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“What the fuck, Dr. Isabella,” you say. “Cassie's right. This is messed up.”

Cassie rips her face out from between Dominique's tits. You pull away from Pranya and Milly, advancing on Dr. Isabella with your blonde friend, your cock aching. The two bimbos gasp in shock, whimpering.

“Girly-dicky!” Missy groans.

“Bring back girly-dicky,” Pranya moans.

“Look, they're happy,” says Dr. Isabella, pulling her face from Carla's tits. “Right, Carla?”

“I'm super duper laffy happy!” she says, giggling. “I have big boobies! Lookie lookie! Big boobies bouncing!” She hops up and down.

“See,” Dr. Isabella says. “They're happy.” She backs up from you and Cassie. “I don't see why you're so mad. They have perfect bodies and they'll never be sad or hurt. They'll always be horny and joyful, seeing the world through their simple lens. Doesn't that sound great?”

“Oh, yeah, so great,” you sneer. “Why don't you take it?”

“Well...” She swallows, her hands rubbing at the front of her blouse. “You see.”

Amanda and Miranda grab her from behind. “I think she's right,” Miranda says, her red hair dancing about her face. “You almost made us into bimbos.”

“So I think you should be one,” says Amanda, her green eyes flashing.

You pick up the pill bottle and shake one out.

Dr. Isabella shakes her head, whimpering as you and Cassie advance. She made Carla, Lois, Milly, Vivian, Pranya, and Dominique into bimbos without letting them know what would happen. They thought it was just a lust pill.

A slut pill.

Not an airhead pill.

You thrust your hand forward and slap the pill into Isabella's open mouth. Cassie pinches her nose and strokes her throat, cooing at her. Dr. Isabella's blue eyes darted around. And then she swallowed it with a noisy gulp.

Her eyes bulge.

You pull your hand away from her mouth and smile at her. “Well, better get those clothes off, bimbo.”

“Oh, god, no,” groans Dr. Isabella. “It's already starting to happen.” She looked around. “I'm the only one who can make... make the... make... boobies! Only I can make big bouncy and happy and yummy boobies. I love boobies. They're so big and soft and you can squeeze them and play with them and just love them oh, so much and...” She stared down at her bronze blouse. “Boobies! My boobies are becoming boobies!”

“Get her blouse and bra off,” you shout.

Miranda and Amanda pull off Dr. Isabella's lab coat while you and Cassie work on Dr. Isabella's bra. You have to get it open before her tits grow too big. Already she's wincing and her eyes are starting to water as her tits balloon to such huge size as the other bimbos.

As the lab coat comes off, you and Cassie rip open the bronze blouse. The bimbo scientist is whimpering, her hands flapping while she hopped in place. Amanda and Miranda yank off the blouse next, the edges of the yellow bra digging into Dr. Isabella's big boobs.

“Come on,” Miranda groans, then she twists the fastener. It pops open and the bimbo's huge tits exploded out of her bra.

They bounce and heave, the cups shooting up and over them. They are huge. They must be H or even I-cups. Maybe even J-cups like that famous Japanese porn store. Hit... Hit... Hit-something J-Cups.

“Damn,” you groan.

“Wow,” Cassie says. She grabs one, massages it.

“Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you for saving my big boobies from that meany mean bra!” Dr. Isabella groans. She thrusts out her tongue and blows a raspberry. “Mean old bra. I hate them. Hate, hate, hate them. Boobies should be free.”

“Yeah,” you say, grabbing the other one and massaging it. Your rub at the red marks where the bra had bit into them. The bimbo smiles and purrs her delight. She looks so happy as you play with her tits. She hums in delight, her hips wiggling back and forth.

“You like that, huh?” you ask, arching your eyebrows.

She nods. “Your touch is making my boobies feel so super duper awesomey good and my pussy all wet and itch and hungry for dickies!” She looks down and gasps. “You have a dickie!”

You glance at Cassie. You hear gasps around the room. The other six bimbos are all grabbing the clothed girls. Miranda has Pranya kissing her and Amanda has Milly. Dominique is on her knees before petite Hathai and Carla is unbuttoning Rosalita's blouse, wanting to get at the busty Hispanic beauty's tits. Lois has her head pressed up beneath Michelle's skirt, the petite blonde gasping.

“Dickie in my pussy,” moans Dr. Isabella as she grabs your cock.

“Maybe...” you say to Cassie.

