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Chapter Thirteen

Priestess Lysila felt so bemused as the tour continued. She had liked that. Liked that way, way, way too much. She had never had such an orgasm in her life. It had been the best experience, and it had been with a monster girl.

A Water monster girl.

That felt so important to the priestess. She clung to it as she moved through the dungeon with Daleitha. They soon reached a room that was covered with pillars crackling with lightning. Fear washed through her, but the chalkydri marched into the sizzling forest of stone columns without hesitation.

She followed.

The hairs on her arms prickled, but none of the electricity fired at her.

“The first trap room Lord Leo ever made,” said Daleitha. “He was a Lightning dungeon builder, originally. His very primitive dungeon had this as his last line of defense with the will o' wisps in the previous labyrinth as the first. But now we go through here to enter the Second Labyrinth. It's patrolled by even stronger monster girls and contains far more trap rooms as it branches out in many directions.”

Lysila nodded, her thoughts full of what had just happened to her with the ooze. What did it mean that she had so thoroughly enjoyed having sex with an ooze?

*  \ * /  *

“We're going to do such a good job, sis,” said Pani, one of mermaids. She had green hair. They were one of the few monster girls that had real differences between the members. The mermaids all had different scale and hair color.

They also called Maya sis since they were all Water monster girls.

“Yep,” said Mase, her purple hair spread out on the surface of the water.

Maya smiled. “I know you will.”

It heartened Maya that the mermaids and the hippocampi would get to do something useful. They didn't often leave this room. They were bound to the water, useless out of it, so they didn't get much love. Still, they always seemed happy in the Flooded Bridge Room. The bridge was currently raised. Normally, it was beneath the water and adventurers would have to swim down into the depths, battling mermaids, hippocampi, and kelpie.

The kelpie weren't here, though. Leo moved them out. He thought they might be a tad off-putting to Lysila. Maybe overwhelm her with too many monster girls. So it was just the mermaids, with their fish tails, and the hippocampi with their seahorse tails.

“I can't wait to make love to her and you, Maya,” said Ghoda, one of the two hippocampi. She had blue skin with white hair and big, green eyes. Her large tits floated at the surface.

“We're going to give her such a delight,” said Kelpa, the other hippocampi. Numbering only two, they were the smallest group of created monster girls in the entire dungeon.

“I know you will,” Maya said, her legs dangling off in the water. With her body made of liquid, her legs were invisible unless you looked closely when the surface was calm. Which it wasn't with three mermaids and two hippocampi swimming about.

We're almost there,” Daleitha sent. She had kept the harem up to date on what was going on. The oozes had been a big hit.

Garnet was right, thought Maya.

Leo would be in the throne room watching the progress on the map. Maya stared down at the mermaids, trying so hard not to stare at the entrance. Metal clanged. The door opened to Daleitha speaking to Lysila.

“...the Flooded Bridge Room,” the chalkydri said. “Normally, this bridge is down at the bottom and you have to dive down to raise it.”

“Or we do it,” said Skale, the blue-haired mermaid. “When visitors come.”

“Oh, hi,” Maya said, turning her head and smiling at the priestess. “It's Lysila, right. I'm Maya.” The undine rose. “It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Leo's girlfriend. Well, maybe paramour or lover is the word you'd be more familiar with.”

“I thought all the monster girls were his paramours,” said Lysila.

“Well, I mean, in the other world, we're an item,” Maya said. “We're boyfriend and girlfriend. Courting. But here, I'm just his sexy undine girlfriend and have to share him with all these naughty monster girls.”

“Must be hard,” the priestess said, striding forward in her blue robes.

“It's really easy to share,” Maya said. “I'm the version of me that is okay with my guy having all these women. I know he loves me.”

“Loves?” The priestess arched a black eyebrow.

“He loves us all,” said Maya. “We're all glad to be here to help him befriend the world and solve the problem of dungeon builders showing up. If we can figure out what we have to do here, we can put a stop to more coming.”

“You want to stop them coming so Lord Leo can rule the world.”

Maya laughed, shaking her head. “He doesn't want to rule anything. He just wants to have orgies with us. But what choice do we have? It's make friends with the world or war against it, and we don't want to do that. We hate having to kill. Why do you think he spared your king?”

“So he can rule over Myreman,” the priestess answered.

“Right, and he needs King Thanitis to subdue your kingdom?”

The priestess opened her mouth then shut it. “I... Well...” She shook her head. “I don't know what diabolical plan your Lord Leo has concocted.”

“Diabolical.” Maya sighed. “That's not him. He's a good man. I loved him before we even were brought here. He's just a dork.”


