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Chapter Forty

The wildhounds took the lead into the dungeon. Halia held her sword, the blade humming slightly. She and the dwarves followed the wildhounds, the three werewolves and surrounding them, all transformed into shaggy she-bitches fiercer than any dog. The quetzalcoatls and Baaghi took the rear.

Halia flicked her gaze around as the wildhounds moved down the stone hallway slowly. The only lights came from the lanterns the dwarves had dangling on their belts and the glow from Halia's sword, shining in the darkness.

The walls were so much like Leo's dungeon. The same texture. The same pattern. This could be her Lord's dungeon, but it felt so much colder. She wasn't welcomedhere. The place hated her. Loathed her. Wanted to crush her.

“Trap,” Hela said, crouched low. She glanced up. “Earth trap. Ceiling tile falls.”

“Useful,” Vargi said as the party skirted around the trapped tile.

“Never thought I'd do it this way,” muttered Sarkz.

“Doesn't feel right,” Hagza added, the mage walking behind Halia. “Not right at all.”

Halia bit back her retort. This was the prejudice she was here to over come. Adventurers and monster girls working together to take down something dangerous. A rogue builder. A terrible calamity. A natural disaster, really.

Something that the world had to come together to tackle.

Bhediya growled low at Halia's left, the werewolf stopping.

“What?” Halia asked. Her eyes flicked ahead. The wildhounds were all sniffing at the ground, moving in staggered pairs of two, their tails swishing back and forth as they padded along on all fours.

“Something,” she growled. “A whiff of a scent. Bright.”

Halia's gaze slid around when the walls on either side of them melted away like the shimmer of a mirage. One either side of the group stood a pair of enemy monster girls. Two were glowing women with white, angelic wings. Choirs. Level 1 Light monster girls. The other two were made of gray stone with strias of white and black, imposing and busty women.

Rock elementals. Level 1 Earth monster girls.

The two choirs sang, light dancing around them then beams of light bursts from them. Halia ducked one. It flashed over her head, leaving a blur of blue across her vision. The other struck Sarkz's ax. He used his weapon to block it and broke into a charge.

“Fractured stone!” he roared.

The rock elemental guarding that choir moved to block Sarkz only for Vargi to be on his hills. Her mighty warhammer slammed into the rock elemental's arm. Stone cracked. The enemy monster girl recoiled in pain, shards of her limb flying through the air.

Sarkz closed the distance on the choir. Her melodic voice sang again, the light coalescing into another beam. His ax flashed.

He hewed her body in half from shoulder to hip. She screamed then vanished in a dance of motes that rained across the ground. Vargi swung her warhammer again before the sparkles all melted into the shadows, her hammer crashing into the rock elemental and throwing her back.

Usu Durah!” Hagza chanted, her skin becoming as gray as granite. “Na-Nir Uzu!”

She threw a punch as she chanted, thrusting her fist at the other choir. A stone hurtled across the distance and smashed into the choir's head. Her face crumpled. She threw back, feathers bursting from her white wing before she vanished.

Halia leaped into action, rushing at the rock elemental, Bhediya at her side. A blast of lightning flashed from the back of the party, spat by one of the quetzalcoatl. It struck the rock elemental and rippled uselessly across her flesh.

Bhediya leaped before Halia. The werewolf snarled and bit into the rock elemental's arm. Teeth scraped on stone, yanking back the rock elemental's limb and throwing her off-balanced. Halia lifted her sword. It hummed louder as she slashed.

She cut the rock elemental in half.

Motes bursting from the dead monster girl, she grunted around to see Sarkz trip the other rock elemental with his ax, hooking her knee and yanking. She crashed down. Vargi raised her warhammer and crashed it down on the rock elemental's head.

Stone shattered.

“Illusionary walls,” Sarkz said. “Clever use.”

“We're in a trap room,” Halia said, looking around. “I didn't even realize it.”

“We didn't smell them,” Hela whimpered. “Sorry, Halia. Sorry!”

“Hardly caught a whiff of anything,” said Bhediya.

Cheekha inhaled. “Reeks of stone. Too much earth in here. Covered the scent.”

“Clever,” Baaghi said. “But still weak. Level 1 monster girls. This builder should not have offended Lord Leo.”

Halia nodded. “Be wary. Hela, keep searching for traps.”

The wildhounds yipped their agreement and found more traps as the party entered the labyrinth. Pit traps. Light beams. Falling ceiling tiles. Crushing walls. The wildhounds marked them all as the party navigated the maze, sometimes finding dead ends.

Sometimes not.

“I know why I hate this,” Hagza muttered. She nodded ahead to the wildhounds just on the edge of the light, the Darkness monster girls able to see without it. “If they die, they just go back to Leo, yes?”

Halia nodded to the mage.

“They risk nothing,” Hagza said. “Without risk, how can they care about the outcome? How can they be invested in protecting this world.”

