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Chapter Twelve

Mrs. Zoe Maia stepped out of the administrative building into Astovin with Ms. Lucina at her side. The motherly dryad smiled at the townsfolk who waved at her and bowed. They didn't see her leafy-green hair and golden-brown skin as strange any longer.

Nor did they think that Mrs. Lucina with her glowing halo above her head and her white angel wings was strange. They accepted that the two MILF monster girls were a part of their community. Mrs. Maia wouldn't help but smile back at them.

“How's your morning going?” she asked a pair of motherly women heading to the marketplace.

“Oh, good, good, Lady Maia,” said one. “My youngest talks nonstop about becoming one of Lord Leo's adventurers.”

“So does my daughter,” said the other mother. She had a bright smile on her face. “She just wants to help him protect our world. My heart could  just burst.”

Mrs. Maia nodded. It reminded her of a few friends that had been proud their children were joining the military. Conservative women. It was a sentiment that the dryad had never understood until this moment.

She had thought the military and the wars were jingoist. To fill Big Oil and Big Pharma's pockets with more cash. But when there was something really worth fighting for, your village, your people, a world that was facing true threats, then it was something to worthwhile. It was amazing when your children wanted to protect it.

“I'm sure they'll be great adventurers and fight the rogue dungeon builders,” Mrs. Maia said.

Mrs. Lucina nodded.

The two monster girls and the two village wives headed to the marketplace, chatting. Mrs. Maia enjoyed it. Like when mothers would talk while watching their kids at the playground or bumping into friends at the grocery store. They reached the market to shop for food to feed the growing number of mundane people, though Mrs. Maia didn't like that word. Non-magical or non-monstrous people. Leo, Fara, Halia, Kassie, and the adventurers all needed real food. They didn't live off the Void Crystal.

Mrs. Maia could eat, drink, and even sleep, but she didn't need any of it. She could just sit down and somehow let time pass. Like a nap that could last for centuries, or so it seemed. It was how the monster girls passed a lot of their time when they weren't fucking or patrolling.

We were created with a purpose, Mrs. Maia thought. We're not even real, are we?

The thought troubled her. There was another Mrs. Maia who waved off Crystal, Leo, and Garnet as they headed off to college. A landladywatching her tenants head off to their day. That Mrs. Maia would watch them grow older, grow apart. Move away. Start families. She would age and die, while the one strolling beside Mrs. Lucina would never age. Never change. She would exist as long as Leodid.

She had no purpose but Leo's.

Is that bad? I'm happy. She smiled. She was happy. Contented. She wanted to help these people. To fight for them. But she would never sacrifice like these mothers did. She would never hear the terrible news that her child was killed fighting the enemies of this world.

If her surrogate son died, then they all would. And if one of her surrogatedaughters, and she thought of most of the monster girls as her daughters, died, they would come back. Respawned. That's the term, right?

“Are you okay?” asked Mrs. Lucina. The angelic MILF favored Mrs. Maia with a questioning smile.

“Just letting my mind drift,” Mrs. Maia said. “Ooh, look at those. Daikon radishes. That's new.”

“Just harvested,” said one of the friendly village wives. “They're delicious when pickled.”

“Have to try that out,” said Mrs. Maia. Maybe she wasn't “real” but she existed. She had emotions, worry. She loved.

And she hated.

Sulanga Stormfury was just the most recent one she hated. All the dungeon builders who threatened her surrogate children needed to pay.

“We should invite Siwang and his monster girls for dinner,” Mrs. Maia said.

“And invite Xiongbu shopping with us next time,” said Mrs. Lucina. “Then have some nice tea in the sun and chat.”

Mrs. Maia liked that. There was no crises.

“Oh, look,” said Mrs. Lucina. “There's Paetu and some of the harpies!”

They were flying out to start their first patrol. Mrs. Lucina raised her hand and waved at them. They split apart and flew out to the right and left. Mrs. Maia nodded at that as she picked at the daikon radishes.

She selected just one, for now. They were big, and she had never cooked with them before. So she wanted to experiment with them. She added some fresh leaks and cucumbers to her pouch along with a hunk of salted beef.

“What's that!” someone gasped. “In the sky!”

