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Chapter Fifty-Six

The robed women Mrs. Maia had wrapped up in her root expanded. The woody tendrils burst. Pain shot up the dryad's legs. She staggered as the woman grew larger and larger, revealing a blue-scaled body beneath. White horns thrust from her head. Wings stretched wide, slamming into the sides of the pavilion.

“Dragon!” gasped the dryad.

As the beast swelled, she slashed an engorging arm at the dryad. Sharp claws ripped into her flesh before she could react. The blow spun her around. She screamed as she hit the ground, her body torn in half. Her legs fell twitching before her eyes.

The beast roared, the sound shaking the air.

Mrs. Maia died.

*  \ * /  *

I reared back from the blue dragon ripping the tent apart as she expanded. Mrs. Maia died, the torn pieces of her body bursting into motes and fading. My mind struggled to grapple with this revelation that the King of Myreman had his own dragon.

She swelled larger and larger.

“Shit,” I growled. Maya and Smerta still reeled, stunned from the cacophony. Kassie and Halia were even worse off, lying twitching on the ground. “Positive energy flows, let the passion of Lady Ianna spread!”

I unleashed Healing Aura to get them on their feet. The tent collapsed around us. Wooden poles crashed to the ground Canvas flew in all directions as the dragon swelled bigger and bigger. She was immense. Larger than Isatu.

Than the death dragon that had attacked us a few weeks back.

The water dragon's wings spread wide. They were immense. The length of a football field. She towered over us, her eyes staring down at us. The king laughed with delight as he lay in his bondage. My heart sank.


*  \ * /  *

Warmth washed over Halia.

She groaned and came out of her stupor to see...

A dragon towered over them with blue scales and an enormous wings span. White horns thrust out from her head while red eyes burned with fury. Her mouth opened as the beast drew in a breath. Halia's instincts screamed at her.

“RUN!” she cried as the dragon belched acidic water at Lord Leo.

Lightning crackle and hiss, gird me in the love of Lady Uttu!”

Smerta leaped at him as the breath engulfed the pair of them. Halia rolled to the side, the water hitting the ground and burning the rugs that covered the tent. Her heart screamed in terror as she scrambled to her feet and drew her weapon.

*  \ * /  *

The terrible reek of acid filled the air. Maya watched in horror as it engulfed her boyfriend. Then he burst out of it. Smerta had tackled him and threw him clear. She screamed, her icy armor melted away along with her skin.

They landed in a heap. Leo's gray robes sizzled. The armor he wore was half-melted away. Cracks appeared across the granite protection of his skin. Smerta screamed in pain on him as they rolled to a stop. Her cries cut off.

Her body faded to motes.

Maya stared up at the huge beast. The dragon roared her fury. The power of that shout rippled Maya's body. She staggered back from it, shocked by the sight. She didn't know what to do. How they could fight a dragon this immense.

“She's an ancient dragon,” Halia breathed. “Thousands of years old.”

*  \ * /  *

“Another dragon,” Siwang gasped. He stood by the exit, ready to retreat down it, when chaos had erupted.

“Watch out!” Lei cried.

His cyclops slammed into him as the dragon's tail whipped out as she turned.

It wasn't in time. The tail struck them both, flinging them back then slammed into the exit, shattering their escape route. It crumbled to stone. Siwang hardly cared as he hit the ground, pain throbbing through his side.

“You okay, my love?” Lei cried, concern in her eye.

“I'll live,” he groaned. He had felt pain before.“Pain retreats, let the chill of Lady Ereshkigal sustain!”

The pain vanished, but he struggled to stand. He gasped and collapsed back on the ground. He rubbed at his side and felt ribs broken. He coughed and tasted blood. The world spun around him as a chill settled on him.

“Siwang!” gasped Lei. “No, no, Siwang!”

His step-mother roared with fury and threw herself on the dragon's tail, rushing up it. She slashed with her claws, but didn't seem to be doing anything to the dragon. The beast roared and breathed its awful breath.

“Lord Leo!” cried Lei. “Please, please, Lord Lei!”

“No,” Guang cried and rushed up, the lampetia staring in horror. “Siwang!”

Life revitalizes and mend, let the restoration of Lord Dumazid mend!”

An arrow of green energy flew out of the chaos and plunged into Siwang's body. Leo's ranged healing spell sent a surge of heat through the wounded dungeon builder. He pressed at his side and felt the shattered ribs mending. Breathing grew easier.

He pushed himself up, but didn't know what to do. He spotted Leo, robes smoking, standing before the dragon. Claws slashed down at him. Siwang's stomach tightened for his friend. This was insanity. Where had this huge monstrosity come from?

Chapter Fifty-Seven

Nina Naughty's stomach nearly tuned inside out as Leo vanished beneath the massive paw of the dragon. The claws struck the ground, crushing her lord. Her scream of denial died on her throat when lightning flashed to the side.

“Fuck me,” she muttered.

The devil conjured a flaming pitchfork and dived at the dragon. She threw her weapon down. It struck the creature's thick hides and bounced off in a puff of impotent fire. The devil ground her teeth and created a new one.

Lightning exploded from Lana Fulmine's wings, striking the dragon on the back. Xiongbu climbed the beast, her mist flowing behind her. Light from Mrs. Lucina's halo, Feya's wand, and Ljosa's and Guang's eyes all struck the dragon from different sides. Daleitha's rainbow wings exploded with colorful radiance. Morana screamed. Ms. Trueno bellowed. Paanee spat acid. Esclava and Paetu turned back from their rampage into the camp to hurtle at the massive dragon.