“It's a coward's way,” Sarkz added. He spat on the ground.

“I'm risking my life,” Halia said. “So are you three. Nothing for us is safe. And Leo... He can die, too. The monster girls care because he care. Don't forget that, adventures. He risked his life to capture you three. To spare you. If the monster girls were just trying to kill you three, you never would have gotten so deep.”

Sarkz glanced at Halia, his face bleak. He opened his mouth.

“Choirs!” Hela barked ahead. “Two of them!”

Light burst in the darkness ahead, illuminating Hela and Du leaping forward. The beams narrowly missed them then black engulfed the battle. Songs cut off in shrieks. The other wildhounds surged forward before Halia could act.

“They're dead!” Hela cried.

“No need for us here,” Bhediya growled. The wolf shook her head. “We should have—”

Stone ground above. A ceiling tile moved out of the way as a song echoed. A beam of light shot down at Hagza. Bhediya acted before anyone else could move. Halia's stomach just lurched when Bhediya slammed into the mage, throwing her to the side. Light smote the werewolf, her fur singeing. A second beam shot down and struck Bhediya in the head.

The werewolf collapsed and vanished in a burst of motes.

Urudu Hum!” cried Hagza from where she lay on her back. A bar of steel flew from her and vanished into the hole in the ceiling.

A sickening crunch of flesh cut off the singing. A few motes of a dying monster girl drifted down from the hole. She panted, staring where Bhediya had stood. Where Hagza herself had stood moments ago. She flexed her hands.

“Fractured stone and brittle granite,” she growled, Vargi thrusting out a hand to help her stand. “She saved me.”

“Lord Leo wants you protected,” snarled Cheekha.

“Guarded,” added Cheedzhi. A wolfish smile crossed her muzzle. “If you die, you'll never experience his big dick.”

Hagza burst into laughter.

A sound of pure mirth. The other two dwarves picked it up then the werewolves bayed. Halia grinned, the tension bursting in her and bubbling out of her as laughter. The quetzalcoatl, slithering at the back of the party, hissed. Baaghi roared and the wildhounds yipped.

Halia hoped that Berg heard them.

Chapter Forty-One

Bhediya wasn't the only casualties Halia's party took as they navigated the labyrinth. Hela, Marwo, and Cysgo were lost to traps and an ambush of rock elementals. Halia hated each one of them yipping in pain before they vanished.

She knew they would be revived by Leo. They probably were alive right now, telling Leo what was going on. Still, Halia didn't want anyone to die against dungeon builders. She thought about her adventurers in training.

What if she lost one of them one day?

The life of an adventure was not safe. Most of them didn't make it past their first dungeon. Only the best had successful careers. Delving into the dark winnowed out the weak and the unlucky. It's war, Halia told herself. Our world versus the rogue builders.

There would be casualties.

“There's a door!” Du yipped from ahead. “A metal one. Strong and locked.”

It emerged out of the darkness, a stout door of steel just like the ones Leo used to guard the approach to his throne room. They must be at the end of the dungeon. Right now, Berg and his companions were in his throne room staring down at the map, watching their red dots getting closer and closer. Feeling his monster girls dying.

Nothing was more dangerous than a badger cornered in his den.

“How do wet get through it?” Baaghi asked.

“Shame Garzan is dead,” Sarkz said, his voice bitter.

“Shame you attacked our Lord!” Cheekha growled back.

“I can open it,” Hagza said. “Stand clear!”

The dwarven mage thrust out her stony hand, fingers splayed wide. She stroked the brass medallion about her neck, caressing the cuneiform markings on it. Everyone pressed against the walls. Halia hugged it tight, the wildhounds standing up, their small breasts quivering.

Kisib Na!”

A granite fist punched the door, denting the metal. The hinges groaned. Hagza cried out the arcane words again. A second rocky fist crashed into the door. The metal bowed inward, the metal crumpling. The third stone blow ripped the door off its hinges.

It crashed to the stone floor with a loud clatter.

The dungeon builder's throne room spread out before them. Lights glowed through it, illuminating the space. A throne stood on the far side before another steel door. The dungeon builder, Berg, stood in full plate armor before the map on the floor. He had no weapons, but black soil trickled from the gaps in his clenched fists.

Earth enchanted.

He had three companions with him. On his right was a tall and strong woman with thick, shaggy hair and claws at the ends of her fingers and toes. Her large tits swayed as she shifted her stance and roared with ursine fury.

Instead of a human head, she had a bear.

Bugbear, thought Halia as she scanned the enemies. To the dungeon builder's left was a lampetia, her body made of pure light, her hair shining and eyes glowing blue. Beside her stood the last companion, another Light monster girl. A chalkydri. She had twelve wings, her feathers the spectrum of a rainbow. A lion's tail swished behind her and she stood on feline paws.

“Kill them,” boomed Berg, his voice echoing from behind his helm.

