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Chapter Thirty

Ciniti, Kauja, and Vardarbiba were all dead.

Lord Leo!” Rudsa screamed in my mind. “It's a dwarf made of light att—”

Rudsa died.

He glows!” Taktika cried, my stomach reeling.

Karsi died next. Then Taktika and Vacinsa. All of the red caps were dead. My stomach twisted in shock. I glanced around at my women who stared at me in confusion. My heart pounded so fast, my head throbbed from the rush of blood.

“A dwarf made of light just killed the red caps,” I groaned. “They died in less than a minute.”

“Shit,” Terra said, forming her hands into fists.

“A dwarf made of light?” whimpered Garnet.

“A saint,” Halia said, drawing Stormlight. She shot me a look. “You claimed the Goddess Sherida. So the God of Light has sent another saint. Like my father!”

“Shit,” I groaned. I had gained a lot of strength since than, but there was still only me, Halia, Kassie, and three companions. “Shit, shit, shit.” I had to think. “Hagza! I need every flying monster girl sent to Outpost Alpha and winging to the dungeon I'm at right the fuck now! Every last one of them!”

What?” asked Hagza. “Is this about the—”

The Saint of Light is attacking us! Send them right the fuck now!”

Terror filled me. If I died, it was all over for us, the villagers of Astovin. I was in a dungeon. There was only one way out. One way, and it was through a Saint. He must be heading in as we speak. Would the flying monster girls even get here in time to do anything.

I had to think. It was so hard with fear squeezing about my heart.

I had to get my flying monster girls.

*  \ * /  *

Priestess Lysila shuddered as Maya licked her pussy. The undine's tongue felt just divine licking through her twat. The priestess moaned as her orgasm built and built. That wonderful climax would just burst through her.

“Oh, yes, yes,” she groaned. “Maya! Oh, Maya, you darling—”

All flying monster girls, get to the nearest transport! Lord Leo screamed in Priestess Lysila's mind.

Maya gasped, her head snapping up from the priestess's pussy, her body quivering. She heard it, too.

The Saint of Light is attacking me in the dungeon!”

“A saint?” gasped the priestess. She sat up on the bridge in the Flooded Room. “Oh, they're so rarely used. A handful of times in history.”

“This is our second,” Maya said. “Shit, this is so bad. Let's get to the throne room.”

The two stood. Maya grabbed the priestess's hand. She rushed down the bridge toward the door that led to a set of stairs. They burst through it and raced down the stairs to the Deep Labyrinth. They joined the flurry of activity. Werewolves snarled and darted about in their wolf forms. The animated armors charged about, weapons drawn. They yeti prowled, ready to inflict harm.

They reached the aerie and found it empty. All the monster girls that lived here, the thunderbirds, phoenixes, and hippogriffs had already left their perches and rushed through the doors that led to the most secure part of the dungeon.

The throne room.

They ran through the guard room that was empty. Then to the throne room itself. They reached it to find the other monster girls gathering around the map, staring at it like it would give them any help. Priestess Lysila and Maya reached it. They were staring at Outpost Alpha.

Monster girls were appearing there, whole bloom of dots.

“Let's go, Lana,” Alizee said. “He needs us, too.”

Lana didn't seem to want to pull away, but she did a moment later. She was dragged off as Priestess Lysila stared at the map. It didn't show were Leo was. The monster girls that were appearing there were quickly vanishing as they left the dungeon itself.

“Will they reach him in time?” asked Priestess Lysila.

“I don't know,” said Crystal. She was holding Mrs. Maia's hand.

“This might be our final moments,” Hagane said, pushing up her glasses.

“That idiot should have taken more of us,” Maya said. “Ugh, I'm going to kill him.”

“With Mrs. Lucina, Terra, Garnet, Kassie, and Halia...” Hagane shook her head. “I do not give Leo great odds.”

“We have to have hope,” Mrs. Maia said, her voice strong. “Leo has never lost a fight. He's not about to lose this one.”

“No,” said Morana. “Our Dark Lord will prevail against a Saint of Light! He has bedded the Goddess of Light. He has conquered her. How can her servant at all prevail against the might of our lord!”

“This isn't a dumb game,” Crystal hissed. “This is our lives, and we have to stay here and do nothing!”

Priestess Lysila could only pray to the Lady of Water and hope she would watch over her Lord in this hour of need. She clasped her hands together, closed her eyes, and begged her Goddess to defend the hope of this world.

*  \ * /  *

Asud Gu!” Hagza cried, sending the next group of monster girls to Outpost Alpha.

She didn't know what this saint was attacking Lord Leo, but the panic that rippled through the others had the dwarven mage's heart pounding in her chest. She had to get reinforcements to reach her Lord.

