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Lieutenant Elaine Seabrook

“You are not going anywhere, alien!” I cried, holding the dickgirl-slime to me, her massive cock buried in my pussy, all that DNA filling my teat. “You are the property of the US Government.”

“Rurururururu?” she asked in that strange language. There was a smile on her lips. A smirk. The world grew dark.

“What?” I gasped, fighting to stay conscious. I squeezed her to my naked body, her breasts spilling over mine. I compressed her gelatinous body. “What did you do to me?”

“Rurururururu! Rururu! Rurururururururururu!”

It made no sense. Something was wrong. I was so tired. Everything swam around me. My mind swirled. I had to keep conscious. I had to fight against this drowsiness. I blinked my eyes and shook my head. But I had been up so long.

“No, no, not again!” I gasped. “This isn't happening to me again! What have you done to me? What have you... done... to...” My words slurred. It grew so hard to think. The world swam around me. It was growing so dark. It pulled me down and down into the shadows. “You can't... I... I... I will... hunt you... down...”

“Rururururu?” She smiled at me. I stared at that smirk on her lips then...


The rhythmic beeping sound reached through the darkness. I groaned, rising out of sleep. I fluttered my eyes. I felt so weak. So exhausted.


That sound drew me out of this heaviness crushing me. I fluttered my eyes.


My eyes opened. I was layingin a bed. I felt something in my arm. An IV led to a saline drip. There were EKG sensors on my chest leading to the machine monitoring my vitals. I was in a hospital. Of course, I was in a hospital. I came here because... because...

The alien.

Pink. Slime. Smirking. She had a cock. She fucked me with it.

“You're awake,” a pleasant woman said. A nurse with auburn hair and blue eyes set in a motherly face. “I'm Nurse Nora, Lieutenant Seabrook. You gave us quite the scare.”

“Scare?” I frowned, struggling to think. I had come to the hospital to chase the alien. “Where is she?”

“She?” the nurse asked, arching an eyebrow.

“The alien?”

A smile split her lips for a moment. “Alien? What alien?”

“The one with the dick that... that... violated me!” I gasped, sitting up. I wore a hospital gown. The sensors on my chest pulled on the lead, the sticky tape biting at my skin. I fell back. “What happened to me?”

“You passed out in the middle of the hospital,” said the nurse. “Ranting about some alien making Danielle Seymour into a woman. I mean, she was a woman.”

“She used to be a man, right?”

“Before she transitioned,” said the nurse, shaking her head. “You were dehydrated and exhausted. How long did you go without sleep?”

“I... I don't know,” I said. “I was drinking lots of coffee.”

“Caffeine leads to dehydration,” she said, nodding. “You pushed yourself too hard. I'll let your commanding officer know you're recovered.”

“But the alien…” I whimpered.

The nurse laughed again and headed out the door. My cheeks burned. There had to be an alien, right? I hadn't dreamed that. She had a dick and she fucked me.

Colonel Powers came in a moment later in his uniform. He stared at me, shaking his head. “I heard about your rant.”

“Rant?” I asked, my heart quivering.

“Seems you had a mental breakdown.” He sighed. “Something about aliens turning a man into a woman.”

“Wasn't he a man?”

“Yes, weeks ago,” said the colonel. “I saw the medical records. Had the surgery performed to transition. Well, mostly. There's still some... er...” He swallowed. “Well, it doesn't matter, he—she!—is not something an alien did. You just... got overworked.”

“Overworked?” I swallowed. “But I was tracking something from space.”

“Something, yes,” said the general. “Something entered the atmosphere. We think it burned up. At the speed, it was going and the size, it wouldn't have survived. We're just lucky it was a small extrasolar object. If it was much bigger, it would have caused damage. One in a trillion chance that it hit us. A fluke. Not alien.”

“But she... she was in here. She was pink and made of slime.”

“A dream,” he said. “Or a hallucination. You're... injured. Overworked. It happens. You're on medical leave.”

“Okay,” I said, so confused. I felt like I had been so close, but... She looked so human. Only made of slime. It was surreal. It felt so real. And she had this big dick that made me cum really hard. A good cum. I still felt good.

“They want to hold you overnight,” the colonel said. “Get some sleep, lieutenant. You'll be on two weeks medical leave. You'll have to speak to some counselors. Make sure there's no underlying problem.”

“I'm not crazy,” I protested. “I just...” I swallowed. “I guess I had been working hard.”

“You have to remember to take care of yourself,” he said, nodding. “I'll see you in a few days. Check in on you.”

“Yeah,” I said and leaned back against my pillow. Just... overworked? I guess that made sense. It was a shame. She felt so... so...


As Nurse Nora came back to check on me, I closed my eyes and fell into dreams of a pink slime with a huge dick fucking me so hard.