The bugbear charged at Halia, but Baaghi roared and rushed past the paladin. The rakshasa and the bugbear collided. They crashed to the ground, tiger and bear heads snapping and snarling at each other as claws raked across their bodies.

The wildhounds rushed towards berg, racing past Baaghi and her fight. The glowing women stepped before her builder and burst with a light. Halia winced at the brilliance from across the room. The wildhounds screamed in pain and clutched at their eyes.

“I can't see!” Du screamed.

“Where is she!” Nos howled.

Beams of light flashed from the lampetia's eyes. Ci vanished in a scream. Du didn't have a chance to dodge. Nos heard the others' cries of pain and whipped her gaze in their direction only for the beams of light to strike her in the side of the head. Gwyllt managed to lunge for the lampetia.

She vanished in motes.

The werewolves howled and the quetzalcoatlstook to the air. The chalkydri's twelve wings flapped. She leaped into the air. Lights swirled about her wings in strange patterns, flowing from blue to red to orange to green to yellow to purple. A collage of colors assaulted Halia's vision.

She swayed there at the pattern. It was so beautiful. She followed the chalkydri as she soared to the peaked ceiling, the lights swirling around in watery beauty. Liquid hues splashed and swirled and mixed to form new colors Halia had never witnessed.

Her armor lowered. A smile spread on her lips as she watched the hypnotizing beauty.

Lightning flashed through the colors.

The chalkydri dove for the ground, the pattern broken. Halia gasped, the bubble of bemused delight around her popping. The dwarves and werewolves staggered with her, heads shaking and weapons raising.

The quetzalcoatls surged at the chalkydri, breathing more lightning. The monster girl's twelve wings beat. She spun. A burst of razor-sharp feathers exploded from her. The quetzalcoatls hissed and twisted in the air, struck by the attacks.

Quills penetrated their pale skin and green scales. Vaivory vanished in a flash of motes.

“The builder,” Halia cried, leveling her sword at Berg standing there in a battle stance.

She charged, the two werewolves flanking her. The dwarves pounded after. They race past Baaghi rolling on the ground with the bugbear. Lightning crackled overhead. The werewolves leaped for the Lampetia. She burst with light, but that doesn't matter to momentum. The werewolves crashed into her. She screamed in pain as their teeth found the mark.

Halia raised her sword as she closed the distance, his lampetia crying out in pain. A beam of light flashed from her eyes and just missed Halia.

Bright and distracting, let the illumination of Lord Shamash distract!” roared the dungeon builder.


Lights pulsed before Halia. They dazzled her. She staggered back from the brilliance. Through aching eyes, she just glimpsed Vargi jumping ahead. The dwarven warrior raised her warhammer, crying out with fury.

“Fractured stone!”

She swung her warhammer.

He dodged her attack and punched. He struck her breastplate. The blow resounded, a loud clatter of metal. Vargi gasped, the front of her armor crumpling. The blow threw her down. No normal punch should have dented dwarven steel.

The dungeon builder drew back for another punch to finish her off.

“NOOOO!” Sarkz bellowed.

Cheekha leaped over Vargi. The she-bitch bit at Berg's leg. Her teeth clamped down on the steel cuisses protecting Berg's thigh. Metal groaned. His fist slammed into her back. The snap of the werewolf's spine echoed through the room.

Halia blinked, her eyes still smeared with light. “Lady Sherida, banish the dazzle from my eyes!”

Her vision cleared as Sarkz swung his ax at berg. The builder took the blow on his forearm as Halia lunged forward at the same time. Her blade sang as she rushed at him. He battered her blow back with his left forearm and swung a punch at her.

Halia twisted to the side. Her body, strengthened by Lady Sherida, dodged his blow. She fell into a guard stance as he threw another blurring punch at her, dark soil spilling from his gauntlet. She caught the blow on the flat of her blade to swept it aside.

Only the blow was so strong it threw her off her feet. She hit with a clatter of her armor.

“Brittle-dick bastard!” roared Sarkz as he swung his ax again.

Berg turned to Sarkz and took the blow on his helm. The metal rang, holding. The dungeon builder punched. Sarkz raised his round shield. The banded wood splintered from the impact. The dwarf hurtled a dozen feet and landed in a clatter of metal.

“My arm!” Sarkz howled, his shield shattered and arm bent.

Motes of light rained down on Halia as she stood, Iaidas killed by the chalkydri flying through the air.

Urudu Hum!” Hagza cried.

A bar of steel slammed into Berg's chest. The dungeon builder stumbled back. Lightning sizzled in the air above. The chalkydri screamed in pain. Berg's gaze flicked up as his companion died. Halia lunged in at the opening.

She swung her sword.

He cursed and threw a punch at her, but it was sloppy. She ducked it and slashed at his leg. Her blade sliced through armor. He grunted in pain and staggered back. The tip of her blade emerged gleaming with red.

Hard as rocks, let the first—” Berg began to chant.

