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Chapter Twenty-Four

“Okay,” I said and thought, “Everyone outside, enter. He's my servant.” I stared at Munjan. “Just so you understand, that you're like... a monster girl now. For me. I can't bring you back to life if you die, and if I die...”

“Oh,” Munjan said.

“My monster girls are entering the dungeon now,” I said. “If you notice on your screen they appear as guests. They're not here to hurt you. It's just easier. Now, let's get to your Vault and reshape your dungeon. You can keep all your traps and labyrinths, we're just going to shift your entrance to put it next to my embassy.”

Usiku, make sure the square's clear,” I said. “Munjan's signed up with us. He'll be adding his dungeon exit beside the embassy.”

Awesome,” she sent back. “We're going to have an orgy, right?”

Yes, yes,” I said, shaking my head and smiling. “Okay, space will be clear. Let's move your embassy. Then you can start buying food from the halflings. Or, well, I'll have it sent. And, of course, you'll be free to have dinner with me or Siwang if you want. You'll like him.”

“Sure, sure,” Munjan said, he looked dazed.

I clapped a hand on his shoulder and gave him a squeeze. “We have a lot in common. You were struck by lightning, right? Before being sent here.”

“Yeah.” He glanced at me. “Wait, was Lightning your first.”

I grinned. “It was. Though I didn't get a catgirl.”

“I'm a nekomata,” said Macka.

“That's a monster from Japan,” Hagane said. “It's a yokai. A, er, a folk tale monster. The two tails should have clued me in. That's what separates a nekomata from a bakeneko. That and different stories.”

“Good to know,” Macka said, rolling her eyes. Oh, yeah, she was probably a popular mean girl back in the old world.

Munjan led us back into his living area where more will o' wisps had been waiting. Had he planned on falling back in here and fighting me in these tighter quarters. He had seven will o' wisps. Seeing them all moving around us made me feel nostalgic.

He opened the door at the end onto the Vault. His Soul wasn't motherly like mine or Siwang's. His was... young and peppy. She jumped to her feet, her round boobies jiggling, and squealed in delight. She was like... a cheerleader.

I glanced at Macka. I bet she'd been a cheerleader, too.

“Okay,” I said. “You want to send your dungeon...” I glanced at Hagane.

“East by southeast,” she said. “You're looking for the city and our embassy. I'll talk you through it.”

“Uh...” Munjan looked embarrassed. “I thought I couldn't reshape my dungeon with others in here. Soulanna told me that.”

“That's true,” Soulanna said.

“I'm your lord,” I said. “Trust me, it'll work. I'm not a hostile. You can even teleport me around inside your dungeon, and I can do the same when you're in mine. Oh, and once we've done this, there was a dickhead named Sulanga. He had a dungeon someone in this area with at least three other mana veins. You probably took one of his, but there should be more than you can find to get your more power.”

“Oh, thanks,” said Munjan, blinking. “You want me stronger.”

“Yep.” I sighed. “I'm going to need your strength. We are in a war against this world, and not everyone will be as reasonable as you.”

He concentrated for a while. Halia talked him through it until we were pretty sure that he had found it. I had him thrust an exit up to the surface. Usiku was able to confirm its existence in the square. So we had found it.

“Okay,” I said. “Just build a strong building around it. A place your will o' wisps or other monster girls can guard.”

“Right,” he said, concentrating. “Okay.”

“Now, just move your dungeon beneath Sharithin, but leave an extension out here to keep in contact with the mana vein. It should be easy.”

“Yep, done.” He smiled. “I just moved us. Didn't feel a thing.”

“No, I did not,” I said. “Well, let's go get you those glyphs and introduce you to some of my allies. Uh, well, I have to spend some time with my monster girls. I don't come out to Sharithin enough, and when you have as many as me.... They really don't get all that much attention.”

“Attention?” asked Munjan.

“Yeah, I haven't made love with my ambassador Usiku or the pixies I have stationed to guard my embassy in a bit,” I said. “They're feeling frisky.”

“You have sex with your monster girls!” Munjan gasped and glanced at Zvaigzde. “Not just...”

“You've only made love to Macka?” I put a hand on his shoulders. “Trust me, your will o' wisps will love it. As will your other monster girls. Plus, you'll grew new companions with your new glyphs. So, trust me, you're going to have a good time.”

He looked a little bemused then glanced at Macka.

“That sounds fun,” she said. “Mmm, if that's what you want.”

“Damn,” Munjan said. “Damn.”

I smiled.

We walked out of the dungeon and out into the square. The halflings were gawking at the new building. Usiku was talking to the elders. I knew them. They all nodded to me, looking relieved. They now had a full-time dungeon builder to defend the city.