They crashed into her.


They did nothing.

All those attacks. All those monster girls shouted, firing light and acid, burning with fire and crackling with lightning, did nothing.

What do we even do? Nina thought.

*  \ * /  *

Hagane stared at the dragon trying to kill Leo. It was madness. They had not anticipated this.

You had a better plan than I thought, Your Majesty, Hagane said, her arm-blade tapping into her thigh. She glanced up and spotted Daleitha flying nearby. Rainbow light burst from her wings and struck the dragon's head.

Get us on her back, fliers!” Hagane sent to all of them in the air. “That's how we took down Isatu. Daleitha, I'm beneath you!”

The chalkydri dove down at the animated statue. Daleitha's twelve wings flared wide. She grabbed Hagane with her lion-like paws beneath the armpits. With the beat of her wings, they soared into the sky. The dragon roared, pelted from all sides by ranged attacks.

“Get me close to her neck!” Hagane cried.

“Right!” the chalkydri cried and soared toward the dragon.

The beast's head turned. Red eyes fixed on the pair. Daleitha cursed and banked to the right, but not in time. The dragon's massive head lunged forward, her coiled neck releasing like a compressed spring. In a blur, the massive jaws were around the two monster girls.

Hagane stabbed her arm-blade at the roof of the dragon's mouth as her teeth slammed down on them.

As hard as steel, those teeth didn't so much as pierce Hagane's body as crush her living metal. She screamed for a moment before death embraced her and carried her off to the Void and Souleen's comforting arms.

*  \ * /  *

“Shit,” I growled as Hagane and Daleitha died.

I had to get on her back. Hagane was right. That was what we had to do. Take her from above. Her head snapped down at me again.

Gentle winds, let the support of Lady Tiamat billow!” I cried.

I shot off into the air, flying. The jaws snapped shut on nothing. The dragon roared her frustration as she shifted, her tail slashing through burning tents and throwing her king's own soldiers. The man lay in the chains, being dragged to safety by the wounded general and the woman in the blue dress.

They didn't matter right now. I had to hurt her.

The dragon's head tracked me. She opened her jaws wide to breathe acid on me.

Hurtling down the mountain, let the boulder of Lord Abzu crush!”

A boulder appeared and slammed into her open mouth before she could breathe her acid at me. Teeth shattered. She roared in pain. Her massive tail slashed at me. I soared to the right. A wash of air slammed into me from the violent passage.

She snarled as I turned back. Another burst of her acidic breathe exploded from the monstrous dragon. It chased me through the air. I cursed and flew faster, the spray following me. Her anger boiled behind me.

As I held her attention, Mrs. Lucina and Alizee swooped in, dropping off Baaghi and Bjorni on the dragon's back. The two fierce monster girls landed amid her dorsal fins. Good luck to them. Her breath ran out as I turned to fight her.

Her tail swung around, sweeping across the ground. My monster girls scattered before it as she swept down tents and crashed into soldiers on her own side. A knight on his horse flew from the impact and crashed down on Ms. Trueno, killing my thunder sprite.

Metal missiles fly, let the spikes of Lord Nabu pierce!”

I shouted the words to Volley of Stakes. A barrage of metal lances slammed into the dragon's face and neck. She roared, her wings beating hard. Debris flew from her as her eyes burned with rage. She glared at me.

“That's right,” I muttered. “Focus on me.”

*  \ * /  *

The dragon's wings flapped. Wind howled through the chaos of the camp and slammed into Morana.

The banshee flung her arms before her eyes to protect her from the debris carried in the wind. The hurricane force through her off her feet. She hit on the ground, her black mist blown away. She rolled over onto her hands and feet.

She screamed.

A deathly shriek engulfed the dragon's tail. It did nothing.

Paanee hissed as she spat acid that splashed uselessly on the hide of the dragon. Crystal threw her daggers of ice that shattered harmlessly on the dragon's scales. The monster almost took off into the air then settled back down.

She stood over the ruined pavilion. Over where the king lay bound and helpless. She protected him. Morana stared at the bound king. They had to stop this. She had to get him. Take him hostage. She darted forward.

The dragon roared as Morana raced through the debris and bodies. Her head turned. She had such keen senses. Her eyes fixed on Morana. Blood dripping from the wounds across her face, the dragon opened her mouth and breathed acid.

A sweep of her breath ripped across the ground, engulfing tents and bodies. Crystal barely had a chance to flinch before it engulfed her. Morana gasped and turned directions, running from the breath dissolving the camp behind her.

“Nooooo!” Paanee gasped. The naga slithered before Morana, sweeping across the ruins of the camp. But not as fast as Morana could run on her two feet over the debris.

Morana jumped over a tent as Paanee struggled to get over a pile of bodies. The acidic breath washed over her before it reached Morana. The banshee screamed as it engulfed her and devoured her body.

Her flesh melted from her as she hit the ground. She didn't experience pain, not really, but shes could feel herself breaking apart. Her substance running off her like hot wax. The breath passed, the air reeking of bitter bile.

How can we beat her? thought Morana in her final moments. How?

Chapter Fifty-Eight

Lana Fulmine dropped off Terra on the back of the dragon by Baaghi and Bjorni. The dragon breathed a large swath of acid, cashing Morana and Paanee. The lightning sprite's heart tore as she took off back into the air, watching the monster girls dying.

