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Chapter Sixteen

“We're almost there!” Litay cried.

I ran with my monster girls through the deathly room. I had one similar to it. A Life Sap Room. But it didn't effect me or my monster girls. We were guests of Siwang. Permanent ones. Allies. Friends.

“I'm coming,” I growled.

They ran through the room and down a hallway. It led to broken doors. Through it, I could see Siwang's throne room. It was a large room and I saw something through the gaps in my monster girls that horrified me. Siwang was on his back, the dragon over him. She slammed her foot down as a spell rose in my mind.

A spell that Sulanga Stormfury had used to great effect in our battle. A spell that I now knew, too.

Lightning flashes, let the passion of Lady Uttu fly!”

I broke my word to my monster girls as I teleported in a crack of lightning. For a heartbeat, I was lightning. I arched past my monster girls so fast that they couldn't even see me. I appeared beside Siwang and the dragoness in a burst of electricity.

I thrust my hand out and caught her killing blow. I grabbed her wrist, halting her attack. Static discharge slammed into the dragoness. The spell threw her back in a screech of pain. She struck Siwang's bone throne and flipped over it.

“Leo, you idiot!” Maya screamed across the throne room.

“Lord Siwang!” shouted Litay.

I glanced down at my friend. He stared up at me, wheezing to catch his breath. “Get to your Vault,” I growled at him. “I have her.”

The dragon rose to her feet. She hissed in rage as she glared at me then my force of monster girls rushing across the distance. Her lips peeled back in a smile that flashed her sharp teeth, the light gleaming off her red horns thrusting out over her frosty eyes.

“You have me,” she growled then laughed and flapped her wings. She launched into the air and landed in the middle of the room. Before my monster girls.

What a cocky bitch.

Siwang gained his feet and gasped, “I can fight, too. Let me!”

“She's here to kill you,” I told him. “Besides, my women are the best.”

Siwang swallowed the gasped as the dragon burst into shadows. My stomach lurched. I grabbed Siwang and shoved him towards the door that led out of his throne room. The dragon swelled as she grew into her full form. The shadows engorged as she swelled to fill the room. Wings thrust out from her the length of a semi-truck with a trailer. Red horns thrust sharp over her blue eyes. She had black scales with white belly scales as she stood on all fours, her tail swishing out behind her. She was immense.

Bigger than Isatu.

“Fuck,” I groaned.

*  \ * /  *

Nina Naughty stared up at the dragon that swelled to fill much of the throne room. The devil hadn't been in this world when the harem had fought Isatu, but it had been a brutal fight. Many of Leo's monster girls had died before he tamed her.

And she's way bigger than Isatu, thought Nina as she wings flapped. She launched into the air. She wasn't the only monster girl that did. Lana Fulmine, Garnet, Alizee, and Esclava all took to the sky, the ifrit becoming a whirlwind of fire. A flame whirl.

“Let's show this bitch how we do things!” Nina roared and fashioned a pitchfork out of flames. She threw it down at the dragon.

Blades of air swept down from Alizee and blasts of lightning fired from Lana's wings. Garnet, bless her, threw shadowy dildos that did nothing but bounce off the dragoness's hide. Not that Nina's pitchfork did much better against those scales. Esclava dove for the dragon and swept fiery over her body.

On the ground, Paanee spit acid that sizzled on the dragon's hide while Ms. Trueno and Morana shouted. Icy daggers flew from Crystal while Vilkas and Baaghi charged side by side at the dragon, both roaring with their primal fury.

The dragon roared in pain as the attacks hit her. They were hurting her. Nina grinned and fashioned another flaming pitchfork. She threw it down at the dragon as she swept over, striking her in the face. The beast turned, her tail sweeping behind her.

Let's show this bitch the depths of her mistake! roared through Nina's mind.

*  \ * /  *

Terra ran behind Vilkas and Baaghi. The raiju and the rakshasa led the attack, rushing at the dragon. The golem's wiry hair rustled behind her as she flowed her clay into her hands, forming hammering fists to beat this dragon to death.

Roaring in pain from the attacks hurtling down at her, the dragon turned. Her tail swept out in an arc of blurring black. The speed astonished Terra. It crashed into Baaghi then Vilkas, the tip nearly slapping Terra in the face.

The force of the impact burst both monster girls into motes of light that danced in the air. Terra ran through them. If she had a heart in her clay body, it would be hammering right now as she closed on the dragon.

From above, Esclava's firewhirl slammed into the dragon again. Flames burned around her. The dragon roared in pain from the attack. She staggered, hurt by it. That gave Terra hope. They could defeat this monster. They could crush her.

Flame burst and burn, let the anger of Lord Gibil destroy!”

Flames rushed from Leo where he stood on the other side and burst across the dragon's back. Her head reared over Terra and the other monster girls rushing on the ground. Black fire burned in her mouth.

