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Chapter Thirty-Six

With my hippogriffs created, I had a lot to do to my dungeon. So much work. I spent a whole day considering it. I talked with Fara and Hagane for ideas. We drew up some diagrams, but it became clear that my dungeon needed to have a new level.

A Deep Labyrinth.

It would push my living quarters deeper underground. That was good. More space between the Vault and the entrance. More dangers and traps would-be attackers have to navigate through. Adventurers, other dungeon builders, and dragons would all have a larger gauntlet to run through.

So my living quarters, throne room, the meeting hall, and the space to bring the citizens of Astovin during an attack all became Level Four of my dungeon. I kept Guard Post Two—where Paanee, Baaghi, and Esclava were stationed—at the end of Level Three with the access to my throne room on Level Four from there. And access to the Teleportation Hub that let me travel fast between the dungeon with Kassie's help.

I felt a tad bad that she had to spend time as little more than an elevator operator when she wasn't seeing if any of Halia's recruits had good magical aptitute. So far, none showed any.

I created the Deep Labyrinth on Level 3. A network of winding dungeons with all manner of traps. Wind blasts to throw adventures back into other deadlier traps. Heated oil, mix of Fire and Water traps, would drop on their heads. Crushing ceiling tiles, pit traps, spear traps that fired out of the walls, flame traps, blizzard traps, sonic traps, lightning traps. All the goodies. Patrolling the floors of the Deep Labyrinth were the animated armors, the werewolves, and the yeti.

I thought they would make some good patrollers.

I made new rooms, too. Places to house the new Level 3 Monster girls. For the leprechauns, I made the Illusion Room. Using Light and Darkness mixed, I created a room that appeared to be a green field full of flower and bury bushes. In reality, it was full of hidden traps. With their abilitty to teleport through shadows and distract with magic to lure adventures into traps, I figured my leprechauns would be right at home.

For my mountain nymphs, the oreads, I created the Stone Teeth Room. Oreads had the ability to merge into rocks. The room was full of stalactites poised to fall from the ceiling and a forest of stalagmites thrusting from the floor to force adventures to wander through the deadly area. The oread could hide in the rocks for ambush. For good measure, I mixed in some volcanic traps, a mix of Earth and Fire to make magma.

I combined the aoi si and the vampires, giving them them the Black Room to live in. A large, featureless room that only the most powerful light spell will see far through. A large box, I put the entrance on the left side of the north wall and the exit on the right side. Not on opposite ones. I hoped they would head out into the middle and not realize their mistake. The aoi si and the vampires would be right at home attacking out of the darkness and disorienting the attackers.

I created the Echo Room for the sires. A room full of beautiful and relaxing music that the sirens sing to. The acoustins in the room were perfect to magnify their beguiling voices. On top of that, I used a mix of Air and Light to make a soothing scent that filled the room. Aromatherapy to stupify the attackers and lure them to the sirens on their comfy beds.

For the final that any attacker woudla have to bypass to exit the Deep Labyrinth, I made the Aerie. A large room that was three stories up with a deep pit at the bottom lined with spikes. There was no way across the room without flying, the only bridge extending from the exit to the entrance by pushing a switch on the ceiling. Perches thrust from the walls for the flying monster girls to roost on. The thunderbirds, phoenixes, and the hippogriffs would all guard this room.

That should be a hard obstacle for many adventurers to get past.

I added the Illusion Room, Stone Teeth Room, the Black Room, and the Echo Room to the rotation for the entrance of the dungeon. That would give any adventurers studying my dungeon a nasty shock when they found new sorts of entrances.

It still happened, attacks. Every few days, a foolhardy group of adveturers broke into my dungeon. Some lived, fleeing usually from the entrance room. It was such a waste of life. I wasn't an enemy to this world. There were dungeon builders who were.

The kelpie were the only monster girls that I didn't make a new area for them. Water monster girls, I let them join the mermaids and hippogriffs in the Flooded Bridge Room. The kelpies would be happy there. While they weren't purely aquatic, like mermaids and hippogriffs, they still enjoyed the water.

With dungeon building done, I had some new magic to practice. A lot of new magic.

So it was off to the throne room where some of my monster girls gathered. Maya, Alizee, Garnet, Crystal, and Terra were all lounging on their thrones behind me. I rolled my shoulders, hearing them whispering and chatting.

“What are you going to bust out first, big bro?” Garnet asked.

“I'm surprised you're here,” I said. “Thought you'd be fucking the new monster girls.”

“I did that all day yesterday,” she said. “As you made new rooms, I traveled to them. Ooh, I had fun in the darkness room whipping those vampires. They kept trying to bite me!”

“They tried that on me,” Maya said. “But they didn't like it. Not fans of water.”

“Nor clay,” Terra said.

“They found me too chilly,” Crystal said, “but that didn't stop me from riding Krvi's face.”

“Morana loves them,” Alizee said. “I think she's with them right now. They're being all queen of the dead together. It's so cute.”

I smiled at that. “Glad you're all getting along with the new girls.” I took a deep breath and cried out the words to the first new spell. “The power of the tide crushes, let the might of Lord Enki drown!”

A powerful wave of water swept out before me. It rose ten or more feet high and spread out wide. The ground shook then it crashed down and washed out across the throne room. Before it faded away. Tidal Surge had some kick to it.

“Ooh, I liked that,” Maya said. “Just unleash that mighty flood, Leo!”

“And the water goes away,” Terra said. “No mess to clean up.”

“And that's the only new Water spell I got,” I said. “Well, and a ritual to cleanse water and make it drinkable.”

“Just one?” asked Maya. “No Internal Spell.”

“Just one,” I said, shrugging. “It seems some of the elements don't have a lot. Others have a few. I have three in Earth.”

“Ooh, let's see it,” Terra said. “Something flashy!”

“Like Earth Shatter?” I asked and thrust out my arm. “The hammer falls, let the strength of Lord Abzu smash!”

A section of stone floor exploded, sending debris flying and leaving a crater about ten feet across.