Vilkas jumped up on the dragons' back, the lightning wolf rushed up the dragon's back to join the three other monster girls. Lana Fulmine hoped they could do something. She felt so useless as she fired a blast of lightning that did nothing.

Feya swung her wand, striking the dragon near the eye in a beam of light. The beast roared and turned so fast. Her head snapped out. The fairy flapped her wings. They beat as she struggled to change her direction.

The jaws snapped down on her, crushing her in a burst of sparks.

“What do we do, Leo?” she cried as he fired a blast of lightning at the dragon.

It crackled across her hide.

“I don't know,” he said and soared off to the right.

Esclava whirled in, burning hot. The dragon turned to face the firewhirl and breathed. Acid slammed into the flaming tornado. The acidic breath swirled around with the burning vortex. They washed together.

Metal missiles fly, let the spikes of Lord Nabu pierce!”

Metal stakes struck the dragon's head and neck, piercing through the scales as she kept breathing. The bitch didn't care about the damage they took. She guarded the king's ruined pavilion. Esclava's firewhirl turned, the acid choking off the flames.

The fire went out.

“No!” Leo cried.

Another monster girl dead.

Despair weighed down on Lana Fulmine.

*  \ * /  *

Kassie trembled as she moved with Halia through the ruins. The dragon loomed over them. The halfling mage clutched at her amulet. She had to do something. The dragon was murdering them. Blood dripped from her muzzle.

She could be hurt.

Kassie focused on that. She could be hurt. “Izi Zum!”

A blast of fire burst from Kassie and hurtled through the air. It smote the dragon in the head. The flames rippled over her scales. The dragon snarled, her head flinching. Hope soared in Kassie. The wounds on the dragon.

“She's getting weakened,” Kassie said.

“Hit her again,” Halia said, holding her humming blade.

Izi Zum!”

The second burst of fire hit near the jaw. The dragon roared and breathed acid at Lord Leo. He soared through the sky, dodging the attack. The dragon shifted her stance. The ground shook with her every step.

Izi Zum!”

Her flames struck the dragon in the nose. Fire curled around her nostrils. Kassie squeezed about her amulets as the dragon snapped her jaws shut. Her wings folded in, her eyes scanning the ground. Fear squeezed about Kassie's heart.

The dragon spotted them. Eyes full of rage and contempt stared at the halfling.

Izi Zum!”

The dragon's watery breath burst from her mouth, a flood of acid surging right for Kassie and Halia. The mage stared at her death. A calm fell on her. She fought for Lord Leo, the savior of her people.

*  \ * /  *

“Lady Sherida, shield us from our enemies!”

The prayer burst from Halia's mouth as she stepped up before Kassie and pointed her blessed blade at the incoming acid. Light burst around them. A brilliance that engulfed Halia and Kassie. Her faith manifested in radiance.

The acid engulfed the light. It sizzled against the purity of Halia's belief. She knew Lord Leo was the way. He was the hope for this world. Every sinew in her flesh, every drop of blood in her veins, every breath in her lungs had faith in him. He would prevail.

Her light armored them. Protected them. She stood strong. Resolute beneath it. She would not waver. The dragon would not crush her belief. They would win. The roaring died down. The world sizzled around them. The acidic reek stung her nose.

The light died down to reveal them on an island, puddles of acid sinking into the ground, devouring it as melted tents, stakes of wood, ropes, and bodies. Kassie stepped up beside Halia, looking around at the destruction then back at the monster.

“What can we do against her?” Kassie asked. “Besides annoy her.”

“Believe in Leo!” Halia said, pointing at him soaring through the sky. A boulder crashed in the dragon's head, bursting into stone. She roared in fury. “Believe, Kassie!”

*  \ * /  *

“Come on!” Xiongbu cried.

“No!” Siwang fought against his step-mother's pull. He stared at the fight as she dragged him towards the tunnel that led to the safety of Leo's dungeon. “I have to fight!”

“You can't!” she cried.

The dragon's acidic breath hurtled Halia and Kassie. Light burst from the paladin a moment before the torrent engulfed them. The dissolving liquid splashed across the ground and washed towards them.

“You're not strong enough!” Xiongbu cried.

The flood rushed towards them. Siwang relented, letting his step-mother pull him down into the dungeon. Embarrassment flushed him they fled. He had to get stronger. He had to become Leo's equal. There was no choice at all.

He was useless.

A parasite until he could become stronger.

Acid washed down the stairs of the dungeon, dissolving the stone. Siwang watched it drip closer, smoke rising. He needed power. Leo sheltered him too much. His hands balled into fists. “Next time,” he whispered. “Next time, I'll stand with you.”

If there was a next time. How could Leo defeat this monster.

Chapter Fifty-Nine

How do I beat her?

The thought echoed over and over in my mind as I flew over the bitch. I had to switch tactics. Maybe I had to blind her. I found the right Light spell as she turned her attention back to the air. On her back, my monster girls were crouched low, struggling not to fall.

This was hopeless, but...

I could not give up. Everyone was counting on me.

Sunlight explodes, let the radiance of Lord Shamash erupt!”

A blinding light exploded before dragon. A miniature sun burned before her eyes. She screamed in draconic pain and ripped her head from the source. Hope surged through me. Maybe I had blinded her. If she couldn't see.

Her head snapped back and eyes focused on me.


Acid exploded from her mouth.

