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Chapter One

Therodin entered the Temple of the Chosen Blood with a sense of awe. He could feel the weight of history around him as he stared at the statues of all those ancient heroes that had first rose to fight the Dungeon Builders.

The scourges upon the world.

The brawny paladin moved in his armor of granite. It weighed more than any man should be able to bear, but he was blessed by Lord Abzu, the God of the Earth. A human, Therodin wore his armor with a nobility. A grace as if he had the blood of kings or heroes flowing through his veins.

His eyes flicked to Argz, the Hero of Earth, squat dwarf standing with both legs planted firm, the Blessed Sword of Earth thrust point down before him. It was impossible for Therodin to have Argz's blood flowing through him, but he often thought he had his spirit.

The soul of Argz.

It took a bold man to take down the foul dungeon builders. And Therodin had a plan that would see him remembered as a villain. Castigated by history. But that didn't matter. So long as he destroyed them all, it would be enough.

His eyes flicked from Argz's statue to Vobreth, the Hero of Light. It was his descendant that had given Therodin the germ of his plan. Vobreth was a human standing tall, a handsome and calm man holding the Blessed Sword of Light.

“Did you know one of your blood would betray the world?” Therodin asked.

“We do not have time to gawk, Therodin,” purred Auniasiiriliiania. The elven mage came up beside the human paladin. Auniasiiriliiania stood tall in her robes of white marked with light-blue sigils. Her skin was nearly as pale as her clothing, her blonde hair falling in a braid down to her rear. Her bronze magic symbol draped over her breasts. “We have work to do.”

“You're right, Ril,” Therodin said and ripped his gaze from the Hero of Light. There were twelve statues of the heroes, three from each of the four faces of this world. His gaze fell on Kovianiliiseam's statue. The Hero of Thunder stood tall, an elf in delicate armor with his mouth opened wide to bellow, the Blessed Sword of Thunder held at its side.

Not the real sword. That had been lost eons ago.

“Break it open,” Therodin commanded, hoping that the information was correct. That they weren't desecrating a sacred site for nothing.

Zarn, a burly dwarf who fought with a mace in one hand and an ax in the other picked up the heavy hammer they had bought for this mission. The rest of Therodin's adventuring party, the Company, gathered around to watch Zarn swing.

With a grunt, the brawny dwarf slammed the hammer into the base of the statue. The stone plinth it stood open, made of marble banded with streaks of gold, cracked. Corthin, an elven priest of the Gods of Thunder, winced. His long, pointed ears twitched.

“It's just a plinth,” said Niss casually. She stood in tight, black leathers. A rogue who wore her short hair in a bob, her green eyes brought. “Nothing more.”

“It's far more,” Corthin said, his voice soft and sad. “But it is necessary. Something has to change. The dungeon builders keep coming and coming.”

“We're cursed,” said Empty, the Company's other mage. He stood swathed in black robes, his voice rasping like a rusty saw sawing through an oak tree. Someone had slit his throat in the past, leaving a nasty scar. “This world. We have done something wrong. The dungeon builders are our punishment.”

“Oh, that's cheery as always, Empty,” said Aython. The halfling warrior shook his head. He was the shortest of the Company, but was still stronger than most. He wore magical gauntlets that greatly enhanced his strength and fought with an ax bigger than he was. Strapped to his back, the handle thrust two feet above his head. “Glad you're here.”

Empty didn't answer as Zarn slammed the hammer against the stone base again. Chips of marble clattered about the dwarf's feet. Therodin watched. He had gathered this group over the years. They had killed seventeen dungeon builders, catching them when they were still new. Before they could acquire power and be beyond their ability to face.

They could kill the vermin, but never the real threats. The Fuegins, Sulanga Stormfurys, the Tuerien Ironbanes, and the Leos. Therodin would destroy them all. And if this plan worked, he would have the means.

The strength.

“It's definitely hollow,” growled Zarn as he drew back his weapon again and swung. He hit the base with a massive blow. The stone burst inward. A hole appeared. Zarn roared in triumph and threw down his hammer. He bent and thrust his hands into the hole. He fished around then grinned.

He pulled out what they had come for. A collar of iron carved with arcane script.

The Binding Collar.

Therodin smiled. His plan to destroy the dungeon builders could not be stopped. He would end their scourge on this world. He would free them from the curse once and for all. He took the Binding Collar from Zarn and held it up.

“Are we committed?” Therodin demanded.

The Company nodded one and all.

Chapter Two

I stood in Siwang's dungeon. It was strange being in another's dungeon without being an enemy. Or even without having to bind myself with a promise not to hurt Siwang. He was my vassal now. He had sworn to me the way Halia, Kassie, and Fauraliiithiliana were. How the entire village of Astovin had sworn to me.

Like my monster girls and even myself, they were bound to my Void Crystal. Their lives tied to mine. I could feel the weight of the hundreds of lives that would be snuffed out if I died. But they all swore to me voluntarily, and it let me protect them even more.

“Are you ready, Leo?” Siwang asked.

He was a short, young man, a year or two older than me. He had a quiet demeanor, his black hair slicked back, and a nervous look on his pale-olive face. Before coming to this world, he had lived in China and spent much of his life in a hospital bed dying of some terrible malady. The Incarnation had brought him to this world, giving him a chance to be healthy.