Maya smiled. “He's just a young man who was too shy to ask me out on a date. To court me. Then he's been thrust here. He's changed, I'll admit it, but he wants to cling to his humanity and help your world. He doesn't want to be driven into a corner. That's why we captured your king and are negotiation the alliance. That's it.” The undine quivered. “So, you want to frolic with some mermaids and hippocampi.”

The priestess stared down in the water at the mermaids and hippocampi that were all staring up at her. Their boobs bobbed on the water, especially the big ones the hippocampi had. Priestess Lysila stared down at them and closed her eyes for a moment. Her lips moved.

Maya arched a watery eyebrow but said nothing.

“We won't harm you,” added Skela. “We just want to swim with you.”

“That's right,” said Ghoda. The hippocampi waved at her. “We're really nice.”

“Very well,” said the priestess. “My Goddess doesn't have a problem with it.”

“Good, good,” Mayasaid as the priestess started unwinding her blue robe. It was all a single piece of cloth held in place by several cunning pins hidden in the folds. She let it fall tothe bridge, reveling her naked body.

Maya was surprised to see a landing strip of black hair leading to her shaved pussy. That made the undine wiggle her hips. Lysila also had a cute pair of round breasts. They were nice and perky, just perfect to play with.

“Lady Ninli, I pray to grant me the ability to breathe your water,” she said, eyes lifted to the heavens. “Make it safe and wholesome for me, Lady of Water.”

“So you can just pray and things happen?” Maya asked. She had never been sure how it worked. Halia could do much the same.

“I am a priestess, beloved by my Gods. I can use magic to support and strengthen. To fortify and revitalize. So long as it falls in those categories, my Lord and Lady can grant it to me.”

“Neat,” said Maya. “Shall we.”

Lysila drove into the water with ease. She knifed in, a trial of bubbles behind her. She kicked through the water and broached the surface, her body distorted by the rippling of the surface. Her pale legs scissored slowly to keep her up.

Maya smiled and dove into the water after. The undine loved the feel of the water around her liquid body. Shealmost vanished into it. Made of water, this felt so similar to what she was. She could just melt away into it, but she didn't.

Maya's ego kept her separate from the liquid around her. A barrier that held her shape as a woman.

Mayawatched as the mermaids went for Lysila. They were so eager to love the priestess. Skela and Pani both grabbed her waist. Lysila gasped as they latched on and suckled. She stared down at the mermaids nibbling on her nubs.

Maya loved it.

Mase kissed Lysila, cupping her face and working their lips together. Maya drifted beneath the priestess being attended to by the three mermaids. Mase, Pani, and Skela would do such naughty things to her.

The undine loved that they were so eager to pleasure Lysila.

Kelpa swam up to Maya. The hippocampus slid her head between the undine's thighs. She shuddered at the feel of the hippocampus's hair on her thighs. Underwater, Kelpa'shair felt almost like tentacles. Maya loved the sensation as Kelpa moved higher up between the undine's thighs.

The hippocampus grabbed Maya's rippling, liquid form with webbed fingers. Sheshuddered as waves washed through my flesh from Kelpa's tongue stroking over Maya's pussy. She loved the warmth of the tongue sliding through her folds.

Heat swept through the undine as the hippocampus lapped at her cunt. Kelpa swiped her tongue between Maya's folds and brushed her clit. She moaned in delight in, floating in the water and enjoying having my cunt eaten by the sexy monster girl.

Pleasure shot through her as that naughty tongue plunged into her cunt. More waves washed through her liquid body. Shesqueezed her thighs about Kelpa's head, the undine moaning out my pleasure into the water. It was fantastic.

“Mmm,” purred Ghoda. Mayacould understand her perfectly in the water as she swam up the undine. Ghoda moved by uncoiling her seahorse's tail and darting forward. She reached Maya and gripped the undine's head. The hippocampus pulled the undine forward until she kissed at Ghoda's pussy nestled right above the transition of her human skin to her scaly lower half. “Maya!”

“Ooh, Ghoda,” Mayagroaned and buried her face into the hippocampus's pussy folds. The undinelicked at the spicy delight.

Ghoda shuddered. Her tail uncoiled and wrapped around Maya'sbody, sliding between her breasts. Sheloved the feel of the hippocampus's tail against her flesh as she tongued Ghoda's cunt. Maya licked at Ghoda's folds as the other hippocampusfeasted on Maya's cunt.

Kelpa devoured me as Mayadevoured Ghoda.

It was a wonderful cycle of delights. The undine's tongue thrust into Ghoda's pussy. Mayaswirled around in her hot sheath. Ghoda groaned, her passion vibrating the water around the pair. Her tail tightened about Maya's body, massaging her.

