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Chapter Thirty-Five

Maya fought against her panic as Smerta's dot winked out. Hela and Ci followed. The seven satyrs dots didn't move as the enemy strode past them. They drowned, impotent to do anything to stop the saint. They were telling Maya everything that had happened.

What the oozes did, how he flowed around attacks, and what he could do.

He entered the Second Labyrinth as the satyrs winked out.

Melin burst into the throne room from the direction of the teleportation circles. The seven hellhounds bounded with them. The fiery cracks that crisscrossed their black bodies burned bright. They were the only Fire monster girls in the dungeon.

All the salamanders were dead. Nina and Engana were with the aerial forces.

Two saints, thought Maya. Two saints. She glanced over at Priestess Lysila praying fiercely. Lord Shamash wants revenge for what Leo did to Lady Sherida, and now we have corrupted the High Priestess of Lord Enki.

Melin joined the other adventurers. The skilled ones were before the trainees. Bellia held her sword in her shaking hands, dressed in leather armor like the others. Nomaz patted her shoulder, his face as pale as hers.

Maya glanced at the map. The second-level defenders were doing what they could to stop him, but saints didn't go down easily. They needed Leo, and her love was far away. A days walk from the dungeon, probably an hour's flight, and the fliers still had to reach his position.

Priestess Lysila took Maya's hand.

The undine squeezed it.

*  \ * /  *

Hagane watched the map as monster girl after monster girl died. The arachne tried to use webbing to gum up his body, but that didn't do much. The basilisk's breath didn't harden his water, either. The werebears just drowned.

That was a frightful aspect of it. Hagane couldn't drown, she didn't breathe, but other monster girls did. And there were the adventures. They had formed up in here. It was all or nothing. Hagane watched the map, knowing if she had a heart, it would be drumming by now.

“Let's have the hellhounds attack from the flanks,” Hagane said. “Distract him with us, then let their fiery attacks hurt them. Akiz, your adventurers are our reserves.”

“Right,” growled the dwarf. He was the leader of the first group of adventures that had joined up with Leo. Akiz, Vern, and Ashiliozia. They had Sarkz and Vargi, the two dwarves Leo had captured and convinced to join up, on the flanks. Then the trainees were behind them.

“When he comes in, we hit him with ranged attacks first,” I said. “Ms. Trueno, Morana, Crystal, Paanee, and Ljosa, unleash what you have. Mrs. Maia, try to root him. Maya, Baaghi, Bjorni, and myself will charge in with hellhounds. Maybe we can get some damage in while he's dealing with all those attacks.”

Our attacks did nothing,” reported Gintaras, one of the will o' wisp. “Not a single thing. He just ignored us and is in the third labyrinth.”

Hagane glanced at the map. The unicorns had done nothing, either. Now the orcs and yuki-onnadied. It was the Darkness Saint all over again. It had taken Lord Leo to defeat him, and we didn't have him here.

Monster girls did their best.

He reached the Flooded Bridge Room where he had to enter the water. Maybe the mermaids, hippocampi, and the kelpies could do something, but their dots started winking out. It wasn't long before he was heading into the decoy labyrinth.

That gave her hope. He went the wrong way. He didn't know about the true way to get out of the Flood Bridge Room. At the very least, it bought them time. That was what they needed. Precious time for Lord Leo to return.

He moved through the decoy labyrinth, finding the dead ends. It took only a few minutes before he returned to the Flooded Bridge Room. Hagane tapped her armblade against her metallic thigh as she stared at the map with everyone else.

“Come on, be an idiot,” Crystal begged.

“He's not,” Ms. Trueno said. “Look, he's moving for the door to the Deep Labyrinth.”

“Let's hope the Level 3 Monster Girls can do something,” Morana said.

“Hope is a terrible strategy,” Hagane said.

“It's all we have,” said Mrs. Maia.

He penetrated the deep labyrinth. Hagane watched the dots. Mrs. Maia was correct. Hagane didn't see how they could stop the Water Saint with the forces they had assembled in this room. Maybe with Nina and Esclava, they would have a chance. The phoenixes would be a boon. But Level 1 Fire Monster girls?

The Level 2's had done nothing.

*  \ * /  *

“That's that,” Crystal said, despair crushing her icy shoulders. The last Level 3 Monster Girl in the Deep Labyrinth had died. “Just us now.”

