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“Something happened when I took the pill,” you confess in a whisper as you wait for your elevator to arrive.

“What?” Cassie asks.

You glance down at your charcoal-gray pencil skirt and the bulge. “It, well, I grew something extra.”

Cassie's gaze follows your gaze downward. Her brow furrows. “Uh, what is that?”

“It's, well...” You look around You don't see anyone on your floor paying attention to you. So you peel up your skirt real quick. You groan as the fabric slides over the tip of your cock thrust out the top of your light-blue satin panties.

“No way,” Cassie gasps when she sees your cock stretching out your panties and peeking out the tip. “You... That's...”

“My clit turned into a dick,” you say. “That's what the futa-pill did to me. It gave me a, well, a futa-cock.”

“Fuck me,” Cassie says.

Your dick throbs and a powerful ache seizes you.

“Anyways, Paris is on her way down to get the futa-pill. I can't let her get her grubby hands on it.”

“Right, right,” Cassie says. “That bitch shouldn't get anything nice.”

You are glad your friend is taking this well. You shove down your skirt just as the elevator dings. A few seconds later, the doors open. The pair of you scurry in and hit the button for the 13th floor. You swallow as you jam the close door button.

“So, you grew a dick?” Cassie asks as the elevator lurches down.

“Yeah,” you say. “That's why I bolted to the bathroom where, er, Paris caught me playing with it.”

“You were masturbating in...” Her words trailed off as the elevator slowed to a top only two floors down on the 73rd.

You groan, frustration rippling through you. Cassie shifts beside you, letting out an annoyed sigh. The doors slide open and a redhead who you're pretty sure is called Miranda steps on. You try not to be rude as you back away to give her room.

She hits the button for the 31st floor where customer service is located. Neither you nor Cassie say much to Miranda. You're worried about Paris while Miranda seems to have her own problems. She's holding something in her hands, humming slightly beneath her breath.

You stare at the floor counter, Cassie squirming beside you. The elevator is going so slow. You just know that you're going to be too late if you don't get down there right now. You take Cassie's hand, holding it tight while your heart races as the numbers crawl by so slow. It's so frustrating.

At the 31st floor, Miranda gives you a polite smile in farewell and steps off.

“Thank god,” Cassie moans while you pound the close door button with a frantic energy.

“Yeah,” you mutter and sigh in relief as the doors whisk close.

Then you are descending again. You sigh and shake your head. Cassie squeezes your hand and smiles at you. You smile back. It's so reassuring having her with you. You can only imagine how much you'd be freaking out without her.

The car slow. You're reaching the 13th floor. The labs. The elevator stops. Doors slide open.

The pair of you hurry hand in hand down the hallway, passing a utility closet and the other labs. You rush past Lab 4 where Paris's slut pill is being worked on. Your goal is Lab 7 at the end of the hallway. Deandra's lab. You reach the door, release Cassie's hand, and rip it open.

“Give it to me, now,” Paris is saying when the two of you walk in.

Deandra has an amber bottle in hand. She shakes out a pill. “I guess if you're in charge now...”

“She's not in charge!” you say, feeling so confident with Cassie at your side. “I am.”

Paris whirls about and glares at you. “She's mistaken. Ms. Kato has canceled the futa-pill project.”

“And I'm uncanceling it because it does something amazing,” you say and hike up your skirt. “It gives women dicks.”

Deandra jerks her hand back. She gasps in delight. “You're a real futanari? You have a pussy and your clit is a dick. Is it functional?”

“Yes, it is,” you say. “Now toss me the pills.”


“No!” Paris hisses, making a scramble to intercept Deandra, but the scientist lobs them over Paris's shoulder, Deandra's lab coat rustling over trendy street clothes.

You snag the amber bottle out of the air. Paris faces you, her breasts jiggling in her low-cut, scarlet blouse. Red hair dances around her furious face. You just smirk at her. You have Cassie at your side. You feel invincible.