Maya trembled, loving these delight so much. Kelpa licked at the undine's pussy, every stroke sending small waves rippling through Maya's body. She shuddered as her entire body quivered with the delight.

“Oh, Maya,” Ghoda moaned. “Oh, that's so good. Ooh, you're so delightful.”

“Mmm, and delicious,” Kelpa cooed. She plunged her tongue into Maya's pussy and stirred her about.

“Yes!” Maya moaned, savoring that hot tongue in her twat dancing around in her.

The undine savored that delight so much. She quivered there, licking and lapping at Ghoda's yummy pussy. The spicy cream spilled into Maya's mouth. She absorbed the hippocampus's pussy cream into her own watery flesh.

Maya's body rippled more as the pleasure swept through her. Kelpa's licking stirred up the undine's cunt. She moaned into Ghoda's twat, the rapture building in Maya. She rose toward her climax as she feasted on one hippocampi's pussy while the other devoured her cunt.

“Mmm,” Kelpa moaned, her tongue flicking up to Maya's clit. She stroked over the bud.

Maya twitched. A large wave washed through her flesh and lapped at the hippocampus's tail wrapped around her torso. Maya moaned into Ghoda's cunt. She danced her tongue through those yummy folds. Just licking and lapping at the spicy delight.

The undine's tongue stroked over the hippocampus's clit. The tail wrapped about Maya's body tightened, sending ripples racing up and down the undine's body. Maya moaned and suckled on that naughty bud in her mouth.

“Yes, yes, yes,” gasped Ghoda. “Lady Ninli's wet cunt!”

“Mmm, just a dripping cunt,” Maya moaned, Kelpa's tongue licking over her own clit and sending such delight rippling through the undine's body. “I bet Lady Ninli drenches you.”

“Oh, I hope Lord Leo finds her,” whimpered Ghoda.

“Yes!” Maya suckled hard on Ghoda's clit.

“That would be so hot,” groaned Kelpa. Her soft lips latched onto Maya's quivering bud.

Made of water like the rest of her, even Maya's clit rippled from the pleasure washing through her body. Kelpa massaged the watery bud with her lips. Maya moaned around Kelpa's pearl, suckling hard on the hippocampus.

Their moans filled the water. Priestess Lysila gasped in the background. That was what Maya wanted to hear. She wanted the priestess to cum hard. Maya knew she was about to. Her orgasm swelled in her.

A mighty tidal wave just waiting to burst out of her and drown Kelpa in pussy cream.

Ghoda's tail tightened around Maya's both, compressing her liquid form. The undine grabbed Ghoda's curving rump, holding onto those plump butt-cheeks. Maya squeezed hard, nursing on the hippocampus's clit.

“Lady Ninli's wet cunt!” gasped Ghoda. Her body bucked.

Pussy cream gushed out and bathed Maya's mouth. She licked it up. She lapped up that hot cream, savoring it pouring out of the hippocampus and keeping it from being lost to the water around her. Maya's toes curled.

She burst with delight.

Her cunt convulsed, sending mighty waves through her body. Her form distorted from the pleasure rushing through her body. It washed across her thoughts and filled her mind with such delight. She groaned, her body bucking. Her boobs jiggled in the water.

Yes, yes, yes, thought Maya. Oh, Leo, I think it's working!

Maya wanted this to work so much. As she drank Ghoda's spicy pussy juices, she hoped it did. Pleasure rushed through the undine, her cunt writhing, spilling out her own passion. Kelpa was more than eager to lap up those juices. The hippocampus loved Maya's cunt cream.

The three of them floated through the water, gasping out in delight. Maya's eyes rolled back in her head. she quivered, loving this pleasure so much. She felt fantastic. Such a wonderful bliss settled down on her.

This is going to work, she thought as she nuzzled her face into Kelpa's delicious cunt. Yes, this is going to work smashingly.

*  \ * /  *

Lysila, High Priestess of Water shuddered as she broke the kiss with the mermaid.

“I'm Mase,” said the mermaid, her musical voice easy to understand. This mermaid had purple hair that floated through the water before her. “Mmm, and the one with green hair sucking on your nipples is Pani. And the other one is Skela.”

That one had blue hair.

“It's so nice to meet you,” the mermaid said.

“Yes,” Lysila found herself saying. Her Goddess had wanted her do this. Lysila didn't know why Lady Ninli wanted her frolicking with mermaids, but Lysila wasn't about to question the Lady of Water's decisions.

“Do you like doing naughty things?” Mase asked her.

“Oh, yes?” asked Pani, her mouth abandoning her nipple.

“Yes, yes, yes?” Skela squealed as she swam around Lysila.

