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Chapter Forty-Five

I had to see for myself. I darted to my Vault and shifted all the companions to the front, along with Siwang and his monster girls. I moved Kassie to the teleportation room and darted there so she could get me to Astovin fast.

When I emerged into the city, shouts and cries were coming from all directions. It was more than just arrows. Huge crashes rocked the city. Boulders hurtled into the walls or over them. Some crashed into the village, destroying the wooden buildings with ease.

One slammed through the roof nearby, ripping through the thatch roof and bursting out the wall, destroying the plaster and leaving a gaping hole in it. The rock stopped at Smerta's foot. She planted an icy boot on it and glanced at me, concern in her eyes.

“You shouldn't be out here, Leo,” Maya said.

“No,” Mrs. Maia said, hands on her hips.

I glanced over at Siwang. “Let's split up our companions to defend the walls.”


Siwang flinched and glanced out at the wall. “Your monster girls are right,” he muttered. “But, yes, let's do that.”

Feya winged down and landed before me. “They are assaulting us from all sides. Siege weapons have just started firing.”


“Yeah, I noticed,” I muttered. I glanced at Siwang. “Me and you are not going on the wall.” I hated that. I wanted to be in the fight. I also wished Halia was here, that I hadn't sent her away. “It's not safe.”

“At least you're being that smart,” Crystal said.

“Yeah, I thought he'd insist on going up there,” said Terra. “You're learning.”

I scowled. “Don't tease me about it. I'll do it. just to spite you two.”

Mrs. Maia threw her arms around me, hugging me. “You're too important. You know that. You're a king, not a grunt.”

“Yep, dirty boy,” my ice sprite said, forming a dagger out of ice. “Leave that to us.”

“We'll drive them off, Dark Lord Big Bro!” Garnet declared, her wings flaring wide.

Morana and Hagane both nodded, Hagane's arms forming into blades.

“We can do this everyone!” whooped Alizee, bouncing in place. “Go, Leo's Harem! Go!

“Okay,” I said, looking around at who we had. “I want Morana, Vilkas, Ljosa, and Xiongbu on the north wall.”

The once named darted off in that direction.

“East wall, Maya, Ms. Trueno, Baaghi, and... Bjorni!” I called.

Bjorni gave a wicked smile that looked gruesome with her bear's head. The bugbear joined the others rushing off in that direction, Ms. Trueno leading the way.

“South wall... Terra, Crystal, Paanee, and... Guang.”

Guang hugged Siwang and kissed him before she joined my three monster girls running—or slithering in Paanee's case—towards the south wall.

“Mrs. Maia, Hagane, Smerta, and Lei, the west wall,” I declared.

Lei's one eye blinked as she nodded. Hagane darted off, Smerta on her heels, with Mrs. Maia and the cyclops close behind. That left Lana Fulmine, Garnet, Nina, Mrs. Lucina, Feya, Esclava, Paetu, Daleitha, and Alizee.

“The last of you, take to the air and do what you can,” I said. “I want the assault driven back, and if we can take down those siege weapons... better.”


The south wall shook.

“Lord Leo,” Kassie said, grabbing my hand, “let's get you back to your Vault. You can cast your scrying and watch from there. You don't need to be here!”

I glanced at her, my jaw grinding together. “Fine!”

*  \ * /  *

Morana, her black mist spilling behind her, gained the north wall. She peeked out over the battlements to see the mass of soldiers gathering for the attack only for an arrow to nearly take her in the eye. She gasped and ducked back down.


A rock slammed into the wall nearby. Stone cracked.

“Okay, let's spread out and do some good,” Vilkas growled. The raiju wore a fierce look on her face.

“Sounds good,” said Ljosa, her body shining bright.

Morana nodded, agreeing. She moved down the wall, passing will o' wisps, unicorns, sphinxes, leprechauns, and animated armors. Will o' wisps peeked out to fire balls of lightning down on the archers, striking them dead.

Svyte took an arrow in the face. The lightning sprite vanishing into motes.

Morana's stomach twisted. She knew that Svyte would come back. All the monster girls were immortals. It was the joys of serving the dark lord. They were given eternal youth and beauty, but it still hurt taking an arrow in the face.

I glanced out at the soldiers and saw a mass of them were machine forward with shields raised. Lightning burst across some of them, deflecting the will o' wisps attack. My eyes narrowed as I noticed they were pushing something in the middle.

I had watched Return of the King. I knew what that was.

