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Chapter Twenty-Two

“Tuerien Ironbane,” Fara said as she stood before a map of the surrounding area. It was mostly of the Kingdom of Myreman, the nation I had appeared in, though my lay on the fringes of the country. “That is the most likely candidate to send a death dragon to attack you, Lord Leo.”

“Okay, why?” I asked. It was that evening after the attack. I had restored to life all my monster girls what had died. The harpies were patrolling the skies a half-day's ride from Astovin. We would have far more warning this time. “Why him?”

“Yes,” Siwang asked. He sat at my meeting table, too, at the other end of the table. His monster girl companions occupied the seats by him. I had my companions, plus my claimed companions—Baaghi, Paanee, Feya, Smerta, Paetu, Esclava, and Vilkas. Halia and Kassie were in attendance along with Mayor Bevlin to represent the Astovinians. “Why?”

“He is the most powerful and dangerous dungeon builder to us, Lord Leo,” Fara said. The elf's ears twitched as she traced down the map. She went south, past the estates of the troublesome Lord Shevoin to the capital of Myreman, Myrecilla. She went further south and stopped. “This is about where Tuerien Ironbane's dungeon lies. He started out with Metal, gained Fire, and now has Thunder and Death.”

“That's not proof that he sent a death dragon,” said Halia. “I maintain it was Fuegin. He is the most powerful dungeon builder alive. The odds that he doesn't have a dragon are staggering.”

“You hate Fuegin,” said Lana Fulmine. “That could be clouding your judgment.”

“He knows about this dungeon,” said Halia, her arms folded stubbornly across her armor. “He has been watching you, Lord Leo. Keep tracks on you.”

“This Tuerien can be, too,” said Crystal. “And he's a lot closer to us than Fuegin is, right?”

Fara nodded.

“We have be careful of any powerful dungeon builder, honey,” Mrs. Maia said. “We just killed Sulanga Stormfury. A powerful dungeon builder. One stronger than you were. You're building a reputation, and Tuerien has to see how far your reach is. Sharithin is no farther from here than his dungeon is, right, Fara.”

“They are comparable,” Fara said.

“Yep!” Garnet said. She bounced up and down on her seat beside me. “Big Bro Dark Lord is a threat to all evil dungeon builders like Tuerien.”

“And Fuegin,” Halia muttered.

“So we have to be prepared to take on Tuerien,” added Garnet. “He's a threat.”

“You think Leo is a dark lord,” Terra said, shaking her head.

“But not an evil dark lord,” Garnet said. “He's a good dark lord!”

Morana nodded while the mayor furrowed his brow and glanced at my succubus. I sighed. I wished she wouldn't say that stuff in front of people outside the harem. I trusted Mayor Bevlin, he was a good man who had sworn to me, but there had to be something in the back of his mind that made him wonder if he made the right decision.

And hearing me being called a dark lord wasn't going to help.

Garnet, let's cool the fun and games,” I said. “This is serious.”

I know it's serious!” she snapped back at me even as she pouted. “I do know. I'm not a child. I just like to make it fun. It's better, than. A game. It's not...” She swallowed, her face paling. “It's just easier, okay.”

I took her hand and squeezed.

“Okay, who is Fuegin,” Alizee asked. “He sounds super dangerous.”

“He killed my father,” Halia said. “He controls much of the western part of the continent. The most deadly dungeon builder in a thousand years.”

“Oh, no,” Alizee gasped.

“And one who came to me with the hand of friendship,” I said.. “He wants to find a way to understand why we're here.”

“You trust him?” Alizee asked.

“No,” said Crystal. “That's why Leo hasn't told Fuegin about the shrines.”

My cheeks burned as I said, “I... am cautious with him. But he's never given me a reason to think he was a threat. Not so long as he finds me useful, I think.”

“He met with the twins when they first appeared,” Smerta said. “Once. I don't know what they talked about.”

“I didn't know that,” Feya said.