“I... do,” Lysila said.

“Good,” Mase said and sank down the naked priestess's body. Webbed hands grabbed Lysila's thighs. Mase leaned forward and pressed her face into the priestess shaved pussy and licked her.

“Polluted waters,” cursed Lysila as the delight of the mermaid's tongue stroking through folds sent delight racing through the priestess's body.

“Ooh, ooh, there's a cute booty,” Skela said and parted Lysila's butt-cheeks. “Yep, just a yummy asshole.”

Priestess Lysila shuddered as the mermaid pressed her face into the human's butt-crack. Lysila whimpered. The mermaid tonged the human's asshole. Rimming her. Pleasure swept through her as she enjoyed the other mermaid's cunnilingus.

Two tongues licked at Lysila's naughty holes. She shuddered there in the water, her boobs bobbing in the warmth. She floated with the mermaids devouring her pussy and rimming her asshole. The pleasure rushed through Lysila.

“Yes,” she groaned. “Oh, Lady Ninli, why did you want me to feel this good?”

“Because she loves you,” said Pani. The green-scaled mermaid's ass faced the priestess. With a flick of her tail, Pani drifted her rump closer and closer to Lysila.

Unable to help herself, she grabbed the mermaid's hips, touching skin that transitioned into fish scales. Lysila stared at that curving rump that curved down to the mermaid's tail. A hunger swept through the human as pleasure radiated from her two holes.

She pulled Pani to her and nuzzled into the mermaid's butt-crack. Pani gasped, her blue hair drifting above Lysila, as the naughty priestess kissed a sour asshole. She smooched the mermaid's sphincter and tongued that puckered opening.

This is so wild, thought Priestess Lysila.

She danced her tongue around the mermaid's asshole, stroking over the puckered flesh while Skela did the same thing to her own asshole. A wave of heat rushed through Lysila. She quivered there, her boobs jiggling in the water.

She made love to three mermaids and loved it.

Her tongue pressed against Pani's butt-hole. Lysila wiggled her tongue against that naughty hole and popped into the mermaid's bowels. The human danced her tongue around in that sour sheath, her own body trembling.

Mase flicked her tongue through Lysila's folds, teasing her cuntlips and brushing her clit. Pleasure sparked through her. At the same time, Skela rimmed Lysila's asshole. The mermaid stroked her tongue over that puckered hole before drilling against it.

Lysila's anal ring surrendered. Skela popped into the human's bowels and swept around in her, moaning. The mermaid's webbed hands stroked Lysila's body as the pleasure melted from her asshole to her pussy.

Lady Ninli, this is so good, thought the naughty priestess, her pussy and asshole melting around the mermaids' tongue.

“Yes, yes, Priestess Lysila,” whimpered Pani, her butt-cheeks clamping down around Lysila's face.

“Mmm,” purred the priestess as she plunged her tongue deep into Pani's bowels.

Lysila wiggled her tongue about in the mermaid's asshole, stirring her up and teasing her. The priestess slid her hand around the mermaid's waist and reached for the wet folds. Pani gasped as Lysila's fingers slid over those hairless petals and stroked at her cunt.

“Ooh, you're so naughty,” Pani cooed.

Lysila moaned her agreement, tongue buried deep intoPani's asshole.

The human's fingers stroked up and down Pani's pussy lips. The slick folds soaked Lysila's digits in a liquid thicker than water. Cunt cream. The human moaned into Pani's asshole and thrust her fingers deep into the mermaid's cunt.

Pani's cunt clenched down on Lysila's digits. The human pumped them in and out of the mermaid's cunt while tonguing the mermaid's asshole. The sour flavor of Pani's bowels suffused Lysila's taste buds. The human moaned.

Because she still had the other two mermaids devouring her cunt and asshole. Mase flicked her tongue through the human's cuntlips, brushing her clit again and again. Sparks showered through Lysila's nethers as Skela kept tonguing her asshole.

So good, thought Lysila, her tongue stirring through Pani's asshole. Oh, Lady Ninli, this is so good!

Lysila's orgasm built and built in her. Mase's tongue danced over her clit. Just stroked her bud. Lysila fingered Pani's cunt faster, driving her digits deep into the mermaid's juicy depths. At the same time, she ground the heel of her hand on that naughty clit. Just bringing her closer and closer to bursting. She could tell by how the mermaid moaned.

Her butt-cheeks clamped down around Lysila's face. The human moaned, her tongue fluttering around in Pani's asshole. The pressure grew and grew in the priestess. Mase suckled on her clit while Skela's tongue swirled around in her bowels.

I'm going to cum, thought the priestess as she tongue-fucked Pani's asshole.