There's a battering ram coming up,” I sent to Vilkas, Ljosa, and Xiongbu. “Rock elementals, get ready. That gate's coming under attack. Will o' wisps and sphinxes, take it down!”

The remaining will o' wisps popped up and fired their lightning balls down at the enemy. I trembled. If I had a living heart, it would be screaming right now. This was so dangerous. The battering ramp crept forward, the archers pelting the wall with arrows.


A stone struck the wall beneath me. Fragments of rocks flew up in the air and nearly peppered my face. I waited for the battering ram to come closer and closer. Gintaras died. The will o' wisp burst into motes as she fell back.

“SPHINXES!” roared Vilkas. “SHOUT!”

The five sphinxes all popped up and roared. Their sonic attacks slammed into the massed soldiers, disrupting their formation. They were knocked back, sent stumbling. Will o' wisp lightning crashed into their midst, killing more soldiers.

I rose, my black mist fluttering behind me like a cape. I drew in a breath and shrieked!

My deathly wail chilled the air. Arrows flew around me as my cry struck the front ranks of the soldiers. They died. My banshee scream killed them. They dropped like flies. I kept shrieking, consuming more and more of the soldiers.

An arrow struck my arm.

I kept wailing.

The soldiers broke. I stopped shrieking as they ran out of my range. I ducked back down and looked down the line. I looked up and down it. Zaibas and Oroszla were down. Leo could bring them back so long as none of the soldiers were touching the wall.

But the entire city was under attack. The wall shook beneath me.

*  \ * /  *

“Okay, okay,” Lana Fulmine said as she soared in the sky with the other monster girls. The air force swirled over the town. Stones flew at all four walls. The soldiers were massing for an attack. “Let's split up the monster girls and lead them where they're needed.”

“And to take out those siege weapons,” Daleitha said. The chalkydri's twelve wings fluttered.

“And doing that,” I said. “I'll take the quetzalcoatls. Mrs. Lucina, you got the thunderbirds, Nina the phoenixes, and Alizee the harpies.”

“Sounds great!” Alizee said. She was far too peppy.

“Feya, you have the hippogriffs, and Garnet, take the vampires.” I looked around. “That's all them, right?”

“Yep,” Garnet said. “Ooh, ooh, vampires, let's play!”

“What about us?” Esclava asked. The ifrit floated there, her hands on her hips.

“You, Paetu, and Daleitha, wreak havoc.” Lana grinned at them. “How does that sound?”

“Sounds fun,” the efreet said and became a whirl of fire. She surged out, followed by the chalkydri and the djinn.

“Okay, I'll go north,” Lana continued. “Mrs. Lucina, you got the south wall.”

The angel nodded.

“Nina, take your phoenixes east, and Alizee, west,” Lana finished. “Garnet and Feya, you go where you think you're needed. Hold back and watch the situation and act when you need to.”

“Yes, Booty Electric Lana Fulmine!” Garnet cheered.

Lana Fulmine rolled her eyes. Can that girl ever take anything serious?

Lana flew towards the north wall with the quetzalcoatls around her. The five snake-girls with rainbow-feathered wings soared with her. She liked flying with lightning magic girls. She could feel the current arcing through their bodies. Her own charge crackled through her wings.

Morana shrieked from the north wall. Lana Fulmine watch an enemy attack melting away. A battering ram was left behind. Archers fired waves of arrows that crashed into the wall. Morana ducked down low. The other monster girls did, too. Stones slammed into wall with mighty crashes. The siege weapons pounded their position.

“Girls, we have to take out that siege weapon,” I cried, pointing.

“Right!” Iaidas shouted.

“Let's go, Lana Fulmine!” Vaivory hissed.

The flight swept out over the battlements. Vilkas ran back and forth, growling out encouragement to the monster girls huddled down. One animated armor stood watch. Arrows struck her armored form and bounced off her. The archers didn't notice Lana and her monster girls. The archers screened another mass of soldiers readying for an attack.

The siege weapons fired. They threw rocks that soldiers quickly replaced. How had they gotten so many boulders? wondered Lana. Magic? If they had some sort of Priest of the Earth Gods or an Earth wizard, they probably could have gotten stockpiles fast.

“Let's go,” Lana said as the group soared over the ballistas. “Let's fry them!”

“Yes!” Gyvate hissed.

Sparnas nodded, an eager smile on her lips, her green tail undulating behind her.

