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Chapter One

I stood in the rubble of King Thanitis's camp. The pavilion where the king held his court had been torn to shreds and the supports thrown in all directions. Shattered furniture, strewn clothing, and bodies. Lots of soldiers dead from what had started out as a simple raid to capture the man who had brought an army to besiege Astovin and kill me.

He wasn't supposed to have a dragon. The simple raid to capture him had gone amazingly. I had sent my tunnels bursting out around his tent and rushed in. We had killed his royal mage, disabled his general, and captured him. Then he unleashed Agubnamus.

An ancient blue dragon. With the element of water, she had massacred my most powerful monster girls and nearly killed me. Even Isatu, my fire dragon, had done little more than wound the powerful beast.

But those wounds had added up. Death by a thousand paper cuts had brought down Agubnamus. And I had claimed her. I had fucked her and gained what my little succubus called my dragon-MILF. Now Agubnamus stood at my sight as I faced King Thanitis. He knelt.

He had surrendered.

The siege was over.

Paetu flew in orbit above us, the genie still in her whirlwind form. She seemed to be keeping an eye. An entire army was out there. They had started running when the dragon appeared. That had broken them.

My surviving monster girls were with me. Alizee, Garnet, Maya, Lana Fulmine, and Nina. Halia and Kassie stood at my side, the halfling mage trying to look imposing as she glared at the kneeling king. Halia didn't have to try. The adventure stood in such a powerful stance, her Blessed Blade of Light held in her hand.

King Thanitis had Priestess Lysila glaring daggers at me. The woman, robed in blue, hated that I had won. She quivered there, wanting to curse me. I could tell. She wanted to cry out to her goddess and smite me.

Knight-General Arthemar didn't look much happier. He had a bandage about his arm, taking one of Crystal's ice shards during the assault. He was an older man made of iron. He had no fat on him, just a face hammered into hard angles by a blacksmith hammer.

“My king, you can't do this,” the knight-general growled. “You can't surrender our noble kingdom to a dungeon builder! Myreman has never bent the knee to their filth! Never!”

Thanitis glanced at his general. “Even when we were little more than a city-state with most of our king overrun by them? That's not bending the knee? When we let them do as they wish in our territory and didn't protect our citizens? Tell me that's not bending the knee.”

The knight-general swallowed.

“We have left our people to the predation of the dungeon builders.” The young king, not much older than me, hung his head. He shook in his stained doublet, his green eyes squeezed shut. He wore a gold circlet that stood out against his short-cut, black hair.

“We had to survive!” the knight-general shouted, rallying. “And we'll continue to survive. Defy him, my king! Don't be afraid of death!”

“I am not afraid of death!” The king's words rang with steel. He stared up at me with passion in his green eyes. “I want to protect my people! He claims the people of Astovin are happy with his rule. Safe. Halia Vobria, the daughter of the mighty Anguin, stands at his side with her father's blessed blade in hand. If Lord Leo wishes to help instead of to harm, I cannot turn my back on that.”

“The Gods oppose them,” Lysila the priestess said. She wore a circle of silver studded with sapphires amid her long, black hair. Her blue eyes were as wild as a storm-tossed sea. “You would be a heretic. The gods will turn their backs on Myreman—on you—if you do this, my king. The Lord and Lady of Water have blessed Myreman and Myrecilla. They gave us Agubnamus to defend us. You—”

Agubnamus growled and glared at the priestess.

She quailed for a moment then glanced at her king. “You would have them take all that away from our nation?”

“We lost,” Thanitis said. “We cannot prevail against Lord Leo. He has claimed Agubnamus for himself. Our army will be massacred against his might even if we could assemble them. But we cant. They're scattered. They'll be running for days. It'll be longer to gather them up and regroup. Right, General?”

“We have enough around here,” growled the general. He glared at me. “His monster girls are all but wiped out. We have enough to destroy him now!”

“He has me, Arthemar,” growled Agubnamus.

I winced. To properly use Agubnamus, it would take burning three mana veins. Not one to use Isatu. That was how powerful Agubnamus was. She was a nuclear fucking bomb. I couldn't afford to do that. I didn't have the resources to use her, but I couldn't let the world know that.

Not now that everyone would know I had her.

Other dungeon builders must be spying on me. I knew how they could do it.

“I don't want there to anymore deaths, General,” I said. “I don't want to massacre your army. I'm sick of this. I am an ally of any who want to change the world. The gods, the builders... Something new needs to be done to break this cycle.”

“You're interlopers!” cried the priestess.

“So are the gods! They came to this world from the some place—”

“Blasphemy!” The priestess recoiled. “What poison drips from your tongue, Leo the False!”