“It was before you should up,” said Smerta. “I doubt those two dumbasses wanted to work with him, arrogant pricks. Led didn't even tell Ziamili about the shrine, let alone Fuegin. The guy probably tired the same thing he did with Leo. Probably tires it on a lot of new dungeon builders.”

“Just looking for a sap,” I said, wincing.

“You're not a sap,” Crystal said. She paused, smiling. “You're a rube.”

“Thanks,” I said, shaking my head as I grinned at her.

“Sulanga feared him,” Vilkas said. “But he also feared Tuerien more. Their territory was close to each other. Well, close enough.”

“But I never saw a death dragon in Tuerien's territory,” said Paetu. “I never even saw any dragon.” Her face tightened. “I was Sulanga's first. With that sadistic pig from the start.” The genie sighed. I hope the real me doesn't have to put up with him any longer. Jealous prick. His brother was the better man. That's why I married him and not Sulanga.”

I stared at her. “Do you miss your husband?”

Paetu face contorted. “No, not really. I'm not the whole me, right? I'm the one that is willing to serve to keep myself from feeling pain. I would serve any, even him.”

“Abusive bastard,” spat Vilkas. Her lightning form crackled with fury. “I always wanted to fire him, he never gave me an excuse. Then he brought me here.”

“As much as it saddens me to hear how Sulanga treated you two,” Ms. Trueno said, “that doesn't solve if this is from Fuegin or Tuerien.”

“The dragon went right for the entrance to Siwang's dungeon,” Mrs. Maia said. “Right to it. She didn't' hesitate. Wasn't distracted. There was too much purpose. I think she was sent to eliminate him.”

“Great,” Siwang said. “Why me?”

“You swore to me,” I said. “You're giving me more power. Imagine if you had to face two dungeon builders. I fought the Twins. It was a costly fight. If Led hadn't been as cautious—”

“A coward,” muttered Feya.

“—and been more aggressive, I might not be here.” I glanced down the table to Siwang. “That makes our alliance dangerous.”

“But I'm weak,” Siwang gasped. “Sure, I have three glyphs, but I only have Basic Magic and Level 1 monster girls. My forces stood no chance against that dragon.”

“Then we need to power you up. Get you another mana vein. Then you'll get stronger.” I leaned back. “And we have to send your monster girls out to attack weak but dangerous dungeon builders.” I hated this parasitical means of gaining power, but if more than that death dragon had attacked us... “We can build up your forces.”

“I've been searching,” said Siwang. “I can't find any mana veins, either.”

I groaned at something. “Jindag's dungeon. I know where that is. It's up near your crystal. You should be able to claim it with your dungeon.”

“Oh, no,” Fara said. “He has claimed Jindag's mana vein. That's the one he occupied when he appeared. Not the same portion of it, but they're dungeons are very close together.”

I stared at Fara.

“I was curious and talked with your wildhounds,” said Fara. “But since Siwang already had it, what was the point in telling you?”

“Well, Mthunzi's is out there,” I said. “I never did learn where his dungeon was located. On the other side of the valley. Look west of Astovin, Siwang.”

Siwang nodded. “Thank you.”

“I should have thought of them earlier,” I said. There was too much to keep track of. So much to do. So many monster girls that needed my attention. I shifted, feeling so stretched thin.

“And once more, Massster, we come back to who attacked usss?” hissed Paanee. My naga swayed next to Baaghi.

“I don't want to think it is Fuegin...” I admitted.

“Your gut is telling you he's not to be trusted, Lord Leo,” Halia said, leaning forward. “Trust your gut. You've kept back the shrines for a reason.”

“That still doesn't mean he sent the dragon,” I said. “I want more than doubts. I want concrete proof that Tuerien or Fuegin or someone else sent the death dragon.”

“Send scouts,” Vilkas said. “Let me lead your wildhounds south to Tuerien's lands.”

“I like the idea,” Alizee said, the cheerleader leaning back.

“Go for it, dirty boy,” Crystal said. “We need intelligence. Let's get it. That's what Hagane would say.”

“It is,” Hagane said.