Lana folded her wings in and dove. Her golden hair crackled behind her as she descended. She built the charge in her wings. The five quetzalcoatls dived with her. They screamed down at the enemy, ready to take them out.

Shouts rose from above. Screams echoed. The crews pointed up at them. A few drew bows and knocked arrows, but they weren't in time. Lightning burst from Lana Fulmine's wings and spat from the mouths of the quetzalcoatls.

Blasts of lightning struck the engines. Arcs of electricity burst from the weapon and into the crews. They screamed as they spasmed and died. Lana Fulmine banked out of her drive, flapping her wings hard. She turned to glance back at the siege weapons. Smoke rose from the engines. The crew lay dead or dying.

But the weapons had suffered very little damage. They can be used by a new crew, Lana Fulmine realized.

“Let's bank around,” she cried. “We'll—”

“ARROWS!” Iaidas cried.

Lana Fulmine snapped her gaze to the south. The archers had turned and had fired. She barely had time to register it before arrows were hissing around her. She dodged and weaved as they flashed by her.

“No!” screamed Sparnas. She spun, her right wing folding in, an arrow stuck in her back. She crashed to the ground in a burst of motes.

Gyvate took an arrow in the head and just vanished.

Lana Fulmine beat her wings. “Rise! Rise! Get altitude!”

*  \ * /  *

“Here comes the next wave,” cried Ljosa.

Morana peeked over the wall. Lana Fulmine and her quetzalcoatls were winging into the air, arrows hissing at them. Two of the monster girls died. The siege weapons had gone silent, though. The arches were distracted.

But a full assault of soldiers rushed at the wall. This wasn't just a small group protecting the battering ram. This was thousands of soldiers. She spotted massive ladders behind carried by soldiers at the front.

Morana shrieked.

Her deathly wail struck one of the ladder crews. The soldiers dropped dead from her banshee shriek. She planted hands on her hips, screaming as long as she could before she ran out of breath. She drew in another breath.

The four sphinxes roared. The surviving will o' wisps fired off blasts.

A ladder slammed into place to the right. Then the left. Three ladders. Four. Soldiers started rushing up them. The three animated armors sprang into action, rushing for the ladders. They stood ready to repel defenders.

Morana thrust her head out over the battlements through the teeth-like crenelations. She shrieked at the nearest one. Soldiers dropped dead at the ladder, raining on the men on the ground. But there were so many of them.

“We have to break them,” Vilkas growled. “Unicorns! With me!”

I glanced at Vilkas. She had transformed into her lightning wolf form. With her, the unicorns gathered. Sphinxes roared. A siege ladder shattered. Men screamed as they fell to the ground in bone-crunching impacts.

“FOR LORD LEO!” Vilkas roared and jumped over the side of the battlements.

“What?” Ljosa gasped.

The unicorns followed her. They six monster girls landed at the ground and charged into the soldiers. Vilkas led the way, leaping into them and electrocuting them. Unicorns lowered their horns and charged, goring soldiers. Ljosa shook her head and fired light from her eyes, killing a soldier as he reached the top of the siege ladder.

Morana shook her head as the six monster girls crashed into the troops. Vilkas roars echoed over the shouts. Morana drew in a deep breath and shrieked. She struck another group of soldiers massing to go up a ladder. They dropped dead.

Metal clattered. The animated armors fought the soldiers who had gained the wall. The leprechauns threw out shadows that had the soldiers flinching from phantom attacks, leaving them open to the animated armors sword thrusts.

In moments, the wall was clear of defenders.

Below, the unicorns died. They followed Vilkas, jumping into the enemy soldiers. Chystota fell first. Then Kin. Rih and Sriblo burst into an enemy group, their horns skewering. They left men collapsed and bleeding on the ground, but a spear rammed through Rih's back. A sword took Sriblo in the neck. That left Nezaymana with Vilkas.

As Morana shrieked, the lightning wolf waded into the enemy. She left them spasming from her electric currents. Nezaymana followed, her horn goring those that Vilkas missed. The soldiers screamed.

Shadows flung down from the leprechauns, adding more distractions. Soldiers stabbed each other. Ljosa's eye beams smote others. The sphinxes kept roaring as the animated armors shoved back the last of the siege ladders.

The attack faltered. Soldiers fled the wall as Vilkas and Nezaymana kept attacking them. They left a trail of bodies behind. But one soldier got lucky. Nezaymana went down with a spear in her guts. Morana winced.

