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Chapter One

The shame lingered in Siwang as he stood with the others around the scrying sensor that Leo had conjured. They all were in King Thanitis's pavilion. The portal floated through the air, showing the city of Myrecilla to the south. Siwang stood with his hands behind his back.

I need to be stronger to be useful to Leo, rippled through his thoughts. He had been having a picnic with his girlfriend, Anji, when they had all nearly died. When not one but two of these saints had attacked Leo. He didn't even ask for my aid even though it was life or death.

Siwang had gained Level 2 Monster Girls and Intermediate Magic, but that didn't matter when he only had three elements. Death, Light, and Thunder. When his monster girls numbered a mere fraction of Leo's. He just wasn't at his friend's level.

Siwang wanted to be. He didn't want to hide in Leo's shadow. He wanted to fight at his side. But how could he get even stronger when Leo dreweverything on him. He fought the rogue dungeon builders. He had the power to extend his dungeon in all directions and find more mana veins. How could Siwang grow?

He needed to find a way.

“My city,” King Thanitis groaned. Horror brimmed in the young man's green eyes. He ran a hand through his short, black hair. “What has that monster done to my city!” Anger shook through him as he stared at Myrecilla. We viewed the city from high up.

Leo rubbed at his chin. He was Siwang's age but seemed older than King Thanitis. “Look at all those monster girls.”

Monster girls moved about the city as they organized the civilians. They herded the frightened population about. Streams of people crossed the bridges over the Myr river that split the city in half. The men seemed to be taken to the north half of the city while the women to the south. The buildings were all medieval. Stone with slate roofs. Some where grand. One building had three pools of water around it with a canal that led to the river. There were other canals branching off from it that led out through the city wall to the fields beyond.

Irrigation? Siwang supposed.

The southern half of the city had two compounds with their own walls. In the southeast there looked to be a collection of long buildings while in the northern one, it had the look of a castle with a strange spire trust out of the middle of the courtyard.

“Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 monster girls,” Leo said as he examined them. “He has an army of them.”

“Does he have more than you, Leo?” Munjan asked. He was another dungeon builder who'd recently sworn to Leo like Siwang had. A tall and handsome young man with tan skin that had paled with nervousness.

“It's hard to say,” Leo said. “And he has a lot of unique monster girls. I don't recognize a lot of them. He's killed many dungeon builders.”

Those unique ones were leading squads.

Three women entered. Fara the elven scholar who wore only her black hair that fell over her slender body and covered her milky skin. Her nipples peeked through. She had abandoned clothes and lacked any modesty. High Priestess Lysila had not. She wore her blue robes of silk, a circlet of silver resting on her head. She, too, had black hair. She gasped at the sight of her city being occupied.

The last to enter was the dragon Agubnamus. A water dragon in her human form, she had a body covered in blue scales with long, white hair that spilled over her shoulders. Wings folded in on her back. Her red eyes narrowed with fury. She had been chained to guard Myrecilla and its royal family for nearly four thousand years.

Now it was conquered.

“I can't believe it,” Priestess Lysila whispered. She pressed against Leo, holding her lover's arm. “What is he doing to it? Why is he gathering the people.”

“He's executing the men,” Leo said, pointing to the square on the north bank of the river where the men were being gathered. The river ran crimson after that spot as animated armors beheaded men and threw their corpses into the waters to float out of the city. “The women are being rounded up in the castle in the southwest corner.”

“Why?” Lysila asked, her voice thick with horror.

Leo shook his head. He didn't know.

For breeding the women? thought Siwang. But there's so many of them. Thousands. How could he breed them all?

“I see many unique monster girls, Lord Leo,” said Fara. The elf spoke in her cool tone. She stared at what happened as if she watched paint dry. “Tuerien is known to have a cherfu. There she is.” She pointed at monster girl that looked to be made out of cooling magma, mostly black but with fissures of glowing red. “And a red cap. Metal was his first glyph. Fire his second. then Death and Thunder. Only... that's a tennyo leading that group of pixies in the sky.”

The pixies had gossamer wings but the naked woman in the midst of them just flew through the sky while trailing pink blossoms. Cherry blossoms, Siwang realized. Tennyo... That's Japanese. Ten means Heaven in Japanese, right?

“So he has Air, too,” Leo said. “He's killed another dungeon builder.”