“I want you to get to know Sharithin,” I told Munjan. “As you gain in power, I want you to invest in protecting the city. Perhaps, when you have the power, to replace the city walls with your own dungeon. Use your monster girls to guard the gate. It's very effective. My embassy is here to give backup, and I can always send reinforces quickly.”

“Yeah,” Munjan said, looking around. “They're really halflings. Like from Lord of the Rings.”

I nodded and noticed Kassie. She was mingling, talking with friends. I motioned her over.

She rushed up and glanced at Munjan. “He's taller than you.”

“Yep,” I said. “Can you take him to the two Shrines. I have business here in the embassy.”

“And then you have to have dinner with us,” said Mrs. Maia to Munjan. “Bring your new monster girls you make. You'll love it.”

“She's a great cook,” I said, slapping my dryadon the ass. This was a great day. And I had hours to kill. “So Kassie will get you squared away on the Shrines. Just touch the glyph to gain the new elements. If you have any questions, she can answer them.” I concentrated. “We also can communicate like this.”

Munjan jumped. “Shit!”

I grinned at him and glanced at Usiku and the pixies. My fomorian had this wanton gleam in her eyes. My pixies swarmed around me. They were all giggling and quivering with excitement as they pulled me toward the embassy.

“Just over here, Munjan,” said Kassie. “Lord Leo has quite the appetite. Why, he fucks all the women in his dungeon. He's just insatiable.”

“All his women?” asked Munjan, giving me a look.

“What?” I asked him. “Have you not made love to your will o' wisps?”

Munjan shook his head.

“Then you are missing out,” I said as my pixies pushed and pulled me along toward their quarters in the embassy. “Trust me!”

My robe came open as Kassie, Mrs. Maia, and Hagane led off Munjan. The pixies were all around me, their short bobs of light-blue hair swaying around their cute faces. Petite and short, I towered over them as they stripped me naked. Their pointed ears quivered while glittery dust spilled from their diaphanous wings as they fluttered.

“Lord Leo!” they squealed as their hands roamed my body. They grabbed my cock, stroking up and down me.

Mala jumped and cupped my face. She kissed me, her wings humming behind her. I groaned, kissing my pixie. She kept flying upward, her small breasts passing my face before she was landing on my shoulders. I grabbed her rump and buried my face into her sweet, hairless pussy. I licked.

She squealed.

Her pussy tasted so delicious. I loved the taste of her. I flicked my tongue through her folds, stroking her. Teasing her. Loving her. Two hands seized my cock. Two lips kissed at the tip of my dick. They stroked my shaft and tongued my spongy crown.

I groaned into Mala's pussies as the two pixies licked and lapped at the cunt grinding on my mouth. I tongued her, loving the taste of that wonderful cunt as the other two pixies flicked their tongues around the crown of my dick.

“Ooh, ooh, go, Mihiri and Dosaya,” squealed Amkuraya from behind me. Mihiri and Dosaya must be the ones playing with my dick.

“Yep,” cooed Mihiri, her voice a delicious purr. “Lord Leo's going to cum on our faces!”

“Yes!” squealed Dosaya.

They both licked at the tip of my cock again and again. I groaned as they did that. Their tongues swept over the crown of my cock. It was quite the hot delight. My dick twitched and throbbed as they did that. It was an incredible rush to have them stroking over my hot flesh like that. I shuddered, savoring their tongues.

They flicked over my flesh. It was an incredible rush to have them doing that. I thrust my tongue into Mala's cunt. I swirled around in her sweet snatch as her wings buzzed to keep her in place. Her hands gripped the back of my head while I kneaded her ass.

So it was simple to slip a finger into her butt-crack and found her asshole. She shuddered as I rubbed up and down her anal ring. I pushed on her. She gasped, her thighs tightening around my head as I penetrated her bowels.

“Lord Leo!” she moaned as I sank into her asshole. “Oh, oh, Lord Leo, that's so wonderful!”

I was glad she loved it because it was wonderful to do this. I worked my finger into her asshole. I penetrated into her depths and worked my digit in and out of her anal sheath. I thrust in and out of her, stirring her up.

She quivered, her thighs squeezing about my face. She held as I my tongue flicked through her snatch. She had such a yummy cunt. Her asshole held my digit while Mihiri and Dosaya licked at my dick. The two pixies stroked my crown as they fisted me.

Then one of them swallowed my dick.

“Ooh, yes, Dosaya,” Mihiri cooed.

I groaned into Mala's sweet cunt, loving the taste of her pussy as Dosaya worked her mouth up and down my dick. She suckled on me with all her might. It was a rush to have her nursing on me. She danced her tongue around my cock. I groaned, savoring it.