Vilkas plowed into a large group of soldiers. She burst with electricity. They shouted, panicking. Weapons swung. The combined damage must have been too much for her as she vanished in a burst of light, killed.

“They're coming back!” Xiongbu cried.

Morana gasped as soldiers raced forward once more. A fresh wave. They had recovered the discarded battering ram while others picked up the discarded siege ladders. The defenders on the wall thinned. Will o' wisps fired blasts of lightning. The sphinxes roared.

The battering ram reached the gate and slammed into it. The wall shook. Xiongbu jumped down one of the ladder. The wraith flowed almost like mist, killing the soldiers before she ended up at the bottom. More ladders slapped into place


The battering ramp slammed into the gates.


*  \ * /  *

Lana Fulmine orbited over the siege weapons for a time, but no new crews came. So she winged back the city where the north wall lay under attack. A battering ram hammered at the gate. The defenders were vanishing.

Xiongbu flowed like mist down a siege ladder, killing everyone on it. More siege ladders slammed into place. Morana shrieked, killing the men on one. A pile of corpses lay on the ground. Leo is not going to be happy about this.

So many dead, and so fast.

As she and her surviving quetzalcoatl soared for the wall, soldiers flooded up a ladder. Aizsardzi, one of the animated armor, fought them. She cut off the head of one. Their weapons struck her. She killed three more, but they pushed her back. Shadows whirled, creating a distraction, but a flood of soldiers surged up the ladder.

Aizsardzi took a hard sword strike that crumpled her helm. The animated armor vanished in a burst of motes. She flapped her wings harder. She had to help take down those siege ladders. Morana was holding back on the eastern side, but the western was getting hit hard. The other two animated armors surged in to block the tide, Ljosa and the surviving sphinxes with her. Blasts of lightning burst from the few will o' wisps still alive.

“Let's go!” Lana cried. “The siege ladders. Hit the siege ladders!”

“Right!” cried Vaivory.

Lightning burst from Lana Fulmine's wings and struck a tower in the middle. Electricity arced through the soldiers on it. They screamed as they fell. More blasts hit two more ladders, fired from the quetzalcoatls' mouths. Not as powerful as the movie starlet's blasts, but one of the ladders burst.

Soldiers rained on the ones beneath.

The sphinxes roared, shattering another ladder with their sonic attacks. Ljosa's light slammed the attackers on the wall. They stumbled, blinded. Brunasi and Neredza, the surviving animated armors, slashed with their swords, hacking through them.

Lana Fulmine struck another siege ladder with lightning. The soldiers crashed down it, knocking off those below. One of the leprechauns reached it. Taur. She pushed it back and shoved it down on the enemy.

A sword took her in the back. She vanished in a mote.

The animated armors, with the sphinxes help, killed the surviving soldiers. The battle for the wall was stabilizing. Morana, an arrow in her arm, had cleared off the eastern wall by herself. Xiongbu had regained the wall, climbing up the side after leaving death below.

A loud crash burst from below. Lana Fulmine turned to see the battering ram had broken the gates. The enemy surged into the gatehouse. The rock elementals and Siwang's lemures had to hold.

Let them hold, thought Lana Fulmine. They could get into the dungeon. No, they are in the dungeon. The walls... Leo can't make any reinforcements right now. He must be pulling out his hair.

And it wasn't just the north wall under attack. Smoke rose around the city. Dust billowed. Men screamed in every direction.

*  \ * /  *

“The gate!” Morana cried as Xiongbu climbed over the side.

“Right!” the fierce and motherly wraith hissed.

The two Death monster girls jumped off the side of the wall and landed in the city. They rushed to the gate to find that the soldiers were pressing at the defenders. Already, two of the rock elementals were missing. Hraniti and Marmur had already died.

One of Siwang's lemures died.

“Kandzi,” hissed Xiongbu.

“Let's get them!” Morana cried, hardly feeling the arrow in her arm. She drew in the air as they rushed into the gate.

She shrieked.

Her deathly wail reverberated in the confines of the gate tunnel. Men clapped their hands over their heads. Blood spurted from their noses and mouths. They fell convulsing on the ground. Xiongbu laughed rushed forward.

Morana followed her. They wove through the rock elementals and lemures and burst out past the battering ramp to the soldiers. Xiongbu crashed into the enemy soldiers. The wraith flowed over soldiers, her black mist choking them. Her fingers ripped open their throats.

