the side. The sword fell from the hand. The dryad went for the helmet and tore it free. The monster girl burst into motes and vanished back to her builder's Void Crystal.

As Mrs. Maia had done that, the battle raged around her. The werewolves charged past her, howling. They threw themselves into other animated armors in a screech of claws on metal. Swords flashed.

Baaghi roared. The rakshasa pounced at the erinyes. The enemy monster girl flapped her black-feathered wings and slashed her metal whip at Baaghi. It struck her left arm and sheered it off. Baaghi didn't care.

She roared and pounced, slamming into the erinyes and sending her crashing to the ground.

Following the werewolves, the unicorns and basilisks raced by. The clop of hooves echoed. The unicorns lowered their horns and gored into the animated armor. The basilisks rushed for the salamanders and sphinxes, racing ahead of the soldiers.

The salamanders guarding the perimeter breathed fire that engulfed Vielmi and Mastab, killing both the basilisk. They screamed in pain as they died, but their fellow basilisks breathed their petrifying breath. It washed over the enemy salamanders.

Their red-scaled bodies turned gray.

They became statues for a moment before they vanished into motes.

The enemy sphinxes roared, their shouts slamming into the first ranks of the soldiers. Men collapsed on the ground, blood spurting from their ears, but more kept coming. Spears slammed into one of the sphinxes, ripping out her back in blood.

It was chaos around the square.

The prisoners watched on, their eyes distant. Broken by what had been done by them. By being forced to watch for days as they were pulled off one by one and killed. Anger boiled in the dryad as she rushed to help the fight.

The werewolves ripped at the metal bodies of the animated armors. Cheekha tore the head off hers, throwing it toward the river. The enemy vanished beneath her. She looked up and howled, jumping to the side. A fresh animated armor slashed at her.

Cheekha darted to the right and went in to hamstring the animated armor.

The enemy monster girl was too fast. Her sword slashed as she spun, cutting Cheekha in half. The werewolf vanished in a burst of motes.

Nezaymana slammed her horn into an animated armor's chest, ripping through the metal. The enemy monster girl slammed her sword down into her back. The unicorn vanished. The animated armor stared right at Mrs. Maia.


The dryad sent her roots surging for the monster girl. The animated armor stepped on the woody tendrils growing over the paving stones, oblivious to them as she charged headlong forward. The roots grabbed the animated armor's feet.

She fell to the ground with a clatter.

Mrs. Maia took grim pleasure in engulfing the enemy monster girl in roots. And ripping at her armor. She tore off pieces of metal, flinging them back as the animated armor struggled to stand. To get free of the attack.

“MYREMAN!” roared from the soldiers.

Sphinxes screamed. Salamanders fired balls of fire.

Werewolves howled. Bhediya and Chaandi took down an animated armor together, their teeth savaging her. Metal crumbled. The breastplate ripped free and flew through the air before vanishing in a burst of motes.

Kin and Sriblo galloped at the last animated armor. The enemy held her sword ready. She backed up toward the river when out of the water, two of the mermaids burst up. Mase and Skale grabbed the animated armor and yanked her back.

The enemy fell into the river with a loud splash, the mermaids plunging back into the blood-stained waters.

Mrs. Maia looked to the fight. The soldiers were forming a perimeter around the liberated men. Knight-General Arthemar marched up to her, his grizzled face hard as he stared at the blood on the ground then the bodies in the river.

He spat on the ground.

He turned to the scared prisoners. They looked shocked. Battered. Like men who had just been battered by unending artillery fire in World War 1. They didn't know what to do. What to feel. Some shrank from Mrs. Maia.

She smiled at the nearest one and held out her hand. “It's going to be all right. We're saving you. King Thanitis and Lord Leo have come to your rescue.”

The man's shaking hand reached out to the dryad and took it, fingers so cold. She helped him stand. He wore soiled clothes and smelled of piss and shit. The men were all sitting in their own waste. They looked so starved, too.

Skinnier than they should. Emaciated.

