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Chapter Forty-Five

White light engulfed Kassie and me.

I appeared in my Vault as I staggered to my Void Crystal. Souleen was sitting on the gem, a huge smile on her face. She clapped her hands together. I grinned down at her. This relief swept through me. We had done it. We had done it. I was so thrilled about that.

“Well done, Lord Leo,” Souleen said.

“Thanks,” I said and bent down to give the diminutive woman a quick kiss.

Then I grabbed my Void Crystal. I gripped it. I could remodel my dungeon. I closed off the entrances to the halfling city and gasped in relief. I would have to figure out what to do with the refugees, but that was for later. Then I summoned Isatu out of the Void.

I don't know why I restored her first.

Maybe I just wanted to double-check that I could. She had died fighting Anguin. She wasn't a traditional monster girl, but maybe since I had gotten my Fire Glyph from taming her, she acted like one now.

I just knew that if Halia died or—

“Kassie,” I gasped. “Go bring Halia here right now. She's hurt.”

“Oh, right,” Kassie gasped. “ActiVate.”

“Lord Leo,” Isatu gasped, throwing herself at me. She hugged me tight. “I was so useless. I didn't do anything but burn those werewolves.”

“Which was something,” I told her, grabbing my dragon's ass. I squeezed her rump. “So don't think you didn't help. You were amazing, Isatu.”

“Lord Leo!” Her wings flapped. She looked so adorable. Then her lips shot up, and she kissed me.

I groaned at the feel of her mouth melting on mine. She kissed with such hunger. I groaned, loving that feeling of her against me. She felt so wonderful in my arms. I held her tight, my fingers digging into her rump as our tongues danced together.

White light flashed from the other room. Moans of pain dragged at me. I broke the kiss with Isatu and darted into the room. Kassie knelt over a whimpering Halia. She had bad burns across her arms and even her face.

I fell to my knees and put my hands on her body. “MeDFlesh!”

The healing magic surged into her body. I had a lot more power now. I could feel it swimming around in her. She shuddered on the floor, her moans and whimpers filling the space before they faded. Her burns retreated. A smile appeared on her lips.

“Lord Leo,” she said, staring at me. “You have a hole in your breastplate.”

“Javelin of air,” I said. “Yours is a little banged up, too. Let's get you out of it.”

I started undoing the belt buckles and straps on her armor. Kassie fell to her knees and helped me. So did Isatu. In moments, we were opening Halia's breastplate. Her large, soft breasts quivered into view, her nipples pink and hard. She licked her lips and stared up at me.

“We did it,” she said.

“Somehow,” I said and chuckled. “Sulanga getting in the dungeon was not part of the plan, but the rest worked out. I should have had Smerta in position to bring all the Level 1 Monster Girls she could. That was a mistake. By the time I realized it, no time to do it.”

“Your dungeon's a tad too big,” Kassie said, smiling at me. “But you saved so many of my people. They can even go home.”

“You can, too,” I said. “If you want to. I won't hold you to your vow.”

She stared at me. “No. I want to be here. What you're doing may be the most important thing to happen to our world since the scourge began. A chance to end this. Or to stop it from devolving into pain and suffering.”

She cupped my face and kissed me again. I closed my eyes and savored the feel of her lips. This wasn't the “in the moment” kiss we had just shared. This was so much more. She whimpered into my lips. They were smaller than mine. Her tongue naughty as it danced around in me.

I picked her little body up. It was easy. I stood in my robes and damaged armor. I could fix those both easily. They were creations of my dungeon. I carried Kassie out of the teleport room, past the Void Crystal humming happily away, and into my living quarters.

Her lips tasted so sweet. So delicious. I carried her to the bed and set her down on it. She squirmed as I did that, breaking the kiss. She stretched out in her blue robe trimmed in red, her medallion nestled in her cleavage.

“That magery was quite impressive,” I said as Isatu and Halia came up beside me and attacked the buckles on my armor. “Slick.”

She grinned. “Such a cheap move to use on someone, but it works. If they can't stand, they have a hard time fighting.”

I nodded. “How did you know to come back?”

Kassie worked her lip. “I don't know. I just felt that I had to. I couldn't stand by why you were fighting the enemy of my people without me. I broke your command, Lord Leo.”

“And I'm glad you did,” I said. “He couldn't handle fighting two of us at once. He panicked there at the end.”

“He saw his end,” said Kassie as Halia took off my breastplate.

“The arrogant never think they can lose,” said Halia. “That's what makes you different. You do. It feels your every action that possibility that you could be defeated. You are so aware of what the consequences are, too.”

“They're too great,” I muttered. “All the people of Astovin... I have to be more careful.”

“You were plenty careful,” said Halia.

“You always have me, Lord Leo!” Isatu squealed. She pulled off my robe. “I'm here. Make me big. I'll go roar and hiss and burn!”

I rubbed at her black hair between her cute horns. She quivered, this look of adoration on her youthful, scaled face. She was like a puppy. Garnet was right. I had a lot of monster girls to bring back. To thank, but first...

“Kassie, if you really want to do this,” I said, “then you need to be welcomed to the harem in style.” I glanced at Halia and Isatu as they stood on either sides of me. “Shall we?”

“Yes!” they both gasped and a fell on the bed.

Kassie grinned as the two undid her robes. They pulled it open to reveal Kassie's naked body beneath. She was half my height, but she had a gorgeous figure. The deep-brown of her skin was a lovely delight with pink nipples being a delicious surprise. She had a thick, black red adorning her pussy that dripped in curls.

Halia and Isatu fell on my halfling's boobs. They grabbed those round mounds and licked at them. Kassie gasped in delight as the dragon and the paladin danced their tongues around those pink nubs. Isatu suckled on one first, nursing hard, her leathery wings fluttering.