“I'm ready,” I said to my fellow dungeon builder. We were testing to see if Siwang could move me around in his dungeon.

We stood in his Vault, the most important room to any dungeon builder. Here sat the Void Crystal, the source of our power. So long as it was intact, he had his power. He could build his dungeon, summon his monster girls, and cast his magics. It was an honor to be in here.

Siwang was the first friend I had made in this world.

I had made allies and lovers. I had a harem of monster girls that I loved and who loved me. Maya, my best friend from our world, was even here. But she already was my friend. Siwang was the first I had met here. The first I could make here.

“Let's do this,” said Garnet who stood at my side. Younger roommate from my college boarding house quivered. She had crimson wings that fluttered behind her and a matching tail that was narrow and ended at a spade-like tip. The classic sexy demoness look. She was a succubus, her black hair framing her cute face, her body petite. She was naked, like all monster girls. “Teleport us, Death Lord Siwang!”

Siwang nearly choked. “Death Lord Siwang?”

“Well, you started with the Death Glyph,” said Garnet, her hips wiggling back and forth. She was... playful. The eighteen-year-old succubus could take nothing seriously. “You should be honored that Lady Big Perv Garnet, Mistress of Horniness, Queen of Depravity, and Empress of Kinkiness has deigned to give you a title.”

Siwang gave me a look. “Those are all her titles.”

“Yeah, she adopts them,” I said, shrugging. “It's easier to indulge my little succubus than to argue with her. We just let her live in her Anime world.”

“Kweh, heh, heh, my Anime world is the best!” Garnet said. “Now let's get teleported!”

“Why did we bring her?” Maya asked from my other side. My best friend—and the girlfriend to my other self still living in our world—had this exasperated smile on her watery lips. An undine, she was made entirely of blue water. Her body rippled with little waves that washed across her body. It was incredible how the features of her were there, down to the freckles on her cute face.

“Because she would have never let us hear the end of it,” I said.

“Poor Leo.” Maya snuggled up to me, her arms hugging me in my gray robes. “You are becoming one of the most powerful dungeon builders in the world, and yet your little succubus does whatever she wants.”

“Yeah, it's sad,” I agreed, grabbing Maya's ass.

“Big perv,” she purred as I squeezed her. Maya and Garnet were one of my twelve companions. For each elemental glyph I had gained, I could summon a version of a woman from our world. I didn't even have to know her like Lana Fulmine—my favorite movie star—or Nina Naughty—my favorite porn star. But ten of them were girls and women I knew from my own life.

“Teleport us!” Garnet whooped.

“Okay,” said Siwang. He gripped his Void Crystal, a black gem on it. I couldn't see his Soul of the Void Crystal. I knew she should be perched on top of it, but she was invisible to me. “In three, two, one.”

Suddenly, I was standing in his throne room before a chair made of bones, fitting that Death glyph motif. I hadn't even felt movement. It was like the world had changed while I had blinked. Just closed my eyes for that brief moment and I stood somewhere else.

“Damn, that's disorienting,” I said, looking around.

“Yep, and you do it to us all the time,” Maya said. “Just plopping us around the dungeon at your whim.”

“I love being at my big bro's whim,” moaned Garnet. Ever since she had met when she moved into the boarding house, she had called me big bro as a nickname. She squealed in delight. “Ooh, let's fuck on his throne, Dark Lord Big Bro!”

“What?” I gasped as she darted towards it, her tail swishing over her cute rump. She threw herself on it and spread her legs wide, throwing them over the armrest. Her hairless pussy parted, her pink, invinting depths appearing. My cock lurched.

Did it work?” Siwang's voice asked in my mind. Another perk of him swearing to me was telepathy. I could speak to everyone bound to my Void Crystal, or create “party lines.” Group chats. And all my followers could do the same with each other, deciding who would get to hear their messages.

Yeah, it worked,” I sent back. “We're in the throne room where Garnet wants me to ravish her on your throne.”

What?” Siwang asked.

Suddenly, Xiongbu appeared. A tall and busty woman with black skin, white hair, and needle-like fingers stood by the throne glowering at Garnet. Mist spilled off Xiongbu. A wraith, she was Siwang's first companion, his step-mother.

The stereotype about Asian dragon mothers proved true with her. She was highly protective.

“Uh, hi,” Garnet said. “Um, want to lick my pussy?”

Xiongbu folded her arms beneath her large breasts and arched an eyebrow.

“It was just a joke,” gasped Garnet. She hopped off the throne and flitted over to me, ducking behind me. She peeked her head out around me. “Just a joke, Xiongbu. Honest.”

“Wow, someone who intimidates Dark Succubus Naughty Garnet,” Maya said and applauded, waves rippling up her arms from her hands. They propagated across her round breasts and up her neck, distorting her face for a moment.

I'm bringing you back,” said Siwang in Leo's mind.

Then I stood in the Vault with Maya and Garnet with Xiongbu now standing beside her step-son. The wraith put a supporting hand on his shoulder. She squeezed it.

“This is good,” I said. “We're immune to each other's traps. We can move the other around in our dungeon. This will make things useful.”

“Should we try to close my dungeon off?” asked Siwang. That was the one thing that a dungeon builder couldn't do. There had to be way to the surface. It didn't have to be grand. It could be hidden. It just had to be a way to access.