*  \ * /  *

Terra watched the spray of acid streak across the air at Leo. He flew ahead of it while the breath spread out into a deadly rain that fell back on the camp. The soldiers must be running in every direction by now, fleeing their own defender.

“Come on,” Terra said as she watched Baaghi, Bjorni, and Vilkas tearing at the scales.

“Hard!” snarled Vilkas.

“Let me!” Terra shifted her balance as the dragon moved and raised both her fists shaped into hammers. She slammed them down together.

They struck, her big breasts heaving. Cracks ran across two of the scales she struck. She raised her arms again and crashed them down on the scales. A chunk of the hardened protection snapped off and struck Bjorni in the stomach. The bugbear snarled and grabbed the other half.

She ripped with her mouth.

Baaghi joined her. The two monster girls tore at the broken scales. Blood welled up from beneath. They ripped the protection free, exposing flesh beneath. Vilkas crackled, her electric tail swishing back and forth.

We're opening a wound!” cried Terra as she stepped back.

The dragon shifted, her body moving beneath Terra. The golem planted her feet wide, shifting her body with the rocking, and raised her fist. She slammed them down on a new set of scales. The dark-blue cracked again. She hammered at them as Vilkas darted in and tore.

Scarlet ran around their feet and stained the muzzle of the three monster girls tearing up the scales. They ripped a wider hole in the dragon's defense as Leo's voice filled the air with his magical scales. The dragon shuddered and shifted, her tail swishing.

Yes, we have an opening!” Terra cried as they had exposed a sport six or seven fee across.

Incoming!” Nina Naughty shouted in Terra's mind

A flaming pitchfork plunged down into the wound. It buried in deep. Blood sizzled and smoked. The dragon roared in pain. Terra grinned and slammed her hammers down into the wound, striking the exposed flesh.

Tenderizing it.

Howling, Vilkas ripped at the dragon's flesh, ripping it out. Baaghi and Bjorni joined her in the grisely feast, eating their way through the outer layers of the dragon's skin to the muscle beneath. Terra grinned, blood dripping from her hammer-fists.

“Got you,” she breathed.

*  \ * /  *

Garnet soared up to her Owner as the dragons breathed acid.

“What are you doing?” he asked. “It's dangerous around me.”

“I know!” The succubus beat her wings. “I'm your shield, big bro! It's all I can do!”

“Shield?” He stared at her in shock.

“I can't hurt her, but I can defend my Owner!” She stared at him with love. “I won't be useless. I'll keep you safe. Dark Succubus Naughty Garnet is your guardian!”

For a moment, a smile spread on his lips. He nodded.

He turned and studied the dragon. Nina Naughty flew over and threw a flaming pitchfork that hit around the monster girls on her back. Terra, Bjorni, Baaghi, and Vilkas had done something. Terra had shouted it in their minds. Blood spilled across the dragons.

“Yes,” Leo said.

“They've opened a wound!” Garnet cried.

Leo soared for it. Garnet followed, her wings beating.

The dragon bent her head around and breathed acid across her own back. The four monster girls ripping into her flesh vanished in the deluge. The dissolving liquid spilled off the dragon's back. Smoke rose from her wound, her aid sizzling against her own flesh.

Garnet's stomach sank. The four brave monster girls were gone.

*  \ * /  *

I stared at the hole. Hope burst in me. Four of my monster girls had died giving me the opening to hurt her. “Everyone,” I cried in my mind, “Hit that wound! Unload on her!”

My surviving monster girls flying in the air all soared at the dragon. Naughty Nina, Mrs. Lucina, Lana Fulmine, Alizee, and Paetu rushed at the beast as I focused on the wound. Garnet flew at my side, bravely ready to die for me.

I had to end this.

Razor Ice The sharpness of ice cuts, let the razors of Lord Anshar slash!”

Shards of ice hurtled from me. The glittering blades slammed into the wound. The dragon's head snapped back. She roared as blood splattered. Her acidic breath sprayed out at me. Garnet gasped, her hand grabbing mine as she flapped her wings fast.

As the dragon's breath rained down on the camp, my other flying monster girls swooped in. Mrs. Lucina's halo erupted with light. Blades of air from Alizee and pitchforks of flames from Naughty Nina. Lana Fulmine's wings exploded with lightning. Paetu flew into the edges of the dragon's acidic spray and caught it with her wind.

She threw a ball of the dragon's own acid into the wound. It smoked. The dragon's tail slashed behind her as she snarled in pain. I flew over the dragon, staring at the wound. It was still small. It was little more than a small cut for her.

We weren't doing enough.

Isatu, I need you!” I shouted in my mind. We were weakening this dragon, but we weren't beating her. She whittled down my forces bit by bit.

Yes!” my dragon shouted in my mind.

She burst out of one of the tunnels, her red form standing out amid the destruction. I reached out to my connection to her. I felt it. I closed my eyes and sacrificed the mana vein with the words resonating through my soul.

"Ancient and beloved lineage, let the true nature of Isatu shine! Accept my sacrifice of power, Lord Usumgallu and Lady Palil, and awaken your descendant!"

I fed the power of the Mana Veininto Isatu. I poured the power of the world into her flesh.

She expanded.

My dragon roared as she grew bigger and bigger. Her wings spread wide. Her neck elongated. She crashed onto all fours as she expanded. Her tails swished behind her. She grew bigger than a house. Her horns curled up from her head. She looked deadly. Dangerous.

And she was still only half the size of the enemy.