~   *   ~

Shannon Mathers

I squirmed with Ruru in my pussy. The hospital was back to normal. Everyone was acting like they were supposed to. The Seymours thought that it was natural that they were both women, though one had a big dick.

It was a shame she had to forget all about our fun today.

Morgan and Mrs. Stephanie were sitting with me in a waiting room. The colonel strode by without giving us a second glance. Why would he? We were just three people waiting in a hospital. It was such a commonplace image.

I hope this worked,” Ruru said in my pussy sending a naughty tingle rushing through my body.

“Yeah, me, too,” I said.

Then Mrs. Nora, my other futa-landlady, appeared. She wore her pink scrubs and rushed over to us. She looked so happy. The three of us bounded to our feet and embraced her, squeezing her tight as my pussy clenched tight around Ruru.

Your heartbeat just went up asyou stood,” Ruru gasped. “Is it good news or bad news?”

“Good news,” I said in delight. “It worked, Ruru. It worked.”

“Yes, it did,” Mrs. Nora said. “The colonel bought that Danielle Seymour had a sex change a few weeks ago, though she hadn't had her penis removed. My little addition. He also believes that Lieutenant Seabrook had a nervous breakdown from dehydration and lack of sleep. Her behavior today, from what I gleaned, had been a little... erratic.”

I'm safe?” asked Ruru.

“She's safe?” I asked, my heart beating fast.

“The colonel seems to think that Ruru was just some extrasolar asteroid that burned up on re-entry. That she never landed.” Mrs. Nora smiled. “No one is looking for her!”

Morgan whooped in delight. My pussy clenched down on the futa-slime as tears gathered in my eyes. I held my two landladies and Morgantight. Then the four of us met for a naughty, four-way kiss. It was a wonderful delight. Such passion swept through me.

“We have got to celebrate,” Mrs. Nora said. “Let's get home. Ooh, maybe Kylie is awake. I very much want to make love to my new female boarder.”

“Me, too,” Mrs. Stephanie said, this wicked twinkle in her eye. “We have quite a few tenantwe have to share.”

“Yes, we do,” Mrs. Nora said.

~   *   ~

Nora Short

I was flying high. My job was safe, I had a futa-dick, a hot futa-wife, two sexy futa-tenants, and a gender-swapped tenantto love. Plus Ruru. And Kaylani, from what I had gathered. Kylie's girlfriend was into all of this.

“Mmm, let's go, Mrs. Nora,” Morgan said. She was riding in my car. We couldn't go home in the same vehicle or one of them would be left behind.

I glanced at my youngest tenant. Eighteen and with a wicked smile on her lips. “You're going to suck my futa-dick as I drive,” I said, already unknotting my scrub bottoms and letting my clit grow. “That's just wicked of you, Morgan. Just wicked. I can't believe you would do something unsafe.”

“Then why are you shoving your bottoms down and growing your clit-dick, Mrs. Nora?” she cooed.

“I don't know what you're talking about,” I said and looked down at my futa-dick thrusting up to my steering wheel. “How did that get out?”

“I don't know,” my futa-tenantpurred. Morgan ducked down and suckled the crown of my girl-cock into her hungry mouth.

I groaned as she suckled on my MILF-dick. I shuddered and backed up my car in the parking garage. People were moving around, heading home or coming to the hospital. I had my naughty boarder bobbing her head.

She worked her mouth up and down my cock, sucking with just such passion on my girl-dick. She nursed with hunger on me. I groaned, savoring every moment of her hot mouth bobbing up and down my futa-dick.

My pussy clenched. My ovaries drank in the wicked delight of the hot futa's delightful mouth. She suckled with passion. I loved the wild thrill of being suckled on by her in public. I approached the gate guard, going for the automatic ones where I could use my pass.

My futa-tenant suckled with such wild abandon. She held nothing back as she worshiped me. It was an amazing delight. I groaned, loving this wonderful moment. I shuddered, my back arching as she suckled with such rapture.

I groaned, my heart racing as I waved my pass before the sensor at the gate.

The guard in the booth two spots over waved at me.

I waved back, trying not to show the pleasure on my face. My futa-tenant suckled with such wanton delight on my MILF-cock. She loved it as the arm rose, bending in the middle to lift over my car. I drove through and out onto the street. My heart beat so fast as my orgasm rose.

Then her hand shoved into my scrub bottoms. Her fingers parted my curls and found the wet folds of my pussy. The naughty minx stroked my cuntlips as I turned towards the freeway. My hands gripped the steering wheel as the naughty Morgan nursed hard.

“You little scamp,” I whimpered as she swirled her tongue around the crown of my dick.

She suckled hard and nipped my shaft with her teeth., though not hard.

“Morgan Parks!” I gasped as she did that. “You wicked, little slut!”

She giggled around my cock and suckled again.

I shuddered, slowing for the light by the freeway on-ramp. She thrust her fingers into my cunt. My back arched. Her fingers filled my cunt. I groaned at how amazing that felt. She had such long digits. They worked in and out of my pussy as she suckled on my cock.