Morana stepped up and shrieked into the soldiers rushing forward. They collapsed. Death had come for these mortals. These foolish peons had dared attack the Dark Lord. Morana would show them the error of their ways.

She was his deathly lover.

His banshee.

She shrieked.

From above, Lana Fulmine soared over. Lightning crashed into the soldiers. Electricity danced. Three quetzalcoatls flew with the movie starlet. Green tails slashing behind them, they breathed more lightning down on them. Will o' wisps threw their balls of electricity.

“Lady Morana!” a lemure cried and threw herself into a soldier that had come at Morana from the side. The blade buried into the lemure's throat instead of Morana's side.

The lemure died.

Morana's scream slew the soldier and his compatriots.

The rock elementals spilled out. Asnova slammed a stony arm into a soldier, battering him down. A lemure threw herself on another soldier, ripping at his flesh. Morana raced forward, screaming at more soldiers massing to attack.

She caught just a blur of motion and then—

She was floating in the void, hugged by Souleen.

*  \ * /  *

Lana Fulmine sighed as Morana burst into motes. The arrow that took her in the head dropped to the ground. Nearby, one of Siwang's lemures died. Then Asnova was battered down, her body shattering from the soldiers blows.

So many were dead, but the soldiers kept fighting.

They hacked down Xiongbu, the wraith melting away. An arrow killed Skale, the quetzalcoatl spinning in the air as she vanished. On the wall, Neredza died. Then Gyama, one of the sphinxes, went down.

The number of defenders on the north wall dwindled.

This is bad, thought Lana Fulmine.

Chapter Forty-Six

Maya gained the eastern wall only to see a boulder slam into Cheekha, crushing the werewolf. The stone bounced and struck Havas and Ulla, killing the two satyrs. Maya gaped. She had just arrived in the fight, and already three monster girls were down.

And a Level 3. We'll need her. I hope Leo can bring her back.

Maya turned to Ms. Trueno, Baaghi, and Bjorni. “We have to take down those siege engines.”

“Yes,” said Ms. Trueno. She nodded, her coppery scales gleaming in the sunlight.

The wall shook. A cloud of dust washed over the battlements.

“We should sally out of the gate,” Baaghi growled. “We'll take the werebears, werewolves, and yetis.”

Maya glanced over at the soldiers massing for an attack. “That leaves the wall lightly defended.”

“Send up the choirs,” Ms. Trueno said. “I'll go with the attackers. That leaves you with the wall, Maya.”

“Okay,” Maya said.

“Incoming!” screamed behind her.

She turned to see a bolder strike the crenelations, breaking through one of the teeth. A chunk of masonry struck Mastab the basilisk in the head. She vanished in a burst of motes.

“Go!” Maya cried, her insides quivering. “Now!”

“Werebears, werewolves, and yetis on me!” Baaghi roared and charged down the stairs leading up.

Across the wall, they flowed, leaving it so sparse. Maya looked at the large amount of space she had to defend the city with. It wasn't enough. Not enough at all. This attack had to work. It was a formidable force.

They have to be more deadly than the human soldiers, Maya thought. Just have to be.

*  \ * /  *

“Can we come?” asked Solodada, the hellhound looking eager.

“No,” Ms. Trueno said. “Close the gates behind us. Choirs, get up on the wall.”

Siwang's Light monster girls rushed out. Bjorni pulled on the gates. They swung inward to protect the hinges. Dust billowed before them. Arrows soared in the sky and struck the wall above. A boulder crashed to the ground to the right.

This is is insane, Ms. Trueno said.

“FOR LORD LEO!” Bjorni roared.

The bugbear charged forward, Baaghi racing at her side. The werebears and werewolves surged out in their beast forms. The yetis rushed after, their thick, white hair flowing behind them. They snarled with hunger.

Ms. Trueno followed, ready to shout. The thunder sprite would see her favorite student protected. She raced with the others, pushing to the front. They would need her attack. The soldiers shouted in alarm. Archers melted back as a wall of pikes appeared.

The gates boomed shut behind the attacking monster girls.

Mrs. Trueno ran as fast as she could, taking the lead as they hurtled at the pike formation. She inhaled deeply and shouted. The air distorted with the force of her sonic attack. The thunderous roar slammed into the pikeman and flung them back.

Suddenly, a hole opened in their bristling wall of stakes. Ms. Trueno slowed, letting Bjorni and Baaghi take the lead once more. The two monster girls led the attack. They plunged into the gap, hitting the soldiers concussed from her attack.