She gathered whatever she could get from everywhere in the dungeon. She moved the pixies from Sharithin then Esclava from the dwarven embassy. Feya, Daleitha, and the devas surged into the teleporter in Astovin.

Asud Gu!” Hagza shouted, bringing them to the main hub. They rushed toward the outpost one, Hagza rushing with them. “Asud Gu!”

They appeared in the Outpost, the flying monster girls bursting out the door and taking to the air. Hagza watched them spiraling around the tower, climbing higher and higher. A vast force of monster girls that would destroy the enemy.

“Hagza!” growled Ordita, one of the sphinxes. “On me!”

Hagza climbed onto the back of the crouched monster girl and wrapped her legs around the monster girl's waist and mounted her. The dwarf grabbed handfuls of Ordita's thick, dark-red hair as the sphinx spread her black-feathered wings. She flapped hard, lifting them both into the air and joining the massive force swirling around in the sky.

Our Lord needs us!” Lana Fulmine shouted in Hagza's mind and everyone else's.

Yes, he does!” Isatu shouted. She soared along with Agubnamus with the other monster girls.

We don't have time for speeches!” Nina Naughty broke from the formation and soared for the enemy dungeon.

For Lord Leo!” cried Esclava. She soared after, a mighty firewhirl burning through the sky.

The rest followed. Lana Fulmine, Alizee, Feya, Paetu, Isatu, Agubnamus, Daleitha, the phoenixes, ghosts, vampires, harpies, hippogriffs, sphinxes with Hagza, quetzalcoatls, thunderbirds, pixies, and the devas.

They all swooped through the sky. A mighty force of monster girls rushing to save their Lord. Hagza. Gripped her amulet and hoped they would be in time. The ground rushed beneath them as the air resounded with their fierce cries.

We're coming, Lord Leo,” Hagza sent.

*  \ * /  *

“Okay,” I said to my small force. It was so pathetically small. Garnet, Mrs. Lucina, Terra, Halia, and Kassie. “We have a labyrinth. Let's use it.”

“Right, big bro!” Garnet's wings thrust out wide. She had such confidence on her cute face. Confidence I didn't feel at all. “We need to hit the saint from all directions. An all out attack!”

“That's a good idea,” I said.

“It's great,” Mrs. Lucina said, her wings drooping, “but I'm going to be pretty useless against a Light saint with Light magic.”

“You can still distract him,” I said, hating how cruel this was. But it was due our die.

“I'll do the best I can,” she promised.

Halia drew Stormlight. The blade crackled with electricity, the light from it driving back the darkness even further. “At least this deals Lightning damage. It might hurt the saint, but if this one is like my father, than only the opposite element is going to be effective.”

“That's me!” Garnet shouted. She summoned a bludgeoning dildo. “Let's mess him up with the night! We can do this!”

“We can, Lord Leo,” said Kassie. “You should buff yourself.”

I glanced at Halia, Kassie's word flicking over me. What if I lost Halia. Fear rose in me. She would be putting herself in danger to fight him. I cupped her face and kissed her, wanting to hold her back. Keep her in reserve.

Halia kissed me back, but only for a moment. She broke it and whispered, “My Lord, you need to buff yourself. Kassie's right.”

“Yeah,” I said, glancing at Kassie. I had to be worried about her, too, the fear squeezing about my heart. But I had more powerful magic now. Expert magic. Darkness spells. I could do this. I would crush this saint.

I drew a deep breath and thought about the spells I wanted to have me. I had new ones. Useful ones.

Healing Aura to mend my wounds and my women's. “Positive energy flows, let the passion of Lady Ianna spread!”

Strength of Mountains to attack harder. “Strong and unyielding, let the granite of Lady Ki enhance!”

Granite Flesh to turn my skin into stone. “Hard and enduring, let the rocks of Lady Ki defend!”

Metal Coat to summon armor. “Steel wards with unyielding strength, let the defense of Lady Nisaba protect!”

Revitalize to give me more stamina.“Life energizes and enervates, let the grace of Lady Ianna empower!”

Static Aura to protect from an attack. “Lightning crackle and hiss, gird me in the love of Lady Uttu!”

Flamebody to make myself into a weapon. “Incarnation of flames, let the passion of Lady Lamashtu embrace!”

Izi Su!” chanted Kassie. She became flames, too.

All my spells were on my body. I wished I had a weapon. I didn't bring any of them. I had grown beyond them, but I had that darkness dagger I hadn't used in months. That would be pretty useful right now, wouldn't it?

Yeah, pretty useful.