“Very flashy,” Terra said, nodding her approval.

“And we have Boulder Fall!” I found the new words in my soul. “Hurtling down the mountain, let the boulder of Lord Abzu crush!”

A large boulder appeared at the ceiling and crashed down to the ground with a large boom. The floor shook beneath my feet. The boulder cracked the floor where it hit. The stone vanished after a few seconds.

“Wow, the Wiley E. Coyote spell,” said Garnet.

“Only it didn't crush Leo,” pointed out Maya. “So at least there's that.”

“I hope I wouldn't flatten myself with a bolder,” I said, shaking my head. “Stone and flesh become one, let the love of Lady Ki meld!”

Suddenly, I felt the stone beneath my feet as not a solid, but a liquid I could lower myself into. I glanced back at my women and waved to them before I just sank down into the stone. They gasped. Garnet bounced on her kneess on her throne. Alizee hoped to her feet. Terra grinned. Then I vanished into the stone.

I was one with it. I didn't need to breathe. I didn't feel it crushing me. I could move through it like swimming through thick syrup. I could hear the vibrations through the stone and feel that there was an empty space above me and the thrones on the floor. It was surreal. I couldn't see anything. Not just darkness, but a lack of sight.

It was all surreal as I moved through it like the oreads must. Stonemeld was an interesting spell. It definitely could have its uses. I swam beneath the thrones and emerged behind them as they were talking on the chair.

“I don't know how impressive that was,” Maya was saying. “I mean, I would have thought he could have done that earlier.”

“It's so impressive,” Alizee said. “He didn't leave any distubance in the stone. That means his atoms are slipping around through the atoms of the stone. That's some crazy quantum stuff. If Hagane was here, I bet her chrome body would melt.”

“I think a Dark Lord shouldn't meld into rocks but teleport through shadows,” said Garnet. “The leprechauns do that. It's super neat. That's what Dark Lord Big Bro should be doing!”

“Mmm, I'm in favor of it,” said Crystal. “I like the idea of walking all over him in the stone. It's hot. Metls my pussy right now.”

“Good to know,” I said.

They all jumped, Garnet squeaking, and turned around to look at me standing behind them. I grinned at them, the spell still active I could merge down into the stone again, but I decided against it as they all grinned at me.

“I knew you were there,” Maya said.

“Riiiiight,” I said. “That's why you jumped.”

“So jumped,” Terra said.

“I had no idea,” Alizee said. “That was neat.”

“Teleport through shadows, Big Bro!” Garnet whimpered, her tail swishing back and forth behind her. “I think that will be way neater.”

“It's not a teleport spell, Garnet,” I said as I loved between the thrones. “It's an ambush spell. Something sneaky.”

“Fine, fine,” she said. “So, what's next, big bro?”

“Volley of Stakes?” I asked, a metal spell. “Metal missiles fly, let the spikes of Lord Nabu pierce!”

The stakes hissed through the air from me in a shotgun spread. They slammed into the far wall, sparks flaring as they drove into the stone wall. A gruesome fate for anyone that had the misfortune of standing in that path.

“That's it for Metal other than a ritual to make a metal knight, an even more powerful type of golem.” I rolled my shoulders. “How about some Ice? The sharpness of ice cuts, let the razors of Lord Anshar slash!”

Razor Ice sent frozen blades ripping through an area, tearing up any thing that would stand in that place. Like Volley of Stakes, not much would be left intact in the area of this spell. And like Metal, that was the only spell I really got.

There was a ritual, Mirror Coat, that would let me coat something in a thin layer of ice to make it highly reflective.

“Now, this next one won't hurt,” I said, turning and facing them. “Though it seem a weird way to use this spell.”

“Weird?” Maya asked.

Life revitalizes and mend, let the restoration of Lord Dumazid mend!” I cried and a bolt of green-orange energy slammed into Maya. She gasped as it rippled over her. “Bow of Life, a long-ranged healing spell.”

“Oh, wow, I think Ms. Trueno told me about that one,” Terra said. “Saw Sulanga use it. So that's the Life weapon. A healing attack? Weird.”

“But useful,” I said. “You know how many times I've seen one of the women I love hurt and wished I could do this.”

“Dark Lord Big Bro is the best!” Garnet gushed.

“And I also have a Healing aura,” I said. “Positive energy flows, let the passion of Lady Ianna spread!”

My body glowed and waves of the same energy washed around me for about twenty feet. I moved closer to my women, letting it bathe over them. They all closed their eyes and smiled like they were being bathed in something extra relaxful.

It was looking like these were some good spells that I had gained. There was also a ritual called Fertile Lands that would make large swaths of the most barren lands into the most productive farmland there was.

I imagine Sulanga thought it was a waste of time to use, but I was excited by it. I wanted to make Astovin's fields as productive as possible. This was something so useful. They didn't have modern farming techniques in this world.

They had to work hard to just keep the crops alive and healthy. It was something useful. Something good.

“Light has a scrying ritual,” I said. “You can make a sensor and watch places. It's invisible.”

“You don't think we're being watched?” Crystal asked.

“Tuerien doesn't have Light, does he?” I asked.

“Fuegin probably does,” Crystal said.

A queasiness washed through my stomach. “Yeah, he probably is watching. He sure found my dungeon fast when I appeared. He probably has lots of resources. So let's remember that when we're outside the dungeon, anyone could be watching us.”

Garnet nodded. “Operational security is so vital, big bro!”

“She says those words, but deos she understand them?” Crystal asked Terra.

Garnet's cheeks puffed out. “Big bro, Crystal's being mean to me again. I totally know what those words mean. They're... the security of the operation. Our operation!”

Crystal smirked. I arched an eyebrow at her, but she didn't look apologetic at all.

“Anyways,” I said. “Let's move onto Light. There's Lightweave which lets me shape an illusion that moves around with me.” I thought about what to make before chanting, “Shape of light and lies, let the creativity of Lord Shamash move!”