The mother in Mrs. Maia quivered. Such pity and such rage. She glanced to the southwest toward the Spire thrusting up black over the city. Did Tuerien watch her from there? She hoped he did. She hoped he witnessed her undoing his crimes and saving these people.

“Form a perimeter!” roared Knight-General Arthemar. “Be ready for an attack. They could come at any moment.”

Mrs. Maia glanced up at the sky. Lana Fulmine soared over with the dragons, Paetu, and a mix of thunderbirds and quetzalcoatls. The monster girls spiraled over them to guard them from the air. To warn them of any coming attack.

Poor Nina, Mrs. Maia thought.

But death was the only way she was returning to her lover. Pity swelled in her for Leo.

You have to be strong, Leo, she thought. You can't fight every war on your own. You need to use us.

He would be hurting by the end of this day. More wounds inflicted on his soul. Though they would heal, scars would be left behind. If he had enough of them, he could become hard. Rigid. She didn't know what to do about that but love him.

“We need to get them moving to the bridges,” said Baaghi. She marched over, one-armed. Blood spilled from the stump, but the rakshasa didn't mind.

“I know, “Mrs. Maia said. “But they need a moment to gather themselves.”

“We don't have time to mollycoddle them.” The rakshasa stared at the traumatized men. “We have to save them.”

Mrs. Maia sighed and started moving among them, helping more stand. They were frightened. To her surprise, Bhediya and Chaandi were helping, the two werewolves in their human forms. They looked like women. You wouldn't know they were monster girls save they had golden eyes.

They were gentle, though.

It was easy to forget that they were Life monster girls, too.

*  \ * /  *

Ms. Trueno had a mission. She raced toward the north palace gate with Xiongbu at her side. Behind them, Leo's salamanders and werebears along with Siwang's unicorns charged. At the gate, was a force of lemures. The Level 1 death monster girls formed up, their pale bodies tensing. The lich at their back fingered her red gem.

This would be a fight.

The salamanders and unicorns raced past the thunder sprite and wraith. The salamanders used their wings to half-glide. Fire burst from their mouths and engulfed the lemures. The monster girls screamed as they were engulfed in burning pain.

Motes flew through the air as lemures died.

The fire ended. The surviving lemures gathered themselves only to find Siwang's unicorns rushing in, heads lowered. Horns gored into the lemures, many of them bursting into motes in an instant, unprepared to take on stronger monster girls.

Ms. Trueno smiled.

The werebears now rushed in, the way clear for them to go for the lich. Bhaaloo led them, roaring like an angry mama-bear. The lich faced them, a calm expression on her blue face. She raised her arms, the gem flaring bright.

Spectral blades, a translucent green, ripped into the werebears. Panja and Maan vanished into bursts of motes. But the other werebears were on her. They leaped at the lich, crushing her beneath their weight as Ms. Trueno and Xiongbu raced for them.

Pale, ethereal blades of green energy ripped through the werebears, throwing them back. They all vanished in bursts of motes, killed. One blade ripped through one of Siwang's unicorns, cutting off her head before she knew what hit her.

The lich stood.

Ms. Trueno roared.

The air distorted before her. A cone of powerful sound rushed at her and slammed the lich back into the gate itself. The steel-bound wood groaned from the impact. The lich screamed in pain, the sound compressing her breasts. They burst. So did her stomach.

She dropped to the ground, her body nearly pulverized by the sonic attack. But the gem remained.

It glowed bright red. Her body recovered in an instant. She snapped her head up, her eyes burning with deathly excitement.

Blades of spectral death rushed at Ms. Trueno.

The thunder sprite dove to the ground. They washed over her. She rolled to her side and screamed again, slamming the lich back into the gate. An arm burst from the sonic attack. Part of the skull caved in. Another fatal wound.

The red gem grew bright, illuminating the gate tunnel. The lich laughed.

Xiongbu vanished into the wall of the gate.

Ms. Trueno gained her feet and shouted as blades hurtled at her. Her sonic attack dissipated the spiritual weapons. The air distorted where Thunder and Death met. The lich still wore that mocking expression.

