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You decide to give the slut pill to the even girls. You hand them out to Carla, Dominique, Lois, Milly, Pranya, and Vivian while Dr. Isabella hands them cups of water to drink. Your friend, Cassie, sighs in disappointment.

You flash her this look to try to apologize and explain, “I don't want to risk you.” But she's pouting.

The even girls, many of them busty, are bouncing with excitement. Pranya, the Indian beauty who heads the customer service department, is fanning her face. Her brow is furrowing. She stares down at her tits.

“I'm getting all... all... what's the word when you get hot? You know, when your bodies all warm and warmy and super warmy.”

“Hot?” you suggest, confused by her sudden girlish talk.

“That's it! I'm feeling soooooo hot and hottie and super-duper hot!”

“Uh...” you say.

“Hot! Hot! Hot!” Dominique gasps and giggles, her boobs bouncing. Her blouse appears to be growing tighter.

All their blouses are.

You watch as Carla's round breasts seem to be the size of Dominique's now, and the Black woman's tits are even huger. They're stretching the front of her blouse. The fabric is stretching and stretching to constrain those large tits as they grow.

“Holy shit, they're getting bigger tits,” gasps Miranda.

“That's what's happening!” gasps Milly. The brassy-haired woman starts unbuttoning her blouse. “Ooh, they're getting so bigy! They're all big and big and... And...” Her brow furrowed. “But they hurt. Why are hurting.”

“My bra is squeezy them!” Carla moans. The busty brunette's tits have grown so large, one of the buttons of her blouse pops out. “Make my bra stop squeezy them. Bad bra! Very berry bad bra!”

“If it hurts, take it off!” you gasp.

“Why are they acting like airheads?” Cassie mutters. Your friend steps up beside you. “They all got big boobs, but... Did all their brains go into their tits?”

“Hurts!” whimpers Pranya. She's wiggling her hips like a little girl. “Why does it hurt?”

“All of you, take your tops and bras off!” you gasp. “That's what you have to do.”

“Ooh, ooh, that's better,” moans Carla as her ginormous breasts spill out. They're huge. Like Guinness Book of Records huge.

And she's not the only one. Dominique's ebony breasts spill out, massive mounds that are somehow perky. Then Pranya's reddish-brown tits jiggle as she lets out a long groan of relief. Milly's tits are larger than Double D's now and so are Lois's. She sniffles and then smiles as she cups her large breasts. She squeezes them.

“I have biggie boobies now! Yay!” She bounces. “They all so big and soft and jiggly and softy soft!”

“Dr. Isabella?” you ask, glancing at the scientist. You freeze at the sight of loss on her face. Of joy. “You knew this would happen.”

“Yes!” she moans. “They're horny bimbos with huge tits. They're perfect. They'll do anything you tell them to because they're so stupid. All of you, if you don't get naked, your boobs will deflate.”

“Oh, no!” gasps Pranya. “I don't want my big boobs to defelate.” She mangles the big word.

“I don't either!” whimpers Milly as she rips off her blouse the rest of the way.

“I don't know what it means,” says Lois, “but it sounds super duper super bad!”

“It is,” Dr. Isabella says.

You glare at the doctor, not happy about this, but your futa-cock is getting so hard as those now busty bimbos get naked. They are ripping off their skirts and panties. Their big boobs are huge. Their pussies come into view, some shaved, some not. Juices drip down their thighs and bead on their silky pubic hair.

“I'm so hot and... and... you have that thingie!” Pranya says. “That thingie that guys have. The... um...”

“Dick?” suggests Cassie.

“Yes, yes, you have a girly dicky!” Pranya rushes at you and her hands grab your cock through your skirt. “How do I get it out.”

“You have to take her skirt off to get at her girly dicky!” says Milly. Her big boobs heave as she rushes over. “I know that! Then you can do adulty things with it.”

“I want to do adulty things with her girly dicky!” Pranya moans and hauls up your skirt.

“Mmm, yes,” Dr. Isabella moans and rushes to Carla. The scientist buries her face in those huge boobs, rubbing back and forth.

“Do you want to play with my big boobies?” Dominique asks, grabbing Cassie and hugging your friend's head into those ebony breasts.

“We can't let her get away with doing this,” your friend moans from between those breasts.

You're right, but it's hard to think as Pranya has her hands on your girl-cock. And so does Milly. You just want to let them play with your futa-shaft and enjoy these busty bimbos stroking your dick. But Dr. Isabella should have told them what she was doing.

Do you ignore your lusts, agree with Cassie, and get mad at Dr. Isabella. Or do you enjoy what Pranya and Milly are doing to your girl-cock.

What do you choose?

Do you agree with Cassie and get mad at Dr. Isabella? 

Do you and Cassie enjoy the bimbofied women?  


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