Mihiri nuzzled into my balls. She suckled on them. They twitched as Dosaya worked her mouth up and down my dick. The other two pixies, Amkuraya and Atmaya, both giggled. Then I heard Usiku gasp. I knew the pixies were loving her.

“You delicious beauties,” Usiku moaned in her lovely, Welsh accent. “Yes, yes, just eat my cunt. Ooh, that's so good.”

My cock ached in Dosaya's mouth. She swirled her tongue around the crown, swelling my need to cum. It was such a great day. Another ally. Munjan would make a great supporter. I could feel it. He would help defend Sharithin and keep the halflings safe.

My dick throbbed in Dosaya's hungry mouth. She bobbed her head while Mihiri suckled on my nut. She nibbled on my ball. The tingling massage shot up to the crown of my cock. I groaned at how great that felt.

It was a passionate moment. I groaned, loving how wonderful it was to have all that pleasure shooting through me. I moaned into Mala's pussy. I tongued her folds, brushing her clit. Her asshole clenched about my thrusting finger.

“Ooh, ooh, Lord Leo!” Mala moaned as she squirmed on my shoulders. “That's so good. Lady Tiamat's windy cunt! That's just delicious!”

“Mmm,” Mihiri into my nuts as she loved them. She rubbed her face into them as Dosaya bobbed her head and nursed on my dick. “Your balls are so amazing. I love them!”

“Good,” I groaned and flicked my tongue to Mala's clit.

I danced around her bud, the pressure growing at the tip of my dick. Dosaya suckled hard on my dick. The pleasure swept through me. It was an incredible rush to have her doing that. I loved it so much. This was just a thrill to have her working on me like this.

I would have a big cum. I savored this heat swelling at the tip of my cock. Dosaya had such a delicious mouth. My nuts twitched against Mihiri as I hurtled closer to cumming. I suckled on Mala's clit. I loved her little bud.

“Lord Leo!” she whimpered, her bowels clamping down on my pistoning digit. “You're going to drown in my pussy cream!”

“Drown him,” Usiku groaned. “Oh, fuck, you little tarts!”

Amkuraya and Atmaya both giggled.

I shuddered from the strength of Dosaya's sucking. She knew I was hurtling toward my orgasm. She danced her tongue around the crown of my dick. I loved her doing that. The pressure rose toward the bursting in my nuts. I couldn't take much more of this.

“Fuck,” I groaned into Mala's clit. I nibbled on her bud. Her wings buzzed.

“Lord Leo!” she squealed. “Lady Tiamat's windy cunt!”

Her sweet pussy juices gushed out and bathed my face. I groaned, drinking down all that wonderful cunt cream. I licked it up as the pressure swelled at the tip of my dick. I groaned, so close to cumming.

Mihiri squealed, “He's about to blow, Dosaya!”

She pulled her face from my nuts as Dosaya ripped her mouth off my cock. She moaned, “Yes, yes, cum on our faces, Lord Leo!”

“Jizz all over us!”

Their hands pumped up and down my dick. She stroked me, working me toward that wonderful moment when I would erupt and cum on their features. This was such a wild moment. The pressure grew and grew in my nuts. I was so close to erupting. Just so close to spurting all my cum onto their faces.

I drank down Mala's pussy cream, her asshole rippling around my digit. My left hand squeezed her butt-cheek as the pressure in my nuts burst. I grunted and erupted. Dosaya and Mihiri both squealed in delight as I painted their faces.

I erupted over and over again, spurting my jizz and splashing over their features. I loved the pleasure shooting through me. Stars burst across my vision. It was an incredible thrill to erupt again and again. I groaned with each blast. I spurted my cum across their features.

It was an incredible rush to spurt my cum onto the pixies faces. I hosed down Dosaya and Mihiri as I drank more of Mala's cunt cream. I licked up her pussy cream. I savored that delight as she trembled on me.

“Oh, yes, yes,” squealed Mihiri. “All that wonderful cum, Lord Leo!”

“Drench us!” gasped Dosaya. “We love you, Lord Leo!”

“Love you!” moaned Mala as she squirmed on my shoulders. “Yes, yes, that's just perfect.”

I licked at her pussy, my cock erupting over and over again. The pleasure slammed through me. I loved every second of this. Every last moment of lapping at her cunt. She had such a juicy one. Her wings buzzed and her asshole writhed around my digit.

“Lord Leo,” whimpered Mala as her body quivered.

I grunted, firing a final blast of cum onto Mihiri's and Dosaya's faces. I coated the pixies with my jizz. I shuddered, panting with the delight of this moment. It was an outstanding delight. I panted as Mala flapped her wings and rose from my shoulders.