Terra smacked her hammer fist into her thigh, looking around, while Garnet had her dildo bat resting on her shoulder like she was a hooligan lounging around waiting to get into trouble. She smiled at me. Kassie crackled with fire. Stormlight sizzled. Mrs. Lucina... stood with slouched shoulders.

“You won't be useless, Mrs. Lucina,” I told her.

“No, I'll be the bait.” She looked at me. I'll draw him into the trap. Let's find where we're going to ambush him.”

“I think I remember something back this way,” Halia said, leveling her sword at a path that would take us deeper into the dungeon.

I nodded, knowing that right now, the saint was making his way toward us. We didn't have long to before he would be on us. I followed her in my armor, flames spilling out around the edges. I had as much protection from attacks as I could arrange.

I went over my darkness spells in my mind. The damaging ones. Dripping Shadows was the most powerful one, the new one I had gained. It sounded nasty. I had Night's Smother, a devastating attack, and Dark Dagger to throw an attack to maybe force him to dodge. Blind might prove very useful.

Halia lead us down a tunnel and into a side room. It had three tunnels that branched off toward dead ends. I looked at it and nodded. This was it. I thought abut it for a moment then decided on the plan we would use.

“Mrs. Lucina, you wait out in the corridor. When you see him, run in here.” I moved to the corner by the door to cut off his retreat. I'll be waiting here to hit him with Dripping shadows. Once he's in the room. Halia, Garnet, and Terra, you come in from the different sides to hit him.”

“And me?” Kassie asked.

I wanted to minimize how many of my women I risked. I didn't want to get her killed. “You're in reserve. If things go badly, you came in and hit him with magic.”

But she didn't know Darkness magic, so she might not be of much help.

“That tunnel. The one Halia will come from.” That was the opposite from the entrance. “Terra, left. Garnet, right.”

My monster girls moved off into their positions. Mrs. Lucina moved out into the labyrinth, her glow spilling around the corner growing dimmer. I backed into the corner, my heart pounding in my chest. Could we do this on our own?

It took the entire harem to take down Halia's father.

But I was stronger. I had to remember that.

How long, Lana?” I asked.

We're coming as fast as we can,” Lana answered. “Hold on! We'll flood the dungeon with everything we have.”

I nodded. But none of them were Darkness monster girls.

Leo, he's chasing me!” Mrs. Lucina cried a moment later. Her light bobbed and grew brighter. “I'll be in the room in a moment!”

The brilliance spilling in the room was brighter than it should be. I heard the footsteps. The flutter of wings. My heart clenched as my angel-MILF burst into the room. She crossed hallway and spun around. She fired a blast of light from her halo.

It struck a dwarf with skin of white and a golden beard. It matched the chainmail coat he wore and pants. He had a fierceness to him. A strength. He laughed as her blast swirled around him, merging with the light around him.

“Dumb cow,” he growled.

Shadows flow and darkness sharpen, let the cunning of Lord Zuen stab!”

A dagger of night hurtled at him.

Chapter Thirty-One

Halia charged into the room, Mrs. Lucina before her, the glowing saint behind her. A dagger of darkness nearly hits the dwarf before the air wavered around him. Light bent and the dagger streaked off and struck the angel.

She burst into motes of sparks and vanished.

Halia's heart lurched as rushed at the dwarf, Terra and Garnet coming in from the flanks. The dwarf looked at them and grinned. Light exploded from him along with his laughter. Deep and mocking, it echoed through the radiance that engulfed her.

It was too bright for her to see. Halia didn't care. She swung her sword at where the dwarf stood. Her blade crackled as it hissed through the air and struck something solid. Halia felt the impact in her hand, her heart leaping with exhilaration.

Terra screamed in pain.

The light died just in time for Halia to stare in horror at what she did to Terra. She cut the golem in half. As the pieces of her fell toward the floor, Terra burst into motes and vanished, the essence of her raining across the dungeon floor.

“You missed,” the dwarf said to Halia's right. He wore a broad grin, his teeth as golden as shadows.

Garnet swung her shadowy dildo-bat at the saint from behind. Her attack cracked down at him, but the light around him wavered and bent in a sickening way. Her attack slammed through nothing as he suddenly stood a foot away.

He swung his fist at Halia, golden light burning around it. She parried with her sword, knocking back the blow, her heart hammering in her chest. This was insane. How could they stop this creature. He was so powerful.

Night devours, let the corrosive shadows of Lord Zuen burn!” roared Lord Leo.

Dripping shadows fell on the dwarf. He snarled in pain as the darkness sizzled across his flesh. Hope flared in Halia as the powerful spell devoured the enemy. He slammed his fist into his palm, the light around him warping.