My theory was the Incarnation, Queen Puabi, who brought us to this world needed us to get strong. She wanted us to protect her. Somehow. We disrupted the world and forced it to fight against us. Those who survived grew stronger. Those who didn't were replaced.

It was cold. And she had been doing this for 4500 years or so.

Since Siwang's dungeon and mine now joined up, there was a point where my tunnel ended at one of his, I wondered if he could close his entrance, currently located in the middle of Astovin village. I had him move it there to be safer for himself since I had surrounded the village with walls, the gates guarded by my monster girls.

Siwang sighed. “I can't. It won't close.”

I sighed. “Well, it was worth a short. You're still protected. No one's getting to you without going through my forces, too.”

Siwang smiled. He was much weaker than me. He had only three of the twelve glyphs and only a single mana vein flowing through his dungeon. We were in a poor area. He had tried driving his dungeon to Jindag's, a man I killed, but couldn't find the mana vein that must have flown through his domain.

It was like the one mana vein that we got as dungeon builders had been consumed with his death.

“Well, at least we can teleport each other,” I told Siwang. “That's something. Make it easier if you want to join us for dinner. Mrs. Maia is an amazing cook.”

I had brought my landlady to this world as one of my companions. My Life one. She was a busty dryad with lactating breasts in this world. It was kinky to bring my widowed landlady to this world, but after I succumbed to my desire for Garnet, there was no holding me back.

“Gladly,” said Siwang. “Though you should come when my mother cooks. She's wonderful, too.”

“I would be honored to cook for you, Lord Leo,” Xiongbu said, bowing.

I nodded and Siwang grabbed the Void Crystal.

In a blink of an eye, I was standing at the divide between our dungeons. There was a difference in the texture. His stone walls were a different pattern of bricks than mine, a darker shade of gray. And I felt coming home when I stepped over the line into my own.

I would have to walk back, but the three zombie horses stood there. You wouldn't think they were zombies save for the nasty cuts to their throats and the milky quality of their eyes. They didn't smell at all. I had turned them into zombies right after they had died. Nothing rotten or foul about them.

We mounted them and rode down the tunnel. It was an awful clatter that echoed through the dungeons. I had thought about lining these long hallways in carpet, but it cost too much magic. And I had found a better way to move around.

These poor horses wouldn't get much use after that.

The tunnel led to the Hub, as I liked to think about it. A room beneath the main entrance to my dungeon. It only led places like to Astovin and the halfling city of Sharithin that we had just liberated. And up to the Observatory Tower that thrust out of the mountain over our head.

We stabled the horses here and headed up the stairs that led to the main entrance through a hidden door. Today, it was the Overgrown Room. I rotated the front room since surviving adventurers had figured out my first line of defense and were preparing for it.

Now it would be unpredictable.


This room was a “trap” room, using the powers of one of the glyphs to make a dangerous hazard. It was full of lush plants that crowded it, obscuring sight for more than a few feet. The air brimmed with the rich scent of life, of fertile loam, and the heady perfume of flowers. Hiding in the lush environs were half of my quetzalcoatls and the unicorns.

“Lord Leo,” whispered Rih, one of the unicorns. She trotted out from around the tree, shy but happy to see me. She looked like a human woman with pale skin. Petite and dainty, her silver hair spilling down around her naked shoulders. A golden horn thrust from her forehead and a silky tail like a horse's swished behind her. She moved on hooves instead of feet. Her most startling features were her all-black eyes, like an equine's.

“Rih,” I said and kissed one of my Level 2 Light monster girls. After breaking the kiss, I asked “How is it going?”

“Fine,” she said. “No intruders.” She looked relieved. “They're scary.”

“Yep,” Maya said.

“Rih, give me a big, sloppy kiss,” Garnet squealed and threw herself at the unicorn, doing just that.

As she kissed her, Skale descended on rainbow-feathered wings. From the waist down, she was a snake with a long, green tail. The rest of her was all woman with round breasts and feathery hair that matched the multi-colored hues of her wings. She had a big smile. One of my Level 2 Lightning monster girls.

“Lord Leo,” she said, much bolder. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. I savored it, my hands grabbing her ass. She did have a human ass, her tail starting right below it. She broke the kiss. “Mmm, how is it going.”

“Fine, fine,” I said. “Got some work to do.”

She smiled. “We'll keep you safe.”

“Come on, Garnet,” Maya said, grabbing my little succubus and pulling her from Rih. Garnet was dry-humping the unicorn's thigh, leaving a smear of hot pussy juices behind.

Maya, Garnet, and I passed through the overgrown room, saying hello to the other unicorns peeking out of the foliage. Above, Vaivory and Iaidas also flew. At the back of the room, we reached the locked door that led into the Initial Labyrinth. The first maze that adventures had to pass through when assaulting my dungeon. It was patrolled by some of my earliest monster girls. My wildhounds, my satyrs, and my oozes. Most dungeon builders got rid of their weakest monster girls as they advanced in power, but I didn't.

I couldn't.

I loved them too much.

“Lord Leo!” yipped Cysgo as she bounded out of a side tunnel. The wildhound through herself at me. She humped, her petite, pale body hugging me, arms about my neck and legs about my waist. She had black hair and triangular, dog ears that thrust out of her tresses. She had a tail that swished back and forth. She licked my face with her warm tongue.

