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Chapter Three

“We have to free the people here and here,” I said, pointing that the map that Fara had drawn of the city of Myrecilla. My monster girls were all gathered around the table in the conference room. “We must free both groups. Hopefully, we'll have the army's help.”


“Two attack forces,” said Hagane. “Plus skirmishers to create distractions through the city. It would be difficult without King Thanitis's forces, but with them, this should be an easy operation..”

“There will be no retreat,” I said, my heart clenching. But Alizee was right. I had to stop feeling guilty about it. Better my monster girls die than humans who couldn't come back. “Once you're out of the dungeon, I am closing it behind you all.”

“I'll lead of the attack forces,” Vilkas growled. Crackling lightning formed the raiju's voluptuous form.She had a fierce look on her face.

“I have another task for you,” I told her.

Her expression fell and head bowed. “Because I failed you last time.”

She had led the wildhounds to scout out Tuerien's dungeon entrance. Instead, she had run into a patrol of soldiers from Myrecilla. That chance encounter prompted King Thanitis to march on us and lay siege and allowed us to be in this current mess.

I moved down the table to her and cupped her electric chin. I lifted her face and stared into her eyes. “I have a very important mission for you. I trust you, Vilkas. You didn't fail me. Shit happened.”

Gratitude flashed on Vilkas's face, the swirling energy that made her features glowing brighter. “Thanks, Master.”

I kissed her. My lips tingled with her electricity. I enjoyed how they crackled. It felt good on my mouth. I thrust my tongue into her mouth and wiggled around in her. It was a delicious moment to make out with her. I would have taken her hard, fucked my fierce raiju, but we had important things to work out.

I broke the kiss and said, “Okay, let's figure out how we're going to do this.”

Everyone gathered around the table again. We had a lot to discuss. We studied the scyring portal, looking at how the monster girls were deployed. We had a big problem on our hands, but I was certain we would figure something out.

“We should use us flying monster girls for distractions and to take out the air patrols,” Nina Naughty said, the devil's wings stretching tight.

“Yes, we tots can do that!” Alizee said. “I'll send down my blades of air and wreck those monster girls on the ground.”

Garnet grinned at me, nodding. She thrust her arm into the air and conjured a big, floppy dildo made of shadows. It always reminded me of the dildo weapon from Saints Row 2. The Penetrator, I think it was called. Three feet of rubber you could beat people with.

“My monster girls are at your disposal for this mission,” said Siwang. “Unless you wish to also use my suggestion.”

“Not yet.” I smiled. “That will come later. This is the first phase, saving the people. I'll definitely use your monster girls.”

Siwang smiled. He looked eager for his plan. I liked it. Bold. I was surprised he'd suggested it, but I was all for trying it out.

“Mine, too, Leo,” Munjan said. He was my new vassal, a dungeon builder that seemed to have occupied where Sulanga Stormfury's old dungeon lay. Munjan was looking for other mana veins, but he hadn't found them yet.

“We need to have two liberation groups,” Halia said. “Split the army in half and have a good cadre of monster girls to lead them. One to rescue the men, one to rescue the women. I would be honored to go.”

“No,” I said, shaking my head. “Only the army and monster girls. Anyone who leaves my dungeon won't have an easy time coming back. I want you here. I'll be deploying all my monster girls, so we'll be vulnerable to any shenanigans.”

Halia smiled, her hand resting on the pommel of Stormlight. It was the magic sword I had made for her. I had named it after the fantasy series by Brandon Sanderson I would never know the ending to. Oh, well, that was life.

At least the other me was getting to read it.

“So that leaves Kassie, Melin, and me on transport duty only?” Hagza, my dwarven mage (and lover) asked. She didn't look happy about that.

“Yep,” I said. “Things are going to be in flux, and I know your magic is powerful, but moving around forces swiftly is even more useful.”

“It is,” Kassie said.

“Melin can handle it,” Hagza said. “Let me, Vargi, and Sarkz go with them. We have experience fighting monster girls. Help the soldiers out.”

“You know I'm ready to split open those bitches, Lord Leo,” said Sarkz. He led the trio, a band of dwarven adventures how'd attacked my dungeon.

“All the adventures are guarding my dungeon.” I glanced at Siwang. “In Phase 2, I'll have a use for you, Sarkz.”

He grinned.

