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Maximilian “Max” Koenig

After having a wonderful time sharing Mrs. Devi with my demoness Ms. Charbonneau, it was time to make plans. I had bred three out of the seven hot wives I needed to in my quest to become the Hell King. I felt the ring on my finger. Thick, throbbing with power.

My crown. The Judeccan Crown. Judas Iscariot's Crown.

It was an ominous name for a crown. My heritage as a nephilim. My father or mother had been a demon, the other a human. I had no idea who my parents were. I had grown up in the foster system, bouncing from house to house.

I headed down the stairs with Ms. Charbonneau in my arms. The busty blonde was being lazy, of course. She had a soft smile on her lips, her blue eyes closed. Her big boobs jiggled as I took each step. I reached the bottom of the stairs and found my other demonesses in the boarding house's large living room.

I flicked my gaze to them. Miyoko and Rachel were cuddled up on the couch. To my surprise, Mrs. Loves was sitting on Officer Ajam's lap, the pair sharing a recliner. Mrs. Loves big boobs were almost in Officer Ajam's face. Bea sat on another recliner while Letitia, my curvaceous boss, lounged on a love seat. They all glanced at me.

“We've been talking about taking the fight to the demons,” said Officer Ajam, her dusky hand stroking Mrs. Loves's pale, sleek thigh. “We want to find out where the agent of Duke Eligor on Earth is. He must be in the area to coordinate these attacks.”

“Makes sense,” I said, sitting down on the love seat next to Letitia, Ms. Charbonneau stretching out her legs over the Black demoness's lap, lying on us both. “What do we know?”

“That he's up on Earth somewhere,” said Bea. “I know the demon. He's a larvae, a male Demon of Greed.”

“They're all douchebags,” said Rachel, who was a Demoness of Greed. “Like to wear AXE body spray and be complete tools.”

“So like a male version of you,” Miyoko said.

“You little bitch,” Rachel said and rubbed her face into Miyoko's. “I should be a little bitch to you and lick that pussy until you give me all your cunt cream.”

“Later, later,” I said. Those two had gone from hating each other to being lovers within my harem. Much like Mrs. Loves and Officer Ajam seemed to have become.

“I don't know what he's cover is here on Earth or what name he goes by,” Bea continued. “So I can't help there.

“But he'll be wealthy?” I asked. “Being a greed demon. I mean, look at Rachel pretending to be a trust fund brat.”

“Mmm, I know, it's all my wealth,” Rachel said. “Just a modest, $780 million I've acquired over the years through various shell companies. The trust fund is real, of course.”

“Shit,” I said.

“I want to be rich,” Miyoko groaned. “But if we're all Max's wives, then your wealth is all our wealth...”

“You envious little kitty,” cooed Rachel. “Maybe I should pet you while you lick my pussy.”

They both started kissing. They really had changed. I was just thinking of all that money. She really had that much? But then she was older than she looked. They all were. Even Miyoko. They were all probably ancient. Thousands of years old.

I pushed that thought aside. Older women were hot. I liked MILFs and hot wives. Mrs. Devi, that Indian wife from up the street, had been a delight. So had Mrs. Ackers, my former foster mother I had enjoyed with Letitia this morning.

“Then how do we find this prick?” I asked, my hand sliding over Ms. Charbonneau's belly.

She purred in delight as I touched her.

“I propose that Officer Ajam and myself drive through some neighborhoods tonight,” Bea said. “See if we can spot his nest. As you said, he'll be wealthy and wanting to enjoy it. Greed demons have trouble slumming.”

“But we can do it for the right stud,” Rachel said, glancing at me with her eyes burning with lust.

“I'm going with you,” I said. I didn't want them risking their lives without me being there to protect them.

“You draw too much attention.” Bea rose and knelt before me. She took my right hand and kissed the ruby on the ring. It pulsed with power. “This is growing stronger and stronger with each hot wife you breed. Officer Ajam and I will be safe.  I know how to sneak, and she knows how to fight.”

“And we'll chat with you the entire way on the phone,” said Officer Ajam. She glanced at me. Without her mirrored sunglasses on, it was harder for her to hide those emotions she had.

I considered that. I had my Firebird. I could haul ass with the rest of the harem to come to their rescue. I'd drive like a bat out of hell to save them. And what was up with that phrase? It made no sense. Why would a bat be flying out of hell?

But if one was, they would be going fast.

“You have a new squad car?” I asked Officer Ajam. Her last had been wrecked a few hours ago when Angelo, a cook from Letitia's restaurant and an envy demon that had tried to kill me, had crashed a dump truck into it.

Officer Ajam grinned. “I told you, that I have the chief of police wrapped around my finger, my King. I know what I'm doing.”

I opened my mouth to agree when I realized something. “But the enemy knows you're a cop. Won't a police cruiser driving through those rich neighborhoods be... suspicious.”

“I got an undercover vehicle,” my cop demoness reported. A smile spread on her lips. “A sporty mustang with a V-8. She's supped up for high speed pursuits, too.”

They had an answer to all my questions. “Okay. But I mean it. I want to be speaking with you on the phone at any time.”