“Hey, Cysgo,” I said and kissed her.

She whimpered into my lips. A Level 1 Darkness monster girl, she and her fellow wildhounds were energetic and excitable. They were also my preferred scouts. They had keen noses and sharp eyes. They could fan out through a dungeon and find traps or search an area for threats.

That often got them killed, but I could return them to life with my Void Crystal. It would be so easy to think of them as disposable pawns that I could sacrifice on a whim. Unimportant so long as I lived and my goals were met.

But I never wanted to be that callous. So kissing Cysgo and reminding myself how cute and sexy she was helped to ground me. Keep me human.

Cysgo broke the kiss and hugged me so tight. She rubbed her cheek into mine. “Mmm, are you going to ravish me, Lord Leo? With Sister Garnet?”

The monster girls tended to see the matching companion as a surrogate sister or mother.

“Do you want me to pin you against the wall and fuck you right here, right now?” I asked. I certainty hadn't meant to get distracted by my wildhound, but she was squirming in my arms in such a cute and sexy way.

“Oh, I would love that, Lord Leo!” she yipped. She licked my ear. Then nibbled on it.

“Such a big perv,” said Maya. “Have fun.” She padded off.

“Ooh, ravish her, big bro,” Garnet moaned. She quivered beside me, her crimson tale swishing back and forth behind her. “Just pound into her tight pussy. Imagine that hot, young cunt around your dick. Mmm, she's going to make you cum so hard.”

“So hard, Lord Leo,” Cysgo whimpered.

I couldn't say no to one of my cute wildhounds. They were like Garnet. Just so adorable.

I pinned her to the wall and worked open my robe, my cock hard. She grinned at me, this wild look in her eyes. She licked my face again as I gripped her ass, my dick thrusting out and nuzzling into her hairless pussy. Her green eyes squeezed shut as I thrust into her.

“Lord Leo!” she howled at the top of her lungs as her hot, tight, and juicy pussy engulfed my cock. “Oh, yes, yes, Lord Leo, that's so good. Ooh, ooh, you're filling up my pussy.”

“And you're so hot and tight, Cysgo,” I groaned as I drew back, her twat clinging to me. “My hot and sexy wildhound. You do such good work. So proud of you.”

“Lord Leo!” she whimpered, her expression melting into pure joy. “Ooh, I love you so much! Oh, so much!”

I kissed her again. I thrust my tongue into her mouth and pumped away at her pussy. I thrust into her snatch again and again, loving the way that she gripped me. She held me tight as I pumped away at her. She had such a delicious pussy.

I kneaded her ass, her arms and legs wrapped around my body. She groaned as I drove into her. My little succubus quivered beside us, her wings fluttering. She had such a look of depraved lust on her cute face. She shuddered there, wiggling her hips back and forth.

“GAAAARNEEET!” yipped out of the darkness.

Another wildhound, this one Gwyllt, appeared. She jumped right for Garnet's pussy. The wildhound buried her face into my little succubus's snatch and drove her against the wall. Garnet moaned, her face twisting in delight as Gwyllt feasted on her cunt.

“Oh, wow,” groaned Garnet. “Ooh, that's so good. Such a good puppy. Ooh, just lick at my cunt.”

“So yummy,” Gwyllt moaned, her black tail swishing back and forth. It thrust from her tailbone right above her smooth, pale ass. Monster girls were so sexy, that blend of hot women and dangerous creatures, some more human-looking than others.

I fucked Cysgo's pussy as Gwyllt devoured my little succubus's cunt. Garnet's back arched. Her dark-red wings fluttered again the stone walls of the dungeon. She groaned, her cute face twisting in delight. She gripped the back of Gwyllt's head, holding the wildhound tight.

“Yes, yes, yes,” moaned Garnet. “Ooh, Gwyllt! Such a good puppy. Yes, yes, get that tongue into my pussy. Swirl it around. Like that! Yes, yes, just like that! You're going to drown in my amazing pussy juices. Yes, that's right! Kweh, heh, heh!”

Garnet's fake Anime laugh echoed down the tunnel.

I grinned and fucked into Cysgo's pussy with harder strokes. Her cunt squeezed about me. She held me tight in her snatch. She gripped me with that juicy twat. The pleasure rippled down my shaft and flowed through my body. Heat soaked my nuts as they slapped into her taint.

I drove my cock into her hard and fast. I buried into her with such force. She groaned as I fucked her. Her head tossed back and forth and her eyes squeezed shut. Her pussy gripped me. I loved the feeling of her twat massaging my cock.

I pumped away at her. I slammed into her cunt. It was an amazing delight to feel her gripping my dick. She held me tight. It was a wonderful experience. I groaned with each thrust. Each plunge. Each amazing thrust of her cunt. She made me feel amazing.

“Damn,” I groaned. “Oh, damn, that is good. That is damned good.”

“It is, Lord Leo!” she moaned. “LadyDark's shadowy cunt! Ooh, ooh, I am going to cum!”

“Yes, yes, cum on my Dark Lord Big Bro's dick!” moaned Garnet, her face twisting as Gwyllt devoured her. “Oh, yes, yes, just like that. Ooh, ooh, that's amazing. You're going to drown in my pussy cream, Gwyllt! Kweh, heh, heh!”

