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Chapter Thirty-Seven

I paced along the side of the room as the light flared. Another group of halflings vanished.

“Let's go!” Kassie shouted. “On the circle.”

I stared out at the halflings watching me. They were staring at me with hope. Shock. Awe, even. I nodded to them, trying not to look worried, but my monster girls were dying. The halflings were still choking the tunnels.

Until every last one of them was out of here, this could go so badly.

“Hurry, hurry,” Kassie shouted. “Let's go. No, no, you can go on the next one. That's enough.”

The light flared and the group vanished.

I drew in a deep breath, gripping my spear. Gaiste died. The last of my arachne killed. Sulanga's dungeon was too close to the city. Too damned close.

*  \ * /  *

Ms. Rosa Trueno screamed her fury at the sky, her thigh throbbing from the arrow embedded in her.

The air rippled from her shout and slammed into another of the damned hippogriffs, knocking her out of the sky. The numbers were thinning, but it didn't feel fast enough for the teacher. They were losing too many monster girls. The arachne were gone, and the other monster girls were flying higher and higher to pick them off.

Skamianiela and Vielmi breathed another wave of their petrifying breath into the air, striking a phoenix. She turned to stone and dropped like a brick out of the sky. Vielmi jumped to the right, but Skamianiela wasn't as fast.

The stone phoenix struck Skamianiela and carried her off the side of the building. Pink hair whipped around Skamianiela's face as she plunged to her death. Ms. Trueno winced as the scream cut off with a loud crunch and a burst of rock.

On the other roof, Baaghi leaped into the air and bit a hippogriff in the leg. She screamed as the rakshasa pulled her out of the sky. Feathers burst from the enemy's wings and ripped into Baaghi's body. A dozen teal missiles buried into her chest and stomach. They landed on the roof, the hippogriff slamming on her back. Baaghi collapsed on her side.

Bhaaloo was there and snapped her jaws down on the hippogriff's head, crushing her skull. She vanished. A moment later, Baaghi disappeared, too. Ms. Trueno shouted in fury at the sky, missing a thunderbird.

A ball of fire struck Bhaaloo in the back as Hagane stood on the roof in a fighting stance. A firewhirl hurtling for her. Above in the skies, a whirlwind surged for Lana Fulmine. Ms. Trueno sucked in breaths, fear pumping through her veins.

She knew they wouldn't win. But was it enough?

*  \ * /  *

Garnet laughed as the thunderbird crashed to the street below, struck down by Dark Succubus Naughty Garnet's mighty Penetrator.

Enemy monster girls surged at her. Two hippogriffs and a pair of phoenixes closed in on her. Fireballs and razor arrows hissed through the air at the little succubus. Her scarlet wings flapped, black pigtails streaming behind her.

She climbed fast, her wings pumping away. She beat at the sky as she rose higher and higher. She climbed towards the heavens, weaving, dodging. She had to do something or she was dead. Her head whipped around as a ball of fire crackled by.

There, on the streets, was something amazing.

Garnet dove for the ground, sending, “I got something for you, Crystal!”

*  \ * /  *

I see you,” Crystal thought back and slid to a stop. “Yuki-onna, get ready!”

The two hippogriffs and two phoenixes chased after Crystal's bratty roommate. She formed her ice dagger, her four yuki-onna doing the same around her. They raised their shards of ice as Garnet dove for the ground. Her wings flared wide.

She swooped over.

They threw.

Crystal's dagger took a phoenix in the throat. Blood spurted. The enemy monster girl screeched and careened to the right, slamming into the side of the building, She shattered a window sill and burst into motes.

The yuki-onna attacks surged up. Two icy daggers slammed into the second phoenix's pale belly, ripping through her flesh. She screeched in pain and vanished in a bust of motes. The last two daggers struck one of the hippogriffs. A blade buried in her wing and another in her shoulder.

The wounded wing folded. The hippogriff spun and struck the ground feat before crystal. The body bounced, head twisting, and flew at the ice sprite. Just before slamming into Crystal, the hippogriff vanished into motes that sprayed around Crystal.