“Yep, it's blasphemy!” Alizee said. My peppy wind sprite, and cheerleader back in the other world, bounced in place. Her white hair whipped around her pale-blue body. The current swirling around her only touched her. “We used to have God and churches and they told us to do dumb things like drown witches to prove they couldn't float and eat crackers! How silly is that! Crackers!”

I glanced at her, momentarily dumbfounded by the stupidest thing I had ever heard.

“Wow,” Maya said. My undine girlfriend blinked. She was made entirely of water, her bod always rippling with the little waves that ran over her cute form. “That was... special, Alizee. Thanks.”

“You're welcome!” Alizee said and thrust her arm in the air like she held a pompom.

“Yep, super special!” Garnet said. My roommate back in the other world threw her crimson wings wide. She was a petite succubus with horns curling out of her black hair that fell in pigtails over her shoulders. She had a playful tail and was horny. “Alizee, you are definitely the right one of us to be the Wind monster girl!”

“Oh, you're so sweet!” Alizee said. “I love you both!” She threw her arms around Garnet and kissed her.

The king stared in interest at the two girls pressing tight together, their lips melting into passion.

I cleared my throat, my cheeks getting warm. “You can call it blasphemy, priestess, I don't care. I'm here to change things. I want to negotiate a treaty of mutual defense. I will be the protector of Myreman.”

“You'd protect us from Tuerien?” asked the knight-general. “You would care about a dungeon builder so far from your base of power?

“Yes,” I said. “I want to make a treaty between us. Figure out how we can help each other.”

“He's willing to do what we won't,” said King Thanitis. “I'm set on this course.”

The priestess hook her head. “The gods will strike you down. The Lord and Lady of Water will drown you!”

“Then they'll drown me,” growled the king. “But I'll protect my people!”

Siwang appeared on the periphery of my vision. His black robes were stained in places. He was a little older than me, yet he felt younger. Probably because he spent most of his life in a hospital bed dying of cancer.

He had died. Not just been nearly killed, like most of us dungeon builder. It seemed that we had to have some accident in the other world related to our element. For me, it was being struck by lightning. But Siwang had come here with the Death glyph.

He had to die for real.

He was Chinese, a slender and studious young man. I smiled at him, glad to see him alive. He looked around at the situation. He didn't have as much power as me, having only Level 1 Monster Girls and Beginner Magic.

“Good, good,” I said to Siwang. “I'm going to start moving the people of Astovin out of my dungeon and back into their homes. Would you give King Thanitis, his general, and the priestess a tour of the village. Introduce them to Mayor Bevlin.” I glanced at the glaring priestess. “Ask him to tell what happened to Astovin's priest.”

“You executed him!” hissed the priestess.

“He did not!” Halia spat on the ground. “He's never executed anyone!”

Siwang eyed Priestess Lysila. “I will, Leo.” A sheepish look crossed his face. “I'm so sorry that I ran.”

“You would be dead,” I said. “It's fine. Agubnamus was almost more than I could handle.”

Siwang opened his mouth like he would say more when a fat man in a dirty doublet of blue stepped into the chaos and swallowed. He glanced at the king. “You've... capitulated, Your Majesty?”

“I have, Lord Shorvin,” said the king. “I have.”

I stared at the fat man. “You've caused me a lot of headaches with your bounty.”

Lord Shorvin swallowed and paled, his jowls shaking.

“But I don't hold a grudge. I'm making an alliance with your king. I'm sure you'll support it.”

He nodded quickly.

*  \ * /  *

The sun was rising as Siwangtook the king and his party through the East Gate into town. The playful hellhounds looked fierce. They had petite bodies with black skin covered in fiery cracks like they were made out of cooling magma. Red tails wagged behind them. They and my choirs—dainty angels with white wings and golden skin that glowed—guarded the entrance into Astovin.

The king, his general, and the priestess eyed them.

“Relax, relax,” Siwang said as the hellhounds started yipping excitedly. Hischoirs sang a welcoming song, their voices trilling. “They won't hurt you. You're Leo's guests.”

“Lord Siwang,” breathed Neba, one of Siwang'schoirs. “You're robes are dirty.”

“You didn't get hurt in the fight, did you?” asked Anhel. Her wings fluttered.

“No, no, I'm fine.” Shame flushed through him. He had run back into the dungeon with his step-mother.

“You're a dungeon builder,” asked the king, glancing at me. “Not just a servant.”

“I am a builder,” said Siwang as Svitinnya threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. Her lips worked on his. She tasted so sweet. A rush of warmth shot through him. He had enjoyed his monster girls thoroughly since coming to this world.

Since he finally had a healthy body that could enjoy sex.

After Svitinnya kissed him, Pisnya had to have her turn. She kissed Siwang with such passion. Her wings fluttering behind her. Her tongue thrust into his mouth as his hands slid around to cup her rump. Siwang enjoyed the feel of her firm butt-cheeks beneath his squeezing fingers.