“Ooh, I can't wait to kick those enemy cunts' asses!” Garnet said.

“Hell, yeah,” Crystal said. An icy dagger appeared in her hand.

“I want to lead the team at the execution square, Leo,” Mrs. Maia said. “What they are doing there is absolutely vile. There is no excuse for something that disgusting to happen.”

“And we'll need you to help move the refugees,” Kassie said. “It was so hard evacuating Sharithin with just me doing the teleportation. With three of us and three circles, we can really move people to Astovin.”

She had a point, but... I shook my head. “We will not be evacuating the refugees into the dungeon. Soldiers led by King Thanitis will escort the refugees out of the city north. If possible, we'll take them into the dungeon if they get away, but I'm not taking chances with Tuerien like we did with Sulanga. This is even more perilous since Tuerien has part of his dungeonin the city. I will close my dungeon once we deploy.”

“I'll have my people start preparing for the refugees to arrive in the next few days, Lord Leo,” Mayor Bevlin said. “Our food stocks have grown thanks to those enchanted fields in your dungeon, Lord Leo.”

I nodded to him. He made such a good logistic officer.

“Let's get us divided,” Maya said, holding up her watery hand and ticking off her fingers. “So we need two main attack forces, two air units, and at least two pairs of skirmishers running through the streets.”

“For this operation, we'll hold back the Level 1 Monster Girls and only use Level 2s and 3s,” I said. All the monster girls who went on this mission would die.

Terra shook her head, saying, “Nope, that's a bad idea, Leo. We want to create chaos. We need to flood the city with monster girls. Send the Level 1's in with us. You have the adventures and the builders guarding the dungeons if anything goes wrong here. Let's not hold anything back.”

“Yes!” Garnet squealed.

Alizee did a high-kick, her white hair swirling around her head.

“Fine, fine,” I said. “You're right.” I had to keep reminding myself my monster girls were okay with dying. It was hard to remember that. I just had to harden my heart against their deaths.

“What if we put the water monster girls into the river,” said Crystal. “They can be ready to cause mischief once our forces withdraw.”

“I like that,” Mase the mermaid said. So far, the monster girl representatives had been quite, other than cheering at fun ideas. “The mermaids will cause them problems.”

“As will we,” Ghoda, my hippocampus, said. “Leave the river to us, Master!”

“Your kelpies will leap into action,” Beduka said, a smile spreading on her gleaming, green face. Her entire body was covered in as sweet-smelling oil that made her very slippery.

Alizee giggled and jumped in the air, her head nearly hitting the ceiling. “Leaps!”

I nodded. “We'll deploy them all.” I thought for a moment. “We'll have four air groups. Two to target the patrols and two to just cause problems.”

“Pixies are on the case!” Mala shouted. The pixie's wings buzzed. “We'll harass them, Lord Leo! Just you see!”

“Then let's began breaking down our forces,” Hagane said. “Fauraliiithiliana, will you act as our scribe?”

The elf nodded, her ears twitching.

The discussions began as we started figuring out which monster girls should be in which team. I had a lot of them, and Siwang and Munjan had their own forces. That made this very complicated since we wanted to use them all.

“Which way are we leaving the city?” asked Mrs. Lucina. “North or South. I mean, it really doesn't matter.”

“North,” I said. “That takes them away from Tuerien's territory.

“If that's the case, we have to use the east gate of the palace to get the women out,” Nina Naughty said as she studied the map. She tapped it. “They can head for this bridge over the Myr and meet up with the men. So that gate has to be taken down for sure.”

“That's a lot of women,” Xiongbu said. The wraith was Siwang's companion as well as his step-mother. “The bridge will be a choke point. There's less men that we have to bring over to this side of the river.”

“No, no, Leo is right,” Hagane said, “we have to exfil the city to the north away from Tuerien's forces and toward us. This might turn into a running battle as Tuerien's monster girls harass the army. It'll force him to stretch his dungeon away from his core.”

“So the women come north,” Usiku said.

Xiongbu sighed and nodded. “Looks like we'll have to do it.

“We'll hit both palace gates,” Leo said. “Hit the palace real hard and disrupt them then get the women across the bridge.”

“Lord Leo,” Dongara, my oread, said, “I would request you deploy my fellow oreads and me in the city to act as spies to be left behind like the Water monster girls. We can merge with stone and spy on them. He doesn't have Earth. He won't know we can do this.”