“And Thunder, Lord Leo.” She pointed to another unique monster girl flying in the sky. She had graceful wings for arms adorned with red, green, black, and yellow feathers. “She is a fenghuang.”

Siwang scowled at that. He didn't like a fenghuang being here. “That is a sacred bird in China. Our.. phoenix.”

“Here, shes a Thunder monster girl that will try to kill us,” said Leo. “I don't mean to be rude, but...”

“I know,” Siwang said. “It's just... It's offensive to me.”

“So is what's happening to the civilians,” Leo growled as he shifted the scrying around to document the monster girls.

“I see a lamia,” said Fara, “a shesha, banshee, maenad, manticore, cyclops, adlet, and an erinyes. He has six glyphs now and many conquered dungeon builders' companions.”

“Why would they serve that bastard?” Leo demanded.

Fara shrugged.

“What do we do, Lord Leo?” King Thanitis asked. The man had sworn himself to Leo much like Siwang had.

“Kill Tuerien,” snarled Agubnamus. The dragon woman flared her wings wide, her red eyes glowing.

Siwang nodded, an idea forming in his mind. It would be a bold gamble, but it would give him what he craved most. If Leo would agree to it. So Siwang thought about it as Leo took the scrying sensor high again to stare at the city.

The crimson waters flowed from the execution square and filled a lake with an island in the middle with bridges connecting it to both half of the cities. The bodies piled up along the eastern shore of the island, caught there. Others drifted by to flow out of the city west toward the sea.

“What's the building here in the northeast with the three pools around it,” Leo said. “Why is it being guarded. They're not gathering civilians there.”

“Yes, the adlet and the cyclops are both there,” said Fara, her ears twitching.

Siwang picked out the two unique monster girls with ease. The cyclops stood out because he had one. This one was as blonde as his own with the same bronze skin. The adlet had white skin, blue hair, and the ears and tail of a dog. She felt like an Ice monster girl two him. A group of cockatrices with green scaled bodies and feathery-red hair patrolled around the outside of the building while harpies nested on the roof.

“That's my temple,” Priestess Lysila said. She let go of Leo and glared at them. “They are defiling it. That place is sacred to the Lord and Lady of Water.”

The Lord of Water just nearly killed us all, Siwang thought. His watery Saint had almost annihilated Leo's forces. It was why he didn't have many of his monster girls here. They were mostly dead.

“Why guard it?” Siwang asked.

Leo groaned and slammed his fist into his hand. “Maybe he found the Blessed Blade of Water.”

Fara's eras twitched.

“He probably can't move it,” Leo continued. “I doubt monster girls can touch it, and he's a dungeon builder. I doubt he would risk himself. But he must figure it's special.”

“Does he know about the shrines?” asked Munjan. “And the swords? Weren't you the one who figured this out?”

“All but one of the blades has been lost to history,” Fara said. “While other builders have no doubt found some of the shrines—Leo didn't discover them first—but I cannot see how he has figure out the connection with the swords. Though given where his dungeon is position, he is no where near any of my estimations for the Shrines' locations.”

“But who knows what the dungeon builders he's killed knows. He's been consolidating his power, and those surviving companions he inherited would gladly tell their former master secrets.” Leo rubbed at his chin. “Damn, if this gets figured out.”

“It would become a race,” Munjan said.

“Well, I'd say it's fair that monster girls can't grab the sword, but what if he tries?” Siwang glanced at the priestess “Can any human grab it? Or can only its true bearer hold it?”

“It's never been touched,” the priestess said.“It was too holy for any of us to touch. It would be a sin to even caress the blade. I only visited it once a year to prayed to it and anointed it with sacred water. I hoped for the day that the Lord and Lady of Water would select a new champion to wield the sword. Fara?”

The elf shrugged again. “I can't say for certain if a dungeon builder counts enough as a human or if any human, elf, dwarf, or halfling could handle a blade. It might become tied to anyone who picked it up or it might just... teleport back to its resting spot.

“That doesn't matter,” the king growled. “We have to stop the executions!”

Leo nodded and shifted the scrying sensor to the square. Siwang swallowed. He ran a hand through his short, black hair. Up close, it was even worse as the men were brought to the river in groups to be executed by the swords of the ten animated armors. They were brutal, hacking off the heads. They were killing hundreds an hour. Ten salamanders and ten sphinxes guarded the prisoners and kept the men from looking. They all looked beaten. Cowed.