“She's going to breathe!” shouted Terra.

Morana and Ms. Trueno screeched. Their sonic attacks hurt Terra's ears, and she wasn't even in the path. The air distorted above the golem and struck the dragon. It snapped her head to the side before she could breathe her black flames.

Terra reached the dragon's front leg and slammed her clay hammer into the leg. She struck hard, a solid impact. Hagane reached the other leg and slashed with an armblade, cutting into the scales> blood spurted. Shadowy dildos, icy daggers, lightning blasts, balls of acid, and flaming pitchforks struck the dragon, pelting her with pain.

Thunderclap deafens, let the roar of Lord Ishkur disorient!”

Sound exploded through the throne room, the air vibrating with Leo's power.

*  \ * /  *

Alizee soared through her first fight. Fear rippled through her. This wasn't like cheering on the football team. She had been scared sometimes when the team was done. She had cheered her heart out to urge them on to rally and recover.

But this was so much different.

This was real.

The stakes were terrifying.

But the others were fighting. Alizee had to join them. She had to rally and fight. She had to cheer them on! Keep up their hope. “We can do this!” she cried as she slashed her arm, making a chopping motion with her hand. A blade of air sliced down at the dragon and struck her in the neck. Blood spurted from the impact. “Go, Leo's harem, go! Woot!”

The dragon roared and swept her head through the sky. Black flames erupted. The shadowy torrent rushed at Alizee and Nina Naughty. The sylph saw death rushing at her for the first time. She had to do something.

Garnet slammed into Alizee and pushed her clear, the succubus's petite body gripping Alizee's. The flames missed them, but Nina Naughty wasn't so lucky. When the fire died, the devilish porn star no longer flew with them.

“Oh, god,” Alizee gasped. “She's dead.”

“And we have to keep fighting,” Garnet cried. “Dark Lord Big Bro never loses! NEVER!”

Her passion resonated with Alizee. Such spirit sang through the sprite's soul.

“YES!” Alizee roared and threw another air blade down at the bitch.

*  \ * /  *

Morana deathly screech reverberated with Ms. Trueno's thunderous roars.

The banshee stood holding her college teacher's hand. She gripped it tight as they struck the dragon. She recoiled in pain from their assault. In the skies, Nina vanished in the flames. Morana hadn't been able to save the porn star.

But the goth banshee would not relent.

She opened her mouth and screeched. Ms. Trueno roared. The air rippled before them, a cone of death and thunder that crashed into the dragon's head. The pain they inflicted made Morana smile. This foul beast was a fool to take on Dark Lord Leo with his harem and his banshee.

Black shadows belched from the dragon down at Morana and Ms. Trueno. They hurtled down so fast. An eye blink then they burned around Morana. The flames were cold and familiar. They were death. The grave. They did nothing but wash around Morana.

Ms. Trueno's hand vanished from Morana's grip.

The flames swept from Morana. She stood stunned, still holding nothing. Crystal and Paanee both tried to run, but the fire engulfed them before they could take two steps or slither a foot. They vanished, too.

Morana shuddered. Her entire body quivered with rage at this terrible dragon. Leo's monster girls were dying. Morana screeched again, striking the dragon, who didn't so much as flinch this time. Morana's attack wasn't really about sound.

It was about ripping the living apart.

And this dragon was death.

“No,” whispered Morana, her empty hand closing into a fist. This was not how it would end.

Chapter Seventeen

My monster girls died. The dragon was hurt, but she was killing too many of them. That breath was devastating.

Blinding brilliance hardened, let the light of Lord Shamash cut!”

Dazzling Sword flashed into existence and cut through the dragon's right horn before slamming into her head. She snarled in pain as blood spurted. But that wasn't good enough. I needed to deal more damage. Esclava hurt her with fire.

I had tired Flame Spurt, an Intermediate Fire Spell, but I had Expert Spells now. Third Tier. And there was one that Sulanga had used on me. I had so many new spells, but this one rose in my mind. I thrust out my hands.

Flames erupt, let the conflagration of Lord Gibil blaze!”

A massive conflagration engulfed the dragon. She roared in pain as the fire burned across her wings and back. It blazed down to her scales. The heat danced in the air over her, buffeting Garnet and Alizee as they soared above.

“Beautiful,” Esclava cried as she whirled above me.

Snarling her fury, the dragon turned to face me for this first time since my monster girls had attacked. She breathed black flames at me. It was in that moment that I realized I hadn't renewed Static Aura.

Flames engulfed me. They grabbed me. I lifted off the ground, held in Esclava's firewhirl. I had a glimpse of her eyes amid the inferno as she lifted me up. A suggestion of a smile on the ifrit's fiery body at the heart of the conflagration.