“We'll be fine, my King,” Officer Ajam said. “You have a harem of demonesses for a reason. You have your queens to do dangerous tasks for you.”

I didn't like staying behind, but if the ring really did shed power... This was all about stealth. Covert ops. “Doesn't mean I have to like it.


Virginia Loves

I was excited as Iadara and I landed in an alley by the Clam Slam. It was evening, the sun setting, and I was so eager to go in the club. I had changed so much from that quiet virgin who thought she would marry Max.

He had become a demon-fucking Hell King. A man-whore who fucked that succubus skank who married my father. My step-mother was a bitch from the bowels of hell, and Max loved sticking his dick in her.

Now I was married to an angel. I had a pierced clit and a lovely tattoo on my lower back. I was so eager to go into the Clam Slam, the lesbian club, and eat as many different pussies as I could. My new wife and I were enjoying our honeymoon by playing a game.

A contest to see who could eat the most cunt this evening.

We strode across the street. Iadara was fully manifested thanks to our marriage. She didn't have her halo or white wings out, looking like a blonde and busty woman in a silver party dress that barely covered anything. Open in the back with a plunging neckline and a skirt so short that it hid her ass and not much else.

I was wearing something similar. Not a silver party dress but a red one. My small breasts were covered by two triangles of cloth that tied behind my back. My skirt hugged my waist and flared like a bell over my ass. I wore heels that put a sway to my hips.

It was Saturday night, and the club looked packed. There was a line of dykes waiting to get in. But Iadara just walked up to the bouncer, who was a sexy amazonian woman. She smiled at the sight of Iadara and let us cut the line.

I realized the bouncer was an angel. The Clam Slam was a hub of angelic activity. They were lesbians, angels. They knew it was a pure relationship. That what women shared could never be a sin. There was no penises spurting cum.

The music thudded as we entered. I trembled as we both looked around. Anael, who ran the club, was holding court. Women were lined up to eat her pussy. It was such a hot sight that she had them come to her. The dance floor was crowded with women grinding on each other. In the shadowed corners, couples kissed and ground together.

“Good luck, honey,” I told Iadara, sliding my arms around her neck. “But I'm going to win.”

“Such a cocky little lesbian you've become, Virginia,” she purred.

“I know,” I cooed. “I've been shown the way, and I love it.” I kissed her on the mouth, our lips melting together. I had always been a lesbian, I just needed to experience a woman to realize that.

I broke the kiss and strode out into the club, looking for that teal-haired girl first. She had devoured my pussy right in the middle of the club. I wanted to return the flavor. When I came here last night, I had been scared. Nervous.

I didn't know who I was. That had changed. I was a Soldier for the Lord, imbued with angelic powers to fight evil. I had confidence. Power. I sauntered through the club, drawing attention from the other women. They were a melange of races here. A melting pot. It was delicious the hues of skin and hair here. All together. All united by sapphic delight.

“Oh, wow, that's you, Virginia,” the familiar voice of the teal-haired girl.

I turned around to find her standing there in a black dress that hugged her curvy body. Her round tits were lifted up and almost about to fall out of the tight affair. It had a sheen to it that was delicious. I wanted to devour her cunt right now.

“I hardly recognize you,” she said. “And was that a tattoo?”

I turned around so she could read my lower back tattoo. My tramp stamp that was just visible above the waistline of the dress.

“Wow, that is a tattoo,” the teal-haired girl said as she ran a finger over it. “'Owned by an Angel.' So, what angel owns you, Virginia?”

“Iadara,” I said and turned around to face her. I put my hands on her hips. “She's my wife.”

“And you're married, huh? Already. I heard that lesbians move fast, but... Damn.”

I smiled and grabbed the front of my skirt. I lifted it up to flash my shaved pussy and the gold ring piercing through my clit. “See, there's my wedding ring.”

“Holy shit.” The teal-haired girl grinned at me. 'You went from virgin to lezzie slut. That's so hot. I love it.”

“Me, too,” I moaned as I sank to the floor. I slid my hands up her smooth thighs to the hem of her black dress. “Now you gave me something amazing last night. I want to return it to you.” I slid her skirt up to expose her shaved snatch.

“Oh, yes,” groaned the teal-haired girl. The spicy scent of her pussy filled my nose. I just wanted to feast on her. “Mmm, repay that favor. That sounds perfect.”

I leaned my face into her shave into her pussy. I kissed at her spicy folds, her juices soaking through my mouth. She groaned as I smooched over her vulva. This was such a delight to enjoy. I savored her cunt on my mouth.

I licked through her slit next. I slid my tongue through her folds and brushed her clit. She groaned, her hips moving to the music thudding through the club. I was doing this in the open. It was just so hot. I didn't care at all who saw us.

I slid my tongue through her folds. I lapped at her with such hunger. She groaned as my hands slid around and gripped her rump. I held her butt-cheeks tight as my tongue through her folds. She gasped as I did that. Her back arched.

“Oh, you naughty, naughty slut, Virginia,” she moaned as I tongued her.

I thrust my tongue into her twat. I stirred around in her pussy, loving the texture of her pussy walls. The silkiness of her was so exciting. She tasted so good. I licked and lapped at her with hunger, working my tongue through her folds. It was fantastic to enjoy. I loved this so much.