“I like it,” Nina Naughty said.

“It is a fun idea,” said Baaghi.

“Okay,” I said, another idea popping into my mind. There were other ways to use the oreads, too.

“I think sirens should go in with the group liberating the women and children,” Ms. Trueno said. “They can help calm them down with their songs. They don't have to make people attack each other.”

“We don't,” said Dala.

I liked the progress we were making. Discussing how we should use our different monster girls. How best to split them up. It wasn't a swift operation, but we had to make sure that we got this right. We wouldn't get another shot at this.

“Are we just going in this form, Lord Leo?” Agubnamus asked as she stood by Isatu. The dragon-MILF had her blue-scaled arms folded beneath her breasts. “Or do wish to unleash us in our true form. Let us get in his dungeon, and we will annihilate him.”

“Yes, we will!” Isatu said, the younger Fire dragon bouncing on her heels.

I didn't have the mana veins to burn. Isatu cost me one, and Agubnamus cost three. I'd lose my Level 3 monster girls and my Expert Magic. They were nuclear bombs. Weapons of last resort and pure desperation.

“No,” I said. “Just in this form, but you will be going. The world knows I have two dragons. There's no point in hiding you two.”

“Just having the in the air might scare Tuerien,” Crystal said. A wicked smile spread on my ice sprite's lips. “He doesn't have to know you're not planning on using them. Their presence might make him shit the bed.”

I chuckled and Agubnamus grinned.

It took more than an our, but after that, we had our plan. Fara had written furiously to make sure that we had everyone monster girl accounted for. She had lists of the various attack forces and who were in them. It meant a lot of work for me as we went over the final list to make sure that this was the plan we wanted.

“The three oread will infiltrate with the palace attack groups and merge into the stone around the Spire, no entering,” said Fara. “They will then spread out, including one to the bridge the women will cross.

“All the oozes, mermaids, hippocampi, and kelpie will infiltrate into the small lake in the western side of the city to wait for opportunities.

“Lana Fulmine will lead Nina Naughty, Paetu, Agubnamus, the quetzalcoatl, and the thunderbirds to attack one air patrol. Mrs. Lucina will lead Feya, Daleitha, Isatu, the harpies, and the hippogriffs to attack and kill the second one.

“In addition, there will be three groups of flying monster girls for distracting in the air. Garnet and Alizee shall lead the pixies and the phoenixes, the second will be made of both Lord Leo's and Lord Siwang's ghosts, and the third will be made of Lord Leo's and Lord Siwang's sphinxes.

“At the execution square, half the army will follow Mrs. Maia and Baaghi leading your basilisks, Lord Leo, the unicorns, and the werewolves. They will then wait for the women to arrive and help escort the civilians to safety.”

Fara paused to take a sip of water.

“Now for the palace attackers,” the elf continued. “Morana and Maya will lead the sirens, vampire, and aos sithe to secure the women and children prisoners themselves along with the other half of the army. As they do that, Crystal and Terra will assault the forces on the palace grounds with the yeti, arachne, and leprechauns. They will also attack the goblins patrolling the palace walls.

“For securing the palace's east gate, Hagane and Bjorni will lead the orc, animated armor, and cockatrice. At the same time, Ms. Trueno and Xiongbu will lead Siwang's unicorns, your salamanders, Lord Leo, and the werebears to secure the north palace gate so that the women and children can escape.

“Lastly, that leads eight separate groups to cause cause on the streets and disrupt any redeployment of monster girls that are either unknown to us and held in reserve or who are guarding the Temple of Water.”

I had no intention of attacking Tuerien's dungeon today. If he was smart, he would seal off his dungeon and withdraw his Spire. If not, he would pump revived monster girls back into the city after our, hopefully, first strong and powerful blow decapitated his forces.

“Paanee will lead the hellhound and the wildhounds to run amok,” Fara said.

“Amok,” Garnet snickered.

Alizee giggled with her.

Fara ignored them and continued. “Ljosa will lead the satyrs and rock elementals. Guang the goblins and your will o' wisps, Lord Leo. Smerta will lead the werefoxes and the devas. Lei the redcaps and Siwang's lemures. Macka”—she was Munjan's companion along with Vina and Andea—“shall lead his will o' wisps and Siwang's choirs. Vina and Andea shall lead Munjan's choirs and cockatrices.” Fara looked up. “I believe we have accounted for all forces, my Lord.”