“Then let's get ready!” Sarkz roared. The dwarven fighter smacked his ax into his breastplate. “We're making our stand here! We hit this watery elf hard and fast!”

“We can do this,” Crystal's landlady said, putting a comforting hand on the ice sprite's shoulder.

Crystal nodded. They had to. She didn't want it to end like this. She liked this world. She was here to fight for her dirty boy's dream. She formed her icy daggers as she moved into her position, Mrs. Maia standing on one side of her. Hagane on the other side, her sharp arm-blades gleaming. Roots grew from Mrs. Maia, rushing toward the door that led into the throne room.

“He's racing through the guard room,” Bellia cried, her voice quavering. The young adventure in training was making her stand with the rest of them. “Now he's heading down the hallway. He's at the door... now!”


Chapter Thirty-Six

I stood outside of the Zamrazen's dungeon, staring up at the sky, my stomach twisting with fear. This was how it ended. Helpless, miles and miles away with no way to do anything. Two saints. Two fucking saints.

The gods were ready to take me down. I had gone too far. I had to be careful from now on. It was dangerous for me to leave my dungeon. Or, at least, to be far away from any way to get back quickly to it.

“Shit, shit, shit,” I muttered.

“They'll stop him,” Garnet said. My little succubus pressed herself against me. “They'll stop him. Maya won't let him hurt you. Nor will Mrs. Maia.”

I glanced at her. Her crimson eyes shone with such confidence. She believed those words. I wanted to have that hope, but what could I do. I felt so many monster girls dying. So many of them slain, and it had done nothing.

“There they are!” Kassie called, pointing to the flying monster girls. Black dots on the horizon that were growing bigger and bigger as they soared back.

I love you, Leo,” Maya whispered to me across the miles. “It's too late. He's atthe throne room door. He's about to breach it. We're not going to hold. I love you so much, Leo.”

“No!” I growled. This was not how it ended. It couldn't be how it ended. This was intolerable. I need to get there. There had to be a way.

I closed my eyes, thinking. I needed be calm. I had to figure this out. There had to be a way to get from here to there fast. I had heard something about dungeon builders moving quickly from place to place...


Fucking Fuegin did he.

He teleported across half the world to visit me. He told me about it once. What did he say. You needed power. It must come at a cost. Mana veins? That made sense. I had access to six of the. That was two more than I needed for Level 3 monster girls and Expert Magic.

I focused on those mana veins. I reached into myself and touched them. The currents that flowed through my dungeon. I could unleash the might of Isatu or Agubnamus, but they were flying toward me. No good there. Or... I could use something else.

I could create a new “river.” One that flowed from where I stood to... where. The entrance to my dungeon. I needed to appear right before my dungeon. I could feel like where I wanted to be was just around the bend, so to speak. So close that I could just arrive there.

I just had to bent the flow of the mana vein. Change where it flowed. It would destroy it, in a way. Focus its power for one purpose to unite two places. I wrenched one and brought one end to me and the other to the front of my dungeon.

I forged a connection and sacrificed a mana vein.

The world surged around me. I flowed down a river for a moment. Turbulent rapids that swept around me. I lurched, the feel of the air was different. The aromas different. I opened my eyes to see the familiar cave before me.

I need to be teleported to the fight!” I sent to the only mage I knew was in the dungeon.
“I'll be at the dungeon entrance teleporter!”

I darted into the dungeon, hope burning through me. It had begun. They were fighting the water saint.

Morana died.

I rushed through the cafe and into the entrance room, the Hellfire Room.

Maya died.

I hurtled down the passagewaythat led to the various tunnels that connected the far-flung reaches of my dungeon, my flaming body crackling.

Ljosa died.

I reached the teleport pad when a white light flashed. Melin stood there, a cut on his brow that bled. He was young, just learning his magic. But he was in the fight. I rushed onto the teleport pad and touched him.

Life revitalizes and mend, let the restoration of Lord Dumazid mend!”

He gasped as the healing power sunk into him, mending the cut.

Mrs. Maia died.

He smiled at me before he shouted “Asud Gu!”

White light engulfed us.

Bjorni died.

I burst off the teleport pad, racing for the throne room.

Crystal died.

Baaghi died.