“Oh, I'm going to cum,” whimpered Pani. “Lady Ninli's wet cunt, those fingers...” The mermaid shuddered, her tail rubbing at Lysila's body. “Yes!”

Pani's tongue convulsed around Lysila's fingers while the mermaid's twat around the human's digits. Lysila churned up the mermaid's spasming snatch, fingering that writhing pussy. Pani's moans filled the water.

“Oh, yes,” whimpered Lysila, Mase sucking so hard on her clit. “Oh, that's so good.”

Mase nibbled on Lysila's clit. Sparks flared.

“My Goddess!” cried the human as she came.

Her butt-cheeks gripped Skela's head while her anal sheath writhed around the mermaid's tongue. Pussy cream gushed out of Lysila into Mase's lapping mouth. The priestess shuddered through her pleasures as something... pulsed in her.

A warmth.

A touch from her Goddess. Lady Ninli quivered in accepting delight as Lysila's orgasm swept through her body. Waves of ecstasy drowned her mind as approval from Lady Ninli suffused every bit of Lysila. She squealed into Pani's asshole, consumed by euphoria.

The warmth shot through me. It washed through the water. Lysila quivered through her orgasm as the mermaids all burst from her. They quivered and spun around in the water around her. The pleasure burned through her.

The ends of the mermaids' hair was all dark-blue now. The purple, light-blue, and green tresses all now ended in dark-blue tips. The priestess gasped in shock as she stared at... the blessing of Lady Ninli on them.

“She blessed you,” whimpered the priestess in shock. In awe. “Lady Ninli blessed all of you!”

Chapter Fourteen

I hoped my monster girls and Maya were having success with Priestess Lysila. I had my own task today. I was back with the dwarves, standing with my new allies as I watched the best blacksmith in the village, brawny dwarf with black hair and beardstreaked in gray. Scars covered his entire body. Small, puckered burns from sparks.

Heat rippled from the furnace. A priest of the Lord and Lady of Wind chanted prayers to send air into the flames burning something called coke, which looked a lot like gray charcoal. I didn't know if it was a magical substance or that I knew next to nothing about how swords were forged.

Farastood at my side to take notes, curious about what was happening and how this would work. She stood poised to write while all of my werewolves and aoi sithe surrounded usas my bodyguards. Hagza was with me. She stood next to a large magic circle that surrounded a barrel of oil. The blade would be tempered in it.

“It's a simple one for tempering the metal to make it hard and strong,” Hagza had explained with we had arrived. “That's what normal tempering does. The blacksmith aligns the grains of the steel by battering it with his hammer and pounding it out. The tempering ensures that it cools so quickly, the grain can't change. This circle just makes sure it's perfect.”

The blacksmith lifted a bucket from the fire and poured it out into a mold, forming a bar. Flames danced at the edge. Another priest came up, this one to the Lord and Lady of Fire. The dwarf glanced at me, his expression hidden by his beard.

“Lord Gibil, cool this metal. Take away the heat of it so that it may be worked into a weapon of sublime majesty.”

The metal cooled down to black. The blacksmith broke the sand mold and thrust the bar back into the forge. The priest of wind was no longer praying. No air was flowing in. The dwarf gripped the bar with his tongs and turned it. Twisted it.

He pulled it out and brought it to the anvil. He hammered at it, the head of the tool big and hefty. It must have weighed twenty or more pounds. The dwarf's muscles bulged as he pounded it skill, turning the bar over to hit it from both sides.

He had a steady rhythm.


Sparks burst from the impact of metal each time. I watched on, entranced by the process. There was something so... primal about witness the blacksmith hammer the steel into the shape of a sword. He worked at it with the hammer.

As he worked, the metal cooled from the bright white to warm yellow down to orange. When it reached a ruddy red, he thrust it back into the furnace for a minute or so. He pulled the metal back out and beat at it again.

He folded the steel.

I watched him do that over and over. Pounding it wide in a minute, bending it in half then in half again, making layers of steel. He repeated it over and over, hammering it flat before folding it twice and working again.

After doing that maybe forty or fifty times, he moved onto shaping the blade.

He created through controlled force. He swung hard, but measured. Every stroke of the hammer hit the right spot. He moved the sword on the anvil with the tongs as he pounded. He worked face, breaking off crust each time he hit it.

I heard him muttering as he worked.

Praying to the Lord of Metal.

Was he a priest, too? That made sense.

The Gods didn't seem to care they were making a sword for Halia. Maybe they had no idea. How omnipotent where the Gods? Maybe they were getting dozens of prayers a minute. Was there awareness focused in one place or many?

I just watched.