Roaring, Isatu jumped on the large dragon. The ancient beast turned her head, but Isatu was faster. My dragon's claws tore into the blue scales. Her head snapped down at the wound and bit. She tore out chunks of the flesh.

The ancient bitch roared in pain.

“Yes!” Garnet cheered. “Go, go, go, Lady Isatu! Yes, yes! Dragon Lady Fiery Isatu!

Isatu's fire burst from her maw. She poured it into the wound. Smoke rose. The bitch arched her back and twisted around. She slammed her back down on the ground, crushing Isatu and a large swath of the camp, exposing the water dragon's belly.

Isatu roared beneath as the ancient bitch rolled back over. But my Isatu held on. Her claws ripped down the enemy's side, leaving vast rents in the flesh. Burst of fire exploded up from Kassie, hitting those wounds. My flying monster girls surged over and threw their own attacks, hitting the exposed wounds.

I flew after.

Isatu bit at the base of the ancient dragon's neck. Her teeth sunk into the enemy, red tail swishing. The blue dragon's wings flapped as she twisted her head around. She breathed acid that engulfed Isatu's right wing.

The membrane stretched between the wings bones melted. My dragon roared in pain and ripped free another chunk of flesh. Blood sprayed across the ground. The ancient beast snarled, cutting off her breath.

The two roared as the smaller Isatu's claws dug deep into the older dragon's flanks. Light flashed from Halia, engulfing Isatu's jaws. She bit again, a savage bite that ripped out another chunk of scales and muscle from the older dragon's neck.

“Come on,” I growled as I waited for my opening.

The older dragon seized Isatu's throat and crushed. The bitch ripped Isatu off her back. My dragon hit the ground, her melted wing flapping. Isatu spasmed on the ground, her mouth opening in a roar. I had to stop this.

Metal missiles fly, let the spikes of Lord Nabu pierce!”

Metal stakes slammed into the dragon's wounds. Blood burst. She roared as she crunched Isatu's throat. My dragon spasmed. Flames burst from her maw for a moment only to be cut off. The monster slammed her claws down on Isatu's belly and ripped her open.

The sharpness of ice cuts, let the razors of Lord Anshar slash!” I screamed.

The razor shards of ice slammed into the dragon's wounds, cutting deeper into her neck.

Isatu spasmed as her entrails spilled out. Her body kicked then she exploded into motes. Her entire body swirled with energy. She died and vanished into motes, hurtling back into the embrace of Souleen and my Void Crystal.

“YOU BITCH!” Garnet screamed and threw a shadowy dildo that slapped the dragon in the neck. Right In the bleeding wound.

Metal missiles fly, let the spikes of Lord Nabu pierce!”

The Volley of Spikes tore into the dragon's neck. She swayed, her blood gushing from the wound. Her claws dug at the ground. Hope surged through me. Isatu had damaged the bitch badly. Blades of air slammed down in the wound, cutting deeper into the flesh. A flaming pitch fork and beam of light crashed into it.

Garnet through another dildo that burst with golden light and struck the dragon with a burst.

Fire flew from Kassie below.

Hurtling down the mountain, let the boulder of Lord Abzu crush!”

The boulder slammed into her damage neck with a sickening crunch. Her body collapsed. Her head slammed down on the ground. She didn't move. Through the blood, I glimpsed the white of vertebrae. I had snapped her spin.

Energy exploded from her. Like with Isatu, the massive power that animated her into that size vanished. She swirled down into the form of a woman lying amid the destruction. She didn't just die like the death dragon or my very own Isatu.

She didn't return to her owner.

She was a wild dragon.

Her human from pushed up on her hands and knees. I had to get down there. I had to claim her. I soared for the ground and opened my robes. She had appeared in near the edge of camp, away from most of the destruction.

“Yes!” Garnet cried.

Chapter Sixty

I landed by the dragon. She staggered to her feet. She was like Isatu, her body covered in scales, but where Isatu looked like a eighteen-year-old girl, this dragon looked mature. Like Mrs. Maia or Mrs. Lucinda. She was mostly dark-blue save for her belly and breasts which were made of bands of light-blue scales. Her tits were big, too, and topped by pink nipples. Delicate wings thrust from her back while white hair flowed around her mature and lovely face.

Her red eyes met mine with fury in them.

She breathed acidic water at me.


I dove to the side as Garnet hissed in annoyance. “You dumb MILF-dragon!”

“I got her!” Maya cried. “I can finally do something!”

I had lost track of my undine during the fight. Now she jumped at the dragon and landed on her shoulders. She did that sort of Black Widow take down from the movies, or tried to. She didn't yank the dragon off her feet, but she did smother her mouth with a pussy.

“Can't dissolve water!” cried Maya.

“Nope!” Garnet cried and flung her arms.

Shadowy bonds seized the dragon, yanking her arms behind her back and wrapping around her breasts and legs. In moments, the dragon crashed onto her back, Maya riding the MILF-dragon's face. Garnet smiled as the dragon's legs were bent, bound at the ankles and opened to expose her pussy.

“Get her, big bro!” Garnet cried. My little succubus grinned at me.

I opened my robes. My cock came out hard. I didn't get how I could be so aroused, but I was. We had one. The battle was over. The army had fled. The dragon, the king's ultimate weapon, had been defeated. Now I would claim her.

I would make this dragon mine the way I had with Isatu. Two dragons...

I fell to my knees and stroked my hands down her bound legs. I slid over the shadowy ropes as I stared at her pussy. Her folds had parted, revealing her pink depths. A sweet scent filled my nose. I rolled my shoulders. She had hurt so many of monster girls.

