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Chapter Twenty-Six

The next day, I was in King Thanitis's camp. The army was organizing to march back to Myrecilla tomorrow. Everywhere was activity as barons and counts darted about to make sure their men had everything packed.

The treaty was signed. Daleitha and the devas would be traveling south with him. One they were in the city, we could figured out where the embassy should go. They would to coordinate it with me so I didn't destroy parts of the city on accident.

I was chatting with King Thanitis when the pudgy Lord Shorvin burst in. He spotted me and rushed over. I gritted my teeth. I did not like this man. He was a weasel who had caused me so much headache.

“Lord Leo,” the nobleman said. “There you are. I'm so glad to see you. There's been something terrible that's happened on my lands. A dungeon builder has appeared within a day of my castle!”

“Where?” I asked.

“To the west,” he said. “He's attacked my people. Some are hurt and dead. You are pledged to defend Myreman from rogue dungeon builders. Are you going to do something about this?”

“Yes,” I said.

“Then you'll take care of it?” He gave me a look of hope.

“If this is so close to your castle, don't you have soldiers?” I asked, hating this man. He hadn't done a thing for Astovin, which was also on his estates, but a few days away.

“I brought most of them with me,” said Lord Shorvin. “It'll be days for me to get my men there. I just got word. More could be dead by now, and if we delay...”

“Why do you even have that title of lord if you don't use it to help your people?” I demanded, my anger boiling out of me. Just the sight of him made me want to strangle him.

“Because it's my birthright!”

I snorted. “Because one of your ancestors got lucky. You've been coating without doing anything. Just hiding in your castle and enjoying some good food.”

The lord shift, cheeks red.

“But I'll take care of it,” I said. “It'll mean establishing my own outpost near your castle. Just a day away or so.”

“You can't!” gasped Lord Shorvin. “My king!”

“The treaty states Lord Leo may establish outposts throughout the realm so long as he doesn't use it to prey on the citizens of Myreman and only for their defense.” The king grinned. “You'll just have to tolerate it if you can't defend your territory.”

“Where is it exactly?” Leo asked.

“Hills to the west of my castle,” answered Lord Shorvin, his shoulders sagging. He wiped at the sweat on his jowls. “That's the best I can tell you.”

“Well, Your Majesty, looks like I have work to do,” I said and nodded to the king.

I returned to my dungeon, Hagza teleporting me back. Once I was in my Vault, I summoned Fara and her maps. She started her calculations while I thought about who should man my first outpost. Outpost Alpha. It would be the start of the tunnel leading toward what we hoped was the Water Shrine.

“Okay, Lord Leo,” said Fara. She looked up from her calculations. “I think this should get us close enough to it.”

She handed me the requirements. It might have to be adjusted for elevation.

I began driving the tunnel. Twice, it breached the surface as the elevation sloped lower to the west, but I soon had it at the distance. I thrust it up and created a quick turret. I teleported Vilkas there to report on exactly where it had come up.

You're in the hills,” she said. “Definitely. I can see a castle to the east in the distance. It's far. Maybe a day's travel.”

Thanks,” I said and teleported her back to her post.

I set up designing the outpost. I made it stand a hundred feet tall with a ladder that could be lowered down the side for the monster girls to climb up and down. I could put in a door, but it would be easy for adventures to break in, and that would cause problems. Having my dungeon sprawl would make it more likely to have intruders, keeping me from easily moving around my forces.

I added living quarters for the monster girls on the top few flowers with a spiral staircase in the interior that led to the ground floor then down into the dungeon. After I had done all that, I considered who I would make for it.

I scrolled through my Level 1 monster girls I hadn't every used. I had treants, gorgons, red caps, wendigo, choirs, fire sprites, lemures, and cockatrices. I settled on red caps. They were Metal monster girls and vicious fighters.

I had gained them when I killed Ziamili. He had a red camp companion that I didn't want serving me.

I reached out into the Void Crystal, focused on my mission. For once, I wasn't going to fuck these red caps right away. I had a dungeon builder to stop. People could be dying, so I wasn't about to let getting my dick sucked by a new monster girl slow me down.

I found the red caps and the image of a tall woman with pale skin and fiery hair appeared in my mind. She actually wore a red cap perched on her head. She had a natural grace to her with big boobs and no pubic hair. She looked utterly human.

“Rudsa, Karsi, Ciniti, Kauja, Vardarbiba, Vacinsa, and Taktika appear!” I cried as name after name appeared in my mind.

The spun out of the darkness throughout the vault. They appeared, their big boobs heaving. They grinned with lust while violence brimmed in their eyes. They looked eager to fight. To kill. Their caps didn't look so much as red as drenched in blood.