“Oh, wow,” gasped Kassie. “Ooh, that's so nice. So this is what you and your women are always doing, huh?”

“Oh, yeah,” I said, falling onto my knees between her thighs. I licked my lips, just so ready for the feast. I slid my hands up and down her legs as I leaned over to eat out her pussy. I was just so eager for that delight. “Enjoy.”

“I will,” the halfling mage moaned. Her medallion gleamed between her boobs as the paladin and dragon kneaded those tits.

Pale fingers and red-scaled digits massaged those brown boobs. I loved it.

I pressed my face into Kassie's bush, her spicy aroma filling my nose. I breathed in that delight. I loved the aroma. I nuzzled my lips into her curls and kissed at her pussy lips directly. She gasped as I did that.

I licked at her little pussy.

I slid my tongue up and down the halfling cutie's twat. I could cover her whole cunt with my tongue. That was so hot. Her clit rubbed against me. My dick twitched. God, could I even fit in her? She was so tiny.

I thrust my tongue into her pussy. God, she was tight. She felt wonderful wrapped around my tongue. I swirled about in her, caressing her silky walls and soaking in her spicy passion. She had such a wonderful flavor.

I was so glad for that.

I licked and lapped at her. I pressed my cock into her pussy and danced around in her. She gasped, squeezing her snatch about my tongue. Her moans echoed through the room. They were quite the delicious sound to hear.

“Oh, that's it,” she moaned. “Ooh, that's really good. I loved that so much. I do. Ooh, I really, really do!”

“Good,” I growled and licked at her cunt again.

Halia and Isatu suckled at her nipples. They nursed on the halfling cutie as my tongue fucked in and out of her pussy. She had such a delicious twat. Elastic. My dick throbbed as I danced about in her. She squeezed about me in such an exciting way.

Her thighs grabbed my head. She held on and humped against me. She moaned as she did that. She whimpered, her passion echoing through the room. I loved that. The sounds she made were wondrous. Her pussy soaked my tongue.

“Lord Leo!” moaned Kassie.

“Just enjoy,” I told her and flicked my tongue to her clit.

I stroked over her bud. I loved the feel of her beneath my tongue. I swirled about her, making her spasm. Isatu's wings fluttered while she suckled on the halfling's nub. Halia whimpered, her black braid spilling off her side. Her big boobs swayed as she loved Kassie's other nipple.

I suckled on Kassie's clit into my mouth. I danced my tongue around her bud then nibbled it. She squealed in delight. Her thighs squeezed tight about me. She shuddered, her moans and whimpers built and built.

“Cholera, that's good! That's real good!”

Cholera? “Did you just swear with a disease?”

“Yes!” she gasped. “Poxy twat, what else do you swear on? Just... just... Plagues, that's good. That's really good. I'm going to cum!”

“Fuck, cum!” I growled and suckled hard on her clit.

She bucked on the bed. Then she squealed in delight. Her pussy juices gushed out and bathed my mouth. A spicy flood. How I loved to make women cum. To drink their pussy cream. I gulped down her passion as she bucked on the bed.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she gasped. “Cholera burning fever!”

Her pussy cream gushed out of her and bathed my mouth. I loved the delight of her spilling out into my mouth. She tasted so good. She had such a lovely flavor. Just wonderful to enjoy. I drank it all down. I gulped it with passion.

She squeezed her thighs around my face. She humped against me as the pleasure rushed through her. She trembled on the bed as Isatu ripped her face up from Kassie's nipple. She glanced at me, her yellow eyes burning with heat.

“Fuck her, Lord Leo!” she gasped. “Fuck her while I sit on her face.”

“I'm too big for—”

“No, you're not!” gasped the halfling. “I'll stretch, Lord Leo. Take me! Plagues, I need your cock in me. Pound me, Lord Leo!”

“Pound her!” squealed Isatu who threw her scaled leg over Kassie's face and set on the halfling.

Kassie moaned, her jaw moving. My dick throbbed. I had to fuck her. And she did say it was okay. I rose as Halia grabbed a pillow. She thrust it beneath Kassie's rump. My naughty paladin winked at me. I grinned back as I pressed my cock into Kassie's tight slit.

I thrust into her.

She moaned as I did that. Her pussy stretched like she claimed. This elastic sheath engulfed my cock. My dick vanished into her. I should be reaching deep into her stomach. I was. I could see my cock bulging her brown skin. She groaned in delight.

“Poxy twats, that's amazing, Lord Leo!” Kassie moaned. “Ooh, I haven't had a human in a while. So big. Yes, yes, fuck me!”

“I will!” I groaned as I drew back my hips.

Her pussy clung to me. She held me tight. I thrust back into her, loving the feel of her cunt squeezing about my cock. It was a fantastic delight to have her gripping me. I loved that passion holding onto my cock.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I groaned as I thrust back into her snatch. “That's it. That's fucking it. Kassie!”

She moaned into Isatu's pussy. The halfling licked and lapped at her. With her so short, Isatu was so close to me, her yellow eyes burning with pleasure right before me. She hissed and moaned, her wings fluttering behind her.

She threw hear arms around my neck, that adorable expression of pleasure shining on her face. She whimpered then kissed me. Her lips hot on mine. Her tongue thrust into my mouth as she ground her cunt on Kassie's mouth.

I fucked the halfling hard. I buried into her cunt with powerful strokes, loving the way her pussy clung to me. She held me in that tight embrace. She massaged my cock with that delicious pussy. Every thrust into her was incredible.

“Oh, Lord Leo,” Kassie moaned, her hot and tight cunt gripping my cock. She squeezed about me. “That's so good. That's amazing. Ooh, I love this so much.”

I did, too.