From the wall beside her, the wraith emerged. Siwang's step-mother slashed her clawed hand for the lich and grabbed her red gem. The lich gasped in shock as the wraith's spectral hand closed around the phylactery.

“No!” the lich gasped as Xiongbu ripped the gem free.

The lich desiccated, becoming a dried-out husk before she vanished in motes, returned to her dungeon builder's Void Crystal. The gate was secure.

Ms. Trueno smirked and nodded to Xiongbu. “That ability to go through walls is useful.”

“I know,” Xiongbu said. “Let's get the gate open!”

*  \ * /  *

Hagane enjoyed the shocked look on the lamia's face.

The animated statue led her attack force at the east gate from the tunnel. Rubble of the wall spilled across the ground, dust wafting over them. The lamia slashed her tail back and forth, her breasts rising and falling in fury.

She shouted her commands at the wendigos.

The slender Ice monster girls rushed past the lamia and hurtled at Hagane's forces. Her animated armors and orcs counter charged. The orcs raised their golden swords as the animated armors their steel ones.

The two forces of monster girls crashed.

The wendigos threw themselves forward. Many were skewered on the blades of the animated armors and the orcs, the enemy monster girls bursting into motes of dancing colors that vanished, but one got lucky.

A wendigo ripped out Slepkavi's throat. The orc died.

The cockatrices closed in now and screaming, stunning many wendigos in the second wave. They fell to the ground, easily speared by swords from the animated armors and orcs. Hagane nodded, the battle going how she expected.

The lamia hissed as she stood at the gate.

“Let's rip that bitch apart,” Bjorni growled, the bugbear licking her chops. Her bear head gave her a primal fierceness.

“Yes, lets,” the animated statue said, forming her arms into blades.

They charged through the melee with the wendigos. The lamia looked resigned to her fate. Her pale face hardened. She tensed, ready for the attack. Bjorni leaped at the enemy snake girl, roaring with rage.

The lamia's snake tail swung in a blur of motion and struck Bjorni in the chest. Ice burst from the hit. Hoarfrost spread wide over Bjorni's body as she hit the ground. She landed on her hands and knees, being devoured by it.

The lamia smirked at the bugbear.

Bjorni roared and leaped forward again, not caring about the frost covering her body. The lamia gasped in shock as Bjorni's mouth opened wide. Her jaws snapped down on the lamia and ripped her head off.

Her body vanished in a burst of motes.

Bjorni hit the ground with a groan. The frost steamed on her body. It had devoured her breasts and wrapped around her sides. She slammed her fist into her knee, clearly in pain. She stood straight, though, and growled her delight.

“Good work,” Hagane said.

“Did you see how smug she looked when she thought she had me,” Bjorni said. She moved to the wall of the gatehouse and leaned against it.

Hagane nodded as she surveyed the gatehouse, studying how to open it. She glanced back at her forces. Beside Slepkavi, they'd lost one of Siwang's cockatrices. But they still had a full force. That was good.

Her arm blades became hands. She entered the gatehouse doors and smiled as she found the mechanism. She worked on it, the east gate creaking open. She had done her job. Now she just needed the others to do their part.

She hoped the battle went as smoothly for the others.

*  \ * /  *

Crystal grinned as hers and the yuki-onnas' icy daggers struck the enemy orcs. None of them had gold armor. Just burnished steel.

They weren't blessed by Lady Sherida like her dirty boy's orcs.

Her barrage of glittering blades struck the orcs. Some burst harmlessly across their armor in sprays of frozen frozen crystal, but two of the orcs staggered. One struck in the neck and the other in the eye. They collapsed and burst into motes.

The other orcs braced for the attack as they stood before the Spire's doors. Behind them, the enemy's redcap and cherfu stood guard, defending the entrance to their master's dungeon. Not that crystal cared about it.

The yeti leaped for the orcs. As they did, the leprechauns jumped into shadows. They appeared behind the orcs and struck with their shadow magic. Three of the orcs died to the attacks as Mona, Tuar, and Ceatha vanished back into the shadows.