The light turned green.

I accelerated as I made the turn onto the on-ramp. I head up it, going faster and faster as my futa-tenantbobbed her head. She worked her mouth up and down my cock. I loved it. My pussy clenched around her fingers. The pleasure swelled in me.

I hit sixty mile per hours and kept accelerating. I glanced over my shoulder, signaling for the merge. I found a spot and slid into it while Morgan suckled on my cock. The ache built at the tip of my dick. I groaned, focusing on driving.

This was so insane.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I moaned as I hurtled down the freeway, my futa-tenantsucking hard. “Morgan!”

My MILF-cock throbbed in her mouth. Her fingers thrust into my pussy, churning up the hole that had birthed her. My orgasm built faster and faster. My ovaries brimmed with all the cum that would fire into her naughty mouth.

My sweaty palms clutched at the steering wheel as she kept suckling at me. She nursed with such passion on my cock. I groaned, my head tossing from side to side. It was an amazing delight to have her sucking so hard.

I shuddered, my face contorting with building pressure. She jammed her fingers into my cunt and suckled hard. My back arched with the pleasure of this moment. My ovaries burst with the pressure. I erupted.

“Morgan!” I squealed.

Stars danced before my eyes as I pumped blast after blast of cum into my futa-tenant's mouth. She squealed and gulped down my cum. She swallowed it with hunger. I loved the way she gulped that jizz down. She swallowed it all.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I gasped, my body bucking.

My pussy convulsed around her fingers. I bucked, my cunt sending bliss flooding through my body. Euphoria rushed from my cunt. It washed over my mind. That delicious pleasure flowed over my thoughts.

I trembled, my orgasm hitting that wonderful peak as I...

Drove at ninety down the freeway.

“Shit!” I gasped and let off the accelerator, firing the last blast of cum into Morgan's mouth. I panted as I slowed to eight and down to a reasonable seventy. I looked back in the rearview mirror. No red lights flashed behind me.

I let out a sigh, my body trembling with the delight. That was so insane.

Morgan slid her mouth off my cock and her fingers out of my twat. She leaned back in her seat and suckled my pussy juices off her fingers. She trembled as she did that, her futa-cock tenting the front of her skirt.

“Buckle up,” I told her.

She rolled her eyes. “Yes, Mom.”

I winced at her tone. I was like her mother so long as she was boarding at my house.

She grabbed her seatbelt and pulled it on, buckling it up. I breathed in a sigh of relief. That was so dumb. This futa-cock made making rational decisions hard. Just like it made me act when I got horny, then I was seducing new mothers and fucking my best friend in a hospital room.

I had to be more careful. But it was a lot of fun being a futa.

~   *   ~

Shannon Mathers

“Wow, Mrs. Nora is driving fast,” I said, my pussy clenching down on Ruru.

“Eager to get home?” Mrs. Stephanie asked, glancing at me.

“Maybe,” I said. “Don't lose her. I want to be the first one to fuck Kylie. That will be so hot.”

Why not me?” Ruru asked. “I made him into a her. She's only a girl because of my amazing cum.”

“Tag-team her?” I asked.

Yes!” Ruru gasped.

“Step on it,” I groaned, glancing at Mrs. Stephanie. “We have to beat them home. Ruru and I are going to make love to Kylie first.”

“What's in it for me?” asked my gender-swapped futa-landlady.

“A yummy creampie,” I said. “Mmm, all our cum licked out of Kylie's new pussy.”

“I'm stepping on it,” groaned Mrs. Stephanie.

~   *   ~

Kylie Coupe

I felt something warm around my face. Boobs. Big, soft boobs. I groaned, snuggling into them. I hugged the woman in my bed. Kaylani? It felt like Kaylani. My sexy, Hawaiian girlfriend. The cheerleader's big and perfect boobs felt amazing around me.

My dick...

My dick wasn't hard.

Instead, I felt this wet slick between my thighs. I groaned, shifting around. My nipples rubbed into Kaylani's stomach. I gasped at how sensitive they were. They shot down to that wet ache between my thighs. I groaned, something clenching.

A hole I never had before. I shifted, my chest jiggling.


“Mmm, morning, Kylie,” purred Kaylani. “You're starting to wake up.”


I gasped and bolted up, ripping my face from between my girlfriend's big boobs. My tits heaved beneath me. They bounced and quivered. I stared at them. My nipples were fatterand thicker. I groaned, feeling long, brown hair dancing over my shoulders.

I thrust my hand between my thighs and felt no cock. Instead I found a thick bush and a wet slit. A pussy. I was a womannow. I groaned and fell back on my pillow. I rubbed at my cunt in delight, sliding my fingers up and down it.

Kaylani lay on her side, her big boobs jiggling together. She had this hot look in her eyes as she stroked her golden-brown hand between my pale boobs. She made me shiver with her touch. She was such a sexy girlfriend.

