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Chapter Thirty-Eight

“Well?” Lana Fulmine asked, her lightning wings twitching. An eagerness filled the lightning sprite. “What has my number one fun come up with?”

“Yes, yes, yes, tell us, big bro,” Garnet asked, the exuberant succubus bouncing up and down on her throne.

She can never sit still, thought Lana Fulmine. She would never survive making movies. So much tedious waiting.

“I'm going to parley with the dwarves,” Leo said. He had an eager grin on his face. He slapped his hands together. “I've been meaning to do this, and now is the perfect time.”

“Okay,” said Mrs. Maia. “That's a wonderful idea, honey.”

“You need an honor guard,” Terra said.

“Yes!” gasped Garnet. “Let's use the arachne. They're so impressive.”

“And scared of their own shadows,” said Crystal. “Like the unicorns.”

“We can be his escort,” Morana said. “Dark Lord Leo, we shall surround you with beauty and deadliness. The dwarves will be enchanted by our charms and bow to your whim.”

“I do have charms,” Alizee said, smiling.

“No, no,” Maya said. “We're too... monstrous.”

“I'm not that monstrous,” Morana gasped. “I'm just pale. But I was pale in life, too.”

“And bleeding black shadows.” Maya shook her head, her entire body rippling with water.

“The werewolves and werebears,” Leosaid, grinning. “In human form, they don't look like monsters at all.”

Maya nodded. So did Nina and Hagane.

“It is a great plan,” Lana Fulmine said, completely behind this.

“You need a rear guard,” Hagane said. “In case the dwarves attack. A quick reaction force to come to your rescue on standby.”

“Good point.” Leo stared at the lightning sprite. The movie starlet blinked. “Lana, you'll lead them.”

“Me?” Shock crackled through her body as lightning danced between the golden strands of her hair.

“Yes, you,” I said. “You'll lead... the salamanders, sirens, and oreads. That should be perfect. If I run into trouble, you'll be there to come to my rescue. And, of course, Garnet can be with you. All of you can.”

Lana Fulmine swallowed. She glanced at Leo. Her number one fan believed in her. She was the first companion he had chosen. He had picked her before Garnet and Maya. She had to be responsible. She wasn't that coke-out actress drifting through life.

She had importance here.

“I won't fail my number one fan,” Lana Fulmine cooed.

“Of course not,” Leo said. “I have some dungeon building to do, then we'll get this done.” He glanced to the right. “Halia, Kassie, and Akiz, you'll come with us.”

“Course, my Lord,” Akiz said. “It'll be great. My people will want to crush me beneath two slabs of granite.”

“But you're not brittle sandstone, are you?” Leo asked.

Akiz laughed.

Lana Fulmine smiled. This would go better than dealing with those adventurers. She had no idea what Leo planned on doing with those three dwarves. They were certainly adamant about not serving him. But so had Halia once upon a time.

A smile spread on the lightning sprite's lips as she remembered how defiant Halia had been in her prison. She had refused everything. It took Leo setting her free then rescuing the captured maidens of Astovin from that disgusting Jindag to win her over.

“Let's get to work,” Leo said and marched towards the door

*  \ * /  *

Halia Vobria hardly stumbled when she found herself standing in a different part of the dungeon.

“Bugger the earth with my big dick!” Akiz cursed, stumbling before catching his balance. “I hate when he does that.”

“Poor dwarf,” said Cheekha, one of the werewolves. She patted the top of his head. “Do you need me to rub your belly like a pup to make you feel better.”

“Oh, there's a part of me you can rub,” he said with a big leer.

Halia rolled her eyes as Cheekha snarled, a rumbling growl. Her golden eyes blazed. She shook her head, her fall of dark-gray hair spilling down her back. “I'm Lord Leo's bitch, not yours.”

“Worth a try,” Akiz said. “Hard being surrounded by all you naked monster girls.” He glanced to Bhaaloo. “Damn, you got tits as big as a dwarf on you.”

“I know,” the werebear said. “Sadly, you'll have to use your own hand. Our tits are not to be soiled on your dick.”

“But I can stare at them,” Akiz said. He shook his head. “Need to find me a nice, plump dwarf to take for wife with big, fat titties to fuck.”

“I wish you well on that,” Halia said, rolling her eyes. She put her hand on her pommel.

Her sword... vibrated.

She frowned at that. It always had a hum when she drew it, but now it was quivering even more. She glanced to her right. The tunnel led to the geode with the Light Glyph shining in it. Halia stroked her sword.

Is it resonating with the glyph?