“Lord Leo,” Rudsa cooed. “You don't look excited to see us.”

“We have a fight ahead of us,” I said. “We'll celebrate later. You'll be stationed in Outpost Alpha.”

Swords appeared in their hands and vicious grins on their faces.

“Ooh, I love a fight, Lord Leo,” cooed Rudsa.

“Oh, yes, who do you want us to murder?” cooed Kauja.

I grabbed the Void Crystal and sent them to the tower. I had never seen monster girls with that lust for violence before. I shuddered and released the gem. I turned around to find Maya and Garnet there, arms folded before them.

“What's this about a dungeon builder?” Maya asked.

“I'm going to go and fight this one,” I said. “He's hurt people. Killed them. So I'm going to take him out. I'll use the red caps for the assault force. They seem more than ready for it.”

Maya grabbed my arm and Garnet the other. They dragged me out into the common area where the rest of my women were gathering. I blinked in surprise. I hadn't realized they had even heard about this problem.

“Leo is going to attack an enemy dungeon builder of unknown strength with a group of Level 1 Monster girls,” Maya said. “It's a brilliant plan.”

“Definitely, dirty boy,” Crystal cooed. “Just a smart plan to attack a dungeon builder with some Level 1 monster girls.”

“He's new,” I said. “I could probably handle it on my own.”

“This isn't raiding Jindag,” Halia said.

“Even if you're a lot more powerful, it's not smart,” said Lana Fulmine.

“I can handle this putz,” I said. I didn't want to put my women in danger. Monster girls always died. If he was new, I would crush him easily.

“Yeah, you took me and Lana and Halia on that raid,” said Garnet.

“So you're taking some of us along, Leo,” Mrs. Maia said, her arms folded sternly beneath her breasts.

“That's right,” Nina Naughty said.

“It's unseemly for the dark lord not to have an escort,” added Morana.

“That's right!” Alizee bounced up and down.

“Sorry, man, you are going to take some of us with you,” Terra said.

Hagane pushed her glasses up her shiny nose. “It's only logical.”

“Morana and Hagane are right,” Ms. Trueno said, shaking her head. “It's unseemly and illogical.”

“You're powerful, but you can't just do it all yourself,” Mrs. Lucina said, giving me a fond look.

“I wasn't planning on doing it all on my own,” I said. “I was taking Halia, of course.”

Halia smiled at me then said, “Well, why not let my adventures handle it. They're gaining in skill. They're ready to cut their teeth. Or the dwarves. They can handle it.”

“Oh, yes,” Hagza said. My dwarven mage winked at me.

Kassie gave me a discerning look. “You want to talk to this builder and convince him to join up.”

“I want to talk to him,” I admitted. “I doubt he'll be reasonable. He's killed.”

“So let's just kill him.” Bjorni's tongue licked over her chops. “He sounds like the sort that needs to be ripped apart. Let me rip him apart. That sounds like so much fun, Lord Leo. I'll make him howl!”

“Yes!” Vilkas jumped to her feet, her body crackling with lightning. “Just let me, Bjorni, and Baaghi at him. The three of us will tear that dungeon apart!”

“My Lord, I could destroy this dungeon builder without even transforming,” Agubnamus said. The ancient dragon favored me with her red eyes. Her wings twitched behind her.

“Ooh, ooh, ooh!” Isatu squealed. The fire dragon jumped to her feet beside Agubnamus. Isatu's red wings spread wide. “We could do it together!”

“Yes, I want to talk to him,” I said. “Maybe he's a lost cause, but I have to try.”

“Lord Leo, what about our plan?” Fara gave me a considering look. “We have to increase the number of dungeon builders we kill.”

“We?” I asked, giving her a hard look.

“Yes, we.” Her ears twitched but she didn't flinch from my gaze. “I might not risk my life directly on the battlefield, but I am part of your council. I aid your actions. If we do not kill more dungeon builders, then we cannot expand your dungeon to reach all the Shrines. That is still your goal.”

“It is,” I said. I drew in a deep breath. “I just... I don't want to kill someone if there's a chance. He's still knew. Maybe these deaths are more... accidental.”

Mrs. Maia put her hand on my shoulder. “Then you have to give him a chance.”

She understood. I just... I didn't want to become an executioner. New dungeon builders were always so... confused. The plan was simple on paper, but implementing it was something else. Killing Sulanga or Mthunzi or our intentions to go after Tuerien Ironbane were different.