A tall monster girl with pale skin and big boobs supervised. Her black hair flowed down her back like a cape. She walked on clawed feet and had wings like a raven folded against her back. She held a metal whip she cracked over the heads of the terrified prisoners.

“What is she?” Leo asked.

“Erinyes,” Fara answered. “A Metal monster girl. That whip is said to cut through anything and leave nasty wounds.”

“Please, Lord Leo,” King Thanitis begged, tears in his eyes. His body shook, his hands balled into tight fists. “We have to save them. They're executing the men. Every moment, more die.”

“I know,” Leo growled. “But we have to plan. My forces are in disarray. I have to revive most of my monster girls.”

Munjan pointed at the scryer, “It looks like there are two air patrols and two patrols of monster girls prowling the streets we'll have to do contend with.”

Siwang studied it. The offending fenghuang lead a group of phoenixes and harpies, maybe five of each, through the skies. The tennyo the horde of pixies. It was hard to count them, but there could be fifteen of the Level 1 Air monster girls. In the streets, one of the patrols was led by a wild-looking woman with unkempt hair and claws for fingers. She led a group of ethereal ghosts and pale-skinned monster girls that were probably vampires. In the southern half of the city, a tall woman with a thick mane of black hair and a scorpion's tail led the other group. She had bat-like wings folded along her side. Behind her, frosty yuki-onnas and wild yetis with frosty hair followed.

“The maenad is leading the northern force,” said Fara. “She's a thunder monster girl. A wild fighter. Her screeches send her allies into a blood frenzy. The southern patrol is a manticore, an Air monster girl. Her tail fires paralyzing stingers.”

“And there's all the women being gathered,” said King Thanitis. “In my castle's courtyard. He has a lot of his monster girls there. And that spire is new.”

“His dungeon entrance,” Leo said.

The scryer swept over the castle in the southwest corner of the city. The wall had a lot of green-skinned goblins patrolling it. Two gates led out into the city, each gate was guarded. The eastern gate had a blue snake girl with arms and a large group of blue-skinned women with a wild look to them.

“Those are wendigos,” said Leo, staring at the gate. “Level 1 Ice monster girls.”

“With a lamia leading them,” added Fara. “She can hypnotize with her eyes.”

“And there are lemures guarding the other gate,” Leo said.

Siwang knew those well. He had Death and those were Level 1 monster girls. He loved his lemures, so it was strange seeing them with another dungeon builder, like Tuerien had stolen his favorites and perverted them.

“I don't recognize the unique monster girl leading them, though,” Leo added.

That monster girl was a slender, blue-skinned woman with long, white hair and a red jewel centered between her tits.

“A lich,” Fara said. “The red gem has to be destroyed to kill her otherwise she'll regenerate from any damage done to her pretty swiftly.”

“Her phylactery,” Leo said, nodding in understanding.

Siwang furrowed his brow in confusion. Her what?

“An interesting word,” Fara said. “I have never heard of it before, Lord Leo.”

“Lich lore from my world,” Leo said, shifting like he was embarrassed by where he'd gotten this information. Leo cleared his throat. “So we have orcs patrolling the palace grounds with a red cap and a cherfu guarding the entrance to this spire. His dungeon.”

“Cherfu is the magma girl?” Siwang asked, wanting to have all of this straight in his mind.

“Yeah,” Leo said. “I met one when Fuegin came to my dungeon for the first time. He brought her along.” Leo sighed. “Well, all the women are being held in the courtyard away from the spire. Look pretty crammed in there.”

They were huddled together while there were several pavilions that were cooking food. Groups of them were led away with the children to use maybe a latrine. They were guarded by a banshee who looked similar to Leo's Morana. The other unique monster girl there had the lower half of a snake with red scales that were nearly the same hue as her skin. She had black hair that fell full and thick around her head. With them was a group of hellhounds along with five sirens.

“Sirens are smart,” said Leo. “They must be singing to help keep the women so docile. Who's the snake woman, Fara?”

“A shesha, Lord Leo. Fire Monstergirl.”

“Okay, we have to get the civilians out before we can even thinking about attacking,” Leo said. “Tuerien will be hard to get. If he has his Vault close at hand, he can withdraw the spire and leave his monster girls to die, or revive them and get them back in the fight pretty fast. I don't think it's worth even trying to kill him before we have rescued your citizens, King Thanitis.”