More monster girls appeared in the room. Lana Fulmine, the rest of the companions, and the salamanders, oreads, and sirens. Akiz grinned at the newcomers. He ran his eyes over the gorgeous forms of the sirens. Fara leaned against the wall and pulled out her book. She wrote in it, her eyes distant, her long and pointed ears hardly twitching.

Halia opened her mouth hot mention the sword vibrating to Fara when light flashed to the left. Lord Leo, Kassie, Vilkas, the prisoners, and the monster girls holding them capturedappeared on the teleportation circle. He wore his gray robes, Kassie in her blue trimmed in red. She look excited as she followed him to them.

“I've never done a parley before,” Kassie said.

“This will be momentous,” said Fara. She closed her book and slipped it and her phoenix quill into her pocket of her green dress. She went naked around the dungeon, but not today.

“Cheekha, your werewolves lead the way,” Leo said. “Bhaaloo, you're behind us. Halia, on my right. Kassie, my left. Fara and Akiz behind me. Vilkas, be ready to bring out the prisoner on my command.”

“Yes, my Lord,” Vilkas said.

Halia nodded to her lord, her heart beating fast as she fell in at her lord's side. Her sword quivered in her scabbard. She glanced to the right once more, but then Leo was ordering them forward. It was time to forge an alliance with the dwarves enslaved by the twins.

Time to spread Lord Leo's influence even farther.

Brilliant and revealing, let the light of Lord Shamash float!” Lord Leo chanted. A ball of light appeared before him to drive back the gloom of Led's inert dungeon.

*  \ * /  *

“Lana Fulmine, wait here,” I said as we neared the sealed off exit of Led's dungeon. The dwarves had buried it. “The darkness should hide you.”

“We'll be ready to go, big bro!” Garnet shouted. “Unless you want to have me out there with you.”

“You're too inhuman,” said Maya. “You have wings.”

“Fine,” huffed my little succubus.

I moved towards the closed of section, the ball of light floating with me. Illuminate was a useful spell. I didn't need lights in my own dungeon, but that ended in the remnants of Led's. If this worked. I would have my own exit out with the dwarves and have no more need of these last bits of his home.

I reached the stone barrier. My werewolves glanced back at me expectantly. The three stood tall and strong at the front, their bodies graceful and lean. I smiled at them and thrust my hand forward, gathering my magic.

The hammer falls, let the strength of Lord Abzu smash!”

The Expert Level Earth spell struck the stone barrier and shattered it. Rubble exploded outward. Daylight flooded in through the smoke. I hoped no one was hurt on the other side. The tunnel groaned. Rocks crashed to the ground in a thunderous clatter.

“Go!” snarled Cheekha. She and her fellow werewolves rushed forward.

I dismissed the Illuminate spell as the three werewolves vanished into the smoke. I followed after, Halia and Kassie at my sides, Akiz thumping behind me. Fara made not a sound. Nor did the werebears at the rear.

I passed through the smoke and stepped out of the rubble to find my three werewolves standing in a triangular formation staring out at the dwarven settlement that existed here. The dwarves were all pointing and gasping. Some were grabbing weapons and rushing forward. Others gathered children to take them to safety.

“You have no defensive spells on you, Lord Leo,” whispered Halia. “I think you should change that.”

“I don't,” I said and chanted a different spell. “Voices carry, let the commanding tone of Lady Kittu carry!”

Amplify Voice.

I drew in a deep breath as the shouts of fears swelled. “DWARVES OF VORIANIL!”

My voice boomed through the air like I had the world's largest megaphone. But it didn't sound digitized or shrill. Just enhanced.


The dwarves rushing forward with their spears slowed to a stop. They stared at each other. I surveyed the area. They had pulled down all the statues of the twins. They had done what they could to erase any evidence of the dungeon builders. This appeared to be a farming community, built on the surface to grow grains in this mountain valley.


“Youdidn't bring any monster girls that they would recognize,” Halia said softly as the soldiers milled about in confusion.

“Yep,” I answered after dismissing my Amplify Voice spell.

I watched the town as the minutes trickled by then smiled as a group of dwarves emerged. They wore the same pants and works leathers as the others, but they had gold plaited through their beard or woven through the braids of their hair. Five of them. “Here come the elders.”

They marched past their guards, hair gray or white, but they were unbowed by age. I walked forward with Halia and Akiz pacing me. Cheekha gave me a questioning glance. “Wait here to save my ass if I need it.”

You have too nice an ass not to save, Packlord,” she purred in my mind, a wild smile on her lips.

I reached the elders who stared at me with hard, suspicious eyes. I could feel how much anger they had in them. They didn't like dungeon builders. They remembered what Leo did to them. I folded my arms behind my back, trying to be strong.

I wasn't a scared youth any longer. I was Lord Leo.

