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“Ooh, Deandra, I'm going to fuck your pussy,” you moan as Milly pulls her girl-dick out of your asshole. A flood of her cum follows, spilling down your crack to your pussy lips spread around Pranya's big dick.

“Yes!” the Black scientist says. “I've taken enough notes. I'm soaked.”

You slide your pussy off Pranya's cock, the Indian futa moaning in delight. As you stand, her jizz pours down your thighs while your futa-cock bobs before you. You're hard and aching for Deandra. The scientist shrugs out of her lab coat, the white cloth falling to the floor to puddle around her feet. Her small breasts quiver, her black bush dripping with her excitement.

You grab her shoulders, pulling you to her. Your nose brushes her nose ring as you kiss her, letting her taste Rosalita's cum. Deandra moans into the kiss, your dick pressing into her smooth belly. You're so eager to be in her pussy.

To feel her riding you.

You break the kiss, smiling at the way the Black scientist pants, her dark breasts rising and falling. Her nipples brush yours. You groan, a shiver running through your body, ending at the tip of your clit-dick. Panting, you sink to the floor and pull Deandra with you.

“Oh, yes,” she gasps, straddling you, her ebony skin rubbing against yours. She grabs your cock, lifting it as you stretch out on your back. She presses your aching tip into her silky bush. “Mmm, I've wanted to fuck a futa for so many years.”

“Enjoy,” you say. “You made us.”

“I did,” she moans and thrust her pussy down your girl-cock.

Your cunt clenches as her hot twat engulfs your futa-dick. Pleasure ripples down your shaft into your snatch. Your toes curl. She feels incredible on you. Her small, dark breasts quiver as she arches her back.

“Oh, my, yes!” she gasps. “That's it. That's the biggest thing I've ever had in my pussy. Oh, damn, that's incredible.” Her hair, buzzed into a fade on her left side, sways about her face. Her eyes are bright. “You're huge, Miss Futa.”

She's adopted the name.

“Mmm, so is your pussy,” you moan as the cutie slides her cunt up your shaft, gripping you with her juicy twat. Pleasure spills through you as she wiggles her hips. Then she slams back down you. Your eyes groan, the rapture surging through you.

“Damn, I need that ass,” groans Pranya. The Indian beauty strokes her swarthy cock as she moves around Deandra.

“Yes, I love it up the ass,” Deandra moans. “Getting fucked by two futas is even better!”

“If you love ass, then you must want to suck my dick fresh from Miss Futa's bowels!” groaned Milly, advancing up, waggling her cock.

Deandra moaned in delight. She opened her mouth wide. You shudder at the depravity of it as Milly feeds her dirty cock to the scientist. Deandra's ebony cheeks hollow as she sucks, her pussy clenching in delight on your girl-dick.

The pleasure surges through you. A wonderful delight that has you shuddering. Your toes curl. Your heart races in your chest as this wonderful pleasure surges through your body. Your hands clench and relax. Your heart races as this amazing bliss surges down your girl-dick.

“Damn,” moans Rosalita. “Ooh, but Lois is free.” The Hispanic beauty saunters off, stroking her girl-dick.

You squirm on the ground. Your heat pounds in your chest. This wonderful bliss surges through your body. You squeeze your eyes shut as you revel in this wonderful moment. Her pussy works up and down your girl-dick as she nurses on Milly's cock.

“Here we go,” Pranya moans, her thighs brushing yours as she leans in. “There's that asshole.”

Deandra slams down your cock, engulfing every inch of you in her juicy twat. Then she groans and shudders. She squirms around you, her back arches. She sucks hard on Milly's cock, the cum forcing out of your asshole and cunt, making a naughty puddle beneath your rump as you savor this amazing moment.

Then Deandra's eyes squeeze shut. Her pussy grows tight as you feel Pranya's cock invading her asshole. You groan and squirm on the ground. Your heart pounds as this wicked delight surges through your body. Your fists clench as the pleasure surges through you.

It's incredible. You're both in Deandra just like Milly and Pranya were in you.

The scientist loves it. She's squealing around Milly's cock, her body trembling. She stirs her pussy around your cock as Pranya starts fucking. The Indian futa's cock reams into Deandra's tight asshole. That wonderful friction burns around the tip of your cock. It makes you shudder and twitch, the pressure building and building at the tip of your girl-dick.

Deandra doesn't even have to ride you. Just the stimulation of Pranya's thick shaft reaming the scientist's asshole is enough to build the ache at the tip of your cock. You groan, eyes fluttering as the bliss races through you.

Your hands shoot up. You grasp Deandra's breasts. You squeeze her tits, loving the feel of them. They're small and firm. She gasps as your thumbs massaged her brown nipples. Her body shudders, her pussy clenching.

Then she slides up your cock.

While you didn't need her to move, you're not complaining.