Instincts screamed at Halia. She threw herself to the floor as the light around him sprayed outward, flinging the corrosive shadows in all directions. But it wasn't enough for Halia to avoid the damage. The sizzling shadows struck her armor and ate through the metal to attack her skin. In a dozen places, Lord Leo's spell attacked her.

She screamed in agony.

*  \ * /  *

Anger flashed through Garnet. The shadows struck her, but they didn't hurt her at all. Not like poor Halia who thrashed on her back, smoke rising from the holes eaten in her armor. Screeching with her anger, the succubus swung her dildo like a baseball bat for his sides.

She struck the dwarf in the side, but instead of hurting him, his light burst her shadows. She was holding nothing. He turned at her and swung his arm, the light around him gathering into a glowing axthat hacked for her.

Shadows flow and darkness sharpen, let the cunning of Lord Zuen stab!”

Her Owner's spell stuck the ax and knocked it to the side before it could cut her in half. She reformed her weapon, going with a nice, hard, metallic dildo. She cracked the dwarf in the head with it, striking him hard.

“Verminous bitch!” he roared back and headbutted Garnet in the tit.

Pain burst from her nipple. She reeled back from the impact, her boob throbbing. He kicked her feet out as she staggered and collapsed on her back. She flapped her wings, glaring up at him. She would make him pay for that. Didn't he—

He threw lights down on her. Chains of light that wrapped about her body. They squeezed her arms to her sides and burned. She shuddered at the pain rushing through her body. He chuckled evilly at her, his grin growing so broad.

“I'll attend to that cunt in a moment,” he growled. “Nothing like making a monster girl squeal before her builder.”

“You disgusting beast!” Garnetgasped as he rushed at her Owner.

“Sick pig!” he roared. “The thick night falls, let the enmity of Lord Zuen smother!”

Shadows engulfed the dwarf before he could reach her Owner. She squirmed on the ground, wanting to shout out her triumph. That little, disgusting dwarf would pay for threatening to do that to her.

“Kill him, big bro!” she shouted.

*  \ * /  *

The dwarf burst out of the shadows and leaped at me, his golden ax slamming down and crashing into my armor. Static Aura sizzled, the electricity striking the dwarf and doing nothing to blunt his attack. He hit my armor and cleaved through the steel breastplate to strike my flaming, stony body beneath.

The blow threw me back into the wall with a grunt and a clatter of metal. I grunted, feeling the blow, but it didn't hurt me. He dwarf slashed again before I could react, slamming into my side. His ax sliced through my armor like it was butter, hitting my flaming body and the stony protection around my core.

Granite Skin cracked and failed.


He drew back for another blow when Halia sword slashed from behind. My paladin was up. I thought her disabled, but she found the strength to stand and strike him with Stormlight. She hit his armor. Lightning burst.

And did nothing to him.

Halia pulled back for another strike.

*  \ * /  *

The pain from the attack faded away. Lord Leo's Healing Aura had restored Halia's flesh enough for her to come to his aid. She slashed a second time at the dwarf, her blade cleaving for his head. The light around him wrapped in that sickening way.

She slashed through nothing.

His ax struck her in the side. It cleaved through her golden armor and buried into her flesh. Pain exploded through her. She staggered, blood spilling down her side. She dropped to her knees, struggling to move through the pain.

“Halia!” her Lord cried as she collapsed onto her side, her body growing cold from the injury.

“Traitorous bitch!” spat the dwarf.

“You fucking little shit!” Lord Leo cried. “I'm going to crush you beneath my foot then wipe you off like the dirty fucking stain you are.”

The dwarf laughed. “Oh, I am going to enjoy cutting off your dick and choking you to death. Lord Shamash is eager to thank you for what you did to his wife.”

*  \ * /  *

My stomach lurched. Retribution for cuckolding Lord Shamash. That was why he sent the Light Saint. I should have thought of that. My heart pounded in my chest as I stared at the dwarf, my Halia's blood spilling from the ax.

I had to defeat this bastard.

Darkness hides and shadows conceal, let the curse of Lord Zuen fall!”

I struck him with Blind. Shadows covered the dwarf's eyes. Thick and impenetrable. They had to be enough to blind him. I had to drag Halia clear before she was struck by this bastard again. Garnet squirmed in her chains. I had to free her.

The dwarf laughed at me. He mocked me.

Light exploded from him.

Chapter Thirty-Two

I blinked my eyes against the glare only to see the dwarf slashing at me.

I drove to the side and hit the ground, my armor clattering to my feet. I scrambled up to my feet and looked around at the room. It was different. I was in a box now. There were not exits. No way to go. The dwarf held his ax and advanced at me.

A wall just appeared, Lord Leo!” Kassie called from where she waited in reserves.