“Thank you for speaking with me,” I said. “I am honored to speak with the elders of the Vorianil Dwarves. I wish to be a friend to those who live in the mountains and to Great Kharabarnath, your mighty capital.”

“You have one of our kind skulking with you,” a white-bearded male said. “Is that Akiz. I knew your grandfather.”

“Elder Kazzik,” Akiz said. “I don't skulk. I stand proud as one of Lord Leo's retainers.

“Your grandfather would toss you in the scrapheap and melt you down for children toys if he were still alive,” Elder Kazzik growled.

Akiz shook his head. “I would stand proud before my grandfather, before my entire line. Lord Leo is not like the other builders. He saved you from the cave-in.”

“He did allow our miners to return to us,” one of the women said, her gray hair braided with golden threads. “Spared their lives after they had defiled his dungeon and attacked him.”

“Why would I kill the victims of the Twins?” I demanded. “Why would I want to harm anyone who didn't desire to hurt me. They were there out of fear. Their families held hostage. I am no monster. I am a man trying to be the best he can. To live a good life and make this world better.”

The elders studied me.

“Isn't that what you want?”

“Why are you here?” demanded Elder Kazzik. “Why do you speak these words?”

“I want to be your friend.”

The other female elder spat. “Friend.” She bristled, her brow wrinkling with fury. “Friend? I have lived a hundred and seventy years, and not once have dungeon builders desired friendship. I suffered beneath three separate tyrants. The Twins were just the newest, but hardly the last that wished to enslave us. The others at least were honest. They didn't slither towards us hissing friendship like we can't recognize a stone asp when we see one. Your words drip with poison! Conquer us, but don't sit there and lie to us!”

“Asp?” I shook my head. “Poison? I want an alliance. I want to make a world where dungeon builders are not a threat. Where we are friends to your people. I want to stop the bad ones. The monsters like the twins. That's what I want. An alliance with your people against those who oppress and conquer.”

“Right,” she hissed.

“Today, five dwarves from here assaulted my dungeon,” I said. “They invaded it to kill me. Sarkz, Vargi, Hagza, Garzan, and Fiztin.”

“And what did you do to them?” demanded the angry elder. She grabbed a braid of her hair.

“Sadly, Garzan and Fiztin died, but I captured Sarkz, Vargi, and Hagza.”

“And what is the price of their release?” Elder Kazzik demanded. “Gold? Our daughters? What?”

“Nothing,” I said. “Vilkas, bring out the prisoners. Release them once you have joined us.”

Yes, Leo,” Vilkas growled.

“I'm returning them to you as a sign of good faith,” I said, releasing the Deafen spell on the three of them. “I am not your enemy. I hate having to defend myself against adventures. I'm not the one they need to fight.”

The woman stared at me. “You are serious? You shall release my granddaughter?”

“Yes,” I said, pointing to the opening I had created. Vilkas appeared, made of crackling lightning. Then came the three dwarves, Sarkz held by Bakara and Havas, Vargi by Ci and Hela, and Hagza by Cikhala.

The prisoners had stoic looks like they expected to be beheaded before their people. Defiance burned in their eyes. Their pride. A great deal of respect swelled in my heart. I wanted an alliance with these dwarves. I wanted to show the people of this world that I was their alley. Their friend. I had to do it slowly. Painfully.

The three reached us. I nodded to my monster girls.

They released them.

“As a gesture of my friendship, I return them to you,” I said. “I'll have their gear brought back soon.”

Sarkz, Vargi, and Hagza looked stunned as they stumbled to the elders. Sarkz glanced at me, bewildered. I could tell this made no sense to him. He looked around as if he expected a trap. For my monster girls to rise out of the earth and massacre his people. He rubbed at his wrists as he moved behind the elders and stood firm in his rust-stained armor padding.

“They fought hard and well,” I said. “They were worthy foes, but I would rather they be my friends. That you would be my friends.”

“They brought them back,” said the grandmother. “We should listen to them.”

“Really, Nazinaka?” growled a gray-bearded elder. His arms bulged with muscles despite his age. “Just like that.”

“Just like that,” said Nazinaka. “Has any dungeon builder ever returned adventurers to their loved ones?”

“Only Lord Leo,” Halia said. “He spared me when I attacked his dungeon. Then he released me to my people of Astovin. He showed me who he is when he risked his life to rescue maidens taken from my village by a despicable dungeon builder. He fights the dangerous ones. The ones who prey on this world. They fester and kill their fellow dungeon builders for power. They are mad dogs that must be put down!”

“I will put them down,” I growled. “It's the only way to show this world that. I am not their enemy.”