Crystal formed another dagger and spun as the last hippogriff climbed after Garnet. Throwing her weapon, the ice sprite grinned as she struck the hippogriff between the shoulder blades. The stiffened and collapsed, tumbling for the ground and hitting the pavement a half-block away.

“Thanks!” Garnet called. She waved her club which was actually a big, floppy dildo. “You are the—”

Three bolts of lightning struck Garnet from three directions. She screamed, spun in the air, and vanished.

Fury exploded in Crystal's ice breast. A raging blizzard howled in her.

*  \ * /  *

The howling whirlwind chased Lana Fulmine through the skies over the city.

The lightning sprite beat her wings. They cracked with her power as the roar of the twister flying after her grew louder and louder. Lana threw a look behind her, golden hair streaming behind her. From the top of the whirlwind, the top half of a dusky-skinned woman with black hair and large breasts appeared. Gold bracers adorned her wrists and golden rings pierced her nipples.

A genie? Lana thought.

The monster girl threw her arm before her. A blade of compressed, white air hurtled at Lana Fulmine. She banked to the side. The attacked whisked past her. Lana Fulmine's wings crackled. Then she fired a blast of lightning back at the genie.

The genie's whirlwind bent to avoid the attack. The lightning streaked by her. The genie raised her arms above her head, hands acting like she spun a plate or something over her head. Air swirled between them. Then a smaller whirlwind flew from the genie and hurtled at the lightning sprite.

Lana Fulmine's wings beat at the air as the vortex hurtled at her. The currents around Lana changed. The whirlwind sucked the air towards her. Lana fought against it, but the closer the whirlwind came to her, the stronger the suction became.

“Shit!” Lana cried as the winds seized her and dragged her into the vortex.

The winds beat at her. The world spun around her. She tumbled around inside the vortex, her crackling hair whipping around her. She screamed, the roar of the whirlwind swallowing up her fear. She spun around inside of it, he stomach churning.

She couldn't escape it.

*  \ * /  *

The firewhirl landed on Terra's roof and sent a wave of fire rushing at Terra.

The golem dove to the side, rolling across the roof. The flames hurtled by, the heat washing over Terra. She gained her feet and sprang into a charge, rushing at the burning mass. There had to be a monster girl inside those flames.

The firewhirl burst with more fire. It hurtled at Terra. Charging forward, she had closed the distance too much. She tried to dodge it, but the fire struck her and threw her back. Pain burst across her body. She felt her clay hardening from the heat.

She landed, whimpering from the pain. Her malleable body cracked in places. Piece of hardened clay broke off. She trembled on the ground, eyes squeezed shut against the agony that tore at her body. Her back arched as she struggled to get up.

Her left arm shattered into a dozen pieces.

Terra howled in pain.

“Are all of Leo's monster girls as weak as you?” the firewhirl asked in a malicious voice.

“I am not weak, bitch!” Terra snarled, glaring at the enemy.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

The whirlwind spun Lana around. She caught glimpses of the outside world. The whirlwind hurtled her down towards a building. Panic shot through her. She had to escape this trap. The lightning sprite gathered her power.

Lightning exploded from her.

Her power tore into the whirlwind. The air became alive with static charge. An electric storm raged around Lana Fulmine. The wind howling around Lana burst apart from the power she dumped into it. She spun out into clear skies.

The movie starlet spread her wings wide. She beat them and hurtled back up into the sky, rushing at the genie. The enemy monster girl gasped in shock, staring wide-eyed at Lana Fulmine surging free of the attack.

Before the genie could react, Lana Fulmine flapped her wings and crashed into the enemy monster girl. The genie retreated into her whirlwind, pulling Lana Fulmine into the heart of a second vortex. The two monster girls snarled at each other. Lightning crackled through Lana's hair as they grappled.

The wrestled inside the vortex, breasts sliding over breasts.

“Get out of here, bitch!” gasped the genie.

“You wish-granting cunt!” Lana Fulmine cried. “I'm going to kick your skank ass!”

The vortex struck a building. The winds tore into the side of the building moments before the two fighting monster girls struck it and burst through a window. They fell into a halfling house, crushing her bed.