I didn't have time to answer her. The saint raised his ax for another swing. I twisted out of the way of the attack. His blade slammed into the stone floor. It cracked from the impact. He glared at me, his eyes burning bright.

Shadows flow and darkness sharpen, let the cunning of Lord Zuen stab!”

The darkness dagger flung at the dwarf, but that damned light around him bent it. The blade hurtled at Halia, striking her in the back of her armor. It rang like a bell, the gold protecting her kept the blade from penetrating and hurting her worse than she was.

What do I do?” cried Kassie. “Do you need my help?”

You'll just get killed if you come in here,” I told her.

I'll get killed if you die, Lord Leo!”

I ignored her and stared at where the door into the labyrinth should be. I had to come up with a new plan. I had to lead him away from Kassie and just survive until my other monster girls arrived. Numbers had to make up the difference.

“I can see the fear,” growled the dwarf. “Don't worry. You won't die right away. No, no, Lord Shamash knows what the succubus means to you. I'll make sure to give her my tender embraces.” He chuckled. “I always did love staking a dungeon builder to the ground with the Blessed Blade of Darkness and enjoying one of his monster girls. A fitting punishment, don't you think?”

“Sick fuck,” I muttered. The door out of here should be... there.

I rushed for the wall. The dwarf laughed as I ran. I charged into the wall and raced out into the labyrinth. I darted around the corner. He charged after. I threw a glance as I led him down the hallway. He appeared and thrust out his hand.

Light surged at me.

Lightning flashes, let the passion of Lady Uttu fly!”

I teleported in a crackle of lightning into the darkness of the dungeon down a side hallway. I crouched in the shadows waiting for him to come. He rushed down the tunnel, snarling in fury. His light grew brighter and brighter. I waited for him to appear.

Night devours, let the corrosive shadows of Lord Zuen burn!”

Dripping Shadows engulfed him. He staggered as the spell burned his skin, but his light flared and flung the corrosive darkness into the walls around him. The stones sizzled as I already spoke the words to my next spell.

The thick night falls, let the enmity of Lord Zuen smother!”

The shadows engulfed him, swallowing him up. This wasn't a plan. I needed something better. My spells hurt him, but his defenses were so strong that I wasn't able to do much to him. My mind racked itself for a plan.

He burst out of the shadows and charged at me.

*  \ * /  *

“Why is there a wall here!” Kassie called.

“It's an illusion,” Garnet answered as she squirmed on the ground. Frustration washed through her.

Kassie stepped through the hole and gasped. She rushed over to the wounded Halia and dropped to her knees by her. blood spilled out. Kassie put her hand over the wound, struggling to stop the bleeding. Kassie shot Garnet a worried glance.

“Where are Terra and Mrs. Lucina?” she asked.

“Dead,” Garnet said. “And that sick, disgusting, vile beast wants to... to...” A shiver ran through the succubus. She had to get out of these chains. They hurt and not in a kinky way. What could she make to get herself out of it.

She could shape shadows only into sex toys. She was a creature of dark lusts. That made her not the most useful monster girl as a fighter, but she could turn on other monster girls. Distract them through sex. She could even do that to other men.

She supposed if her Owner was a different sort of men, he would use her that way. A femme fatale that would bamboozle his rivals with her sexiness. But she was his little succubus, so that made things so different.

Okay, okay, what sex toy can break chains? she asked herself.

But what vibrator, butt plug, dildo, ben wa balls, piece of bondage gear, or any other sex item do that. She had to think. What could she make? What were useful in sex? She had never been in a sex shop in her life.

Nina Naughty, if you were tied up and could only use something from a sex shop to escape, what would you pick?” Garnet sent, reaching out to the expert in all things naughty.

Only in a sex shop, huh...” Nina Naughty answered. “How bad is it going? Did the saint tie you up!”

It's going very, very badly! I'm tied up! Help me!”

Shit, okay... So you need to escape... Ooh, lube! Can you make lube!”

Garnet had no idea but she imagines shadowy lube covering her entire body. She gasped as the chilly liquid covers her entire body. She squirmed and wiggle. With a gasp, she popped out of the chains, sliding on the floor of the dungeon itself.

That worked!” she squealed to Nina Naughty. Dismissing the lube, she charged for the illusory wall hiding the exit. “Kassie, stay with Halia! Keep her alive!”

The naughty succubus burst into the hallway, eager to help her Owner. She flapped her wings, propelling her down the corridor toward the brilliant glow. She sort of ran and sort of bounced, hurtling fast toward the light.

She reached an intersection to find the dwarf rushing at her Owner at the far end. His armor had rents in it. Flames spilled out. She would help. She formed her big, floppy dildo to beat the dwarf with and rushed after him.