Isatu purred into the kissed. My hands grabbed her scaly tits. I kneaded those big mounds as I drilled into the halfling's pussy. I still couldn't believe how much cock that she could take in her cunt. I rammed every inch of me into her.

My nuts slapped at her taint, heavy with my cum. I groaned with every thrust. Every plunge. Her pussy caressed me. Gripped me. The ache swelled at the tip of my cock. She massaged my dick with that wondrous snatch.

“Lord Leo!” she moaned. “Ooh, yes, yes, ram that big dick into me!”

Isatu broke the kiss and gasped. “Ooh, ooh, she's licking so good at my pussy. She's making me feel oh, so good, Lord Leo!”

“Wonderful,” I groaned, plowing deep and hard into the dragon's pussy.

She gripped me with such a wondrous snatch. She held me tight. It was incredible to fuck into her hard and fast. I buried with such force. I plowed with such hard passion into her cunt. My dick smacked into her again and again.

It was fantastic to bury into her twat. I loved the way that she held my dick. She squeezed about me. It was an amazing rush. I loved that delight. I savored the pressure of burying into the halfling's cunt. She had such an amazing pussy.

My nuts slapped over and over into her taint. It was fantastic to feel her pussy about me. I groaned,  my face twisting in bliss. I came closer and closer to erupting into her pussy. Closer and closer to spurting into her snatch.

It was an incredible rush to bury into her. Just amazing to fuck into that cunt and feel her squeezing about me. She had such an amazing grip on my cock. Just fantastic to plow into her. My nuts slapped over and over into her taint.

“Kassie!” squealed the dragoness. “Ooh, yes, yes! You're wonderful! Yay!”

Isatu bucked, her big boobs jiggling in my hands. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she gasped out her pleasure. My fire dragoness gasped and squealed as she came. She wiggled her hips from side to side on Kassie's face.

“Poxy twat!” moaned Kassie, her snatch squeezing down on my dick. “Yes!”

Her pussy went wild around my dick. It was incredible feeling her snatch convulse and writhe around my dick. Just a fantastic delight. I groaned, burying into her cunt again and again. She had such an amazing snatch that spasmed around me.

I threw back my head, groaning with each thrust into her cunt. It was fantastic to plow into her snatch again and again. She held me tight. I loved every second of her snatch spasming around me. She suckled on me.

I erupted.

“Fuck, yes!” I groaned and spurted over and over again into her twat.

“That's so hot to watch,” whimpered Halia. She rubbed at her cunt as I spurted my cum into Kassie's snatch.

“Yes!” I groaned, my cum firing out of my cock again and again.

Kassie's pussy rippled around me. She nursed on me with hunger. She suckled the cum out of my nuts. I loved it. I shuddered, my balls twitching with each eruption of cum. It was incredible to feel that jizz rushing out of me.

“Goddamn, yes!” I moaned. “Oh, Kassie!”

“Ooh, I know!” she gasped. I know!”

“Creampie!” Isatu squealed as I dumped the last of my cum into Kassie's pussy. “Yummy!”

“God, you're like a puppy,” I groaned. “Yes, yes, you can have all that creampie you want.”

“And may I sit on your face, Lady Kassie?” asked Halia. “It sounds like you're quite the pussy licker. I would be honored to experience your passion.”

“Sure,” Kassie said. “This harem is wild, Lord Leo!”

I chuckled.

Chapter Forty-Six

Isatu knelt before me as she buried her head into Kassie's pussy. The halfling moaned and squirmed on her back. She trembled there as Isatu licked and lapped with such enthusiasm. The dragon wiggled her scaled rump before me, her wings flapping.

I grinned at the sight as my paladin, her big boobs jiggling, straddled Kassie's face. The black-haired beauty sat on the halfling's face, smothering her in a furry muff. I grinned and slapped my wet dick on the dragon's scaled rump.

“Yes, yes, fuck me, Lord Leo,” moaned Isatu.

“Poxy twat, she is licking the cum out of me,” groaned Kassie. “Oh, wow, she has quite the tongue on her.”

“Yes, she does,” Halia moaned. “Ooh, and so do you.”

I grinned as I slid my cock down into Isatu's butt-crack. I nuzzled towards her anal ring. She hissed her delight as I found her puckered sphincter. I nuzzled into her backdoor. I loved the feel of that anal ring widening and widening.

Then I thrust into her. She groaned as her asshole widened more and more. It was incredible to feel that naughty ring sliding over the crown of my dick. My fire dragon hissed. Her wings flapped. Then I popped into her bowels.

She had such an incredible asshole. Just an amazing delight to feel clenching about my cock. She squeezed about me with such pressure. I loved it so much. It was an exciting rush to feel her gripping me. I savored it so much.

“Lord Leo,” Isatu purred, her wings fluttering.

“Yes, yes,” Halia moaned. “Oh, my, Lady Kassie, that is such a sweet tongue you have. Yes, yes, keep licking at me.”

“Lick at her,” I groaned as I drew back my cock.

Isatu groaned, her anal sheath squeezing about my dick. That wonderful sheath massaged me with such delight. I thrust back into her and savored her gripping me like that. She had a delicious twat. Just fantastic.

I pumped away at her. I fucked her with force. I buried into her again and again. I loved the feel of her twat squeezing around me. It was fantastic to have her gripping me. My face contorted with the delight of her asshole gripping me.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I groaned with every thrust.

“Mmm, pound her naughty ass, Lord Leo,” Halia said, squeezing her big boobs as she ground her twat on Kassie's face.

I winked at her and thrust into Isatu's asshole hard and fast. I buried to the hilt in her snatch. I fucked her with such force. It was an amazing delight to have her pussy gripping me. She held me with such force. It was an astonishing then to feel.

