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Chapter Eight

Kassie stretched her back. She had the new magical circles done. Even with her Earth-enchanted chisel that let her carve stone like it was wax, it still took time. It had to be done carefully. She tested them all by saying the special word.

Asud Gu.”

It roughly meant, “Move Hand,” in the magical tongue. In essence, a hand of magic would grab her and move her. It had taken some deduction to come across that combination to get the teleportation circle to work after having studied it.

Any mage could do this, but they would have to know and study it. Sadly, every halfling that she moved through it would know. Would the secret be secure? It was a worry for Kassie since the teleportation hall's position.

She would talk to Leo about it.

I'm finished with the carving,” she said as he stood in the middle of the room.

Excellent,” Leo answered over the bond. Suddenly, some of the circles and their spots vanished, changing the shape of the room. He moved the dungeon bypass, the Astovin, and the Sharithin circles out of here. It happened so fast, Kassie felt like it had always been this way.

Dungeon builders...

Then she stood in the Vault beside Leo. He glanced down at her, smiling. The room had the faint hint of pussy. He must have made new monster girls, she thought.

“I think you can't have the teleportation hub off your throne room,” she said. “Any mage can use it. And I wasn't exactly hiding the phrase getting my people out of Sharithin. Thousands heard it.”

His brow knitted and he gripped the circle. “I moved it off the guard post that Paanee and Baaghi live in. And they'll have some company soon. I have two more companions I'll stick in there.”

“Two?” Kassie asked. Anger rippled in her. “Sulanga's?”

“Three of them are wiling to serve me,” said Leo. “I think Paetu, she's the djinn, and the harpies are better used outside of the dungeon. Air patrol. They can circle the skies above the village. Watch out for dangers.”

Kassie swallowed her anger. It was difficult. She remembered what Paetu had done to Sharithin. And the other ones. They were serving a different master. Leo isn't that bastard. “I suppose that's for the best.”

“Yeah,” he said. “I was going to awaken them. Do you want to stay? Or should we start returning your people to Sharithin? I have the embassy set up there. Usiku is running it with five pixies for guards. Obviously, if something happens, I can flood far more defenders into it to help protect the city.”

Kassie mulled it over. “It's late. We can start evacuating them tomorrow morning.”

Leo grinned. “So you want to stay to meet the new monster girls. See that they're night the same monster that hurt your people.”

“I thought I hid my anger better than that,” Kassie muttered.

He smiled. “Naw, I got it. Why wouldn't you be... furious with them. They were the faces of Sulanga's oppression. They attacked you.”

“I'll stay,” she said.

Leo nodded and grabbed Void Crystal. His expression went slack for a moment. Souleen, whom Kassie could barely see since she barely stood at eye-level with the base of the gem, quivered with excitement.

“Paetu, appear,” he said.

Shadows danced and from them spun a dusky-skinned woman with black hair and big breasts. Gold rings pierced her dark nipples and matching bracers clad her wrists. They looked more like manacles but lacked the chains. She had a hairless pussy that already beaded with dew.

“Leo,” said Paetu, a shiver running through her. “Oh, this is strange to be free of my brother-in-law's cruelty.”

“Brother-in-law?” Leo asked, blinking.

“Yes.” A sneer spread on her lips. “He always lusted after me. Tried to bed me many times, the pig. I would never have touched him, but then he brought me to this world and...” She shuddered. “Thank you for killing that sadist!”

“Uh, yeah, you're welcome,” I said, knowing it could hardly compare to the anger that was in her eyes. This wild rage. “I'm sorry that he did that to you.”

She glanced at me, her large breasts swaying back and forth. She flicked me up and down. “I'm not the real me,” she said. “I figured that out. He survived the freak wind that knocked him off the roof he was working on. Broke both his legs, but he survived. I leaned that from the others he brought in, especially from Peda. His step-mother.”

“That's why she chose not to serve me,” I said. “She actually liked him.”

Paetu nodded. “I suppose she did. Pity she hadn't strangled him in his sleep.” She sighed. “I'm not the real me. I've thought about that a lot. The real me is still back in our world with my husband. She must have had her baby by now.”

Another bit of pain swept over Paetu's eyes. I swallowed as I watched her grieve for the child she would never get to see. How pregnant had she been? I had no idea. I didn't know what to say to her as she closed her eyes.

When they opened, they stared at me. Her big breasts quivered. I wasn't sure what to say. “Do you want to go back to sleep?”