The sword took shape. The bar flattened, coming thinner. Flatter. The shape appeared. He added a fuller to the middle. He worked so fast. I had a feeling that what the dwarf was doing in an hour would be days of work in the real world.

No magic back there. Plus, aren't dwarves just supposed to be innately good at crafts.

The sword took on its final shape before he thrust it into the fire one more time. He drew it out and headed for the quenching barrel in the middle of the circle. He thrust the sword into what I thought was water, but turned out to be thick oil. It hissed and bubbled.

Usu Urud!” chanted Hagza.

The circle burst with leaden light that washed over it. The sword burst with light in the oil then the boiling stopped. The smith pulled it out and held it up. The oil dripped off the bright steel. It was a sword. It had no hilt or handle, just a tang he held.

“It needs sharpening,” growled the dwarf, “but it's nearly unbreakable.”

“I can sharpen it,” I said. “Fit it with the hilt and handle.”

The dwarf stared at me then went to work.

He forged a crossguard from the steel and it was quenched in the same fashion. He slid it over the tang until it fit snugly. Then he slipped on a handle made of hard wood. He tapped in pins of steel to hold it in place and used a hammer to flatten the ends, riveting it to the handle. He quickly filed it smooth.

I had gotten here at dawn. It felt like noon, and the blade was done, but...

I had work to do.

The blacksmith set it on a table covered in wet felt cloth. The blade was gorgeous A long sword that was wider at the base, slowly tapering until the chisel-like tip. It was a good four feet long. A deadly weapon.

I closed my eyes and found the words to the Sharpen ritual.

I call upon Lord Nabu and Lady Nisaba to sharpen the blade until the end of time,” I chanted. “Let the power of the metal flow into the blade and hone it to a razor-sharp edge that will never dull. Nothing can withstand the sharpness of a blade. The crystalline structure of metal is a perfect harmony through which anything can be achieved.”

I repeated the phrase three more times, the magic flowing through me as the edge of the sword changed. I could see it growing razor sharp. It would never grow dull. It would be able to cut through almost anything, too.

I was glad it didn't take long. Some rituals took hours of repeating the same phrase.

“Lord Leo,” Fara said, “this is fascinating. And this sword can really cut through anything.

“Yep,” I said. “And I'm not done yet. Time to add Permanent Light to it since Halia does serve Lady Sherida.”

“Halia will like that,” Fara said, making more notes.

It made my dick twitch to call upon Lord of Light along with his wife after I had cuckolded him.

I call upon Lord Shamash and Lady Sherida to infuse this sword with light. Let the power of the light shine from this blade. All things can glow with the right stimulation and shed illumination upon the world. Let the brilliance shine to all and drive back the darkness. Let this sword be a beacon.”

I only did two castings as I watched the blade grow brighter and brighter. I didn't want it to be so brilliant no one could look at it. This would be more than enough to illuminate a dark room. Halia deserved a special sword.

And there was one more ritual I could put on it. One more ritual that would make it even deadlier a weapon than it was.

I would use Electrify on it. On contact, it would discharge lightning to stun or kill.

I call upon Lord Enlil and Lady Uttu to imbue this blade with electricity. Let the power of the lightning discharge when this blade strikes and surge the power of the storm into its enemies. Charge is built in all things, seeking a path to ground. Let that electrical charge surge through this blade and smite its foes. Let lightning crackle.”

It took five castings to imbue the blade with enough lightning to matter. My voice ached. I wanted to drink a galleon of water. I swallowed against how hoarse I felt as I picked up the sword. I loved how it glowed and crackled.

I couldn't wait to present the sword to Halia. I had already named it. Stormlight. A great name and a homage to one of my favorite book series that I would never get to finish reading. Well, the other me, will.

Leo,” Maya whispered in my mind. “Get back here. The priestess is wet and ready for you. She is just dripping to get some of that big dick.”

I smiled as Hagza held up a leather scabbard. It was plain, but the dwarves promised a better one in a few days. I sheathed the sword and said to Hagza, “Hold onto that until I give it Halia. It sounds like I'm needed elsewhere.”

“The boudoir?” Hagza asked, a twinkle in her eye.

I shot her a glance. “You want to see it?”

“Maybe.” She flashed me an earthy grin. “Well, if you have that little water priestess to fuck, let's get you back. We can't keep her dripping pussy waiting.”

“No, we can't,” I said, smiling. I was surprised it had worked. Well, my monster girls were such sexy thing. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised.

We left behind the dwarves surrounded by my bodyguards. The citizens watched me warily, peeking out of the dark doorways and windows. Children crouched in ditches or behind fences, peering at me in frightened awe.

It was like this in Astovin in the beginning. But familiarity bred comfort.