“Mmm, Ruru did it,” I said. “I'm a girl.”

“You're a sexy girl,” moaned Kaylani. “I just want to go down on you and—”

The door burst open and Shannon flew in. Shewas ripping off her dress while from between her thighs spilled something pink. Ruru fell out of her pussy and landed in a large blob on the ground. Shannon's round boobs jiggled, her red hair flying.

“No, no, I'm going to fuck the new Kylie first!” Morgan shouted from outside the room.

“Sorry, Ruru and I beat you,” Shannon cried, her futa-dick swelling from our shaved pussy.

Beside her, Ruru grew into a clone of Shannon made of pink gelatin. Her body jiggled as she formed pigtails like Morgan wore. Her face, wearing an identical look of lust and delight to Shannon's, stared right at me.

“Ruru and I are going to fuck you so hard, Kylie,” Shannonsaid, her girl-dick thrusting from her shaved pussy. “How does that sound?”

“Amazing,” I moaned.

“I'll go take care of Morgan,” said Kaylani. She kissed me. I trembled as my soft lips kissed my girlfriend's. We were both women now. This was so hot.

She broke the kiss and rolled off the bed. I trembled as her golden-brown ass swayed towards the door. She snagged our roommate and pulled her off. Morgan protested, but not that hard. I bet Kaylani had grabbed that little slut by her girl-dick.

Shannon and Ruru flowed into the room as our two futa-landladies stood in the doorway watching. This was so wild. The futa-slime slid onto the bed before me. They would sandwich me the way a slut deserved.

I was a slut now. A naughty, whorish girl that would have so much fun with her new pussy.

“Mmm, Kylie,” Ruru moaned. “We're going to have so much fun, aren't we?”

“Yes, we are,” I panted, so ready for all the fun to happen. It would be amazing. Just the best thing in the world to have their girl-dicks fucking me.

Shannon moved in from behind me. A dick in my ass and pussy. That was so hot. And one of them would be my hot futa-roommate's. This was so wild. Ruru stretched out on her side, her face so cute. She cupped my face and kissed me.

I groaned as her round breasts pressed against my larger tits. I shuddered at how nice that felt. She kissed me with hunger as her futa-cock nuzzled into my stomach. I grabbed her shaft and shoved it down my body. I was so ready for her to fuck me. I wanted it so much.

I nuzzled her into my pussy. She rubbed into my pussy lips. A wave of heat shot through me at the feelingof her girl-cock pushing against me. This wave of heat rushed through my body as she entered me. My cuntlips spread around her thick shaft.

I whimpered into her kiss.

It was so amazing to have a futa's cock entering my pussy. Just a treat. This was something that I had wanted to experience for such a long time. I was so eager for this delight. I wanted that big dick to make me squeal. I would cum so hard.

Ruru's thick futa-shaft stretched me out. This was all my fantasies come to life. Being fucked by a futa. Being a girl with a huge cock in me. I groaned as Ruru's big dick bottomed out in me. I trembled in delight, loving this heat. It was amazing.

Then Shannon pressed into me from behind. My roommate's tits rubbed on my back, her nipples hard. They felt so wonderful against me as I kissed Ruru. My tongue danced with hers as Shannon slid her futa-dick down my spine and into my butt-crack.

I clenched my pussy down on Ruru's thick shaft. What a way to lose my girl-cherry!A futa-dick in my cunt and asshole.

The tip of Shannon's futa-cock slid down to my asshole then kept going. I broke the kiss with Ruru as she nuzzled into my pussy lips stuffed with Ruru's big cock. What was Shannon doing? Did they bothwanted to have their dicks in my pussyat the same time?

“Shannon?” I gasped as she pushed against me.

“Don't worry,” Shannon purred. “Ruru's cock is going to compress and...” She thrust and popped into my cunt. “See?”

“Holy shit!” I gasped, spasming between my futa-roommateand the futa-slime.

My boobs rubbed into Ruru's as Shannon's girl-cock sank deeper and deeper into my bowels. I trembled as she sank to the hilt in me. It was such a thrill to have her filling me up. I groaned, loving the way her girl-dick stretched me out. It was an amazing rush to have them both insideme.

My pussy clenched down on the two futa-dicks. It was a thrill. A pure delight to have them squeezing about me. I shuddered, trembling at the feel of them both in me. Then I groaned as Shannon drew back.

Ruru did, too.

I whimpered as their two futa-dicks massaged my pussy. Pleasure rippled through me. My toes curled. I trembled more, Shannon's nipples massaging my back. Then she thrust into my cunt followed by Ruru. They both stretched me out to my limits.

“Oh, my god,” I gasped, my voice so feminine now. So girlish. “Oh, my fucking god, that's amazing!”