“Such beautiful flames,” she cooed.

*  \ * /  *

Hagane's glasses slipped on her nose as she swung her armblades. An affection since the glasses held no lenses, she ignored them. She slashed against at the dragon's front legs, leaving bleeding rents behind in the scales. Terra bashed into the other leg, crunching scales. Some shattered and revealed the flesh beneath.

The animated statue attacked with methodical motions. She thought where each strike should land to deal the maximum amount of damage to the monster. This beast had to be taken down. Leo's fire burned over it. The dragon snarled with fury.

He will push himself too hard and get killed, Hagane thought. Every time he went into battle was illogical. He should stay on his throne directing his monster girls. He was a general, not a captain. It was not his job to lead his men but direct the battle.

But that was not Leo.

He's too chivalrous to let women die in his place, thought Hagane. And though it shouldn't give her this pleased thrill since she was a reusable asset that could come back time and time again, it did. She liked that he was illogical even as it frustrated her. I'm no more logical than he is, I suppose.

The dragon's legs quivered as Hagane and Terra followed them around, dodging their attacks, and attacking. They had to bring her down. Once her legs collapsed, she would be done for. She had no room to fly in here.

Unlike Isatu in that massive room in the First Dungeon.

Maya jumped into the leg that Hagane attacked. The animated statue blinked in surprise as the undine scrambled up the dragon's limb with ease. Half flowing and half climbing. Maya had unorthodox ways of fighting.

Hagane approved.

Movement blurred before the animated statue. She gasped, distracted by the undine. She raised her armblades before her at the last moment before the dragon's foot kicked her. The force snapped Hagane's left armblade and threw her into the air. She soared towards the ceiling. She almost hit it before hurtling toward the ground and the damaging impact.

Lana Fulmine caught her as the dragon's head snapped down. Terra cursed and darted to escape, but the dragon tracked her and snapped her jaws down on the golem. A clay arm and leg tumbled through the air and vanished into motes.

“Get me on her back,” Hagane said.

*  \ * /  *

“You go it,” Lana Fulmine said. The movie starlet banked to the right and dove towards the dragon. Hagane grew a replacement armblade like she was the T-1000. “Here we go!”

Lana Fulmine flew over the dragon. Maya had reached the creature's shoulder as the lightning sprite dropped Hagane. The animated statue fell like a missile towards the beast, thrusting both her armblades before her. She struck the dragon, impaling her sharp limbs into the dragon's back.

The beast roared, her head arching. Blood dripped from a hundred wounds. Some of her scales smoked, half-melted together. She had taken a beating, crimson puddles splattered across the throne room.

Lana Fulmine was ready to do her part. The dragon turned her head back to face Hagane as Lana's wings crackled. They discharged. Lightning crackled down and struck the dragon in the side of the head, right below the horn Leo's Dazzling Sword had cut off.

Electricity danced across her head. The dragon's wings twitched, but that didn't stop her from breathing shadows down her back. Hagane ripped out one of her armblades and stabbed downward, impaling into the dragon's flesh before vanishing in darkness.

Lana Fulmine drew in a deep breath. It hurt watching one of her friends die.

Maya climbed up the dragon's long neck now as the fliers pelted the dragon with attacks. Lana built up another charge in her wings as Alizee's wind blades tore into the dragon's hide. Garnet hurtled more dildos.

They just annoyed the dragon.

Esclava's whirlwind deposited Leo on the side of the room. She rushed at the dragon as he cried out his new Fire spell.

Flames erupt, let the conflagration of Lord Gibil blaze!”

The amount of flames it unleashed staggered Lana. The spell engulfed most of the dragon's body, but missed Maya working up the neck. The dragon snarled in pain and wrenched her head around to hit Leo with a blast of shadows.

Esclava crashed into the dragon's head. Fire engulfed her face. Pain roared. Esclava laughed from the scent of her fire. Then shadows swirled in her flames. She screamed and her fire went out, leaving the dragon's head smoking, one eye boiled and burst. Scales sizzled.

Morana rushed forward. She threw herself at the dragon's leg. But the foot lashed out and struck her. Morana burst into motes. Lana sighed, not sure what the girl was even doing. She gathered her lightning and fired another barrage.

*  \ * /  *

“We can do it,” Alizee cried, fighting against that despair crushing her. It was bottom of the 4th. They were down by twenty. They had to score some TD's now. It was all or nothing. She couldn't give up.

She had to keep fighting.

“Go, Leo's harem, go!” she cheered as she slashed her arm.

The blade of wind struck the dragon's wing, cutting through scales to the bone.

For the third time, Leo unleashed devastating fire.

Flames erupt, let the conflagration of Lord Gibil blaze!”