Her velvety flesh massaged my cock with every thrust. I plowed into her hard and fast, my nuts slapping into her taint. I loved that pressure about me as I watched Halia grinding her twat on Kassie's mouth.

“Lord Leo!” Isatu moaned, squeezing her bowels down around my asshole. “Ooh, ooh, that's so good.”

The pressure rose in my nuts. I shuddered, loving the feel of that tight asshole around me. I buried hard into Isatu's asshole while she devoured Kassie's cunt. The little halfling moaned into Halia's pussy. The paladin squeezed her eyes shut.

“Oh, that's so good, Lady Kassie,” moaned Halia. “You are going to drown in my pussy cream.”

“Yum,” groaned Kassie. “Ooh, and Isatu... That tongue... Lick all the cum out of my pussy.”

“Every last drop!” Isatu purred, her asshole squeezing about my dick.

I groaned, gripping her scaled hips as I hurtled towards my orgasm. Her wings flapped as I buggered her. She moaned, her bowels massaging me. That velvety sheath swelled the pressure at the tip of my cock. I would have such a big explosion.

Halia threw back her head. Her fingers kneaded up her boobs until she was pinching her pink nubs. She twisted them and gasped. Her face contorted with delight. She whimpered. Moaned. Then she threw back her head.

“Yes!” she gasped “Oh, Lady Kassie, yes!”

“Oh, yum,” groaned Kassie. “Oh, that's good. Yes, yes! Poxy twat, that's good!”

She spasmed. Isatu must be drowning in halfling cream. I plowed into her asshole, the dragon squeezing her anal sheath around me. She whimpered. Her wings thrust out straight. Then they fluttered and her asshole convulsed around my dick.

“Fuck!” I groaned as I buried into her spasming asshole. She suckled at my dick. The pressure burst in my nuts.

I flooded my dragoness with my cum.

I groaned, firing blast after blast of cum into her asshole. I shuddered, the pleasure rushing through me. It was outstanding to feel. My groans echoed through the teleportation circle. I shuddered with delight, savoring this moment.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I panted, the pleasure screaming through me. “Shit, that's good. That's real good.”

“It is,” Kassie whimpered.

“Cum in my butt! Yay!” squealed Isatu.

“Oh, my, that was wonderful,” moaned Halia, swaying on Kassie's face.

I pumped more and more of my cum into Isatu's asshole. I shuddered as her anal sheath milked me dry. She worked out every drop of spunk that I had in my balls. I shuddered and breathed in and out. My head was dizzy from the pleasure of this moment.

I savored the peak of my orgasm. I savored it for a few minutes.

I had so much to do. I stood and glanced to the Vault and the hum of my crystal. I had so much to do. New monster girls to create, a new companion to summon, and I had to revive so many monster girls. It was a lot of work.

I pulled out of Isatu's asshole and stood. I stretched my back then headed to the Vault. My heart pounded in my chest as I headed to it. Souleen was there. She had a big smile on her lips. I winked at her and grabbed the crystal.

First, I checked on Sulanga's companions. I found that three of them were willing to serve me. Paetu the Djinn, Esclava the Ifrit, and Vilkas the Raiju. I would gladly accept them into my service, but I didn't revive them just yet. Peda the Treant refused to serve me.

So I know had two types of Level 1 Life monster girls. I would probably find a use for the treants one day.

Then there was the Wind companion. I already knew who she would be. Had known for a while. It was a shame I had to wait so long for that beautiful cheerleader, but one of the elements had to be last, didn't they.

I closed my eyes and sank into the Wind section of the monster girls and pictured her in my mind. Alizee... I saw her with her blonde hair, blue eyes, and that flawless face of hers smiling as she cheered in her pleated skirt and sleeveless top. Roundtits, toned thighs, plump lips. She was just perfect.

Then she changed. Her blonde hair became a pure, snowy white that billowed, touched by a breeze only Alizee could feel. Her skin became the blue of a summer sky, her eyes cloud-gray. A sylph ready to serve me. She floated in the crystal, able to fly on her own.

“Alizee, I summon you!” I cried allowed. “I summon you to my side!”

*  \ * /  *

“That's it,” Alizee groaned, leaning against the wall of the locker room. Barbara had her head beneath my skirt, my spankies and panties around my right ankle. She licked at my cunt. “Get that tongue in me. Yes, yes, that's so good!”

Alizee loved the licking. The lapping. It was incredible to have a girl going down on her. Barbara was changing her mind on boys. Who needed those losers when she could have someone with a tongue as skilled as Barbara.

“Yes, yes, you're going to make me cum!” the cheerleader moaned, her blonde hair spilling around her flawless face. Blue eyes squeezed shut. “Yes, yes, just keep licking me, Barbara. I'm going to cum!”

“Yum!” Barbara moaned, her tongue thrusting into Alizee's cunt.

The blonde cheerleader moaned, so eager for her orgasm. She rose towards it, coming closer and closer to that moment of exploding. Her head tossed back and forth. The pleasure brimmed in her. It was quite the delight to feel.

Alizee,” a motherly voice whispered. “You're needed.”

Hands cupped her face. Gentle ones. She shuddered as they carried her away into a black void. But it wasn't scary because that motherly presence was with her, hugging her. She soared through it for an eternity that lasted a moment.

Then the darkness spun around her and she stood in a room. A man was standing naked holding a black crystal on a pedestal. A little woman was kneeling on it with dusky skin. A busty, Middle-Eastern woman. Alizee shuddered then she realized...

She floated.

Of course I'm floating, Alizee thought. I'm a sylph now. She had sky-blue skin and white hair that rippled in a breeze that washed around her. The breeze that let her hover in the air. It held her in the air.