“A sound idea, Lord Leo,” Mayor Bevlin said. “Fuegin is a terrifying enemy. I would make sure he is one before acting rashly.”

Garnet nodded and so did Mrs. Maia. Mrs. Lucina and Ms. Trueno voiced their agreement. Siwang was for it along with his step-mother. Terra drummed her fingers while Baaghi looked disappointed she didn't come up with the idea.

“Fine, go,” I said.

“We'll leave at one, Lord Leo,” Vilkas said and rose, her electric body pushing back her chair. She marched out of the room, her voice ringing out to the monster girls for the wildhounds to meet her at the entrance to my dungeon.

The main one.

“It's a good idea, Lord Leo,” Kassie said. “We need to worry about Tuerien. If he is that powerful and so close to you, he'll be a threat.”

“He's between us and the capital,” said Halia, shaking her head. “One of the largest armies in the world is found there. Myrecilla has never fallen to the dungeon builders. The king hordes his might there, protecting it and the countryside for three days around it. Tuerien isn't a threat to us.”

“Let's find out,” I said and sighed. I was exhausted. “Anything else?”

When no one said anything, I was relived. I wanted to get a good night sleep. Tomorrow, I would start making my Level 3 monster girls. Hopefully, there would be no new disaster that would distract me.

I would love just a week of peace. A month might be too much to ask for, but a week? I could get a week, right?

*  \ * /  *

Siwang marched into his living quarters with his three companions. Today had frightened him more than anything else. He had nearly died. The dragon had come within a heartbeat of killing him. He had a fresh start in this world, but what would it matter if he could be so easily slain.

“Leo's right,” Siwang said to his step-mother and the other two monster girls. He glanced at his wraith, lampetia, and cyclops. “I have to get stronger. I need another mana vein.”

“He said search west of down,” Xiongbu said. The wraith swept forward and rubbed at his shoulders. “In the morning, you can begin.”

“No,” Siwang said, pulling away from her. “I have to do this now.”

He marched into his Vault where the Soul sat up on her crystal. The dusky-skinned and motherly little woman smiled at him. He clasped it and sunk his awareness into it. The menus opened it as he accessed his interface.

“West,” he whispered and sent his tunnels out in that direction.

He had to get stronger to help his friend. There was no other choice. He would be worthy of this alliance. Get Level 2 Monster Girls. Than Level 3. He would become as strong as Leo. They would protect his world together.

It made Siwang feel like a superhero. He had been given power. He would use it.

So he searched for hours and hours until he could not stand any longer. He tried to be methodical, to find this dungeon, but sleep weighed down on him. He released the crystal without finding anything and stumbled into his step-mother's waiting embrace.

Chapter Twenty-Three

I had twelve glyphs. That was twelve different types of monster girls that I had to make. It was a lot. More than I wanted to do in a day.

I decided to make two a day. There was so much else to attend to. I didn't need to be distract. Vilkas was off rushing to the south with the wildhounds. They had to go slowly. Not be spotted as they moved into more civilized lands.

After breakfast, I marched into the Vault where Souleen smiled at me. She perked up from her perch on the Void Crystal, humming to herself. It was almost the same sound the Void Crystal made as It drew in energy from the mana veins that pierced my dungeon.

“Going to make your Level 3 Monster Girls, Lord Leo?” Souleen asked.

I nodded. “But, I think, only two a day.” I chuckled. “Might not be able to handle creating twelve different types of monster girls in a single day.”

“I think you have the stamina,” said Souleen, a big grin spreading on her lips.

“And I have so many other monster girls, too,” I said. I rolled my shoulders and grabbed the Void Crystal. I sank my mind into the interface. Each type of monster girl was divided by the Glyph, and the menu went in the order that I had gained them.

I started with Lightning. My first Glyph. The one that I had come to this world owning. I remembered that wild moment standing before the window in Ms. Trueno's classroom, the hairs on my arm prickling. Then the lightning bolt slammed through the window and struck me.

I came to this world.

Or, I was copied to this world, I supposed.