I flicked my tongue through her folds. It was just a delight to lick at her. I loved that so much. My tongue danced through her petals. I loved the taste of her spicy juices. She groaned, undulating her hips. She smeared her shaved twat on my lips.

I loved those bare lips on me.

“Oh, that's it, Virginia,” she moaned. “Oh, that's perfect. Yes, yes, that's so good.”

“Mmm,” I purred into her twat, my tongue wiggling around in her snatch.

Her pussy cream ran down my chin. That was so hot. She was such a wet slut. I gripped her ass, massaging her. I danced my tongue around her clit before plunging back into her snatch. Her twat gripped down on me.

I worked at her twat, wanting to make her drown me. I ached for her to soak me in her pussy cream. That would be such a delight. I ached for it. I flicked my tongue over her bud again and again. I stroked her little clit.

“Shit, Virginia!” she moaned, her back arching. “Oh, shit, that's so good!”

I kneaded her ass as I tongued her clit. I licked at her bush with hunger. It was a thrill to feasted on her like this. I lapped at her with everything that I had. I tongued her. She groaned as she undulated her hips, grinding her twat on me.

I wanted to make her explode. To just drown in all her cunt cream. I suckled hard on her clit. I nibbled on her bud. Her round boobs jiggled in her black dress. I suckled hard on her bud. My soft lips nibbled on her pearl, polishing that special spot on her.

“Oh, Virginia,” she moaned. “You're going to make me explode.”

“Good,” I cooed. “Cum on me. Drown me!” I nibbled on her clit again.

“Yes!” She threw back her head, smearing her bare pussy on my mouth.

I found her clit again and suckled on her. I nursed on her with hunger. She groaned as did that. Her moans were so delicious. They mixed with the music of the club. She gripped the back of my head. She held me to her cunt.

“Fuck!” she cried and gushed juices.

Her spicy cream flooded out of her pussy and drowned my mouth. I groaned, savoring that delight. I loved every moment of her juices gushing out. She tasted so amazing. Her gasps mixed with the thudding rhythm pulsing through the club.

I reveled in her hot pussy cream showering my face. That was so hot. I licked and lapped at her, my cunt on fire. Hot pussy cream dripped down my shaved thighs. I groaned into her cunt as I licked at her. I lapped with passion at her twat.

“Shit, shit, shit,” she moaned, undulating her hips and smearing her climaxing cunt on my face.

Pussy cream ran down my throat and over my collar bone. So much cunt juices flooded out of her. I loved very spicy drop that I licked up. I enjoyed every moment of this. I wanted to just drown in her pussy cream forever.

But she shuddered as her orgasm peaked in her. I tongued at her softly now. I licked at her folds as she panted. Her eyes fluttered and her grip on the back of my head lessened. Her hand slipped away a moment later.

“Fuck, that was amazing,” she said. “That was just so awesome. You really know what you're doing down there, Virginia.”

I winked at her.

“Yeah, just know how to feast on my cunt. Fuck that, was good.”

I smiled, loving that she enjoyed herself. I flicked my tongue through her folds. I lapped at her with soft and teasing strokes. I flicked my tongue through her pussy lips as she stared down at me, her eyes gleaming.

“I have to eat you out,” she moaned.

“And I need to eat out someone, too,” I purred. “You can eat my pussy if you find me a girl that I can devour. I have to beat my wife. I had to eat more cunts than her.”

“It's a game, huh?” A twinkle shown in the teal-haired girl's eyes. “Then let's go.”

She looked around and stalked away. I rose and followed after, my thighs soaked in my juices. I was so wet. I loved the feeling as I sauntered after her. I licked my lips, enjoying that spicy taste lingering on my mouth.

The wicked girl went right up to this Hispanic girl and whispered in her ear. She pointed at me. The Hispanic girl wore a pair of hip-hugging jeans that rode low on her hips, almost hanging off them. She had on a mesh top that let her fat, dark-brown nipples poke through. The Hispanic lesbian lit up at the sight of me.

“You gonna eat my pussy, blondie?” the Hispanic girl asked with a delicious accent.

“Oh, yes,” I purred as I reached her. I put a hand on her hip and slid it down to her jeans. “I'll make you cum, if you promise to drown me in pussy cream.”

“Mmm, you're one naughty chica. I like that.” She smiled. “Let's do it.”

She cupped my face and kissed me, tasting the teal-haired girls pussy on my lips. That was exciting. My heart pounded as our tongues danced together. This wild heat swept through me. I thrust my tongue into her mouth and worked it around in her.

She groaned as she pulled me toward the wall, kissing me the entire way. The teal-haired girl grabbed my ass as I made out with the Hispanic cutie. My hands cupped her breasts through the mesh top she wore. I squeezed her, feeling her nipples poking through the material. I twisted them.

She broke the kiss and purred, “You better make me cum hard, chica.”

“You better shower me in cunt cream,” I purred as I slid to my knees.

The Hispanic cutie leaned against the wall as I unsnapped her jeans. I tugged them down, working the stretchy material over her thighs. She had no panties on beneath, but a thick bush of black hair. I loved that she wasn't shaved.