We headed to the entrance of my dungeon. I had changed it, making a large tower-like fortress with iron doors that opened at my approach. Esclavawas standing in the middle, smiling at me, a wicked gleam in her eyes. One of the werefoxes lounged nearby, looking naughty.

“It went well, Leo?” Esclava asked. “Do you have time to stay?”

“Yes, yes, do you, Lord Leo?” Lomri, the werefox, asked.

“I'm afraid not,” I said. “It looks like Priestess Lysila is ripe for the plucking. I'll come by this evening, Esclava.”

She smiled at me and leaned in to kiss me. I savored the feel of my ifrit's lips on mine. She was a delicious thing. I loved her greatly. I was glad that I had her. That she had chosen to serve me after I killed Sulanga Stormfury and set her free from that master.

I broke the kiss with Esclava while Lomri raced up the stairs, yipping, “Orgy with Lord Leo tonight!”

The other werefoxes all answered with glee. I definitely had to come back.

I had a responsibility to love as many of my monster girls as possible.

We reached the teleport circle through sealed doors beyond. The dungeon proper and the Light Shrine lay beyond it. We didn't need to have the circle right by it. Not with the embassy in place. We all crowded the circle.

Asud Gu!” cried Hagza.

Light embraced us and whiskered us away.

I headed through my living area, my companions all pointing me on to the sleeping room. Maya had taken Priestess Lysila there, huh? Very nice. I smiled and passed through the quarters, receiving kisses from Morana, Alizee, Garnet, and Mrs. Maia. I loved them all.

I passed through my Vault. It was risky taking Lysila in here. Maya must have been extremely certain that Lysila had truly had a change of heart. That was very surprising that she would change that much that she could be trusted in here.

I was eager to find out what was going on.

I opened the door to the Sleeping Chamber to find Lysila standing naked by Maya. They both stared down at Lady Sherida's sleeping form. Priestess Lysila had her hands clasped before her. She trembled there.

“Yes, that's truly her,” I said.

Lysila turned to me, her eyes widened. “My Goddess... She has blessed your mermaids and hippocampi. She... She wants me to serve you, Lord Leo.”

“She wants to rest here beside Lady Sherida, doesn't she?” I asked.

“Yes.”  Lysila swept toward me, her black hair still damp. Her round boobs jiggled. She dropped to her knees before me, her blue eyes stared up at me. She trembled like the ocean on a windy day. “Lord Leo, I swear to serve and obey you as I would my Goddess, Lady Ninli. I vow to be your leal servant, to never betray your secrets, and to be bound to you and your Crystal until the end of my days.”

I felt her words offering her to me. They held such power. I took them. Lysila gasped as she became bound to me. She was no longer a guest in my dungeon. She lived here. Could move freely in it. I could leave her alone with my Void Crystal and have no fear of her destroying it.

She was mine.

“Lord Leo,” she moaned and began unbelting my robe. “I must serve you. Service you.”

“Ooh, that's sounds like so much fun,” Maya said and sank to her knees. “The big perv loves it when he has more than one of us servicing him at a time.”

I smiled as Lysila opened my robes. “That's right. I love it. I'm just a massive pervert, you see.”

“I don't think you are,” she groaned and grabbed my cock. Maya joined her. “I think you are a man who loves so strong. That is why all your monster girls are such sweet things. They could be cruel if you were. Hateful. Wrathful. Bloodthirsty. They're not. They're shy and playful and teasing and loving. They want to spread warmth and joy in the world, not pain.

“That is all you, my Lord. You.”

She kissed the tip of my cock.

I shuddered at the feel of her soft lips on my cock. A moment later, my girlfriend kissed the other side of my dick. I loved them both nuzzling against me. They were both so sweet. Both giving me just what I craved.

Maya's form rippled as she stroked me. She had those gorgeous eyes. They were so wonderful. I loved her staring up at me. And Lysila, too. She worshiped me. Her Goddess had washed away the contempt. Lady Ninli had flooded Lysila with conviction.

Their tongues licked my cock. I groaned at the pleasure sweeping through me. Maya's watery form rippled. I groaned as they bathed the crown of my dick. Their lips brushed in a sensual kiss that included my spongy tip.

“Damn,” I groaned at the pleasure racing down my cock to my balls.

“Mmm, just enjoy, you big perv,” Maya cooed.

“Lord Leo,” whimpered Priestess Lysila.

She swallowed my cock. Her warm, wet mouth slid over my dick. I shuddered, savoring the feeling of her engulfing me. I loved that so much. It felt incredible having her suckling on my dick. My shaft twitched as she nursed.