The king looked grateful. “But how?”

“That's the question,” Leo said. “What's the other castle. He's ignored it.”

“The... army barracks.” A shame-faced King Thanitis looked down at his feet. “That's... where my army should be. If they were there, he would have had a much harder time taking the city.”

“You wanted to protect some of your people from a threat,” said Leo. “Nothing wrong with that. Tuerien's the monster here. It's all on him.”

The king nodded but didn't look that mollified.

“How do we take the city?” Priestess Lysila asked.

Siwang nodded. “I think we can take his monster girls, but there's a lot, and what if he has reserves waiting to respond to an attack.”

Leo sighed. “You're right. He has an actual presence in the city. This is different for Sharithin.” Guilt flashed across his face. “I can't evacuate the civilians into my dungeon. That nearly got us all killed last time. I can't reshape my dungeon with them in there. They're essentially intruders.”

“How do we get them out?” Siwang asked.

Leo glanced at the king, studying him. “Are your soldiers here willing to die to save their people?”

“Absolutely!” Pride flashed across the king's face, and his back snapped straight. He deflated a moment later. “But it'll take us a week to march back. By then...”

“Even in my tunnels, it would take that much time,” said Leo. “Maybe a day or two less, but that's still a lot of wasted time.” He paused. “It would be easier if they swore to me like you have, King Thanitis. Then I could move them about like my monster girls.”

The hard tone in Leo's voice shocked Siwang. His friend stood like a statue now, resolute.

“They will swear to you,” King Thanitis said. “They're my men, and you're my liege now. My... emperor.”

That softened Leo's hardness. Something that might have been guilt flashed across his face. “I have to revive my monster girls. Assemble your men. I'll be back in an hour.”

King Thanitis nodded and marched out of the tent.

Leo followed him, but Siwang grabbed his friend's arm. “I need to help. I have an idea that might work.”

Leo stared at Siwang looking curious.

Chapter Two

I liked Siwang's plan. It had real merit. Ballsy, that was for sure. I was surprised he came up with something that daring. I never would have thought of it, but it just might be what we needed to end this threat.

I'd have to talk to the dwarves to make sure it could be done, though.

That was for later. As I headed back into my dungeon, I had figure out the rest of the plan. First, we had to rescue the civilians. That was the most important part. Agubnamus, Fara, and Lysila walked down with me into the dungeon where Kassie waited with the returning flying monster girls. The last of my forces that were still alive.

“Big bro!” Garnet cried and rushed at me. She liked to call me “big bro” though we weren't related at all.

My little succubus threw herself at me. She hugged me tight. I returned it. She was still missing one of her crimson wings, cut off in the fight with the Light saint who attacked us in that idiot Zamrazen's dungeon.

“Ooh, this is so messed up,” Garnet said. “How dare the gods send two saints to attack Dark Lord Big Brother!”

“Ballsy,” said Nina Naughty. The porn star smiled at me, her body crimson, a hot look in her eyes. “Real ballsy.”

“It was smart,” Esclava said. The ifrit shook her head. “Wait until we're split up and hit us on two fronts.”

“The two Gods I've pissed off recently working together,” I said. That was three saints down. Could they revive new ones? I had no idea. Saints were tough fuckers. “Could have used you and Nina in the fight.”

“Sorry to miss it,” Nina said.

“Yes, Lord Leo,” Daleitha said, my chalkydri spreading wide her rainbow-feathered wings. “I wish we could have flown back faster.”

I shrugged. “You did your best.”

“Leo won!” Alizee squealed as she bounced up and down. Her white hair fluttered like a wind swirled around her. “That's all that mattered. Woot!” She did a high kick, flashing her pussy at me. The former cheerleader had as much energy as a hurricane.

“Well, we won,” Paetu said. “That means we can relax. Perhaps, you would remember that you have other monster girls that would be more than happy to receive your attention.”

Guilt flushed through me. “I'd love to fuck you right now, but it's one crisis after another.”

I described what had happened. Once I had them all caught up, Garnet gasped, “I'm hopping mad!” She bounced up and down, her small breasts jiggling. Her black pigtails swayed as they fell down the front of her. “Just hopping mad!”

“Hopping... mad?” Paetu asked, glancing at her.