“Sleep...” She glanced at the Void Crystal. “You mean, die.”

I swallowed.

“No.” She shot her gaze to me, her expression hardening. “This is my new life. I must accept that. It is my fate. Karma has led me here. I need to accept that. I need to embrace this rule. I am Paetu the Djinn now. You attacked us to save those halflings, didn't you? I heard the reports of you evacuating them out of the city.”

“Yeah,” I said. “They'll be heading back to the city soon.”

“And you did kill that monster.” She smiled. “I don't want to sleep. I don't want to die. I have an urge in me to serve you. To serve someone that is worthy. I am not the Paetu I used to be. I am a new being. Reborn in a new life. Reincarnated. This must be accepted.”

“Well, I am glad,” I said. “Let's get you to meet the harpies. You'll be leading them in the skies above Astovin. I think that will be great.”

Her smile grew. “Harpies. I remember them. And the pixies before them. He threw them away. Just tossed them aside as he gained in power.”

“Yeah, he's a dick,” I growled. “I don't toss aside my monster girls. I still have Sviesos, the first will o' wisp I created when I came here. I still love her. I would never kill her so I could have more powerful monster girls. That's not me.”

She stepped closer to me, her boobs jiggling. She put her hand over my heart and the twelve glyphs that were there. They were almost tattoos, but they shifted around in size and placement with every new element I gained. She pushed against me, feeling my heartbeat.

“That passion,” she purred. “Your monster girls fought with ferocity. They never gave up. They were weaker than Sulanga's forces, and so were you, but you lived. I understand why. Passion. I wish to serve a winner. “

She slid her hand up my chest, her touch like fire. Her dark eyes stared into mine. My cock twitched with excitement. Then she slid her arm around my neck and pulled me to her. Her fat nipples pierced by gold rings pressed into my chest before I felt the softness of her big boobs. Her lips met mine, hot and sweet.

I savored the way she thrust her tongue into my mouth. She pushed against me, my cock throbbing against her belly. She swirled her tongue around inside of my mouth. I groaned and reached out with my right hand. I brushed the Void Crystal. I managed to sink through the menus as she kissed me.

Shadows swirled behind her.

I pushed her back, kissing her with hunger. She hist he bed I just made. We sank down on it, her lips so hot. My cock throbbed with such eagerness as she sank down on it. She was such a delicious creature to have beneath me.

My new djinn.

I broke the kiss and stared into her eyes. “You are going to help me change the world, aren't you?”

She smiled up at me. “Yes.”

“Good,” I growled and kissed her again.

I thrust my tongue into her mouth and loved the feel of her beneath me. She had such a wonderful body. My cock throbbed as my hands slid up her sides to her big breasts. I cupped those lush mounds, feeling their softness. I kneaded them.

She moaned into the kiss and shifted beneath me. It was a thrill. I loved how she did that. she squirmed beneath me as my tongue danced about in her mouth. My fingers dug into those big boobs as my dick ached more.

I broke the kiss and growled, “You're mine now, Paetu.”

“Yours,” she groaned. “Until the end of time, Lord Leo.”

I rubbed my nose against hers then slid down her body, my lips kissing down between her breasts. I pushed them against my cheeks. She moaned as I massaged my face with her soft tits. They felt so silky and warm on me. I loved it. I breathed in her spicy scent. Her hot musk drifting from her shaved pussy.

I kissed up her left boob, smooching it. She quivered there as I went higher and higher. I loved this so much. I flicked my tongue up to her nipple. I brushed it and flicked her gold ring upright. Then I batted it back down.

She groaned as I played with her nipple piercing. I used my tongue to flick it back and forth. She squirmed there as I enjoyed what she had. This was such a wild thrill. It was a lot of fun to play with her jewelry like that.

“Mmm, did you have nipple piercings...” I trailed off. “I shouldn't ask about the other world. That's not our place, is it? We all had a new start here.”

“No,” she said. “It's part of being a djinn. Like the bracers on my hands. They are almost a part of my body, in a way. And yet not.”

“They're symbols,” I said then bit back what I thought they were symbols of.

“Yes, I am a servant. A slave.” She smiled. “Your slave, Lord Leo. Now enjoy me. That kiss was stirring.”

I grinned and suckled her nipple into my mouth. I suckled on her, piercing and all. She groaned as I  did that, her face twisting with delight. I swirled my tongue around her areola, her nipple shifting as I did that. My cock twitched with my excitement.