Her cheeks hollowed as she loved me. She bobbed her head. I groaned, loving her skill at sucking on my dick. She had such skill at it. She knew what she was doing. She worked her mouth up and down my cock. It felt fantastic.

She loved me with that hot mouth. My nuts tightened from her hungry sucking. This wonderful priestess knew what she was doing. Her tongue danced around the crown of my dick. I smiled at how she suckled at me.

“Damn,” I groaned. “Oh, damn, that's good. That's just perfect.”

She winked up at me.

“You're going to be enjoying a big mouthful of cum,” I groaned.

She shuddered and pulled her mouth off my cock. “Whatever my Lord wishes to do with his seed, I shall—”

She cut off as Maya swallowed my dick.

“She's greedy,” I groaned as Maya suckled on me. “But I'm sure you two can share.”

“Yes, my Lord,” breathed Lysila. She had changed so much. Become a fanatic or something.

I loved how she nursed on me. It was a fascinating treat to have her suckling on me. She bobbed her head. She worked her mouth up and down my cock. I loved how she suckled on me. This heat swept through me.

Maya's tongue danced around me. Her mouth rippled with the waves that washed through her watery form. It was so exciting being blown by her. I could see my cock through her translucent body, a distorted by naughty view.

She popped her mouth off and purred, “Here you go! Sorry! I got excited.”

“That's okay,” she said and swallowed my dick.

I groaned at that hot mouth nursing on me. She engulfed me with hunger. She suckled on me with such passion. I loved what she did to me. I loved how great she was. How amazing it as to have her bobbing her head and working on my dick. She suckled on me with passion.

I slid my hand through her black hair as she blew me. Maya's hands cupped my balls. She massaged them. It was an incredible rush to have her doing that. I loved it so much. It was a fantastic thrill to have her suckling on my dick.

She nursed on me with passion. Her tongue danced around the crown of my cock. She suckled and slurped on me, her mouth such a hot delight. I groaned, the pressure rising in me. I would have such a big climax.

“Damn,” I groaned.

She popped her mouth off and purred, “Lady Maya, you may... She wastes no time.”

“No,” I groaned, my girlfriend sucking on my dick with hunger. “No, she does not.”

I savored that heat surging down my dick. My cock throbbed with this heat. This passion. It was an outstanding moment. She nursed on me with her passion, bringing me closer and closer to cumming. Her hand massaged my dick.

“Mmm, yes, yes, just pleasure him, Lady Maya,” moaned the priestess. “He is the savior of my Goddess. He must be loved.”

“God, yes,” I groaned, my nuts tingling.

Maya massaged them as she suckled on my cock. Her body rippled from the motion of her bobbing head. Her lips slid up and down my dick. Her tongue was so lithe. I shuddered, her pressure building.

She ripped her mouth off and Priestess Lysila was more than happy to take her place. She suckled on me, too. She nursed on me with hunger. I loved how she worked that mouth up and down my dick. It was a fantastic thrill to have her suckling on me. The pleasure swelled in my nuts.

“Fuck, I'm going to cum,” I groaned.

“And he'll want to cum on our faces,” purred Maya.

“Yes!” I gasped as Priestess Lysilanursed on me with hunger. It was an incredible rush to have her bobbing her head. She suckled on me with passion. She swirled her tongue over my cock. “I want that!”

“He's just a big perv,” added my girlfriend.

Priestess Lysila suckled one more time and ripped her mouth off my dick. “Oh, my, that is a wicked way to spill your seed, but I am ready. Just splash it on me.”

She stroked her hands up and down my dick. She feasted me as Maya pressed her cheek against the priestess's they both stared up at me with hunger. They had such wicked gleam in their eyes. Just naughty ones.

“Fuck,” I groaned as the pressure swelled in my nuts. “Oh, fuck, that's good. That's really good. Damn!”

I erupted.

My cum splashed across their faces. My pearly jizz splattered from Lysila's pale-beige skin to Maya's watery blue features. Waves washed over her face from the impact of my spunk. I loved seeing it run over her as I kept erupting.

The ecstasy shot through me as they both opened their mouths and thrust out tongues. I came on them, my dick erupting over and over again. The pleasure swept through me. I loved the heat slamming into my mind.

It was incredible.

“Yes!” I groaned as I emptied my nuts on their features. “Oh, yes, yes that's so good. You two... Damn, you two are so sexy!”

The pleasure burned across my thoughts as I hit that amazing peak of bliss. I smiled. She would have the answers. If anyone knew where the Blessed Sword of Water had ended up, it had to be the High Priestess of Water.

Click here for the next part! 


Christopher Walls

Thanks for the chapter! I'm curious as to what the blessing will do to/for the water girls.