That man was a monster. He was a disgusting beast that had to be put down. He would be our next work against it. But this dungeon builder... He could be like me. I wanted to give him a chance to at least make better decisions.

“We had good success recruiting Munjan,” I said. “Perhaps it'll work again.”

“Usiku is very happy with Munjan,” said Lana. “I talked to her only an hour ago, and he was moving through the city of Sharithin trying to get to know the halflings. He's a very friendly young man. I think he's a good one. Let's hope this one is, too.”

“He's killing,” pointed out Nina. “He doesn't need to kill the peasants.”

“Maybe they attacked back,” said Garnet. My little succubus quivered. “Right, right. Mistakes happen. He could be a good friend.”

“Maybe.” Maya sounded doubtful. “Well, perv, it's your decisions. We're going to support it no matter what.”

“Unless I don't do it your way,” I said wryly, giving her a look.

“Exactly.” She smiled so quickly, the motion sent waves rippling across her face. “So, how many of us are you taking besides Halia.”

“I'll take... three of my lovely companions,” I said. “In addition to my beautiful paladin. How does that sound?”

“You could take us all,” Alizee said. “All twelve of us!”

“What about us?” demanded Baaghi, her whiskers quivering. “Lord Leo, we might not be your companions, but we love you. We would be eager to rip this bastard apart in your name.”

“Yesssss, Massster,” hissed Paanee. “Let me bite him.” Her tail thumped on the ground.

“I'll rip his head off!” Bjorni snarled, the bugbear's fist clenching tight.

“We have to defend the dungeon,” said Smerta said. The valkyrie looked around at the others. “Lord Leo, Halia, and any three of us plus a group of Level One monster girls can handle some pissant dungeon builder. We have bigger enemies to worry about. Tuerien is too close to the dungeon. A powerful group of adventures could attack us. No, no, we have our duties. He's made our decision.”

“But who's he going to take?” demanded Nina. “I would love to go.” A pitchfork flashed into existence in her hand.

“That's tight!” Garnet conjured a floppy dildo out of shadows and raised it over her head like a weapon. “Let's go bash this evil dungeon builder for Dark Lord Big Bro!”

“For the Dark Lord!” shrieked Morana.

We all winced.

“You need to take those of us that can actually fight,” Terra said. She smiled at me. “You know what I can do.”

“Indeed,” said Hagane.

“I can fight!” Garnet said. She puffed out her cheeks. “They're being mean to me, big bro! I can make bondage stuff. Or a net. I bet a net can be used in sex play.” She thrust out her hands and a net of shadows appeared. “See. It's sexy and I could tangle him up.”

“You need wisdom on this journey,” said Mrs. Lucina. “Myself or Zoe should go.”

Mrs. Maia nodded her agreement. “At least one of us.”

“Pick me, dirty boy.” Crystal grinned as she played with a dagger of ice she conjured.

“We'll roll for it,” said Maya. “We'll get dice, and the three of us who get the highest scores get to go. Then there's no favoritism at all. We'll roll... four dice. That should do it.”

“That is a fair way to do it,” Hagane said, “if we're not going to do this in a logical manner and choose the most efficient fighters.”

“We don't know what the most efficient fighters are since we don't know much about this dungeon builder,” Morana said. “Let's send the ghosts in for recon!”

“And put him on edge,” said Nina. “Then we'll just have to kill him. No, no, we have to go and say hi to our neighbor, and that means we should do this randomly.”

“Can I roll?” asked Isatu.

I hesitated. “You're here to protect the dungeon and Astovin. You and Agubnamus are my reserves.”

“Yes, yes,” Agubnamus said. “That is what we are needed for. Transforming.”

I gave her a hard look. “Yes, that's one of the reasons I need you. You're also hot, I love you, and I enjoy making love to you.”

“You should do it more often,” said the dragon. “I get lonely.”

“When I get back,” I said. “Garnet, go get a set of dice.”

I had made dice for the many board games we had recreated. She darted out, her wings fluttering behind her while Bjorni gave me a hard look. For having a bear head, she could sure pout with the best of them.

“Fine,” I said. “You can roll. And you Baaghi and Vilkas. Paanee, if you want to. And same with you, Smerta.”

“My place is running the defenses of your dungeon,” said Smerta. “Unless you wish to change that.”

Garnet came running back in with the dice. She had a grin on her face as she held them up. Her wings fluttered as Bjorni held out her hand. Garnet blinked and glanced at me. I nodded. Garnet smiled and put them in Bjorni's big hand.

The bugbear blew on the dice, her big boobs jiggling. She then tossed them onto the table and...