“It's from an anime,” I said, waving my hand. “That's not important. I'm going to use the army to escort the civilians out of the city. We won't be using the dungeon to let the refugees escape. That takes too long, and all it takes is for the enemy to get inside. If he can keep his monster girls flooding in, we'll eventually loose through attrition.”

“So we flood in an army, rescue the civilians, and help the army escape,” Nina said. “Sounds easy.”

“It won't be,” said Esclava.

“But Leo can do it!” Alizee said. “He's never met a foe he can't defeat.”

“That's right!” Garnet said. “Dark Lord Big Bro always prevails. Nothing can fight beneath the everlasting night he spreads!”

“You do remember I started with Lightning?” I asked my little succubus.

She grinned at me. “But then you embraced the night and me! Your cute little succubus. Now that you have Dark Succubus Naughty Garnet, Lady Big Perv herself, you cannot be defeated.”

“How good are you in a fight?” asked Nina.

“So good! I used my darkness to bind up the Light saint. I was indispensable to defeating that dastardly being of light and goodness.”

“He wasn't all that good,” Leo muttered. “Wanted to rape my monster girls before killing me.”

“Bastard,” hissed Daleitha. “And that's who the God of Light sent as his saint.”

“Yep,” I said. “Sounded like the fucker had done it before. But that's not really important. We have to figure this out.”

We all stepped onto the teleport pad.

Asud Gu!” Kassie said.

White light engulfed us as we were moved to the teleport hub in the heart of my dungeon.

“If we used a combination of the army and the monster girls, it would be to great effect,” Fara said as we all stepped off the teleport circle.

“They are great fighters,” said Kassie. “They did better than you thought fighting Sulanga's monster girls.”

“Yes, we did,” Garnet said. “I coordinated the rescues that day. I was super important!”

Nina rolled her eyes. “I like the idea of attacking with the army. We could make great distractions. Hit Tuerien's monster girls and wipe them out as the soldiers escorted the women out. Then we could guard the rear or make hit and run tactics. Just send us in until we're wiped out.”

“Just send you all to your deaths,” I muttered, hating doing that.

“That's right!” Alizee jumped before me. The cheerleader wind sprite put her hands on her hips. She hovered a few inches off the floor to stare me in the eyes. “Death is nothing for us! We just go to sleep and get hugged by Souleen and it's very peaceful and it's necessary to rescue all these people. So get over yourself!”

“Alizee!” Nina said in admiration. “Damn, girl.”

“That's not nice,” Garnet gasped. My little succubus hopped up and down.

“He does,” Alizee said. “We don't mind dying. It hurts, but just for a moment. And if we die doing something important, like saving people who don't come back to life, then it's fine. You don't have to protect us, Leo. Okay?”

“I just... I don't like sending you knowing you'll die,” he said. “It's not right. No one should do that.”

“You're sending the army in. Soldiers are going to die fighting those monster girls, and they're not going to come back.” She took his hand. “But we do, so don't feel guilty. Feel happy.”

“Happy?” I repeated.

“Our deaths are a good thing because they'll be in place of humans! See!” Alizee beamed at me.

I couldn't help but smile back at her. The peppiness was too much.

“There,” she said. “That's how you need to be. You're much more handsome when you're smiling than when you're feeling sorry for us.”

“Yeah,” Garnet said, bouncing up and down. Her one good wing spread wide.

I winced and chanted, “Graven wounds pulse in pain, let the healing of Lord Dumazid flow!”

Mend Flesh regrew Garnet's wing. It stretched out from behind her. In half a minute, she had both her wings back. She squealed in delight as we entered the throne room. She flapped her wings and took to the air, her narrow tail swishing behind her.

I smiled and said, “I'll revive the others and we'll make plans in the conference room.”

“Right!” Garnet shouted as she winged through the high-vaulted ceiling.

I moved past the thrones for me and my twelve companions. This was where it had almost ended. Right here in this throne room. If I hadn't sacrificed a mana vein to create a permanent teleportation spot between that dumbass's dungeon and the entrance to mine, it would be all over.

It was just such a useless teleportation. There was nothing of value out there but maybe a mana vein I would have to remember to claim at some point. That was later. I had more important hings to do.

I thought more of the plan as I left the throne room behind and passed through our living area. It was so empty. No one was around. Most everyone had been wiped out. I reached my Vault with its heavy, locked door that I opened with ease.