The Level 3 Lightning monster girls were something I recognized. Thunderbirds. A Native American legend. I remembered reading this book when I was a kid about how these birds made of lightning were thought to have been inspired by fossils of pterodactyls found in the Badlands of the Dakotas. The Plains Indians had come across the bones and created legends of bolts of lightning striking the ground and forming them.

Hence, Thunderbird. Though Lightningbird would make more sense.

The thunderbird appeared in the interface made of lightning similar to Vilkas. Crackling yellow that formed busty women with wings instead of arms and bird-like feet complete with talons. There was a fierceness to them.

A name arose in my mind. Erelisa.

She caused enough mana to maintain as three Level 2 monster girls. I had proved that Level 2 monster girls could take on Level 3s if they were trained. If they were careful and ready for the fight. So if I trained Level 3s, they would be powerful.

But I had twelve different types to make. So I settled on making three.

I could always make more if in the future.

“Erelisa, appear!” I said, speaking the words.

Shadows spun to the right of the Void Crystal. Lightning crackled out of the darkness. The thunderbird appeared, her back arching and lightning boobs thrusting out before her. She spread her wings wide, her feathers almost burning with electricity.

“Lord Leo,” she moaned, her voice humming. “Oh, Lord Leo, you summoned me! Thank you!”

“You're welcome,” I said as she flapped her wings and jumped off the ground. She almost hit her had on the ceiling. “It's good to meet you, Erelisa.”

“Just good to meet me?” she asked, her head cocking. “You should be ecstatic to meet me! I'm Erelisa!”

She jumped at me. I released the Void Crystal and turned. Her legs went around my waist and wings about my chest. She impaled her pussy down my cock with precision that was surprising. I groaned as her electrified pussy engulfed my cock.

She didn't have a wet one. No pussy juices in her. She just had this embrace of crackling energy that shot current up my dick. I grabbed her ass, her entire body alive with static charge. Her boobs pressed into my chest. Her glowing eyes floated above me as she squeezed her pussy.

“Now are you ecstatic to meet me, Lord Leo?” she demanded, squeezing her pussy down on my cock. “Huh?”

“Yes,” I groaned, my fingers kneading her rump. “Jesus, Erelisa, you're an aggressive one.”

“Is there any other way for lightning to act?” she demanded. “I am the bolt that crashes out of the sky and electrifies the world!” She grinned. “I'm electrifying your cock!”

“Yes, you are!” My dick throbbed in her pussy. “Shit, that's good.”

She rubbed her electric nose against mine. “Good? My pussy is amazing, Lord Leo! I'll make you howl as you dump your cum in me!”

She squeezed her thighs about my waist and wiggled her hips. She stirred the static heaven of her pussy around my dick. I groaned at how amazing that felt. The charge rippled over me. I trembled, loving every second of her pussy crackling around me.

Then she slid her cunt up my shaft. Her pussy clung to me, current zapping down to my balls. They tightened with my load of cum as I groaned. Her big breasts rubbed against my chest. Her nipples hard points of tingling delight.

I gripped her ass, loving the way she worked her cunt up and down my dick. Her static snatch massaged my shaft with numbing delight. I groaned, my cock throbbing in her twat. A hard lightning rod that her electricity zapped over and over again.

“Oh, Lord Leo,” she moaned. “How's my pussy now?”

“Fucking fantastic, Erelisa,” I groaned, my dick aching in her cunt. “Shit, that's so good!”

She grinned at me as her pussy slammed down my dick. Her crackling cunt squeezed about me. I shuddered, the need to explode building in my balls. My fingers gripped her rump as she slammed her snatch down me then worked back up.

As she fucked me, my fingers worked into her butt-crack. I groaned at that as I slid my fingers down her crack and found her crackling backdoor. She grinned at me as I played with her asshole. She winked at me then kissed me.

Her lips sparked against mine as I thrust two fingers into her asshole.

Our tongues danced, my entire body alive with electricity. It coursed through me. I groaned, thrusting my digits in and out of her asshole. I loved the feel of her. I savored that delight. This was wonderful to enjoy.