“Wow,” said Crystal. “That's lucky. I mean... four 1's. That's just impressive. Double snake-eyes.”

Bjorni's shoulders sagged. She stared up at the sky and muttered something as she slumped into her chair. I had no idea that anyone could even do that with four dice. Roll all the same numbers. It must be astronomically high.

“Sorry,” Maya said and shook the dice. She could get between four and twenty-four. “Here we go. Big money!”

She cast out her hands. They bounced along the table. “Thirteen. Oh, that's... okay.”

“Less than the average of fourteen,” said Hagane. “Though, statistically, that's in the middle of the distribution curve. So it's a very predictable outcome.”

“Well, my turn!” Garnet said. She cupped the dice in both her hands. She shook them, the dice rattling in her hands. She cast them out on the stone table.

They bounced and tumbled, landing on three 6's and a 5.

“Come on,” Bjorni groaned as Garnet squealed.

My little succubus had all but guaranteed that she was going with the second-highest roll possible. she bounced up and down then started doing a little victory danced that involved rocking her hips back and forth while forming a circle with her two fists out before her. I was certain it had a name, but I had no idea what that was.

“Beat that!” Garnet said as Mrs. Lucina gathered up the dice.

She nearly did with two 6's a 4 and a 5, getting twenty-one. “Oh, lucky me!” the angel said, clapping her hands together. “Mmm, that's a good roll.”

She practically was guaranteed to go. Theoretically, two monster girls could roll higher.

“The dice love me,” Nina said and scooped them up. Her devilish tail swished behind her. “I've won big in Vegas. Let's go. Big money!”

She tossed the dice.

Bjorni snorted. “You're as lucky as me.”

Nina sank to her seat, staring at the four 1's she rolled in shock.

“The odds of two us rolling four is astronomical,” Hagane said. “You're a very lucky woman.”

Nina shot Hagane such an angry look. “Unlucky, you mean.”

“Well, that's not really a concept in probability.”

“Yeah, it's not like I can do worse,” said Crystal as she grabbed the dice, mist spilling off her icy body. She tossed them at once.

“Three 1's and a 3,” said Nina. “You're right, you couldn't do worse.” A smile split Nina's lips. “But you didn't do better.”

“Fuck,” Crystal cursed and flounced back into her chair. “Fuck, I wanted to go!”

Paanee didn't have hands, but she did have her tail, and the end of it was narrow enough and prehensile enough for her to pick them up. She tossed them down. They bounced along. She had one 6 but also two 1's and a 4, giving her twelve.

“Sssshit,” she cured. There were three higher scores than hers.

“Still in it,” Maya said as Hagane picked up the dice. “Just everyone do as bad as Nina and Bjorni.”

Hagane rolled a seventeen.

“I said do bad,” groaned Maya as she was eliminated.

“My apologies,” said Hagane but she didn't sound sorry. She even had a smile, but that slipped off when Terra rolled.

“Eighteen, yes!” Terra thrust her arm into the air, her big, clay boobs bouncing. “Yes! That's a hard one to beat!”

“But not impossible,” said Baaghi as the rakshasa picked up the dice. She rattled them and tossed them out. They bounced on the table and...

“No, not impossible,” said Terra, “but I'm afraid that a fourteen just won't do it.”

Mrs. Maia picked up the dice and blew on them before tossing them. She groaned when she only had a thirteen. Alizee gathered up the dice with wind and brought them to her. She bounced up and down holding them.

“Let's go!” she squealed and tossed them out, rolling...

A fifteen.

“Oh,” she gasped as the dice ended up before Vilkas.

The lightning monster girl picked up the dice with her hands made of crackling electricity. She didn't destroy the dice. She just tossed them and blanched as she had a bad roll. A seven. So far, Terra's eighteen was the cut off.

“For the Dark Lord!” Morana cried as she tossed the dice.

They did not serve me since they rolled only a nine. She glared at them, the black mist spilling down her back growing thicker. Ms. Trueno was the last one to pick up the dice. If she beat the eighteen, she would be going in Terra's place while there was no way Garnet or Mrs. Lucina could be eliminated.

Terra watched. If she had to breathe, I imagine her boobs would be rising and falling with he rapid breath. The teacher rubbed the dice against her copper-scaled breasts, even massaging her nipples. I arched an eyebrow at her.

“Well, lust is how you operate, Leo,” she said. “I mean, I knew that about you the first time you walked into my class and saw my lovely cleavage. You made these dice, so...” She rubbed them between her breasts. “This has to help.

She tossed them.

I turned out, it didn't help as she rolled only a fourteen.