Inside was the plinth with the black jewel on it. A faint hum filled the air as it drew in mana from the various veins that my dungeon bisected. Sitting atop the gem was Souleen. She knelt there, a busty woman with dusky skin. She looked Middle Eastern.

Not surprising, she was made in the likeness of the Incarnation, Queen Puabi who was an ancient Sumerian. I smiled at Souleen as I grabbed the Void Crystal. I felt the power humming through it as I opened myself up to the interface.

“A lot of monster girls died,” Souleen said. “I'm surprised that it took you so long to start reviving them. It's almost all of them.”

“Another catastrophe,” I said. I wanted to rest. Just relax with my monster girls. Have an orgy. Or sleep, but there were people that needed saving. Every moment wasted was another man executed. I drove back the fatigue. “A lot more monster girls are going to die.”

“Oh, no,” she said. “Well, they're all waiting for you. They're having such happy dreams. Just sleeping peacefully in me.”

“Good,” I said. “I'm glad they are at rest.”

I sank into the interface and started reviving my monster girls. There was a lot of them. I went through each Glyph one by one. I sent my unique monster girls into the conference room along with a rep for each type. The normal monster girls—wildhounds, goblins, unicorns, leprechauns, etc—I sent to their normal positions in the dungeon.

It took about thirty minutes. My voice was hoarse from having to call out all their names to bring them back. I felt each one, but they always appeared in the Vault, spun out of the shadows, with smiles on their lips. They were glad to be useful.

They didn't hate me.

“How are you doing?” Mrs. Maia said when I revived her. “This has been a horrible day.”

“You have no idea,” I said. “But I can handle it.”

I shifted her to the conference room.

“Oh, Leo,” Mrs. Lucina said. She had been with me in the fight with the Light saint. “I was so worried. That dwarf was nasty.”

“He's dead,” I said and shifted off her to the conference room.

Hagane merely pushed up the wire frames of the glasses she didn't need to wear and nodded.

“Nothing can stop the Dark Lord's darkness,” Morana said, her black mist spilling down her back like a cloak. “Nothing.”

I smiled at my banshee and sent her to the conference room.

“Dirty boy,” Crystal said, winking at me when she appeared. My roommatelooked ready to fuck.

“Sorry,” I said. “No time for me to eat your pussy.” She vanished as I sent her to the conference room.

Terra looked relieved and patted my shoulder, smiling at me. I grinned back at her.

Paanee hissed, “Massster!”

“Big perv!” Maya gasped and hugged me.

I closed my eyes and hugged her back, savoring her watery form against me. I closed my eyes, drawing comfort from her. I kissed her on the lips, wanting to do more with her, but I remembered those men.

I broke the kiss and said, “Later. We have another crisis.”

She sighed. “Of course we do.”

Ms. Trueno looked me up and down, smiling. Bjorni growled with rage. So did Baaghi. Usiku hugged me. A furious Vilkas crackled with electricity. Smerta looked nearly as angry. Lana Fulmine winked at me. I worked through them all, bringing them back to life and sending them to the conference room until I had them all revived.

I moved one last monster girl.

Lord Leo?” Esclava asked as I sent her to the embassy to the dwarves.

I need a meeting with the dwarven leadership soon,” I said. “Find out if they'll agree to see to me. I have a big favor to ask of them.”

I'll get on it,” Esclava answered.

I released the Void Crystal and headed to the conference hall. I had moved Mayor Bevlin there along with Halia and the adventures. They had been guarding my dungeon entrance while I met with King Thanitis.

Halia hugged me the moment I entered the conference hall, her lips hot on mine. I kissed my paladin with hunger. Behind her, my dwarven mage Hagza grinned at me. She smacked me on the ass. She was one of my lovers, too.

“Okay,” I said. “We have a big problem on our hands.”

I began casting the ritual to conjure another scyring disk.

*  \ * /  *

King Thanitis supervised his men falling into formation. The young man stood with his back straight and his hands clasped behind him as he watched his soldiers. They had recovered from their defeat and witnessing Agubnamus's rampage.

Moral returned.

His army was strong. He was proud of them, and he knew they would not let the people of Myrecilla down. King Thanitis had full faith in his men. Their families lived in the city. This tragedy would be countered.

I wish Virin was alive, thought the king. The Royal Mage of Myreman had died when Leo had captured King Thanitis.