I suckled hard as I loved her pierced nipple. I played with it. The feel of the hard ring was exciting on my tongue. She groaned and whimpered as I nursed on her nub, my hands kneading her big boobs. I massaged them, loving how she squirmed beneath me.

“Yes, yes, this is wonderful,” she moaned. “I haven't had a man make love to me in two years.”

Was that how long Sulanga had been in this world. Two years?

I suckled hard on her nub as she moaned out her passion. It was so wonderful to hear. The spicy scent of her pussy swelled in my nose. She must be so wet to have such a powerful aroma of passion. My cock throbbed. Ached.

I had to enjoy that delight.

I suckled hard on her nub as I slid my hands down her body from those beautiful breasts. I popped my mouth off her nipple and stroked her silky sides. She smiled as I did that. I winked at her and moved down her body. I smooched at her hot flesh. I kissed lower and lower, heading for her delicious bellybutton.

I swirled my tongue around in her naval. She gasped as I did that. She groaned, her head tossing from side to side. I loved the salty flavor of her and was glad that she had that. It was fun to play with them.

But that spicy scent drove me on.

“God, how wet are you?” I asked.

“Wet,” she purred. “Mmm, eat me out, Lord Leo. You are the type of man who worships his women. He shows her he owns her body by making her cum.”

I winked at her as I kissed down her pubic mound to her spicy pussy. I leaned down and nuzzled into her cunt. I licked at her slit. She groaned as I did that. Her back arched and she quivered. My tongue flicked at her again.

“Oh, Lord Leo,” she moaned as I stroked her pussy lips. “Mmm, yes, yes, that's so good.”

I wrapped my arms around her thighs and stroked at her silky skin as I tongued her. I would make her feel amazing. She served me, and deserved her reward. My tongue fluttered up and down her slit. I brushed her clit.

She gasped at that. Her thighs squeezed about my face. She humped against me. I loved how she did that. It was an exciting moment to have her doing that. She quivered there as I feasted on her twat. I licked at her with passion.

Her spicy juices coated my tongue as I slid up and down her slit. Her dusky thighs squeezed about my head as her big boobs jiggled. I loved watching those tits as I feasted on her snatch. She arched her back, moaning out her passion.

“Lord Leo!”

I loved hearing a woman moan my name in passion.

I thrust my tongue into her pussy. I soaked in her spicy juices. I swirled about in her snatch, loving every moment of it. She groaned, her face twisting in delight. She arched her back and quivered in delight. It was an awesome moment.

I fucked my tongue into her pussy over and over again. I swirled about in her. I loved how she whimpered and moaned. She squeezed her thighs about my head as I devoured her. I held her as I wiggled my tongue about in her depths.

“Oh, yes, yes,” she groaned. “Lord Leo, eat my pussy. Yes, yes, that pussy belongs to you!”

I loved hearing her say that. I flicked my tongue up to her clit and brushed her bud.

She gasped, “Lord Leo! Oh, yes, yes, make me cum!”

I swirled my tongue around her clit, polishing her beautiful pearl. I suckled on her, savoring how she arched her back and whimpered in delight. She groaned as I suckled on her bud. I nursed on her with hunger.

She trembled, squeezing her thighs around my head. She humped against me in such an exciting way. I loved her doing that. I savored her humping her pussy against my face. She smeared her cunt against my mouth in that naughty way of hers. I loved every second of it.

She quivered there, moaning her delight as I devoured her. her big boobs jiggled as I suckled hard on her clit. She gasped, her hips humping her pussy against my mouth. She grabbed her nipple rings and tugged on them.

“Lord Leo!”

Her pussy juices gushed out and bathed my mouth with her passion.

“Yes,” I growled.

I drank her spicy gush of cream. I licked up that passion. I loved every moment of it. I swirled my tongue around her bud and made her quiver in delight. She moaned out her passion as I caressed her. It was a thing of beauty to hear. She whimpered, tossing her head from side to side. I loved every moment of it.

She squeezed her thighs around my head. She held me tight with her lush thighs. She humped against my mouth. I tongued her. Loved her. She had such a delicious tasting passion. Her breasts quivered as she arched her back.

“Take me!” she moaned. “I want that big dick in me. I wanted that huge cock just fucking me!Please!”