She studied the man who had summoned her. He was muscular and strong with dark eyes and black hair. On his chest were small markings made of little arrows. One, three narrow arrows all stacked on each other and pointed the same way made her think of the wind blowing. He was her age, nineteen. His eyes flicked her up and down, this hunger spreading across his expression.

“You're Leo,” she gasped. “The one who got struck by lightning months ago.”

“Yeah,” he said.

“Oh, god, you're the boy that can lick my pussy better than Barbara, aren't you?” Alizee moaned, her pussy clenching. “You're the one that can eat me out better than a girl and all those losers at our college. That's why I'm here.

“To finally enjoy a real man.”

Leo grinned at her. “That's a good enough reason for me. Welcome to my dungeon.”

“Yeah,” she said. “So you died or something, right?”

“I'm still alive in our world,” he said. “God, you never did notice me, did you?”

“Sorry.” Alizee said, her cheeks warming. She settled on the stones floor and padded to him. “I'm definitely noticing you now, though.”

“So, you're looking for a guy that can eat your pussy and make you cum hard, huh?” he said, flicking his eyes up and down me.

“Yes,” Alizee moaned. “A guy that I... I... love.” I do love him. That is so strange. I never even knew him, but it just feels right. “Is this love at first sight?”

“More like you're the part of Alizee that could love me,” hesaid. “And the part of you that wants a man to eat your pussy and not Barbara.”  His dick twitched. “Wait, she's a cheerleader, too. Are you telling me that you cheerleaders really did lez out in the locker room.”

“Well, Barbara might have gone down on a few of us. She was the only lesbian on the team.” Alizee shuddered, liking this. “That's so interesting. This is another world. I'm a sylph. You have a dungeon.

“And a harem. So if you like women licking your pussy, you'll get plenty of that.” Leo fell to his knees. “But I'm the only guy that will get to devour this snatch.”

“I like that idea,” Alizee said. “I thought I might be gay, but I definitely bi here.”

He grabbed her hips and pulled her to him. She smiled and stared down at him past her round boobs. Her dark-blue nipples thrust out hard from atop her perky tits. She smiled at that as he pressed his face between her thighs.

He had whiskers, something that Barbara definitely lacked. Then he kissed into her pussy. He nibbled on her vulva with his lips. It was quite the delight to enjoy. She shuddered as he ate her twat. She shuddered, her butt-cheeks jiggling.

Then he licked and lapped at her pussy. She shuddered and tossed back her head. Her hips wiggled from side to side, grinding her snatch on his mouth. She enjoyed this so much. He was good at it. He licked and lapped at her with hunger.

“Yes,yes, you're good at this, Leo,” she groaned, her hips wiggling from side to side. “Wait, wait, you're the Leo that's dating Maya.”

“Yep,” he said and licked at Alizee again.

The cheerleader sylph shuddered at the stroking contact of his tongue. He slid through her folds. She whimpered as he did that. Her head tossed from side to side, her white hair dancing in the breeze that caressed over her nubile body.

She quivered in delight as he licked and lapped at her with skill. His tongue dragged through her folds, making her shudder and whimper. She shivered, the pleasure had her squirming with the bliss flowing through her.

She glanced at the little woman on the crystal. “He's good.”

“He's Lord Leo,” the little woman answered with that motherly voice.

“Oh, yes, yes, he's good,” Alizee moaned. “Oooh, yes, he is!” She clapped her hands together and thrust one up in the air. “Go, Leo, go!”

Leo grabbed her rump and really ate the cheerleader's twat.

Alizee shuddered at that naughty tongue sliding through her folds. She groaned, her face twisting with the delight of Leo's bold strokes. His tongue caressed through her flesh with such confidence. He wasn't nervous like the boys.

He was like Barbara: skilled and he knew it.

He had eaten a lot of pussy to get this good. Alizee felt the technique that was shuddering pleasure through her. She had definitely come to the right place. His strong hands gripped her rump as his tongue danced through her petals and brushed her clit.

He stroked over her bud just for a moment.

Then he plunged his tongue into her cunt. She gasped as he did that. She whimpered in delight as he stirred around in her snatch. Her body trembled. Her round boobs jiggled with the pleasure he gave her. She groaned, loving every moment of it.

“Yes, yes, yes, Leo!” she moaned. “Go, Leo, go! You are the man! Make me cum! Yes, yes, if you can't do it, no one can!”

“My, she's enthusiastic,” said little woman.

“I'm a cheerleader!” squealed Alizee. “Oh, god, and he's going deep. Ooh, he's got his tongue in me.”

“Wait until he fucks you,” purred the little woman.

“I can't wait,” gasped Alizee, her orgasm building and building with his every lick and lap. He was driving her wild. She loved it so much.

She whimpered as he thrust his tongue into her cunt and danced it around in her snatch. She shuddered, her hips grinding her hot cunt on his face. This was all so amazing to her. She would have such a big burst of pleasure and drown his face in all that pussy cream. It would be an amazing moment. She was so eager for it.

Then he flicked to her clit.


He fluttered his tongue against her bud. She groaned, her face contorting with the pleasure of this moment. She whimpered, coming closer and closer to cumming. Just so close to bursting with the pleasure. She whimpered, her head tossing from side to side.

“Oh, my god,” she groaned. “Yes, yes, that's going to make me explode. Leo! Leo! Do that! Make me cum! Oh, my fucking god! Yes!”

He suckled hard. Her pussy clenched. The sylph cheerleader gasped out in delight as he nibbled on her bud. The feel of his strong lips was so different from Barbara. So much better to the naughty sylph. She gasped and exploded.

“Leo!” she squealed, thrusting her arm into the air. “Oh, Leo, yes!”

Her pussy convulsed and writhed, juices gushing out of her cunt and splashing on her face. It was an incredible passion. Her head tossed from side to side, loving that delight. The ecstasy gusted through her and howled over her mind.