I stepped back, panting. Dosaya and Mihiri's faced ripped in my pearly cum. Some matted their light blue hair. Their small breasts rose and fell. Mala dropped before me and knelt with her fellow pixies. She licked the cum off the pair's faces. She stroked over them, gathering the cum.

“Oh, shite!” gasped Usiku.

She bucked, her large, dark-purple breasts heaved. Both Amkuraya and Atmaya had their faces pressed into the fomorian's pussy. I loved the sight of the first monster girl I had won trembling through her orgasm.

She drowned them with pussy cream, swaying there. I loved watching her big boobs smack together, her soft flesh rippling. Her blue hair swayed around her face as she trembled there. It was quite the sight to witness.

I loved it.

I glanced down at the three pixies sharing my cum. They were having a good time. I stepped around them and headed for Usiku, my dick so hard. She stared at me, a big smile crossing her lips. She quivered there as she finished cumming.

The two pixies' lips met in an hot kiss as they shared Usiku's pussy cream. My fomorian smiled as she sank to the pillows that were gathered here. I had given them comforts. She spread her legs wide, her thick bush gleaming with her pussy cream.

I sank to my knees between her. The pillows elevated her cunt to the perfect height for me to just ram into her cunt. She shot her hand out and gripped my dick. She pressed me into her cunt, her black curls sliding around my cock.

I groaned at that. She had an amazing pussy, her pubic hair tickling my shaft. She rubbed me up and down, winking at me. I grinned at her then smiled as Amkuraya flew over my head and landed on Usiku's head. The pixie giggled as she faced me, her hairless pussy rubbing on the fomorian's lips.

“Ooh, Usiku's so good at eating pussy,” cooed the pixie. She wiggled her hips from side to side. “I love what she's doing.”

“Excellent,” I said and thrust into Usiku's cunt.

I sank to the hilt in my fomorian's pussy. Her hot twat devoured my cock. She had such an incredible pussy. I loved feeling her twat engulfing my dick. She held me tight. She massaged me with that delicious snatch.

I pumped away at her cunt. I fucked her pussy with hard strokes. She moaned into Amkuraya's. The pixie squirmed, loving being tongued by the fomorian. Gossamer wings buzzed behind Amkuraya, glittery dust spilling through the air.

“She's licking my pussy, Lord Leo,” whimpered the naughty pixie. “Ooh, that's just so good. She's driving me wild.”

“Good,” I groaned as I fucked into Usiku's pussy. I pumped away at her. “I want that.”

“Lord Leo, watch!” Atmaya cried. “Watch us! Look, look!”

I glanced over to see Atmaya settling down into a daisy chain with the other pixies. She ate out Mala who devoured Mihiri who ate out Dosaya who munched on Atmaya. A circle of beauties all licking and lapping at each other.

“Fuck,” I groaned, savoring the sight as I buried my dick deep and hard into Usiku's pussy. I plowed into her, loving the feel of my fomorian's pussy squeezing around my dick. She massaged me with her silky flesh. I loved every thrust.

Every last plunge into her pussy. She felt so amazing round my cock. I savored every second of pounding her while Amkuraya rode her face. The pixie had a wicked grin on her lips as she ground her twat on the fomorian's lips.

“Lady Tiamat's windy snatch,” whimpered Amkuraya. “I love sitting on Usiku's face, Lord Leo! Just love it!”

“Mmm, she's got a tasty pussy,” cooed the fomorian. “Just a delicious snatch.”

“I know,” I groaned, slamming into Usiku's pussy. I leaned over and cupped Amkuraya's face. I kissed her.

She moaned as I did that, her lips covered in the tangy flavor of Usiku's pussy. I loved tasting the very cunt I fucked on the pixie's lips. I kissed her with passion, my tongue thrusting into her mouth as I fucked over and over into the fomorian's cunt.

I pounded Usiku, the pressure building and building in my nuts. Amkuraya whimpered into my lips. She wrapped her arms my neck, kissing me with such passion. I loved how she made out with me. It was a hot thrill.

I made out with her as I fucked Usiku's cunt. My tongue danced with Amkuraya. Her moans were just so delicious. She broke the kiss and gasped out her pleasure, loving what Usiku did to her pussy. The fomorian was amazing.

Her cunt gripped my dick.

“Oh, shite, that's good,” whimpered Usiku. “Ooh, Leo, don't stop fucking me with that cock!”

“Not until you cum in her!” Amkuraya whimpered. Her wings buzzed. “Ooh, ooh, I'm going to drown her. Lady Tiamat's windy twat!”

“Drown her,” I groaned.

I glanced at the daisy-chaining pixies. The four were all moaning and whimpering as they devoured each other. I loved it. My dick ached as I pumped away at Usiku's cunt. The pressure grew in my nuts slapping onto her taint.