I shot up her body. Her hand grabbed my throbbing cock as I leaned over her, pussy juices dripping from my chin. She stared up at me with such passion in her eyes. She hooked her other arm around my neck and pulled me down for a hot kiss.

Our lips melted together as she pressed the crown of my cock into her pussy. I shuddered, loving the feel of that against me. She nuzzled me right against her snatch. I shuddered as she did that, savoring the silkiness of her pussy.

I thrust into her snatch.

She moaned as her pussy welcomed me into her juicy depths.

The sexy djinn quivered beneath me as my cock sank deeper and deeper into her snatch. I loved the feel of her pussy gripping me. She held me tight with her passion juicy passion. I bottomed out in her, loving the feel of her about me.

She quivered, her cunt clenching and relaxing. My tongue danced around in her mouth as she stroked up and down my back. I drew back my hips. She moaned into our kiss, her twat gripping me with her silky passion.

I broke the kiss and groaned, “Paetu!”

“Mmm, Lord Leo!” she cooed.

I buried into her cunt hard I fucked into her snatch with powerful strokes. I buried hard and deep into her pussy. She groaned beneath her, boobs jiggling and bouncing as I fucked deep and hard into her snatch. I loved the way her twat gripped me.

I savored that hot twat around me. I groaned, burying into her cunt again and again. I loved the way that she massaged me. I groaned, burying into her cunt over and over again. I loved the way her snatch squeezed about my dick.

“Fuck,” I groaned, slamming hard into her cunt. I buried into her with force, reveling in her hot pussy gripping my dick.

“Oh, yes, yes, Lord Leo,” she moaned, gripping me with her silky snatch and swelling that ache at the tip of my dick. “Yes!”

“Are you going to cum on my cock?” I growled, burying into her snatch over and over again.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she moaned. “I am going to cum so hard on your cock!” She smiled at me. “Just explode on your dick. Mmm, you want that!”

“God, I do!” I growled and fucked into her snatch with force, the ache at the tip of my dick swelling.

The pressure in my balls swelled towards that moment of eruption. I shuddered, slamming my cock to the hilt in her snatch. She trembled, gripping me with her hot flesh. She massaged me. Pleasure swept through my body as I hurtled towards my orgasm.

She arched her back, pressing her big boobs into my chest. Her nipples rubbed on me. I loved it so much. I slammed into her cunt, her pussy clenching down around me. Then she gasped in delight as I pulled back.

Her pussy went wild around my cock.

“Lord Leo!' she squealed as she came.

I loved the way her pussy convulsed around my cock. She suckled at me with such hunger. I groaned, savoring that heat. I loved that passion rippling about my cock. She nursed at me with her hot flesh.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she moaned, bucking beneath me.

“Fuck,” I groaned and buried my cock to the hilt in her snatch. “Shit, yes, Paetu!”

I erupted in her.

My balls emptied their cum into her pussy. My djinn moaned with delight. She quivered beneath me, her body bucking with delight. I shuddered as her flesh rippled around my dick. It was an incredible delight to feel her suckling at me like that.

She trembled beneath me, her snatch nursing out the cum that I fired in her. I groaned as each blast shot through me. Stars danced across my vision as I emptied my spunk into her snatch. I flooded her with every drop I had. I hosed her down and savored the ecstasy.

“Shit,” I groaned as I fired the last of the cum into her pussy. I panted, feeling amazing from doing that. “Paetu, welcome to my harem.”

“Mmm, what a welcome,” she cooed and kissed me again.

Chapter Nine

“So you'll have an aerie at the top of my administrative building in Astovin,” I told Paetu. “You and the harpies will live there. Just organize patrols. Have a few in the air circling out around Astovin to keep an eye on any trouble and the farmers.”

“I will,” Paetu said, a smile on her lips. “Protecting farmers.”

“They're my people,” I growled. “They're under my protection. I will not let anything bad happen to them.”

She nodded.

I grabbed the Void Crystal and moved her and the harpies to the new addition to the administration building. Paetu vanished. I smiled. She was a wonderful edition. I sank into the Void Crystal and found the ifrit Esclava in my Fire section.

“Esclava, appear before me,” I cried.

The shadows whirled and formed into a woman with dark-red skin and glossy, black hair. She stood tall with big breasts—Sulanga may have had a type. She had a gorgeous, even flawless face. Her lips had a naughty plumpness to them. She stood poised like she was on a runway about to be admired. Her black eyes stared at me while she smiled, her shaved pussy beading with juices.