“I mean,” your blonde friend says, “she's already a bimbo. And she's horny.”

“Yeah,” you say. “Dr. Isabella, you like eating pussy, right?”

“I think I do,” she says. “Do I?”

“Yes,” Cassie says. “You want to eat my pussy.”

“Wow, I didn't know that!” Dr. Isabella grins. “Then let's do it. Let me eat your pussy. I'll lick it and pet it and caress it and love it and lick it!”

“Oh, god,” Cassie moans. She unsnaps her pinstriped slacks and shoves those down. Her purple panties appear. “I can't believe this, but... but...”

“I know,” you groan as you watch her peel off her panties. You shudder as she peels off the clothes, sliding them down her thighs, exposing her blonde bush. She bends over, pulling off her slacks and underwear both.

Naked from the waist down, she hops up on the table and spreads her legs, her pussy lips peeking through her wet curls. Dr. Isabella moans and bends over. Without hesitating, the naughty bimbo buries her face into your friend's cunt.

Cassie moans, her head throwing back. She slips out of her vest as Dr. Isabella licks and laps at her. The bimbo's feasting on her with hunger. She's licking and lapping, just feasting on her with such passion.

“Wow,” you say, watching on in shock. “She's... I mean... Wow, she just went for it, huh?”

“Yeah,” Cassie groans. “Oh, wow, she really, really did.”

You push up the bimbo's black pencil skirt and expose a pair of pink panties. Clearly, she didn't bother matching her undergarments. Her crotch is soaked, though. You peel off her panties, rolling them over her rump as she happily feasts at Cassie's pussy.

You groan at the sight of her black-furred muff. She has a thick bush dripping in her cream. Your cock throbs. You look around the room to the other bimbos and women getting wild. Lesbian delights are shared as clothing comes off.

“Bimbos are so hot,” moans Michelle as she shudders, getting her cunt devoured by Lois.

“Yeah,” Rosalita purrs, Carla snuggling happily into the Hispanic woman's big boobs. Not bimbo big, of course.

You leave Dr. Isabella's panties bunched around her mid-thighs and aim your cock at her pussy. Cassie has slipped off her vest and is unbuttoning her cream-hued blouse with her right hand while leaning back on her left.

“Fuck her!” your friend moans. “She's loving my pussy.”

“Love, love, dove, love her pussy!” sings the bimbo, wiggling her hips.

You press your cock into Dr. Isabella's curls. The silky delight slips over your cock. Then you're pressing into her cunt. It's an amazing feeling to have her curls sliding over your cock. It's fantastic. You love it.

Your dick nuzzles into her pussy lips. You shudder, savoring that passion. It's an amazing delight. This is incredible. You feel her cuntlips sliding over your crown as you thrust into her pussy's depths.

“Yes!” squeals the bimbo.

You bury into Dr. Isabella's cunt. She moans her abject delight into Cassie's pussy. Your friend grins at you while you moan, your tits jiggling in your blouse and bra. You start to fix that, unbuttoning your blouse while your futa-dick throbs in the bimbo's cunt.

Your dick marinates in her twat as you slide off your blouse and drop it to the floor. Cassie's sliding off her bra now, uncovering her round breasts. They have such a perkiness to them. They're gorgeous.

“Damn,” you say, smiling at your friend.

She smiles back. “Mmm, show me your tits.”

You unhook your bra and slide the straps off your shoulders. You let it drop to the floor, your tits out. They jiggle before you, looking so sexy and fetching. You love it. You savor every moment of having your boobs out. Your friend nods in approval.

You grab Dr. Isabella's big tits, holding on to those wonderful breasts. You draw back your hips. She moans, her cunt clinging to your withdrawing cock. You shudder, savoring the way her twat squeezes about you. It's an amazing delight.

You love it. You thrust back into her cunt, savoring that hot snatch clenching about your dick. The pleasure rushes down your shaft to your pussy. You groan, savoring the delight of her sheath as you pump away at her.

“Dickie in my cunt and cunt on my lipsies!” moans Dr. Isabella.

“Yes, yes, just eat my cunt,” Cassie groans, her right hand grabbing a fistful of black hair. “Make me cum, bimbo.”

“I'm Dr. Issybella!” Her pussy clamps down on her. “Right? Or am I bimbo? I can't remember.”

“Dr. Bimbo!” you moan, thrusting your cock into her pussy. You savor how she squeezes down on your dick. “You have a doctorate in big boobies.” You squeeze those tits.