I pounded her hard. Fast. I fucked into her snatch. I rammed into her cunt with such force. I savored that delight, enjoying every second of burying into her cunt. I fucked her hard and fast. I plowed to the hilt in her.

“Yes!” gasped that hot and sexy Usiku. “Oh, Leo, that dick!”

“Awesome dick!” gasped Amkuraya, her eyes rolling back in her head. “Yes, yes, just like that. I'm going to cum! I'm going to just burst with delight!”

She quivered there, her head trembling, then she gasped in delight. Her orgasm burst through her. She drowned Usiku in pussy juices. The fomorian moaned, her cunt clamping down hard on my dick as I buried into her.


Usiku's pussy went wild around my cock. That hot and juicy snatch convulsed around me. I groaned, loving every second of her spasming around me. She had such a hot twat. I loved it. I buried to the hilt in her cunt.

Her pussy rippled around me. She writhed about my cock with all the passion she could muster. I groaned, savoring that delight. Her cunt rippled around me. She suckled at me. I loved that so much. I plowed to the hilt in her twat.

“Fuck!” I groaned.

I erupted into my fomorian's hot twat.

“Yes, yes, cum in her!” whimpered Amkuraya, her eyes smoky. “Lady Tiamat's windy cunt, just flood her, Lord Leo!”

“He is!” groaned my fomorian, her pussy milking my cock.

I shuddered with each burst of cum into her pussy. Usiku cunt spasmed around my erupting cock, massaging my dick. I groaned, the pleasure slamming through my body. Stars burst across my vision as I filled her to the brim with my jizz.

I flooded her with everything that I had. I shuddered with spurt after spurt of cum. I groaned as my nuts emptied themselves. I filled her pussy with my cum. With every last drop of jizz that I had in me. It was an incredible moment.

“Fuck,” I panted. “Oh, fuck, that's good.”

“Mmm,” cooed my naughty pixie as she squirmed on Usiku's face. “It is, Lord Leo! So good!”

The four pixies daisy-chaining all squealed in delight. Their moans echoed through the embassy. I glanced at them as I shuddered, a big smile on my lips. It was nice to visit the halflings and enjoy all this delight.

Today was an amazing day. Things were going good. Fuegin was still a worry, and with my alliance with King Thanitis, Tuerien Ironbane to the south was another problem. One we'd have to start tackling soon.

He had too much power.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Siwang had Anji on his arms as he joined Leo and his women for dinner. Siwang was eager to meet this new dungeon builder that had been recruited. Anji was a bubble of delight, wearing a blue dress with a low-cut bodice Siwang had a made with the Void Crystal.

He couldn't make modern clothes, but it seemed he could make clothes of the styles known in the world. That seemed to be the limit. He could make anything that could be made currently in this world, even if it was something from his world like a chess board.

Behind me came my three companions. My step-mother, Guang, and Lei. We reached the meeting room where the supper was being held. Food was being carried in under Mrs. Maia's direction. She nodded as Garnet, Crystal, Terra, Alizee, Morana, and Hagane set out the plates of sliced meat drizzled in a sauce with vegetables on the side.

“Siwang,” Leo said. He wore his typical gray robes, a big smile on his lips. He looked happy. Relaxed. “Come over and meet Munjan.

Munjan was the tan-skinned and dark-haired young man who was standing with three monster girls. One had ebony skin and white, tiger-like stripes down her back and sides. A cat girl with two tails and golden eyes. Another had pale skin and wild, black hair, her boobs large and quivering. She looked human even with her red eyes. Only the claws on her fingers identified her as a monster girl. The last was an angel like Mrs. Lucina with the white wings and halo.

But she wasn't as busty as Mrs. Lucina.

“Munjan,” said Leo, leading Siwang and Anji over. “This is my other... duke, I guess. This is Siwang and, uh, is she your girlfriend, Siwang.”

“Uh, fiancee,” Siwang said. “This is Anji. We're getting married.”

“We are!” Anji said, holding him tight, this smile spreading on her lips. Then she gasped as she realized who she was speaking to. “Lord Leo!”

“Congrats,” Leo said, a big smile on his lips. “I'm happy for you. She's a beauty.”

“Yes,” said Siwang.

“Well, it's great to meet you,” said Munjan. He had this big smile on his face. “Leo's monster girls showed me these shrines, and now I have two more cheerleader monster girls.”

“More cheerleaders?” Leo asked. “Besides Macka.”

“He's recruiting my entire squad,” Macka said. “Someone must have had a cheer fetish.”

“Big time,” Munjan said. “This is Vina, and she's a maenads.”