I smacked my lips and nuzzled into her bush. I was so hungry for this cunt. I wanted to just enjoy her pussy so much. The tart aroma of her cunt filled my nose. I savored the scent as I pressed my face into her thick forest.

Her pubic hairs tickled my face on my way to her cuntlips. I found her pussy, loving the thick folds she had hidden in her cunt. I licked at her with hunger. My tongue licked through her folds. She groaned as I did that. I caressed her with hunger. I lapped at her with passion.

She groaned and grabbed the back of my head. “Damn, chica, you love pussy!”

“Yes!” I moaned.

“And I love a cute ass,” purred the teal-haired girl. She parted my butt-cheeks. I gasped as she nuzzled between my asscheeks and licked at my anal ring. “Yum!”

She tongued at my asshole as I licked at the Hispanic cutie's thick folds. I loved how tart she tasted. I stroked over her petals, my tongue enjoying her cunt while the teal-haired girl enjoyed my asshole. She rimmed me, swirling around my naughty backdoor.

As she tongued my asshole, her fingers found my pussy. She rubbed at my slit. I moaned into the Hispanic cutie's twat. I savored the teal-haired girl's fingers rubbing at my twat. She massaged my folds and brushed my clit.

Her fingers thrust into my cunt.

I groaned as her two digits pumped away at my cunt. She stirred me up with her delicious fingers. I loved what she did to me. It was an incredible rush to have her teasing me like that. She pumped her digits into my cunt and wiggled them around in me.

“Yes,” I moaned into the Hispanic cutie's pussy.

“Ooh, lick that twat, chica,” she moaned. “Just love my twat, don't you?”

“I love pussy!” I moaned and thrust my tongue into her pussy.

I swirled around in her cunt. I danced about in her as she groaned and smeared her hot twat on my face. I licked and lapped at her folds, her curls smearing over my face. I loved the way her curls tickled me. It was an incredible passion.

The teal-haired girl pressed her tongue against my asshole. She wiggled it about and drilled it into my asshole. She swirled it around in my backdoor. My cunt clamped down on her fingers thrusting into my cunt, the pleasure washing through me.

I moaned in delight in to the Hispanic girl's pussy. “Yes! Oh, yes, yes!”

“That's right, chica, my cunt is amazing!” cooed the Hispanic hottie. She gripped my blonde hair. “Just lick me, blonde! Make me cum!”

“Yes!” I moaned, my pussy melting around those fingers churning me up while my asshole rejoiced at that hot tongue dancing around in my bowels.

I feasted on the Hispanic girl as the teal-haired slut drove me wild. That naughty lesbian rubbed her thumb over my clit and massaged that naughty nub. The ring threaded through my bud made that feel just amazing. My cunt clamped down on her two digits plunging in and out of my depths. Her tongue wiggled about in my asshole. The delights melted through me.

I groaned, loving everything that she did to me. It was so wild. I would have such a huge orgasm while drowning in the Hispanic girl's pussy. I licked and lapped at her twat. I flicked my tongue through her folds, reveling in her tart juices.

She groaned, her hips undulating, tickling my face with her thick gush. I rubbed my cheeks into her furred muff as I tongued her. I loved the feel of her pubic hair on my lips and nose. I breathed in her tart juices as my tongue plunged into her cunt.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I moaned, my pussy melting around those wonderful digits. My clit burst with sparks from that massaging thumb. My piercing twisted about through my sensitive flesh, giving me more delight.

The teal-haired girl fucked her tongue in and out of my bowels as she pleasured my cunt.

The delights she gave me swelled my orgasm. I rose toward it. I would have just a big burst of delight. I would cum so hard. I couldn't wait for that delight to sweep through me. I wanted it to drown me in such passion.

Chica, that's it,” the Hispanic girl moaned as my tongue flicked through her folds and found her clit. “Make me cum, blondie! Make me burst!”

I suckled on her clit. She gasped as I did that. She groaned as I licked and lapped at her twat. My tongue ran through her folds. I loved the taste of her. The flavor of her cunt. She had such a yummy twat. It was fun to lick at her with hunger.

I flicked my tongue through her folds as she squirmed there. She groaned, her face twisting in delight. I loved this so much. I suckled on her clit, nibbling on her bud. She groaned as I whimpered, my pussy clamping down hard on those fingers.

“You're getting me there, chica!”

“Good,” I moaned.

The teal-haired girl fucked her tongue faster in and out of my asshole. Her fingers thrust deep into my cunt while her thumb massaged my pierced bud. I shuddered as I suckled on the Hispanic hottie's clit. I nursed on her.

She threw back her head and gasped out,“¡Mierda!”

Her tart pussy cream gushed out. I had made another hottie cum. I licked and lapped at the Hispanic lesbian's cunt. I drank that passion. I loved the taste of all that pussy cream spilling out of her twat. I licked her up as my pierced clit throbbed beneath the teal-haired slut's thumb.

Her tongue massaged my asshole while her fingers thrust deep into my cunt. I squealed in delight as my orgasm burst inside of me.

Waves of delight washed through my body, flooding out of my spasming cunt. I savored every second of this heat drowning my mind. I licked up the Hispanic hottie's cunt cream. I drank her passion as I shuddered, my twat writhing around those wonderful fingers.