Wolves howled, bears roared, and yetis laughed.

Blood spurted as the monster girls plunged into the enemy soldiers. Bjorni battered them aside. Werebears clawed at soldiers as they passed. The two werewolves pounced and ripped out throats. So did the yetis.

Their pale bodies became smeared with crimson.

Ms. Trueno shouted, striking soldiers attacking at the flanks as the monster girls carved deeper into the enemy ranks. Baaghi roared, her muzzle smeared in blood. The soldiers stood no chance. They died before the charge.

But not without inflicting wounds.

Garjan took a pair of spears in the side. Zuby's head spun from her body, the yeti vanishing.

“Keep going!” Ms. Trueno cried.

Their attack slowed. The soldiers regrouped and enveloped the force.

*  \ * /  *

Nina Naughty watched in delighted amazement at the monster girls charging through the soldiers. It didn't surprise her to see Baaghi or Bjorni leading a suicidal charge, but Ms. Trueno's coppery body gleamed in the fight. It was vicious.

“Come on, sluts,” the porn star cried to the three phoenixes flying with her. “Let's give these soldiers a treat!”

“What?” gasped Pica.

“They're soldiers at war!” Nina cried. “Having a burning sensation is just something that happens.”

“I don't understand,” Vida said.

“I'm making an STD joke,” the porn star hissed. “And now that I've explained it... You three have no sense of humor.”

“What's an STD?” Pajara asked.

“Never mind! Let's set fire to those fuckers and protect those brave sluts!” A grin spread on the devil's face. “They don't get to be gangbanged without us joining the fun.”

“What?” all three phoenixes asked.

Nina Naughty just dove, her tail swishing behind her.

A flaming pitchfork formed in her hand. The three phoenixes flapped their red wings. As they soared over, they sent fireballs slamming down into the enemy. Nina threw her weapon. The soldiers screamed as they roasted, unable to attack the werebears, werewolves, and yetis.

“Yes!” Nina cried as they banked around for another attack.

“Arrows!” snarled Vida.

Missiles hissed passed the devil. Vida burst into motes. One slammed into the devil's thigh. She snarled in pain. Blood spurted from her wound. The arrow quivered, buried to her thighbone. She ignored it and pointed at the enemy.


“YES!” Pica and Pajara shrieked together

Nina hurled a flaming pitchfork at the soldiers before Baaghi and Bjorni. Two fireballs burst into soldiers. They screamed as they burned. Greasy smoke rose from them as Nina and her forces swooped over, unleashing more fiery death.

As she passed over, Daant went down. The werebear roared as she died, leaving behind several maimed soldiers. Bhediya took a spear in the open mouth as she leaped for a soldier. She burst into sparks.

Nina's flaming pitchfork avenged the werewolf.

“Yes!” Nina cried. “Keep driving them back.

From the wall, beams of light smote into the enemy soldiers. Nina grinned. They would win this battle. They would drive back these fuckers. The monster girls would make it to the siege weapons and take them down.

“Burn those fuckers!” laughed Nina Naughty.

*  \ * /  *

“That's it, sing!” Maya cried as the choirs changed around her.

Siwang's Light monster girls filled the air with choral majesty. If there wasn't death and pain out there, Maya would be lost to it. Beams of light flashed out and struck the enemy soldiers surrounding Ms. Trueno's assault force. Nina and two of the phoenixes flew overhead, sending fire slamming into the enemy.

“Yes,” Maya said, so glad that the choirs were up here. They did more good on the wall. “Go! Go! Go!”

“Yes,” Skamianiela hissed from nearby, the basilisk's pink hair fluttering around her blue-scaled face.

The enemy soldiers shuddered. Like a wave washing through the enemy, they turned and ran from the werebears, werewolves, yetis, bugbear, rakshasa, and thunder sprite. Maya's watery body quivered. She gripped her hands together tight.

They broke through.

“Yes!” she cried.

Bjorni and Baaghi leaped onto the enemy siege weapons, tearing apart the ballista or catapults or whatever they were called. The yetis and werebears attacked the crew. Ms. Trueno's roar reached the walls.

“They're down!” cried Maya.

The basilisks on the wall whooped in triumph. The surviving satyrs jumped on their hoofed feet, the clatter echoing down the walls. The choirs sang out their joy. Relief washed through Maya. They were going to make it.