The other orcs turned to see the attacks behind them, opening up for the three yetis to leap in and crash in with a fury. The icy monster girl shad passion in them. They slammed the orcs down and ripped at the survivors throats.

“Let's go,” Terra shouted, her hands forming into hammers.

Crystal nodded and charged with the golem for the redcap and cherfu waiting before the doors. Out of the corner of crystal's eyes, she watched Leo's arachne scaling the walls of the palace to deal with the goblins. The attack was going swimmingly. Soldiers rushed for the imprisoned women.

“MYREMAN!” roared through the air.

“DIRTY BOY!” Crystal roared and fashioned her daggers as she focused on the cherfu.

*  \ * /  *

Terra crushed the head of an orc on the charge toward the redcap. The orc burst into glittering specs as Terra kept running for the redcap. She felt stronger than Leo's redcaps. This wasn't a Level 1 monster girl.

This was a companion.

She had her red cap on like it had been dripped in blood. She stood in a graceful stance, her red hair spilling around her pale face. She formed a pair of curving scimitars in her hands as Terra closed the distance.

The redcap threw one of the swords.

Terra gasped in shock and dove for the ground. The blade clipped her shoulder, gouging out some of her clay. It hurt, but she healed the wound, losing a bit of her mass. She came up to see the redcap's other sword flowing like quicksilver into a spear.

She plunged it right into Terra's guts.

The golem gasped in pain as the spear sank into her clay body. But she didn't have internal organs to disrupt. You should have gone for Leo's name on my head, Terra thought. She glared at the redcap and advanced up the spear.

The redcap's eyes widened in shock as Terra marched up the spear and raised her hammer hands to swing them at her enemy's head. The redcap's weapon vanished as Terra swung. The redcap ducked low beneath the two bludgeoning blows.

Terra's hammer fists slammed together.

The redcap swung her arm, an ax appeared in it. The blade cleaved through Terra's knee. It cut through her leg. She gasped as she lost her balance and fell. She landed on her own severed limb, absorbing it back into her body.

The redcap leaped at her, the ax becoming a pair of swords that plunged straight into Terra's breasts, through her body, and into the ground. Terra swung her hammer fists into the redcaps arms. Bones broke.

The enemy monster girl hissed in pain.

Terra kicked with her reformed leg, punting the redcap right in the pussy. It flipped the enemy monster girl over her. The redcap crashed onto her back, gasping out in pain. Terra rolled over and slammed her hammer fists down at the redcap's head.

She formed a shield.

The clay fists struck the metal shield with a ringing blow. Terra didn't pull her hands backs. she flowed her clay over it and grabbed the rim. She ripped it from the redcap. Her broken arms didn't give her much strength.

The shield vanished from Terra's grip. She balled her fist into a hard ball of clay and slammed it down into the redcap's throat. Cartilage crunched. The sound brought a satisfied smile to Terra as the redcap thrashed.

And vanished.

The golem groaned, her body aching from the wounds, but she was hard to kill. She staggered toward her feet, shouts echoing through the air. The battle was far from won. They had to get these women out of here.

*  \ * /  *

Heat whipped by Crystal's body.

The ice sprite rolled to her feet, just dodging the cherfu's flaming whip. The burning cracks across the Fire monster girl's body glowed brighter. Lava dripped out of a few of them, splashing on the ground and hissing.

“You will not touch him!” roared the cherfu, her flaming hair burning brighter.

“Yeah?” Crystal asked, forming a pair of icy daggers. “Who's he to you? The janitor who diddled you in the girl's room?”

Anger flashed over the cherfu's face. “You don't know how great a—”

Crystal's daggers flashed at the cherfu and struck her in both tits. They burst into steam. She screamed as she staggered back. The nearest cracks to the impact cooled black, the fissures closing. She shook her head and swung her whip.

The ice sprite sprang back, throwing an icy dagger. It hit the whip and deflected it in a burst of hissing steam. The cherfu swung her weapon in a flaming arc and snapped it back at crystal again. The ice sprite dodged beneath it and came up.