“Oh, yes,” the teal-haired girl moaned as she ripped her fingers out of my cunt.

She replaced them with her lips, drowning in my sweet pussy cream. My passion gushed out of me. I shuddered, loving that heat rippling through me. Stars danced before my eyes as I rubbed my face into the Hispanic hottie's thick bush.

I reveled in this passion. I savored it so much. Waves of delight washed through my body. The ecstasy was just a delight to experience. I loved every second of it. I savored every last moment of that heat gushing through me.

I licked and lapped at the Hispanic lesbian's cunt as I trembled through such ecstasy. The teal-haired girl lapped at my cunt. She licked at me with passion as the waves of rapture drowned my mind. I groaned, reveling in this moment.

I loved being a lesbian angel's wife. I savored being a dyke-slut feasting on pussy. I ripped my face from the Hispanic hottie's cunt, licking my lips. She stared down at me, such joy in her brown eyes. She sucked in deep breaths, pinching her nipples.

“Oh, blondie, that was good,” she groaned.

“Yes, it was,” I purred. “But now I have to find another girl to eat out.”

“Right,” said the teal-haired girl. “Let's go find a hottie to feast on. Oh, I'm Janet, by the way.”

I smiled, so eager to win this bet with my wife.


Beatrix “Bea” Tolvaj

I held my phone in my hand as I stared at the expensive houses we cruised by. Officer Ajam drove her undercover mustang. Inside, it was definitely a cop car with a police radio, a laptop between us in the console, and all sorts of new switches on the dashboard to control the hidden light panels.

“Nothing yet, Max,” I said in the phone. “How's the BJ going?”

“Rachel is doing excellent,” my King groaned, his voice throaty with pleasure. I could hear Rachel's wet slurps as she worked her mouth up and down his cock.

“Good, good,” I said, my eyes drifting over the houses. I was searching for just the right one. The one that would stand out. I knew this demon. He would not be caught dead living in anything but luxury. And these homes here, while the richest in the county, were far from the mansions of the Hamptons or something on the French Riviera.

He must be hating this, but he had to be close.

Officer's Ajam head swiveled as they passed a house. Something in her posture changed. I glanced over at it, not sure what she had seen that had excited her so much. It was another rich house that had wrought iron gates and landscaped front lawns with various flowers, exotic trees, and massive homes that three or four families could live in comfortably.

“What,” I asked, studying the house. It had the same stone fence as the others.

“That's it,” said the cop demoness.

“You're sure?” I asked as she kept driving by without changing her speed. Just a car passing through the neighborhood.

“Yes.” She shifted in her seat. I could feelher excitement. It was palpable. “There's armed security just inside the gate and by the front doors. Dogs are moving through the shadows of the lawn. And if you didn't notice those decorative spikes along the brick wall around it. Those are designed to make it very painful and difficult to climb over. There are also lots of floodlights around the ground to illuminate every bit of it if they need to.”

I sniffed the air and... Yes, I could smell it. The stench of demons. More than one.

“We definitely found it, my King,” I said.

“Then get back here,” Max said, his voice strong. “I don't want you two getting caught.”

Officer Ajam shook her head, but a smile played on her lips. She liked that he was protective of her even though she felt she didn't need it. Though she had gotten herself possessed by an envy demon, she was deadly in a proper fight.

Erinyes, and Demons of Wrath in general, were not a subtle breed. They didn't need to be.


Maximilian “Max” Koenig

Officer Ajam and Bea had cleared the neighborhood and were heading back here. So I was feeling much better about things. Rachel shared my cum with Miyoko, the two demonesses swapping my jizz back and forth while Mrs. Loves...

Knelt before me wiggling her plump ass.

The married succubus made my dick throb. Sometimes, I couldn't believe that the preacher's wife was such a whore. What was Reverend Loves even thinking right now? Or was he used to his wife cuckolding him all the time.

I slid off the couch and grabbed her rump. I pressed my dick into her butt-crack, wet with Rachel's saliva. I found my succubus's asshole. Mrs. Loves moaned, her red hair swaying around her face. She was eager to be taken in any hole.

That was what made her such a delicious slut.

I pushed my cock into her backdoor. She groaned as I did that. I pushed and pushed with my cock, loving how she groaned. Her back arched as her asshole widened and widened to take my dick. I groaned as I popped into her bowels.

She was so easy to slide into. I loved having her anal sheath engulf my cock. She felt so delicious around my cock as I sank deeper and deeper into her velvety bowels. I groaned as I bottomed out in her, my hands gripping her hips.

“Oh, Max, that's it,” she moaned. “Fuck, you grew up into such a stud!”

“Yes, he did,” Letitia cooed. “I knew there was something special about him when I met him.”

“Yes,” Ms. Charbonneau groaned as she lounged on the love seat enjoying Letitia's licking. The Black demoness loved eating pussy.

Well, she just loved eating. And cooking. She whipped us up an amazing dinner before she sent the others out. Her restaurant wasn't open, though, which was a shame. But she didn't seem at all to care about it now.

She was my curvaceous queen.