The wind gusting around her swirled faster. Her white hair billowed up into the air as she bucked on his face. Her pussy cream gushed out, the tangy aroma filling her nose. He licked and lapped at her as she trembled through the rapture.

“Yes, yes, yes, Leo!” she gasped, his tongue so amazing. “Oh, damn, this is amazing! Oh, wow, that's so awesome.”

“Isn't it?” a short woman asked as she bounded in from another room. She had pussy cream on her face, her skin dark-brown and hair a bright red. She was half Alizee's height but was no child. “Ooh, you're the new wind companion.”

“She's delicious,” said a red-scaled woman with black hair and wings.

“She has wings!” the sylph gasped in delight.

“I'm a dragon!” A big smile spread on her adorable face. “Isatu!”

“Alizee,” said the cheerleader, her round breasts rising and falling. She realized she was floating a few inches of the ground. “And I just had a great orgasm.”

“He's good at doing that,” said another woman. She looked normal. A busty, athletic woman with black hair.

“Oh, god,” groaned Alizee. “So what gives? Did you break up with Maya or something? She was so happy the last few weeks. Just buzzing in our history class and Ms. Trueno's class.”

“That's a different Maya and me,” Leo said, pulling his lips from my pussy. “Maya is here. When I got struck by lightning, I got pulled into this world.”

“Oh, wow, so you don't know that the other you is dating the other Maya?” Alizee asked.

“Ms. Trueno told us,” he said, rising. He turned and grabbed the crystal.

“Wait, are you saying our professor is here?” Alizee folded her arm as shadows swirled on the other side of Leo. “Are you some big perv that brought our busty teacher to this world.”

“Yep,” said a girl made all of water that appeared out of the swirling shadows. Her body rippled. She had a big smile on her face and even little darker spots like freckles. “He's such a big perv.”

“Wait, is that you, Maya?” Alizee asked.

“Yep,” said Maya. She smiled. “And she's not the only one you probably no. He brought Hagane, Morana, Crystal, and Garnet. So welcome to the harem, Alizee. You're the last of his companions. He only gets to bring twelve of us here. You're one of the lucky ones.”

“I feel lucky,” Alizee said, smiling. She still floated, which she found so neat.

“He always did like watching you cheerleader,” Maya said, taking my arm and pressing against me. “It was so annoying. But I guess he's finally looking at the other me.”

“You are so happy with him,” said Alizee. “You told me that you two finally got to second base. It's so cute how slow you're going.”

“God, over here, I've done every dirty, filthy, depraved thing we can think of,” said Maya.

“Yeah, she's a freak,” Leo said, smiling at her. “Just a big pervert. Don't be fooled by her lies. She's far, far more depraved than me.”

“Yeah, so we should have a threesome,” said Maya. “Huh? Me, you, and the big perv doing some naughty stuff.”

“Then I'll revive Hagane, Morana, and Ms. Trueno. Let them join the fun.”

Revive? Alizee wondered.

But then Maya grabbed Alizee's hand and yanked her to the floor. She gasped as she fell down before Leo's hard cock. She had sucked so many of them before. It was always unsatisfying becauses the guys never returned the favor that well.

But Leo made me cum harder than Barbara, thought Alizee. She smacked her lips then gasped as Maya just liked up the side of his cock like a pro.

“Ooh, whose ass did you fuck, Leo?” Maya asked.

“Mine!” the dragon cheered in the background.

“Let's lick him clean, Alizee,” purred Maya. “Then he can fuck your pussy while you eat my twat. Ever eaten a girl's twat?”

“Er... I was still sort of working up to that. Barbara didn't mind just eating me out. She's a real giver.”

“I've heard,” Maya said then she licked his cock again.

Alizee shivered at how hot this was making her pussy. She leaned in and licked at his cock from the other side. She dragged her tongue up his dick. He groaned as she did that. His face contorted with delight. His cock throbbed in her mouth.

A hot shiver ran through her as she licked at him like this. It was so exciting to her. She fluttered her tongue up and down him, stroking him and his dirty dick. He tasted so good on her tongue. She loved the sour flavor.

“I'venever done ass to mouth before,” moaned Alizee.

“Mmm, it's yummy,” moaned Maya. “I love rimming about a girl's asshole. Especially if it's full of the big perv's cum.”

“And she has the nerve to call me big perv after saying depraved things like that,” said Leo.

“Yeah,” the cheerleader said. “I'm with Leo on this one. You're just a deviant, Maya.”

“So deviant,” she moaned and licked at his cock again.

Alizee joined her, savoring that dirty flavor. He pussy clenched at doing something so wicked. Her smooth cheek rubbed on Maya's watery face. Ripples washed through her flesh, feeling so good against Alizee's face.

Like getting a facial massage, thought the cheerleader. “Mmm, what are you, Maya?”

“Undine,” she answered. “You.”


“Hot,” groaned Leo as Alizee licked his cock to the tip. She fluttered her tongue around him. Then she swallowed his dick. “So fucking hot.”

The cheerleader winked a gray eye at him.

“Ooh, you're bold,” moaned Maya. “Just bob that head. Work that mouth up and down his cock. He loves that so much. He's such a big perv.”

Alizee only groaned as she bobbed her head. The wind danced through her hair, playing with it as she suckled on him. She nursed with such hunger on his dick. She loved the feel of him in her mouth. His salty precum spilled over her lips.

It was a yummy treat.

She danced her tongue around his cock, nursing on him. Suckling on him. It was an incredible delight to feel that big dick in her mouth. To nurse on him. She bobbed her mouth, working her mouth up and down his cock.

He felt amazing in her mouth. Just what she needed to experience. Her drool ran down her chin as she nursed with such hunger. Her cheeks hollowed with each suckle and slurp. He groaned at what she did to him.