In darkness slumbers and shadows hide, let the grace of Lady Ninazu fall!” her Owner chanted only to be swallowed by darkness.

Night's Cloak? Garnet thought in shock. She couldn't remember her Owner casting that spell since he gained Intermediate Magic and was practicing with his spells.

“You think that will hide you from me, boy!” roared the dwarf.

The blinding radiance from the dwarf slammed into Garnet's eyes. She flinched from it, raising both her arms up against the brilliance. When it died, Leo was no longer shrouded in darkness and the saint charged at him.

See how you like being tied up! thought Garnet.

She formed bondage chains and threw them at the dwarf. They wrapped around his legs like a bola. He cursed and tripped, falling on his hands and knees before her Owner. Light melted her dark chains. He burst free and sprang up in a leaping attack, his ax swinging for her Owner.

Her stomach lurched as she formed more bondage chains.

The golden ax slammed down, cutting through her Owner. He distorted and vanished. Garnet's jaw dropped before she realized it was an illusion. The dwarf's ax struck the floor. Chips burst from the impact.

“Clever,” the dwarf growled.

Garnet through her shadowy chains at the dwarf. He pivoted and threw his ax into her attack. His weapon cut through her chains and hurtled right for her. Garnet twisted out of the way. The ax flashed by her but caught her right wing, severing through it.

She screamed in pain but didn't care. She rushed at the dwarf who reformed his ax. She swung her dildo at him in both hands, screaming her fury. He ignored her blow and swung his ax for her head.

*  \ * /  *

The dwarf swung for my little succubus. Invisible, I stood right behind the bastard. I had no weapon. So I punched him.

I hit the dwarf hard in the side of the head. The blow slammed him in the wall. He missed Garnet. Her attack nearly hit me as the illusion around me melted away. My little succubus gasped and pulled he attack short. The dwarf staggered, injured by it.

I punched the dwarf again, slamming my fist into his side. His head snapped back. He staggered. My third punch hit him square in the nose. It should have broken him, but all it did was slam the back of his head into the wall.

He staggered. Dazed.

Black ropes wrapped about his body. He dropped to the ground, tousled up. He was stunned. Weakened. This was it. I had to finish him off before he could focus on his defenses again.

Shadows flow and darkness sharpen, let the cunning of Lord Zuen stab!”

The dagger hit the bound dwarf. He didn't bend the light. It punched through his armor and into his chest. He spasmed on the ground, but he didn't die. He snarled, his eyes snapping open. He was gathering himself.

Shadows flow and darkness sharpen, let the cunning of Lord Zuen stab!”

I plunged another dagger into his chest. The shadowy weapon slammed through his armor. He roared in pain. Light burst on him, melting the bonds on him. His golden ax flashed into his hand. He swung it for my side.

The blow crunched through my armor and struck deep into me. I grunted at the pain. Blood spurted. It flowed heavily out of me as the dwarf lost his grip on his ax. Blood poured out of the wounds on his chest.

He reached up for the sky.

“Gag him!” I groaned. He was about to pray for recall.

“Lord—” A black ball gag appeared in the dwarf's mouth.

Shadows flow and darkness sharpen, let the cunning of Lord Zuen stab!”

The final dagger took the dwarf in the throat. He gurgled and spasmed. The Saint of Light, that vile dwarf, melted away into motes of light. I groaned, the pain ripping through my side. I staggered and hit the wall. I sank down it, the wound overcoming me.

Chapter Thirty-Three

“Leo!” gasped Garnet.

The pain from her wounded wing vanished as she rushed to him. He groaned, leaning over. His body was on fire and bleeding at the same time. He stared at her. The armor and fire melted away, revealing his robes soaked in blood.

“We... won...” he groaned before his eyes closed.

“No, no, no,” Garnet gasped as she dropped to her knees beside her Owner. She planted her hand over the wound and pushed against him.

His blood spilled warm over her hand. She put pressure on it, scared. This was so bad. She didn't know what to do beside putting pressure on him. The ax had cut deep into him. Her hands weren't big enough to cover the entire wound.

Halia was dying, and so was her Owner. Was this the end? She stared at him there, his breathing shallow. His face so pale. Her one good wing fluttered in fear, her tail swishing behind her. She kept pushing on his wound, feeling his blood spilling over her hand.

If this was the end...

She kissed her Owner, closing her eyes. This was how they would go into death. Together. She held her lips against his, waiting for the darkness to take them, but... It didn't. In fact, the flow of his blood pouring out slowed. She could feel the wound... closing.

She broke the kiss and gasped, “The healing aura spell! Idiot, Garnet!”