“My king, what are we doing?” asked Knight-General Arthemar. He marched up, a hard-faced older man with gray hair and a waxy scar on his right cheek. A memento from when he slew Karthin Firescream, a nasty dungeon builder. “We should be breaking camp and marching south, not having a parade inspection. It'll take us a week to reach the city.”

“I know that,” said the king. “That's what we're doing. We're going to save our city. I have an announcement to make.”

“This won't get us to Myrecilla faster, my King.”

King Thanitis glanced at his general. “It will. It will.”

The king waited for the last of the men to gather before he marched to the front of the dais. He would address his men. Cries would repeat his words to the back ranks. He stared at his men, all standing back straight.

“Men!” he roared as his eyes flicked from one soldier to the next in the front ranks. “Men of Myreman. Men Born of Water! The power of the River surges through our veins. The Mighty Myr pumps through our bodies with every beat of our hearts! The rumors must be buzzing by now. They are true! Our home has fallen!”

A load groan rumbled from the soldiers. Dismay crossed the faces of many. Officers barked orders for silence. The king waited, fire burning in his beating heart. The anger surged through his veins. He would see his city free.

“The despicable coward, Tuerien Ironbane attacked it while we wasted our time assaulting our ally!” the king roared, his hands clenched tight. “I made a mistake when I led you north. I turned our back on the true threat!”

The fury swept hot through him. His body shook with rage.

“Even now, your wives and mothers and daughters are being rounded up by that foul beast while your brothers, fathers, and sons are being executed. The Mighty Myr runsred with their blood!”

“NOOOOOO!”roared from the soldiers.

“Lord Enki defend,” gasped Knight-General Arthemar. “That brute! That foul brute!”

King Thanitis nodded. He let the anger swell through his men while the officer fought to restore order. He needed his men burning with rage. Spears shook above the soldiers heads or slapped into shields. The roar was deafening.

“We must march at once, my King!” Knight-General Arthemar snarled.

“We will!” King Thanitis thrust his hand into the air.

The angry roars and clatter of weapons died down.

“I share your rage! Your fury at Tuerien! At that loathsome butcher! We shall save them all!” He paused, staring at them. “But it's a week march. A week! We might fight a city full of corpses.”

A wave of fury swept over him, projected by his men.

“There is another way! If you swear fealty to Leo, as I have done, he can get us there today! With his monster girls fighting at our side, we will save our brothers and sisters, wives and mothers, fathers and sons! We will escort them out of the city and to safety, but you must do as I have done! You must kneel before Lord Leo and swear to him as our Emperor!”

Knight-General Arthemar looked aghast.

King Thanitis ignored him. “Lord Leo is our friend. If you wish to save your loved ones and prevent more killings and prevent whatever foul designs Tuerien has on our womenfolk, then do as I have. Follow my example and swallow your pride. Only then can we save our city! Who will kneel like I have!”

A vast roar from the men echoed through the air. He could see it. They would swear to anyone promising them salvation, even a dungeon builder.

“You have truly sworn?” the knight-general asked, grabbing the king's arm. “What about the treaty?”

“I am his vassal now,” said the king. “It's is done. Will you swear to him, or will you let our people be butchered.”

“My wife... My family...” Emotion wetting his eyes, the gruff general nodded.

King Thanitis let out a sigh or relief. They would save their people. It was the only way that this would end if they swore. So many had already died, but they would save who they could. He could stew in regret later for the decisions that led him to this point.

Now he just had to wait for Lord Leo to emerge.

*  \ * /  *

Therodin savored Auniasiiriliiania's mouth working up and down his cock.

His elven lover nursed on him with her mouth. She could command the elements of Light and Air with her sweet mouth, but she could also command the passions of his cock. He savored being blown by her in the ruins of Thong Thri's dungeon.

The latest vermin exterminated to give Barany more power. The disgusting roach now had Fire and Water in addition to Thunder, Ice, and Metal. He was growing in power. The more builders they killed, the stronger he would become until he could rival the others.

Wai the Drowner would have to be the first major builder they killed. He lay to the east.

But that as still a long way off. This plan would take time.

He shuddered as Ril worked her mouth up and down his cock. Her large, sapphire eyes gleamed up at him. He gripped her braid of blonde hair. She had been his lover for a decade, the second in command of the Company.