Lightning sizzled down at him and struck his armor.

It cascaded over his body. He howled in pain as Halia sliced off his left arm in a spurt of blood. She swung at him again, but he jumped back towards his throne, a feat of strength that should be impossible.

He has Earth magic, she reminded herself.

Hard as rocks, let the first of Lord Abzu punch!” he roared.

Na Kak!” Hagza cried at the same moment.

A rock hurtled at Halia. She dodged to the right. It struck her side. Her armor dented, the blow striking her side. She gasped in pain as it spun her in the air. She hit the ground in time to see a rock fist strike his helm. Granite burst, denting his helm.

Chaandi leaped at him. Her claws raked over his armor and knocked him off his feet. Her teeth snapped down on his helm, scratching over metal. She snarled, crushing the steel with her jaws. His free hand punched the werewolf.

She howled in pain as her body slammed into Vargi, knocking the dwarf to the ground. The werewolf rolled over, body spasming in pain.

Halia pushed up to her feet, ignoring the pain throbbing in her side. She wheezed in a breath as she rushed at him, the Blessed Blade of Light flickering with brilliance as she swung it down at the dungeon builder.

She cut off his head.

The dungeon shuddered around Halia. Power rushed through her. She shuddered at the sensation as the lights glowing in the room winked out. The dungeon map became a sheet of glass, reflecting the lantern light from the dwarves.

“What a fight,” Baaghi growled. Claws wounds and bite marks left her swarthy body dripping in blood. “I'll tell Leo about it.”

Baaghi closed her eyes and breathed one last time before she vanished.

Chaandi whimpered where she lay broken. Vargi looked down at her then swung her warhammer, crushing the werewolf's head and putting her out of her misery. Halia almost raised her weapon until she saw the expression on Vargi's face.

“It's not cheating,” she said. “They do risk something, Hagza. Pain.”

The dwarven mage nodded. “Let's find the Void Crystal and the treasure then leave.”

Skale landed by Halia, the only monster girl to survive the fight. She had small wounds but also wore a bright smile on her lips.

Chapter Forty-Two

Power surged into me right before Baaghi and Chaandi died.

I gripped my Void Crystal and summoned Baaghi out of the darkness. She spun out of the shadows and stretched her back. Her large breasts jiggled as she licked her tiger chops. Her whiskers quivered as she stared at me.

“Berg is dead,” she reported. “Halia took an injury, as did Sarkz. But all the dwarves lived.”

“How much power did you gain, Lord Leo,” Fara asked. The elf had joined me in my Vault once the fighting had begun.

Once they dying had started.

“Not a lot,” I said. “But it was definitely an influx. Not enough to reach another Shrine.”

“But it is progress,” said Fara. Her ears twitched. “That is what counted.”

“It was fun,” Baaghi said. “The bugbear was quite the opponent. I hope she serves you.”

“Bugbear?” I asked. “Really?”

“Her name is Bjorni. We had quit the fight.” The rakshasa licked her chops. “Berg is dead. The dwarves will honor your alliance. I think we won over those adventurers.”

“Good.” I tightened my grip on the Void Crystal. I revived Chaandi. She kissed me before I sent her off to rejoin the other two werewolves. All my monster girls who died were back alive. Skale was still with Halia. Not the best escort, but they should face no dangers coming back to the dwarves.

I sank my awareness into the Void Crystal and headed to the Earth section. I found a new companion willing to serve me. Bjorni. A beautiful and strong woman with the head of a bear and huge tits. A thick bush hit her pussy, her tits big and heavy. She would fit in wonderfully with the werebears.

“Bjorni, appear before me,” I cried as I shifted over the Light section of the monster girls.

The shadows swirled and Bjorni appeared just as she looked in my mind. She stretched her back, letting out a yawning roar. Her golden eyes fixed on me.

“He is strong,” said Bjorni. “You were right, Baaghi. I guess it is good you won. I'm here now.”

“Not sad that Berg is dead?” I asked.

She hesitated. “He was a good master. Never once fucked me, though. I think he was gay.” Her nipples hardened. “I certainly never was this horny serving him. I hardly even cared about sex, now... I'm dripping.”

“You serve a lusty master,” Baaghi said.

Gay? How interesting. I supposed that had to happen. Monster girls really were the reflection of their masters.

There were two unique Light monster girls. A lampetia, just like Siwang had, and a chalkydri. I supposed there was only so many types of monster girls, dungeon builders would have to have the same “unique” ones from time to time. Might be another succubus out there, as strange as that was to think.

The lampetia had round breasts, shining hair, and glowing blue eyes. Formed entirely of light, Ljosa was a gorgeous monster girl that appeared at my summons. Her brilliance radiated through the room.

“Oh, wow,” gasped Ljosa. “Oh, I need to be fucked.”

“Right?” Bjorni asked. “Mmm, I could eat your pussy for you.”