“Yep,” Hagane said, ticking off her own list.”

“Then we have a plan,” I said, looking at them.

Master, the dwarves will meet in an hour,” Esclava reported

Okay. I'll be there soon.” Hopefully. I had a lot more work ready for me.

*  \ * /  *

Empty led Therodin and Ril into a strange room. It was one that Therodin had never seen in his career as an adventure. He had plundered dozens of dungeons. Seen things that could not exist underground, but this was different.

The room was round and made of crystal. The dungeon looked it had penetrated through it and found this sight. Empty stepped in first and moved to the side, his hands held together before him and hidden by his black robes. Though Therodin couldn't see the mage's eyes, Empty's face shrouded in shadows by his cowl, he could feel them.

“What is this?” Ril asked. She, too, was a mage. An elf who knew Light and Wind. “Why is there a glyph glowing in the middle of the room.”

That was the strangest sight of it all. A rune that was made of two chevrons facing upward. He glanced at his lover. “The Glyph of Fire?”

She nodded, her hand reaching for it than pulling back, her brow worrying. “I had never heard anything written about this.”

“Nor I,” Empty said, his voice a cold rasp. “There is more writing on the fall wall. It is an ancient form we use on our amulets and magical circles.”

Ril touched the brass disc that dangled down into her cleavage as she moved around the glyph. On the far wall was strange markings made up of thin arrows of different lengths and oriented in different ways, some overlapping to form different runes.

“Can you decipher it?” Therodin asked. He studied the script then noticed the slot beneath it.

“Perhaps,” said Empty. “I think this is how Thong Tri gained fire, though. He had no second Fire companion nor two types of Fire monster girls.”

Therodin hadn't realized that. “He touched this and... gained a Glyph?”

“It is merely speculation,” Empty said.

“Study it.” Therodin did not like this at all.

Chapter Four

As much as I wanted to meet with the dwarves, I sent a message to King Thanitis, “Has your men agreed to swear to me?”

Would all the plans we just made become obsolete.

Yes,” King Thanitis answered. “This is quite strange, but they are ready to swear to you.”

Good,” I said and glanced at the table. “Hagza, if you could teleport me to Astovin. The army awaits.”

Hagane smiled, looking satisfied. Did she want me to have an army? What was going through her mind. She was always a hard one to read.

Hagza motioned me to follow her. The dwarf said, “You're going to eat my pussy for this, right? I think it'll be my new cost.”

“You are Lord Leo's vassal!” Priestess Lysila gasped.

“And vassals should be reward with pussy licking,” said Hagza. “And some hard dicking.”

“Mmm, yes,” purred Nina in complete agreement.

“When we don't have a bunch of innocents in peril,” I told her. “I'll eat you out and give you that hard dicking.”

She grinned at me. “That's why I love you, Lord Leo. Always know how to treat a girl right.”

I laughed, feeling good for a moment.

We left behind the conference room, crossed the throne room, and reached the transport hub. Beyond it were the underground fields. Many of the farmers of Astovin had relocated to new homes I had built for them to harvest the crops that grew much, much faster.

If we had to close our dungeon off to, well, three entrances with my two followers, then I wanted to be able to feed us. I hoped Munjan would be able to reach his dungeon to Astovin, or maybe I should think about creating a... a city of my own.

Maybe that would be Myrecilla since I had the king and the army. But everyone who lived in it would have to be sworn to me, and there would be travelers. Commerce. No, no, it was better to have a remote city for my most loyal followers. Deep in the mountains, maybe. Perhaps a valley that was unreachable by foot.

That could prove interesting.

“Lord Leo,” Hagza said, “you have to step on the teleporter.”

“Right, right, long day,” I said.

I had defeated two saints today and I still had more to do. I was beat. My mind throbbed. I needed a pick me up. So I muttered, “Life energizes and enervates, let the grace of Lady Ianna empower!”

Vitalize sent a surge of energy through me. Like caffeine on steroids. It banished my exhaustion, drove away the headache, and sharpened my thoughts. I needed to focus on this. It was too important to let my physical frailties wear me down.

Asud Gu,” chanted my dwarven mage.

Light engulfed us. We appeared in Astovin. I climbed up the stairs and into the embassy. I soon was out on the streets of Astovin and marching for the north gate guarded by the rock elementals. They pushed it open for me, smiling.