I growled as I drove my cock hard into Cysgo's pussy. Her cunt squeezed about me. The cute wildhound massaged me with her delicious snatch. I shuddered, coming closer and closer to bursting in her. The ache swelled at the tip of my cock.

She knew how to massage my dick. How to bring me to the brink of cumming. My balls, swelling with the pressure of my jizz, smacked into her taint. I shuddered with each hard impact. I loved the way she gripped me. Massaged me. It was an amazing delight.

“Oh, Lord Leo,” whimpered Cysgo. “I want to cum. I want to cum so much.”

“Then let me feel that tight, juicy cunt going wild around my dick,” I groaned, hammering her.

“Yes, Lord Leo!” squealed Cysgo.

I buried into her. Her face contorted. Her green eyes squeezed shut. Then she squealed. Her pussy convulsed around my dick. She suckled at me with hunger. I groaned at the way her pussy rippled around me. It was an amazing passion.

I slammed into her as she bucked against me. She yipped out and howled her pleasure. Her cunt rippled around me in such a delicious way. I groaned, savoring it. I buried to the hilt in her cunt, her twat nursing at me.

“Fuck!” I growled.

I erupted.

My cum fired into my wildhound's spasming pussy. Her twat rippled about me. I savored every moment of her delicious cunt massaging me. She nursed at me with her silky hunger. I groaned, pleasure slamming into my mind.

“Goddamn,” I groaned as I spurted into her over and over again.

“Oh, Lord Leo!” yipped the wildhound. Cysgo's pussy rippled around me.

I loved how she milked me. She worked the cum from my balls. I shuddered at that delight. The pleasure suckled at me. I groaned as I fired the last of my cum into her pussy. I panted as my pleasure settled into buzzing bliss.

“Oh, yes, yes, you good puppy!” Garnet squealed nearby as she came on Gwyllt's mouth. “Oh, that's so yummy. Drink my pussy cream!”

“Thank you, Lord Leo,” she purred.

“I'm sorry we don't get to do this more often,” I told her.

“You have, what, a hundred monster girls, right? More?”

I blinked. I probably did. I had at least ten if not more monster girls for each glyph I had. And I had twelve glyphs. I wasn't really sure how many I had. Plus I had claimed companions, women brought from my world by other dungeon builders that I had “won” by killing their previous master. Sometimes, they would serve me. Other times, they wouldn't.

Ziamili's two hadn't but his twin brother's Led two companions had. And I had just gained three out of four of Sulanga's companions, plus Mthunzi's and Jindag's. Yeah, I had quite a few monster girls.

Though I had yet to meet the three from Sulanga. I hadn't restored them to life nor had I created my Wind monster girls, the last glyph I had just gained. Things had been busy since defeating Sulanga.

“Maybe I should come up with a schedule,” I muttered.

“It's fine, Master,” Cysgo purred. “We know you love us. That's enough for us. And we will love as long as you do. And that's forever. We're just happy you don't put us to sleep like you could.”

“Never,” I said and kissed her.

Garnet whimpered through her orgasm in the background.

Chapter Three

“Cum!” Garnet squealed. The naughty succubus was eager to lick her Owner's cum out of Cysgo's pussy. Garnet loved eating his cum. It was the yummiest thing in the world to the sex-obsessed succubus. She was so glad she had come to this world where her crush could be satiated.

In the other world, she never had a chance. She was just that cute, younger roommate that was like a sister and stood no chance against Maya.

But here, Garnet was one of his harem. The second companion he brought to this world. I'm just so awesome, flashed through her naughty mind, her tail swishing behind her as she darted to Cysgo. Buzzing from her orgasm that Gwyllt had given her, Garnet fell to her knees before the wildhound.

“Yummy!” she purred. “Dark Lord Big Bro's cum in Cysgo's delicious pussy!”

Garnet buried my face into the wildhound's twat and loved the mix of spicy pussy cream and salty cum. Her Owner's cum.

“Oh, yes, yes,” whimpered Cysgo, staring down at Garnet. The wildhound's green eyes would gleam if there was any light. It was always dark in the dungeon, but if you lived here, you could see like it was well lit.

Garnet loved living in the dungeon. She could spend all day just romping from one monster girl to the next. From salamander to orc to satyr to mermaid to quetzalcoatl to unicorn to hellhound to goblin to arachne to ghost. There were so many fun monster girls to play with. And her Owner would soon add wind ones.

Garnet was so eager to meet them.

Her tail swished back and forth as she feasted on Cysgo's pussy. The naughty succubus thrust her tongue into the adorable wildhound's pussy and swirled around in her. She scooped out all the salty cum that she could find.

Her Owner's jizz melted over her tongue, mixing with the spicy flavor of Cysgo's pussy. Garnet's wings fluttered. She squeezed her eyes shut and licked with even more hunger. She thrust into that wonderful pussy, dancing her tongue around in that wonderful sheath to find more pussy juices.

“Oh, Sister Garnet,” whimpered Cysgo. “You make my pussy feel so good.”

Garnet wanted her own pussy to feel good so she thrust the spade-like tip of her trail into her pussy. It was flexible and folded up into a narrow shaft. She groaned as she fucked it into her own pussy, masturbating with it as she devoured Cysgo's cunt.

The wicked succubus groaned into the wildhound's pussy while fucking her cunt with the tail. Garnet thrust it in and out of her pussy with such fast strokes. Pleasure rippled through her as she devoured the cum from Cysgo's pussy.