The lampetia glanced at the bugbear. “That does sound... hot. I've never wanted a woman to eat me out, but...” She glanced at me. “Sounds like the second-best way to cum after Leo's dick. This is so strange.”

“Welcome to Lord Leo's dungeon,” Baaghi growled.

“I suppose we're all bisexual here to satiate his perverse desires,” Ljosa said, squeezing her glowing breasts.

“Oh, yes,” Fara purred. “That's what Lord Leo delights in.”

“An elf,” said Ljosa. “Is she a slave?”

“I have no slaves,” I growled and cried, “Daleitha! Appear!”

It was the chalkydri's turn to appear. She stood on the paws of lions, the golden tail swishing behind her. She had twelve narrow wings that spread out behind her, six on each side, covered in feathers that were a swirl of multiple hues. Her wings shimmered as they flashed. Her hair was the same pattern, each strand different colors all mixing together. Her purple eyes fixed on me.

“Ooh, a horny dungeon builder,” she said. “How exciting. I'm eager to get to know you, Lord Leo. My third owner. My first was... a wonderful man, but he lasted three days before Berg killed him. And Berg... Boy, was he boring. And you... I think you'll be very, very interesting.”

“Oh, he is,” Baaghi agreed as Daleitha reached me.

She dropped to her knees before me, her twelve wings rustling. She grabbed my cock. “Mmm, enjoy, my new owner.”

She swallowed my dick. I groaned at the feel of her warm mouth around me. As I growled, Bjorni dropped to her knees. The bugbear thrust her ursine head between the glowing lampetia's thighs and licked at her pussy.

Ljosa gasped. Her shining tits jiggled. I loved how she shuddered as Bjorni feasted on her. The brown fur of her bear's muzzle pressed into Ljosa's snatch. The rest of Bjorni was all woman, the bugbear's big boobs swaying as she feasted.

“This...” Ljosa gasped. Her back arched and body shuddered from the obvious delight that “Oh, this is incredible. Oh, wow, this is fantastic. Shitboots, I love this so much! Just eat my cunt. Lick at it!”

I glanced down at Daleitha sucking on my dick. She worked her mouth up and down my cock as she purred. The rumble washed around my dick in such an exciting way. I groaned, loving her sucking on me. She nursed with such passion on me.

Such hunger. Her mouth felt fantastic. I reveled in my newest monster girl loving my dick. Her tongue swirled around my cock as she worked her mouth up and down hit. Her rainbow-hued wings rustled as they twitched.

I slid my fingers through her hair. I loved how silky her strands felt as she purred around my cock. Her passion rumbled about the crown of my dick, swelling the ache in my balls. I watched Ljosa's glowing body, her shining hair sweeping down her shoulders as she held the back of Bjorni's furry head.

“Yes, yes, yes,” Ljosa groaned. “Hell, that is good. Ooh, lick my pussy. Just lap at me. That rough tongue! Oh, that rough tongue is something special!”

The bugbear licked at her, gripping Ljosa's glowing ass with pale fingers. “Pussy is so good. Devil, that is good. That is so good.”

“It's fun to watch,” Fara moaned, my elf quivering on Baaghi's muzzle. The rakshasa devoured her, licking and lapping at her cunt with such passion. I loved the sight. “Ooh, Baaghi!”

I grinned at the rakshasa feasting on the elf's teat while the chalkydri suckled on my dick. Ljosa moaned, the bugbear devouring her teat. I savored the sights around me. They were all so delicious to witness. Just such a thrill to see.

My cock twitched and throbbed in Daleitha's mouth. Her rainbow wings fluttered as she nursed on me. She gripped me with her hands, her fingers digging into my rump. Her tail slashed back and forth as she nursed on me.

“Daleitha!” I groaned. “Ooh, that's so good. You're going to get a mouthful of cum.”

She winked at me with her violet eye and purred louder.

I groaned at the delight of her hummer. My dick throbbed in her mouth. She drove me wild with that hot tongue. I was so eager to cum. Just so read to flood her with my jizz. She bobbed her head, working her mouth up and down my cock.

She wanted my cum.

Needed my jizz.

That was so hot.

I savored her sucking so hard on me. She nursed with passion on me. She suckled with all that might on my dick. I loved every moment of her suckling on me. She worked her mouth up and down my cock, driving me closer and closer to cumming.

Her tongue swirled about my cock. She danced about me, driving me wild. I loved it so much. She suckled with such passion on me, nursing with hunger. It was an outstanding delight to have a monster girl loving my dick.

She could kill me in so many ways.

But she submitted to me.

Loved me.

“Rotten leaves,” Fara moaned, her small breasts quivering. “Baaghi! Oh, Baaghi, you loving rakshasa.”

“Drown me, Fara!” growled the rakshasa, her stripped tail swishing behind her. “Drown me in your pussy cream!”

“Yes!” snarled Bjorni. The bugbear wiggled her rump as she lapped at Ljosa's cunt.