The king cleared his throat. “They are... very beautiful. I see there are perks to being dragged into our world.”

Siwang broke the kiss, his cheeks burning. “Yes, there are definite perks. But we're not evil. Not really. We're just people. Good and bad. I want to be good. Most of us don't get that chance. We're forced into a corner of fight or die. So they fight and... They let it go to their heads.”

The king nodded as we left the gatehouse behind and entered the village. It was made of stone buildings, most only a story tall, with thatch roofs. Many of the houses had little gardens beside them or small pen for chickens or other livestock. It was all empty. Not a soul to be seen.

Large buildings dotted the village, tall and massive. The stone was much finer. Not roughly cut and fitted haphazardly, but with fine regularity. Like the walls around the city, those were part of Leo's dungeon. The tallest structure lay in the heart of the city, a tower that monster girls were flying around.

“Where is everyone?” asked the king, looking around.

The knight-general stared up at the skies and swallowed. A swirl of different type of monster girls soared up there, phoenixes, hippogriffs, harpies, ghosts, vampires, and more.

“The villagers took shelter in Leo's dungeon,” said Siwang. “He has made it so that they have living spaces to shelter during attacks. With his magics, he has made fields for them underground. You could have besieged Astovin for a hundred years, and its people would have prospered.”

“Fields underground?” King Thanitis asked in astonishment.

Siwang nodded. “This is his governmental building.” He pointed to the large structure thrusting out of the green. “It's here that the concerns of Astovin are brought to his attention. It's administered by Feya, one of his monster girls.” Siwang paused. “I think she's dead, but she'll come back to life. Monster girls don't stay dead.”

“I've heard,” muttered the knight-general.

Just then, villagers flooded out of the building. The men, women, and children of Astovin were all talking animatedly as they walked out. Some were carrying coups of chickens, others leading cows or sheep. They all had a bounce to their step as they talked. Children broke into runs and darted around at play.

“Lord Siwang!” the villagers greeted him. Some of the young ladies smiled at him. “Lord Leo saved us once again?”

“Yes!” Siwang called when they said it.

Cheers ran through the crowd. The king drank it in. He sometimes stopped them to ask questions. “He saved my sister's daughter from being taken off by that foul Mthunzi,” one man said. Another growled, “Saved my life from being killed by that dark saint that rampaged through our village.”

“Lord Siwang,” said an older man with whitening hair. “Who are your guests.”

“King Thanitis,” Siwang said, smiling, this is Mayor Bevlin, the leader of the village.”

The old man's eyes widened. He bowed low. “My king. I... I don't know what to say.”

The king clapped a hand on Mayor Bevlin's shoulder. “You truly serve him?”

The mayor looked up and said, “Ever since he saved us from the Dark Saint sent to us by the Lord and Lady of Dark.”

“A saint attacked Astovin?” asked Priestess Lysila. “And not the dungeon.”

“He attacked us,” the mayor said. “Killed our priest, a good man who served the Lord and Lady of Light. It was Anguin, corrupted by darkness, and sent to punish his own people because we dared to turn to Lord Leo for support.”

“And he killed your priest?” asked the priestess. The woman's face paled nearly to white. “Why would he do that?”

“To punish us!” The old man shook his head. “The first thing he did was kill Orvain. The very first thing. Then he attacked us. He would have butchered us all, but Lord Leo saved us!”

“He should have butchered you all!” Priestess Lysila shouted with such vitriol. She trembled, her face twisting with fury. “Dungeon Builders are a filthy blight on this world, and all who ally with them are traitors to its people and the Gods!” She whirled on King Thanitis. “You can't mean to do this, my King!”

The king raised his hand and gave her a hard look. “I'm doing this. These are my people, and Lord Leo had to protect them. He's doing what I should have. And if the Gods punished these people because they turned to the only authority that would help them, then shame on the Gods for sending a saint to attack them.”

The priestess gasped and swayed.

The mayor swallowed, watching the exchange, but the king turned to him and asked more questions about Lord Leo. As they talked, Siwang looked around and noticed his step-mother talking to a group of village girls around the age of eighteen or nineteen.

The girls all giggled.

What are they doing? wondered Siwang.

Chapter Two

I released the Void Crystal. I had moved all the people of Astovin back to the village. My surviving monster girl companions were out on the wall, just in case that army out there got strange ideas that we were holding their king.

Not that I expected them to rally, but... Why take chances?

Souleen sat on her usual perch on top of the Void Crystal. The black gemstone hummed faintly as it adsorbed mana from the various veins that my dungeon had intercepted. The miniature woman, standing not much taller than the length of my hand, had dusky skin and a motherly face, her hair long and black.