Frozen blades flew at the cherfu and crashed into her belly.

“HE IS A GREAT MAN!” roared the cherfu as the steam washed around her.

“And my dirty boy is going to make him into a bitch!” Crystal shot back and raced away from the cracking whip of magma.


“By butchering all the men?” Crystal flung another barrage of her icy daggers.

The cherfu's whip lashed out even as she was hit. More of her cracks cooled shut. She snarled in pain, but her attack slammed into Crystal's frozen waist before the ice sprite could dodge it. The heat seared through her body.

“YES!” the cherfu roared as her flaming whip burned hotter.

Crystal screamed in pain as her body melted. The sustained heat converted her flesh into steam. It rose around her, engulfing her. She grabbed the whip to rip it free. Agony seared her hands. Her fingers melted.


Crystal screamed in agony as the heat devoured her.

*  \ * /  *

The screams drew Terra's attention. She looked up to see Crystal engulfed in steam. The cherfu's flaming whip destroyed her. Terra gained her feet and rushed at the cherfu to beat her down, but It was too late.

Crystal vanished. The fiery whip held nothing else.


Terra was on the molten monster girl before the cherfu even realized it. The golem slammed her hammering fist into the cherfu's head. The brittle outer crust burst. Magma exploded from the head. Some splashed on Terra.

Pain seared her as the heat hardened her clay. She staggered back as the Cherfu fell back into the door to the spire and vanished into gleaming sparkles. The golem spat in pain. She stared down at the hardened parts of her body, glossy now.

“Fuck,” she spat.

She looked back at the battle. A new group of orcs charging across the palace grounds fell to the icy daggers of the yuki-onnas. Their glittering blades cut the orcs down. All save one that manage to reach Snezhinka and cut her head off.

Tuar was missing, the leprechaun killed in the fight, and only one of the yetis still stood. Zuby threw back her head and roared with the fury of a blizzard. Terra panted, the rest of the courtyard cleared of monster girls. The orcs dead.

On the walls, the arachne had webbed the goblins and dispatched them with ease.

Keep the spire secure,” Leo said to Terra. “Reinforcements might come out. Do what you can to slow them down.”

Right, right,” Terra said. “We'll do.” Ignoring her pain, she readied her forces for the ambush.

Chapter Eight

Maya emerged into the palace courtyard, leading her own forces to secure the women themselves. The soldiers roared behind her. “MYREMAN!”

Their shouts were so loud, her body rippled from their enthusiasm.

The sirens with Maya began to sing to calm the women and children huddled together in fear of the hellhounds patrolling around the prisoners. They howled and charged at Maya and her forces. The undine was ready for them.

The first leaped at her. She dove beneath it, not caring about the hellhounds. She was here to kill Tuerien's banshee. The enemy monster girl was on the far side of the women, mist spilling off her like a black cloak.

She didn't have Morana's grace. Her poise. Her embrace of the darkness.

Maya sprang up and rushed at the banshee. Another hellhound roared and leaped at her. She was water. The undone flowed around the attack, her body rippling. Shouts exploded behind her. The vampires would be feeding by now.

Maya left it to them.

The banshee moved to intercept Maya. “Is this all Leo sends to attack me?”

“All he needed to, bitch!” Maya shouted back, needing to close the distance. The women had into be liberated.

The banshee's face twisted in anger. “Bitch? From the mongrel serving that coward. Where is he? Why isn't he leading the attack?”

“He's waiting for your builder to come out of hiding so he can step on him and rush him like a roach!”

The banshee shrieked.

The attack slammed into Maya. She screamed as the deathly shriek rippled her water. It threw her down on the ground. The undine shuddered as her body flowed across the ground, becoming a wider but thinner puddle beneath the agony of the shriek.

Maya rippled as the torture consumed her watery flesh.

*  \ * /  *

Morana heard the deathly shriek of her counterpart.

“This is a banshee scream,” Morana said. “FOR DARK LORD LEO!”