I winked at them and headed out to the assembled army.

King Thanitis and Knight-General Arthemar awaited me on a wooden dais that had been hastily erected. Beyond, the army lay assembled. Rank after rank of men reaching deep. So many of them. A few thousand soldiers.

I climbed onto the dais.

“My Emperor,” King Thanitis said, bowing.

Knight-General Arthemar knelt before me, his grizzled face appearing stunned. Like he couldn't believe he was doing this. “I, Arthemar, Knight-General of the Armies of Myreman, do pledge my leal service to you, Emperor Leo, Lord of Dungeon Builders.”

I felt the magical connection form. The precise words didn't matter, just the intent that they held. So long as they promised to serve me and said it in some way, that was all that mattered. The Word shaped everything. It gave intent behind all things.

The universe was created with a Word.

“Soldiers of Myreman,” King Thanitis roared. “Kneel and pledge your loyalty not only to our great nation, but to our Emperor, Leo, First of his Name, Lord of Dungeon Builders.”

I wasn't so happy about that last one.

The men did as their king bade. They pressed their spears to the ground, heads bowed. A cacophony of words rose before me while I was inundated with pledges. I shuddered as I felt them wash over me. They drowned me with their fealty.

I staggered beneath the immensity of it. The weight of it. All these lives on me. My subjects. I was becoming an emperor. Would other kingdoms swear to me? Would the dwarves one day? Or the halflings of Sharithin?

I didn't want to think about that.

“We don't have much time,” I said. “Follow me into my dungeon! In the next hour, we shall liberate your friends, your families, your loved ones from the depravity of Tuerien Ironbane. We shall end the slaughter of your fathers, brothers, and sons! We shall free your mothers, sisters, and daughters from bondage. My monster girls will fight at your side! They will bleed with you and die with you to rescue the innocent of Myrecilla!

“Follow me to victory!”

I didn't know if the words were any good, but they all shouted. They roared. Spears were shaken and shield were battered. I shuddered, feeling like King Therodin in Lord of the Rings before the Rohirrim.

Did he feel this powerful weight of all these lives?

Yes. He must have, but he knew the fight was wroth it.

I turned and marched from the dais, King Thanitis and Knight-General Arthemarat my side. I headed for the large tunnels ready for this purpose. I didn't come out them because, frankly, it was a longer walk.

Hagane, go to the throne room. If there are any soldiers who have not sworn, we'll have to weed them out,”I said.“Kassie, can you bring the orcs to take them in hand and escort them out of the dungeon.”

I'm heading there,”Hagane said.

Yes, Lord Leo,”Kassie answered.

Hagza waited by the entrance to the dungeon. “Nice speech.”

I winked at her.

We headed into the dungeon. The soldiers marched through. It wasn't long before an alarm rang. I had an intruder in my dungeon. Hagane reported that it was in the mass of soldiers. The orcs soon arrived and she guided them in to the soldier. The man was escorted out.

In the end, less than a hundred refused to swear. About a dozen of them had tried to sneak in. I didn't know why. I didn't care. They were all told to leave. They soon milled off in a few groups, heading south.

I had Hagza teleport me through my dungeon so I could reach my Vault. I arrived there to find Fara waiting for me. She had her notes ready. This would be complicated. I had a lot of dungeon to extend around Myrecilla. But I knew I had the power for it.

“Let's being,” I said and grabbed the Void Crystal.

No intruders in the dungeon. All my monster girls, along with Siwang's and Munjan's, wereinside my dungeon as was the army. I closed off most of my dungeon exits save the one in Astovin and the main entrance. I shifted the adventures to the teleport room so they could be moved about to aid myself, Siwang, or Munjan in case of an invasion.

King Thanitis would lead the force liberating the women and children while Knight-General Arthemar would lead the men. They were splitting the army in half as I started extending my dungeon south to find Myrecilla.

I drove my dungeon south in legs. The first one was a pretty massive jump that should have me close, but maps in this world were often unreliable. I used ghosts for scouting. They could drift out of the roof of my dungeon and rise through the earth to give me accurate reports.

They were looking for a big landmark, the Myr River. The city should be easy to find after that. We narrowed it down. As I did, I wondered just how much Tuerien had dug beneath the city. I could push my dungeon against his and he wouldn't know it. But I also couldn't penetrate his.