A piece of the Incarnation, Queen Puabi, who had brought me here to protect her. For over four-thousand years, she had been bringing men to this world to protect her. None had, not even her own son, the first dungeon builder.

I felt I had found something that mattered. These shrines scattered throughout the world. I had two of twelve. What would happen if could grab them all? I didn't know, but it had to be the key to protecting Queen Puabi from the gods, the “demons” who had harried her to this world to begin with.

“We'll need an ambassador to go with King Thanitis when we have this treaty hammered out,” I said to Halia who watched me from the corner. “Who should I send?”

Halia snorted. “Not Bjorni or Baaghi.” The black-haired and busty paladin wore her golden armor, her large titscradled by the bustier-like shape of her breastplate. “And probablynot Paanee. Esclava, maybe.

“I thought about sending her to the dwarves,” I said. I still had to finish my negotiations with them, but the siege had distracted me. “Paetu could work. Or Daleitha.”

“Ooh, Daleitha,” Halia said. “She would be good. She's sweet.”

“Okay,” I said and gripped the Void Crystal. I sank into the “interface” as I pictured how this work. To me, it was like a game. One of those sim games. I could see my dungeon layout, change it, move around my monster girls and other servants, or make new monster girls. I switched over to that part of the interface.

I had plenty of Level 1 monster girls I had never made. Some because by the time I gained that element, I was already up to Level 2 monster girls. Others because some companions refused to serve the builder who killed their former master. In that case, they became the prototype for another type of Level 1 monster girls. I could also inherit those templates from builders I killed.

It was a tad complicated, but it gave me a lot of choices.

“Maybe devas,” I said, sinking into the Lightning monster girls. I had inherited the template from Sulanga. At some point, he had killed a dungeon builder with a deva companion who had refused to serve the sadistic Sulanga.

That bastard had no companions from any of the builders he killed, only the ones he summoned. Of his four, three of them had been eager to serve me and not that abusive monster. Only his treant had opposed serving me.

“Devas look good,” I said as I studied the image of them. In my mind, she stood in a dark void, slowly rotating in place. A gorgeous woman with bronze skin and big boobs, her hair made of crackling lightning. Wings of gold thrust out from her back and her eyes sparked like she could fire lightning from them.

“Grazi, I summon you,” I said, speaking the name that whispered out of my mind's eye.

“Oh, yes,” Halia groaned as a figure spun out of the darkness. My paladin started unbuckling her armor as the as the deva quivered in delight.

The bronze-skinned monster girl stretched her golden wings wide. Her hair sparked with electricity as she rose on her tiptoes and let out a groan. She snapped her eyes to me and grinned at me. She wiggled her hips and sauntered to me.

“Ooh, you made a great choice in summoning me, Lord Leo,” she purred. “I'm the most beautiful of all the devas. The hottest, sexiest, and sultriest of all of them. I will make your bones melt with my passion. Ecstasy shall consume you until the end of your days. I am your deva, Lord Leo! The best monster girl you'll ever enjoy.”

“The best, huh?” I asked. “I thought I summoned a deva and not a diva.”

She dropped to her knees and opened my robe. “Let me show you, Lord Leo! I'm the best you're ever going to enjoy!”

She rubbed her cheek into my cock. I shuddered as she did that. She slid her lips over the crown of my dick and kissed me right on the tip. I groaned as she did that. She smooched around my crown. I groaned as she did that, my hands gripping the Void Crystal.

“She's confident,” said Souleen as she rubbed at her pussy.

“Yes, she is,” I said.

Halia set her golden armor on the ground, her large breasts swaying. She undid her golden skirt of chainmail as I sank my awareness into the stone. I still felt the deva kissing at my cock. She swirled her tongue around my crown.

“Tvanku,” I called, the next name whispering out of the Void. Names had power. Words had power. The universe was created with a Word. “Appear before me!”

Deva number two spun out of the darkness. She stretched out her back as she rose her tiptoes, her golden wings fluttering. Her big boobs quivered as she purred in delight. Her fellow deva swallowed my cock as Tvanku flicked her eyes to me.

“Oh, Lord Leo, you are so wise to summon me! I am the best monster girl there is.” She flicked her gaze down to Grazi. “Even better than that slut sucking on your dick. Mmm, let me suck on hour cock and prove how much better I am than her.”

I arched her back. “You don't get along with the other devas?”

“I get along just fine,” she said. “When they acknowledge that I am the best.”

“Show me by eating out Halia's pussy. She needs to have her cunt devoured. Look at her. She's just quivering over there. She's in need. You wouldn't deny her, would you?”

“No,” purred the deva.