The world grew fuzzy before me for a second. Then it was normal. I looked down at my hands and saw the faint outline of tan and muscular flesh. I glanced at my women who were all staring at me. I grinned at them.

“Did it work?” I asked.

“You're Khal Drogo,” gasped Garnet. “Ooh, you already were a hunk, big bro, but now...”

“Mmm, I wonder if Lana Fulmine ever fucked Jason Momoa,” Crystal said, staring at me.

“You look just like him,” said Alizee. “That's so crazy.”

“I know,” Terra said, fanning her face. “Oh, my, I saw that Aquaman movie just because he was in it. He was so shirtless in that movie. And all tatted up.”

I shook my head and let the illusion melt away.

“So you can now infiltrate the good guys and trick them,” said Garnet. “Like the First Evil did in the last season of Buffy.”

“We're the good guys,” Maya said, putting her arm around Garnet's shoulder. “Remember.”

“I know,” said Garnet. “Just playing.” She grinned. “I think you're sexier this way, big bro.”

“Thanks, Garnet,” I said, staring at the others. “I see you all aren't agreeing.”

“It was Jason Momoa,” Maya said, winking playfully at me. “You should have appeared as someone ugly or creepy.”

“I would still love you,” Garnet sighed.

I rolled my eyes. “Let's get back to the test with Blinding Radiance.” I thrust out my hand. “Sunlight explodes, let the radiance of Lord Shamash erupt!”

A brilliant light exploded from my hand. It almost hurt my eyes. My women gasped, and they were behind me. It would lave anyone blinded. It might even give them a sunburn. I blinked my eyes as I lowered my hand.

“Damn,” Crystal said. “You got some interesting spells.”

“Interesting is Dripping Shadows,” I said.

“Dripping Shadows?” Maya asked. “That does sound... interesting.”

Night devours, let the corrosive shadows of Lord Zuen burn!”

From the ceiling, black shadows dripped and splashed on the ground with an acidic sizzle. The darkness ate away at the stone, pitting them. The stone smoked. A sour reek, almost like bile, filled the air as it worked.

“Oh, wow,” Crystal said. “That's insane. Darkness that devours. That's pretty metal.”

“Yeah,” Alizee said. “Like something off a Dad Rock album cover. Metallica or Megadeath or something. Real metal.”

“Yeah,” said Terra. “Dad rock is the best. I really love that old stuff from the Eighties and Nineties.”

“Any more Darkness spells?” Garnet asked. “Huh, Big Bro.”

“Nope,” I said. “Not even a ritual. But I do have some of the nasty stuff that Sulanga used against us. Arching Chain. That's the one that lets lightning zap from person to person. I used that against the dragon. It worked fairly well. And my favorite new spell.” I winked at them. “Lightning flashes, let the passion of Lady Uttu fly!”

I became lightning and jumped across the throne room. It was incredible. Electricity burst around me as I reformed. It was instantaneous. Their heads whipped around to find me. This time, Garnet jumped to her feet and applauded.

“That's a teleportation spell!” she squealed. “Not that dumb Stonemeld. It's not jumping through shadows, but it's the next best thing.”

“Yeah, pretty cool,” Crystal said.

“I also used Fire Field against the dragon,” I said. “It's a real powerful fire spell. Sulanga nearly killed me with it. But there's also a spell called Burning Hands. It seems interesting.”

“Burning Hands,” Crystal said. “Something to melt me, huh?

Hands burn, let the heat of Lady Lamashtu grow!”

My hands grew red hot. The air distorted around them as the heat washed over me. I moved toward Crystal. She arched an eyebrow at my glowing hands. They were white-hot at the fingertips. I then bent down and shoved my hands into the stone.

I melted the rock. The stone heated up and flowed. I pushed my hands into the artificial lava I created. I ripped my hands out and grinned. “Flamebody might set me on fire, but it's not hot enough to melt stone. This would be nasty in a hand to hand combat.”

“Yeah,” Terra said. “Damn, I'm impressed. Any other fire spells?”

“Just a ritual called Eternal Flame. It's a fire that never goes out. Now, with Death, I have a ritual that lets me summon dark spirits called shades that drain the life. And an attack spell called Spectral Breath.”

“So you kill with halitosis?” Crystal asked.

“If my breath is so bad, why were you kissing me so hard this morning?” I asked.

“Well, your cock was in my pussy.” Crystal shrugged. “Seemed like a good idea at the time.”

I rolled my eyes and turned from them. “The breath of death kills, let the exhale of Lord Nergal slay!”

A cloud of noxious vapors erupted from my mouth in a wide cone that washed over the throne room. I arched an eyebrow at how big it was. That was a deadly spell there.

“So, how about some Thunder?” I asked. “Deep Rumble, ladies? Maybe you'd like some bass to make your pussies quiver.”

“Mmm, I did like a good bass pumping away,” purred Crystal. “This one guy I dated had the speakers beneath my seats. Got me so wet.”

“Right,” Terra groaned. “I loved that.”

Smiling, I chanted, “Thunder rumbles, let the sound of Lord Ishkur confuse!”

A loud boom echoed through the throne room, erupting before me. The air distorted from the sound waves. They buffeted over me but didn't affect me. The spell would disorient and deafen those hit by it, making them easier to fight.

Probably not as useful as my other spells.

“Any other Thunder spells?” Garnet asked.

There were two more. “One is Mimic. Lets me talk like another person.” I took a deep breath then chanted, “Perfect words spoken, let the song of Lady Kittu mimic!”

As it fell on me, I took on Garnet's voice. I turned to face her, grinning, “I'm Naughty Succbus Garnet who is the bestest best. I love my big bro. He's the Dark Lord that will conquer the world and it'll be so awesome!”

“I don't sound like that,” Garnet gasped. “Do I?”

“He's not saying your words right, but he's got your voice,” Maya said.

“Kweh, heh, heh, heh!” I laughed, forcing it out like she did.