I loved every second of her electrified cunt gripping my dick. She fucked her pussy up and down it as I fingered her bowels. I kissed her, rising towards that moment of erupting in her. That wonderful moment of spurting all my jizz into her snatch.

She squeezed her twat down around me. She fucked down my cock with such force. Her wings held me, stroking up and down my back as she humped against me. Her moans grew louder and louder, an electric hum growing in pitch.

Then she threw back her head and gasped, “Are you going to cum in my amazing pussy?” she demanded. “Huh, huh? Are you, Lord Leo!”

“Yes!” I growled. “Yes, I am!”

“Of course you are!” she moaned. “Mine is awesome! Yes, yes, that big dick is fantastic. Ooh, ooh, I'm going to cum so hard!”

She impaled her cunt down my cock and bucked. Her entire body crackled as her pussy rippled around my cock. She suckled at me with her electrified flesh. I groaned, the current shooting down my rod and zapping my nuts.

“Fuck!” I howled and erupted.

My cum pumped into the thunderbird's writhing snatch. Her asshole spasmed around my fingers as she shuddered in my arms. She felt amazing as she trembled against me, moaning and gasping out her delight. I loved every second of this.

My cock erupted over and over again. The heady rush of heat swept through me. I groaned, pumping into her cunt again and again. I groaned out my pleasure. The rapture surged through me. It was outstanding.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I groaned, spurting my jizz into her pussy again and again. “Fuck, that's amazing!”

“It is, Lord Leo!” she moaned as the rapture slammed through me. Ecstatic lightning struck my mind. It sizzled over my thoughts. “Oh, it is! I love this so much, Lord Leo!”

Her pussy writhed around my cock. She suckled at me with crackling snatch. She wrung my balls dry as more and more of that rapturous current shot through me. She trembled against me, her moans humming through the room.

I groaned as I fired the last of my cum into her pussy. Her cunt writhed around me a few more times before she kissed me again. Her lips were so wonderful against mine. I kissed her with hunger as she unwrapped her legs.

I lifted her off my cock and set her down, breaking the kiss with her. “Damn, Erelisa.”

“I know,” she said. “I'm amazing!”

I shook my head at her and turned to the Void Crystal. I was right. Making all twelve in a day would kill me. I grabbed it and sank into the thunderbird section of the magical menu. A name whispered through my mind.

“Griausti, I summon you!” I cried.

Shadows swirled. Lightning crackled. “Of course you summoned me, Lord Leo! I'm Griausti! I'm amazing!”

“Of course you're amazing!” Erelisa said. “You're a thunderbird!”

“Erelisa!” hummed Griausti. She threw herself at Erelisa and kissed her. Their big boobs pressed together and crackling wings wrapped about each other. Their wild passion was a sight to behold, my dick throbbing.

As they made out, their electricity arcing through the air, I summoned the third one. “Dangu, appear!”

Dangu spun out to my right. She shuddered as she appeared, her back arching and wings stretching like she had just awoken from a long, long nap. She shuddered as she stared at me. She looked over at the other two kissing.

“I'm not the first?' she hissed. “That sucks. I'm Dangu, Lord Leo! I'm amazing!”

“Not as amazing as me,” Erelisa said. “I'm the most amazing thunderbird. Than Griausti, then you, Dangu. That's just how Lord Leo chose us.”

Griausti shook her head. “I should have been first. Did you fuck them yet?”

“Only Erelisa,” I said. “I left cum in her pussy.”

“You did!” Griausti fell to her knees and buried her face into Erelisa's cunt. The thunderbird started licking with hunger, feasting on my creampie with such eagerness.

“He left so much cum in me,” Erelisa moaned, her body shuddering as she humped her pussy onto her fellow thunderbird's mouth. “LadyLightning's crackling cunt!”

“So you haven't fucked either of them in the ass?” asked Dangu as she turned around bent over, using her wings to brace herself against the stone walls of the Vault. She wiggled her rump at me. “Then enjoy some thunderbird ass. It's amazing!”

Souleen giggled and winked at me.