Leo hadn't given up. As the dragon roared in agony, Alizee dove and slashed at the neck, striking it. Blood spurted. The dragon snarled in pain. Her one good eye fixed on Alizee. The sylph zoomed by, her white hair streaming by her.

She turned around to make another attack only to see black slashing at her. The dragon's forepaw.

Claws ripped into Alizee's light-blue flesh before she even realized what was happening. They ripped deep into her. She screamed in pain then burst into motes of light. Her soul left her body and she plunged into a black void.

I'm dead, Alizee gasped, the pain fading. I just died.

Arms embraced her. Soft breasts rubbed on her back as Souleen hummed. Alizee's fear melted away. Peace engulfed her as she fell into a dreamless sleep.

*  \ * /  *

Alizee vanished from the claws as the dragon turned her head and lunged her jaws for me.

I pulled a new spell from my mind. Arching Chain.

Lightning arcs and sizzles, let the fury of Lord Enlil spread!”

The bolt of lightning struck the dragoness in the face. It crackled around her. She recoiled back as the electric attack then arced into the ceiling like current jumping from a Tesla coil. It sizzled on the stones and went out.

How much more damage could this bitch take?

Snarling, she resumed her attack, her mouth opening to engulf me.

Chapter Eighteen

The current arcing across the dragon nearly hit Maya before leaping to the ceiling. She clung to the side of the dragon's face beneath her missing eye. The head snapped down for Leo. Maya thrust out her left arm and grabbed the edge of the dragon's mouth. The point where her upper and lower lips met.

Maya flowed down her arm. She poured herself into the dragon's mouth. She spilled over the tongue then went down the dragon's gullet. The undine had a plan. She poured into the beast's maw, hoping it would work.

*  \ * /  *

“Dark Lord Big Bro!” Garnet cried as she dived at her Owner, lightning arcing from the dragon's head and striking the ceiling.

The dragon snarled and snapped her jaws down at her Owner. But the naughty succubus was faster. She swooped down and grabbed her Owner, clad in his majestic armor, his face all stony. She lifted him in the air, beating her wings hard.

“Kweh, heh, heh!” she laughed as the jaws snapped shut behind them. Then she kissed her Owner on the stony mouth.

I am the best!

The dragon roared behind the succubus. She glanced behind her and squeaked, beating her wings faster.

*  \ * /  *

The dragon roared. Lana Fulmine banked around as Garnet flew Leo to safety. Furious, the dragon's head turned and breathed black flames that chased after Leo and Garnet. The fire swept over the walls of Siwang's throne room.

Lana fired her lightning, fear swelling in her. She looked around. Maya was gone, Lana had missed what happened to her. There was Leo, Garnet, and Lana Fulmine. It was like those early days when they had assaulted Jindag's dungeon.

It's not enough, thought Lana Fulmine.

*  \ * /  *

“How do we get through this maze?” Halia asked as she ran down the tunnel. She stopped. A dead end.

“I have no idea!” Smerta cried. “Let's try that left passage.”

“Right!” Halia cried, her blade humming.

*  \ * /  *

Maya dropped into the dragon's stomach.

The bile and acids sizzled about Maya. Pain surged through her as she surged through this water and hit the lining of the dragon's stomach. A muscular layer of convulsing flesh. Dissolving, Maya had to act fast. She screamed out the pain as she formed her hand into the thinnest and sharpest point she could.

She plunged it into the stomach lining.

Maya felt the dragon's roar of agony as the stomach acids poured out into her guts, sizzling away. Maya flowed with them, her body losing the fight against the burning chemicals. Maya relaxed into the pain and let it carry her away.

She dissolved into the Void and the peace of dreams.

*  \ * /  *

The dragon staggered and roared in pain. Then it shook, its head staring at the ground, and vomited blood and acid. As I did, I felt Maya die. My connection to her vanished. My hand clenched with anger that another of my monster girls suffered.

That Maya had suffered.

But she had dealt the dragon a devastating wound. She roared in agony and vomited again, blood and yellow bile splashed on the ground. The stink washed over me as I gathered my magic and faced her.

Lightning arcs and sizzles, let the fury of Lord Enlil spread!”

Lightning slammed into the dragon's open mouth as she vomited again. The electricity arced from her and crashed into the ground in a burst of sparks. The dragon staggered to the side then collapsed. She wheezed, defeated.

I rushed forward. This was when Isatu turned into her human form. If this was a wild dragon, I could tame her now. Claim her. Or maybe let Siwang tame her. He could use the power boost. But as I reached her, she burst into a cloud of motes.

They danced in the air as the massive dragon vanished. Wind washed around me, rushing to fill the large space she'd occupied. I staggered as I stared at the spot. Another dungeon builder had sent this dragon.

She was tamed already.

“Fuck,” I muttered.

“Lord Leo!”