She sauntered to Halia. My paladin smiled at me. The human spread her legs wide, her black bush dripping with juices. She was used to enjoying my horny monster girls. She had come so far from that hero who had come here to kill me and protect her village.

Now she was my lover. I wanted to see her happy like all my monster girls.

As Grazi sucked on my dick, Tvanku dropped to her knees and slid her hands up and down Halia's thighs. “You are going to love this. I'm the best pussy licker there is!”

“Show me,” Halia said.

Tvanku's golden wings folded about her back, looking more like a feathery cloak, before she pressed her face into Halia's snatch. She licked Halia. Lapped at her pussy. I smiled at the sight of them. A big smile spread on my lips.

It was a hot thing to witness. A delicious thrill to watch Halia's big boobs jiggling. She groaned as the deva feasted on her. Tvanku must have been doing a great jog. I knew Grazi was. She suckled hard on me. She worked her mouth up and down my cock.

“Shit, that's good, Grazi,” I groaned, savoring that hot mouth working up and down my dick. “Just keep doing that.”

She moaned around my girl-cock. She suckled on me, her hair crackling. I gripped my Void Crystal and found another name. The name rose out of my soul, whispering to me. I stared at the corner and commanded her to appear.

Siela spun out of the shadows like every other monster girl. She stretched her back and fluttered her wings. She looked around and opened her mouth. I held out my hand to stop her, Grazi sucking so hard.

“You're the best, right?” I said.

“I am, Lord Leo,” cooed Siela.

“Then prove it by sucking on Halia's breast. She needs her nipple suckled.”

“So badly,” moaned Halia.

“Yes, Lord Leo!” Siela flapped her golden wings as she rushed over to Halia. “You're never going to want another monster girl doing this!”

The deva swallowed Halia's pink nipple and suckled. Halia gasped, “Summon another one to nurse on my other nipple, Lord Leo!”

“Auksasa, appear!” I cried. Auksasa spun out of the shadows and I commanded her, “Suck on Halia's other nipple. Prove you're the best. Better than Siela!”

“Lord Leo!” Auksasa cried and darted to my paladin. She joined her fellow deva in sucking at Halia's breast. It was quite the stimulating sight to witness. I shuddered, my dick throbbing in the mouth of the naughty Siela. She worked her lips up and down my cock.

I groaned, savoring the heat of her nursing on me. She suckled with such passion. She worked her mouth up and down my cock. I groaned at how hot it felt to have that naughty mouth suckling on me. She nursed with all her passion.

The pressure grew and grew in my nuts. Halia moaned beside me as the three devas pleasure her. My paladin's black hair swept down her back in a ponytail. She held Siela and Auksasa to her breasts. They nursed on her nipples with noisy suckles. Tvanku feasted on her pussy.

“That's so good,” whimpered my paladin. “Oh, yes, yes, just like that.”

“Grazi,” I groaned, staring down at my deva. Her eyes, sparkling with electricity, stared back up at me. She fluttered her golden wings. “You're going to get a mouthful of cum. You want that, don't you?”

She nodded, moaning around my cock.

“Damn, just keep sucking on my dick like that. I'm going to flood your mouth with every drop of cum that I have. I'm going to pump your mouth full of all my spunk.

She moaned with such excitement. She bobbed her head, working her mouth up and down my cock. Her tongue swept around me. The pressure grew and grew in my balls. I shuddered, savoring how amazing this felt.

And I had three more of these naughty devas I wanted to create. I shuddered, the pressure building and building in my cunt. The need to cum swelled in me. My balls were aching. Just begging for release. Halia moaned beside me.

“Tvanku!” she gasped. “Your tongue... Oh, your tongue is amazing. Yes, yes, just keep licking my pussy. And Siela and Auksasa, keep nursing on my nipples. That's amazing. You're amazing. Oh, yes, yes, you're going to make me cum so hard!”

“I am the best,” Tvanku moaned into Halia's pussy.

The monster girls were all sucking on us. Nursing. Swirling their tongues. It was such a rush to experience that delight. The heat swept through me. It shuddered, building and building toward that amazing climax. I would have a massive one.

Grazi bobbed her head. I shuddered, savoring her hot mouth sliding up and down my cock. The pressure in my balls twitched. Her tongue bathed the crown of my head. There was no holding back now. Not at all.

She was sucking too hard on me.

“Fuck!” I groaned. “Oh, fuck, that's it. Shit!”

I erupted.

My cum fired into Grazi's mouth. I trembled as I fired blast after blast of cum into her mouth. She gulped it down. She swallowed all my jizz. Her golden wings spread wide as I pumped blast after blast of cum into her mouth.

She moaned, sucking hard. I grunted, shuddering through the ecstasy. The pleasure swept through me. I threw back my head, gripping the Void Crystal as I pumped so much jizz into her mouth. I gave her so much passion.