That was sort of familiar to Siwang. Something from Greek mythology. The wild-haired and red-eyed monster girl bounced up and down, her big boobs drawing everyone's gaze. They were lovely tits. She was a Thunder monster girl by elimination.

“And Andea.” Munjan pointed to the angel. “Though... You have an angel, too, Leo.”

“Yeah,” said Leo. “And I have a lampetia like Siwang does. There does seem to be a finite types of 'unique' monster girls. Anyways, I'm glad to have you all here.” He looked around. “Well, since this is a day of celebration, why don't we make it into a party! Everyone, Siwang has an announcement to make!”

All of Leo's monster girls stopped. He had most of his companions here along with his non-monster girls women. And some of the men, too. The adventurers like the dwarves and the elf. They were all staring at Siwang.

He pulled Anji close and said, “We're getting married!”

Cheers exploded through the room along with applause. Alizee started clapping and thrusting her arms in the air. She was quickly joined by Munjan's three monster girls, the four of them all starting to move together as they chanted out a cheer.

It was befuddling to Siwang. Everyone was coming up and hugging him. Leo's monster girls were embracing him and kissing him on the cheek. Mrs. Maia, Mrs. Lucina, Ms. Trueno, and Terra all gave chaste kisses. Nina Naughty kissed him full on the mouth then whispered something in Anji's ear.

The girl's cheeks went flaming red.

“What?” Siwang asked

“She, uh, offered to show me how to really make a man cum,” Anji whimpered.

“She would no,” said Lana Fulmine who came up and gave Siwang a hug and a kiss.

“You're getting married!” squealed Garnet who hugged them both. “That's so awesome!”

“Marriage is the shackle of society binds us to normalcy,” said Morana, the banshee's voice mournful. “An institution the begs for women's submission and to embrace the roles that have long repressed the human spirit.”

Anji blinked.

“But congratulations, that's so neat!” Morana then squealed and hugged them both, her cold lips kissing Siwang's cheek.

“She's a strange one,” Anji whispered as Morana retreated, black mist spilling down the banshee's back.

Siwang nodded.

Wine was served, food was eaten, and toasts were made. Siwang couldn't help smiling. He was so glad that he had his bride-to-be at his side and his monster girls. He should marry them all, but his step-mother wouldn't be happy about that.

She wanted this bit of normalcy for him.

*  \ * /  *

That night, I took Halia, Kassie, and Fara to my bed. I had the first three women who had become my lovers with me. Maybe I should have brought Priestess Lysila and Hagza, but they were so new to being in my harem

And they were having fun with my monster girls.

“Should I get married,” I asked as I stretched out between Halia and Fara, Kassie kneeling between my thighs. “I mean, to you three. You're not monster girls. I could get you pregnant. Our children would be bastards.”

“What, marry all of us?” Halia asked. “A man can only have one wife.”

“Yeah,” said Kassie. “And which of us would be the first wife, anyways.”

“I enjoy being your lover, Lord Leo,” purred Fara. “It is exciting being the mistress to a dungeon builder. You have all those sexy monster girls, and yet you chose to bring me to your bed tonight.”

“You love us,” added Halia, her big boobs swaying. “That's more than enough for me.”

“And me.” Kassie smiled. “Besides, you're only going to recruit more. I mean, Bellia wants to be one of your women. And as you recruit more adventurers, you're going to have more women that want to be yours. Even if they're not adventurers. I wouldn't be surprised if some women just want to be yours.”

“Most women in Astovin whisper that they would love to enjoy you once,” said Fara. “Married or single. And their husbands could hardly complain if you visited their wives and maybe left a bastard in her womb.”

“That's a little messed up,” I muttered.

“Powerful men enjoy these sorts of perks,” Fara said. “The history are rife with them. Kings who just take another man's wife for the night and pay the cuckold gold to compensate for using his woman. Or giving them property or exempting them from tax.”

“Damn,” I muttered. “Like some Prima Noctis shit.”

“What's that?” Kassie asked as she leaned over and swallowed my cock.

I groaned as her hot mouth slid down my dick. She swirled her tongue around me as I squirmed between my paladin and elf. Their bodies pressed against me, boobs rubbing on me. Halia's big and soft tits and Fara's small and firm titties.

“Just... something lords used to do in my world. Fuck a bride on her wedding night as some sort of tax.”

“Mmm,” Fara purred, squirming against me. “Prima Noctis. That's hot. You should do that Lord Leo. All the women of Astovin would support it.”

Kassie moaned around my dick. I groaned, my eyes rolling back in my head.

“Don't do anything you don't want to, Lord Leo,” Halia said as she rose and straddled me, her black bush hovering over my head. “Mmm, and you have more than enough women who love you.”