“Right?” groaned Shannon. “Oh, Ruru, this is so hot sharing Kylie's new pussy with you.”

“It is,” Ruru groaned.

Pleasure rippled through me. It was an insane feeling this rapture rippling through my body. I trembled and groaned, the pair of them doing such wicked things to me. I trembled, my heart pounding this wild rhythm in my chest.

They pumped away at me, driving their girl-dicks into my cunt at different speeds. It was such a wild delight. I groaned, savoring every moment of them fucking into me like that. Their cocks slid past each other as they massaged my pussy.

My eyes rolled back into my head at the pleasure of having two girl-dicks pistoning in and out of my cunt. They were out of sync with each other, Shannonburying into me with more force than Ruru. Shannon rammed into me again while Ruru thrust with such delicate strokes.

It was amazing to feel.

To experience.

I was a woman now being fucked by two big futas. It was the best day of my life. I trembled, my orgasm swelling and swelling with their every thrust into my pussy. I shuddered, my body trembling as I came closer and closer to cumming.

My pussy clenched around their dicks, my orgasm building and building in me. That wonderful burst of feminine delight. My first orgasm as a woman. This was such a fantasticmoment. I trembled as they drilled their big futa-dicks into my cunt over and over again.

“Oh, my god,” I whimpered.

“Going to cum, Kylie,” Shannon purred, her clit-dick thrusting to the hilt in me, slipping past Ruru's softer shaft.

“Yes!” I moaned. “Oh, my god, yes!”

“Cum hard, honey,” Mrs. Nora purred.

“Yes, yes, so hard,” Mrs. Stephanie groaned. “And fill her cunt with all that cum. Momma's hungry.”

“I'm married to a big, cum-hungry slut,” Mrs. Nora cooed. Then they were kissing as I swelled towards my orgasm.

The friction was too much. My new body couldn't handle all these simulation. I trembled and burst with rapture. The heat swelled through me. I bucked and groaned between the two futas, my pussy spasming around their thrusting clit-dicks.

The heat swept through me as my cunt writhed around their girl-cocks. It was amazing to have these waves of rapture that swept through me. They weren't as intense as cumming with a dick, but they lasted longer. I drowned in ecstasy.

“Cum in me!” I moaned, wanting to feel their girl-dicks spurt into me.

“Getting there, Kylie,” moaned Shannon as she drilled into me.

I trembled as their girl-cocks both plunged to the hilt in my writhing depths. My orgasm kept going. I would have been done as a guy, but the ecstasy still spilled over my mind. I shuddered, my cunt sucking at them.

Then they erupted.

Twin jets of futa-cum spurted into my cunt. I groaned as they splashed against me. It was an incredible delight to have all that spunk flood me. I shuddered, spurt after spurt of their girl-spunk soaking my womb.

My cunt writhed around them as they erupted. They both moaned, firing their thick, hot cum into my wild snatch. I bucked between them, my big boobs rubbing into Ruru's. I shuddered, my cunt rippling around their wonderful futa-dicks.

I milked every drop of cum from them. A big delight swept through me. I shuddered, savoring this wondrous passion. I hugged Ruru to me. She kissed me. Her tongue thrust into my mouth. She danced around in me as she and Shannon fired that last spurt of cum into my cunt.

I trembled, so full of all their cumfrom their futa-dicks. I was going to love to being the only woman in a household of futas. What a wonderful new life I would have!

~   *   ~

Stephanie Short

I shuddered as Kylie lay on her back, her legs spread wide. Her big boobs quivered into a pair of lush mounds. Her nipples thrust up hard and so suckable. And there, spilling into her thick, brown bush was a mix of Shannon's and Ruru's futa-cum.

I smacked my lips, so eager to eat herout. I moved towards the bed, my wife following. Kylie had such a sultry look on her face. My new female tenanthad such a beautiful body. She was delicious. My mouth watered for her cunt.


“Go get her,” Nora purred, my ass stinging from her slap. “I'm going to fuck your ass as you eat her out!”

“That sounds wonderful,” I moaned to my wife as I slid on the bed and moved between my gender-swapped tenant's thighs.

I bent my head down to Kylie's thick bush dripping with Ruru's and Shannon's cum. I groaned at the delicious feast before me. I smacked my lips, so eager to lick at her cunt and gather up all that jizz. I stroked her smooth thighs.

“Ooh, yes, eat me out,” moaned Kylie.

“Yes, yes, eat her out,” my wife moaned. She climbed onto the bed and smacked her futa-dick down on my rump. “Just feast on our sexy tenant!”

I buried my face into Kylie's thick bush. The cum coating her curls smeared over my lips and cheeks. My mouth kissed at her new pussy. My futa-cock throbbed and my own cunt clenched, juices trickling down my shaft. I licked at her.

Kylie gasped, her back arching. Her big boobs heaved. I loved the sight of them as my wife slid her futa-dick into my butt-crack. She nuzzled against my asshole then thrust as I licked up more of that delicious cum.