In fact...

You twist open the cap and thrust the bottle at Cassie. She gasps and holds out a hand. You work out a single, pink pill. Paris lunges forward, but Deandra catches her by the back of her blue blazer. Paris gasps, halted for a moment. She fights to free her arms from the garment.

She slips free, but it's too late. Cassie's already downed the pill. She shudders and then glances down her cream-hued vest and pin-stripped, gray vest to her matching slacks. She gasps and attacks the belt and fastener.

“It's happening,” she moans as she shoves down her pants. Her purple panties swell with her growing clit.

“Give me those pills,” Paris hisses, “or I'll write you up for insubordination.”

You shrug. “Right me up. I don't give a fuck. You're not getting the pill.”

“Nope!” Cassie moans, shoving off her panties to expose her futa-dick growing towards the same girth as yours. She shudders, hers sprouting from her blonde bush, her curls hiding her pussy lips.

“Oh, my god,” groans Deandra.

“I am the project lead,” Paris says, marching towards you.

You toss the bottle over her head. She makes an ineffectual grab but misses. Deandra catches the rattling bottle and starts working out her own pill. Paris snarls, looking back and forth between the three of you.

“This isn't elementary school,” she growls. “I was put in charge. You have to obey me.”

“Well,” Deandra says, shaking out a pill, “the thing is, I made futa-cocks with pheromones. I'm sure your pussy is dripping wet. It turns women on. Makes them horny. Makes them crave what we have.”

Deandra swallows her pill.

She undoes the fastener of her skinny jeans and shoves them down to show off a pair of bright-blue panties that stand out against her dark skin. She's wiggling off her pants as the bulge is already growing. You smile, your hand falling onto Cassie's girl. You grip her. Stroke her. She returns the favor as the tip of Deandra's girl-dick pokes out of the waistband of her panties.

The scientist fighting to get off her jeans, her sneakers coming off in the process. You swallow at how exciting this is. A shudder runs through you. You bite your lower lip as Cassie fists your dick. Finally, her lab coat swaying, Deandra straightens and shoves her panties down. She grins as her dick flops out. She peels her underwear down.

“Mmm, that is a beautiful cock, eh, Paris?” Deandra asks, standing in her crimson belly shirt and lab coat.

“I mean...” Paris swallows. Her cheeks are as red as her hair. She looks around at the three of you. “You're... I...”

All three of you futas advance, Cassie taking off her pin-striped vest. You start working the buttons of your blouse as you come up alongside Paris, Cassie on your right and Deandra on your left. Three cocks were thrust out at her face.

“On your knees,” you purr, realizing that Deandra is right. Paris is turned on for your cocks right now. You can get her to do anything. “Now!”

Paris gasps and falls to her knees, her big boobs jiggling in her blouse. You slip off your own top, your breasts cradled in a blue satin bra. She swallows and stares at your cocks assembled before her. She shivers and then opens her mouth wide.

She sucks on your cock.

She's nursing on your clit-dick. She grabs Deandra's and Cassie's, fisting up and down the ebony and ivory shafts. You groan, your cunt clenching from the pressure. Already, juices are dribbling down your thighs for the tops of your stockings.

“Oh, yes,” you groan. “Mmm, you're just our slut now.”

“Mmm, you are,” Deandra purrs. “You've gotten a taste of futa-dick. You're never going to be able to stop.”

You grin at that, so eager to enjoy every second of this blowjob. She's sucking on your dick with hunger, nursing on the tip. Her tongue swirls around the crown. Pleasure races down your shaft to your pussy and then radiates out through your body.

Blouse off, you unhook your bra. Your round tits come into view. Cassie has her own blouse coming off and Deandra's slipping out of her lab coat. You shudder, squeezing your tits. The massage adds more pleasure to the delight of her mouth.

“Mmm, stroke my cock,” Cassie moans, revealing her round tits held in her purple bra. She reaches behind her to unhook it.