She planted her bush on my lips, her silky curls rubbing on my lips. Her tangy vulva kissed my mouth a moment later. I groaned as I licked at her while the naughty Kassie bobbed her mouth. She worked her sweet lips up and down my cock.

I groaned into Halia's pussy. I tongued her, licking through her folds. She tasted so good. My tongue flicked through her petals. I loved the taste of her tangy passion while my cock throbbed in Kassie's mouth.

I loved all my women. My companions. The beauties in here. Priestess Lysila and Hagza were also working into my heart. Maybe I should include Bellia. I had fucked her once, after all. She was a gorgeous girl.

“Mmm, just enjoy,” cooed Fara, her fingers playing with my chest hair.

Kassie moaned her agreement as she bobbed her head. The halfling suckled with passion, her hair brushing my thighs. I groaned into Halia's tangy pussy. She squirmed on me, her silky curls brushing my lips. She tasted just divine.

I loved her.

I licked at her with passion. My tongue stroked through her folds. She had such a yummy snatch. I loved her tangy juices. She groaned, her heart-shaped rump clenching before my face. I stroked my tongue through her folds and brushed her clit.

“Lord Leo,” she groaned, her butt-cheeks clenching before my eyes.

Kassie bobbed her head, loving my dick. The pressure grew and grew in my nuts. I would have such a big orgasm. Just spray her mouth full of my cum. She loved my dick. The naughty halfling mage loved my cock.

“Damn,” I breathed, savoring her blowjob.

“Oh, Kassie, you're making Lord Leo feel amazing,” groaned Halia on me.

“Yes, she is,” the elf cooed. “Our Lord deserves this reward. Satiate him. Work that mouth up and down his cock and make him erupt. His balls must be quivering.”

Kassie cupped them. Massaged them. She moaned her affirmative around my cock as she suckled hard on me.

I groaned, her passion buzzing around the crown of my dick. I thrust my tongue into Halia's pussy and swirled around in her. She moaned, her braid of black hair spilling down her back. She quivered on me. It was exciting pleasuring her.

I fucked my tongue in and out of her cunt. She trembled on me, her bush tickling my face. I wanted to drown in her tangy cream. I flicked my tongue to her bud again. I swirled around her clit as I trembled on bed.

“Yes, yes, Lord Leo!” she moaned. “Oh, my Lord, I love you. I love you so much!”

Kassie moaned around my cock, sucking hard.

“My affection overflows like a spring spilling its water down the mountain slope,” Fara cooed. “Cum in Kassie's mouth. Flood her with your seed! I wish her to share it with me.”

“Yes!” I groaned.

I suckled hard on Halia's clit as I came closer and closer to cumming. Kassie's warm, wet mouth drove me wild. She suckled with passion on my dick. I swirled my tongue around my paladin's bud. She whimpered as I did that.

It was all so good. Just perfect. This was how things would work. I loved nursing on that bud like this. It was fantastic. I enjoyed every last moment of suckling on her as Kassie brought me to the brink of cumming.

The halfling kneaded my nuts. Tingles shot to the tip of my cock.

“Fuck!” I groaned and erupted.

I pumped my cum into Kassie's mouth. I flooded her with my jizz, the pleasure surging through me. I shuddered with each blast of cum, erupting over and over again. I suckled on Halia's clit, moaning about her bud.

“Oh, my Lord!”

Halia's pussy juices gushed out into my mouth. She drenched me with her passion. I gulped down her passion. I licked and lapped up all that wonderful cream that spilled out of her mouth. I drank it all down as I flooded Kassie's mouth.

Pleasure shot through me. I savored that ecstasy as I drowned in Halia's cunt cream. I shuddered, my orgasm hitting its pinnacle. I hovered there, erupting a final time into Kassie's mouth. I loved this so much.

All my women were amazing. I couldn't marry one of them, and I couldn't marry all of them. But I could love them all.

*  \ * /  *

Fauraliiithiliana quivered as Kassie ripped her mouth off Lord Leo's cock. The elf's ears twitched and her pussy burned. She leaned toward the halfling whose dark-brown cheeks bulged with all their Lord's cum.

The elf kissed the halfling.

Kassie thrust her cum-covered tongue into Fauraliiithiliana's mouth. The salty delight spilled over her taste buds. Her slender body quivered as she made out with the halfling, the pair sharing in the spoils of Lord Leo's testes.

Fauraliiithiliana's tongue danced with Kassie's, snowballing the cum back and forth. It was a term the librarian had learned from Nina Naughty. A delicious one that Fauraliiithiliana was more than happy to enjoy with Kassie.

“Damn,” groaned Lord Leo.