She was having so much fun doing this. It made her feel so wild to lick and lap at the wildhound's pussy. Big bro's cum is so yummy, flashed through Garnet's mind. I could just eat this cum all day long. Ooh, it's so yummy and good and amazing and tasty and salty! Her wings quivered. So salty!

She thrust her tail faster and faster in and out of her pussy. She fucked herself with force, whimpering and groaning in delight as she pumped her tail in and out of her snatch. It sent this wild heat through her as she did it.

She whimpered into Cysgo's pussy, ramming deep and hard into her cunt. It was something that she loved to do. She was so happy to do this. It sent such a wicked delight through her to fuck her pussy like this.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she moaned into the wildhound's cunt. “Ooh, yes, yes, I'm going to cum eating your pussy.”

“Oh, cum, Sister Garnet!” gasped the wildhound. Her green eyes stared down at Garnet with such pleasure in them. “I'm going to drown you in pussy cream!”

“Yes!” squealed Garnet.

She thrust her tongue deep into the wildhound's pussy. Garnet swirled about to find every salty drop of her Owner's cum that she could find. Her tail thrust fast into her own twat. She churned herself up as she gathered up the last drops of her Owner's spunk.

Her own orgasm built as she did that, fucking her tail in and out of her pussy. She trembled there, her cunt griping the end. She fluttered around one more time in Cysgo's pussy in the hopes of finding some of that cum.

But she didn't.

So she flicked her tongue to the wildhound's clit. She brushed the bud. She groaned and trembled, her body bucking. Yips of delight echoed through the tunnel as Cysgo's trembled there. She smeared her hairless pussy on Garnet's lips.

“Oh, Sister Garnet,” whimpered the wildhound. “Oh, that's so good. That's amazing. Just so good. Ooh, ooh, I'm going to cum!”

“Cum!” the succubus squealed, her pussy melting around her tail. She latched onto Cysgo's clit and nursed hard.

The wildhound bucked. Her moans reverberated around them. Then a burst of spicy pussy cream gushed out of her mouth. Garnet's wings flapped. She drank those delicious juices down, savoring them spilling over her chin.

Her tail thrust into her cunt hard and fast, building her own orgasm as she drank the climactic juices of the wildhound. Garnet moaned as the spicy cream spilled into her mouth and warmed down to her belly.

“Sister Garnet!” yipped the wildhound. “Yes!”

Garnet buried her tail deep into her pussy, all the way to her cervix. Pleasure burst in her.

“Kweh, heh, heh!” she squealed into the wildhound's pussy as she came.

The succubus's dark-red wings flapped as the pleasure rushed through her body. It drowned her. She groaned into the monster girl's pussy. Waves of delight washed through her flesh. Her cunt writhed around her tail.

Garnet loved it. Stars danced across her vision as her cunt rippled about her naughty tail. It was such a fun way to masturbate herself. She loved cumming. Savored the rapture gushing through her body. She quivered there, rubbing her face into the wildhound's cunt.

“Oh, that's so good,” whimpered the wildhound.

“It is,” Garnet gasped, her orgasm hitting that wild peak. She whipped her head around and gasped, “Wasn't that so hot to watch, big... bro...?” She blinked her crimson eyes. “Where did he go?”

*  \ * /  *

As Garnet pounced on Cysgo and started licking my cum out of her pussy, I shook my head and left my little succubus to her feast. She would have lots of fun licking up that cum. I headed down the hallway, Gwyllt falling in beside me.

She prowled on all fours despite being able to walk upright. Her tail swished behind her and her triangular ears twitched. We moved through the labyrinth with ease. It wasn't hard. I knew the route to go. It was like a sixth sense.

I knew where the traps were, too, not that I had to avoid them. They would never hurt me.

This was my domain. My demesne. I ruled it. Created it. Fashioned it out of the Void.

“Lord Leo,” Havas smiled. The satyr trotted out of a side passage on her goat-like hoof. She had large breasts that bounced before her topped by pink nipples. She had curly-gray hair, but not from old age for her face was as smooth as a maiden's. She had horns that peeked out of her tresses. Her golden eyes brimmed. “Need a drink?”

She squeezed her breasts. Milk squirted from them.

“Sure,” I smiled and bent down to one of my Level 1 Life monster girls. I engulfed her nipple and suckled.

Her sweet and creamy breast milk flowed into my mouth. I groaned as it poured down my throat. It was a treat to feel that delicious and refreshing cream flow down to my stomach. I gripped her heavy teat and squeezed it.

More of her milk splashed on the roof of my mouth. Warm and sweet. I groaned as I gulped it down, loving the cantaloupe-like aftertaste it left behind. I groaned as I enjoyed every drop of it. Every last mouthful of Havas's breast milk.

I took one more mouthful and popped my lips off. “Thank you, Havas.” I cupped her face. “Always a treat.”

She beamed at me. “I hope it was as good as Mothers!”

They called Mrs. Maia “mother” that out of respect since they were all Life monster girls.

“It was,” I said and kissed her.

Her hooves clopped on the dungeon floor as she shifted back and forth. She whimpered as I kissed her, my tongue dancing with hers. It was such a treat to enjoy her delicious milk as I made out with her. I stroked her cheeks and brushed her silky curls spilling down around her face.