Then she noticed the enemy soldiers were regrouping. They were rushing back at the broken siege weapons. They encircled Ms. Trueno's team. Maya's watery body quivered. A wave of fear rippled down from her head to her feet.

“No,” she groaned. The attack force was surrounded.

Chapter Forty-Seven

Crystal followed Terra, Guang, and Paanee up the stairs to gain the wall. A group of enemy soldiers rushed forward with big ladders. The ice sprite formed a dagger, her body cold with anger at these pissants for assaulting her home.

She threw a dagger out at the soldiers, taking one in the face. He dropped, but the others trampled over his body, bringing those ladders closer. Paanee's acidic spit took another soldier in the head, melting his helmet into his face.

“We should open the gates and let Siwang's cockatrices out,” said Terra, glancing at Crystal. “They can shout at it while the goblins can defend the gate.”

“Yes, yes,” Crystal said. “And the ghosts. Send them down there, too. They'll give those soldiers a fright.”

“We will,” moaned Nevidena, her voice full of grief and sadness.

“What about us?” Hrudei asked. “Unleash us, Noble Crystal.” The aos si had such fierceness in her purple eyes. “They will not know how to react with us in their midst.”

“Fine, fine,” Crystal said. “That leaves the orcs, kelpies, and wildhounds plus us four to defend the wall.”

“I'll help hold the gate,” Terra said and hurried back the stairs.

Crystal glanced out at force. The ghosts spilled down while the gates opened. Paanee and Guang spread out down the line. The ice sprite conjured more ice daggers and hurtled them out at the foes. Paanee and the kelpies spat acid down on the soldiers. The cockatrices spilled out and formed a ring.

They shouted.

Men collapsed, paralyzed.

The aos si vanished in bursts of light and appeared down admit the soldiers. Hypnotic lights swirled around the fey monster girls. Soldiers swayed, transfixed by them. With a shout, they started killing each other, beguiled by the beautiful aos si.

I like their style, thought Crystal.

With their mournful wails, the ghosts surged into the soldiers. They touched the men who screamed in terror and died. Weapons stabbed into them, but they were ghosts. Ethereal. The blades and spears passed right through them.

Siege ladders reached the wall.

“I got the left side,” Crystal called to Guang.

The lampetia nodded. She darted down the wall to the right and fired beams of light at the siege ladders. The orcs drew their golden swords, rushing to defend the wall, wildhounds loping with them. Paanee had the kelpie with her, their acidic spit striking the attackers.

One siege ladder snapped in half, melted by their attacks. Men screamed.

“That's it,” Crystal shouted as Dzelzs thrust her into the face of the first attacker up her ladder. “For our dirty boy! Let's kick their asses!”

“FOR LORD LEO!” roared the orcs and wildhounds.

*  \ * /  *

Terra watched the cockatrices shouting. They slammed into the soldiers near the gate, paralyzing them with their sonic attacks. The former barista smiled, forming her hands into hammers. Her clay body shifting, her boobs shrinking.

“Goblins, keep them alive!” cried Terra.

“Yes!” Hipera cried.

The goblins darted between then cockatrices. They were short, but their size made it hard for the soldiers to defend against hamstring attacks. Those that got close to the cockatrices were dropped and dispatched.

Blood filled the air. This wasn't like battling monster girls. The enemy didn't die. Terra watched up close the damage inflicted on them. She readied for the fight, standing before the open gate. Her eyes flicked around.

Aos si appeared in flashes of light and swirls of rainbow. The ghosts left screams of fright and corpses behind as they moved through the enemy soldiers. It wasn't even fair. They took no damage from the enemy.

The cockatrices paralyzed more and more men. A wall of stunned soldiers lay in an arc, forcing those wanting to attack to scramble over them. They soldiers attacked with a ferocity that surprised Terra. She could see why in their eyes.

They were afraid but also they hated.

They despise us, Terra thought.

A soldier thrust a spear that skewered Klitorsa. The goblin vanished in a burst of motes. Terra side as the cockatrices kept shouting. The soldier that killed her fell paralyzed. Atri, another goblin, slit that one's throat.

They won't stop until we're dead, Terra realized. They've grown up thinking we're monsters. Literal monsters that must be exterminated no matter the cost. These are not conscripted soldiers forced to be here.

They're patriots fighting for their world.

A woman shouted. Divochyy, one of the aos si, died.

“Don't let up!” Terra cried. “No quarter! For Lord Leo!”