I moved towards Dangu, Erelisa moaning in the background. I pressed my cock onto my thunderbird's butt-crack. Her lightning flesh squeezed about it. Tingles raced up my cock as moved down and found her asshole.

I thrust against her anal ring.

She gasped as I did that. Her back arched as I pushed my dick into her backdoor. She whimpered, as head tossing as her anal ring widened and widened to take my cock. Her asshole swallowed my dick with ease.

“Fuck,” I groaned as her charge shot down my dick.

“Yes, yes, Lord Leo,” she moaned as I sank more and more into her flesh. Her hot asshole gripped me. She had such an amazing hold on me. “Oh, that's amazing.

I slid my hands up her body. She had substance even made of electricity. It was amazing to feel as I grabbed her breasts. I squeezed her tits. I kneaded her boobs as I bottomed out into her anal sheath. Her crackling flesh was tight and hot.

Different from Erelisa's pussy in subtle and delightful ways.

I drew back as Dangu whimpered. Her crackling hair danced over her shoulders, current arching between the strands. I groaned and thrust into her bowels. I fucked the thunderbird's asshole with force.  I plowed into her as hard as I could.

She moaned as I did that. She gasped out with pleasure as I thrust into her bowels again and again. I fucked over and over into her anal sheath. My nuts slapped into her as Erelisa moaned behind me. I loved fucking new monster girls.

I pounded Dangu's asshole. I fucked the thunderbird with force. I pounded into her bowels with hard strokes, my nuts slapping into her taint. Current crackled around my balls. I loved this so much as I fucked into her anal sheath again and again.

I groaned, the pressure rising and rising in me. I would have such a huge explosion. I would flood her asshole with my cum. She squeezed down on me, teasing me. I grunted, burying deep and hard into her anal sheath. I loved that so much. She gripped me. Massaged me with that tight asshole. I shuddered, thrusting to the hilt in her.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I groaned. “Dangu!”

“I know, Lord Leo!” she groaned, squeezing her electrified bowels around my dick. “My asshole is amazing! Just the best!”

“Fantastic!” I groaned.

“Yes, yes, yes, lick out all that cum, Griausti!” moaned Erelisa. “That's Lord Leo's cum in the best pussy there is! LadyLIghtning's crackling cunt! Keep licking me!”

“For Lord Leo's cum!” Griausti moaned. “Best cum!”

“Best!” Dangu moaned, her asshole gripping me with static charge. “Yes, yes, yes, keep fucking me with your amazing dick, Lord Leo! Oh, I'm going to cum! LordLIghtning's crackling rod!”

Her asshole writhed around my dick. Charge shot up my shaft as her bowels convulsed. I groaned, slamming to the hilt in her anal sheath. I groaned, the pleasure sweeping through me was intense. I loved every second of it. I savored this passion rushing through my body.

I buried into her and erupted. “Fuck!”

I spurted my cum into the thunderbird's convulsing asshole. Her wild and spasming flesh suckled at me. It was a heady rush. I groaned, erupting again and again. I pumped all the jizz I could into her anal sheath. I flooded her with every drop of spunk that I had.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I groaned. “Oh, damn, that's good. That's wonderful. Fuck!”

“Lord Leo!” Dangu moaned as her anal sheath milked my cock.

The static charge shot through me as the rapture burst out of my dick and flooded her bowels. It was an incredible rush. I groaned through it, savoring every moment of flooding her anal sheath with my jizz. I groaned.

“Oh, Lord Leo,” she moaned, her bowels wringing my dick dry. “Oh, Lord Leo, I have the best asshole, right?”

“You have a fantastic asshole,” I panted, her current rippling around me. “Damn, you thunderbirds are delightful.”

“We are!” hummed Erelisa as she came on Griausti's mouth.

Click here for the next part! 


Josh Lomax

Instead of using "crackling" as the verb for both the Lady and Lord of Lightning, you could use "Reactive Rod" or "Resonating Rod", you know just to change up the verbiage abit, that's just my 2 cents though, you do you