“No, no, no, it's not like that!” huffed Garnet. She hopped to her feet. “It's, 'Kweh, heh, heh, heh!'” She threw her head back. Her scarlet wings fluttered. “That's how you do it. You have to mean it. It's a laugh of dark passion. Of pure evil and villainy! It's the laugh that only a dread servant of the Demon Lord can use. KWEH, HEH, HEH, HEH!”

“Wow,” I said, still sounding like Garnet, “you are passionate. Hard to capture that.”

“I'm one of a kind,” Garnet said and flounced back down on her throne. “Don't forget that, big bro!”

“I never will,” I said.

“So, any other Thunder spells?” Maya asked.

“Well...” There was one other, but it sounded so embarrassing to cast.

“There is.” My undine ginned, her watery body rippling as she stood. “And you're getting all shy about using it. Even though we all here love and serve you.”

“Wow, it truly must be embarrassing,” Crystal said, mist spilling off her icy body. “Dirty boy, you have to know we'll still love and serve you.”

“You can do it, Leo!” whooped Alizee. She jumped into the air and spun, her white hair whipping around her. “Go, Leo, go! You can do it! Yes, you can! You can do it all the way!”

“That doesn't rhyme,” Terra muttered. “But we're not going to make fun of you, Leo. Right, Crystal.”

“Oh, fine,” Crystal said. “Maya's the one who'll tease him.”

“She's his girlfriend,” Terra said. “I think she gets to do that sort of stuff.”

I glanced at Maya. My undine had a big smile on her lips. I suppose she was my girlfriend. They were all mine, all my wives or concubines, but Maya was special in that regard. My best friend. My girlfriend in the other world.

“Fine, fine, it's called Siren Wail,” I said. “It dominates the mind and lets me control them.”

“That doesn't sound that terrible,” said Maya. “I don't know why you're embarrassed.”

I closed my eyes and chanted, “Seductive song, let the voice of Lord Ishkur dominate!”

A song spilled from my lips than. It was a rich baritone and echoed through the room. Maya sniggered. My cheeks warmed. Crystal fought her own mirth, her lips twisting as she struggled to hold in her laughter.

“Seductive song?” Maya asked. “Oh, that's so embarrassing. You're going to seduce your enemies into doing what you want.”

“Like one of the sirens,” Crystal gasped then burst into laughter.

“Someone's not getting dick for a month,” Terra said. “I think it's... a bold and useful spell.”

“Yes, yes, it's great,” Maya said. “You can seduce me whenever you want.”

“And a burly dwarf adventurer with a bristling beard,” guffawed Crystal.

I scoweled and snarled, “Wind blows, let the might of Lord Anu slash!”

A blade of compressed slashed above Crystal's head, cutting off the top of their throne and gouging the wall behind them. Crystal laughed louder. I scowled at her as Garnet stared up at the top of her throne, her eyes wide.

“Wow, that was awesome, big bro,” she cooed. “Ooh, what was that called.”

“Wind Slash,” I said. “That's a Beginner Tier spell, but I also got Deep Breath which lets me hold my breath for a lot longer.”

“Mmm, imagine the pussy-licking possibilities if you could just snorkel in our snatches without having to breathe,” Terra said, spreading her gray legs in invitation. My golem grinned at me. “See, you don't have to be worried about one spell that's a little embarrassing. You're way too much of a stud.”

“Oh, yes, dirty boy,” Crystal said. “I was laughing at the spell, not you.”

“Right,” said Maya. “Mmm, we could make love underwater.”

“I could already cast a Water Spell to let me breathe underwater,” I said. “Though this could be useful if I was buried alive or dumped in poisonous gas or something. Now for the Intermediate Spells I gained with wind. We have Airy Javelin.”

Wind gusts, let the strength of Lord Anu pierce!”

A compressed javelin of wind flew through the air and struck the wall. It was a nice, single target attack.

“And Hard Gust.”

Howl and rage, let the winds of Lord Anu gust!”

A blast of wind surged out before me, whipping up some of the debris caused by the other spells. My throne room needed to be repaired. It looked strong enough to knock over enemies.

Updraft billows, let the grace of Lady Tiamat lift!”

“Ooh,” Garnet cooed as Levitate lifted me up in the air. I floated there, but I couldn't move forward or back nor left and right. Just up and down. “I guess that's useful to reach the top shelf if you don't have these.”

“Yeah,” I said as I lowered down. “But it's an Intermediate Spell. Now for the Expert Wind magic. How about Whirlwind?”

Storm howls, let the tempest of Lord Anu whirl!”

A whirlwind swirled around me. The air whipped into a frenzy, howling about me. Dust and debris surged up. Anyone rushing at me would be thrown back. It would deflect attacks. This looked like an amazing defensive spell.

There was a ritual, too, with Wind. Eternal Levitate. I could make an object go open down at a keyword. A way to make magical lifts. That was neat. I would probably find a use for that one day.

“And I like this one,” I said, glancing up at Alizee still floating in the air. My sylph looked so graceful up there. “Gentle winds, let the support of Lady Tiamat billow!”

I rose in to the air thanks to the Fly spell. I surged up at her. She gasped as I swept her up in my arms and kissed her. My naughty cheerleader felt so wonderful in my arms. My lips melted onto hers. I kissed her with passion.

She quivered in my arms as I soared us to the ceiling. She hugged me tight, arms and legs wrapping around my body. Her round breasts rubbed on my chest as she whimpered in my arms. My dick nuzzled into her hairless pussy.

I slid my hands down and grasped her rump. I thrust into her pussy.

She groaned as I did that. She clutched tight to my body as my dick slid into her pussy. I loved the feel of her cunt engulfing my cock. It was an incredible delight to have her wet snatch gripping my shaft. I was in my sylph.

My sexy cheerleader.

She broke the kiss and gasped, “Leo! Oh, Leo, yes!”

I thrust into her as we floated near the ceiling, held aloft by Wind. We were both flying without wings. It was delicious to pump away at her twat. Her pussy gripped me, massaging my dick as I buried into my sylph again and again.