“Model?” I asked.

“Did you recognize me,” she purred with his hot tone. She struck another pose, turning sideways so I could admire the curve of her rump. She wiggled her hips from side to side. “Mmm, you're American, yes? Have you heard of Esclava in America? The fieriest model in India. I have even been a few of what you call 'Bollywood' movies.”

“No, no, just the attitude,” I said. “And your beauty. Damn, you are gorgeous.”

“Mmm,” she purred. “It is why I was cursed with that tyrant Sulanga.” She turned back to face me. “But you're not a tyrant, are you?”

“No,” I said as she sauntered to me.

“No, no, you're the type of man who appreciates a woman who is... proactive.”

She dropped to her knees and engulfed my cock in her mouth. I groaned as she did that. She suckled on my dick with hunger. It was fantastic to feel her doing that. I groaned, loving that delight. It was fantastic to have her nursing on me. She suckled with such passion on my cock. She nursed on me with everything that she had.

I groaned at the passion in her mouth. Her black eyes stared up at me, her dark-red cheeks hollowed as she suckled on me. She nursed with such passion on my dick. It was an amazing delight. I loved that so much.

“Damn, Esclava,” I groaned. “You are an aggressive one!”

She winked at me as she kept suckling on me.

She bobbed her head, working her mouth up and down my cock. I loved that so much. She suckled with absolute passion. She nursed with hunger on me. I groaned, my dick throbbing in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around my cock. She nursed on me with such passion.

I loved what she did to me. I savored that so much. She had such a hot mouth that worked up and down my cock. My nuts twitched with the pressure of her sucking. She was a hungry one. Just eager to swallow my cum.

“Goddamn, you are going to get a mouth full of my cum. Damn, I love that. Just fucking love that, Esclava.”

She swirled her tongue around the crown of my dick.

She grabbed my ass, squeezing tight as she suckled on me. She nursed with the passion. I groaned at what she did to my dick. It was an amazing delight to have her suckling on me like this. I loved every second of it.

She bobbed her mouth, working her lips up and down my cock. Her cheeks hollowed with her friction, her black eyes glossy with her passion. The midnight silk of her hair swayed as she loved my dick. She suckled on me with such passion.

“Yes, I am going to give you such a mouthful of cum. You're going to drown in my jizz.”

She groaned around my cock.

“Yes, you want that,” I groaned. “Just a naughty slut. An ifrit slut wanting to swallow all my cum.”

She nodded, suckling on me. It was an incredible delight. I shuddered, savoring the pleasure of her mouth working up and down my cock. It was fantastic to have her nursing on me like that. She hungered for my cum.

And I craved to give it to her. To just fire all my jizz into her mouth. I groaned, loving the way her mouth worked up and down my cock. She bobbed her head, suckling with such passion. She nursed on me with force, my dick twitching in her mouth.

“That's it,” I groaned. “Oh, yes, yes, that's so good. Shit, that's amazing!”

Her eyes practically screamed that she wanted my cum. Her lips worked up and down my cock. She suckled on me with passion. Hunger. I groaned, my cock throbbing in her mouth as she swirled her tongue around my dick. She held me with such intensity. Just massaged my cock with all that passion.

The pressure in my nuts swelled. The ache at the tip of my cock hurtled for that bursting point. That moment when I would spurt my jizz in her. I growled as she suckled hard, sliding her mouth up my cock until she had just the crown in her wet maw.

She suckled with passion.


Her tongue danced around the crown of my dick, massaging me. Pleasure shot down to my balls. I groaned and threw back my head. My passion echoed through the room. I erupted into her mouth. Spurt after spurt of my cum fired from my dick.

“Yes!” I growled.

“Ooh, that looks like a good one, Lord Leo,” moaned Souleen. “Yes, yes, just amazing.”

“It is,” I moaned, firing blast after blasts of cum into Esclava's mouth.

She gulped down my jizz. She swallowed every drop of spunk that I fired into her mouth. She moaned, her eyes fluttering. I shuddered at the pleasure rushing through me. I savored it as my cock spurted over and over into her mouth.

“Damn,” I growled as she swirled her tongue around my cock. “Goddamn, that is good. That is amazing. Just like that.”

She winked at me and slid her mouth off my cock. I groaned at the way she popped off my dick. I shuddered with the pleasure of that moment. A big smile spread on my lips. A shiver ran through me as she licked her lips.