Lana Fulmine and the genie flipped over the bed. They rolled onto the floor, crashing into a bureau. It creaked above them as the two monster girls gasped and hissed at each other. The genie grabbed Lana by the throat, choking her.

Lana grabbed a nipple and pinched with hard fingers. The enemy monster girl gasped in pain. Her grip loosened. Lana flipped them over, the pair's naked bodies sliding around. A golden bracer struck Lana in the side of the head.

Stars burst across her vision as she wrapped her arm around the genie's neck. Then, like she had mimic in one of her Jane Dangerous films, she wrenched the genie's head hard to the right. The vertebrae popped.

She snapped the genie's neck.

Lana Fulmine lay on her back as the genie vanished from her. She had just killed the woman with her bare hands and didn't care. It didn't bother Lana Fulmine at all. It was just one more enemy dead. One more bitch who deserved it.

Lana Fulmine rose to her feet. She had to get back to the fight.

*  \ * /  *

An icy fury howled in Crystal at her Garnet's death.

She scanned the sky then grinned as three thunderbirds dove at the sky at her motley force. She grinned and pointed, an ice crystal forming in her hand. The lightning monster girls flapped their wings of crackling energy.

“KILL THOSE CUNTS!” howled Crystal.

She and her three yuki-onna raised their arms and flung their icicles into the sky at the diving thunderbirds. All four attacks struck the lead one, ripping through her electric flesh. He body sputtered. Current zapped out from her. Then she vanished into motes that drifted down. The other two dived through it.

Lightning bolts shot down from the monster girls and slammed into Belyy and Dychannie. The yuki-onna and basilisk screamed in pain as they blasts flung them back. They hit the ground, smoking, and vanished.

“NO!” roared Crystal, the icy fury crystallizing in her hand. She flung an icy dagger at the belly of one thunderbird as she banked over their forces.

As she did, the salamanders breathed fire up into the air. Their flames engulfed both of the thunderbirds while Crystal's dagger took one in the eye. The thunderbirds' screams made Crystal smile as they vanished.

“Fucking bitches,” Crystal shouted. “Come on!”

*  \ * /  *

Terra gained her feet. She had lost her left hand. Her right fist had hardened into the shape of a hammer. There was no changing it now. In terrible agony, dying from the fire, Terra threw herself at the firewhirl before her.

The flames spluttered in shock. The fire gathered, but she slammed her hammer-fist down into the flames. The fire engulfed her arm, turning the entire limb into porcelain. Her blow struck the monster girl inside the fire.

The flames burst around the monster girl, rolling over Terra, hardening more patches of her body. Her hammer-fist shattered from the impact. The flames cleared as a monster girl with dark-red skin hit the ground at Terra's feet. Her black hair waved about the enemy face, her big breasts heaving.

Terra lifted her right foot and turned into into a crushing weight with the remaining clay she had that was still moldable. She slammed her foot down on the woman's head. The enemy's scream cut off with a bone-breaking crunch. Terra crushed the woman's skull.

“Why are you so weak?” Terra panted, pain tearing through her body.

The enemy monster girl vanished.

The pain overwhelmed the golem. She sank down on her rump, shuddering. If she could cry, she would be weeping. A monster girl screeched in the air. Terra looked up and stared at a hippogriff diving to finish her off.

There wasn't anything the golem could do. I beat that fire bitch. Least I did that.

*  \ * /  *

Ms. Trueno screamed.

Her thunderous cry warped the air and struck the hippogriff diving at Terra. The sonic attack sent the flier spinning through the air in a shower of teal feathers. She crashed into the roof to the right of Terra sitting in obvious pain.

She had no arms. Parts of gray body had hardened into near-white porcelain. Such pity burned in Ms. Trueno. The poor thing was in agony. But she was still alive. That was important. She hadn't died like so many others had.

“Get to Leo!” Ms. Trueno cried. “Terra, he can heal you.”

The golem glanced at her, pain twisting her face. She nodded, the fine wires of her brassy hair swayed. She heaved herself up and staggered on her feet. Ms. Trueno bit her lower lip, her scaled body trembling with such concern for her.

“Ms. Trueno!” screamed Vielmi.