“Shit, shit, shit!” I roared as I hurtled for the door.

Ms. Trueno's voice shook the door before me, her roar fierce and proud.

Hagane died.

I crashed through the door into the chaos of the throne room. Ms. Trueno and Paanee fought the slender water saint. Globes of water drowned all the adventures. Bellia. Nomaz. The dwarves. All of them were encased in spheres of slow death.

Ms. Trueno roared, her shout striking the slender elf made of water. His body rippled from the attack while Paanee spat acid at him. He flowed around her attack and swept out a flowing sword. The liquid blade struck off her head.

I raced to him, my body burning bright.

Ms. Trueno screamed again, her coppery body reflecting my flames. Her sonic attack struck him again. He staggered beneath it, his watery body rippling. He swept his hand before him. A wave swept at her. She kept shouting, splitting the wave in half.

No, it flowed apart to dodge her attack then crashed into her from both sides, engulfing her in water. She floated there, her body suspended in the mixture. Fury beat in my heart as I hurtled at this bastard.

I tackled him.

Water and fire roiled together. Steam burst off the water saint. He roared in pain as my burning body clashed with his liquid flesh. We hit the ground. I held him tight as the steam poured over us, the entire throne room vanishing.

Soothing water sustains, let the love of Lady Ninli engulf!” I cried out, the words to the Breathe Water spell.

The saint of water spread out. He became a globe of water that engulfed me. He tried to drown me. To smother my flames, but I breathed the liquid. I didn't care that he was around me. The water roared with bubbles as I boiled the saint.

I could hear nothing else but the fury of the boiling water. My body burned hot, but I could feel him putting me out. He wanted to smother my fire. I needed more flames. I needed more heat. I had to finish this bastard off.

I had to keep holding him. In the midst of the water around me, there was something. A substance I held with my burning flesh. He was putting me out, but I was boiling him away. I killed him. I just had to hold him.

Water sloshed around me. Strange currents that rippled my flames in the water. Bubbles roared around us as he snarled. I felt his pain. I killed him. The bastard who had made me feel so helpless knew what it was like.

Pain burst in my side.

He stabbed me with a watery sword that boiled away in the heat of my body, but the pain... The wound...

I gripped him anyways. I just had to hold on.

He stabbed me in the other side. I grunted at the pain, squeezing my arms tight around his body. I felt his desperation. He plunged his watery blade into my body a third time. Agony consumed me. Weakness bled out of me.

I had to keep holding him. For my women.

The villagers of Astovin.

The drowning adventures.

I squeezed tight, focused on everyone I loved. I had to be strong for them.

My flames guttered. The water smothered me. I bled. My life spilled into the water. A wave of darkness washed over my vision. But I held on. This was not the end. Lord Enki wanted me dead because he knew I would fuck his wife one day.

I would cuckold the Lord of Water.

That thought burned hot through me for a moment. A final flare of defiance burned through me.

The water around me quivered. A scream of pain then the water washed over me and flowed across the stones. Steam fogged the air as I lay here, panting. He was dead. I had boiled the Saint of Water away. The elf was gone.

Other splashes of water crashed around me. My drowning adventurers coughed and spluttered. Shouts echoed as I closed my eyes. The pain to my wounds was intense. I needed to heal myself. I just had to speak the words.

They were so far away.

My fires went out. The spell enchanting me ended.

“Lord Leo!” cried Priestess Lysila. Her face appeared in my dwindling vision. She took my hand. “Lady Ninli, heal this noble hero. He has defended us all. Heal him for he is your champion! He is my champion, Lady Ninli, and he will set us all free!”

Water poured over me. It flowed across my cold body. I shivered beneath it, my eyes closing. It washed over my flesh and found the three wounds stabbed deep into me. The water flowed into my wounds and closed them.

I shuddered at that, my entire body quivering. The pain eased as Lady Ninli healed me. I was her champion. She wanted me to save her from Lord Enki. I would save her. I would rescue the trapped goddess from her bondage in the Blessed Sword of Water.

I would set this world to right.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Shame burned through Siwang.

He had no idea that such a desperate fight was going on. He was having a picnic with his fiancee. Just enjoying a peaceful meal out in the meadows, screened by some of his monster girls. He had no idea that anything was going on at all until it was over with.