Duhot was the main scout. “It's a good half-mile, Lord Leo!”

Then, “We're close, but you're a little too far south. Go a thousand yards north.”

Okay, that looks good. You're fifty feet from the north wall.”

And so on. Once I was beneath the city, it was much easier for her to help me locate where I needed to place my dungeon. I didn't run into his tunnels until was putting in place the infrastructure for the palace assault. That was where I bumped the spire thrusting out of the ground. It led to a tunnel shooting off to the south.

I was glad to have found that.

I fashioned rooms beneath each spot and added the tunnels just beneath the actual city infrastructure. Things like foundations and road beds. I moved the forces to each of them, Fara using her list to make sure things were getting into place.

Sweat dripped my forehead. I gripped the Void Crystal tightly.

“You're doing great, Leo,” Souleen said. She perched on top of the black gem and smiled at me. A little mother that helped to brighten my day.

“Next, we have the third street distraction group,” Fara said. “From the Execution square main room, send a tunnel to the southeast three-hundred yards.”

I did that and sent Duhot up to sneak a peak. I was close to a market square, so I shifted over to dump those stairs there.

“Next, we have the fourth street diversion,” Fara said. “From here, shift laterally to the west five hundred yards.”

I glanced at Fara and commented, “You make a great secretary.”

“You can eat my pussy to help relieve my headache,” she said without looking up. She froze at those words. Her cheeks blushed. “I mean, if it would please you, Lord Leo.”

“Once we're through today,” I said. I owed her and Hagza now.

I kept moving monster girls. I shifted King Thanitis's army beneath the palace. Knight-General Arthemar was beneath the execution square. I had the tunnel for deploying the water monster girls. I used a simple air lock to keep from flooding my tunnel. It was an U-bend like on a toilet to keep nasty odors from coming out of your toilet or to keep noxious gases out of your base in Oxygen Not Included before you researched airlocks.

I believed I had everyone in position, but I double-checked with Mayor Bevlin, station in the throne room and in control of the map of my dungeon. It could be zoomed in on any portion. “Are we all in position?”

One moment,” he sent. I waited while he went over everything. “Yes, Lord Leo. All positions are filled and ready.”

A nervous writhe shot through my dungeon. Fara glanced at me and nodded. She had the order that I had to do this. I gripped the Void Crystal and drew a deep breath. I closed my eyes and sank into the construction interface.

In five, four, three,” I sent to everyone that had sworn to me, “two, one.”

“Palace tunnel one,” Fara said. “Tunnel two. Tunnel three.”

She spoke, and I sent the final connections upwards. Stairs that burst out onto the streets. In six seconds, I had them all open. I opened my mouth and glanced at the scrying sensor to see dust rising up from where had thrust up my dungeon.

I had demolished part of the palace walls and a large building by the execution square. Already, the forces were charging out into the city. My monster girls rushed out to engage the enemy. It had begun. I took a last breath.

“Vilkas, Lord Leo,” Fara said.

I nodded and opened one special exit south of the city. “Go, Vilkas!”

I won't fail you,” Vilkas she answered as she darted out of my dungeon.

I shut that exit immediately as I sent, “I know.”

The soldiers poured out. They ran with their spears ready to attack. They followed my monster girls. My dungeon vomited them onto the street. Already, the fighting had begun. The dying. I gripped the Void Crystal, waiting for the stream to end.

We're empty,” Mayor Bevlin sent.

“Palace exit one,” Fara said as I went to work closing every exit. “Palace exit two.”

I worked down the list as my monster girls fought and died. I abandoned them to their fates. I fought against that ripple of guilt and hardened my heart. They would be fine. This was for the best. They would re-spawn.

I felt soldiers die, too.

They wouldn't.

“Here we go,” I said and opened my eyes, all the exits shut off.

I released the spire and glanced at the scrying sensor to watch the battle. Fara came to stand beside me. Kassie leaned against the wall while Priestess Lysila dropped to her knees and started praying to the Lady of Water.

We needed all the help we could get.

*  \ * /  *

The rumbling drew Tuerien Ironbane's attention from his book. He closed it and rose from his throne at the top of the spire. He moved to the narrow window he had in it. An arrow slit that he could peer out through. He stared down at the dust rising from one of the palace walls. Three of his goblins just died in the collapse.