Relief swept through her. It was why her wing wasn't hurting her anymore. It didn't grow back, but it wasn't throbbing in pain any longer. He was going to be fine. She smiled as she pulled he hands away from him, covered in his blood. Bright and sticky.

He groaned and his eyes fluttered open. “Shit,” he muttered. “What happened.”

“You killed the Light Saint thanks to my clever help, Dark Lord Big Bro!” squealed Garnet. “You're bleeding badly.”

He nodded and concentrated. “Shit, what's the words... Right, right... Graven wounds pulse in pain, let the healing of Lord Dumazid flow!”

He gasped and shuddered. The paleness vanished from his face. He shot himself to his feet, gasping, “Halia!”

“Right!” Garnet leaped to her feet and chased after her Owner.

He ran down the hallway and burst into the ambush room. Kassie was kneeling over Halia, keeping pressure on the wound. Leo pointed his finger at the down paladin, the words for his spell bursting from his lips.

Life revitalizes and mend, let the restoration of Lord Dumazid mend!”

An arrow of healing energy struck Halia.

She groaned and shifted. Kassie pulled her hand away, hers as stained in blood as Garnet's. Halia rolled over onto her back, her golden armor damaged. She blinked as she reached for Stormlight lying nearby. She gripped the sword.

“Did we win?” she asked.

“All thanks to me!” Garnet thrust her arm up in the air. “I used lube to escape my chains, then distracted him with bondage gear so Dark Lord Big Bro could dispatch that evil agent of light.”

“Fucking revenge because I cuckold Lord Shamash,” Leo said. “But we overcame it.”

“Yes, we did!” Garnet thrust out her fingers to form the V for Victory sign. “Take that, Lord Shamash. My Owner fucked your wife and made her cum so hard! Then he fucked up your saint!”

“Good,” Kassie said. “I didn't do anything.”

“You would have died,” Leo said. “Only Darkness affected him.” He frowned. “Great, now there's an intruder in the dungeon.”

Chapter Thirty-Four

The alarm blared through the dungeon.

“Great,” Maya groaned. She was rippling with worry for Leo fighting this saint, hoping Lana Fulmine and the others would reach the man she loved in time while she was stuck here with everyone else who could fly.

With Mrs. Maia and Crystal. Hagane. Morana. Ms. Trueno. Fara. Bjorni, Baaghi, and Paanee where here, abandoning the guard post to pace with them. Priestess Lysila prayed to the side, her hands clasped tight.

“What is this?” Maya demanded as she stared at the dungeon map. The red dot was in the entrance cave and heading for the first trap room. Today, it was the Hellfire Room. The salamanders were moving into position. Their blue dots ready to attack. The red dot entered.

What is it?” Maya asked the salamanders.

Astuta's dot winked out.

What is going on?” Maya demanded, her body rippling. What had taken a salamander out that fast.

It's a human made of—” Malvada started to say before her dot winked out, the other salamanders converging.

Water saint!” Horca cried. “The human's made of water! Our fire's hurting him. He's—”

Horca died. Then Engana and Dolor.

“Shit,” Morana cried.

“Another saint?” Maya demanded, shooting a fearful gaze to Mrs. Maia. “Here?”

“Yes, attack us in two spots,” said Hagane. “When we're most spread out. Leo is far from his dungeon unable to support us. A large force of our monster girls is en route to him and will be useless in the fight. Now they assault the dungeon to go for his Void Crystal.”

Leo,” I sent. “We have a big problem! Get back right now!”

*  \ * /  *

Melin!” Smerta barked to the young adventurer. The valkyrie was in her forward command post. A water saint... “Melin, can you operate the teleporters?”

Er, I can,” Melin gasped, his voice full of fear.

Good, then get the hellhounds from Astovin into the throne room,” the valkyrie ordered. “They're fire monster girls. We'll need them.”

Right!” Melin called.

Smerta changed targets. “Hagza, get Nina, Esclava, and the phoenixes back to the tower right now. We have to get them to the throne room.”

But we're heading to help Lord Leo,” Hagza shot in.

Another saint is attacking the dungeon!” Smerta snarled. “You turn them around right now. We need them as badly as we need Lord Leo, and you're closer. Kassie can get Leo back to us when he can, but we have to defend the Void Crystal until then.”

Fine, fine,” grumbled the dwarf. “I'm getting them turned around.”

You have to hold!” Leo's words vibrated through Smerta's ears. Next to her, Vilkas shifted her head, receiving it. “You have to defeat him. We're too far away. The fliers haven't even arrived!”

It was a disaster.

“What do we do?” Vilkas asked.