*  \ * /  *

Mrs. Bella Lucina soared over the south wall with the thunderbirds. They crackled around her, their bodies made entirely out of lightning. She watched the battle. A pile of paralyzed soldiers formed before the basilisks at the gate, Terra in the midst of them. The ghosts left trails of green and dead. The aos si had soldiers killing soldiers.

Divochyy died.

On the wall, the orcs and wildhounds fought against soldiers spilling onto the ramparts from ladders. Nos's head flew from her body and vanished in a burst of motes. Mrs. Lucina winced, hating to see any of the cute wildhounds die.

Paanee slithered to help the fighting on the wall. Her ball of acid took one soldier in the face. Then she leaped at another, wrapping around him and crushing him. On the right end of the wall, Guang fired beams of light, melting through the breastplate of a soldier on the wall.

“We have to help them!” Mrs. Lucina cried, her halo blazing bright.

Light fired from the ring over her head and smote a soldier gaining the walls. The thunderbirds dove for the ramparts. Lightning burst from their wings, striking soldiers. The orcs hacked their swords, taking blows on their golden armor.

It was chaos. With soldiers on the wall, Leo couldn't refresh his monster girls, either. The dungeon was being invaded. It was Mrs. Lucina's job, and the job of the other monster girls, to see that it didn't happen.

She fired another blast of light from her halo.

*  \ * /  *

Crystal threw daggers as fast as she could make them. She formed them in both hands, whipping them out at soldiers. Some shattered on armor. Others struck flesh, leaving soldiers screaming in pain or dying.

Dzelzs staggered back, her throat gushing blood. The orc clutched at it before she faded away, motes dancing around the soldier that killed her. Jibha, one of the kelpies, leaped. The monster girl slammed into the soldier and threw him back. He fell over the wall and crashed down the siege ladder, knocking a dozen men off with him.

“Come on!” Crystal shouted, hurtling more ice.

Paanee screamed. A soldier cut deep into her side. The armless naga bit him. He collapsed to the ramparts, spasming from her poisoned bite. She bled badly. She swayed for a moment before righting herself. Acid spat from her mouth and melted another soldier's face.

The naga collapsed and vanished, succumbing to her wounds.

“Shit!” Crystal snarled.

Hela and Ci leaped on a soldier. The two wildhounds drove him to the ground as they tore out his throat. Du leaped into a soldier just as he reached the top of the ladder. She hit him and threw him back. She jumped off, but he grabbed her tail.

She yelped in pain as she was pulled over the wall with him. He crashed down the ladder. She landed on the ground amid the chaos of the attack She snarled and threw herself at a soldier. Crystal hurtled a knife to protect her, killing one.

But there were too many. Du died.

Lightning cracked down from the sky, slamming into the soldiers. The ghosts drifted through the soldiers, leaving the dead in their wake. Swords and spears passed harmlessly through them. Crystal formed another dagger of ice.

With a groan, the soldiers broke. They screamed and turned, fleeing the wall. They collided into each other, some dropping weapons. Like a wave passing through the enemy formation, panic washed over them.

Crystal watched the rout.

*  \ * /  *

Terra might not have a heart, but the golem felt like hot blood coursed through her body.

The soldiers fled. They turned and fled. Something in her burned hot. This anger. These soldiers had attacked her home. She wanted them driven away. She wanted to be safe. She stood in the ring of cockatrices and goblins.

“CHARGE!” she roared and surged forward.

She scrambled over the pile of stunned soldiers and gave chase. The cockatrices and goblins rushed with her. Cockatrices screamed, striking soldiers at the rear, stunning them. She reached the rear ranks and swung her hammer fist, battering down a straggler.

The goblins swung swords, hamstring soldiers and finishing them off.

Howls joined the chase. Five of the wildhounds surged with them, running from the wall. The three kelpies bounded with them, firing balls of acid to strike the soldiers. Ethereal ghosts joined the chase, touching soldiers and dropping them.

Ice daggers crashed into the backs of soldiers bursting on armor. From the sky, lightning bolts and beams of light flashed down. The fleeing soldiers left smoking dead. They threw down their weapons. Helms. They raced as fast as possible, shoving at each other in terror to escape.

They crashed over officers on horseback trying to stop the rout. They rushed out into the fields. Terra stopped giving chase. She watched the soldiers running far. The battlefield before the south wall was clear.

South wall secure, Leo,” she sent as she turned her forces back for the gate.

Click here for the next part! 


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