“Oh, it's just one of Lord Leo's new monster girls,” said Mrs. Maia. “He just recruited some harpies. See.” Mrs. Maia looked up to see a black-winged monster girl flying over the village. But she didn't have feathered wings like that harpies and a white belly.

One of the real harpies flew at her only for black shadows to erupt from the monster girl and destroy her. The basket with the food fell from Mrs. Maia's hands. Her heart lurched as the poor harpy died.

“Flee to safety!” cried Mrs. Maia. “She to the dungeon! Hurry! Hurry! Evacuate right now!”

*  \ * /  *

Mrs. Bella Lucina spread her wings wide and flapped her angelic wings. She launched into the air as the villagers were shouting. She beat her wings and rushed up at the monster girl. From the administrative building, Feya took to the air, too. The fairy's pink-and-purple butterfly wings beat the sky, her wand in her hand.

As Mrs. Lucina flew closer, the attacking monster girl looked reptilian. All scales, black with white bands across the large breasts and belly. She had small horns that peeked out of red hair flowing behind her. She flexed her fingers as she stared down at us rising up at her.

What is going on?” Leo shouted through Mrs. Lucina's mind. “Three harpies are dead. Is it just one monster girl?”

Only one that I see, Lord Leo,” Mrs. Maia said. “We're getting the villagers evacuated. Mrs. Lucina and Feya are flying towards her.”

She looks like Isatu,” Mrs. Lucina said. “Like a black version of Isatu, Lord Leo. A dragon in monster girl form.”

Shit,” he growled.

Feya flicked her wand and a beam of light fired from the tip. At the same moment, Mrs. Lucina launched a blast of radiance from her halo. The two attacks flashed at the dragon. With a flap of wings and a twist of her body, she dodged both attacks then dove.

She hurtled at Feya. The fairy gasped and flapped her wings, but the dragon was on her in moments. She slammed into Fey's body, claws burying into her chest. Blood spurted from the impact. Mrs. Lucina cried out in horror as the dragon ripped the fairy in half.

Feya vanished, her scream dying to a ring in Mrs. Lucina's ears.

“No!” Mrs. Lucina gasped and fired another blast of light from her halo.

It struck the dragoness in the back as the angel soared after. Black scales sizzled. The dragoness snarled in pain and twisted around, now falling towards the ground facing the angel. A black cloud burst from the enemy's mouth.

Mrs. Lucina gasped. She flapped her wings to dodge it, but she was flying down too fast and the cloud expanded before her. She tried to bank, but it was too late. The darkness engulfed her. She screamed as this terrible chill stole through her body.

The blackness drained the vitality from her. The life. She felt the cold touch of the grave. She burst out of the cloud to see her pale skin blackening. Her fingers shriveled. She screamed one more time then the world vanished.

She plunged into the Void, dead.

*  \ * /  *

“Shit, shit, shit,” I growled as I stood in the Vault. Two of his monster girls were dead. I gripped the Void Crystal. From here, I could move up his monster girls. Where there others attacking? Mrs. Lucina and Feya were dead along with three harpies. “What's going on?”

The dragon's flying at Paetu,” reported Hraniti, one of the rock elementals guarding a gate. “Paetu's gone into her whirlwind form.”

Is it really a dragon?” I demanded.

I don't know, Lord Leo,” Hraniti answered. “We're getting people to safety.

Southeast part is clear,” reported Solodada, one of the hellhound.

Northwest is clear, Lord Leo!” cried Asnova, another of the rock elementals. “The villagers know what they're doing.”

Est part is clear,” added Marmur, a third rock elemental.

“Good, good,” I muttered.

East is clear, too!” Mazsi shouted. The goblin sounded so excited. Her voice nearly screamed my mind deaf.

Northeast clear, also!” added Zala, another of the goblins. “She's fighting Paetu now. They're dancing through the air. I think she has it.”

Paetu died.

I groaned.

Southwest is empty of villagers, Lord Leo,”  Infierna, a hellhound, yipped. “Ooh, I want to fight her. She's so mean.”

Evacuation is almost complete, Leo,” Mrs. Maia reported. “Wait, the dragon's landing. I'm leading a force to attack her.”