Her battle cry brimmed with her deathly energy. It slammed into four of the hellhounds rushing at her and her forces. They fell to the ground, dead. Their bodies vanishing a moment later. More hellhounds hurtled at her.

Light flashed.

The aoi sithe teleported into the midst of the hellhounds and strict with blast of light, ripping through the hellhound pack. They blinked out again before the survivors could even respond to the attack.

The vampires fell on the hellhounds next. The pale Death monster girls sank fangs into necks and feasted on the hellhound's blood. They bore their victims to the ground. The hellhounds legs kicked and spasmed.

Snarls to Morana's right spun her around. She turned and screamed at another group of hellhounds, killing three of them. The fourth bounded to the left and crashed onto the spears of a squad of soldiers. They skewered her.

“Good, good,” Morana said. “Secure the women. We cannot let the Dark Lord's people be enslaved. Move, move!”

“Yes, Lady Banshee,” one pale-faced soldier said. He led his men on.

“Do you think my scream is louder than yours?” a cruel, feminine voice asked.

Morana turned to see the enemy banshee marching forward into a puddle of water. Mist spilled off the enemy monster girl's shoulders. Disdain rippled through Morana. I look way cooler than her. She's just a poser.

“I don't think we're going to find out,” Morana said, the water around the banshee already moving. “You didn't kill the undine.”

Maya's puddle surged up the banshee's body before the enemy even realized it. The undine engulfed the banshee's entire form in water. Morana watched with a smirk on her face as the poser thrashed. The water grew turbulent.

A loud pop echoed from the battle. The banshee vanished and Maya's form rippled. The undine's body sloshed as powerful waves hurtled through her. It took her a few moments to reform into her normal appearance. She staggered, in pain.

“You okay?” gasped Morana, rushing to her friend and lover.

“Yeah,” Maya said. “She almost killed me. If I hadn't spread out into a puddle to dissipate her energy... But it worked.”

“It worked,” Morana said. “So, uh, how did you kill her.”

Maya shuddered. “I ripped off her head.”

It was the most metal thing Morana had ever heard.

*  \ * /  *

Time to secure the bridge, Hagane,” Leo said in the animated statue's mind. “The women are secure and the enemy are routed from the palace.”

Yes, Leo,” Hagane said. She glanced at Bjorni. The frost melted from the bugbear. She was recovering fast. “Time to get to the bridge.

With their surviving animated armors, orcs, and cockatrices, Hagane and Bjorni led the way through the open gate into the streets of the city itself. They were eerily empty. Evidence of fighting lay everywhere. Debris cluttered the streets.

Sometimes, there was a dead body, but it was mostly items. Peoples belongings that had been ripped out of the prisoner's hands, perhaps. Many of the doors they passed were smashed open. A few of the buildings had burned to the ground, the scent of charcoal feeling Hagane's nose.

She had studied the layout of the city and memorized their route to the bridge. The had to keep that bridge open. It was vital. They didn't know what other monster girls might be hidden throughout the city. They couldn't assume that their attack had achieved overwhelming tactical surprise and victory.

It might have.

The palace had gone well.

Hagane couldn't become complacent.

She had her armblades at the read as she rounded another corner. The bridge was ahead. Large homes rose around us. The second and even third floors thrust out over the street, closing in around us. I studied the bridge over the Myr. It was a stone span that crossed it with several square supports built across the river bed.

How did they do that with their—

Ice flashed won from above, cutting down two of the cockatrices and Okra. The orc vanished as she staggered in a spurt of her blood. From windows, yeti burst out. They fell on us, one crashing on Bjorni and slamming her to the ground. Another ripped off Brunasi's helmet, the animated armor dying.

Aizsardzi got her sword up, impaling the yeti that fell upon her. The white-maned monster girl vanished. But others weren't so lucky. Briesmoni died and another of the cockatrices, torn apart. Hagane rose her arm blades.

Spines flashed down from the sky. They pinged off Hagane's body. From above, the leathery wings of the enemy manticore folded in and the monster girls slammed into Hagane, slamming her to the ground.

Click here for the next part! 


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