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You're dripping in cum and love it. That jizz is everywhere. You need to be cleaned up, and you know just who has the tongues to do it. “Thank you, futas, for drenching me, but I think the small titty cuties deserve to lick me up.”

“But...” Dominique moans, staring at your girl-dick. “I want to clean your cock up with my pussy.”

“Too bad!” Amanda shouts and darts in and falls between your thighs. She buries her face into your shaved twat and licks up any jizz that might have landed on your cunt.

And your pussy in the process.

“I'm getting to clean that dick!” Michelle moans. Her sandy-blonde hair flying, she falls to her knees, leans over, and engulfs your girl-dick in her mouth.

You don't even have any cum on your shaft, but she doesn't care. She's sucking with hunger. She'll get futa-jizz her way. You love it, the pleasure shooting straight down to your pussy being so thoroughly cleaned by Amanda's naughty tongue.

Hathai and Miranda fall to their knees on either side of you. Miranda ducks her head down and sucks on your right nipple, her lips sealed tight about that jizz-coated nub. Her red hair drifts over your body. A moment later, Hathai does the same to your left nipple.

“Oh, fuck!” you gasp, your body shuddering. The pleasure shoots down to your pussy being so deliciously cleaned by Amanda's tongue. Then it jolts up to the tip of your cock in Michelle's hungry mouth.

Vivian goes for the cum pooling on your stomach. She's actually cleaning you up, unlike the rest of the small titty cuties. The green-eyed and black-haired beauty drags her tongue across your belly, gathering up the mix of futa-spunk that's on you.

Deandra observes with her clipboard, taking notes.

“Ooh, I got your face!” Lois says. The black-haired cutie's round breast jiggle as she straddles your face. “I'm going to buff you clean with my bush!”

She plants her trimmed muff right on your face. Her silky curls caress your features as she smears all the busty futa's cum across your features. You groan as she then slides her body down to plant her cunt right on your mouth. She shudders there, undulating her hips from side to side. It's incredible to enjoy.

When her bush slides over your mouth, you lick out, gathering up futa-cum and her own sweet cream. You caress her pussy lips in the process while you moan. Your body is being pleasured by the small titty cuties.

“Such yummy pussy!” moans Amanda between licks.

Michelle moans around your cock like she's saying, “So's her dick.”

Hathai and Miranda suckle on your nipples, their hands kneading your cum-coated tits. They're rubbing the futa-jizz into your skin like it's lotion. Vivian's tongue feels amazing lapping across your body, gathering up futa-cum where she can.

Lois's cum-matted bush settles on your mouth after a minute. Your tongue flutters through her folds, mimicking what Amanda's doing to your cunt with her naughty tongue. The pleasure is flowing through your body. You groan and shudder, your body twitching and squirming.

The heat is building in your cunt. That wonderful heat that's going to make you explode. You thrust your tongue deep into Lois's cunt after Amanda does the same to yours. The naughty, petite blonde is teasing your cunt.

You groan. Shudder.

All the pressure is building at the tip of your girl-dick in Michelle's mouth. Everything the naughty cuties are doing to you builds it. Even Vivian's tongue sliding across your belly to gather cum is feeding your impending orgasm.

Hathai nibbles on your left nipple. Miranda sucks hard on your right. Michelle bobs her head, working her lips up and down your girl-dick. Your pussy clenches around Amanda's probing tongue. You moan into Lois's sweet pussy.

You love the taste of her.

In the background, the busty futas are fucking each other, but you're having trouble caring as you're rising to that orgasm. You're building and building to it. Your pussy clenches around Amanda's tongue. Your body squirms on the floor.

You're coming close and close to your orgasm. Amanda's swirling her tongue around in your twat while Michele's sweet pussy is riding up and down your girl-cock. That silky twat is sucking at your dick. You moan into Lois's pussy, feasting on her.

“Oh, my god!” Michelle moans. “This dick... Futa dicks are amazing!”

“Yes, yes, yes, Miss Futa!” Lois moans. “I can't wait for my turn!”

She grinds her cunt on your mouth, her ticklish bush caressing into your chin and lips. Her sweet cream is pouring down your mouth. You groan into her twat, thrusting your tongue deep into her pussy's depths as you moan.

Michelle slams her tight cunt down your cock. She gasps. Her pussy goes wild about your dick. Your nipples throb in Miranda and Hathai's nursing mouths. You squirm as Michelle's convulsing twat writhes around your dick.

“Miss Futa!” she cries out in orgasmic delight. “Oh, god, yes! I love your futa-cock!”

“I love your pussy!” you moan into Lois's snatch. The ache swells up to the pinnacle of your dick. “Fuck!”

You cum.

Your hot spunk fires into Michelle's writhing pussy. You squirm beneath her, flooding her cunt. At the same time, your twat is convulsing around Amanda's probing tongue. She flutters it, lapping up the juices gushing out of you.

The dual delights rush through your body. You gasp and moan into Lois's pussy. You swirl your tongue through her as you squirm through your orgasm. It's blazing hot. It's about to consume you. You're trembling in delight.

“Miss Futa!” Lois moans.

Pussy cream gushes into your mouth. You drink down her sweet juices as Michelle's tight twat wrings your cock dry. Your pleasure surges through your body. You hit that wonderful peak of rapture, your heart pounding with delight.

“Yes, yes, yes!” Lois moans, shuddering. Then she slides off of you.

Miranda and Hathai pop their lips off your nipples. They both stare at you with feverish light. Michelle groans a final time, Amanda still lapping at your cunt. Then Michelle slides off your cock and sits on her rump beside you, panting. Her shaved pussy drips with your cum. Vivian takes a lick across your right tit, gathering up cum.

“I want to fuck you next,” Vivian moans.

“No, no, Deandra says. “We have to deliver these results to Ms. Kato. The company has to know just how amazing these results are.”

“But I want to have a futa-dick!” Amanda moans, her face dripping with your pussy cream.

“Yes,” whimpers Michelle, rubbing at her cum-filled twat.

“No, no you're the control group,” says Deandra. “We can't let you change.”

“But I could use a big dick,” pants Miranda. She glances at you. “Please, let us have them, too. They're having fun!”

The busty futas are cumming on each other in the background.

“Nope,” Deandra says. “We have to deliver the findings to Ms. Kato and show that our pill is better than Dr. Isabella and Paris's pill.”

You have a chance to rub it in your rival's face that your pill is better, but on the other hand, Amanda, Miranda, and the other Small Titty Cuties would look so sexy with futa-dicks? What do you choose?

Do you report your findings of the busty girls to Ms. Kato? 

Do you give the Cute Titty girls the futa-pill and enjoy yourself? 

Author note: These links are to give context to the poll!

Do you keep apologizing to Cassie? 

Do you decide to wipe your cum off Paris's skirt with toilet paper? 

Do you tell Dr. Isabella you need to go to Deandra's Lab? 

Do you let Cassie fuck you hard? 


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