Siwang,” I sent. “Make sure your monster girls are ready for a fight!”

Yes, I've heard,” said Siwang. “We'll support you if you need us.”

Nodding, I gripped the Void Crystal and felt all those villagers that had entered. They were filling up the rooms I had created for them to evacuate into. I moved the stragglers into the rooms then shifted them deep into my dungeon behind all my defenses. Just like I had planned. They were safe. Now it was time to deal with this dragon.

I started moving monster girls.

Chapter Thirteen

Mrs. Zoe Maia ran towards where the dragon had landed. With her was three rock elementals—Valuna, Hraniti, and Kremie—three goblins—Klitorsa, Hipera, and Atri—and three hellhounds—Perra, Mordera, and Estellara. The dryad ran through the empty village as she realized where the dragon was heading.

She's going for the Siwang's dungeon, Leo!” she cried to himas she burst on the green and raced across it. Then she sent,“Siwang, she's coming for you. I'm leading monster girls to attack her. Can you help us. We'll catch her out on the open on the green.”

I can, Mrs. Maia!” Siwang cried.

From his dungeon, seven cockatrices spilled out. The Level 1 Thunder monster girls had green-scaled bodies with bird feet. Red hair spilled in feathery waves down their backs. They spread out, staring at the dragoness, cutting her off from the dungeon.

The dragon is going for Siwang's dungeon?” Leo asked. He sounded horribly confused.

Yes!” Mrs. Maia cried to him.

The dragoness whirled around to face Mrs. Maia's force. She spread her wings wide as the hellhounds took the lead, ready to pounce as they ran on all four. Then the dragoness inhaled. Black death exploded from her mouth.

*  \ * /  *

Why was the dragon heading for Siwang's dungeon?

That thought roared through my mind as I gripped my Void Crystal and found Kassie. She appeared beside me, momentarily disoriented. It made no sense that the dragon would go for Siwang's dungeon. Wasn't the dragon attacking Astovin?

How would the dragon even know that Siwang's dungeon dumped into the town. Or was it just a coincidence? What the hell was going on.

Either way, it was going badly. Monster girls were dead. I needed to get strong monster girls in Siwang's dungeon right now. So I snagged Vilkas, Baaghi, Paanee, Esclava, Lana Fulmine, Garnet, Nina Naughty, Alizee, Maya, Terra, Morana, Ms. Trueno, Crystal, and Hagane. All the unique and strong monster girls that were in my dungeon.

I even thought of grabbing Usiku from the embassy at Sharithin, but...

Her job was to guard that spot.

I moved all those monster girls to the border with Siwang's. The tunnel that ended at his dungeon. As far as I could send them.

“Kassie, I need you to get me to Siwang's dungeon,” I growled and released the Void Crystal.

“Right!” she gasped as we ran out of the Vault. I had to get to the teleportation hub now.

Chapter Fourteen

Mrs. Zoe Maia shuddered in horror as the dragon's black flames splashed down on her force of monster girls. Valuna, Klitorsa, Hipera, and Estellara all vanished, consumed by death. The flames swept to the right and caught three of Siwang's cockatrices.

They screamed only for a moment before vanishing into motes of light.

The dragon landed on grass that grew black and blighted with decay. Perra and Mordera launched themselves at her. The two hellhounds leaped. The red cracks of molten heat that covered their black bodies glowed brighter. The dragoness whirled. She caught Perra by the throat, while her other hand slashed.

Mordera hit the ground and rolled with a scream. Her guts spilled out, disemboweled. Perra thrashed in the dragon's hand. Blood spurted as claws tore into her throat. Perra vanished into motes followed by Mordera a heartbeat later.

The remaining cockatrices all screamed. The air rippled from their sonic attacks. The dragon staggered and whirled as the assaulted her, pelting her with high-pitched screeches. More flames belched from the dragon's mouth and swept over the cockatrices. One managed to jump clear, rolling on the ground and leaving the entrance to Siwang's dungeon unguarded.

The other cockatrices vanished.

“Kill her!” Mrs. Maia cried, her roots growing from her toes and surging at the dragon.

*  \ * /  *

Siwang swallowed. Only Madara was left. All his other cockatrices had perished. He sat on his skull throne with his three companions. His step-mother stood beside him, her hand resting on his shoulder. Guang and Lei stood before the throne.