“Fight.” Smerta had never backed down for a fight. It was how she won three wrestling titles. She defended them from all the upcoming bitches. She was the White Valkyrie. The Queen Bitch of Wrestling.

She would not lose this fight.

All monster girls on the First Labyrinth, fall back to the Lightning Pillar Room,” Smerta ordered. “We'll make our first sand there.”

The wildhounds, satyrs, oozes all responded. She glanced at Vilkas. The raiju turned into her wolf form, crackling with electricity. Smerta smiled. She would fight for Leo's dream. In the real world, she had been a wrestler.

But she had done nothing important. This was important. This was making a change. She would fight to the last for it her owner's vision. She believed in it.

Smerta and Vilkas rushed into the labyrinth, joining the flow of other monster girls. The wildhounds bounded on all fours while the busty satyrs ran on their hooves. The three oozes dropped from the ceiling to run as women. They burst into the Lightning Pillar Room. It was the first trap room Leo had ever built.

A large open space with pillars that crackled with lightning. Would it do any damage to the Water Saint? Smerta didn't know. She summoned her ice armor and a sword. The oozes crawled up to the ceiling to drop down.

“Satyrs, up front,” the valkyrie called. “Wildhounds, attack from the flanks.”

The saint's almost on you,” Hagane reported.

Smerta nodded as her forces assembled. The satyrs formed a line, their heads lowered, ready to gore. The wildhounds grouched low, their tails thrust back behind them, four from each side. Vilkas crackled at Smerta's side.

The metal door shuddered. A loud boom struck it. The center bowed inward. The stone around the frame cracked and shattered. The door fell into the room with a large clang and a human male made of water flowed in. He resembled Maya in away, rippling as he moved. He was slender and quick.

The satyrs charged.

The first ones crashed into the saint. Water gushed from him. A wave that swept up all of the satyrs. They kicked. Thrashed. He held them in prisons of water, forming them up into spheres as he drowned them.

Cikhala, Philtara, and Cikata all dropped from the ceiling on him. The three oozes didn't engulf him. They stared as concentrated versions of themselves, two on his shoulders and one on his head. He staggered and groaned as they absorbed his water. They pulled it into them, expanding.

“Yes,” whispered Smerta as the wildhounds rushed in from the sides. She charged, too, holding her frozen blade.

The man's body rippled and surged waves into the three oozes. They burst. Their watery contents exploded across the room, splattering the incoming wildhounds. The gelatinous substance of the three oozes melted into motes a moment later.

Smerta ran between two of the drowning satyrs. Vilkas leaped ahead and crashed into the water saint first. Her electricity discharged into him. He staggered back as Smerta was almost to him. The raiju howled in pain as a lance of water burst out of her electric body and rushed at Smerta.

“Bear shit!” snarled Smerta as she flicked up her sword to deflect it.

Vilkas vanished into motes as the lance swept past the valkyrie. She recovered and lunged, plunging her glade straight for the Water Saint's chest. He flowed to the side, not dodging but... moving like a wave. Her blade thrust through the open doorway.

His hand swung, forming a blade of water that struck her in the back of her icy armor. A loud crack snapped through the air as the blow knocked her forward. She stumbled into the labyrinth. She whirled around to see the wildhounds making their attack.

His blade flickered, a blue of blue. Gwyllt, Cysgo, and Du burst into glimmering sparks that splashed over him just as the other wildhounds struck. They hit his watery form, biting his back, arms, and legs. They tore at the water.

Only he washed over them like waves around a rocky outcropping. They were suddenly hitting each other as he stood apart from them. His blade cut off Nos's head then rammed through Marwo's chest, both monster girls dying.

Smerta lunged again, thrusting out of the doorway, her sword lancing for his chest. Right before she hit him, a hole opened in his chest. Her blade passed through his body. The water crashed back around it and seized her weapon. He swung at her.

She tried to wrench her blade free, but he held it tightly. She let go of her sword to throw herself back. His weapon struck her in the head. She felt the blow before the darkness embraced her. Souleen's arms hugged her.

She'd failed.


Christopher Walls

Thanks for the chapter! It's interesting that the gods are coordinating their attacks on Leo now. I wonder how much time, effort, and resources go into making one of these saints, and how much kickback, if any, the gods receive when their saint is defeated. If there's not much consequence to the gods, Leo may be facing endless waves of these kinds of enemies from now on, and that's not a good thing for him, as he needs to be able to focus in multiple places to achieve his goals.


We'll just have to see. At the very least, there's 9 more saints out there.

Lord of Fate

Thanks for the chapter! And thanks for the whole story!

Lord of Fate

Well at least Leo will get a lot exp (mana-power) for kill them. Plus a big global problem for builders like that can stimulate them to make alliance even between antagonists.