I slid my hands up Mrs. Loves's body and found her big boobs. “Mmm, that's what I need to hold onto while fucking your ass.”

“Yes, you do,” she cooed. “Mmm, Max, you know what a demoness needs.”

I laughed and drew back my cock. Her anal sheath massaged me That wonderful asshole gripped me as I thrust back to the hilt in her bowels. She groaned as I plunged way at her tight hole. I buggered her, gripping those jiggling boobs.

She had such a nice pair of breasts. They were so much fun to pump away at. I loved the way she massaged me with her hot asshole. She gripped me with everything that she had. I loved it so much as I plunged way into her bowels.

She groaned as I fucked her bowels hard. I loved hammering her delicious anal sheath. It was so much fun to fuck her like that. To plow to the hilt in her bowels. She had such an amazing anal sheath. I loved every second of pounding her.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she moaned as I took her in the ass hard. I fucked her with passion. “Oh, just bury into me like that. Fuck me with that big dick!”

“Shit, you're going to cum like a whore on my dick,” I groaned. “Just a big slut-whore.”

“You know it!” she moaned. “I'm such a whore for this big dick. Ooh, I love it so much. Yes, yes, fuck me so hard with it, Max! Pound my asshole with huge scepter, my King!”

“Yes,” purred Ms. Charbonneau. “Ooh, you're looking so sexy, Max. Just so hot as you fuck her.”

“Ooh, yes,” groaned Rachel. “Look at that ass, Miyoko. He's got such a bite-able ass. You could bounce a quarter off that ass.”

“I want an ass that you could do that with,” Miyoko whimpered. “And can't you bounce a quarter off any ass?”

“It's a saying, you sexy kitty,” purred Rachel.

I heard them kissing again, the couch groaning. I loved that my women were getting wild with each other as I fucked Mrs. Loves hard in the asshole. I slammed into her bowels with such force. She gripped me with her hot anal sheath.

My nuts slapped into her taint, the pressure growing in them as I fucked her with such force. She made me feel so amazing. I loved the way she gripped me as I fucked into her again and again. I hammered her hard and fast.

She gripped me with her velvety bowels. She held me with her delicious anal sheath. I loved every plunge into her tight hole. I grunted, the pleasure bursting from the crown of my dick shooting down my shaft to my nuts.

They slapped into her taint full of all that cum that my demonesses loved. My women were all such wild sluts. I loved fucking them hard and fast. I savored burying my cock into their holes. They were all such delicious demonesses.

“Fuck, you're going to cum on my dick, slut!” I growled. “Aren't you, Mrs. Loves!”

“Oh, you have no idea how hard!” she moaned, her anal sheath clamping down on my cock as I drew back my shaft. “I'm going to just explode!”

“Good!” I growled as I plunged back into her asshole. Her hot bowels massaged the crown of my cock. “I want to feel that anal sheath going wild!”

“Yes, my King!” she moaned, squeezing her anal sheath around my dick.

I pumped away at her hard and fast. I slammed to the hilt in her bowels, savoring how she gripped my cock with her bowels. She massaged me with this wonderful hand. I couldn't wait to just burst with the pleasure of this moment.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes,” I groaned. “Oh, damn, that's good. That's so good!”

She moaned and wiggled her rump back and forth. She held me tight as I plunged over and over into her anal sheath. She had such an amazing anal sheath. I loved it. I loved every last second of it. My nuts tightened. The pressure grew and grew at the tip of my dick.

She tossed her head as I fucked her bowels. I kneaded her big tits. I loved how soft they felt in my hands. I squeezed them as I plunged into her bowels. I rammed hard into her asshole. She held me tight. I enjoyed her.

I loved that wonderful sheath gripping me. “Fuck!”

“I know!” she moaned. “That's it, you hung stud! Fuck my asshole. Yes, yes, my mighty King has a big fucking scepter!”

Her anal sheath went wild around my dick.

I groaned as I plunged my cock in and out of her writhing asshole. She suckled at me with heat, her flesh rippling around my thick shaft. The pleasure shot up my cock. The pressure at the tip of my dick hit that burning point.

“Fuck, yes!” I growled as I buried my scepter to the hilt in her bowels.

I erupted.

My cum spurted over and over into her anal sheath. The heat rushed through me. I groaned, savoring that ecstasy slamming through me. Stars danced before my eyes as I pumped blast after blast of cum into her anal sheath.

I groaned with each eruption. The pleasure swept through me. It was a fantastic thrill to enjoy. I groaned with each blast of cum that I fired into her anal sheath. I loved every second of dumping my cum into her bowels.

“Shit!” I groaned as pumped her bowels full of my cum.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she moaned. “Oh, my fuck, that's so good!”

I groaned as her anal sheath worked out more and more of my cum. Her asshole worked it all out of me. It was such a wonderful rush. I groaned, firing blast after blast of cum into bowels. I filled her up with my jizz, her anal sheath writhing around my dick.

She wrung me dry. I groaned as I erupted one more time into her bowels. As I shuddered through the last blast of rapture hitting my mind, the front door opened. I heard Bea's heels and Officer Ajam's boots on the hardwood floors.