¡Mierda!” she cursed, the first time I could remember her swearing like that.

“Well, that's it,” I said. “Garnet, Mrs. Lucina, and Terra, your with me, Halia, and Kassie.”

“Me?” Kassie blinked in surprise.

“You'll be taking us out there. I've moved one of the spare teleport rooms to the tower and made an exit. The red caps are awaiting us. Let's get this over with.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Garnet was super excited to go on the attack with her Owner and the others. She would be useful. Her net idea was a good one, and she had her big dildo club. She was so ready to thwack the evil dungeon builder with it. She would wielded it alongside Halia and her snazzy new sword, Stormlight.

“I'm so ready for this,” she said, bouncing beside the human paladin. Garnet's black pigtails bounced over her small breasts. Her crimson wings quivered behind her. “We are going to crush this little peon in the name of Dark Lord Big Bro!”

“We're there to negotiate his subjugation,” Halia said. “Lord Leo is offering him vassalization.”

“And if he refuses!” Garnet swung her huge dildo into the wall. It hit with a meaty thud. “Bam! We bring the justice to him!”

“That's right,” said Terra. She held out her hands. She balled them into fists and formed them into hammers, her boobs shrinking a bit as she moved the mass around her body. The golem wore a big smile, her coppery hair gleaming in the lantern light. “It's clobberin' time!”

Leo chuckled at that. “You're way hotter than the Thing.”

“What is he talking about?” Mrs. Lucina whispered to the succubus. The angelic MILF's halo pulsed in question.

“Some nerdy comic book reference, I think,” Garnet whispered back.

“That's right,” said Terra. “Fantastic Four. I loved those movies.”

A look of horror crossed Leo's face as Garnet grinned. “I loved those, too. Jessica Alba was super sexy, but they never showed her naked. I bet that's why Leo's grimacing. He didn't get to see those Jessica Alba boobs or her ass.”

“Yeah, and it has nothing to do with not honoring the Founding Family of Marvel.” He rolled his shoulders. “We're all ready. Let's get this over with.”

Kassie nodded as Garnet and the others all climbed onto the appropriate teleport circle. She took her Owner's arm, snuggling up against him. She loved holding him like that, even if he was wearing his gray robes. She rubbed her nipples into the fabric.

Such naughty tingles shot through her.

Asud Gu!” Kassie chanted.

Light flashed and when it died down, they were in a much small room that opened onto the end of a tunnel. A long one. Opposite the room was a set of stairs. Garnet burst from her Owner's arm to flit up the stairs. They led up a flight and opened onto a large, circular room. A tower that rose up above her with stairs that spiraled up the walls.

Seven women were standing there, skin as pale as garnet's but with hair a bright crimson that nearly matched the red caps they wore. They had fierce expressions on their beautiful faces. Almost terrifying in the intensity of them.

But Garnet wasn't afraid of them.

“Hello, red caps!” she squealed. “I'm Garnet. I'm Dark Lord Big Bro's naughty succubus, Lady Big Perv Garnet. I'm theMistress of Horniness, Queen of Depravity, and Empress of Kinkiness! I am so happy to meet you all!”

Garnetthrew my arms around the first one and kissed her right on the mouth. The naughty succubusplanted her mouth right on the red caps and made out with her with such passion. The succubus'stongue thrust into the red cap's mouth as their naked bodies pressed tight. Garnet's little boobies rubbed into the red cap's big breasts. She moaned and grabbed Garnet's ass, squeezing my rump.

How delicious!

Garnet broke the kiss and flounced to the next cute red cap, eager to make out with her. Garnet was finding them to be such a delicious creature. She hugged the second red cap and kissed her. Their tongues danced.

I like these red caps,thought Garnet, her crimson wings fluttering behind her. Such great kissers. And so fierce. I bet if they had strap-ons, they would fuck me so hard.

She squirmed there, so excited.

I could make them strap-ons.

She broke the kiss with number two and flew to number three. One by one, Garnet made out with each of them. She smooched all seven of them. When she was done, she turned around and grinned at her Owner.

“They're all ready to go, big bro!” she reported and saluted in a playful fashion.

He rolled his eyes and headed for the door. He opened it and stepped out onto a hill that was covered in low scrub brush with purple flowers. Garnet jumped out and breathed in. Pollen tickled her nose. She nearly sneezed.

“So, where's the dungeon at,” Terra asked as she stepped out.

“Yes?” asked one of the red caps. They flowed out and formed around her Owner. Weapons appeared in their hands. Metal swords that dripped with rusty red like they had already stabbed someone. That was a little creepy. “Where is it?”