“Yes, yes, fist my big, Black futa-dick!” moans Deandra. She eels off her red belly shirt. She has a yellow bra on that covers her small tits. “Just suck that dick.”

You smile, savoring the way that Paris nurses on your cock. She sucks with hunger on you. It's incredible to enjoy. You shudder, this passion growing and growing in her cunt. You bite your lower lip, loving the pressure she gives. It's amazing. Just a delight. You throw your head back, heart pounding.

Cassie's round breast jiggle beside yours. You dig your fingers into your tits while Deandra unveils her little mounds. They are small but firm, topped by dark-brown nipples. She grabs her nubs and pinches them, whimpering.

“That's so good,” you groan. “That's amazing. Just suck on my cock. Nurse!”

She does, suckling with passion. You love it. This was just what you needed. Craved. You groan, savoring the way she's nursing on your cock. Your ovaries are tightening. She's pumping her hands up and down the others' cocks.

All three of you futas are moaning and gasping. Your passion is filling the room. Deandra squirms her hips, nudging into you. Your pussy clenches. You whimper as you hurtle towards that orgasmic delight.

“We're going to cum on your face, slut!” Deandra hisses.

“Mmm, yes, we are!” Cassie moans. “You always were a bitch. Mmm, now you're going to be our bitch!”

“Yes!” I hissed. “When I spurt, you're going to pull back so I coat your face. Understand, whore? Then we'll fuck you hard.”

Paris nods, whimpering.

She sucks with hunger, her cheeks hollowing. Her hands flew up and down the other two futas' dicks. She fists them with passion, her green eyes staring up at all of you. Hunger burns in her eyes. She wants to make you all cum.

You want to spurt all that jizz in her mouth.

Your toes curl. The pleasure swells and swells in you. This is an amazing passion. You lick your lips, climbing and climbing towards her orgasm. It'll be amazing. You know you're going to have such a huge one.

Her tongue flicks over your crown.


You erupt.

Your first blast spurts into Paris's mouth. Then she rips her lips off and your next splashes over her nose and forehead, painting her in ropy lines of cum. You buck, your pussy going wild as you unleash your cum.

“Yes, yes, bitch!” you howl.

“Oh, fuck, that's amazing!” gasps Deandra. Her ebony cock erupts.

“Paris!” whimpers Cassie. Her dick spurts jizz.

All three of you are raining your spunk on Paris. Your splashing over her features with your jizz. You're painting her in all the backed up spunk in your system. Your pussy convulses. Pleasure rushes through your mind, soaking your thoughts. You groan and whimper, stars bursting across your vision as you coat her face and mat her red hair.

“Oh, god!” you moan, pussy cream gushing down your thighs. The dual delights melt your mind with ecstasy.

Paris opens her mouth wide, catching your cum on her tongue. More runs down her face. You shudder, your tits jiggling as you hit the peak of your rapture. A final spurt splashes her on her upper lips. The other two futas keep erupting for a few more seconds.

Then you're all panting. Paris moans, her tongue flying over her lips to gather the mix of all your jizz. Your cock aches. You just came, but you want more. You're aching to slide into Paris's cunt and feel that twat around you.

“God, I'm still horny,” moans Cassie. “I still want more.”

“You're a woman with a dick,” Deandra purrs. “You don't have to recover like a man. You can keep going and going. Want to make her airtight.”

Paris's eyes widen. “A cock in each of my holes?”

your dick throbs. “I call her pussy!”

“Ass!” Deandra gasps.

“Then I guess you're going to be gagging on my cock,” Cassie purrs.

“I guess so,” Paris moans, and smears cum across her face to her lips, sucking the pearly spunk off her fingertips.

You stretch out on your back, your futa-dick twitching and throbbing. You're so ready to do just that. You want to feel that tight cunt wrapped around your cock. You're going to have such a big explosion of cum in her. Your dick twitches, your heart beating wildly. You're so ready for this.