I ripped my cock out of Mrs. Loves asshole and rose as my two demonesses entered the room. Officer Ajam wore a borrowed blouse and skirt, though she had put on her mirrored sunglasses. Bea wore that sexy trench coat of hers. She opened it as she advanced.

“Well?” I asked as Bea dropped to her knees before me. She engulfed my dirty cock in her mouth and suckled on me. She swirled her tongue around my dick and cleaned me.

“I pulled up some Google Earth satellite photos of the compound,” she said. “I'll fly a drone near it, too, to start surveilling it, but this won't be easy. “We'll need power.”

“We should wait until I have bred all the hot wives,” I said as Bea worked her mouth up and down my dick She suckled with force. “Tomorrow, we're going to church to seduce two of them. Then Monday, get another. Then we just have to find one more.”

“That won't be hard,” purred Mrs. Loves.

“No, it won't,” I groaned as I savored Bea's hot mouth polishing my pole.

She suckled hard on me. She nursed with such passion my dick, sliding her lips up and down it. I loved how she did that. It was an incredible rush to have her nursing on dirty cock. She polished my pole with her mouth.

“Start drawing up your plans,” I told Officer Ajam. “And only use a drone to surveil them. I don't want them to know we're onto them.”

“With the right camera, I can be a half-mile away,” she purred, her hand sliding through Bea's black hair. “They'll never know I'm there.”

“Good,” I groaned as Fatiha kissed me. My sexy demoness cop had such hot lips.

I kissed her with passion as my dick throbbed in Bea's mouth. She worked her lips up and down my shaft, her tongue dancing around my crown. She knew what she was doing. It was a thrill to have her sucking on my dick.

She bobbed her head, sliding that hot mouth up and down my dick. I loved how she suckled at me. She polished off Mrs. Loves's asshole with such passion. I loved the way Bea suckled at me as her dark eyes stared up at me with that mysterious heat in her eyes.

Even sucking my dick, she intrigued me.

I slid my hands through her hair and gripped the sides of her head. I thrust my cock to the back of her throat. She moaned, nursing harder. Her tongue caressed around my dick. She suckled at me with everything that she had.

She held nothing back as I fucked her mouth. I plunged my cock to the back of her throat, staring down at her. Officer Ajam went off to make her plans while Letitia was now feverishly licking my cum out of Mrs. Loves's asshole.

I slammed my cock forward and hit the back of Bea's throat. She groaned as I pushed against her gullet. My naughty demoness winked at me and relaxed.

She swallowed my cock.

“God, yes,” I groaned as my cock vanished down her gullet. That felt so good. I loved the feel of her throat around my dick. “Shit, Bea!”

She moaned around my cock. She suckled on me with hunger as I went deeper and deeper, slamming my dirty cock to the hilt down her throat. My balls slapped against her chin. I reveled in this power.

I gripped her head and drew back my cock. She moaned around my dick as I did that. She suckled with passion on me. I loved how great she felt. It was a thrill to have her throat humming around my dick. I plunged away at her with hard strokes.

I fucked her throat with everything that I had, my balls slapping into her chin.

She didn't resist. She enjoyed it. It was clear to me that she loved every thing that I did to her. She reveled in it as I fucked her mouth hard and fast. I savored that as I fucked her. I loved plunging down her throat.

She suckled the entire time I fucked her throat. She polished my pole as I loved her throat. I glanced at Rachel and Miyoko sixty-nining again while Letitia was having a wonderful time feasting on Mrs. Loves's sloppy asshole. Ms. Charbonneau lounged on the loveseat, her eyes closed as she dozed, a satiated smile on her lips.

“Fuck,” I groaned, the pressure rising and rising in my nuts.

Bea suckled hard, moaning to massage my dick. I slammed to the hilt down her gullet before I pulled back and back. I ripped my cock out of her throat, letting her tongue sweep over the crown of my dick now.

She suckled on me with passion. I loved every second of her nursing on me. This was such an amazing delight. I loved every second of it. A wave of heat washed through me as she suckled on my cock with passion.

She worked that hot mouth up and down my cock. She blew me with absolute passion. Her skill was amazing. I loved how she suckled on me with such hunger. She knew what she was doing. That was for sure.

“Oh, yes, yes, lick out all that cum,” Mrs. Loves moaned. “Oh, Letitia!”

“Just so good,” the naughty, Black demoness moaned. “I love your cum, my King!”

Bea moaned her agreement around my cock.

“Yes, that's it,” Miyoko moaned. “Oh, Rachel!”

“Mmm, that's so good!” Rachel moaned. “Yes, yes, let's cum together!”

“I want that so much!”

They two were moaning, Rachel on top of Miyoko on the couch. They both had their heads buried in the other's snatch. I loved the sight of them writhing together. It was such a hot delight to witness. My dick was so hard in Bea's mouth.

Her tongue danced around my dick. She swirled about me, sending such heat racing through me. She brought me closer and closer to cumming with that hot mouth off hers. It was such a wonderful thing to feel.

“Fuck,” I groaned.

“Cum in her mouth,” purred Mrs. Loves.

“Yes,” groaned Letitia.

“Oh, my fuck!” Rachel squealed. “Miyoko!”