The salty flavor of Ruru's and Shannon's girl-jizz mixed with Kylie's tart juices. It was a delight to lick up the spunk and cream. I lapped at her as my anal ring widened to swallow my wife's futa-dick. Nora gripped my hips, drilling harder against my asshole.

She popped into my anal sheath. It was an amazing delight to feel her sliding into my bowels. I groaned as she went deeper and deeper into my anal sheath. I moaned and licked at our tenant's new pussy. I drank the cum spilling out of her.

“Yes, yes, yes, that's it,” groaned Kylie. She shuddered, her big boobs swaying back and forth. She trembled, humping her pussy against me. “That's so good. Oh, yes, yes, just like that. I love it. Yes, yes, that's amazing.”

I knew she would love it. I licked at her. Lapped at her cunt. My tongue swirled through her sheath, mixing up the futa-jizz in her. I scooped out that lovely stuff as my wife bottomed out in my asshole. She had all her girl-cock in me.

She gripped my hips, moaning, “Yes, Stephanie! Ooh, that's so good. Lick that cutieclean!”

“Yes, honey!” I moaned and tongued Kylie's pussy.

I licked at the new girl's pussy. I gathered the cum leaking out of her as my wife drew back her girl-dick. She groaned as my bowels clenched around her. The heat melted to my twat and the tip of my futa-cock. It was an amazing delight to feel while eating out the cutie's cunt.

I licked the cum out of Kylie as my wife slammed back into my asshole. I groaned, the heat surging down to my futa-dick. My pussy drank in the delight, my ovaries brimming with futa-jizz. I shuddered, tonguing the new girl's twat.

“Mrs. Stephanie,” groaned Kylie as I licked her over and over again. “Oh, god, that's good.”

“I know it is,” Nora moaned as she fucked my asshole. “Mmm, Stephanie always ate my pussy with such skill.”

“Mmm, I love eating a yummy pussy,” I groaned. “And if it's full of cum... So much the better!”

I lapped at Kylie's cunt with hunger. I tongued her twat with everything that I had, gathering up the spunk leaking out of her. That salty jizz that filled her twat to the brim. My wife pounded my asshole, my bowels melting from her hard strokes.

I shuddered, my big boobs swaying from the force of my futa-wife's thrusts. Her tits heaved over me while her bush tickled my butt-cheeks. I groaned, clenching my bowels around her, my orgasm building with her every thrust.

And as she fucked me, I feasted on our tenant's new cunt. I swirled around in Kylie's twat, scooping out the jizz in her. It was such a thrill to feast on my Kylie. To lap up the mix of futa-spunks out of her pussy.

“Oh, yes, yes,” she groaned. “I love being a woman. This is amazing.”

“I bet it is,” moaned Nora as she fucked my bowels.

I tongued the girl, reaching into her snatch to find more and more of that delicious futa-cum. My bowels clenched about my wife's girl-dick. She fucked me with such force. She buried into me again and again. I trembled, loving the way she hammered me. It was a thrill to feel her ramming into me.

I groaned, savoring every moment of her fucking me. She pounded me with such force. She plowed into me with all that she had as I searched around in the girl's twat for any more jizz. But I couldn't find any.

So I flicked up to her clit and tongued it.

“Mrs. Stephanie!” Kylie moaned. “Oh, fuck, Mrs. Stephanie!”

Her feminine voice brimmed with passion. She sounded so amazing. I loved this so much. I savored it as I tongued her cunt. I swirled around in her bud. I nibbled on that naughty pearl. She bucked as I did that, her big boobs jiggling.

“Oh, my god, that's so good,” she whimpered. “Oh, yes, yes, that's amazing.”

“Are you going to cum, honey?” Nora moaned, her big futa-dick hammering my asshole.

“Yes, Mrs. Nora!” Kylie gasped.

I suckled hard on her clit, wanting to make her cum. I wanted her to just gasp out in delight. To squeal with such passion. It would be an amazing delight. I nibbled on her bud. She bucked when I did that. Her voice grew tight.

Then she squealed in delight. Her tart juices gushed out and bathed my mouth. I drank Kylie's delicious cream. I gulped it down. It was a rush to savor that delight. I loved every moment of it. This was a treat. A wonderful delight to behold.

“Oh, my god, yes, yes, yes,” she squealed.

“Oh, that's so hot,” Nora moaned, her hand snaking around my waist. She grabbed my futa-dick coated in my pussy cream. She fisted me as she buried hard into my asshole. “Stephanie, honey! You made that cutie cum!”

Her hand brushed the tip of my dick. I exploded.

My bowels writhed around my wife's girl-dick while the pleasure shot through me. I trembled through the bliss. It was an awesome delight. I loved every moment of it. The rapture burned through my body and splashed my mind. My girl-cock erupted, spraying the bed with my jizz.