“You want to help us against dungeon builders instead of enslave us?” demanded the graybeard. “Tell me the truth. I am Verkanim, son of Kazig”

“If I wanted to enslave you, I would,” I growled. “I destroyed the Twins. If you think I don't have the power to make you kneel, then you're fools. But I don't want that. No one should be forced to serve another. I want friendship. If you don't want my friendship, I'll leave. Today.”

“Then leave,” spat Verkanim.

“Wait,” said Elder Kazzik. He eyed me. “You want to help us. There is one of your ilk to the north of here. Earth and Light.”

I turned to Halia. “Two glyphs. Can you handle that.”

“Yes, Lord Leo,” she said, her back straight. “With some help. Sarkz, Vargi, Hagza, how would you like to help us protect a threat to your people! Not some distant foe like Lord Leo, but one who is on your own people's doorstep!”

Sarkz swallowed.

“I know, there is not as much glory in this!” Halia spat. She drew her sword. It hummed. “But there are innocents in danger. Come with me! Help me kill this rat!”

Sarkz looked at her. “It was never about the glory.”

“Prove it,” she said. “Come with me, and let's exterminate this rat.”

Sarkz nodded.

I let out a sigh.

I turned to Elder Kazzik. “Once the builder is dead, we'll speak again.”

“He's new but cruel,” said Elder Nazinaka. “A sadist. He lurked in the shadows of the Twins, hiding from them, but they are gone, and he is emboldened.”

I nodded and turned back to my dungeon. This was going better than I could hope. I just prayed that Halia and her adventurers returned alive.

Fara smiled as she stood at the dungeon entrance. “This is good, Lord Leo. This will give you more power. More reach for your dungeon. We can find more of the geodes and their glyphs this way.”

“It's not good, it's necessary,” I growled and marched inside.

*  \ * /  *

The wildhounds yipped excitedly around Halia and the three dwarves.

“You're not bringing Akiz?” Sarkz demanded, belting on his armor.

“No,” said Halia. “I want him to keep training our recruits.” He had not been happy, but Halia had made her choice. She would go along with Baaghi, the wildhounds, the quetzalcoatls, and the werewolves. “I want to see how you fight with monster girls.”

“So backward,” Vargi said, glancing at the werewolves. “Naked women.”

Cheekha winked and blurred into a big, gray wolf.

“I've skinned more than one wolf,” Vargi growled.

“Peace,” Hagza said. The mage wore robes of gray with her brass medallion nestled between her large breasts. “We ignored this vermin on our doorstep for the prestige of killing a famous dungeon builder. This is what the elders want.”

“Yes, yes, always a good rock hauler for your grandmother,” Vargi said, stretching her back in her armor. “Fighting with monster girls. What is this world coming to.”

“To be shamed by a dungeon builder for not protecting our people...” Sarkz spat. “We deserve this. We were fools who should be dead, Vargi. We have another chance to fight. So we fight. Let's cut the head off this stone asp and leave him to rot.”

“Hela, lead the way,” Halia ordered to the wildhounds.

“Yes, Lady Halia!” yipped Hela. The seven wildhounds bounded to the north, spreading out as they ran on all fours. Their tails wagged behind them.

In the sky, the quetzalcoatls soared, their rainbow wings flapping and green tails swishing.

Baaghi licked her lips. Halia wasn't sure why Leo had chosen the rakshasas for this mission, but the paladin was glad to have her help. Lady Sherida, shine your brilliance upon us as we go into battle. Give us the strength to march long and hard.

Light glowed from her and bathed her, the dwarves, Baaghi, and the werewolves.

“A paladin,” said Sarkz.

“She's Anguin's daughter,” Vargi said, rolling her eyes. “You have powdered chalk for brains. I could crack your head open and write a poem to your stupidity.”

“Shame my head's made of gneiss.” Sarkz slapped a steel helm over it. “Have to wear this so enemies won't shatter their weapons on it. Have to give them a chance.”

Halia smiled. It had been a long time since she went on an adventure.

They headed north, leaving behind the dwarven settlement. Halia would not let Lord Leo down. The wildhounds would sniff out the dungeon, the precise location unknown to the dwarves. The snow-capped peaks of the Vorianil Mountains rose around them, graceful. Awe-inspiring. She marched with confidence, Lady Sherida's blessing animated her.

About an hour into the march, Vargi fell in at Halia's side, saying, “I was just wondering.”

“What?” Halia asked.

“Does he have a big dick?” the female warrior asked. “Lord Leo?”

“What?” gasped Halia in shock, her cheeks warming.

“Is that why you serve him?” Vargi persisted. “Does he have a big dick? My Sarkz has a huge cock, hard as granite. Why do you think I put up with him.”