Fear swelled through Siwang. This monstrous force of destruction easily handled his lowly monster girls. He needed more power, but he lived in the shadow of Leo. That was one of reasons he forged this pact.


That was why Siwang had moved his dungeon entrance into Astovin. It was supposed to be protected. And now there was a deadly monster, a dragon, heading into his dungeon. A third of his defenders were dead without doing a thing.

Fear flooded his veins. After spending a lifetime wasting away, much of it in bed too weak to leave, he had a new chance. A new body that was strong. He was free of that dying husk that had been his last few years of painful existence.

He wasn't ready to die again.

Leo, she's killing my monster girls” he sent.

I know,” Leo answered, his voice composed. “On my way to you. Teleport me to your throne room when I enter your dungeon.”

That made sense. And I can revive my cockatrices. I should be there instead of here.

Feeling stupid, Siwang bolted from his throne and hurried towards his Vault. It was through his living quarters. He had to reach it now before the dragon entered his dungeon. His step-mother called to him, but he kept running without answering.

*  \ * /  *

Mrs. Zoe Maia's roots rushed at the dragon as the rock elementals rushed in. The tall and busty monster girls, made of gray stone with stria of white and black, swung fists grown into boulders. The dragoness twisted out of the way of Kremie's punch then slashed. She tore the rock elemental's head off.

“You black bitch!” Hraniti snarled at the death of her fellow rock elemental. Her punch slammed into the side of the dragoness's head.

The bitch staggered to the right from the blow. Atri, one the short and petite goblins, darted in and swung her iron sword. The dragon took the blow on her arm and kicked, claws ripping the goblin open from belly to breast. She flew back and crashed into the entrance of Siwang's dungeon and burst in a blast of motes.

Mrs. Maia's roots seized the dragon's feet as black flames erupted from her mouth and engulfed Hraniti as the rock elemental swung a second time. She screamed as the power of that umbral fire stole her life.

The last cockatrice gained her feet and screeched with fury and rage, her face twisted with the loss of her fellow monster girls. The attack struck the dragon. She swayed from it, rooted in place by Mrs. Maia now. The blows were affecting her.

“Get her!” Mrs. Maia cried. “We have her!”

Solodada and Infierna charged up on all fours, the hellhounds fiery cracks burning bright. They snarled and jumped on the dragon's back. They bit at her neck. Hope surged in Mrs. Maia as the hellhounds savaged her.

The dragon roared and swung her arm. She threw the two hellhounds off her as she breathed again. Her flames engulfed Mrs. Maia's roots. She screamed in pain as they withered beneath the decaying flames. The dryad staggered. The dragon swung her mouth and sent the flames into the last cockatrice.

As Siwang's monster girl died, the dragon threw herself at Mrs. Maia. The staggering dryad barely got her feet planted beneath her when the dragoness's claws buried into her throat. Mrs. Maia gasped at the pain.

The dragon smiled, cruel delight gleaming in her eyes.

She ripped out Mrs. Maia's throat. The dryad collapsed into motes. The last thing she heard was the hellhounds roaring in fury.

*  \ * /  *

My MILF-dryad died.

“Fuck,” I growled as Solodada and Infierna followed her.

Leo, she just entered my dungeon,” Siwang shouted.

Shit!” Leo sent back. “My monster girls should be in your dungeon already. I sent the best. I'm coming, too.”

Right,” Siwang answered. He sounded scared.

His first raid. Leo understood that terror.

Leo reached the teleportation hub with Kassie. He stepped onto the right circle. She glanced at him then drew in a deep breath. “Asud Gu!”

They appeared outside of Siwang's dungeon. The monster girls had already entered. Kassie and I darted in after them, hoping to catch up with my group and head towards the fight together. Fear swept through mefor myfriend.

Siwang was the only other dungeon builder I trusted. The only person that could be my friend. Not one of my lovers. Not my servant. But my friend.

And I was not about to let this dragon kill my friend. I had taken down a dragon before. I could do so again.

I entered Siwang's dungeon. My monster girls had already flooded through it. I hit the maze, though. I stopped. I had been through here once, but that was when his dungeon lay farther to the north. His maze layout was probably different now. And I didn't remember it.