Fauraliiithiliana hoped her Lord watched her sharing in his cum with the halfling. That it inspired him to ravish them both. The elf's pussy ached. She needed some loving. Her mouth also hungered for more than just Lord Leo's cum.

Though that was a precious delight.

Fauraliiithiliana kissed Kassie until the salty flavor of their Lord's jizz vanished. The elf broke the kiss and pushed Kassie back. The halfling didn't fight. Her diminutive form stretched out on the bed, her round breasts jiggling. Fauraliiithiliana settled between the halfling's thighs, staring at the thick, red bush adorning her pussy.

With a groan, the elf bent over and buried her face into the halfling's bush. The curls rubbed on Fauraliiithiliana's lips and cheeks. The halfling reached Kassie's small, spicy cunt. With hunger, and her hips wiggling, the librarian devoured the mage's cunt.

“Poxy twat!” gasped Kassie. “Ooh, Fara, that's so nice.”

“Yes, it is,” Lord Leo said, grabbing the elf's wiggling hips and stopping her. His cock nuzzled into her hairless pussy. “Fuck, that is nice to watch.”

The elf quivered in delight as his cock thrust into her pussy. His hard shaft penetrated her juicy twat. She groaned into the halfling's spicy cunt as she reveled in every inch of her Lord's dick penetrating her pussy's depths.

“Shit,” he groaned, his cock penetrating to the hilt in her. His nuts slapped into her clit. Pleasure sparked from them. “Fara!”

He drew back. Fauraliiithiliana's cunt clamped down hard around his dick. She held him tight, her flesh massaging his cock. He groaned as he thrust back into her. He buried to the hilt in her cunt, churning her up.

The elf's ears twitched as his cock pumped away at her twat. She whimpered into Kassie's spicy pussy, her tongue licking and lapping at the silky folds. Pleasure rippled through the elf, her cunt clenching down on that dick.

“Yes, yes, fuck her so hard, Lord Leo,” moaned Halia. “Ooh, you're just slamming into Fara's cunt.”

“Such a tight cunt,” grunted Lord Leo. “Damn, Fara, it is always a thrill to fuck your pussy!”

“You love fucking every pussy!” Kassie moaned, her thighs squeezing about Fauraliiithiliana's face.

“Every pussy is a thrill to fuck!” he answered with amusement.

He pounded Fauraliiithiliana's like it was a thrill. The elf's twat drank in the friction. She loved every second of that hot dick slamming into her pussy. She wiggled her hips, stirring her snatch around his dick as her tongue flicked at Kassie's twat.

She brushed over the halfling's clit. Kassie bucked. Her round boobs jiggled. She groaned, humping her red-furred muff into the elf's face. Fauraliiithiliana enjoyed that so much. She loved the silky curls caressing her face.

It was an added delight to Lord Leo's cock fucking to the hilt in her snatch.

He buried deep and hard into her pussy. He plowed into her depths. She squeezed her cunt around that hard dick, her orgasm building fast. She whimpered as she nibbled on the halfling's clit. The elf's ears twitched more.

“Moldy leaves,” she moaned, his nuts slapping onto her clit.

“Damn, Fara,” he groaned. “Damn, that pussy!”

He plowed to the hilt in her cunt. She savored every moment of his big dick plowing into her. He fucked to the hilt in her snatch. She quivered and suckled hard on Kassie's clit. The heat in her pussy fed her orgasm. The pressure swelled.

His nuts slapped her clit.

She burst in ecstasy.

Waves of delight surged through Fauraliiithiliana's body and drowned her mind. She suckled hard on Kassie's clit as Leo groaned, pumping away at her spasming flesh. She wiggled her hips from side to side, loving the way he nursed at her.

“Cholera!” gasped Kassie.

Her pussy juices gushed out.

Fauraliiithiliana drank the spicy flood as Lord Leo buried his dick to the hilt in her cunt. He groaned and erupted. As she drowned in halfling cream, Lord Leo's seed pumped into her pussy. She shuddered, reveling in that thrill.

Her pussy milked his cock. She worked out all the cum that he had. Which was a lot. More and more pumped into her snatch. She reveled in his hot cum spurting into her cunt as she drank Kassie's pussy cream.

“Yes, yes, yes,” gasped the halfling. “Ooh, Fara! Poxy twat, that's good!”

“Fuck, it is!” grunted Lord Leo as her pussy wrung him dry. “You are all so amazing!”

“Thank you, Lord Leo,” Halia purred.

Fauraliiithiliana quivered, rubbing her face into the halfling's cunt. She savored this pleasure, enjoying this moment. Her tongue licked at that yummy cunt. She was glad she had come here. Glad she would help Lord Leo change the world.

Click here for the next part!