“Oh, yes!” Halia moaned. “You wonderful devas!”

She bucked beside me as she squealed out in passion. Her boobs quivered in Auksasa's and Siela's squeezing hands. The two nursed on her nipples as the paladin drowned Tvanku. I loved the passion, my dick spurting over and over into Grazi's mouth.

I fired the last of my cum into her mouth, my heart pounding this wild beat. I sucked in a deep breath. Grazi slid her mouth off my cock with a wet plop. She stared up at me, cum and drool running down her chin.

“Yeah, you're pretty good,” I said.

“So good,” whimpered Halia. She shuddered there, her hair dancing. “Oh, wow, that's amazing!”

Siela popped her mouth off and asked, “Who's the best? It's me, right?”

“No, it's me,” Auksasa said. She straightened, her big boobs jiggling.

“I made her cum,” Tvanku said. “I'm clearly the best.”

“Only way to settle this is to have the four of you daisy chain,” I said. “Form a circle of wild pussy licking. Get to it!”

They all squealed and did just that. I rolled my eyes as they dropped to the ground and formed a circle where they licked each other. They lapped at each other. They feasted on each other's cunts. I smiled at them doing that. It was quite the sight to witness.

I gripped the Void Crystal and switched over to the Light monster girls. I found Daleitha waiting. Sleeping. She had died in the battle. She was a chalkydri, a monster girl with twelve wings each made of a rainbow hue of feathers. She had lion paws for feet and a lion tail that swished behind her. Other than that, she was a gorgeous, human woman.

“Daleitha, wake up,” I said. “I need you.”

She was a new monster girl companion I had gained when Halia and the dwarves had killed a dungeon builder named Berg. It had happened right before the siege. Still, I knew I could trust Daleitha. She wouldn't have served me if she couldn't love and support me.

That was another way this worked.

She appeared out of the shadows. “Leo. Oh, good, we won. That was so frightening when the dragon appeared.”

“We won,” I said. “In fact, I'm working on a treaty with King Thanitis, and you're going to be my ambassador.

“Me?” she gasped in shock. “You want me?” Her twelve slender wings fluttered behind her. She could fan them out and make a mesmerizing pattern. “Wow, I'm so honored, Leo!”

She threw her arms around me and kissed me with passion. I slid my hands hands around and gripped her rump. I kneaded her ass, loving the feel of her in my hands. My cock twitched against her belly.

I broke the kiss. “The devas munching cunt on the floor are going to be your embassy guards once we get this all sorted out.”

“Right, right,” said the chalkydri. “Wow, I just can't believe you want me. I'm still stunned.”

“You're going to be great at it,” I said. “Now, let's summon another deva. Why don't you sit down. I bet she would love to trib with you.”

“Sure, sure,” said Daleitha. “Ooh, I want to trib with her, too. That sounds like so much fun. Yay!”

She sank down on the floor and spread her legs wide. She was so ready for the tribbing. I gripped the Void Crystal and spoke, “Krutysi, appear and trib with Daleitha because you have to show us you're the best!”

“Just getting it out of the way?” Halia asked.

I winked at her.

Krutysi appeared. She shuddered and looked around. “Who's Daleitha? I have to trib with her, Lord Leo! I'm the best!”

I pointed to the chalkydri.

Krutysi squealed in delight and rushed to Daleitha. The deva dropped to the floor, scissored her legs with the chalkydri, and brought their pussies closer and closer to together. I smiled as they rubbed their cunts tight.

They both moaned as they tribbed.

My dick throbbed at how hot that looked. I gripped the Void Crystal as they moaned out their pleasures. They shuddered, their big boobs jiggling as they ground their hot cunts together. I smiled and found another name.

“Kekse, appear!” I cried as a seventh name sang in my soul. “Puliu, appear!”

That was the last two I wanted to summon.

They whirled out of the darkness, Kekse a second before Puliu. They both stretched, their big boobs jiggling. They looked around before glaring at each other. They then shot their gazes to me, big smiles on their lips.

“Lord Leo,” they said in unison, “I'm the best monster girl there is. The hottest, sexiest, and sultriest!”

“Really?” I asked. “Wow, that is amazing. Hmm, I know, Halia, why don't you lie down.”

“Sure, Lord Leo,” my paladin said. She sank down to the ground and stretched out on her back. Her large tits jiggled. She spread her legs wide. “Mmm, now what?”

“Kekse, kneel between her legs and eat her pussy,” I ordered, “while Puliu, sit on her face. She loves eating the best monster girl pussy around.”

“I have the best pussy!” squealed Puliu as she darted forward, her golden wings fluttering behind her. She dropped to her knees and planted her cunt right on Halia's mouth. My naughty paladin feasted.