I broke the kiss. “Keep doing such great work guarding my dungeon.”

“Always, Lord Leo,” she said. “Maybe you'll let us do more. Attack naughty dungeon builders. You should move the entrance to your dungeon to the town. The gate guards are more than enough.”

“I don't want to take that chance,” I said. “I trusted you and the others to keep us all safe while I was gone.”

“That he did,” Smerta said as she emerged from another hallway.

The valkyrie was one of the most human-looking monster girls in that she looked like a busty, blonde Slavic beauty with blue eyes and an athletic build. Dangerous and sexy all at the same time. Before Led had brought her to this world, she had been a pro-wrestler in Russia. She would pass for an albino with how frost-white her skin was.

Smerta commanded the defenses of the Initial Labyrinth. When intruders came, I trusted her to guide the monster girls towards where they were needed. To lay ambushes. Ideally, we never wanted adventures to get past this labyrinth. To either retreat (which I favored) or to, sadly, perish.

I hated it, but they were coming to kill me for the simple fact I existed.

“Lord Leo,” Smerta said, nodding to me. “How'd it go with Siwang.”

“As expected,” I said as we moved through the labyrinth. The other wildhounds, satyrs, and the three oozes said high.

Smerta escorted us to the end of the Initial Labyrinth. Everyone had to funnel into the first-ever trap room I had made: Lightning Pillar Room. It was a room full of columns enchanted with lightning that discharged on any who entered it. There were no monster girls in it. I had made this when I only had my few will o' wisps and Lana Fulmine to defend me, and I needed them wandering the labyrinth. This room had been the last line of defense once upon a time.

Now it marked the transition from the original dungeon to the newer additions.

The deadlier parts.

Through another locked door, I entered the Second Labyrinth and was instantly greeted by a busty woman with a thick mane of black hair that fell in a wild tangle down her back. She had tan skin and golden eyes. The claws on her fingertips and the fangs she flashed when smiling were the only clues she wasn't human.

She was a werebear, a Level 2 Life monster girl.

“Hey, Panja,” I said and squeezed a big breast.

“Lord Leo,” the werebear purred as I kissed her. She could turn into a massive black bear and cause some damage. She whimpered into the kiss with me, her lips working on mine. “Mmm, it's good to see you.”

“Recovering from the fight?” I asked. She had been apart of the liberation of Sharithin two days ago.

“Ready for more,” she said as I moved through the labyrinth.

“Yes, she is,” said a second werebear. Maan leaned against the wall, smiling at me. I gave her a kiss, too.

Besides my werebears, my basilisks and arachne patrolled this part of the labyrinth. It was also full of more trap rooms. Normally, the Overgrown Room would be found here along with the Stalactite Room, the Life Sap Room, the Thunder Clap Room, and the only room you had to travel through, the Darkness Room.

Maan and Panja walked with me as I headed deeper into the labyrinth, stepping on traps that would never activate. Around the corner came Mastab, one of my basilisks. A Level 2 Earth monster girl, she had a body covered in blue scales with pink, feathery hair. A big smile spread on her lips, her big breasts, covered in bands of pink belly scales that ran to her pussy, jiggled. Her bird talons clicked on the stones.

“Lord Leo,” she said, grinning. Her breath could petrify those who came in here. The valley outside my dungeon had a number of adventures forever frozen in stone that, I hoped, would serve as a deterrent.

I gave her as kiss and she snuggled up to me. I loved all my monster girls, even the ones that looked as inhuman as her.

We kept walking, her claws clicking on the stones. They echoed through the air. It was a lovely sound, mixing with my shoes and the padding of the werebear's feet. Ahead, an arachne dropped from the ceiling.

Gaiste landed on her eight spider legs. Her lower half was that of a black-carapace arachnid. She was sort of like a centaur, her human half rearing up where the spider's head should be. Her large, gray breasts—with a delicious, red diamond spread over those heaving mounds—bounced. She had compound eyes and red hair, her face cute and adorable. She was shy like the unicorns, too. Preferring to ambush.

“Lord Leo,” she breathed.

“Gaiste, you are looking so beautiful today,” I said, smiling.

She quivered, her spider legs all tapping on the floor. “Thank you, Lord Leo.”

I gave her a kiss, loving the feel of her soft lips on mine, my hands groping those large boobs. She scuttled along the ceiling after that. I hummed as I moved through the second labyrinth and came to the Darkness Room.

“Keep up the good work,” I said and felt terrible. Like I was some corny boss.

But my monster girls all beamed at me and nodded. They were so eager to do just that. I winked at them and passed through the locked door, leaving them behind. This room would be magically dark to any intruder, requiring them to use some form of Light to see through it.

“Lord Leo!” gasped Svyte from one of the alcoves that lined the room. The will o' wisp waved at me. Her body was made of glowing, blue plasma in the shape of a sexy woman. My Level 1 Lightning monster girls and the first I created after Lana Fulmine.

“Oh, Lord Leo,” Sviesos called from the other side. She blew me a kiss.

They were separated from me by a dark gulf. A narrow bridge crossed the room with deep bits on either side. The will o' wisps would through their lightning at anyone crossing. A perilous journey when you couldn't see.

“We love you, Lord Leo,” Dvasia called.