“Yay!” Dr. Bimbo squeezes her cunt down on your clit-dick.

You shudder, savoring that delight as you pump away at her cunt. You bury into over and over again. She feels amazing wrapped around you. You're going to cum so fast. You knead her tits and pump away at her hard.

Cassie moans, so do the other non-bimbo women getting devoured by the busty airheads. The sounds of their moans rise through the room. You love it as you thrust into Dr. Bimbo's cunt. you shudder, savoring that delight as you fuck away hard and fast into her cunt.

“Goddamn,” you moan.

“I know,” Cassie gasps. “Oh, my god, Dr. Bimbo, you're so good at eating pussy.”

“Pussy is so yummy!” she moans. “And your big dickie is so hot. I love your big dickie in my pussy!”

“Fuck, yes!” You squeezed her tits and plow hard into her cunt.

You pump away at her, rising towards your orgasm. You're going to have such a huge one. You can't hold back much longer. Cassie's moaning. Around the room, women are crying out in orgasmic delight.

You slam into Dr. Bimbo's cunt. She moans, her pussy clamping down on your futa-dick. The silky delight flows heat down to your cunt. You love how it soaks into you. This is amazing. It's fantastic. You pump away hard and fast.

“Oh, fuck,” you moan, so close. Your pussy is dripping juices down to your thigh-high stockings. Your ovaries brim with cum.

“Yes, yes, yes!” Cassie moans. “Oh, god, that's it! Drink my pussy cream!”

“Yummies!” squeals the bimbo, her pussy clenching down hard on your cock as she drinks Cassie's orgasmic delight.

Then the bimbo's cunt writhes around your cock. She's moaning loudly as she cums on your shaft. You shudder, drinking in the feel of Dr. Bimbo's cunt massaging your futa-dick. You slam to the hilt in her, tits heaving.

“Oh, god, yes!” you howl.

Your pussy convulses and cock unloads. You fire load after load of your cum into her pussy. Her spasming flesh massages you. She works out the cum buried in your cunt. It's such an amazing rush. You shudder, savoring every last moment of spurting out of your cock. It's the most awesome thing in the world.

“Oh, my fucking god,” you pant. “That's it. That's so good!”

“Yummy cummy in my cunny!” Dr. Bimbo moans.

You spurt blast after blast of cum. You flood her pussy with your jizz. Pussy cream gushes out of your spasming cunt. She moans. The bimbo's cunt milks your dick dry. You shudder, spurting the last few blasts into her.

“Damn,” you moan, your tits rising and falling. “Oh, damn, that's so good.”

“Mmm, it is,” moans Cassie.

Releasing Dr. Bimbo's big tits, you slide out of her pussy. She stands up, bouncing on her toes, and shouts out, “There's a big futa-dickie over here. It's the bestest best bestest dick in the whole widey world!”

All the bimbos, many of them with faces dripping in pussy cream, gasp and stare at you. A stampede of bimbos that rush at you, their tits heaving. You gasp as their big boobs press into your body as they squeal in excitement.

They carry you down to the floor. You're lost in a tide of bimbo delight. They're kissing you, licking your skin. Two latch onto your nipples, sucking at your nubs. You shudder in delight then one nuzzles into your pussy.

“Futa dick!” squeals Dominique a moment before not a pussy but a hot asshole presses on the tip of your cock. “Futa-dicky in my butt!”

Then Pranya and her thick bush plant on your face. You gasp as her spicy juices spill into your lips. You groan, Dominique riding your cock, her butthole sliding up and down your throbbing clit-dick. You thrust your tongue into Pranya's hole, loving the bimbo sitting on your face.

The other bimbos are sucking on your nipples and one is licking your pussy, her tongue sliding through your folds. You moan. You've never had so much pleasure in your life. Then the last bimbo finds your bellybutton.

“Yummy cutie navel!” she squeals before she kisses it.

You groan into Pranya's cunt, your tongue swirling around in her silky sheath. Her spicy juices soak your taste buds. You love it. Your futa-dick throbs in Dominique's asshole. She works her cunt up and down your clit-dick, stroking you with that naughty delight.

You shudder, savoring every moment of her asshole gripping you. She's squeezing you with that amazing tight asshole. You groan, the tongue in your pussy stirring up your cunt. It's incredible to have both pleasured at the same time.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” you moan.

“Futa-dickie in my butt!” groans Dominique. “So super duper goody good!”

