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“I was just so horny, I couldn't help myself. It would have been anyone.” You hope this is the right one. That it wasn't her that—

Her hand slap cracks across your cheek. Fury burns across her face. Your friend whirls away and marches. You rub at your cheek. It stings. Tears bead in your eyes. The elevator doors are open beside you. Paris is going for the pill. You've fucked things up badly with your friend.

You slink onto the elevator, dazed. The doors close. It takes you more than a moment to hit the button for a floor. The elevator lurches downward. You rub at your burning cheek, squeezing your eyes shut. You feel in a daze for a few moments.

You've ruined things with your friend, but now Paris is going to get her own futa-cock. It's already caused you problems. Who knows what that bitch would do with it. You draw in a few breaths, steadying yourself.

When you open your eyes, you're already past the 30th floor. You hope your delay hasn't let Paris get the pill. You find some manner of calm as the numbers tick through the twenties and into the teens, coming closer and closer to your destination.

The car slow. You're reaching the 13th floor. The labs. The elevator stops. Doors slide open.

You're hurrying down the hallway, passing a utility closet and the other labs. You hurtle past Lab 4 where Paris's slut pill is being worked on. Your goal is Lab 7 at the end of the hallway. Deandra's lab. You reach the door and rip it open.

“Give it to me, now,” Paris is saying when you walk in.

Deandra has an amber bottle in hand. She shakes out a pill. “I guess if you're in charge now...”

She's about to hand over the futa-pill. You're not too late. You can charge up and pounce on Paris to keep her from getting it, or you can yell at Deandra not to hand it over.

What do you choose?

Do you pounce on Paris to stop her from getting the Futa Pill? 

Do you tell Deandra not to give it to her? 


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