“Fuck!” you gasp as she slams back down at the same moment that Pranya's plunges into her bowels. The dual stimulation on your girl-dick is incredible. “Ride me, Deandra!”

“Yes, yes, ride her while you suck her ass off my dick!” moans Milly. “This is incredible. Oh, yes, yes. Bob that head. Work that mouth up and down my girl-dick. Ooh, you're just such a treat. Such an anal slut.”

Deandra moan, drool running down her dark chin.

“Yes!” I gasped. “An anal futa-slut!”

“Uh-huh,” Pranya whimpers, her face, cheeks flushed to a dark brown, peering over Deandra's shoulder. “Her asshole is so tight. Ooh, I love being a futa!”

“Me, too!” you groan. “It's amazing!”

Your orgasm builds as Deandra rises you. Her small breasts jiggle in your squeezing hand. You massage her nipples with your palms, making her squeal about Milly's cock. Deandra's sucking the brassy-haired futa's cock clean of your asshole

It's so hot.

Your pussy clenches, forcing out more of Pranya's cum. It spills over you. You groan, your toes curling as you savor this wicked heat. Your heart beats in your chest as you whimper. You squirm, the passion building and building at the tip of your cock.

Deandra's pussy and Pranya's cock are driving you towards your orgasm.

“This is so hot!” Milly moans. “Oh, damn, you're a naughty scientist. Ooh, suck Miss Futa's asshole off my dick. Yes, yes! I'm going to cum. I'm going to flood you with all my jizz!”

“Do it!” Pranya moans. “Give the wonderful inventor of the futa-pill all you crave. Spill into her. It'll be incredible.

“So incredible!” you moan, your heart pounding in your chest. Your twitching, shuddering. Your heart is hammering as your excitement builds and builds. “Let's cum in her!”

“Yes!” Pranya moans, her face twisting with pleasure. “Ooh, this is incredible. I love it!”

“Uh-huh!” you gasp. The pressure builds at the tip of your cock as Deandra slides up your shaft and Pranya's rams into her bowels. The dual delights caressing your dick shoot bliss through you.

You explode.

“Yes, yes, yes!” you howl. “Deandra!”

She squeals around Milly's cock as her pussy slams down your shaft. She engulfs you in heaven. Her body bucks. Her pussy writhes around your cock as she joins you in orgasmic bliss. You feel Pranya slam to the hilt in Deandra's bowels, caressing your spurting cock.

“Lovely!” she moans. “Oh, Miss Futa, yes! I love having a clit-dick!”

You only moan as the cum keeps spurting out of your futa-cock. You grip Deandra's ebony boobs as she milks you. She moans about Milly's cock. The brassy-haired futa shudders. Pussy juices gush down her thighs as she cries out in rapture.

“Drink my cum!” she moans.

“Drink it!” you gasp, stars bursting across your eyes as the jolts of ecstasy and waves of rapture spill bliss through your mind.

Your toes curl as Deandra milks the last of the cum out of your ovaries. You pant, your orgasm dying down. You blink as you smile. You feel incredible. Your body is buzzing from the wicked delight. You lick your lips, so happy that this bliss just spilled through you.

“Oh, Deandra,” whimpers Pranya. “You are a genius.”

“An amazing genius,” pants Milly. She pulls her cock out of the scientist's mouth, leaving some pearly cum staining Deandra's dark lips.

She licks the jizz off then moans, “I know!” She stands up, her holes sliding off your dick and Pranya's. Pleasure spills through you as you watch your cum trickle out of her cum.

Deandra plants her hands on her hips, more of your cum spilling down your thighs. You stare up at her, licking your lips at the naughty sight. Deandra surveys the room. The futas are panting, mostly done for the moment, taking breaks as they gather themselves. The Cute Titties Group are flushed and smiling, smeared in futa-cum.

“I think it's time to take the results to Ms. Kato,” says Deandra, marching over to her discarded notes. She picked them up. The scientist glanced at her clipboard, nodding her head. “Yes, yes, this is perfect. We can show our company the results. This will be big. Promotions for me and you, Miss Futa.”

You shudder on the floor. You stand up, panting. You look around at the women. They haven't had the fun of being futas. Would they get to be futas if you head upstairs? Or would they be denied the chance while the company figured out what to do? Of course, it would mean delaying on a promotion. Who knows what might happen then?

Do you report the findings, or do you let the Cute Titties Group become futas?

What do you choose?

Do you report your findings of the busty girls to Ms. Kato? 

Do you give the Cute Titty girls the futa-pill and enjoy yourself? 

Author Note: These links are to give contact for the poll!

Do you decide to wipe your cum off Paris's skirt with toilet paper?

Do you fuck a petite futa in the mouth?

Do you get mad at Dr. Isabella?

Do you fuck Deandra's mouth?


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