Then a monster girl rushed around the corner. She had golden, glowing skin and white angel wings. A petite monster girl with small tits and sapphire eyes. A choir, one his Level 1 Light monster girls.

“I'm Litay, Lord Leo,” she said, her voice melodic and sing-song.“This way!”

*  \ * /  *

Siwang returned to the throne room and his map of the dungeon. The dragon was a terrible, a black dot of an enemy monster girl that moved through his domain. Four of the blue dots, his monster girls, winked out in a moment. Crna, Sjaj, Kandzi, and Rajot, four of my lemures, died. They numbered among my first monster girls hecreated.

“Leo is coming,” Guang said. Made of pure and shining light, she pointed to the map. Her hair spilled her back like sunlight piercing the clouds. She had blue eyes that stood out from the rest of her. His teacher from when he was a child. She had read to him during recess when the children played outside while he was too sickly to do so. “Believe in him.”

She pointed to a green dot and a silver dot. Ever since Siwang had sworn to Leo, the man stopped having a green dot, a guest, and now had a silver dot. A lord, Siwang supposed. Other green dots were in the dungeon, too. Leo's servants.

Litay's blue dot reached Leo to guide him.

“We'll see if we can trust him,” Siwang's step-mother said. She came up beside Siwang, a tall and busty woman with black skin, white hair and long needle fingers. A trail of mist followed her. She often didn't feel real and could even pass through walls. Siwang took comfort from his wraith.

“He has given us no cause for this doubt, Madam Xiongbu!” boomed Lei, his cyclops. She was a busty, one-eyed woman with bronze skin and blonde hair. Right now, she had clad herself in silver armor that made her look like the warrior woman from that Conan movie. She held a matching hammer in her hand that would boom like a thunderclap when she hit something. She had been his neighbor who always smiled at him when others looked away from his sickly flesh.

Siwang nodded. But he had to ready himself. If she made it to the throne room, he would have to fight and survive. He didn't have much defense, but he had something he could do. He drew in a deep breath and spoke the words to Endure pain.

Pain retreats, let the chill of Lady Ereshkigal sustain!”

Any pain he took would not touch him. He could fight even with a badly broken body. A danger.

“Use Disguise to hide yourself,” Xiongbu insisted.

As she spoke, Belo and Senka died. The last of his lemures. Then Anhel, Neba, and Pisnya rushed at the black dot and vanished. Three of his choirs left. He watched the map as the last three of his blue dots moving to attack rushed at the black dot. Svitinnya winked out. Then Kryla. Lastly, Pera died.

Siwang's stomach tightened. His only monster girl left alive was Litay guiding Leo who had caught up with his forces.

But they were behind the dragoness as she rushed through his dungeon, ripping through traps with ease. She was getting here too fast. He had moved his throne and vault beneath Astovin from where it originally lay in the hills to the north. A lone tunnel thrust off in that direction to keep the one Mana Vein he possessed in his dungeon.

She rushed through the last trap room. A death room designed to sap the life from adventurers and leave them withered. Then four green dots caught up with her and attacked her. Hope surged in Siwang for am moment. They were Leo's monster girls but not with his big group.

They died just as fast as mine did.

With that last obstacle out of the way, she ripped through the exist of the trap room and ran down a hallway. Siwang lifted his eyes to the metal doors that led into his throne room.


She had arrived.

Chapter Fifteen

“You have to stay behind us, Dark Lord,” Morana said as Litay lead my force of monster girls through the maze. “This beast is dangerous!” My banshee glanced behind me, her black mist spilling down her.

“Yes,” growled Vilkas. She loped in her lightning wolf form. “I know you are strong. You killed me in Sharithin, but I like this new life. I don't want to die again!”

“We come back to life,” Garnet said as she ran at my side now, a black whip coiled in her hands.

“Not if Lord Leo perishes,” Vilkas growled, loping behind the choir racing through the dungeon.

“Dark Lord Big Bro is invincible!” Garnet declared, her voice echoing through the dungeon.

“Just stay behind us, Leo,” Lana Fulmine said as she ran on the other side of me. Her golden hair crackled with lightning, her silvery expression beseeching me.