“Mmm, let's find this bastard and exterminate him, Lord Leo,” another red cap said.

“They're, uh, enthusiastic,” said Mrs. Lucina.

“The dungeon entrance is in these hills,” Leo said. Garnet's Owner looked around. “Maybe I should have brought the wildhounds.”

“I can take you back,” said Kassie.

Leo shook his head. “I'll cast the scrying ritual.”

Pride? wondered Garnet. Does he not want to admit he made a mistake.

So everyone went back into the dungeon. Garnet didn't think this was the best run plan of her Owner's, but she wasn't about to say that. She leaned against the wall, getting so horny. She wanted to have fun, but the red caps were so serious.

They were ready for the fight. Just spoiling for it.

Leo chanted the words to the scrying spell a few times before the sensor appeared before him. He sent it out the dungeon as he stared off at nothing. It was super boring. Garnet squatted down and waited and waited and waited.

Maybe it would have been better not to have rolled so much higher than everyone, Garnet thought. Ugh, this is so boring.

Kassie sat cross-legged while Terra paced with the red caps. They were all bristling for the fight. They tapped their bloody swords against their thighs, the crimson running down their pale skin. It was like they had flesh so white so that red would show up the best against them.

Garnet shuddered at that creepy thought.

After about an hour scrying, Leo opened his eyes. “I got it. There's a cafe to the north of here. That should be it.”

“Let's go, Lord Leo,” said Rudsa, one of the red caps. “The light is failing.”

Leo nodded. He marched out of the tower, the red caps forming around him. Garnet burst out with Mrs. Lucina and took to the air. The two of them flapped their wings and soared upward. The tower was tall, but they quickly flew higher than it. From up here, she could see these hills went for miles. There was farmland in the opposite direction Leo led them.

She stared down at the hills. The bushes covered in the purple flowers were everywhere. They were pretty. There were small trails that wound about it. Game trails. Garnet squealed when she saw a doe with her little fawns.

They were so cute. Garnet gushed in delight as she soared over them.

“Oh, that's adorable,” Mrs. Lucina said as they watched the doe and her fawn. They grazed at the bushes.

There were other animals. A black bear ambled around. Birds soared through the air. A group of possums darted from one bush to another, the biggest covered in little babies clinging to her body. Garnet hummed in delight.

It was slow going for Leo, Halia, Kassie, Terra, and the red caps. The brush was thick, forcing them to follow the game trails. The sun was setting. Daylight was fading fast. Suddenly, Garnet realized that they weren't making it to the dungeon before it became dark.

She winged down with Mrs. Lucina as Leo was talking with the monster girls and Halia.

“What's up?” Garnet asked as she landed.

“We're still a few hours before we reach the dungeon,” Leo said with a scowl. Her Owner did not look happy. “We're not making it before dark.”

“Do we head back to the dungeon?” asked Mrs. Lucina.

“We're not making it there before dark, either,” said Leo.

“We're not,” said Rudsa. “Not at this pace.”

“Wonderful,” said Kassie. “We didn't bring any food.”

“We can find food,” said Vardarbiba, another of the red caps. “There's plenty of animals around here”

“I saw a possum!” said Garnet. “And a deer with her...” She trailed off. “You will not go and kill that deer. Nope!”

“Plenty of rabbits and the like,” said Vardarbiba. She licked her lips. “We'll provide you with supper, Lord Leo.”

“And we better gather firewood,” said Terra. “Come on, let's start looking for it. We'll need kindling as well as bigger stuff. Let's go. I assume you can make it stick, Leo.”

“I can make fire,” said Kassie, waving her hand. “Just get us fuel.”

“Then come along,” she said.

“Yeah,” Leo said. “We're going to do some camping. No biggie. Just going to rough it.”

“We'll all sleep tight and keep each other warm,” Garnet said, a huge smile on her face. “There's really no choice since this was such a well-planned expedition!”

Her Owner shot her a look.

“What?” Garnet asked innocently. “We have firewood to find! Let's get to it! Light's fading! Not all of us can see in the dark.”

“Can't you see in the dark?” asked Terra.

“Of course! I'm a Darkness monster girl, but the rest of you...” Garnet shook her head, her pigtails dancing around her shoulders.

Everyone fanned out. Garnet was happily collecting firewood with the others. There was twigs aplenty from the bushes, which turned out to have very wood cores. Terra formed her hands into hatchets and cut into some of the bushes to get thicker wood.

The world grew darker and darker as they all gathered. The red caps were cleaning dinner. They had captured two rabbits a piece which was more than enough food for Leo, Halia, and Kassie. They were soon skinned as the fire was made.