“Oh, honey, yes!” Nora moaned, her clit-cock slamming into my writhing bowels.

She erupted, too.

She fired her futa-cum into my spasming bowels. I moaned into Kylie's cunt, rubbing my face into her silky bush as my orgasm rippled through me. It washed out of my cunt and jetted from my spurting clit-dick.

“Oh, Mrs. Stephanie!” moaned Kylie as I licked up her pussy cream. “Yes, yes, Mrs. Stephanie!”

“Stephanie, yes!” Nora gasped, her futa-dick emptying in my bowels.

I trembled, my asshole milking her dick while pussy cream gushed out of my cunt and spilled down my spurting cock. I shuddered, hitting that wonderful peak of bliss. I quivered there, milking my wife's girl-cock dry.

I panted as Kylie moaned. I rubbed my face into her wet bush and silky lips, breathing in her tart musk. It was a delight. I was so glad for it. I was so thrilled about it. I licked at her twat one more time as I came down from my high.

“Thank you, Ruru, for finding Shannon!” I breathed.

“Amen,” my wife echoed, her futa-dick twitching in my bowels. “Mmm, Kylie, want to suck my dick clean before I fuck you?”

“Yes, Mrs. Nora!” Kylie squealed with girlish delight. She was so happy to be changed. So was I.

~   *   ~

Nora Short

I slid my futa-dick out of Stephanie's asshole. She crawled off and glanced over at the doorway like she was curious what our other reenterswere up to. Kylie sat up, her big boobs jiggling. She had become such a gorgeous girl.

The hottie smacked her lips as I straightened, thrusting my dirty-dick at her. She bent down on all fours, her brown hair falling around her face. She opened her mouth wide and suckled my girl-dick past her lips. I groaned as she did that. It was such a wicked thing to feel her mouth sliding over my girl-dick. I groaned as she did that.

Her lips sealed about my dirty shaft. She suckled.

“Kylie,” I moaned, enjoying what my gender-swapped tenantdid to me.

She nursed on me with hunger. She suckled with such passion, bobbing her head. I groaned, loving the feelingof her head working up and down my futa-dick. She suckled with such passion on me. I shuddered, my face contorting with delight.

“Damn, that's good,” I groaned. “Oh, wow, that's really good. That's an amazing passion. You're just sucking so hard on my girl-dick, honey.”

She winked up at me. She nursed with passion, her tongue swirling around my dirty girl-cock. She buffed my clit-dick clean. I loved it. My pussy clenched as she did that. My big boobs jiggled and swayed back and forth as she loved me.

It was an amazing delight.

I loved the feelingof Kyliebuffing my girl-dick clean. She suckled with such passion as she cleansed my girl-dick. She worked her tongue around my cock. I groaned, my big boobs jiggling and my cunt clenching.

She nursed with passion, buffing my girl-dick clean of her asshole. I shuddered, loving her enthusiasm. The ache swelled at the tip of my futa-cock. My boobs jiggled as I groaned, my ovaries brimming with cum.

“Damn,” I groaned. “Oh, Kylie. You’resuch a good little girl. Iloves this.”

She winked at me and nursed hard.

I loved the way she did that. How her tongue swirled around my girl-dick. She was quite the cock-sucker. It was a thrill to feel her nursing on me like that.To enjoy her suckling with such passion. It was a heady rush. I loved it.

I rose towards my orgasm. My pussy clenched as she kept suckling. I shuddered, my big breasts rising and falling. She suckled, sending delight sweeping to my ovaries brimming with my futa-cum. My pussy dripped juices that ran down my thighs, the tip of my cock about to burst.

“Oh, my god, yes!” I gasped as the pressure burst at the tip of my girl-dick.

I fired my cum into my gender-swapped tenant's mouth. I groaned, spurting again and again. This wonderful pleasure shot through me. It was an amazing to erupt into her mouth. She moaned, gulping down my MILF-spunk.

Pleasure fired from my girl-dick and rushed out of my pussy. My cunt convulsed, spilling juices down my thighs as my naughty tenantswallowed my futa-jizz. I shuddered, my mind blazing with ecstasy and bliss.

“Yes, yes, yes, drink mycum,” I gasped.

She did. Kylie groaned as she swallowed it. My orgasm surged through me. My futa-dick spurted one more time into her mouth. I groaned, my big boobs rising and falling. Heat rippled through my cunt as she nursed out the last few droplets from my dick.

Then the cutiepopped her mouth off my girl-cock and moaned, “Fuck me, Mrs. Nora!”

“Yes!” I groaned.

~   *   ~

Kylie Coupe

I trembled as my futa-landladycrawled over me. This was so amazing. I had just suckled her girl-dick clean of my other futa-landlady'sasshole. That was such a wild delight. Now she was ready to make love to me. I trembled as those big boobs swayed then lowered to my large tits.