“Fine, fine,” I said and slowed my run so I wasn't in near the front of my force of monster girls.

“We are going to do this, Leo!” Alizee shouted as she soared with us, floating with her feet just off the ground. “We can! Woot!”

I smiled for a moment at her enthusiasm, memories of her prancing about during prep rallies and games to get our side pumped to cheer on the team.

“Yessss, we will, Massster,” Paanee hissed as she slithered ahead of me, her big boobs bouncing.

Maya fell in beside me and took my arm with hers. My watery undine gave me a smile as she said, “I'll make sure you stay in the back. Crystal, you're with me.”

My older roommate took my other arm, her chill bleeding through my robes. Mist spilled off her icy face as she said, “We won't let our dirty boy get killed.”

Four of my monster girls died. Asnova, Marmur, Mazsi, and Zala. The surviving rock elementals and goblins who were on guard duty. They must have followed the dragoness into the dungeon. My hands clenched. Level 1 monster girls could not handle a dragon.

That was why I had brought my companions. Unique monster girls had the power, but only if there were lots of them.

“She's at the door to my lord's throne room, Lord Leo!” gasped Litay as she lead them through the dungeon. We passed traps that had been sprung.

“Who sent this dragon?” I demanded. “Or is she a marauding beast? Just a wild dragon that wants to find a lair. Those exist, right?”

“They do,” cried Kassie. “They're rare, but... You think this isn't the work of a dungeon builder.”

“Whoever sent it will pay,” growled Nina Naughty. My devil held a pitchfork.

I started casting my defensive spells on the run.

Hard and enduring, let the rocks of Lady Ki defend!”

My ski turned to stone, a hard layer of protection that would keep me safe. Granite Flesh had saved my ass a few times. Maya and Crystal let go of me now.

Steel wards with unyielding strength, let the defense of Lady Nisaba protect!”

A suit of metal armor appeared around me, conjured by Metal magic. It was heavier than my normal armor.

Strong and unyielding, let the granite of Lady Ki enhance!”

Strength of the Mountain gave me the strength to move in such heavy armor like it was nothing. My muscles bulged with power now.

Life energizes and enervates, let the grace of Lady Ianna empower!”

Stamina flooded through me. Vitality. It wasn't enough to have more strength, I needed the endurance to be able to run all day and fight all night. I wouldn't get fatigued.

Lightning crackle and hiss, gird me in the love of Lady Uttu”

Static Aura encased me in crackling defense. One of the first spells I had ever learned. It would disrupt the next attack that hit me. Layered defenses. Static Aura, armor, and Granite Flesh. I would not go down easy.

My monster girls wanted me to stay in the back, but this fight would get brutal. I would have to fight. I knew it. Just so long as Siwang and I survived. Fear lashed at me as we followed Litay. How long before the dragon was into Siwang's throne room.

How long could he and his companions last?

*  \ * /  *

Halia burst into the guard post in the first level of Lord Leo's dungeon. The paladin trembled, wishing that Lord Leo had summoned her. Smerta stood in the room staring at the map on the floor. It was like the one in the throne room, but smaller in size.

“He didn't take you, either?” Halia asked, trying not to sound bitter.

“I have command of the dungeon when he's not here,” Smerta said. The valkyrie had her icy armor about her.

“Right, right.” Halia took a deep breath. “We have to prepare for this to get bad.”

“It already has,” the valkyrie said. “She cleaved through the Level 1 monster girls without breaking a sweat.”

Halia cursed, her hand fingering the pommel of her blessed blade.

Werebears and orcs, haul ass to Siwang's dungeon right now!” Smerta ordered telepathically. “Quetzalcoatls, too!”

“I thought we were here to defend the dungeon,” Halia said, giving Smerta a look.

“There is a saying from Leo's people,” said Smerta. “The best defense is an offense. We are going on the attack. Back him up. So?”

“Let's go!” Halia agreed and drew her blessed blade. It hummed with eagerness for the fight.

*  \ * /  *

The door burst open in a spray of metal. It crashed across Siwang's throne room. The dragoness appeared, scales as black as night. Siwang's heart lurched, but he stood ready. He had prepared for this moment.