“I'm getting there,” Ljosa moaned. “Oh, yes, yes, I'm getting there. Ooh, that's so good. That's it. You're driving me wild. Yes!”

Her body bucked. She glowed brighter, but somehow wasn't painful to look at. She shone as her orgasm swept through her. She drowned Bjorni in radiant cream. The bugbear feasted as my dick throbbed in Daleitha's hungry mouth.

Fara trembled, her ears twitching. Her lithe body quivered. She had such cute tits that quivered. They had a nice jiggle to them. She gasped out her rapturous delight. Her orgasm echoed through the vault, mixing with Ljosa's liquid cries.

“Shit!” I groaned, the pressure growing in my nuts. “Oh, shit, yes. Fuck!”

I erupted.

I flooded Daleitha's mouth with my cum. Spurt after spurt of my jizz flooded her mouth. I loved the heat surging through me. It swept through my body. I groaned, my heart pounding. The pleasure swept through my body.

I felt so amazing right now. I shuddered through such ecstasy, pumping my chalkydri's mouth full of my seed. Sh swallowed it down, her tail swishing from side to side. I loved the sounds of her gulping down my seed. She purred a final time as I unloaded a last blast of cum into her.

“Damn,” I groaned.

She slid her mouth off my cock and moaned, “Mmm, it's wonderful to suck on your cock, Lord Leo. Just so wonderful.”

“Mmm, I bet it was wonderful,” purred Ljosa, her glowing eyes fixed on me. She smiled. It was interesting to see the fine details of her face despite how bright she shone. I expected her to be so brilliant that she was over-exposed, impossible to make her out as anything more than a shape.

But she was my lampetia. Her bright glow didn't affect me. None of my monster girls could hurt me. My ghosts didn't drain me, my salamanders didn't burn me, and my yuki-onna didn't freeze me. No matter how intense Ljosa shone, she wouldn't blind me.

“On all fours,” I purred to Ljosa. “Why don't you lick out Daleitha's pussy while I fuck you from behind, Ljosa.”

“Hell, that sounds wonderful, Leo,” she said. She pulled from the bugbear who licked her jobs.

“Rakshasa, want to sixty-nine,” growled Bjorni. “A different way to wrestle.”

“That sounds delicious,” purred Baaghi. She pulled her face from between Fara's thighs.

“Ooh, this is getting so exciting,” Fara said, her small breasts rising and falling.

Ljosa dropped on all fours as Daleitha stretched out on her back. The lampetia maneuvered into position to feast on her, head lowering. That cute ass wiggled at me. The folds of her pussy lips gleamed with light.

I licked my lips and dropped to my knees. I had to get a lick at her glowing teat. I grabbed her rump and ducked my head down. Her tart aroma filled my nose. I nuzzled into her hairless folds and licked at her cunt.

“Lord Leo,” she moaned. “Shitboots, that's good!”

I savored the tart flavor of her cunt. The flavor melted across my tongue. I grinned, licking my lips as I rose and pressed my cock into her snatch. I thrust into my lampetia's shining depths. I loved the feel of her cunt engulfing my dick.

Her hot and juicy flesh squeezed around my cock. She moaned into Daleitha's pussy. The chalkydri groaned, lights dancing around her wings. A shimmer of liquid hues that flowed from one to the other in a mesmerizing fashion.

So that was what she could do.

“Mmm, this is it,” groaned Bjorni. “Devils, you have a yummy cunt!”

“Yes!” purred Baaghi, lying on top of Bjorni.

The rakshasa and the bugbear sixty-nine. They licked at each other. Bjorni's ursine muzzle buried in Baaghi's twat, her feline muzzle in Bjorni's snatch. They feasted on each other as my cock soaked in Ljosa's cunt.

“Damn,” I said, loving my dungeon.

I gripped Ljosa's glowing hips and fucked her cunt hard. I buried to the hilt in her snatch over and over again. I plowed deep and hard into her twat. I fucked her with such passion. I thrust into her again and again. I loved the feeling of her snatch squeezing around me.

I pumped away at her. I fucked her with such hunger. She groaned, her hot flesh gripped my dick. She held me tight as I fucked into her twat again and again. I slammed to the hilt in her snatch. She groaned as my dick churned her up.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she moaned, her cunt squeezing about my cock. “Oh, that's so good!”

It was amazing. I pounded her twat with such force. “You like that?”

“Yes,” she groaned, her voice muffled by Daleitha's cunt.

“I love it, Lord Leo,” my chalkydri groaned, her face twisting. “Ooh, she's licking so wonderfully at my cunt!”

“So yummy,” Ljosa groaned. “Hell, I love the taste of pussy! Eating pussy and getting fucked by Lord Leo's cock is amazing!”

I grinned, savoring this delight of pounding into the lampetia's pussy. I stroked my hands over her shining body, shadows that eclipsed her beauty. My cock buried into her twat over and over again, her hot flesh massaging my dick.