And here I was trying to recruit her.

That was what us dungeon builders did. We took. We claimed. We co-opted the resources of our enemies. Mana Veins. Monster girls. Glyphs. Dragons. I leaned down and buried my face into her pussy. I licked at her.

She quivered as I did that. Her thighs squeezed about my head as I tongued her. I licked and lapped at her with passion. My tongue stroked over her folds. She had such a sweet flavor. A delicious flavor. I shoved my hands beneath her scaled rump and squeezed.

I kneaded her ass as I thrust my tongue into her pussy. She shuddered and snarled into Maya's pussy. My undine rippled. Something billowed through her stomach. A darker liquid sloshed around in her. She quivered in delight.

“That felt amazing!” moaned Maya. “Ooh, that's just so naughty.” She pointed her finger and the acid breathed into her pussy fired out of her and splashed on the ground, forming a hissing puddle. “Do it again. Ooh, you'll make me cum so hard!”

The dragon growled and struggled.

“You don't get away that easy, MILF-dragon!” cooed Garnet. She dropped to her knees and grabbed one of the dragon's breast. She suckled a pink nipple into her mouth.

“Nope!” Nina Naughty purred. My devil landed on the other side and bent over. Her red hand kneaded the dragon's blue tit. She engulfed the other nipple.

“Go, go, go, Leo!” Alizee cheered. “Eat that dragon's pussy and... I don't know why, but do it!”

“He's taming her,” said Lana Fulmine. “Claiming her.”

“Wow! And that was so neat. I didn't know Isatu could get so big. No wonder she's the trump card. Woot! Go, Leo, go! Eat that dragon poon!”

“Yeah, eat that dragon poon, Leo,” Maya purred as she ground her pussy on the dragon's mouth. “Mmm, just make her cum!”

Garnet's and Nina's tails swished back and forth as they suckled on the dragon's nipples. My tongue plundered her sweet cunt. I swirled around, the dragon's pussy walls squeezing down on my tongue. It was an exciting moment.

I thrust my tongue into her cunt. I danced it around in her, loving the taste of her delicious snatch. She had such a wonderfully tasting one. Just a delight to enjoy. I swirled about in the dragon. I feasted on her as my monster girls helped.

“Yes, yes, yes,” Maya groaned. “Ooh, you are going to make her cum hard. She's already starting to surrender.”

“No!” the dragon hissed.

“You will,” my little succubus cooed. She suckled hard on the dragon's nipple.

The dragon gasped, her twat clamping down on me. She was so wet. How long had it been since anyone had pleasured her? Who knew. I licked and lapped at her cunt with hunger. I stroked up and down her with passion.

My tongue brushed her clit. She bucked as I stroked over her there. I wanted to make her burst. Just to cum so hard. I fluttered my tongue up and down her bud. She trembled as I licked and lapped at her with hunger.

I stroked her. Lapped at her. I tongued her pussy and brushed her clit.

She groaned into Maya's pussy. I concentrated on her clit. I loved how my undine rippled as she rode the dragon's face. A big smile spread on Maya's face as the dragon trembled on the ground. Was she licking at her.

I suckled on the dragon's clit.

Her body twitched in her bondage. My devil and little succubus both suckled hard on the dragon's nipples. They kneaded her tits as they loved those nubs. I nibbled on the dragon's clit with my lips. She moaned louder.

“Fuck!” Maya gasped, her round tits jiggling. Waves washed across my undine's body. “Ooh, just like that. Feast on my cunt!”

I had her.

I tongued at the dragon's cunt. I licked and lapped at her with hunger. I gathered up her sweetness. My tongue stroked over her clit. I fluttered against her bud. I drummed on her with the tip of my tongue. She hissed and trembled.

I loved that.

I suckled on her with force. I nursed on her with passion. I swirled my tongue around her bud. It was an incredible rush to do that. My tongue swept over her flesh. I stroked her with passion, wanting to make her just gasp out in delight. It was such a rush to do this.

I suckled hard on her clit, my cock aching. This dragon had caused so much harm. So much destruction. Now she would serve me. She would serve this world. I suckled hard on her. I nibbled on her clit with passion.

“Yes!” she moaned, her body trembling. “Yes, yes, yes.”

Her pussy juices gushed out of her cunt.

I drowned in the dragon-MILF's pussy cream. I licked up her juices. I lapped them with hunger. I closed my eyes, savoring the sweetness of her passion. I gulped down her juices as Maya gasped out her own pleasure.

“Oh, you naughty dragon!” whimpered Maya. “Yes!”

I heard my undine cumming. My girlfriend drowned the dragon in her pussy cream. She trembled, her tits bouncing and heaving. She tossed her head from side to side. Her body quivered through her orgasm. I loved the sounds she made as I drank all this pussy cream.

I gulped down every drop of the dragon's passion. My dick so hard. I ached to ram into her and claim her. I licked at her twat one more time, gathering up her sweetness. I rose, watching Maya shudder through her bliss.

“Take her!” she moaned, her body rippling with delight.

I thrust my dick into the dragon-MILF's cunt.

“Yes!” she groaned, her cunt quivering around my dick.

I sank into her flesh, enjoying the final spasms of her first orgasm. Maya quivered and spilled off her, leaving the dragon's lovely face drenched in pussy cream. My undine quivered there as my surviving monster girls watched on.