Those two shuddered on the couch, cumming together. They bathed each other with pussy juices. I loved the sounds they made as they shuddered together. This was such a hot moment. I was so turned on right now. Just so hard.

My dick throbbed in Bea's mouth.

“Oh, drink my pussy cream!” gasped Miyoko.

“I love it all!” whimpered Rachel. “Shit!”

Her butt-cheeks clenched between Miyoko's fingers. I loved the sight of them as Bea suckled me toward my orgasm. I came closer and closer to erupting. Closer and closer to spurting all my cum into that hot mouth.

I just wanted to pump her full of that jizz. It was such a wonderful moment. I loved every second of her suckling on me. The pressure in my nuts swelled and swelled as the two demonesses shuddered through their orgasm.

“Mmm, sounded like a good one,” Ms. Charbonneau purred. “Are yo going to have one, Max.”

“Shit, yes!” I groaned.

“Good,” she purred, her hands absently rubbing at her boobs. “Mmm, have a good one.”

“Mmm-hmm, you better,” Letitia purred. She smacked her lips. “You're all clean, Mrs. Loves. Now to feast on that cunt!”

“Yes,” the succubus moaned.

My nuts tightened. The pressure grew at the tip. I groaned, hitting that point of no return. I would cum in the next few seconds. I gripped Bea's head, holding tight as she suckled hard on me. I growled at how amazing her tongue felt dancing around the crown of my dick.

I erupted.

“Fuck!” I groaned as I fired blast after blast of my cum into Bea's mouth.

The naughty demoness gulped down my cum. She swallowed the jizz exploding out of my cock. The rapture slammed into my mind. I savored each of those ecstatic bursts. My thoughts reeled from the euphoria as I filled her bowels with my cum. I savored each moment of erupting into her mouth. It was an incredible rush. I loved that so much.

I savored every moment of spurting into her mouth. I flooded her with all the spunk that I had in my nuts. She swallowed it down as I emptied my nuts. I fired the last blast of my cum into her hungry maw. Bea winked at me as she gulped down the last of it.

“Yes!” I growled. “Oh, yes, yes, that's so good.”

She slid her mouth off my dick and purred, “Mmm, that was delicious.”

“Now we have work to do,” I said. “Let's get that drone in the air, Fatiha.”

She smiled. “Getting set up. We'll be in flight soon.”


Virginia Loves

I met up with my wife, naked. I had lost my dress at some point. Janet had been a blast. Iadara wasn't much better. She was sitting on one of the love seats that lined the walls. I sank down my sexy angel wife and cuddled up against her.

“Seven,” I said. “I ate out seven different women.”

“Only six,” she said and rubbed her temple against mine. “My, my, you're such a minx. That's good. You need to get powered up if you want to face Max.”

I shiver ran through me. A pang in my heart. Feelings that I had to suppress. He fucked my wicked, evil, disgusting, hell-spawned bitch of a step-mother. He protected her when I was about to smite her and send her to hell because of her wickedness.

“Powered up?” I asked.

“Eating pussies,” purred the angel before she kissed me.

I melted to my wife. That sounded like fun. Janet was nearby, the teal-haired girl grinning at us. I broke the kiss and stared at her. My wife did, too. My angel cupped my small breast, massaging my nipple.

“This is Janet,” I said. “Do you want to play with her, Iadara.”

“Yes, I do,” purred Iadara. “Let's get out of here and have a wonderful night with her.”

I loved that idea.


Maximilian “Max” Koenig

I arrived at my church for Sunday service with Bea and Rachel. Mrs. Loves had left on her own and, to my surprise, was standing at her husband's side in her demure, white dress like she did every Sunday. Mr. Loves didn't act like he hadn't seen his wife in a few nights.

He didn't even react when he saw me save to thrust out his hand. “Glad you're here today, Max.”

“Yes,” Mrs. Loves purred. “He took very good care of me. Best lover I've ever had.”

“Good, good,” said Reverend Loves, completely under the succubus's spell. Poor guy.

I headed inside, Bea and Rachel following. They didn't move with me like we were together. They just acted like they were first time visitors. The demonesses were here so I could share Mrs. Larson and Mrs. Carmichael with them.

I didn't spot Virginia, which was surprising and reliving.

The plan to attack the greed demon who was running things for Duke Eligor was shaping up. It would take all eight of us hitting the house from different directions. The armed guards were no doubt demons and the dogs hellhound.

It would take more planning, but we would accomplish it.

I rubbed at my ring as I moved through the church. I was the Hell King. If let like I should be bursting into flames for stepping foot in here, but like when I fucked Mrs. Ackers yesterday, there wasn't a problem.

Mrs. Ackers smiled at me, lust in her eyes. My former foster mother was with her husband. She licked her lips and arched an eyebrow. I grinned at her and nodded. Maybe I would have time to enjoy her after I finished with the other hot wives.

I spotted the Carmichaels. Mrs. Carmichael had honey-brown hair that fell in waves around her tan face. She wore a sleeveless, white dress with pink flowers on it. I smiled and took the seat beside her. To my delight, Bea sat down on the other side of the couple.

It was time to start the seduction.

To be continued...


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