“Mmm, I'm going to make such sweet love to her little girl,” she purred, her tits piling into mine. Her lips claimed my mouth. I groaned as her cock nuzzled through my bush and found my new pussy.

I loved being a woman.

My futa-landladythrust her girl-dick into my cunt. She buried it into me. I trembled, loving the feelingof her thick shaft stretching me out. It was only one cock this time, but it was the futa-MILF's. As a guy, I fantasized about fucking Mrs. Nora before. Now she was fucking my pussy. She was inme.

She bottomed out in my pussy, her girl-dick kissing my cervix. Maybe she would breed me. Or Mrs. Stephanie or Shannon or even Morgan. I trembled, squeezing my cunt down on my futa-landlady's girl-dick as she drew back.

Mrs. Nora had such an amazing girl-cock. She moaned into my lips as my pussy massaged her thick clit-dick. She rammed her MILF-rod into my pussy. I groaned at that. I shuddered, savoring the delight of it. This was so incredible.

She pumped away at me. She drove her girl-cock into my snatch over and over again. My pussy clenched down on her. Our breasts rubbed together as we made love. It was such a thrill to have her thrusting away at me. She fucked me with such passion. She buried her girl-cock into me.

I kissed her.

Held her tight to me.

My hands slid down to grab her plump rump. I kneaded her flexing ass-cheeks as she thrust her girl-cock into my cunt. She buried into me again and again. It was a magnificent delight. She plunged away at me.

I kissed her with such hunger, loving the feelingof her. She moaned as she savored my pussy. Mrs. Nora drilled her futa-dick into my tight snatch again and again. The pleasure rippled through me and swelled my wicked orgasm.

I would have such a big cum on her.

She broke the kiss, gasping, “Oh, Kylie, it's so wonderful to be in my little girl.”

“Mmm, it is, Mrs. Nora,” I groaned, savoring her thrusting into me. “You have such a big dick! Oh, god, that's a huge one.”

She winked at me as she thrust away. She buried her girl-cock into me again and again. I loved the feeling of her doing that. It was a hot delight to have her thrusting her clit-cock into my pussy. I gripped her, trembling beneath her.

She thrust away with hard plunges. She buried into me. I groaned, savoring the way that she held me tight. I groaned, my cunt clenching down on her girl-cock. I loved the feelingof her thrusting into me. She buried into me over and over again.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I moaned. “Oh, god, I love that!”

“I know you do,” she purred. “Mmm, my cute, little girl is going to cum on my MILF-dick!”

“So hard,” I groaned, squeezing my cunt around her girl-cock. It was a fantastic thrill to have her futa-shaft trust into me again and again.

She kissed me, our boobs rubbing together. The heat swelled in my cunt. That big burst of pleasure that would leave me shuddering beneath her. I wanted to experience it. To squeal on my futa-landlady's big dick. This was the ultimate fantasy.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I groaned as she thrust hard into me. “Oh, yes, yes, that's it. That's so good. I love it. I love this so much!”

“Then cum on my futa-dick,” purred Mrs. Nora, her girl-cock hammering me.

“Yes!” I gasped as the pressure in my pussy burst.

I bucked on the bed. The pleasure rushed through me. I groaned, my face contorting with the bliss of this moment. My pussy writhed around Mrs. Nora's girl-cock. She drew back, my flesh suckling at her. She gasped at that and thrust back into me.

“Oh, Kylie, yes!” squealed Mrs. Nora.

She erupted.

Her MILF-cum pumped into my pussy and splashed against my cervix. It was outstanding to feel her cum spurting over and over against me. I groaned, stars twinkling before my eyes. The rapture swept through me. It was amazing.

I bucked beneath the MILF, my pussy milking her girl-cock. I tossed my head, stars bursting across my vision. I whimpered as the futa-MILF spurted blast after blast of her girl-cum into my snatch. I loved it so much.

She basted my womb with her girl-spunk. She soaked me in her seed. I trembled, nursing at her with everything that I had. This was a rush. An amazing delight to experience. I trembled beneath her, stars dancing before my eyes.

“Oh, Mrs. Nora, yes!” I moaned. “Oh, that's so good! That's amazing! I love your seed in me!”

“I love flooding you,” purred the naughty futa-MILF.

She kissed me as I milked her futa-cock dry. She spurted the last of her cum into my cunt. I wrung her dry, trembling with the delight. This was such a wild day. I was so glad to be a woman. To have my futa-landlady's girl-cock filling me with her cum.

She, my other futa-landlady, and my futa-roommates would make life so much fun. All thanks to that amazing futa-slime.

~   *   ~


The house was finally quiet. Everyone was asleep. I smiled, so glad that I had changed the lives of the Shorts household. That I had met Shannon, my new best friend. I was free of my prison, not hunted by the government, and ready to enjoy my new life on earth.

I knew it would be wicked.

To be continued...

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