From the dust, monster girls poured out followed by... soldiers. Soldiers of Myreman with the yellow mermaid flying on their blue banner.

“Leo,” he growled, his hands clenching into fists.

Get a monster girl in his dungeon!” he roared to all his forces. “Seal the Spire!”

His monster girls were dying across the city. In the air, on the streets, around the executions, and here in the palace. He had dumped his monster girls in to the city from multiple places. Multiple ways to get in his dungeon.

And find where he is in the city,” Tuerien sent. “I want him!”

Tuerien returned to his throne and sank down on it. His monster girls hammered him with messages, reporting on the attack. Tuerien wasn't worried. He was secure. His Void Crystal was back in the heart of his dungeon, and the primary entrance was well-hidden. A new spot selected just the other day.

If anyone entered, well, he had created a teleporter. From the base of the Spire, he could travel to his dungeon entrance and handle any adventures. But Leo was his target. He would enter the city, and once he appeared, Tuerien had a plan for him.

He waited, eager for the coming contest. Leo would give him the power to destroy Fuegin.

Chapter Five

Garnet soared with Alizee over the northern half of the city. The succubus was on distraction duty. If she saw enemy monster girls, she was to attack them. Garnet was eager for it. She had the pixies with her and the phoenixes.

From there,” Mala sent through the telepathic group chat their party had set it. It was easy to do. Garnet just had to imagine they were all speaking together, and they could. “Harpies rising up from the Temple of Water!”

Ooh, let's get them!” Alizee said.

Yes!” Garnet agreed, eager for it. She waved her floppy dildo before her as a banner. “Charge!”

The pixies squealed in delight and the phoenixes cawed with fiery passion. Garnet dove on the harpies rising up from the temple. Level 2 Air monster girls, they had wings for arms and sharp claws, but they would be no match for Dark Lady Naughty Garnet.

She threw her dildo as the two parties closed. It crashed into a harpy in the face, throwing her back but not knocking her out of the fight. Garnet conjured another and hurtled it at the harpies with all her might as they dove closer.

“Go, Garnet, go!” Alizee shouted aloud, the wind sprite's hair fluttering behind her. She karate chopped the air before her.

A blade of compressed air swept out and cut one of the harpies in half. Balls of fires erupted from the phoenixes, and the pixies threw balls of glittering dust. A harpy screamed as flames engulfed her. Others were struck by the glittering dust. They shook their heads, blinded by the annoying dust.

Garnet swung her dildo like a sword and slapped into into the tits of a harpy. She knocked the monster girl back as the two sides clashed. Fire blazed. Glitter twinkled through the sky. Alizee cheered with delight as the harpies screeched.

A sharp talon slashed at Garnet. She spun out of the way and slapped her dildo into the harpy's face. She battered another's wing, breaking it. She laughed in delight as she fought for her Owner.

“For Dark Lord Big Bro!” the succubus cried and swung her dildo-club again.

*  \ * /  *

Alizee spun through the air. “No!”

Atmaya screamed, the poor pixie gutted by one of the harpies. The monster girl vanished in a burst of motes. Her arms slashed and cut that nasty monster girl in half. The cheerleader shook her head as she swooped around.

Fireballs crackled across the sky, harpies dodging the fire. One crashed onto Dosaya's back, talons digging into the poor Pixie's back. The harpy ripped free, tearing her wings off. Dosaya plummeted for the ground below.

“Ooh, you nasty bitch!” Alizee shouted. She wanted to pull some hair.

Instead, she sent a blade of air.

The harpy ducked low and crashed into Pica's back. The phoenix flapped her burning wings and turned. The harpy ripped open her back then caught Pica in the throat. The phoenix exploded into fire as she died, taking the harpy with her.

“Come on! Let's get these bitches!” Alizee cheered. She clapped her hands. “Let's go, monster girls, let's go!”

A harpy swooped at Alizee, but a black dildo struck her wing and snapped it. The harpy screeched in pain as she spun to the side and fell to her death like poor Dosaya. Alizee smiled and swooped around to survey how the fight was going.

*  \ * /  *

“Mihiri!” Garnet shouted as the poor pixie vanished in a burst of sparks.

The succubus threw a dildo at the nasty harpy.

The monster girl dodged to the side, her wings beating. She screeched as he soared straight for Garnet, talons flexing to rip out the succubus's guts. Garnet needed something better than a club. She needed something...