My nuts slapped into her clit. I loved the meaty slap. She moaned as I fucked her, head moving as she feasted on Daleitha's cunt. The chalkydri purred with her delight, her feline rumbles echoing through my Vault.

“Mmm, they're so delicious, Lord Leo,” Souleen moaned as she fingered her twat atop the Void Crystal.

“Yes, they are,” I groaned, watching my rakshasa and bugbear sixty-nining.

I thrust away at Ljosa's hot cunt. I fucked into her pussy with such force. I churned up her snatch as my hands reached around and grabbed her glowing boobs. I squeezed those shining tits, loving how firm they felt.

She was made of such pliant light.

I slammed into her cunt. My cock emerged from her pussy coated in her florescent juices. I loved that so much. I fucked her hard, churning her cunt into phosphorescent froth. Her cunt squeezed about me, holding me tight as I pounded her.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she moaned. “Hell, Lord Leo, I'm going to cum on your dick!”

“Oh, you'll love it,” Fara said. She wrote in her notebook as she watched, smoke rising from the paper as her quill burned her words across the page. “Just adore it!”

“You will!” purred Baaghi. “Oh, you slutty bugbear! Lick my cunt!”

“Mmm, run that tongue across my twat, you naughty rakshasa!” Bjorni growled. “Shitboots, that's good.”

Daleitha purred louder, humping her pussy against Ljosa's face. I slammed to the hilt in her cunt, loving the way her pussy squeezed about my cock. She held me tight with that wonderful snatch. It was an amazing passion. I loved it so much.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I snarled, burying to the hilt in her cunt. I pounded her hard and fast. I fucked into her with such strength. “Let me feel that pussy convulsing around my dick.”

“Yes, Lord Leo!” moaned the lampetia, her cunt squeezing down on my cock. “Devils!”

She spasmed around my cock.

She moaned into the chalkydri's pussy as her cunt writhed around my dick. I groaned, savoring that heat. I buried to the hilt in her snatch. I loved the feel of her hot twat convulsing about my cock. She suckled at me with such hunger.

I groaned, loving how she rippled about me. She nursed with such passion on me. I buried into her as Daleitha squealed. She bucked, her lights dancing around her wings flashing brighter. A swirl of hypnotic hues.

“Yes!” squealed Daleitha. “That's so good! Yes!”

“Fuck!” I groaned as I buried into Ljosa's cunt.

I erupted.

My cum flooded her twat. Pleasure slammed through me. I groaned, stars dancing before my eyes. I loved every moment of it. The heat swept through me, boiling my mind as I flooded her cunt with my cum. Her flesh rippled about me, massaging me.

“Fuck!” I growled.

“Shit!” Bjorni moaned. “You delicious pussy!”

“You delightful bitch!” growled Baaghi.

The pair writhed together, cumming and drowning each other in pussy cream. I loved it, my cum pumping over and over into Ljosa's cunt. I savored the heat surging through me. I groaned, spurting over and over into her twat.

It was such a wonderful moment. The heat burned in my through my mind. It was an incredible rush to spurt over and over into her. I groaned as Ljosa's pussy rippled around my cock. My nuts unloaded a last blast into her twat.

“Fuck,” I groaned, my monster girls moaning and purring their pleasure.

I felt amazing as Ljosa's glowing twat rippled around me. She kept nursing at me as I pulled out of her pussy. I grinned as I popped out, panting. I felt amazing. I looked around, and my gaze settled on Bjorni. I had to enjoy my bugbear.

“Bjorni, Baaghi, I want you two to ride me,” I groaned, settling on my back. “Baaghi, come sit on my face. I want to eat some pussycat pussy.”

“Yes, Lord Leo,” my rakshasa purred.

The pair broke apart, the fur around their muzzles soaked in pussy cream. Their breasts swayed, Bjorni's much bigger than Baaghi's. My rakshasa crawled towards me, her pale, striped body so lithe. She straddled me in moments, her hairless pussy looking so juicy. I breathed in her spicy musk.

She planted her cunt on my face, her tiger tail swishing overhead. I licked at her. She yowled, her back arching. I treasured the spiciness of my rakshasa's cunt. I licked at her with hunger. My tongue stroked through her folds.

“Yes, yes, yes,” gasped Baaghi. “That's so good.”

I licked and lapped at her with hunger. I stroked my tongue through her folds. She gasped in delight, her back arching. As I did that. Bjorni straddled my hips and grabbed my dick. She gripped my cock and held me in her silky hand.

“Mmm, such a big dick,” Bjorni said. “Hell, I want this cock in me.”

She pressed my cock not into her furred muff but into her butt-crack. Against her asshole.

“Anal?” purred Baaghi, my tongue stroking from her clit to her taint.

“I love it up the ass!” Bjorni groaned and impaled her asshole on my cock.