I turned to find Halia and Smerta bursting into the dungeon with the orcs and werebears. Swooping in the skies above them came the quetzalcoatls. They beat their rainbow wings. Their snake lower halves lashed in sinuous motions at the air as the soared overhead.

“Where is she?” cried Halia, her sword out and buzzing with its inner glow.

Lana Fulmine and my little succubus landed on either side of me. Garnet threw herself into my arms and burrowed her face into my chest. Lana Fulmine hugged me from behind. I glanced at Halia as she looked around the room then at the puddles of blood and vomit.

“Did you... defeat her?” asked Halia.

“Yeah,” Leo said. “She vanished. Another dungeon builder sent her. That was no wild dragon.”

The door leading out of the throne room opened and Siwang emerged. The choir, Litay, that had led me through the dungeon broke from the corner of the room where she had been huddling, and charged to Siwang.

“Lord Siwang!”

She threw herself into his arms and kissed him. He held her and even lifted her off the ground, her dainty, white wings fluttering.

“We missed it?” Smerta asked, clad in her icy armor, her frosty sword in hand. The valkyrie looked around in disgust. “Fuck a bear!”

“Fuegin,” Halia growled as she sheathed her blade. “This has to be Fuegin's creature.”

A ripple of nervousness swept through my body. “Does he have a death dragon?”

Halia hesitated. “Well, he's not known to have any dragon.” She shifted. then anger blazed in her eyes. “But that doesn't men he doesn't have one in secret. That was a powerful dragon.”

“Yes, it was,” I said, looking around at the throne room. “Siwang, I don't think they'll try that again. They had to sacrifice a Mana Vein and it did not work. We both lived.”

Siwang nodded. “I have to get stronger I have to find Mana Veins. I've been looking, but... I can't find any, and I'm at the limits of my dungeon.”

“We'll figure something out,” I said, my hands stroking Garnet's back. “Tomorrow.”

Siwang nodded.

Chapter Nineteen

Garnet sank down the edge of the bed. She rubbed her hands up and down her thighs. I hated seeing my little succubus looking so morose. She looked around our living quarters. It was usually full of my companions reading books, playing games. I had created board games, playing cards, and even a dart board. It was so quiet in here.

Lana Fulmine stood beside me as I stared at Garnet. Her dark-red wings drooped. She needed to be chortling. We won the day. What was this doing to her? To all of my monster girls. They were all suffering during these fights.

“How does any dungeon builder stay sane when they have to go through this shit every week or so?” I muttered.

“By relying on their monster girls for support,” said Lana Fulmine. “And my number one fan has plenty of those. Today was bad. We weren't ready for it.”

“We thought we were safe,” I said. “We haven't been threatened since the shadow of Halia's father. We've secured this place. Made defenses, then a dragon just comes out of the sky and attacks us.”

“And you think it's Fuegin who sent it?” she asked.

I swallowed. “I don't want it to be Fuegin. But I'm growing strong, aren't I? My reputation is growing. Dungeon builders must see me as a threat. Fuegin is the strongest, but there are others out there. Rising powers or established threats. He's hardly the only one that's conquered territory.”

“And the dragon went for Siwang,” said Lana Fulmine. She rubbed at my shoulders as I stared at Garnet. “Do you think it was intentional, or did she just see a dungeon entrance being guarded by monster girls and think she was going for you.”

“I left my main entrance out of Astovin to keep that from happening,” I muttered. “So adventurers wouldn't bother my villagers.”

“The dragon didn't get the memo,” said Lana Fulmine.

I chuckled. “No, she did not get the memo, did she.”

I glanced at Garnet. I had to do something about her. I had to lift her spirit before I started reviving my monster girls. I hadn't lost my dungeon defenders. I was far more secure than Siwang, though he would be restoring his defenses.

I moved to Garnet and fell to my knees before her. I put my hands on her thighs, pushing her legs apart. She looked up at me, her red eyes meeting mine. Her black pigtails framed her trembling face. I stroked her.

“I can't fight,” she whispered. “Dildos. I was throwing dildos at a dragon.”

“You're a succubus,” I said. “You're not a fighter. You're a lover. You've done some great things. Like those dwarves you led off by getting them horny.”

“Doesn't work against a dragon,” she said.

“Nope,” I said. “Who cares. You're my naughty little succubus. Lady Big Perv Garnet, Mistress of Horniness, Queen of Depravity, and Empress of Kinkiness.”

She smiled for a moment. “I suppose.”

“And your dildos can be very distracting,” I said. “You know, you can make them out of different things. They do come in metal. I big, metal dildo instead of a rubber one is going to hurt a lot more.”

Her wings perked up. “Ooh, they would. That's a great idea, big bro. I have to make sex toys that really hurt when they hit.”