To tangle her wings.

She conjured shadowy bondage rope and threw it at the harpy. It struck her body and wrapped around both wings. Suddenly, the monster girl couldn't flap her wings well. Her lift vanished. She screeched as she hurtled toward the ground below.

“Bye, bye!” Garnet said, waving.

Fire erupted to her right, one last harpy vanishing in a burst of flames. She surveyed the fight. They'd lost one phoenix and had two pixies remaining. Alizee pumped her arms as she swooped in the air.

“Okay, we won the first one for Dark Lord Big Bro!” Garnet cried. “Now let's go win the next!”

“Dark Lord Leo!” the two pixies shouted as they flew up beside Garnet.

The diminished band soared off to cause Tuerien all the trouble they could.

*  \ * /  *

Mrs. Lucina spotted her target. She had Feya flying on one side while Daleitha was on the other. Behind the three came hippogriffs and harpies. It was up to them to take out the enemy's fenghuang along with Tuerien's phoenixes and hippogriffs.

She could just glance at those hippogriffs they soared toward that they weren't Leo's. It was so obvious to her. She wouldn't get the ones flying behind her mixed up with the enemy. Those ones ahead weren't loving.

They were cruel like their owner.


The fenghuang spotted them. The colorfully winged monster girl banked around, her fiery phoenixes and eager hippogriffs behind her. Mrs. Lucina was ready to dodge balls of fire and razor-sharp feathers.

Her halo pulsed. A beam of light shot out for the fenghuang.

The enemy monster girl spun to the side, the beam striking an enemy hippogriff. A moment later, the enemy attacked back. Balls of fire streaked through the air, one rushing right at the angel. She flapped her wings hard and soared upward, the fire passing beneath her.

Rainbow light burst from Daleitha, dazzling some of the enemy hippogriffs. They banked to the right and left, confused. Feya's wand flashed a beam of light that burned through the head of a phoenix. She died in a burst of fire.

“Keep pouring it on!” Mrs. Lucina shouted.

Turquoise feathers flew from both sets of hippogriffs. They hissed back and forth through the air as the two sides tried to kill the other. The harpies closed the distance to use their sharp claws. They could inflict damage.

A feather hissed by Mrs. Lucina.

Her beam of light fired at the fenghuang.

The enemy monster girl sung.

Mrs. Lucina shook her head as the song filled her ears with such a... lulling melody. Her head sways back and forth as the sounds of the battle grew distant. She turned back around, flying into the heart of the fight.

A fireball hurtled at her.

A fireball...


A harpy, Piyayuru, swooped before Mrs. Lucina. The fire slammed into harpy and burned around her. She screeched as the feathers on her wings crisped. She twisted in the air, spinning around to face the angle, skin blackened and burned.

The lethargy on the angel vanished as the harpy died.

Thank you, the angel thought and turned.

The fenghuang's singing was affecting everyone. So the angel focused on her. She aimed all her force at that enemy monster girl, the halo on her head glowing brighter and brighter. In a flash, a blast of light ripped off the fenghuang's left wing.

She screamed as she spun to the ground.

Mrs. Lucina smiled in triumph.

Pain erupted in her leg. A turquoise feather ripped through her flesh. She gasped in pain and turned to see the enemy hippogriff was almost on her. A beam of light swept past Mrs. Lucina and took the monster girl in the face, killing her before she get hurt.

“That song was nasty!” Feya cried as she flew by.

Mrs. Lucina nodded, turning to survey the battle.  Another harpy, Asvaya, screeched in pain as phoenix burned her. Mrs. Lucina fired a blast of light that struck the killer in the back. She burst into flames and vanished in motes

Turquoise feathers ripped into another enemy phoenix, killing her. Mrs. Lucina fired a beam of light that nearly killed a bad hippogriff. But a harpy slammed down on her and ripped her throat out. Daleitha's rainbow light slammed into a pair of phoenixes that turned and struck each other. They bounced off with a crash, both of them flapping wings to recover.

Feya's wand burned through one while Tarkiyusis's razor-sharp fathers ripped through the other one's tits. Dead.

Mrs. Lucina nodded and turned to the palace. A large section of the wall had fallen, the army had spilled through. She motioned to her team and soared in that direction to help out in any way she could. They would save all these people.

She just hoped the fight went this well for the other teams.

Click here for the next part! 


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