“Yes, I do,” said Sarkz. “My cock's so hard, I could fuck a hole in the mountain.”

“So, does Lord Leo have a big dick?” Hagza asked from behind me.

“So big,” Baaghi roared. “He makes me cum so hard when he fucks me.”

“I love his cock,” growled Chaandi, the werewolf padding at their side in her wolf form. The words came out strange but intelligible.

“Yes, he does,” Halia said, her face on fire.

“So that's how he tamed you,” Vargi said, nodding. “How you came to serve one of them.”

“No, I told you. He captured me and released me.” Halia smiled. “He showed me he was not just a good man, but one who cared about others. He has a vision. Four thousand years, the dungeon builders have come. We have failed and failed to stop them. A new way is needed. Leo sees it. I want to make his future a reality. That's it.”

“That and his big dick.” Vargi laughed, her voice rich and throaty.

Halia shrugged. “Its, um, an added bonus.”

The paladin liked these dwarves. She felt comfortable with them. They were coarser than her last party, but the jokes told in the face of the shared discomfort of marching through rough terrain, of camping on hard dirt and shivering through cold night, was refreshing. For two days, they traveled deeper into the mountains.

Then Hela reported, “We found a cave.”

Chapter Thirty-Nine

It had been two days since Halia went north. Two days, and she still hadn't found the enemy dungeon. Worry ate at me. Should I have sent more monster girls. Maybe the hellhounds to help the wildhounds sniff it out.

And what if this bastard was stronger than I thought. What if I didn't send enough monster girls. Baaghi was strong, and the werewolves fast. But what if it wasn't enough. I should have sent an army. Sent Vilkas and Smerta. The oreads, unicorns, arachne, and leprechauns. I should have sent the harpies with the quetzalcoatl to have more eyes in the air to search the mountains.

I wanted to show off. Prove my power. That was it. I was being cocky. Did I sent Halia to her death?

“Shit,” I muttered as I paced in the living room.

“It's going to be okay,” Mrs. Maia said. My dryad hurried over to me, a big smile on her lips. “They're good girls.” Her large tits jiggled. “Halia is a great warrior.”

“She always gets knocked unconscious,” I muttered. “I should have at least sent Akiz, Vern, and Ashiliozia with them. And more monster girls. Maybe I should have made some wendigo to travel with them. I bet they would be deadly in a dungeon.”

“Leo,” Mrs. Maia said, her breasts rubbing into my chest. She cupped my face. “Just relax. Here. I know just what you need.”

She brought my lips to her nipple. I shuddered and latched on. I suckled, the warm, refreshing sweetness of her breast milk gushed into my mouth. I groaned at the soothing flavor of it. The melony aftertaste lingered in my mouth.

“Mmm, yes, yes, that's just what you need,” Maya cooed. My undine's rippling body hugged me from behind, her breasts rubbing on my back. “You just drink and I'll take care of you.”

She grabbed my cock with her hand. I groaned as it was like being engulfed by a warm water balloon. I groaned around my dryad's nipple, suckling down the rich and creamy milk. Maya stroked her grip up my cock, little waves washing around her fingers, adding a massaging touch.

She engulfed the crown of my cock. Pleasure shot down my shaft and radiated through my nuts. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the handie from my undine girlfriend. Her round boobs rubbed on my back, feeling just delightful.

I nursed hard on Mrs. Maia's nipple. Her milk splashed on the back of my throat. The cream washed through mouth before pouring down my gullet and warming my belly. My nerves retreated. There was something so relaxing about drinking from her breasts.

Gulping down her motherly love.

“That's it,” purred Mrs. Maia, smiling down at me like a picture of the Madonna.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed Maya's warm hand pumping up and down my cock. She stroked me with her watery grip, her other hand rubbing over my stomach. She was such a wonderful girlfriend. I groaned around Mrs. Maia's nipple.

And suckled down more of her breast milk.

I gulped it all down. I savored that warmth flowing down to my stomach and spreading through my body. My cock throbbed in Maya's grip. She massaged me with that sweet hand of hers. She worked up and down me, driving me wild with her touch.

I loved it.

I groaned around Mrs. Maia's nipple as the Maya fanned the heat in my nuts. A fire swelled in them, burning hotter and hotter. She stroked faster, engulfing the crown of my cock over and over again. The liquid massage sent sparks sizzling down to my balls.

“Oh, Leo,” groaned Mrs. Maia. “Mmm, that's it. Such a good boy. Yes, yes, just drink all my milk. I love you. My strong lover. Ooh, yes, yes, gulp it all down. You make my pussy so wet.”

