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Normally, I post these every other Friday to talk about what I've been reading and any movies I've seen. Share some naughty pictures. I'm posting this today because my grandfather passed away from COVID yesterday, January 16th.

It was all rather sudden. My Mom called me at 4 to tell me he was just admitted to the ICU after he couldn't breathe and by 7 he had passed away.

My grandfather was a great man. A firefighter and even the chief of the fire department for his town. He lived a long life, into his eighties. But he was also in a lot of pain. He's a peace now.

I'll be flying out in a few days to attend the funeral. Things might be unpredictable for publishing for a week or two. 

Thank you all for your support. 



Dean Heiss

I'm sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for your loss. Take your time.

Patrick Carey

Take the time you need. The stories are just for our amusement, we can get by while you deal with the real world. I'm sorry for your loss. It's always a conflict of emotions when you lose someone who was no longer enjoying life. The sadness doesn't go away, but I find it aches less over time.


I'm sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your loved ones.


Honestly, I'm finding writing helps. it hurts, but it's more like this shadow that I can't escape then devourign me. I don't know. Maybe I'm still processing.