“Go, Leo, go!” squealed Alizee. “Claim that dragon poon and make her your... Um... Spoon? Moon? Ugh, nothing good rhymes with poon!”

“There, there,” said Lana Fulmine. “Just sink to your knees and lick my pussy. That will cheer Leo on. No rhyming needed!”

“Sure!” Alizee said.

Maya glanced at me and mouthed, “How?”

I winked at her and drew back my cock. The dragon's cunt gripped me tight. She held me with her hot cunt. I rammed back into her snatch. I buried to the hilt in her cunt again and again. Her hot pussy gripped me. Massaged me.

I pumped away at her, my balls slapping into her scaled taint. She moaned, her red eyes focused on me. She licked her lips, her eyes bright. She shuddered, her cunt squeezing down on my cock. She gripped me.

Nina Naughty ripped her mouth off the dragon's nipple and moaned. “Fuck her hard! Ooh, director, pound her cunt!”

“Go, big bro, go!” cheered my little succubus. Her wings flapped. “Make that dragon-MILF yours! Just make her your new sexy servant. Lady Big Booby Dragon!”

I grinned at my little succubus. I leaned forward and kissed her. I claimed her mouth as I drilled my cock to the hilt in the dragon's cunt. Her pussy gripped me. Her hot and silky snatch massaged my cock as I fucked into her cunt hard and fast. I buried deep into her. I plowed into her again and again. I loved the feel of her about my dick.

She held me tight as I fucked her cunt. I pounded her with such force. I buried into her pussy again and again. She squeezed her snatch around my dick. I growled into my little succubus's lips as I fucked the dragon hard.

Garnet broke the kiss and moaned, “Yes, yes, yes, claim her!”

I fucked into her cunt hard and fast. I plowed to the hilt in her snatch again and again. I loved the way her pussy held me. She had such a wonderful grip on my dick. I fucked her with everything that I had. I rammed into her again and again.

Her pussy squeezed about me. She held me tight in her snatch. It was an incredible delight to have her grip me like that. She massaged me with her dick. I groaned, fucking into her with force. I plowed into her with such passion. I rammed into her cunt.

I loved how she gripped me. She held me tight in her snatch as I fucked to the hilt in her again and again. I plowed into her as she groaned, her face twisting with pleasure. The pressure in my nuts swelled to the bursting point.

“That's it!” I groaned. “That's fucking it. I'm going to cum so hard in you, dragon. You're going to be mine!”

“I made a sacred oath to the Kings of Myreman!” she groaned, her pussy clamping down on me. “You can't break those!”

“I can!” I growled. “You attacked me! Savaged my lands! I have beaten your king. I claim you as mine! In the name of Lord Usumgallu and Lady Palil, I claim you as my chattel, your oaths forfeit by your king's capture and your surrender!”

The words shuddered out of me. They brimmed with power. Her eyes widened as I said them. The Word gave shape to the World. It was created with a Word. They held power. Magic. I slammed to the hilt in her cunt as she gasped out in ecstasy.

“Yes, my Lord!”

Her pussy went wild around my cock.

Her cunt spasmed about me. She nursed at me, suckling with such passion at my dick. As she did, I felt her surrender to me. She was my dragon. I buried into her, the pressure in my nuts burst. I flooded her with my spunk.

The pleasure shot through me. The dragon's pussy rippled around my dick. She bucked and moaned, her breasts jiggling. Her eyes widened as she milked my cock. I grunted, erupting over and over into her pussy.

I flooded her with my spunk. I pumped her cunt full of my jizz. It was an incredible thrill. Just an absolute delight to have that pleasure surging through me. Her twat rippled and writhed around me. I hit the peak of my pleasure.

I fired the last spurt of cum into my second dragon.

My dragon-MILF.

Chapter Sixty-One

Halia found the bound king lying in the wreckage. The paladin grabbed him and slung him over her shoulder with ease. Her strength enhanced by her Goddess, she marched away from the wreckage towards where the other few surviving monster girls had gathered.

The camp lay in tatters. So many were dead, killed by the dragon's rampage to protect her own king. The army had fled in all directions. It would be days before they rallied and regrouped, but they had a powerful hostage.

The king didn't resist. He lay slumped in her arms as she marched towards where Leo stood in his gray robes. He had a new monster girl at his side. The dragon in her human form. Kassie had already joined him, talking with the others who had survived. Paetu flew in the air around them, a lone sentinel looking for danger.

“Lord Leo,” Halia said. “The King of Myreman.”

Halia tossed the king down before her lord's feet.

The king rolled over and gasped, “Agubnamus! What are you doing? You stand with my enemy.”

“Your conqueror, King Thanitis,” she said. “By ancient rites, he has claimed me as a spoil of war for defeating your mightiest champion, me.”

The king swallowed.

“Cut him free,” Leo said. “He doesn't need to lie in the mud like a dog.”

The king blinked.

“We have much to talk, Your Majesty,” Leo said.

“About how you will conqueror my lands?” demanded the king. A fierceness spread over his youthful face. He brimmed with defiance.

Halia used her blessed blade to deftly cut the bonds. The king rose, shaking free the ropes. He stood before Leo, tall and back straight. Pride filled the king. His hands balled into fists as anger shook his body.

“I will not give over my people! Strike me down! My successor will defy you!”

Her lord sighed. Halia smiled at the exasperation spilling over Lord Leo's face. “I don't want to conquer your lands. What would  I do with them? Administer them? God, that sounds like a headache.”