“I'm the best pussy eater!” Kekse declared as she jumped, her wings flapping. She twisted in the air and landed between Halia's spread-open legs. The deva lowered her head and buried her face into my paladin's pussy.

Halia moaned into Puliu's pussy while I stared at that hot cunt wiggling back and forth

I dropped to my knees, eager to just slam my cock into that wonderful hole. I thrust hard into her cunt, savoring her hot and juicy snatch around me. Today had been a success. Not the way I had wanted with more causalities than I would have liked, but an alliance with the Kingdom of Myreman...

That would show the world a better way forward.

I savored my triumph and the hot pussy around my dick. That magnificent cunt that held me tight. I drew back my hips, loving how the naughty Kekse moaned into Halia's pussy. The deva's golden wings fluttered as I slammed back into her snatch.

Her butt-cheeks rippled from the impact. I loved being in a new monster girl's pussy. Savoring a new breed of these fascinating women. I stroked her bronze skin as I fucked her. I loved the feel of her twat around me. She held me tight as I fucked her with such force. I buried into her snatch again and again. I plowed into her with everything that I had.

She groaned as I did that. She held me tight as I fucked into her snatch with force. I buried into her hard and fast. I loved the way she moaned into Halia's pussy. Puliu gasped as she rode Halia's face. The deva's large tits swayed.

“Lord Leo, she's loving my yummy pussy!” groaned the deva.

“Yes, I am,” moaned Halia. “Ooh, that's tasty. So tart!”

The ring of devas all moaned as they loved each other's pussies. A circle of monster girls loving each other. I loved the sight. And of Daleitha and Krutysi grinding their cunts together. They quivered as they smeared their hot flesh together.

It was such an exciting sight. I loved it as I pounded that hot cunt before me. I thrust into Kekse's hot pussy. I fucked her with passion, my nuts slapping into her clit. She groaned, her crackling hair spilling around Halia's thighs.

“Lord Leo,” she moaned. “Isn't my pussy magnificent?”

“God, it is,” I groaned, burying into the Lightning monster girl's snatch.

Kekse wiggled her hips from side to side. I loved the feel of her massaging me. She had such a delicious snatch. I buried into her cunt again and again. I fucked her hard and fast. I slammed into pussy, reveling in her tight grip.

She moaned into Halia's pussy, feasting on my paladin with such hunger. I loved the sounds that Halia made as she quivered there. She trembled, drinking in the passion of being devoured by that hot monster girl. The entire time, she devoured Puliu's pussy.

The deva riding Halia's face groaned. She grabbed her boobs, kneading them. She ground her cunt down on the paladin's face. I loved the joy on the deva's bronze face. Her glowing, sparking hair tumbled around her features.

“Lord Leo,” she groaned. “Oh, she's loving my pussy!”

“So much!” Halia moaned.

“I'm loving your cock, Lord Leo!” moaned the naughty Kekse, her pussy clamping down on my dick.

“Oh, my, Krutysi, that's good,” Daleitha groaned. “Rub that twat on mine.”

“Mmm, feel how hot my pussy is,” Krutysi groaned. “That's the best pussy there is!”

All four of the devas in the daisy chain moaned their objection as they quivered, each building to her own orgasm. I loved it. I fucked Kekse hard. I pounded her juicy cunt, the pressure in my balls building and building. My hands slid up her sides

I found her big, soft tits. I squeezed those large boobs. I loved them. I held them tight as she gasped. She squeezed her pussy down around my cock. She held me tight as I pumped away at her cunt. I loved how she massaged me.

The pressure built and built. I loved that so much. I groaned, the heat swelling in my nuts. I pumped away at her snatch. I fucked her with such joy. She whimpered, her hips wiggling from side to side. She groaned, massaging me.

“Shit,” I groaned, the pressure swelling in me. “Oh, shit, you're going to get so much cum!”

“Lord Leo!” she whimpered.

Everyone was moaning. All these feminines whimpers and gasps echoed through my Vault. I slammed hard into Kekse's cunt as she feasted on Halia's pussy. She devoured my paladin's cunt who trembled, her big boobs jiggling.

I squeezed Kekse's tits as I slammed to the hilt in her snatch. Puliu quivered, her fingers kneading her large boobs. She ground her snatch on Halia's face, the deva's moans growing louder and louder. Her head tossed from side to side.

“Lord Leo,” she whimpered. “I'm going cum!”

“Drown her,” I groaned, slamming into Kekse's pussy.

But Puliu wasn't the first to cum. It was one of the devas in the daisy chain. Maybe it was Auksasa or Tvanku. One of them gasped out in ecstasy, then all four of them were squealing. Grazi came on Siela's mouth who came on Tvanku's tongue who came on Auksasa's lips who came on Grazi's face. It was so delicious to hare the four monster girls climaxing.