“Damn,” I groaned.

She winked at me as she rose and turned. She sauntered to the wall, her curvy rump wiggling back and forth. She reached the stones and planted her hands there. She thrust out her ass at me, wiggling those plump hillocks at me, her black hair cascading down her back.

“My, my, she's so eager, Lord Leo,” said Souleen. “Just so eager.”

“Yes, she is,” I said and sauntered to her, my cock twitching before me.

I pressed my dick up between her thighs and into the shaved folds of her pussy. I slid up and down her slit then thrust to the hilt in her cunt in a single plunge. The model groaned, her cunt clamping down on my dick.

She shuddered as I filled her snatch. Her hot flesh gripped me, soaking me in her juices. She groaned, clamping her twat down around my cock and wiggling about in me. I loved the feel of her about me.

“Interesting,” she purred.

“That I went for your pussy and not your ass?” I asked as I drew back slowly.

“Mmm, yes,” she groaned. “You could claim me in any hole.”

“I had to lube up first,” I said and pulled my dick from her cunt. I slid the tip up her taint to her asshole nestled in her butt-crack. I thrust against her backdoor.

“Yes,” she groaned as her anal ring widened and widened for me. She whimpered, her head tossing. Her black hair swayed over her dark-red skin. Her asshole stretched open and devoured my dick.

“Fuck,” I groaned, savoring the way her bowels swallowed my cock.

“Yes,” she gasped, her back arching. “That's it, Lord Leo!”

It was an exciting rush to feel her anal sheath swallowing my dick. I groaned, savoring every moment of sliding into her bowels. Her velvety asshole gripped my pussy-lubed cock. I bottomed out in her asshole, my bush rubbing into her gorgeous rump.

I slid my hands around her body and grabbed her large, soft breasts. I squeezed them, wondering if they had been fake in the other world. They felt so real here. I kneaded them as I drew back my cock. She groaned, her asshole clinging to my cock.

“Oh, god, yes,” she moaned as I pulled back farther and farther. “That's so good. Ooh, you know what you're doing, don't you?”

“Yes, I do,” I growled and slammed back into her, my hands gripping her soft breasts.

She had such an amazing asshole. She held me with that tight anal sheath. She massaged me. I groaned, burying into her again and again. I fucked her with such force, burying into her bowels with hard strokes.

My crotch smacked into her butt-cheeks. I loved the rippling impact. It was such a hot delight to bugger her. She moaned, her anal sheath massaging my dick. The pressure swelled at the tip. The explosive need to erupt into her bowels.

Her hot bowels.

“Damn, your anal sheath is heating up,” I groaned, feeling the temperature selling as I fucked into her bowels again and again.

“I am an ifrit,” she moaned. “I'm fire! I can become flames! A mighty pillar of burning passion! Ignite me, Lord Leo!”

“Fuck, yes!” I growled and hammered her bowels with hard strokes. I buried into her again and again. I plowed to the hilt in her with such force. I fucked her with passion.

She gripped my cock. She held my dick with her wonderful snatch. I groaned, savoring the feel of her massaging me. She had such an amazing asshole holding me tight. I loved it. I savored it. I groaned, burying into her again and again.

She moaned, the massaging grip of her asshole bringing me closer and closer to cumming. To spurting all my jizz into her bowels. She groaned as I fucked her. I pounded her hard and fast. I loved this so much. I fucked her with force. With hard strokes.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she gasped as I fucked her. “Oh, that's so good. That's amazing, Lord Leo!”

“Burn,” I growled as I buried to the hilt in her asshole. “Let me feel you burn, Esclava! My busty, sexy ifrit!”

“Yes!” she howled. “Yours, Lord Leo!”

My balls tightened as I plowed into her bowels. She gripped me hard, trembling in my arms. My fingers slid up her big boobs to find her hard nipples. I twisted them. She groaned as I did that, her body trembling and her asshole gripping my cock with such pressure.

The ache in my nuts swelled from her massaging grip. I groaned as I hurtled closer and closer to cumming in her bowels. She moaned as I twisted her nipples. Her head arched and asshole clamped down hard on me.

“Yes!” she gasped, her asshole so hot. “Lord Leo!”

Esclava's bowels rippled around my cock.

The ifrit's convulsing anal sheath suckled at my cock as I fucked into her bowels. I hammered her writhing anal sheath with such force, burying into her over and over again. I loved the way her asshole nursed at me, swelling the pressure at the tip of my cock.