“I knew this one director who liked to spank actresses,” said Lana Fulmine. She moved behind Garnet and hugged her. The movie starlet's silver hands roamed over the succubus's pale flesh. She pinched those hard nipples. “He had a cricket bat he liked to use. Not that hard, but he could have spanked with force.”

“You were spanked?” Garnet asked. “That's so kinky.”

“How do you think I got to play Jane Dangerous?” Lana Fulmine asked. She pinched Garnet's nipples. “Hollywood's a disgusting place where if you want to get in movies, you better be sucking the right dicks or getting your ass spanked by the right director. That's how it works.”

Garnet thrust out her hand and formed a shadowy cricket bat. “Ooh, just thinking I want to use this paddle a girl's ass, I can make it. That's hot. Lana, Lana! Can I paddle your bottom. Kweh, heh, heh! I will discipline you Dark Lord Big Bro fucks your mouth.”

“Sure,” said Lana Fulmine. “That sounds wonderful.”

I smiled, glad to see that spark back in my little succubus's eyes. She just needed a little pep from time to time. And so did I. Seeing her smile did wonders for me. It made me feel so good, too. Helped with the stress. I would go insane without their love.

And some dungeon builders didn't love their monster girls. Weren't loved by their monster girls. No wonder so many of them turned into monsters. They had no support structure. Nothing to keep them sane. They were utterly destroyed. Turned into monsters.

Real monsters were not born, I'd learned. They were created.

*  \ * /  *

Lana Fulmine swallowed Leo's dick. She engulfed her number one fan's big cock with hunger. She suckled on him, lightning arcing through the golden strands of her hair. Her electric wings fluttered as she braced herself.

She wouldn't let just anyone spank her ass. Landing Jane Dangerous had been amazing for her career and only helped her to feel more worthless about her life. Being spanked and degraded for a role. She had started using heavier drugs after that.

Anything to blunt the pain.

But Garnet spanking her... Lana Fulmine didn't feel humiliated at all as she nursed on Leo's cock. She loved both her number one fan and his little succubus. She was so glad to have them both in her life. That she was in this world. The fighting could be stressful, but she had family.

Support. Love. She had all the things she never had in that other world. This one was better. She could walk through Leo's dungeon and find only those who cared about her. All of Leo's harem were here to help each other and him.

You needed a cry, there were nearly a hundred monster girls who would cry with you.

You needed love, there were nearly a hundred monster girls who would make love to you.


The cricket bat smacked against both of Lana's silvery butt-cheeks. The current arced through her hair. She moaned around Leo's dick. His salty precum spilled across her tongue as she whimpered in delight. She wiggled her hips back and forth, reveling in how naughty this was.

The pain burned across her rump, but it was an honest pain. A beautiful one.


“Kweh, heh, heh!” Garnet chortled as Lana clenched her burning butt-cheeks. She suckled with hunger on Leo's cock. They were helping Garnet through her pain.


That was worth a few swats on the ass.


“You are such a naughty lightning sprite, Lana Fulmine!” Garnet declared. “But if you take this pain, then you are worthy of being Booty Electric Lana Fulmine!”

I rolled my eyes while Leo chuckled.


I moaned as my butt-cheeks clenched again. The heat melted to my pussy. I wiggled my hips, my lightning wings fluttering. I suckled with such passion on Leo's dick. I reveled in his dick being in my mouth. He fit me just right. He had such an amazing dick.

I could just spend all day with him like this.


I groaned from the spanking. A bead of pussy juices ran down my thigh. I shuddered on the bed, the mattress shifting beneath me. This felt so wicked. My cunt burned with the heat.


I squealed, my eyes squeezing shut.

Then Garnet laughed, “You are worthy of Dark Lord Big Bro, Booty Electric Lana Fulmine!” Garnet declared. Something pressed against my pussy lips. A dildo. She had made a strap-on to fuck me. “Kweh, heh, heh!”

Her wings flapped. She drove the dildo into my cunt.

I groaned around Leo's dick as that thick shaft plunged into my juicy pussy. Garnet's hands grabbed my hips. She held them as she drew back her dildo. I clenched my snatch down around the rubbery shaft, loving the texture massaging me.

Then she thrust back into me. She buried that toy deep and hard into my cunt. She pumped away at me. She fucked me with such force. She pounded me with that wonderful dildo. I groaned around Leo's cock, really sucking on him now.

“Damn, she likes that,” groaned Leo, his hands sliding through my crackling hair. “She's sucking hard.”

“Of course she is,” Garnet moaned. “Booty Electric Lana Fulmine is a slut for your cock, big bro! Just like me!”

I agreed. I was a slut for Leo's cock. I loved him. He rescued me from a life of filth and degradation. I nursed on him with such hunger. We would change this world. Save it I was so eager for it. I bobbed my head, working my mouth up and down his cock as Garnet fucked me. She pumped away at me. She thrust into me again and again. She pounded my cunt with her naughty dildo.