“Oh, yes, yes,” she groaned. “Oh, Lord Leo, that's incredible. That's just amazing. I love it so much. I love your big cock fucking into my pussy.”

“Good,” I groaned, burying into her hard and fast. “Mmm, you got a hot cunt. Just squeeze that pussy down around my cock. I love it!”

“Wonderful,” she groaned, her pussy gripping my cock. She held me with her tight embrace. She massaged me with that hot snatch. I savored every last moment of burying into her. Every last second of fucking into her snatch. “Ooh, you're driving me wild!”

“Good,” I groaned, plowing to the hilt in her snatch. “Shit, that's good. That's really good. Yes, yes, just like that. I love the feel of that pussy around my cock!”

She groaned, squeezing her snatch around my dick. She held me tight as I buried into her over and over again. I loved how she gripped me. How she held me. It was amazing passion. Just such wonderful pleasure to have squeezing around my cock.

She gripped me. Massaged me. I buried into her over and over again. I loved how she massaged me with her hot snatch as we drifted. The pressure swelled and swelled in my balls as I held my naughty sylph in my arms.

“Big bro!” Garnet squealed as she flew around us. Her wings beat with her scarlet color as she turned, her tail swishing. “Ooh, ooh, what a hot spell!”

“Yeah!” I groaned, loving this spell as I drilled into Alizee's pussy.

“I love it so much,” Alizee moaned as she twisted her body.

We turned in the air, doing a roll. The world spun around us slowly as I thrust into her. Garnet giggled as I pumped away at Alizee's pussy. She massaged my cock with her hot snatch. I buried to the hilt in her twat over and over again.

Every thrust swelled the pressure in my balls. The need to cum grew and grew as I buried into her. She gripped me with that hot twat. She humped against me, moaning into my ear with her sweet passion. She was so delicious to hold in my arms.

“Oh, Lord Leo,” she moaned. “Oh, Lord Leo, that's amazing. Yes, yes, drive that big dick into my pussy. Ooh, I love that. I love that so much!”

“Damn,” I groaned, loving flying over the others. I glimpsed Terra and Maya kissing below. Crystal rubbed at her cunt on her throne, staring up at us. “That is nice!”

“It is!” she whimpered, her pussy so hot around my cock. Her air danced around us, blown by the wind that held her aloft. “Oh, Leo! You are such a stud! Yes, yes, go hard! Go fast! Take me all the way!”

Her cheers echoed through my ears as I slammed my cock hard into her. I turned us before we hit the wall, floating us back the other way. I held her tight as my dick buried to the hilt in her. I fucked into her hard and fast. I plowed to the hilt in her twat, my nuts eager to erupt.

I was so close to bursting in her. Just so close to flooding her with my jizz. That would be so hot. I would pump everything that I had into her. I couldn't wait to do that. She squeezed her snatch around me. She held me tight with her cunt. It was a delight to feel gripping me.

I pounded her faster and faster. I thrust to the hilt in her pussy. I slammed deep and hard into her twat. I loved the feel of her cunt around me. I savored the way her snatch squeezed about my dick. It was such a wonderful experience.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I groaned. “Oh, that's so good. That's amazing. Yes, yes, that's just so good. Damn, I love it!”

“I know!” she moaned. “Oh, Leo! I'm going to cum!”

“Cum!” squealed Garnet.

I buried to the hilt in Alizee's pussy. Her hot flesh squeezed down around me. Then she gasped and bucked. Her pussy went wild around my dick. She suckled at me. Her flesh rippled and writhed around me. I loved the feel of her nursing at me. I savored the heat of her cunt writhing around my dick. She felt spectacular about me.

I groaned, loving the way she nursed on me. How she suckled at me. It was an incredible rush to feel her writhing around me like that. I thrust to the hilt in her, savoring the way her cunt convulsed about me.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I groaned. “Oh, god, that's amazing!”

“I know!” she moaned, her pussy rippling around me. “Oh, I know it! Cum in me!”

“Cum in her, big bro!”

I buried to the hilt in Alizee's pussy and erupted. My cock spurted blast after blast of cum into her snatch. I groaned, savoring the heat of rushing out of my dick and flooding her pussy. I savored the pleasure rushing through me. I enjoyed every moment of splashing her snatch with my cum.

I spurted again and again. I erupted over and over into her pussy. I flooded her cunt with hot jizz. I savored the heat rushing through me. It was an incredible delight to feel all that pleasure surging through me. Stars danced across my vision.

“Damn!” I groaned. “Oh, damn, that's it!”

I shuddered in the air, Alizee's pussy writhing around my dick. She milked me dry. I groaned, loving these new magics I had. I was so much stronger. I would be able to protect my women so much better.

I would unravel the mystery of the Shrines and save this world from the rogue dungeon builders. I felt it with such clarity as I held Alizee's trembling body in my arms. My orgasm melted into bliss. I smiled, feeling so good.

Feeling just amazing.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

“You got to your shield up, Nomaz,” said Halia. She marched up to the young man who was picking himself up from Cheekha's attack. “And brace yourself for the impact. You have to be ready, or that will happen.”

“Right, Lady Halia,” Nomaz said as I thrust out a hand at him.

“Bend with the knees, too,” growled Akiz, the dwarf warrior who had joined Lord Leo with his adventuring party. “You need to absorb that impact with your knees. Monster girls can hit harder than you think.”

“Yes,” growled Cheekha, the words coming out strange in her wolf form. She padded to the other two werewolves. They were helping my trainees practice against hit and run tactices.

“Okay, Bellia, you're up,” I said.

Bellia rose from where she sat with Kassie. The halfling mage had a magic book spread out. She was still trying to find someone to teach magic to. Someone that had a knack for it. Bellia rushed over as she put on her shield and sword. She looked eager in her training leathers, a skirt and sleeveless top. The village girl had grown stronger in training, her arms and thighs toned with muscle.

Bhediya charged at her and slammed onto her shield. Bellia gasped as she was thrown off her feet. She hit the ground and rolled.

The werewolf panted with delight as she darted over and licked at Bellia's face.