“God, yes,” moaned Maya. “I'm so wet right now.”

I popped my mouth off Mrs. Maia's nipple to moan, “You're always wet.”

Maya laughed, her boobs rubbing into my back, her nipples so hard. “Touche.”

She stroked my cock faster, swelling those flames burning in my nuts. An inferno raged. I latched onto Mrs. Maia's other nipple and suckled. Milk squirted into my mouth. As I did that, I slid my hand down her body to her thick bush.

I slid through her curls, loving the feel of her against my fingers. Her silky hairs tickled my digits moments before I found the wet folds of her hot pussy. She groaned as I stroked her cuntlips. I slid up and down her labia, massaging her sensitive flesh.

I loved the feel of them against my fingers. I wanted to pleasure her as I gulped down her breast milk. I swallowed her thick and creamy delight. I gulped down all her passion, my cheeks hollowing as I nursed on her.

Her moans echoed through the dungeon. I thrust a pair of my fingers into her cunt.

Into the MILF's juicy hole.

She groaned, her twat squeezing about my digits. A juicy sheath. Her warmth soaked my digits as I pumped them in and out of her. I rubbed the heel of my hand through her thick bush to rub at her clit. I massaged her bud, grinding my hand into her.

She gasped as I did that. Her big boobs jiggled. She made such wonderful sounds as I did that. She quivered here as I rubbed at her cunt. I thrust my digits into her snatch over and over again. I loved the way she moaned. I savored how she gasped.

“Leo,” Mrs. Maia groaned.

“Mmm, what are you doing to your dryad?” Maya cooed, her watery hand flying up and down my cock.

“Fingering my pussy,” moaned Mrs. Maia.

“Good,” Maya cooed. “Mmm, you're such a good man, Leo. That's why you worry so much about Halia.”

“Yes,” Mrs. Maia groaned. “Oh, yes, yes, you love us all. Your heart is so big, Leo.”

“So big,” Maya cooed, squeezing about my cock. “And I love it when you fill my pussy up with it.”

“That's his cock, dear,” moaned Mrs. Maia.

“Mmm, a big cock and a big heart.” Maya licked at my ear, her boobs massaging my back as she fisted my dick. “You're the complete package. That's why the other me and the other you are banging it out all the time. Just loving each other. They're going to get married. Have babies. But here... Here I'm glad I get to share you with all your loves. It makes me so excited to just see how passionate you are. I love you, Leo.”

I groaned at her words, my fingers plunging in and out of my dryad's pussy. Maya fisted my dick, the fires swelling in my nuts. I was close to cumming. To blazing in rapture. I gulped down more of Mrs. Maia's milk. The warmth melted to my nuts.

Like splashing gasoline on a fire.

I thrust my digits into her cunt, the heel of my hand massaging that little bud nestled in her petals. Mrs. Maia would blossom with her orgasm. My sexy dryad would gasp out in delight. I held back against cumming, resisting the pleasure of Maya's stroking hand.

She pumped away hard and fast as I gulped down more of Mrs. Maia's milk. I pressed the heel of my hand harder into Mrs. Maia's little nub. I massaged her. She gasped, her body quivering. Her moans echoed through the dungeon.

They were so sweet.

So wonderful to hear.

“Leo,” my dryad groaned. “Oh, Leo. My sexy lover. Oh, yes, yes, I love you!”

Her pussy convulsed around my digits.

Her milk gushed into my mouth.

“Yes, yes, yes, I love you!” she cried, her head throwing back.

Maya's stroking hand engulfed the crown of my cock. The fires erupted.

Ecstasy blazed through my body as my cock spurted molten jizz. My cum pumped out of my cock as the rapture burned across my thoughts. I groaned around Mrs. Maia's nipple. I suckled one last time, filling my mouth with her sweet, creamy milk.

“Yes, Leo,” Maya groaned. “Ooh, that's it. I love making you cum. I love you, Leo!”

I felt their love. Mrs. Maia's pussy rippled around my fingers while Maya's hand pumped away at my cock. She held me tight, waves washing through her body and massaging my back. I groaned through my orgasm, the flames consuming thoughts.

I ripped my mouth off Mrs. Maia's nipple and turned my head. Maya kissed me over my shoulder. I thrust Mrs. Maia's breast milk into her mouth. She groaned at at that. I traded it with her, loving swapping the sweet delight with Maya.

She whimpered as I did that. She held me tight as we shared Mrs. Maia's motherly treat. My cock erupted a final time. I bucked through the pleasure, the heat so intense. So wonderful to enjoy. Stars danced before my eyes.

It was an incredible passion. A wondrous moment.