I hardly felt her anal ring parting before her bowels engulfed my dick. Her velvety flesh swallowed me with such warmth. I loved it. I savored this heat surging down my dick. It was an incredible rush to have her doing that.

I shuddered there, my heart beating so fast at the feel of her bowels squeezing about my cock. Her butt-cheeks rested on my groin. I groaned into my rakshasa's pussy, reveling in my bugbear's velvety asshole. The heat melted to my balls.

“Oh, yes, that's what I love,” groaned Bjorni. “Devils, that's good!”

She squeezed her bowels around my cock and lifted her asshole up my dick. She growled her pleasure. I pictured her big boobs bouncing as she plunged her anal sheath back down my shaft. She swallowed me with that hot asshole. I loved the feel of her around me.

She massaged me. Drove me wild. She worked her asshole up and down my cock with such hunger. She squeezed about me with such passion. It was a fantastic delight to enjoy. I loved how she squeezed about me. She gripped me with her tight sheath.

“Fuck,” I growled into Baaghi's cunt.

“Mmm, you like that, Lord Leo?” purred my rakshasa. “You like Bjorni's asshole working up and down your cock.”

“God, yes!” I growled. “That's so good. That's just amazing.”

“Of course it is,” Bjorni moaned. “Best ass in Stockholm!”

“Fucking awesome!” I growled, loving the way she worked her bowels up and down my cock.

She squeezed her asshole down around my dick. She massaged me with that tight sheath as I feasted on Baaghi's cunt. I licked and lapped at her with hunger. I savored every second of it. I enjoyed this passion. I loved this wonderful passion squeezing about me.

Bjorni rode her asshole up and down my cock as I thrust my tongue into Baaghi's spicy depths. I swirled about in my rakshasa. I churned her up as she squirmed there. She groaned, squirming her hips from side to side across my face.

Her hairless pussy soaked my lips with her pussy cream. She had such yummy passion. I licked at her with hunger. I stroked my tongue through her folds. I loved the taste of her. I fluttered through her petals and brushed her clit.

“Lord Leo,” she purred, her tiger tail swishing back and forth.

“Hell!” growled Bjorni, her hot bowels working up and down my cock. “Ooh, Baaghi, play with my tits!”

“They're so big and soft!” groaned Baaghi, my tongue fluttering around her clit.

I suckled on her bud. I nibbled with such passion. I nursed on her with such hunger. She groaned, her hips wiggling from side to side on my lips. Her butt-cheeks clenched before my eyes. I loved her as the pressure in my nuts grew.

Bjorni worked her asshole faster up and down my cock. She moaned louder and louder, her butt-cheeks smacking into my crotch on her downstrokes. She gripped my dick, her hot bowels massaging the tip. The pressure grew there, a stick of dynamite about to blow.

The fuse burned fast.

“Yes,” I growled, loving Bjorni's asshole. My bugbear worked her bowels up and down my cock, squeezing me just right.

I nibbled on Baaghi's clit. She yowled, her back arching and tail slashing the air above me. I suckled on her bud, pleasuring her as the fuse burned towards erupting. Bjorni's hot, tight asshole worked up and down my cock.

My toes curled. My nuts swelled with the pressure. I growled around Baaghi's pearl. I polished her with my tongue and lips. Her tail shot out straight. Her back arched as she purred so loudly. Then her spicy juices gushed out.

She drowned me in her passion.

I gulped down her pussy cream. I swallowed all her delights. I loved the flavor of her juices as Bjorni slammed her bowels down my cock. The bugbear roared her feminine passion, her asshole convulsing around my dick.

Her juices splashed on my stomach.

“Shitboots!” roared the bugbear. “Cum in me, Lord Leo!”

“Flood her!” purred Baaghi, her spicy juices spilling into my mouth.

I licked at her pussy as the fuse burned down to the stick of dynamite.

I detonated.

My cum exploded into Bjorni's asshole. I growled as my balls emptied my spunk into her bowels. Her hot flesh rippled around me as the shock waves slammed into my mind. Rapture crashed into my thoughts, my mind shattering into ecstasy.

I drank Baaghi's pussy cream as the pleasure swept through me. It was an incredible passion. I loved every second of it. I pumped more and more of my seed into Bjorni's bowels. I flooded her anal sheath with my passion.

“Lord Leo,” the bugbear groaned. “Yes, yes, Lord Leo, that is incredible!”

The door to the Vault burst open. “New monster girls!”

The familiar squeal of my little succubus echoed through the Vault as I unloaded my cum into Bjorni's asshole. Wings flapped. A shadow flashed over me as I groaned. My orgasm faded into a wondrous fog of bliss. I smiled, wreathed by rapture.

“What are you?” gasped Garnet. “You have so many wings. Can I eat your pussy? Will you lick my asshole? Ooh, ooh, do you love serving Dark Lord Big Bro? Huh? Huh?”

I panted, smiling.

Click here for the next part! 


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