“Yes!” gasped Daleitha. “Oh, that's it. I... Yes!”

“LadyLightning's sizzling cunt!” Krutysi gasped as those two shuddered, their orgasm sweeping through them.

“LordLightning's zapping cum!” gasped Puliu. She trembled and drowned Halia.

Halia licked up her pussy juices while squeezing her thighs around Kekse's head. My naughty paladin bucked. Her boobs jiggled as she moaned her ecstasy. I loved it. All these women cumming around me. I buried into Kekse's twat as she drank Halia's cunt cream.

“Lord Leo!” Kekse gasped. “My pussy is the best!”

Her cunt writhed around my dick.

She spasmed, her hot flesh suckling at me. I groaned, loving that hot twat rippling around me. She suckled at me with all this ecstasy. I groaned, loving every wondrous second of her twat nursing at me. I buried into her, my nuts swollen with pressure.

“Fuck!” I growled.

Squeezing her tits, I dumped my cum into her snatch. I flooded her with blast after blast of my cum. The heat swept through me. This wonderful rapture that consumed me. I groaned, my face twisting with all the rapture shooting through me.

I pumped blast after blast of my cum into her snatch. I savored the ecstasy rushing through me. It was so exciting to flood her with all my spunk. I groaned, the rapture burning through my mind. I grunted with each blast of cum, loving this rapture.

This ecstasy.

It was amazing. Outstanding. I groaned through all this passion. A big smile spread on my lips. I sucked in a deep breath, my heart hammering so fast. I felt amazing as Kekse's pussy rippled around my cock.

I swayed there for one more moment. Then the daisy chain split apart and four devas sat up and gasped, “Who is the best, Lord Leo!”

“It's a tie!” I groaned. “It's a tie! You're all the best!”

*  \ * /  *

“For now, you're handling negotiations,” I said after the devas were satiated. “Siwang should be giving him a tour around the town. I'll have the devas stay with the harpies in town. They can join the air patrols until we have everything figured out.”

“Right,” said Daleitha. “Send me to the king! I'm ready to get started!”

I nodded, feeling good. The devas were divas but also exciting. I gripped the Void Crystal, a panting Souleen sucking her fingers clean from her masturbation on top. I sank into the interface and shifted everyone but Halia and me out of the Vault.

And Souleen. She couldn't leave the Crystal.

Siwang walked with King Thanitis and his party around the town. The knight-general didn't glower as much, but Priestess Lysila had retreated into her robes, almost hunched over. He was talking to the villagers, getting a feel for them.

He seemed to genuinely want to help them. Like he cared for them.

Is he ashamed that he abandoned them? wandered through Siwang's mind.

The young dungeon builder kept catching his step-mother moving around with a group of girls. The wraith, his first companion, shed black mist that seemed too dour for the bright, morning sunlight. The village girls should be afraid of her, but instead they were giggling and nodding.

Some even glanced at Siwang.

He did not get what was going on.

“There you are!” cried from above.

Daleitha, one of Lord Leo's companions, swirled down from the sky on her twelve rainbow-feathered wings. She landed before the king, her wings spread wide. Her large breasts bounced as she swept a bow, her lion-like tail swishing behind her.

“Good day,” she said. “Lord Leo has sent me to be his ambassador. To negotiate with you all the terms of our alliance. I'm Daleitha. It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty.”

The king flicked his eyes up and down her ample figure. He smiled. “It's a pleasure to meet you, too, Lady Daleitha.” He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “A great pleasure.”

“Oh, you're sweet,” she said, her wings fluttering.

“And this is an offense,” Knight-General Arthemar roared. “A monster girl? He insults you, Your Majesty!”

“I am a monster girl,” Daleitha said without losing her sweet smile, “but I was also human being back in the other world. So, you see, it's not a big deal. I'm here to help in any way possible. What do you need? Let's get started!”

“It's fine,” said the king, waving his hand. “I'm not insulted at all.”

“Good, good,” she said. “We have quarters for you in the command hall, so long as you're a guest of Lord Leo and swear you won't attack him or his chattel. Like me.”

“I swear as King of Myreman that neither I nor my advisers will harm Lord Leo or his chattel while we are guests.”

Siwang knew there was power in those sorts of oaths. This was a great beginning.

Click here for the next part! 


Christopher Walls

I'm glad to see this return. It's a great start to the new arc, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing where you go with it. I hope Halia gets around to figuring out why her holy sword of light just coincidentally happens to rattle when she's close to the shrine of light. I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with the little slot in the wall.


Nothing what so ever. It's not like we won't be dealing with it very early on. Not one bit. ;)