She nursed with such hunger on his cock. He'd soon eat her pussy out and fuck her hard. He reveled in the thrill of defeating another foul builder. His balls tightened beneath the expert skill of her tongue.

“Ril,” he groaned, loving the feel of her mouth sucking at his dick. She nursed with force on him. It was a fantastic rush to have her nursing with such passion on him. He groaned, rising toward that wonderful burst of pleasure. He would cum hard into her mouth. Just flood her with all his spunk. “Damn.”

She groaned, her ears twitching.

The pressure in his balls swelled and swelled with her hot mouth. She suckled with passion on his cock. It was an incredible rush to have her nursing on his dick. His eyes rolled back in his head as he came closer and closer to cumming in her.

Therodin tightened his grip on her braid of hair. The pleasure swelled in him. He was about to erupt. She suckled with hot passion, her round breasts swaying as she suckled on him. He wanted to hold them.

“Yes!” he growled and erupted.

His cum fired into her mouth.

He spurted blast after blast of his jizz straight into her maw. She groaned and gulped it down. She suckled on him with passion. She nursed with all that she had on him. It was an incredible rush to have all that pleasure surging through him.

“Lord Abzu's mighty dick!” Therodin roared to his patron. “Ril!”

She gulped down his jizz. She swallowed every spurt of cum. The naughty elven mage quivered as she swallowed all his seed with hunger. He shuddered, his heart pounding in his chest. He erupted one last time, giving her all he had.

He panted as she slid her mouth off his cock with a wet plop. She licked her lips and stretched out on her back on her robes spread over the dungeon floor. She spread her legs wide, her hairless pussy awaiting him.

He dropped to his knees, so ready to feast on her. He slid his rough hands up her silken thighs. His elven lover quivered, her round boobs jiggling. Her copper magic symbol gleamed between her tits. He breathed in her floral scent.

That wonderful perfume of an elven pussy.

He buried his face into her cunt and licked at her nectar.

“Therodin!” she moaned. “Oh, yes, yes, that's so good. Ooh, you know just what you're doing! Lick me!”

He feasted on her as she squeezed her thighs around his head. She humped against him, her eyes rolling back in her head. He tongued her with hunger. He lapped at her, loving every last second of devouring her twat.

She groaned as he thrust his tongue into her pussy. He swirled it around in her, loving the taste of her snatch. She whimpered, her head tossing. He licked up to her clit. He swirled around her bud. The elf gasped.

“Yes, yes,” she moaned. “Lady Sherida's shining passion!”

He stroked over her naughty bud. He loved the way she shuddered. Ril's moans snag through Therodin's ears. He licked back down her folds to gather her nectar. The flowery taste of her pussy filled him with such joy.

He thrust his tongue into her cunt and swirled around in her. She groaned as he did that. He lapped at her with hunger. She groaned, her head tossing from side to side as he feasted on her. She groaned and gasped as he flicked his tongue through her folds.

She gasped out in delight, her passion echoing through the room. He loved how she moaned. It was a fantastic rush to have her gasping like that. He thrust his tongue into her pussy's depths and danced around in her.

“Therodin!” she moaned. “Oh, you're going to drown in my pussy cream.”

“Good,” he growled and flicked his tongue to her bud once more.

He suckled on her clit.

She gasped as she shuddered, her round boobs jiggling. His cock ached to slide into her pussy. He would fuck her so hard, but first he had to make her cum. He flicked his tongue around her bud. She moaned louder, her passion echoing through the room.

“Oh, that's it. That's so good.” She grabbed her boobs. “Therodin!”

Her pussy juices gushed out.

A wild flood of her cunt cream drowned him.

He licked up her juices. He lapped them up with hunger. She bucked against him, her passion flooding out of her. It was a wonderful thrill to lick up her cunt cream. He lapped up all that passion gushing out of her with hunger.

She trembled through her rapture, her boobs bouncing and heaving. He licked at her with such thirst. He drank her flowery pussy cream. She soaked him with her ecstasy. He loved making her cum. His cock ached so much.

“Ril, I—” He cut off as he spotted Empty watching them.

The black-cowled mage stood motionless, his hood keeping most of his face in shadows.

“What?” demanded Therodin. “You could have spoken telepathically instead of standing there watching like a snake in a tree!”

“I found something... unexpected,” Empty said and motioned to them.

Therodin frowned, pussy cream dripping from his chin.

Click here for the next part! 


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