“Oof, you hit hard,” Bellia said. “My arm is numb.”

“Broken?” I asked.

“No, no,” she said. “LadyLIfe's fertile twat, I felt that one.”

“Yes, you did,” said Ashiliozia. The elven rogue, one of Akiz's companions, lounged against the wall. “I'd recommned not even trying to block. Dodging's an option. Get a better position and stab.”

“If you can do it,” said Halia. “But hiding behind your shield is a good way to live. Karvin.”

Karvin trotted out, another of the Astovin youths eager to be an adventurer for Lord Leo. He readied himself as Chaandi readied her charge. The werewolf licked her chops. She darted to the right, then cut left at him, attacking from his weapon side. He didn't panic.

He twisted in his feet and set his shield, leaning into the attack. She hit him. His feet slid a few inches, then he thrust his sword, the blunt end scoring down the side of Chaandi. She bounded away, her tail wagging.

“Got me!” she growled. “Good work!”

“Yeah,” Karvin said, a big smile spreading on his lips.

“Just don't get cocky,” Halia told him, pride rising in her. “In a real fight, that probably wouldn't have killed her. She would have tried to get behind you and take out your legs. Monster girls will fight through pain. They aren't afraid of death since they don't really die like me and you do. They can be reckless. They are devoted to their builder.”

“If I impale myself down your sword so my fellow werewolf can rip out your throat,” Chaandi growled, “I would. No hesitation. That's how much I love Lord Leo.”

“Got it,” Karvin said. “I'll do that. Thanks, Chaandi.”

She bowed her head. “We are in the same pack, Karvin. We all serve our packmaster.”

“Okay, Melin,” Halia said to the last of her trianees. “Your turn.”

“You got this,” said Vern, the last of Akiz's adventuring group. A human warrior with a strong presence. “Just like Karvin. You—”

Bells rang through the dungeon. Halia glanced up and groaned. Intruders had entered the valley leading up to the dungeon, tirpping the Alarm enchantment Leo had placed down on it. Another group of fools who wanted to die.

Halia sighed. She would rather recruit them to Lord Leo's service. It was such a waste. “Okay, let's make our way to the throne room.” The paladin clapped her hands. “Hurry.”

*  \ * /  *

I pulled on my gray robes as I ran out of the living area with my family. Yesterday's spell practicing had gone great. Today, I had been strategizing with Lana Fulmine, Ms. Trueno, and Alizee on how best to begin negotiations with the dwarves that the Twins had enslaved.

Now a band of adventurers were attacking.

Or something else. It was the Valley Alarm that went off.

I reached my throne room and headed to the map of the dungeon. I stepped on it and showed the first level, zooming in so it was useful. With my dungeon reaching all the way to the Twins and Sharithin, it was useless to see it all at once.

The Black Room with the aoi si and the vampires was today's entrance room, changed first thing after I got out of bed. I watched the cave that led to it, waiting for the first enemy blips to appear on it. My companions were gathering in here.

“What is it?” asked Lana Fulmine.

“Something entered the valley,” I said, staring down at the map, watching for the first red dot of an enemy to appear in my dungeon.

Or a black door for an enemy monster girl.

“We should have someone always stationed in the Observatory,” said Maya. My undine took my arm, pressing her body against mine. “Or have the harpies flying around more than Astovin. They could have spotted these adventurers coming.”

“It's why we have the alarm ritual in the valley,” I said, my stomach tensing.

“It's not a bad idea,” Hagane said. “Someone with good eye site. Of course, they will be far removed from any of the fighting.”

“Or just repositioned the wildhounds to hide in the surrounding terrain,” suggested Nina Naughty. My porn star devil flicked her tail back and forth, a wicked grin on her red face. “That would do nicely. They make great skirmishers.”

“Or activate a whole new group of level 1 monster girls,” Crystal said. “What are you not using? Ooh, wendigo. You're not using all the Ice monster girls you can use.”

“And you have so many Life monster girls,” said Mrs. Maia. “You have treants and werefoxes. One of those would be great to hide in the woods around the valley. The treants would blend in perfectly.”

My brow knitted. “It's—”

The dungeon alarm went off. Intruders had entered the dungeon. A group of five. I sighed. I hated killing adventurers. “Smerta,” I said to her and all the monster girls in the dungeon, “try to take them alive.”

Yes, Leo,” the valkyrie answered.

Alive?” Vilkas asked. She was in the first dungeon assisting Smerta. “That's curious. What do you plan to do with them?”

Recruitment,” I said.

“A noble idea,” said Halia. She and her adventurers marched into the room. I glanced up at them crossing the room, Halia looking so martial in her armor. She had her hand resting on the pommel of the Blessed Blade of Light. “Maybe it'll work. I joined up.”

“Better than offing them,” grunted Akiz. The dwarf nodded to me. “Help 'em see the light that you're not like the other vermin. No offense, my Lord.”

“None taken,” I said as the invaders found the way out of the entrance cave and into the Black Room. It was time for my Level Three monster girls to show their mettle. Three aoi sithe and three vampires surely could capture that many.

The red dots clumped together. My monster girls moved into position as the adventurers strode into the room with confidence.

Mage!” cried Hrudei, one of the aoi si.

Light,” hissed Udel, a vampire.

Her dot vanished.

“Shit,” I growled, watching the red dots moving in. The aoi sithe were easy to spot. Their blue dots flickered around the battlefield as they teleported.

Palka vanished. Then Krvi. All three vampires were dead. My stomach lurched. These were strong adventurers.

That mage is deadly!” cried Divochyy.

Just keep fighting,” I said. “If you can't take them alive, fine.”

Divochyy's blue dot appeared beside the red dots. So did her fellow aoi sithe. Two of them vanished, Divochyy and Zhinka. Hrudei teleported back only for her dot to vanish a heartbeat later. My teeth ground together as the five red dots moved through the room.

The mage is deadly, Smerta,” I told her. “Be ready.”

Yes, Leo,” she answered. “Fuck a bear! Vilkas, ready an ambush. I want to hit them in at intersection 5a.”