I loved them both. They knew what I needed to help me relax. They were both so amazing. I loved them so much. I loved them all. Halia would be fine. She was skilled. She had to come back to me. I never wanted to put her in danger.

And knew I could never keep her in a cage. She would hate me if I did. If I loved her, I had to risk losing her. Flowers didn't bloom in the dark. They had to be in the light. In the open. In nature, exposed to all the dangers of this world.

And Halia was a flower that needed to bloom.

*  \ * /  *

“I think he needs more relaxing, Mrs. Maia,” Maya said, the flavor of the dryad's breast milk lingering in the undine's mouth. “What should we do with him?”

“Mmm,” the dryad purred, her big boobs swaying from side to side. “Why, I think he needs to drink a different teat from me while you... You need to embrace him with your watery warmth.”

Maya grinned, her liquid body rippling with her excitement. She loved the feel of the waves that traveled over her body. “You heard her, Leo. On your back. Your landlady and girlfriend know best.”

“Girlfriend...” Leo smiled at me as he sank down. “You know, the me and you in the other world are going to get married.”

A quiver rushed through Maya. “Are you thinking of making me your wife? I can't be more than the others.”

“You're all something different to me,” said Leo. “I love you all the same.”

“Mmm, it make sense,” said Mrs. Maia. “I'm his 'mommy', Garnet's his 'little sister', Crystal's his mistress.”

“We have your MILF, your teacher, and your nerdy friend,” Maya added. “Favorite movie star.”

“And porn star,” Mrs. Maia added with a smile.

Leo grinned. “Loved spanking it to her.”

“So what does that make Terra, Alizee, and Morana?” Maya asked.

“Lovers,” said Leo. “You know, the women that I love behind my wife's back.”

“Better not be behind my back,” Maya said, putting her hands on her hips. “And that's just lazy. We've just ran out of things to call them.”

“My barista lover, my cheerleader lover, and my kinky lover,” Leo said. “You just know Morana would be into some kinky shit up in the real world.”

“I hope you're not suggesting the other you is bagging those three behind the other me's back.” Maya arched her eyebrow. “Because other me would love to join you.”

Leo grinned as his dryad straddled his face and lowered her thick bush to his face. Her leafy-green pubic hairs dripped with her juices. “They can be our lovers, Maya.”

“Our lovers...” Maya grinned. “Ooh, I hope our other selves are having fun in the real world.”

“Me, too,” Leo said as Mrs. Maia planted her furred muff on his face. His voice muffled, he added, “I doubt we'll ever know.”

Maya nodded, a wave of sadness washing over her for a moment. No, regret. She wasn't sad to be here. She was glad to be in Leo's harem. She was born to love him. Still, a tiny part of her wished to have that vanilla life. Marriage. Kids. Living in the suburbs. She knew her and Leo would go the distance. They'd weather the trials of life and grow old together.

We'll never grow old, thought Maya as she sank to her knees to straddle Leo. We'll always be young.

There would be so much of life Maya knew she would miss out on, including having Leo's children. But Halia, Kassie, and Fara would have that privilege.

I'll be a fun aunt!

Smiling, Maya planted her pussy on Leo's cock. The impact sent a wave rippling through her body. She smiled at that, watching as Mrs. Maia's boobs swayed, her brown nipples beading with creamy milk. The dryad moaned, her back arching as Leo feasted on her.

Maya slid her cunt up his cock, her pussy lips massaged the crown of his cock while her clit drank in the pleasure. Little ripples of delight washed through her. She smiled at how wondrous it felt. Her body quivered, little ripples spilling over her body.

She pushed back, her cuntlips sliding over his cock. She devoured his dick. It was an incredible passion to swallow him. She loved it so much. A quiver of delight raced through her. She felt so good right now.

“Oh, that's amazing,” she purred as she devoured his cock. “Ooh, I love that.”

“I bet you do, sweetie,” Mrs. Maia said. The dryad leaned forward and wrapped arms around the undine's neck. “Make himcum. Love him with your pussy.”

“Yes, Mrs. Maia.”

Maya kissed the dryad, their lips melting together. Warmth rippled through Maya that had nothing to do with her hot pussy swallowing Leo's thick shaft. She bottomed out on him. She squeezed her twat around him, savoring the feel of him in her.

She reveled in that delight. There was so much of her cock in her. She enjoyed that greatly. She loved having his dick in her. She savored that joy. It was an incredible one. Waves washed through her body, radiating out of her pussy.

Kissing Mrs. Maia with hunger, she slid her cunt up Leo's cock.

“Fuck,” he groaned into the dryad's pussy.