The words spilled from his lips.

Hammer concusses, let the might of Lord Ishkur deafen!”

A hammer of concussive force slammed into the dragoness. It threw her back as the air rang from the thunderous impact. Siwang was not a sick and helpless youth any longer. He was a dungeon builder. A man with power. He would not lose all that he had without a fight.

Bright and distracting, let the illumination of Lord Shamash distract!”

As the dragoness shook her head from the first spell, lights strobed before her. She closed her eyes and raised her hand as they flashed, giving his monster girls a chance to attack before the bitch could recover.

Now!” Siwang cried telepathically to his three lovers.

Beams of light fired from Guang's blue eyes. The struck the dragoness in the chest. She screamed in pain and twisted her body, raising her leathery wing to block the attack. As she did that, Siwang's step-mother and cyclops charged forward.

Xiongbu and Lei covered the ground fast. The dragoness as recovering, her legs bending. The words to Strobe tumbled from Siwang's lips once more. He had to keep her penned in so his wraith and cyclops could finish her.

Bright and distracting, let the illumination of Lord Shamash distract!”

As the strobes burst, the dragon jumped. Guang's light beams smote the shattered door now. The Dragoness unfurled her wings and soared over Lei and Xiongbu. Siwang's heart lurched at her grace and speed. She landed before Guang.

The dragon grabbed Guang's glowing neck and twisted. A loud snap echoed as the lampetia's neck broke. Siwang felt her die as she vanished into motes. The dragoness snapped her gaze to Siwang, malice burning in her cold, blue eyes.

Hammer concusses, let the might of Lord Ishkur deafen!” burst from Siwang's lips.

Thunder Hammer struck her in the face. She snarled in pain as she staggered back. It bought time for Lei and Xiongbu to reverse direction. The cyclops raced across the distance, her face burning with passion.

“You do not look at him like that!” roared the cyclops. “He has a noble soul, whore!”

Lei swung her silver hammer and slammed it into the back of the dragon. Thunder boom. The dragon screamed in pain, her head snapped back. She staggered again as Lei drew back her heavy armor for another attack.

The dragon recovered too fast. She punched her hand forward and ripped through Lei's silver armor into her chest. Lei stiffened as the dragon ripped out the cyclops's heart. Bile burned in the back of Siwang's throat as his next companion vanished in motes.

Xiongbu leaped at the dragon, black mist spilling from her. The dragon breathed her fire. Umbral flames engulfed his step-mother, but she didn't die. She laughed as she ran through it, unfazed by the energy that engulfed her.

“She's a Death dragon!” Xiongbu shouted.

And Xiongbu was a Death monster girl.

The motherly wraith threw herself onto the dragon. They staggered, dark mist swirling around them as they hissed and grappled with each other. Xiongbu's fingernails sliced at the dragon's thick hide. The enemy hissed in pain.

“Yes!” Siwang cried at his step-mother. He snagged his scythe leaning against the throne and charged to help his mother. He could swing his weapon through her and hit the dragon. “Xiongbu!”

Xiongbu glanced at him, understanding in her eyes.

The dragon laughed. Pain flashed in the wraith's eyes. She screamed as the dragon ripped his step-mother in half. She threw the two pieces away. They vanished into motes. Her blue eyes slammed into him, nearly staggering him.

He was all alone.

Roaring, Siwang refused to give up. He had not gained a second chance to lose it without a fight. He swung the scythe.

With contemptuous ease, the dragoness battered the scythe away with her scaled armor. The weapon flew from his hand. He had a weapon, but he had no idea how to use it. How to actually use it. His mind stumbled as he struggled to think.

Her leg swept out and knocked his feet out from beneath him.

He crashed on his back. His head smacked hard against the stone floor, but he didn't feel any pain. It didn't disorient him at all. He focused his magic. He had powers. He just had to speak them. He knew a spell that hurt her.

Hammer concusses, let the might—”

She slammed her foot down on his chest. It didn't hurt as his ribs snapped, but the impact forced the air from his lungs, choking off his spell. She grinned down at him and raised her arm. She slashed it down at his throat.

Lightning crackled as death came for Siwang once more.

Click here for the next part! 


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