I loved that toy churning me up. I loved it as I swirled my tongue around the crown of his cock. I massaged him. He groaned, his dick throbbing and twitching in my mouth. The salty flavor of his precum suffused my taste buds.

“Yes, yes, yes,” Garnet moaned as she fucked me so hard. She buried her dildo into my cunt again and again. “You're going to cum so hard on my dildo! Dark Succubus Naughty Garnet will conquer your pussy!”

I moaned my agreement, my orgasm building and building.

Then her tail reached around and started rubbing at my breasts. I loved the leathery caress of the spade tip stroking over my boobs and brushing my nipples. Current arced to my pussy. I groaned, squeezing down on her dildo.

I suckled harder on Leo's cock. I nursed on him with hunger. I suckled with such force on him. He groaned, his dick throbbing in my mouth. He smiled down at me, such desire in his eyes. I pleasured him. I wanted that so much.

“Yes,” he groaned. “Just keep sucking.”

“Make Dark Lord Big Bro cum!” squealed Garnet, her tail rubbing faster against my right nipple. Pleasure sparked as she drilled her dildo into my cunt. “Make him cum!”

I suckled hard on him, wanting to do just that. My cheeks hollowed as I nursed on him. His cock twitched in my mouth. The salty precum spilled over my tongue. I loved every moment of this. I quivered, on the verge of my climax.

“Lana!” he groaned, gripping the side of my head. His dick twitched in my mouth. “Yes!”

Hot cum jetted into my mouth.

I loved that salty delight. I gulped it down. I swallowed every bit of that wonderful spunk. He groaned as he spurted over and over into my mouth. The jizz splashed against the back of my throat. It was such a wonderful moment.

Garnet drilled her dildo into my cunt at that exact same moment. I shuddered and burst with delight. It swept out of me. My cunt writhed around her dildo churning me up. Pleasure washed through me as I suckled down Leo's cum.

“That's it!” Garnet moaned, drawing back and slamming back into my pussy again. “Yes, yes, yes!”

Her wings flapped hard as my cunt rippled around her dildo. I could hear her orgasmic moans. Her tail rubbed at my boob as ecstasy rushed through my body. Leo grunted, flooding more and more of his cum into my mouth.

I quivered there, feeling so amazing. I floated through this wonderful bliss as Leo fired the last blast of his cum. I swallowed my number one fan's jizz. I savored that delicious flavor. His spunk flowed down to my belly.

I felt so amazing. We won today. We would win again and again. Leo would drive us to victory. He would change this world. I could feel it. We just had to believe in him. We just had to support him and love him.

And support and love each other.

*  \ * /  *

Maya... Maya, come back. I need you.”

Leo needed her.

Maya flowed out Souleen's embrace and left behind the Void. She poured out of shadows and into a new body of liquid delight. She stood in the Vault near Leo, her watery body rippling. Her round boob jiggled as waves washed over her. She stretched as she grinned at Leo standing naked there, his dryad sucking on his cock.

Mrs. Maia worked her mouth up and down his cock. She suckled on him with obvious hunger. Maya smiled at how adorable that looked. Her liquid pussy clenched with my delight. Hot pussy cream ran down her watery thighs and melted back into her form.

She liked that feeling a lot. It was a delicious one. Made her feel so naughty that her pussy juices merged back into her flesh.

“Such a perv,” Maya said, shaking her head. “You call me out the Void to show off your dryad-MILF sucking your dick.”

“Yep,” Leo said with a big grin. “Why, did you want to suck my dick?”

Maya stepped forward only to realize that Mrs. Maia's roots were growing up her legs. They worked up her. She shuddered at the dryad's naughty, woody touch. Maya was curious where this was going.

“I guess Mrs. Maia is not giving up your cock,” Maya said as those roots climbed up her watery legs and reached her pussy.

They thrust into her snatch. Her head threw back in delight as two of those roots braided together to form a thick shaft that had this amazing texture to it. The coil massaged her pussy walls as the roots fucked in and out of her snatch.

“Mrs. Maia!” gasped Maya. “Oh, you are such a naughty MILF!”

“Yep,” Leo said with such a big grin on his lips, his dryad sucking away with hunger on his cock.

The slurps of Mrs. Maia happily nursing on Leo's dick sent such delight rushing through Maya. She groaned and swayed there, her face contorting with the bliss of those braided roots pumping in and out of her pussy. Pleasure rippled through her.

And the roots kept growing.

Another one slid into her butt-crack and found the undine's naughty backdoor. Maya gasped, waves rippling over her watery form. It pushed past her anal ring and slid into her bowels. Now she had two shafts fucking her while other roots swelled up her torso.