Maya slammed her twat back down his cock. Her body rippled from the impact. The waves surged up her body, distorting her flesh. They washed over her mouth, massaging Mrs. Maia's lips. The undine groaned and rose up Leo again.

She rode him. She worked he watery cunt up and down his cock. The pleasure flowed through her body as she slammed down him. She groaned, her breasts bouncing and jiggling. The heat swept through her body. She trembled here, loving every moment of ridding him.

She grabbed Mrs. Maia's tits, squeezing them.

The dryad moaned into her lips.

Maya massaged those lush breasts as she worked her twat up and down Leo's cock. Pleasure rippled through Maya's body along with the waves. Her entire flesh quivered in exciting ways as she kneaded the dryad's big breasts.

Mrs. Maia broke their kiss and leaned back, moaning, “Maya!”

“Mmm, what are you doing to her, Maya?” Leo groaned.

“Playing with her boobies,” Maya cooed, impaling her juicy cunt down his cock. The pleasure swelled in her. She rose towards that orgasm, eager to just burst on him. “They're so big and soft.”

Mrs. Maia purred with delight as Maya played with those big breasts. The undine squeezed, her watery fingers digging into those soft mounds. Milk squirted from the brown nipples and splashed on Maya's breasts.

The undine absorbed the creamy liquid, the taste of that sweet milk spreading through her body. She loved it as she worked her cunt up and down Leo's cock, her orgasm building and building in her. She would have a big burst of pleasure.

Just cum so hard.

She squeezed her cunt down around his cock as she worked up and down him. She rode him hard and fast, her pussy caressing him. She massaged him with her cunt, the pleasure swelling the pressure in her. Her body rippled with more waves, distorting her flesh.

Her head tossed back, her liquid hair swaying. She groaned, working her cunt faster up and down his cock. She squeezed harder at the dryad's ample breasts. Milk squirted. Twin streams of white that splashed on the undine's heaving boobs.

“Yes,” growled Leo. “Oh, god, yes. That pussy, Maya! That pussy is amazing!”

“I'm going to cum,” Maya moaned. “Oh, Leo, I'm going to cum on your big dick. Then you can fill me with your big heart. Flood me with your passion!”

“Oh, yes, Leo,” his dryad groaned. “Just flood her with all your passion.”

The dryad threw back her head, her leafy-green hair dancing around her face. She quivered then gasped out in delight. She bucked on Leo's face. Maya smiled as she witnessed the dryad's climax, the passion bursting through Mrs. Maia.

Leo groaned, drowning in the dryad's cream. Maya slammed her cunt down his cock, her orgasm about to burst in her. A mighty tsunami that would churn up her liquid flesh. She contained an ocean's passion in her body.

“Leo!” she moaned as she plunged down his cock. “Yes!”

An orgasm burst through Maya. The tidal wave of ecstasy swept out of her convulsing cunt. Her entire body rippled as the mighty tsunami washed through her. She bucked through the rapture that inundated her entire body.

“Cum in me, Leo!” she moaned.

“Yes!” he growled. “Fuck!”

His cock erupted in her. His seed flooded her pussy. She glanced down, seeing his cock through her flesh as a dark shadow. His milky white cum outlined her twat. More and more fired into her, spreading through her sheath rippling about his cock.

Her twat convulsed around him, pumping out his cum from his nuts. He spurted like a geyser of salty passion into her snatch. She loved the eruption of his love into her pussy. She quivered there, her gasps and moans echoing through the dungeon.

“Fuck, that's it!” groaned Leo. “I know what I need to do! What I have to do! Yes!”

“Good! Maya moaned, swaying as the waves of ecstasy washed through her flesh. She squeezed Mrs. Maia's breast.

Milk splashed on the undine's rippling form. She felt so amazing right now. She floated on such ecstasy. A big smile spread on her lips as Leo spurted the last of his cum into her pussy. She felt so good while curiosity rippled through her.

What does Leo have to do?

*  \ * /  *

Flesh cursed to stone, let the petrification of Lord Anzu end!”

As the words to Stone Cure left my mouth, the magic flowed into one of the dwarves petrified by Ziamili's gorgon. The twins had punished the dwarves with petrification. A horrible crime. But I could set it to right.

The elders had brought me to the Temple to Lord Anzu and Lady Ki. A sprawling structure with massive pillars holding up the ceiling and an altar made of a large boulder that was banded with blue-green stripes that gave the gray stone an exotic cast. Like something plucked from another world. No priest was in residence. She was one of the statues cared for here. I would fix them all. I should have thought of this earlier. I was glad I had.

It was a way to pass the wait for news.

Flesh cursed to stone, let the petrification of Lord Anzu end!”

Another dwarf saved. Another wrong righted.

Click here for the next part! 


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