“Cum in me!” she moaned.

I buried into her and growled, “My Esclava!”

“Yes!” she squealed.

Her asshole burned hotter around my erupting cock. I fired my cum into her, pleasure shooting through my body. I loved the way she spasmed about my cock as I flooded her bowels with my seed. It was an incredible delight.

Pleasure slammed through me as I emptied my nuts into her anal sheath. She suckled at me, nursing at my cum as she bucked. I twisted her nipples, twerking them as her bowels writhed around my cock. It was incredible.

“Shit, shit, shit!” I groaned and spurted into her anal sheath again and again.

“Oh, Lord Leo, yes!” she moaned as she milked my nuts dry. I fired a last blast of cum into her.

Then she erupted.

Her body became fire that washed around me. She burned so hot, and yet it didn't hurt. Yellow-orange flames swirled around me. She caressed me with her burning passion. I groaned, savoring the rapture of this moment.

The ecstasy of her whirling about me. I swayed in her flames, my cock and balls tickled by fire. She laughed around me. She squealed in delight. Esclava reveled in being mine. I closed my eyes, enjoying this moment.

It was ecstatic to bathe in fire and not burn.

A cataclysm raged around me and did not touch me. She did not hurt me. I felt her devotion to me. Her love. Because this Esclava was slightly different from the one who served Sulanga. This was the Esclava who could fall in love with the man who saved her.

Then she swirled into to her human form in my arms. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me with such passion. I loved the feel of her lips on mine. They were just so exciting. I held her tight, squeezing her plump ass.

Esclava would make an amazing addition to the harem. Just a perfect one. I was more than glad to have her. I gripped her ass.

Then came wild pounding on the Vault door.

*  \ * /  *

Garnet, the worlds naughtiest little succubus, pounded on the metal door to Her Owner's vault. He was in there. She could feel it. He was in there fucking. New monster girls were appearing, and he wasn't sharing them with her.

With his cute little succubus.

“Big bro!” she wailed, her little fists beating on the metal door. It rang with her impacts. Her tail swished behind her, dark-red and tipped by a spade-like pad. Her matching wings fluttered while her black pigtails swayed about her adorable face. Her cheeks puffed out with annoyance. “Let me in!”

She pounded on the door again and hopped up and down. She had heard about Paetu showing up in the village. Sulanga's Djinn. He was creating new companions to serve him. Already, there were rumors of harpies and pixies.

Pixies sent to play with the halflings and not me, thought the wicked succubus. “Let me in, big bro! Or I'll... I'll...”

“Be a brat,” her older roommateCrystal said from where she lounged on the bed, wrapped up with Nina Naughty. The pair were dozing after fucking each other with butt ends of fiery pitchforks and dildos made of ice.

“I am not a brat!” Garnet huffed. “I'm precocious.”

“Brat,” Crystal said.

“Big bro, I'm going to—”

The door opened and Her Owner stood there naked. He grinned at her and motioned her to come in. She grinned and skipped gleefully inside. But other than the little and busty Souleen, there was no one in here.

But Garnet could smell sex. Pussy. A smoky scent of fiery passion.

“You just fucked the ifrit,” Garnet accused. “You did. You fucked her without me! Dark Succubus Naughty Garnet!”

“Did I?” he asked again with this infuriating smile.

Garnet stamped her foot, her entire body quivering. “You did! You did! You did!” She dropped to her knees and grabbed his hard cock. She inhaled deeply. “Ah-ha! That's a monster girl's asshole. You were butt-fucking someone, big bro! I knew it!”

“Can't get anything past you,” he said, grinning down at her.

“That's right! Kweh, heh, heh, heh!” Garnet unleashed her amazing laughter. It was the best laugh that anyone had ever invented. “You can't fool Naughty Evil Detective Succubus Garnet!”

“Nope,” he said. “And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for your horny pussy!”

“Yep!” She beamed up at Her Owner, her heart fluttering with joy. “Take this!”

She engulfed his dirty dick, reveling in the sourflavor of the ifrit's asshole It was such a yummy thing for the naughty succubus to enjoy. Her pussy clenched with the kinkythrill of buffing Her Owner's cock clean of that earthy musk.

Her pigtails swayed about her face as she bobbed her head. Her cute, little titties quivered as she suckled on him. She wiggled her hips back and forth, nursing with such hunger on his cock. She suckled with passion on him, loving every moment of feasting on him.