Got it,” Vilkas answered.

On the map, my monster girls in the first labyrinth were surging towards a gold dot, Vilkas. She was gathering up the oozes, satyrs, and wildhounds. They massed around her as the adventurers penetrated into the labyrinth.

The red dots moved down the tunnel, stretched out into a line. I watched them as Vilkas started deploying her monster girls. It would be pure black in the tunnels, but the adventurers must have a Light mage with them. That was how they overcame the Black Room. The only way.

Suddenly, a tiny increase to my power flooded through me. A red dot vanished, one of the adventurers killed by a trap. Those were slowing them down. Forcing them to move with caution and giving Vilkas more time to ready her ambush.

“I hate this,” muttered Ms. Trueno. “I feel sick to my stomach.”

“Is it always like this?” asked Alizee. My cheerleader stood between Mrs. Maia and Mrs. Lucina.

The two MILFs put their arms around the sylph. “I'm afraid so,” Mrs. Lucina said. “Adventures come and die. They never make it to us. The monster girls wear them down eventually.”

“Why?” Alizee demanded. “It seems so pointless.”

“To save the world,” Halia said.

Akiz grunted. “For the glory. The profit. The challenge. The sheer thrill of it. Saving the world.” He spat. “Most adventurers aren't in it for that. Trust me.”

Halia looked troubled by that. She had been in it to save the world. She had wanted to make this world safe from the dungeon builders like her father had. And his father. Her family had wielded the last known Blessed Blade for who knew how long.

“They're almost to the ambush spot, big bro,” Garnet said. She wasn't laughing or boasting. Her wings drooped.

Try to take some alive, Vilkas,” I told her. “But if it fails, Smerta, kill them.”

Yes, Leo,” Vilkas and Smerta answered together.

Get ready, Vilkas,” Smerta said. She was in her command room with her own map of the first level of the dungeon. She was my general. “They're rounding the corner and heading towards the intersection.”

I hear the traps going off,” Vilkas said. “And being disabled.”

I nodded.

“They won't make it far,” Akiz said. “You're too strong for adventurers to handle. Only the very best, the most dedicated. The true believers.” He glanced to Halia. “Only they could have a chance against you. It'll take an army to challenge you now.”

“Are you a true believer?” I asked Akiz. “You and your companion joined up.”

“Suppose we are.” The dwarf shrugged his shoulders.

“We are,” said Ashiliozia, the elven rogue. “That's why we're here. He just doesn't like to express himself.”

“Dwarves,” said Vern. He smiled. “They're emotions are encased in granite.”

“Bah,” spat Akiz. “The fight's about to happen, Lord Leo.”

“Go, Vilkas,” Terra whispered, her hands on her hips.

“She has it,” Morana said. “Though it's so sad the vampires were so easily dispatched.”

“They needed the cloak of darkness to have a chance,” said Mrs. Lucina. “And a mage...”

“We're deadly,” Kassie said. The halfling fingered her brass medallion.

The red dots hit the intersection. Vilkas and her forces attacked.

Blue dots rushed in from three sides. It was hard to tell what was going on. It was just an abstract display. But I felt it when Ullo died, the satyr's dot winking out. Then Khur, Cikata, and Cysgo all vanished in a moment.

Damn Earth magic!” Vilkas snarled. “He's not a light mage. There's a cleric glowing like a sun!”

Seeng and Doodh died. My stomach clenched as Vilkas leaped into the fray. She was more powerful than the others. It was chaotic. Nos died. Philtara, too. One slime left. Then one of the red dots vanished, killed.

Cleric down!” shouted Vilkas. “That's it. Bind the mage, Cikhala. Gag him. Keep him from speaking!”

“Yes!” Alizee cried, one of the red dots superimposed by a blue dot.

Vilkas leaped at another red dot. There was three of them, but they were cut off, the blue dots around them. Marwo died as Ci and Hela jumped on a red dot. Vilkas hit another, two of the satyr, Bakara and Havas, with her.

In moments, the red dots were not moving. They were still alive. My heart pounded so fast. My hands clenched tight. Maya trembled on my arm. The rest of my monster girls watched on. Ms. Trueno paced.

“They're done,” Akiz said.

We've captured three of them,” Vilkas cried. “Stripping off their gear.”

Get the mage's medallion,” Kassie sent. “She can't use magic without it. She has to have a circle.”

Done!” cried Cikhala.

Bring them to me,” I said. Something changed in my dungeon. Enemies in it made it so I couldn't modify the environment or bring monster girls back to life, but prisoners were something else. The dots changed to green. The color of guests.

Even guests who weren't here by choice.

I watched the slow process of bringing the prisoners through the dungeon. I relaxed and moved to my throne room to sit down. My companions did the same with Kassie, Halia, and her adventurers moving off to the side.

“Ooh, you're the best, big bro!” Garnet cried, bouncing up and down on her throne. “Dark Lord Big Bro triumphs over the forces of evil once more! Nothing can stop your darkness from spreading across the world and smothering all beneath your power.”

“You do remember he's a lightning dungeon builder first,” Lana Fulmine said. “My number one fan is electric.”

“And where does lightning come from?” Garnet asked. “The darkness of storm clouds.”

“You can have lightning in perfectly clear skies,” said Nina.

“No you can't,” Garnet said. “Um, right, Hagane.”

“Dry lightning can occur without a cloud in the sky when conditions are right. Usually hot, dry days. They are dangerous and can often start wildfires.”

“Oh.” Garnet deflated. “But... Still. Darkness is where big bro's heart lies.”

“Not soaring through bright skies?” Mrs. Lucina asked. “What do you think, Alizee.”

“Mmm, soaring through bright, blue skies with the sun shining bright fits Leo a lot better,” the cheerleader said.

“Morana,” Garnet cried. “You know I'm right.”

“Of course,” the banshee said, her black mist spilling down her pale body. “His shadow will cover the entire world. We all shall remain you and beautiful in the preserving cold of his darkness.”