“Sit on my dick,” you order.

“Yes!” Paris moans, still scooping cum off her face. She drips in so much jizz, though, drops splattering her huge breasts.

She peels off her skirt and then her black thong. She reveals a shaved pussy with a gold ring threaded through her clitoris. Her bud is pink and erect. Her cream coats her face. You breathe in, the air full of salty cum and hot pussy.

Paris moans straddles you and sinks to her knees. You shudder as she grabs your futa-cock. You're throbbing and aching, eager to be in her. She presses you against her shaved folds, her clit piercing gleaming before her. She gasps when she's guided you to her opening.

She impales her cunt down your dick.

“Fuck!” you gasp as that hot, tight, silky cunt slides over your dick. It's an amazing delight Your cock throbs in her depths.

“Mmm, coming for that ass,” Deandra says.

Cassie steps up and thrusts her dick at Paris's mouth. The redhead opens wide and swallows your friend's dick. Cassie moans while Paris's cunt squeezes down on your shaft. It feels incredible. you love that naughty feeling wrapped around your futa-rod.

Then Deandra's face smiles over Paris's shoulder. The redhead moans, sucking harder on Cassie's cock. Her pussy clamps down hard on you. She whimpers, big boobs jiggling. Cum drips from Paris's face onto those lush tits.

“Oh, yes,” Deandra moans, then you know why Paris is shuddering.

You can feel Deandra's cock sodomizing the redheaded bitch. Your cock throbs, drinking in the feeling of hat shaft. You're separated by only a thin membrane. It's incredible. Your face contorts as your body shudders.

Paris moans and then flexes her thighs. She slides her pussy up your cock and then impales back down you. It's incredible. She swallows your cock whole. You groan, your face contorting from the bliss of this moment.

From the thrill of that hot pussy sliding up and down your cock. It's an amazing delight. It's wonderful. Passionate. You shudder, savoring the way that her cunt works up and down your dick. It's a valuable delight. It makes your cock feel amazing. You shudder, the heat swelling and swelling and swelling in your ovaries.

At the same time, Deandra is pounding into Paris's asshole while Cassie fucks the redhead's mouth. Your friends are reaming her out while the naughty bitch works her cunt up and down your cock. Your futa-dick throbs, the pressure building and building.

“Oh, fuck, that's good,” you groan. “Oh, damn, work that cunt up and down my dick. Yes, yes, just like that. Oh, my fucking god, you're doing great, bitch!”

She moans as she squeezes her twat around your cock. As she rides your futa-dick, she's swiveling her hips and stirring her snatch around your shaft. It's an amazing pleasure. A wild delight. Your face scrunches up. You groan, your heart pounding as she teases you.

Deandra is slamming hard into Paris, fucking her with passion. The smack of flesh on flesh echoes. Cassie whimpers, her round breasts bouncing as she pumps her futa-dick in and out of Paris's sucking mouth. Drool runs over Paris's chin.

“Oh, fuck, yes!” you moan. “Oh, my god, that's amazing. What you're doing right there... Oh, yes, yes, that's fucking fantastic.”

“It is,” Cassie moans, pumping her hips hard and fast as she fucks Paris's mouth. “Keep sucking me, slut. Oh, yes, yes, I'm so going to cum. Your mouth is so hot and wet.”

“You have to try her cunt,” you moan, the pleasure working up and down your dick. “It's amazing. A heavenly delight. Fuck!”

Your face contorts. The pleasure of this moment is swelling in you. It's a wonderful ache. You groan, savoring every moment of Paris cunt working up and down your dick. Your cock throbs as she massages you with her snatch.

Deandra pounds that ass, her cock rubbing on you through the separating membrane of flesh. The scientist moans, her passion echoing through the air. Her face contorts over Paris's shoulder. You love it.

“Shit, yes!” you gasp. “Oh, that's good. That's amazing. Just keep working that snatch up and down my cock. Ooh, I like that.”