Terra directed it, building it up from tinder made of fluffy tips of grass stalks, to kindling made of twigs, to the bigger pieces from the hacked up bushes. It was growing colder, but soon Kassie had the fire going with a quick word or two of magic.

Ne-mur Zi,” she whispered and exhaled fire on the wood.

Some of it caught. Enough that Terra could feed it and build it up. As she did, Leo moved around and cast magic. An alarm spell. He enchanted the area to warn them if something snuck up on them. As he chanted over and over again, the rabbits were cooking.

The savory scents made Garnet wish she actually had to eat. They smelled so good.

Darkness had fully set in by the time they were eating. Leo had stripped out of his robes, stretching it out on the ground for Halia and Kassie to sit on with him. They were tearing into the food while Rudsa had four of her red caps starting to patrol and keep watch.

Leo finished off three rabbits. “There is not a lot of meat on them.”

“Lean,” said Halia. “It's not good to just eat rabbit.”

“Protein starvation,” said Terra. “There's no fat on them, so it's not good for humans to just eat them for the long term. But as long as you have some fat reserves to burn, it's no biggie. It's only like a month of eating rabbit.”

“We're not spending a month out here,” said Leo. He was staring at the fire. It was burning nice and hot. There was plenty of wood to feed it through the night to keep him and the others warm. He was naked. So was Halia and Kassie, her robes helped spread out, too.

Garnet stared at her Owner's cock. Her pussy clenched and tail twitched behind her. A naughty thought shot through her. If they were spending the night, there was no point in not having hot and sexy times.

“Mmm, Rudsa and Karsi, let's give our dark lord a triple blowjob,” I said.

Rudsa glanced at Leo's big dick. Lust flicked across her face. She quivered and rubbed at her pussy. “Yes, yes, we had no release today, did we.”

“We didn't reach our enemy,” Karsi said, her big boobs quivering.

Leo glanced at me then just leaned back on his elbows. The firelight played over his muscular chest, the twelve glyphs tattooed on him stood out so much. His cock thrust out hard and throbbing. He was such a hunky stud.

Garnet dropped to her knees before her Owner. She licked her lips and leaned forward, tucking her wings around him. She grabbed his throbbing cock and stroked up and down him. She fisted him, loving the feel of him throbbing in her grip.

“We have to keep him warm,” Garnet purred.

“Right,” cooed Kassie as she glanced over at Terra who was snuggling up to her. “Are you here to keep me warm.”

“Yep,” said Terra who kissed her on the lips.

Mrs. Lucina did the same thing to Halia, the pair of them making out. Garnet loved the sight as Rudsa and Karsi dropped down on either side of her. The red caps didn't take off their caps as they leaned in to lick at his cock with her.

The three of them all kissed at the tip of his cock. Well, Garnet did. The two red caps had to lick at the side do his shafts. They licked up and down him while Leo groaned in delight. He stared down at Garnet and the red caps.

“Nice,” he said.

She winked at her Owner.

*  \ * /  *

I groaned as Garnet nibbled on the tip of my cock. It was so hot having my little succubus kissing the tip while the two red caps licked at the sides of my shaft. I groaned, a big smile growing on my lips. I loved the feel of Garnet's tongue dancing around the crown.

Pleasure shot down to my dick. My balls twitched. I groaned at how great it felt. She slid her lips over my crown and swallowed my cock. My little succubus blew me. She worked her mouth up and down my dick. The hot rush of her nursing washed through me. I enjoyed every second of it. It was an outstanding delight.

She bobbed her head, working her mouth up and down my cock while the red caps were watching on with their hot eyes. They licked their lips, eager to suck on my dick, too. But my little succubus was blowing me, her crimson eyes staring up my body.

“Share, Garnet,” I groaned.

She suckled hard and slid her lips up my cock. She plopped off and moaned, “Of course I'm going to share! We're going to make you cum all over our faces. Right?”

“Right,” Rudsa cooed before she engulfed my dick.

I shuddered at her swallowing my cock. I stared up at the stars twinkling above us. I just was so concerned about those villagers being killed, I didn't plan. I just ran off. I wanted to stop this dungeon builder.

I wanted to save him from making such a huge mistake.

Now here I was, camping rough. I hadn't fucked my red caps because I was in a hurry. Yet here I was getting blown. I could have sent my ghosts or wildhounds out to scout, find the dungeon, and build my tower way closer.

I could have spent a few hours fucking my red caps while waiting on intelligence. Then we wouldn't be out here, vulnerable. We had the alarm spell ringing the hill we were one and the red caps guards, but there was a dungeon builder five or so miles away.