Now he stood before Leo in his dungeon with Munjan, the other young builder looking as aghast as Siwang felt.

“I am so sorry,” Siwang said. “I should have come and helped fight. I could have done something. Held him off.”

“Not without Fire, you wouldn't,” said Leo. He had barely any of his companions with him. Just the fliers along with his adventure servants. A group of dwarves, humans, and an elf. Plus Kassie. She looked so thoroughly disgusted. “You would have just died with the others. He would have drowned you.”

Munjan shook his head. Was he regretting signing up with Leo now that he knew the foes arrayed against them. The Saints. Siwang had heard about them, but he hadn't imagined that so many of them would show up at once.

“Desperation,” said Agubnamus. “Lord Leo, you cannot expose yourself to such dangers. You cannot take such risks like today.”

Leo closed his eyes and nodded.

“I have to get stronger,” Siwang said, his hands clenched into fists. “I have to start attacking the rogue dungeon builders. To get more elements. I have to find more mana veins.”

“Yes,” Munjan said. “This... I mean... If you died, it would have been our deaths, too.”

Leo sighed and nodded.

“Then you have to help us get stronger,” said Munjan.

Leo sighed. “King Thanitis wishes to speak with me. Let's go see him.”

*  \ * /  *

Siwang and Munjan were at my sides when we entered King Thanitis's pavilion. The normally confident young king was now sitting slumped in a chair with an open letter before him, half the blue seal lying on the table beside him.

“Lord Leo,” he croaked as he looked up at me. His eyes were full of such anguish. “This is a black day.”

He hadn't heard about what happened to me, right? No, no, this was something else. “What is it?”

“Myrecilla has fallen,” he said, his voice cracking. “My city has fallen to Tuerien Ironbane.”

“Shit,” I muttered.

I closed my eyes and found the words to use the Scrying spell. I spoke them aloud and sent the scrying circle out toward the city. It flashed over the ground, traveling fast, but it was still a tense fifteen minutes before we neared the city.

Smoke rose from the great city that straddled the wide river. I could see the palace on one end as I surged the scyring sensor over it. The city was large, the streets awash in people. Monster girls of so many different types were racing about everywhere.

He had access to more glyphs than I had thought and...

He was rounding up the citizens. In a large square, a group of cowed men were being guarded while they were being led to the river to have their heads lopped off by animated armors. Their swords swiped through the men's head.

Bodies and heads choked the river, slowly flowing out, the waters stained red.

“No,” croaked the king as the butchery continued. Tears spilled down his eyes. He collapsed to his knees. “I'll take more than week to march my army there. He's...”

“We'll save them,” I told him with such certainty. “Tuerien Ironbane will die. I promise you that. I will grind him beneath my boot!”

King Thanitis grabbed my hand. He held it tight as he said, such pain in his eyes, “I swear as King of Myreman that myself and the Royal Family of Myreman will forever serve Leo the Heroic! My forces are yours!”

*  \ * /  *

Therodin roared as he charged at the dungeon builder. Thong Tri, a tall and slender man with dark-olive skin and short, black hair. He swung a flaming whip that cracked before the leader of the Company.

Therodin didn't care. He charged forward.

The flaming lash struck across his armor while fear beat in his heart. His Ril drowned in the embrace of a slime. She fought for her final breath right now. He had to save her. He had to kill the bastard dungeon builder before she perished.

Swords clashed against weapons. Aython and Zarn fought a four-armed asura, her fiery blades crackling. Fire flared from the impact. I didn't care. I just had to put this bastard down. I could see the fear in his eyes.

“A gout of flame, let the breath of Lord Gibil burn!” Thong Tri cried.

Fire erupted from his mouth and engulfed Therodin. He roared through the pain and charged through the flames. His stone armor cracked from the heat. His flesh burned. Ril filled his mind. His sweet elf. He raised his sword and swung.

He cleaved through Thong Tri's head.

The ooze drowning Ril burst into motes of glittering light. Ril spilled out, coughing for breath. The asura vanished. Both of the dungeon builder's companions were failed. More power surged for Therodin's “master.”

Another vermin killed.

Therodin panted as he turned to face the company. The mage Empty was down, burned but alive. Corthin attended to him. Therodin hurt but he didn't care. He was one step closer to ridding the world of all of them.

What a glorious day that would be.

The END of Book Six

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