“Big time,” Alizee said. “I mean, ugh, that's like all that study you'd have to do. Fara would love it! And Hagane! She would do it!”

“Not the time,” Lana Fulmine said. “Let our Lord speak.”

“Oh, right!” Alizee giggled. “Sorry. This is all so new to me. You're a king. That's so neat and... Right, right, shutting up.”

The king frowned at her.

“I don't want to conquer your lands or rule them,” said Leo. “I want to negotiate a peace treaty. One that promises each other mutual defense.”

“What?” gasped the king. He looked even more flummoxed now. It didn't fit his regal bearing. He had a nobility that lentwell to standing proud before a conqueror, but now it made him look almost piggish. A dullard.

“I want to be your ally, King Thanitis.” Leo grinned. “I live in your lands. I want to help defend them. Work with you to make Myreman safer for everyone. I want to protect you and your people from the dungeon builders.”

The king shook his head. “So, what, I agree to be your ally and you let me go home?”

“Yes,” Leo said. “Back to Myrecilla. We can work together from there. Help each other. I know there are other dungeon builders in your lands and your neighbors that I can help to deal with. I want to change things. We don't have to be enemies.”

“But you have enslaved Astovin!” The man thrust his hand towards the wall. “The villagers are suffering beneath your boot.”

Lord Leo snorted with laughter.

“Who told you that, Your Majesty?” Halia asked. “Because I am from Astovin. I'm Halia, daughter of Anguin Vobria. I carry his blessed blade. The Blessed Blade of Light. This man is not evil. He protects Astovin, and they have sworn to him.”

“But Lord Shorvin said—”

“That pig left these people to the mercies of the dungeon builders,” Leo growled. “Jindag and Mthunzi were predating on them when I showed up. I put an end to it. I extended the people of Astovin the hand of friendship. They have returned it. What did Lord Shorvin do? He huddled in his estates to the south of here and let them suffer!”

The king swallowed and looked down at his feet.

“You did the same,” Lord Leo said, his voice pitched lower. “I can see it. You wanted to help your people, but that leaves you vulnerable to dungeon builders. We have to change that. We have to break your people out of fear. That's what I want.”

The king swallowed. “The Gods hate you.”

“I know. And?” Lord Leo faced him with such certainty. He thrust out his hand. “I'm not your enemy, Your Majesty, not if you don't force me to be. I want to help this world, and I can't do that if I have to fight it. Things need to change. Dungeon builders can't be their own despots. They have to work with the people of this world. Serve them.”

“And if they don't?” demanded the king. He straightened again.

“Then we must crush them. The ones of us who are good. We must deal with the ones who have been corrupted by their power. With your help. Adventurers and monster girls working together to protect the innocent.”

The king stared into Leo's eyes. Halia held her breath. Leo kept his hand extended. The king swallowed. He stared at the hand then at Lord Leo.

“You truly believe that,” the king said. “You truly want to protect the people.”

“Isn't that why you're here, Your Majesty? To protect the people?”

“Yes.” The king clasped Lord Leo's hand. “Yes, it is.”

*  \ * /  *

Fuegin stared at the image of Leo shaking King Thanitis's hand. The battlefield had been chaotic. When the ancient dragon had erupted, Fuegin thought it was the end of Leo. The young idealist had worked hard to uncover the secrets of why the builders were here.

Fuegin had hit a wall. He needed someone young and passionate to drive towards it.

But now...

“He had a fire dragon,” Amante said. She put her black hand on his wrist. Glowing cracks of lava covered her stony body. “Where did he get her?”

“I don't know,” Fuegin growled. “But now he has two of them. An ancient dragon.

“Your plan is falling apart.” Amante stroked up Fuegin's arm. His wife had been with him from the very beginning. All those decades. All that blood shed. “It is time to kill him.”

“Maybe,” Fuegin answered. Leo's usefulness was running out.

“Maybe? He's holding secrets. He's gained glyphs without telling you how. He doesn't trust you any longer. It's time to end him.”

Fuegin stared at the image and thought long and hard on what to do with Leo Baldwin.

*  \ * /  *

Therodin planted his boot on the dungeon builder's throat and rammed his sword through his heart.

As the man died, Therodin felt power rushing through him. Power that flowed back through his bond to Barany. His puppet dungeon builder just gained himself a new glyph. Ice. It was the start to turning Barany into a monster

Into a dungeon builder with the strength to kill the deadly ones.

Fuegin, Tuerien, Wai, and Leo.

Blood dripped from Therodin's sword as he turned back to the Company. His band of adventures stood with three of Barany's surviving cockatrices. He flicked his blade and grinned at them. They would do it.

They would save the world from all those pigs.

The END of Book Five

Click here for the next part! 


Josh Lomax

Very intriguing ending. It sounds like it's nearing the end somewhat but I don't know how. I figured that Tuerien or The Company would be the next big bad but Fuegin sounds ready to strike and I always thought he'd be the last big bad, the main antagonist of the series. Regardless I'm intrigued to see what happens in Book 6. I figure you'll take a well deserved break between books but since I'm newish idk how long of a break. If you could lmk so I can know when to expect the start of Book 6, I'd appreciate it


Well, I'm in the middle of doing planning It's not so much a break as this is such a complicated beast, I have to do a log of prep before writing a novel. Full outline. New monster girls and characters. Magics. Names. It took me a month for book 5. I started last week. So I'd expect a four week break.


Any update on when we can expect the next Book 6?


Awesome. Thanks for letting us know!