He could attack us.

That made the red cap's mouth even hotter around my dick. She suckled hard, nursing with a hunger. A wild passions. I shuddered, my nuts twitching as she worked her mouth up and down my dick. I groaned as she loved me.

Rudsa ripped her mouth off so Karsi could have her turn. She engulfed my cock, her crimson hair spilling around her face. I groaned, glancing at Terra and Kassie. My halfling rode my golem's face, the mage moaning as Terra feasted on her.

“Cholera, that's good,” whimpered Kassie.

“Halia,” Mrs. Lucina whimpered as sixty-nined with the paladin.

“Mmm,” the champion of light cooed, her face buried between Mrs. Lucina's thighs.

We shouldn't be doing this. We should be on our guard, but the risk made it all so much more exciting. Maybe all of us dungeon builders were flawed. Some were violent, some were cowards, and some of us were as horny as satyrs.

Just randy fuckers who couldn't control their libido.

“Shit,” I groaned as is savored Karsi's mouth working up and down my cock. She suckled on me with passion. She worked her mouth up and down my cock. “That's it!”

“Share!” Garnet cooed, her crimson tail swishing the air above her. “Don't be stingy! Let's share!”

Karsi slid her mouth off my dick, drool spilling down her chin. “Enjoy, succubus.”

“Yes!” My succubus squealed.

She engulfed my cock. She suckled my dick into her mouth. I groaned at the heat of her lips around my dick. She bobbed her head. She worked her mouth up and down my dick. I loved how she suckled at me.

It was fantastic to enjoy her suckling on me. She put such enthusiasm. My little succubus knew how to love me. It was fantastic to enjoy. I loved every second of it. This was an incredible delight to have nursing on my dick. I loved it. I rose toward that mighty burst of pleasure.

She ripped her mouth off so Rudsa could suck on me with her aggressive passion. She loved my dick. I shuddered, savoring every second of her nursing on me with such delight. My eyes rolled back in my head as I enjoyed every second of this passion. She knew what she was doing.

I loved it. I savored every thing she did to me. It was a fantastic passion. A wondrous delight to have that hot mouth working up and down me. I groaned, my nuts tightening beneath Rudsa's hungry passion.

Then Karsi took over.

She suckled like her fellow red cap. She held nothing back. She put her all into making me cum. She drove me wild with that wonderful mouth. I groaned as my women moaned around me. Kassie's round boobs jiggled as she ground her cunt on Terra's mouth.

The paladin and angel moaned as they feasted on each other's pussies. They licked and lapped at each other. They devoured hot cunts, loving each other. Mrs. Lucina's wings twitched as she squirmed atop the busty Halia.

“Fuck,” I breathed, nearing my eruption. “That's it, Karsi. You're going to make me erupt. Fuck, that's hot. That's perfect!”

“Ooh, ooh, stop sucking,” Garnet moaned. “Then he can cum all over our faces!”

Her wings quivered with her excitement. Karsi stopped sucking. She grabbed my cock and fisted it. She stroked up and down me. So did Rudsa, holding my cock higher up. She massaged the tip. The pressure grew there.

I groaned as the redcaps and Garnet all pressed their cheeks together. Their pale faces stared down at my cock. They all were so eager for it, the busty redcaps wiggling their hips in anticipation. The pressure in my nuts grew and grew.

I erupted.


I sprayed blast after blast of cum into my monster girls' faces. I shuddered, hosing them down. They all squealed in delight, opening their mouths to catch my spunk. I coated them with my jizz. I hosed them down with all my spunk.

It was an incredible rush to have all that cum splattering their faces. I loved it so much. The heat surged through me as I painted their features. I grunted with the cum spurting out of me. The pleasure slammed through me.

I loved every moment of this pleasure rushing through me. Stars burst across my vision. I growled through the ecstasy, loving every last moment of this delight. I shuddered as I erupted one last time, splattering their three faces.

“Yes!” squealed Kassie. “Oh, Terra! Oh, that's so good! Poxy twats, that's amazing!”

She shuddered as she ground her cunt on Terra's face. I loved the sight while I watched the two red caps lick my cum off Garnet's face. My little succubus quivered between them, their tongues stroking over her features to gatherer all the spunk off her.

A wave of heat rushed through me at the sight. That was hot to see. It was one naughty thing to witness. I smiled as they cleaned up the cum, my dick so hard. We had a night to pass, and I hadn't loved my red caps properly.

Time to fix that oversight.

Click here for the next part! 


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