“That's it,” Maya purred. “Ooh, buff that dick clean!”

“Yes!” Leo groaned.

Alizee's pussy clenched as she worked her mouth up and down his dick. She suckled at him with all this force. She wanted to make him explode in her mouth. To drink down all his cum with just such hunger.

But Maya was here. She rubbed her watery cheek against Alizee's. The undine licked at his shaft, whimpering in hunger. It occurred to the sylph that her friend wanted to suckle on this dick so much, too.

Alizee had to share.

That was something that made her so wet. I've never had a threesome before. This is hot.

She popped her mouth off that dick. Drool ran down her chin and spilled to the hollow of her throat. As she panted, Maya pounce. The undine slid her watery lips around Leo's cock and engulfed him. She suckled hard on him.

He groaned in delight.

“Fuck, Maya!” he gasped.

Alizee shuddered. She could see the dark shape of his cock through Maya's cheek. It was such a hot sight to see the undine bobbed her head. She worked her mouth up and down his cock. She suckled with hunger on him.

A hot itch built and built in Alizee's cunt as she watched Maya sucking on his cock. The undine was nursing with passion. Just bobbing her head and working more and more of her mouth down that dick. She suckled hard.

It was impressive.

“Damn,” groaned Leo. “Oh, damn, that's good.”

Maya popped her mouth off his cock, and moaned, “You going to cum on our faces.”

“Yes,” he groaned as Alizee swallowed his shaft.

It was incredible to feel her lips sliding over his spongy crown and sealing about his shaft. She nursed. A pure bliss to enjoy his dick in her mouth. She nursed on him with hunger. She suckled with such pleasure on his cock. Her head bobbed. She worked her mouth up and down his dick, sucking at him.

His cock throbbed in her mouth. His face twisted with delight as she bobbed her head. Maya quivered next to Alizee, the undine whimpering. The sylph moaned as worshiped this dick, so eager to swallow all his cum.

“Fuck,” groaned Leo. “That's good. That's real good. I love that so much. Shit, you are going to make me cum!”

She winked at him and nursed even harder.

“Shit, I'm close,” he groaned.

Alizee swirled her tongue around his dick, loving how his crown throbbed. Her winds tossed her hair, her pussy so hot and wet.

“Stop sucking,” Maya groaned. “He has to cum on our faces.”

“Yes!” Leo groaned.

Alizee shuddered and ripped her mouth off his cock. She pressed her cheek against Maya's, staring up at Leo. The undine fisted his cock, pumping her hand up and down him with force. He groaned, his dick throbbing in her hand.

“Fuck,” groaned Leo.

“Cum on our faces, big perv,” Maya cooed.

“Yes, yes, cum on us,”Alizee added, her pussy clenching.

Leo threw back his head and roared. His cock erupted.

Alizee gasped as she had a man's seed fired on her face for the first time. It splashed over her features. He painted her with his passion. He grunted and groaned, firing spurt after spurt of cum onto her face. The pleasure coated her in jizz.

She loved it. She savored that spunk splashing on her features then painting over to Maya's. The undine's face rippled from the impacts of cum, small waves washing over her features in such a sexy way. The pearly spunk looked like sea foam on her.

Alizee opened her mouth wide, catching more of the spunk on her tongue. It was incredible to taste the salty cum. Her pussy clenched, eager to feel his big dick fucking her. She loved how his cum painted over her, too.

“Oh, Leo, this is amazing,” Alizee moaned.

“Yes, yes, drench us!” moaned Maya.

He grunted and did just that. He coated them in his cum. Alizee loved it. She quivered there as the spunk ran over her features. Hot rivulets poured down her cheeks and forehead. It ran down the bridge of her nose to her lips. She lapped it up, loving this so much.

Then Maya turned and licked at Alizee's cheek. The cheerleader shuddered at that. Her pussy clenched as her friend lapped up the spunk. Alizee turned her head and licked at her, gathering up that salty delight off the undine's rippling cheek.

This is so wild, thought Alizee as the spunk melted over her tongue and soaked her taste buds in salty passion.

The two licked and lapped at each other's faces while Leo watched with that proud, cocky grin only a guy who had jizzed on two hotties could pull off. It made licking the spunk off Maya's face even sexier for the cheerleader.

The wind played with her white hair as she lapped up that snowy cream. It was a pure treat for her to enjoy that delight. Then their lips met in a salty, jizz-filled kiss. Their tongues danced together, swapping the spunk back and forth.

“Damn,” groaned Leo. “I never get tired of seeing that done.”

Maya broke the kiss and purred, “And it's always fun to be on the receiving end.” She licked up cum off Alizee's chin. “Right, Ms. Cheerleader.”

“Right, Ms. Perv,” cooed Alizee.

Then she noticed some of the cum had fallen onto Maya's quivering breast. The pearly spunk ran over her boob in such an inviting manner. The cheerleader just had to clean that treat up. There was no stopping her depraved hunger.

She ran her tongue over her friend's rippling boobs. The waves added this delightful massage to the process. She gathered up the spunk, the flavor melting through her mouth. The sylph's pussy clenched. She shuddered then engulfed her friend's nub.

“Yes!” Maya moaned. “Ooh, that's so good. Mmm, just keep sucking like that. That's hot.”

So Alizee did. She suckled on that nub with hunger, nibbling on the watery nipple. It was such a delight to do this. Maya leaned back onto her elbows, the sylph following. She kept her mouth suckling on that nub.

She nursed with passion on her, suckling and loving that wonderful nub. It was a treat to nibble on her. To suckle on that wondrous nub. She loved it. A wave of heat ran through Alizee as the undine settled onto her back.

She wants me to eat her pussy, whispered through the naughty sylph's mind.