I smiled and waved to them. It was impossible to reach their alcoves without teleportation, though they had a hallway on both sides that let them mingle with each other. You could find the will o' wisps making love to each other sometimes. In fact...

“Yes, yes, yes, Gintaras,” whimpered Kibir who leaned out over her alcove. It was clear she was getting eaten out from behind by her fellow will o' wisp. “That's so good.”

I grinned and nodded to them before I reached the end of the bridge. I opened the door and headed down the stairs to the Second Level of the dungeon and the Third Labyrinth that awaited me. My footsteps echoed. I reached the bottom and entered the most dangerous part of my defenses.

Orcs and ghosts patrolled this level. The orcs, able to summon golden armor and weapons, were some of the best fighters in my arsenal while the ghosts were incorporeal. It took special weapons and magics to hurt them while they could phase through the walls and the armor of the adventurers to drain their life with a touch.

“Loooord Leeeeooo,” a mournful voice moaned. Grobi appeared through a wall. The spectral woman, made of green ectoplasm that faded in and out of view, gave me a sad smile. There was always something... tragic about them. She was beautiful, her ghostly hair swaying around her naked form.

“Grobi,” I said and touched her cheek. She had cool flesh, feeling substantial because she allowed me to feel her.

She gave me a kiss. It was cool but passionate. She stroked me through my robe, touching my bare skin beneath. I shuddered and broke the kiss with her. She floated beside me as I moved through this level of the labyrinth.

“Still feeling bad about Sharithin?” I asked. The ghosts had all been wiped out by the thunderbird monster girls of my enemy. Their lightning had destroyed them.

“Yes,” she answered.

I stroked her cheek. “We won the day, Grobi. You have nothing to feel bad about.”

“But that is all us ghosts have,” she said, her eyes so sad. “Regret.”

I arched an eyebrow at her. “What regrets can you possibly have. That was a fight. Most of my monster girls died. None of them feel guilt over it. You did your best. I sent you against the wrong foe. It was my fault.”

“I don't know what I feel regret about,” Grobi said, her eyes distant. “Like there was some grand purpose to my life that never happened.”

My stomach lurched. “Do you feel diminished serving me?”

Her eyes flicked to me. “No. Just that I feel I was something before I became this ghost. What as I?”

“I don't know,” I admitted. “You were a possibility that waited in the Void for me to give you life with a Word. Grobi. Well... unlife, I suppose. Existence, maybe.”

“Being.” She quivered. “I am because I am. But what I am may not be what I was. But what I was is not what I am. Does that make sense.”

“Maybe.” It was troubling. I had never thought where they came from. Probably would never understand it. “Maybe it's why I am here. To protect Puabi. Only I don't know how. Maybe you have been called up by other dungeon builders. Over and over and over again only to not fulfill all our mission of protecting her.”

“Perhaps.” she took my arm. “I will not feel guilty over the attack. I will merely dwell in the ennui of my existence.”

“Surely it's not that unbearable,” I gasped, worry shooting through me.

“I am a ghost.” She gave me a look. “I'm supposed to be unsatisfied. I'm supposed to wail and gnash and hate the living.”

My mouth went dry. “Do you hate me?”

“How can I hate you,” she answered. “You're not among the living. You are an outsider. Like me.”

“So you hate Halia?”

“She's an outsider now, too. She has broken from the natural state of the world and pledged herself to the Void.” Grobi cool hand stroked my arm through my robe. “She's bound like we all are to the Crystal. How could I hate any who share my fate.”

“Good,” I said. What had I done by binding Halia to me? The entire village of Anguin?

Sweat broke out on my forehead as I headed through the labyrinth. We rounded a corner and came across Dzelzs and Briesmoni. Two of my orcs were patrolling naked. They could summon golden armor to clad their busty, green bodies. They were athletic monster girls with thick, black hair and yellow eyes. Gold rings pierced their nipples.

“Lord Leo,” growled Dzelzs. She had a big smile on her face. “What a fight that was.”

“Such a conflict!” Briesmoni said. “Thank you for the fun! Adventurers so rarely make it to us. We sometimes feel like we're rusting away down here.”

“You're very vital,” I said. “I trust you to defend the last stretch of my dungeon.”

“Of course we're vital!” Briesmoni said, slapping her hand over her heart and jiggling her tits. “We understand our role.”

“We just like to fight,” Dzelzs said. “There is something so satisfying about sticking my sword in the flesh of my enemy.”

Briesmoni winked a yellow eye at me. “You know what it's like to sheath your sword into warm and juicy flesh.”

“I don't stab my enemies like that,” I said, my dick lurching.

“No, no,” said Dzelzs. She licked her lips. “Just your faithful monster girls.”

“They do not question their existence,” Grobi whispered then she drifted from me. “I love you, Dark Lord.” She passed through the side of the dungeon and was gone.

“Question existence?” snorted Dzelzs. “What a stupid thing to do.”

“Why do that when we can do other things,” Briesmoni said, her smile growing and growing. “Eh, Lord Leo.”

My dick lurched.

Click here for the next part! 


Josh Lomax

Now I'm curious. If Siwang dies, say Fuegin kills him like he plans. Do Siwang's Companions get the option to switch over to Fuegin like normal, or do they switch over to Leo automatically because of Siwang being Leo's vassal? If it's the latter I kinda want that to happen lol