“Mrs. Maia!” Maya groaned, Leo grinning as he watched her trembling. “Oh, yes, yes, you're so naughty. Such a wicked dryad!”

“So wicked,” groaned Leo, his hands sliding through Mrs. Maia's leaf-green hair. He fucked her mouth, driving his cock into her. “Just such a wicked, wicked MILF-dryad.”

He drove his cock into her mouth over and over again. He fucked his MILF with passion. Maya trembled as she watched, the roots fucking her pussy and asshole. Others reached her jiggling boobs and wrapped around them.

Maya groaned at the sensual delight of the roots massaging her breasts. She shuddered, her pussy clenching down on the braid shaft thrusting in and out of her cunt. Her asshole melted about the slender root pumping away. The undine was in heaven.

“Oh, Mrs. Maia,” she whimpered. “Mmm, your roots just love my water, don't they? You're a thirsty dryad. Leo's cum and my pussy juices!”

Mrs. Maia moaned around Leo's cock as she fucked my holes faster. Her roots kneaded my boobs.

Maya smiled and let the dryad molest her. Pleasure rippled through the undine's body. She loved every moment of being molested. She treasured it. She groaned, her head tossing back and forth. The friction in her pussy and asshole melted together.

Maya quivered as the dryad fucked her while blowing Leo. His eyes watched the undine wrapped up in the roots, a lecherous grin on his face. Maya grinned, winking at him. She loved his attention. She loved him long before coming to this world.

She knew the other her, the one that was dating the other him, would never share him. But this was a pervy version of herself. A bisexual Maya that wanted Leo to fuck all the women he could because it made her so hot that her man was such a stud.

I think I got the better deal, other me, I thought. But I know you'll be happy with him.

With Alizee the last companion, Maya would never learn any more about their life. But she knew that they would be happy. They would get married, have a home, have babies. Leo would have a great job. Maya would teach.

Hope you two crazy kids enjoy every moment of it, Maya thought. She would never have children. Monster girls didn't reproduce.

But Maya was okay with that. She had Leo. That was enough. Leo and his harem.

“Mrs. Maia,” moaned Maya, her pussy and asshole clenching down on the roots pumping in and out of her pussy and asshole. The delights wept through her. She loved every moment of it. It was exciting to feel this pleasure building in her.

She would have such a big climax. A massive explosion of delight. She whimpered, her boobs jiggling in the grip of Mrs. Maia's roots. Pleasure swelled and swelled in Maya. She savored being molested by the dryad.

Leo grunted, fucking his landlady's mouth. He pounded her with his hard cock while Mrs. Maia moaned about his dick. She suckled on him. She nursed with such delight, her wet slurping making Maya quiver in delight.

“Oh, Leo,” Maya moaned. “Ooh, Mrs. Maia is going to make me explode.”

“Good,” he groaned, his cock thrusting away at his MILF's mouth. “Just cum, Maya. I want you to cum. And you...” He grinned down at Mrs. Maia. “You are going to get that cum you crave.”

“Leo's thick and salty jizz!” Maya squealed, her pussy and asshole clenching down on the dryad's roots. “Yes!”

Maya quivered, waves rippling through her body. The undine squeezed her eyes shut as the dryad's roots plunged deep into her pussy and asshole. The two frictions mixed and swirled in her body. She groaned, clamping her holes down on those roots.

Her pussy and asshole quivered. Mrs. Maia fucked the undine hard and fast. The dryad churned up the undine's holes. Her body rippled, the waves increasing as they washed through her. Turbulence formed in her cunt and bowels.

“Oh, Mrs. Maia,” moaned Maya. “Oh, that's it. That's so good. I'm going to... to... Cum!”

Her orgasm burst in her.

She bucked, her boobs jiggling in Mrs. Maia's woody grip. Both her asshole and her pussy convulsed around the roots thrusting in and out of her holes. The pleasures rushed through the undine and drowned her mind.

She shuddered there, loving every moment of drowning in rapture. It was incredible to enjoy. She whimpered, her face twisting in delight. The pleasure gushed through her. She hit that wild delight of cumming. She tossed her head from side to side.

“Oh, god, that's so good,” she moaned. “That's it. That's amazing. I love it! Yes!”

“Fuck!” Leo growled. “Drink it, Mrs. Maia! Drink my cum!”

“She loves it!” groaned Maya.

Mrs. Maia gulped down Leo's cum as Maya swayed through her orgasm. She felt so good. She needed this after that she had done to day. She quivered through all the ecstasy. Stars danced before her eyes.

She felt so good.

So loved.

“Damn,” Leo groaned. “That was hot, Mrs. Maia! That was so fucking hot!”

Maya could only agree as her body rippled with her pleasure.

Click here for the next part! 


Josh Lomax

Happy to report that I'm starting to Luke Garnet again. Man I must be bipolar