“She's got her tongue in my kitty pussy!” moans Pranya. “She's stroking my kitty pussy and petting her and licking her and making her feel oh, so good. She's going to purr.”

“Yes, yes, make her purr!” moans Cassie. “Ooh, this is so hot. You bimbos are so fucking sexy! Dr. Isabella, lick my asshole right now!”

“Yummy!” squeals the bimbo.

You shudder, loving this delight. The bimbos are making your body feel amazing. Your nipples throb in their mouths. They suck with passion on them. Jolts fire down to your pussy being devoured by another bimbo. Then the delight rises to your cock buried in Dominique's asshole.

She has such a tight asshole. It squeezes about you in such a wonderful way. Your dick throbs from the delight. You groan, savoring that delight squeezed about your futa-cock. The ache builds and builds at the tip of your dick.

You're going to cum. You're going to explode. The pleasure builds and builds in you. It's going to fire out of you. You can't wait for that explosive release. You shudder, your tongue dancing around in your cunt.

“Oh, my, yes!” you groan. “That's so good. That's am amazing. Yes, yes, yes, just lick my pussy. Ooh, lick it so good.”

The bimbo licks your cunt with more enthusiasm. She laps through your folds. It's awesome for you to enjoy. Your body trembles as the pleasure builds and builds in you. You come closer and closer to cumming in Dominique's asshole.

“Good pussy, yummy pussy!” the bimbo feasting on your cunt sings.

“Stroke my kitty pussy and make her purr!” Pranya gushes, her red-brown butt-cheeks clenching before your face.

“Oh, yes, yes, my butt is melting on your futa-dickie!” moans Dominique. “Boobs heaving and booty melting! Yay!”

“Cum!” you moan, the bimbos sucking on your nipples and licking your bellybutton and devouring your pussy all building that explosive ache in your ovaries.

Your cock is going to erupt.

You dance your tongue around in Pranya's cunt. You lick and lap at her folds. You love the feel of her on your face. She tastes so good. You're going to explode. Just burst with pleasure. You can't stop it. Nothing can.

Dominique slams her asshole down your cock while the bimbo eating your pussy thrusts her tongue deep into your twat. She swirls it around in you. With a gasp, your back arches and you explode into rapture.

“Yes!” you howl.

Your cum fires into her Dominique's asshole. You pump her with load after load of your spunk. It's amazing to feel. You shudder, savoring the pleasure. The rush of bliss. It's awesome to experience. You shudder through the bliss, moaning and gasping.

“Oh, my god!” you gasp.

“Cum in my booty!” moans Dominique and then her bowels spasm around your cock.

The bimbo licking your cunt gasps, “Pussy juices!”

She abandons licking your bellybutton to, presumably, drink the delight gushing out of Dominique's twat. Her asshole massages you, milking your cock. You latch onto Pranya's clit, sucking hard on it as your body trembles.

Juices gush out of your cunt, flooding the mouth of the bimbo licking you. She drinks down your cream as you pump Dominique full of more and more of your passion. You moan around Pranya's clit, her butt-cheeks clenching before your face.

“Yes, yes, kitty pussy purr!” she squeals.

Pussy cream gushes out of her cunt and bathes your mouth. You drink down the flood. You feast on it, gulping down all that wonderful passion that spills out of her. You shudder, your orgasm hitting that wonderful peak.

Dominique's asshole milks out the last of your cum. You groan, drinking the spicy cream flooding out of Pranya's pussy. It's such a treat to enjoy. You love it. You gulp down her juices, savoring every moment of this delight.

“Oh, fuck, Dr. Bimbo,” your friend moans. “Oh, bimbos are awesome!”

“They are!” you moan, Pranya slipping off of you. You glance at your friend, your eyes meeting. These bimbos are going to need to be taken care of. Cassie smiles at you. You smile back at her. You're going to have to love all these delightful, busty airheads.

You and Cassie are going to have a bimbo harem to take care of. You know it's going to be so much fun having the seven love and fuck the two of you. Your futa-dick is going to get lots of loving from these wonderful and naughty airheads.

You Have a Bimbo Harem You Share with Cassie Ending

Note: These links to to give context to the pole!

Do you keep apologizing to Cassie? 

Do you decide to wipe your cum off Paris's skirt with toilet paper? 

Do you lick your cum out of Cassie's ass? 

Do you let Cassie take the slut pill? 

Do you tell Dr. Isabella you need to go to Deandra's Lab? 


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