“Yes, yes, fuck her,” Deandra moans, smiling down at you. “Mmm, I love fucking your ass, whore. It's so good. It's amazing.”

“Fuck that ass,” you pant, your heart pounding in your chest. “Oh, wow, that's good. That's awesome. I love what you're doing to me.”

“Mmm, me, too,” Cassie moans. “I'm so glad. Enjoy!”

“Uh-huh,” you grunt.

Paris rides your cock, her big boobs heaving over you. Drool runs down your chin as she nurses on Cassie's cock. She sucks that cock with passion. It's incredible to watch. You groan, your clit-dick aching in that tight cunt.

You're going to erupt. You're going to flood her with all the spunk you have in your ovaries. You groan while Deandra gasps, slamming hard into Paris's bowels and massaging your own clit-dick through that silky flesh.

The stimulation is swelling the pressure in your ovaries. You groan, your boobs jiggling as you squirm. Your toes curl and pussy clenches. This is it. You're going to cum. Paris's silky twat and Deandra's thrusting cock are massaging your dick.

“Oh, fuck, I'm going to cum!” you moan.

“Good!” moans Cassie. “Do it. Just cum in her pussy.”

“I'm going to!” you gasp.

“And I'm going to flood her asshole!” pants Deandra. “Oh, my god, I'm going to pump your asshole full of so much jizz.”

“Do it!” you moan.

Paris squeals and then impales her cunt down your cock. She takes every inch of your dick in her cunt and she squeals. Her pussy goes wild around your shaft. It's amazing. She bucks and moans around Cassie's cock.

That heavenly cunt massaging you makes you groan. Your pussy clenches. Then you erupt. You pump Paris's cunt full of your cum. Spurt after spurt of your jizz plunges into her twat. You gasp out, stars bursting across your vision.

“Oh, fuck, that's so good!” you whimper.

“I know!” groans Deandra. “Shit!”

She slams into Paris's asshole and doesn't pull back. She's moaning. You're both flooding Paris's holes with your futa-cum. Your pussy writhes, sending delight flooding through your body while your bowels ripple and writhe around your cock. It's an amazing delight. Just a powerful pleasure.

“Oh, my god,” Cassie gasps.

She quivers. Pussy cream drips from her blonde curls and spills down her thighs. Paris gulps and swallows. You smile, the pleasure boiling your mind. You're all using Paris. All dumping your cum in her mouth.

You're so glad that you brought Cassie down with you to confront Paris. It's been amazing. You love it. Your mind brims with all that pleasure as you hit that peak. You fire the last of your cum into her snatch.

You flood her pussy with all the cum you have in your ovaries.

“Damn,” you moan, staring up at Paris. “Look at you. You're just our slut. You'll do anything for our futa-cocks, won't you?”

Paris slides her mouth off of Cassie's girl-dick. “Yes! I will! Your cocks are too fucking hot! You goddamn futas have driven me wild!”

You smile. “So you're going to be working for us.”

“But I'm in charge!”

“Not any longer.” I smiled. “You report to us now. And we're going to need you to go forward on the futa-pill project. If you don't...”

Paris gasped, her pussy clenching down on your clit-dick. “I'll do it. Just don't cut me off from your clit-dicks.”

You smile. She's a sex slave now. She's going to do whatever you want to get the futa-pill project back on track. You'll be the one to rise. You, Cassie, and Deandra. Especially once people learned what the futa-pill did.

It would make NLP Chemicals so much money, and they would reward you.

“Now, how should you please our futa-dicks next?” you ask Paris.

Her green eyes light up with lust.

Your Rival is the Sex Slave to your Futa-Pill Project

Note: The following links are to give you context for the poll!

Do you stop Paris right now from going after the futa-pill? 

Do you decide to lie to Paris about how you gained your Futa dick? 

Do you fuck Deandra's mouth? 

Do you let a cute titty futa fuck your asshole? 


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