“That's so morbid,” said Crystal. “And I'm made of ice. I like the heat too much.”

Nina Naughty giggled.

“Here they come,” Terra said. “Let's not embarrass Leo clucking like a bunch of hens. Let's be majestic. We're his queens.”

The door threw open. Vilkas marched at the lead, her naked body made of crackling lightning. She looked pleased. Perhaps, she was glad to redeem herself after the failure of the scouting mission. She bowed low to me and stepped aside.

“The prisoners, my Lord,” she announced, motioning to the three dwarves stripped down to their under clothes. One male and two female.

The male wore a rusty, quilted jerkin that fell down to his knees. He was barefoot, blood oozing from a cut on his forehead. He seethed in the grip of Havas and Bakara, the two busty satyrs holding his arms tight. The second dwarf, a female, wore similar garb, though she had no beard. She had a nasty cut that bled on her thigh but didn't seem to feel it. Hela and Ci marched her forward. The last dwarven female wasn't as muscular as the first two. She had a band of cloth tied about her large breasts and a loincloth. Cikhala the slime had the prisoner's harms held behind her back.

A large smile spread on Cikhala's blue, gelatinous face.

“Good work,” I said to my monster girls. “Very good work. Vilkas, it is outstanding that you brought them to me alive.

“Why,” spat the male dwarf. He struggled for a moment to break out of the satyr's grip, but they held the muscular dwarf tight, their big tits jiggling as they held on. A warrior, he was all muscle. “What depraved amusement do you have planned for us.”

“Amusement,” snorted Akiz.

The three dwarves all shot their gaze to him. It was hard to tell if they were angry or shocked. They all bristled. Akiz just grinned and stroked his beard as he lounged there. He said something to Vern. The human nodded back.

“What are your names?” asked Fara. She was writing in her notebook.

“I'm Sarkz,” spat the leader. He glared at me as he was stopped before my throne. “And whatever sick and depraved pleasure you think you will get by our humiliation, I will thwart. I will not bend. I will not break. I will spit in your face with every drop of saliva I have left in me! I am Sarkz of the Vorianil Clan of Dwarves.”

“Sarkz,” I said, rising, “I'm Leo. I'm not going to torment you. I'm not going to hurt you. I want to recruit you. I want you to pledge to me and—”

All three burst into laughter. The male and the two females threw back their heads.

That was to be expected. I stared at them as their defiance echoed through the room. They were proud. Strong. I thought about what they said. Vorianil Clan of Dwarves. As in the Vorianil Mountains to the east of here.

“I'm serious,” I said, moving towards Sarkz held tight in my satyrs' hands. “I want you to join me. Serve me. Help me defend this world from the dungeon builders that oppress and butcher and conquer your people. Who enslave you.”

“We are no slaves!” spat the female warrior.

“And you are?” I asked.

“Vargi!” She glared at me. “We do not bend the knee to dungeon builders.”

“Didn't you bend the knee to the Twins?” I asked. “Build monuments to them. Slave away for them. I saw it personally. They were forced to attack my dungeon. Excavate through the mountain to find it and attack us for Led. He used them as shields.”

“We are not those cowards,” the mage said. “We fight. We will never stop fighting. We will stand here tall. We will never let any dungeon builder brutalize us!”

“The Twins brutalized your people,” I said. “Did you fight against them?”

The mage closed her eyes. “We were... far from our people when they emerged.”

“Ah, so that's why I had to kill the twins, eh...” I stared at the mage. “What's your name.”

“Hagza.” She glared at me. “Hagza, Mistress of Earth and Metal. I will drop the very stones of your pitiful dungeon around your ears and crush you, vermin!”

“Vermin!” spat Akiz. “Do you know what Lord Leo did for our people?”

Sarkz glanced at him. “I have no time for the creaking of brittle sandstone.”

“Sandstone!” Akiz roared, taking a few steps forward.

Halia put her hand on his chest and held him back, shaking her head.

“I killed the Twins,” I said. “I killed them and took great pleasure in it. They were vile dungeon builders. Some of the worst I've met. They enslaved your people for their own dark and twisted desires. It was sick what they did to them.

“But I am not them! I will not oppress your people. I will not hurt them. I want to see them prosper. I had the chance to execute those dwarves Led made attack my dungeon. I spared them.”

“Leo the False,” spat Sarkz. “You're reputation for deception is well known. No dungeon builder cares about the peoples of this world. You are all conquerors. Your gilded tongue might have fooled those idiots in Astovin, but we are not deceived.”

“Never!” Hagza hissed. She stood proud in Cikhala's grip.

“Kill us, torture us, maim us, brutalize us, and we will not bend!” roared Vargi. “We are not brittle sandstone but gneiss! Forged in the depths of the earth, hardened by the weight of mountains, we shall not break!”

I stared at them and sighed. This was not the way. Words weren't ever enough. It had to be deeds. “Vilkas, keep them under guard while we figure out our next move.”

“Yes, Lord Leo,” said Vilkas. “You should be thankful Lord Leo is a merciful man. You hurt his concubines today.”

“Good,” hissed Vargi, the dwarven warrior fighting to break free of Hela and Ci's grip. “You killed Garzan and Fiztin!”

I swallowed at that. “You attacked us.”

“You are an enemy—” Hela slapped her hand over Vargi'smouth, cutting her off.

“I want you to gag them and...” I flicked my gaze to Kassie. I remembered her warning. Any mage could use her teleportation circles if they knew the command word. “Sound vanishes, let the might of Lord Ishkur silence!”

I focused on the captured mage. She gasped and shook her head. I deafened her. I stared at the other two and applied the same spell on them. They all shook their heads, working their jaws. They had to wonder why.

“Take them to the teleportation circles,” I said. “I have a use for them.”

Vilkas nodded. “Come along.”

Sarkz spat as he was led away.

“You have a plan,” said Maya.

I turned around and smiled. “The inkling of one. This might work out well with what I've been thinking about doing next.”

Click here for the next part! 


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