She popped her mouth off the nipple and scooted down Maya's body. The cheerleader's white hair fluttered in the air, never quite draping over the undine's body. Alizee smooched down Maya's rippling belly, lips working lower and lower.

The wind caressed Alizee's nipples, teasing her as she smooched down her watery friend's body closer and closer to her pussy. To Alizee's first time eating a girl's twat. She quivered, her cunt clenching. Her pussy cream ran down her thighs.

“That's it,” Leo said. He was behind her. That excited her. “Just kiss to that cunt and lick her.”

She whimpered, wanting to do that so much.

She went lower and lower until she was kissing at the hairless pubic mound. A sweet musk filled the sylph's nose. She quivered as she realized it was Maya's pussy. The cheerleader moaned and kissed down lower and lower until she reached the top of her friends' slit.

She licked at her friend's twat. It was quite the delight. The sweet flavor suffused Alizee's taste buds. She quivered in delight, her round boobs jiggling and swaying from side to side. She licked at Maya's twat again and again, feasting on her.

“So good,” Alizee moaned. “Ooh, I hope the other me starts eating Barbara's pussy and loves it as much as I love yours, Maya!”

“Me, too,” Maya moaned. “Ooh, that's good. That's so amazing.”

Alizee thrust her tongue into her friend's pussy and swirled around. She stirred her up, loving how she quivered in delight. Maya whimpered, small waves washing over her stomach and up her breasts. Her thighs squeezed about the sylph's head. Alizee loved it, her tongue dancing about in Maya's snatch.

Then something amazing happened. Leo's big dick pressed into the sylph's pussy. The cheerleader moaned, ready to have that big dick fucking her. She wanted that huge cock to ram into her and fuck her to a squealing orgasm.

“Yes,” Leo groaned. “Alizee, I have wanted to do this for so long!”

He thrust into her.


“Leo!” she squealed.

His big dick slammed into her pussy. It was wonderful to have his big dick plowing into her. She reveled in it. She savored that huge shaft filling her up. She squeezed her twat around this cock and wiggled her hips, her cunt drinking in the girth of him.

She lapped at Maya's pussy as he drew back his hips. She squeezed her twat around his cock, reveling in his big girth in her. Then he thrust back into her. He filled her to the hilt with his big dick. She quivered in delight.

“Oh, god, Leo!” she groaned as he thrust back into her again and again. “That's so good.”

“Fuck that sexy cheerleader, big perv!” Maya moaned, her thighs squeezing about Alizee's face. “Ooh, she's got a naughty tongue on her.”

“I bet she does,” Leo groaned as his cock pumped away at the sylph.

He fucked her hard and fast. He buried to the hilt in her again and again. The best part was his heavy, hairy balls slapping into her cunt. He buried his dick deep and hard into her. She loved it so much. She savored him fucking her. He pounded her.

It was amazing to her. She reveled in it as her tongue licked and lapped at Maya's pussy. It was just a thrill for the naughty sylph to enjoy. She squeezed her cunt around his dick as she savored those sweet juices she gathered with her tongue.

Maya's pussy lips rippled. Waves washed from her pussy, started by Alizee's naughty tongue. She savored every lick and lap of those tongue. It was a heavenly delight for to enjoy this pussy. She licked with hunger. Lapped with such delight at that snatch.

She thrust her tongue into that cunt, swirling it around. It was a treat for her to do this. She enjoyed every moment of it. Savored every last second of feasting on her that wonderful twat. Her tongue danced up and down the folds of her friend's snatch.

And Leo fucked her.

He pounded her.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she moaned as his balls smacked her clit. Sparks flared each time. “I'm going to cum on this dick!”

“You better believe you are!” groaned Maya. “I want you to just suckle at his cock with that naughty cunt of yours!”

A shiver ran through Alizee as her orgasm built and built. Leo's mighty cock churned up her pussy. The sylph whimpered. Her tongue flicked to Maya's clit. Alizee fluttered the tip of her tongue against that naughty bud. Maya groaned, her boobs jiggling.

“Fuck, Alizee!” she gasped. “Yes, yes, you're going to make me cum!”

“Drown her!” moaned Leo as he buried his cock into Alizee's cunt. “Drown her, Maya!”

“Yes!” gasped Maya. “I will. I... I... yes!”

She bucked on the dungeon floor and gasped as her pussy juice gushed out. She bathed Alizee's face with the cream. It was just a fantastic delight for the cheerleader. She drank down the sweet flood, gulping down the passion.

Leo's cock plunged into her pussy, massaging her silky walls. His nuts slapped her clit.

He exploded.

“Leo!” she howled as a storm of rapture gustedthrough her body. It swept through her mind and howled over her thoughts. “Yes!”

“Fuck, Alizee!” he groaned and plunged into her cunt.

He erupted in her. He pumped blast after blast of spunk into her cunt. She shuddered, her snatch rippling around him. Writhing and convulsing. She loved it so much. She savored that delight. The winds of ecstasy stormed over her mind.

Stars burst before Alizee's eyes. She groaned, her heart thundering with this wild and wicked beat. Pleasure scoured her mind. She loved every second of this ecstatic storm crackling through her as his cum pumped over and over into her snatch.

“This is so amazing!” Alizee moaned. “This is awesome. I love this! I love this so much!”

“Yes!” groaned Leo as his cum fired one last time into her pussy. “Oh, god, this is fucking the best. I have you all!”

“You do, big perv!” moaned Maya. She panted, waves washing through her body and distorting her round breasts. “Ooh, that was good. That was amazing.”

“Yes,” Alizee groaned, so glad to be here. She loved the feeling of all that cum in her snatch. It was wonderful to experience. She was so glad to be here.

Click here for the next part! 


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