It was such a yummy thing for her to enjoy. She suckled with passion. she nursed with hunger on him. She suckled, her cheeks hollowing. She loved his cock. She savored every moment of nursing on his dick.

“Fuck, Garnet!” he groaned and grabbed her little horns peeking out of her black hair. “Suck that dick!”

Yes, my Owner! squealed through her thoughts as she loved his cock. she nursed on him with such passion. She loved him with all her might. He groaned as she did that. His face twisted with passion as she suckled on his cock with all her hunger.

“Fuck,” he moaned as she loved him. “Oh, fuck, that's good. That'sreal good. Shit, yes, just like that, Garnet!”

He used her horns to bob her head, working her up and down his dirty cock. She suckled on him with as she loved how he guided her. Her Owner understood that she was a naughty delight that he had to pleasure with all his might.

He groaned as she suckled harder, his hands gripping her horns and controlling. She loved it, letting him use her mouth anyway he wanted. Her pussy dripped with juices so she bent her tail a round and rubbed at her cunt. She trembled as she did that. It was so naughty for her to do.

A big smile spread on her lips as she did that. It was a wild delight to feel her doing that. She trembled with passion as she thrust her tail into her pussy. She fucked her own juicy cunt as Her Owner used her mouth.

She loved how he used her mouth. That was the best part of being his little succubus. She trembled as the sour flavor of the ifrit's asshole melted away. Soon, she only had the exciting flavor of Her Owner's salty precum.

And wasn't that just the best thing there was?

Yep! Because it means his cum is coming!

She giggled at her wicked thought which turned into wanton slurping.

She fucked her tail faster and faster in and out of her pussy. She bobbed her head, working her mouth faster and faster. She suckled with such passion. She nursed hard and with hunger on this big dick in her mouth. It was a thrill.

A wondrous delight.

She bobbed her head, working her mouth up and down his cock. She suckled on him with everything that she had. She loved nursing on him while fucking her own tail in and out of her cunt. She swirled her tongue around his cock. It was a fantastic rush.

“That's it, Garnet,” he groaned, his precum growing saltier.

Her wings fluttered in anticipation of his cum.

She suckled on him with such wanton passion. His dick throbbed in her mouth. She whimpered, pumping her tail in and out of her own cunt. She swelled towards that wonderful moment of eruption. She would have a big one.

Just a mighty burst of pleasure that would rush out of her. She trembled there, so eager for it. She wiggled her rump from side to side as she did that. He groaned as her orgasm swelled in her cunt. Her tail made her feels oh, so good.

“Shit, Garnet!” Her Owner groaned. “That's fucking it! Yes!”

Salty cum fired into her mouth.

She closed her eyes and gulped down the cum. She swallowed every drop of it that fired from his cock. It was an amazing rush to have all that spunk firing over and over from his dick. He grunted as he pumped all that spunk into her mouth. She loved it. Craved it. She trembled there as he grunted, spraying her mouth full of jizz.

She gulped it all down as she thrust her tongue into her pussy. The texture massaged her silky walls while she reveled in the spunk that fired out of his dick. It was a thrill to have his jizz pump into her like that. Just a wonderful moment to swallow his thick load.

Garnet, the worlds cutest and naughtiest and most adorable succubus came.

She squealed around Leo's dick as she gulped down his delicious seed. She swallowed gulp after gulp of his salty passion while the waves of delight washed through her body and splashed across her mind.

“Fuck, Garnet!” he groaned as he pumped more and more of his cum into her mouth. “That's fucking it! Shit!”

He pumped blast after blast of his cum into her mouth. It was a treat that made the naughty succubus quiver in delight. She loved it so much. She groaned, swallowing down all that yummy spunk while her orgasm washed out of her cunt.

“Fuck, yes!” he groaned as she nursed out his cum. “Oh, fuck, that's good. Shit, that's amazing!”

She nodded, loving every moment of this pleasure. Her entire body quivered with delight. This was something that just turned her on. She was so happy to enjoy this pleasure. She wiggled her hips from side to side as she came so hard.

He fired the last of his cum into her mouth and groaned, “Damn, Garnet, want to me Vilkas?”

She ripped her mouth off his cock as she hit the peak of her orgasm and howled. “Of course I do! Kweh, heh, heh, heeeeeeeh!”

Click here the next part! 


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