The basilisk struck Ms. Trueno, driving her to the ground. Fire burst behind the thunder sprite. She hit the ground, the basilisk screaming in pain. The scent of burned flesh filled Ms. Trueno's nose. Anger filled the teacher as Vielmi vanished.

The thunder sprite rolled onto of her back. She stared at the phoenix about to swoop over the roof. Fury exploded from the teacher. A screech of rage that slammed into the phoenix, ripping off red wing feathers and pummeling the monster girl. Wings snapped from the impact. The monster girl screamed and hit the roof on the edge. Bounced.

Fell off the side, screaming to her death. It cut off with a crunch a few heartbeats later.

Mrs. Trueno panted. She pushed herself up, her big, coppery breasts rising and falling. She felt dizzy for a moment. Vielmi was such an amazing monster girl. Ms. Trueno had never had someone sacrifice themselves for her.

She didn't know how to process it.

A screech drew her attention. Diving at her was a thunderbird with fierce eyes. Ms. Trueno saw her death hurtling at her. She drew in a breath to scream, but there wouldn't be time before those razor-sharp feathers slammed into her.

Morana appeared on the edge of Ms. Trueno's vision.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Morana flowed onto the roof, her black mist spilling behind her like a cape. The bright sunlight made her wince as she gazed up at the sky. And spotted a diving threat. Ms. Trueno looked dazed, not paying attention to the threats in the air.

Morana rushed up as she prepared her scream. She didn't breath. Not like Ms. Trueno. And the banshee's screams were different. They weren't a physical rolling of the air. They were a cry of death. A spirit wail that ripped the soul from the body.

Morana wailed.

The descending hippogriff didn't have feathers ripped from her body. She didn't get spun in the air by the banshee's cry. She just went limp, falling for a few heartbeats, then vanished before she ever hit the ground.

“Morana,” gasped Ms. Trueno. “You saved me.”

“I did,” I said. “When one is returned from death, Ms. Trueno, you have a choice. To give into the rage and anger, to become a monster tearing into the living out of vengeance that they still draw breath. Or you can become a dark savior. An undead hero that strikes from the shadows. A savior of the living so they do not join you in the curse of undeath.”

“Morana, you never died,” the teacher said. “Leo just summoned you to this world. You were alive and well before I was brought here.”

“It's a choice, Ms. Trueno,” Morana continued. “To be a dark lady who protects or who destroys.” She thrust her arm into the sky. “Only three left!”

Two thunderbirds and a phoenix flew through the sky.

“Only three!” Morana cried, her black mist flowing thicker down her back.

*  \ * /  *

Crystal and her surviving yuki-onna make it onto one of the roof. She scanned the skies and saw there were only three monster girls still airborne. A smile spread on her lips. They were winning. Sulanga Stormfury and counterattacked.

And we are kicking fucking ass!

“That one!” Crystal shouted, pointing to the nearest thunderbird.

She and her yuki-onna summoned their icy daggers and hurtled their missiles at the three fliers circling above the roof Ms. Trueno and Morana stood upon. Their attacks hit the nearest. The thunderbird. She didn't have a chance. Didn't even know that a new group had entered the fight.

The thunderbird vanished.

“Next one!” cried Crystal, forming her weapon.

The two remaining monster girls banked and soared at Crystal's group. The phoenix's red wings spread wide, the thunderbird beating her lightning wings. Crystal formed her dagger, her eyes staring at the enemy.

“I have the phoenix!” she cried. “Take down the thunderbird! On my order!”

A ball of fire burst from the phoenix and hurtled at Crystal. Just like she wanted. The fire would melt her icy attack. The phoenix flew forward so when Crystal shouted her order and threw her dagger, her blade flashed over the fireball.

Crystal dove to the right, her two yuki-onna throwing their attacks at the thunderbird. The ice sprite hit the ground and rolled. The flames burst where she had stood. The heat washed over her body, striking her and melting a patch.

She cursed against the pain and came to hear lightning crackle.

The phoenix and thunderbird both were hit with the attacks, Crystal's attack missed the phoenix as the monster girl banked to the right and soared to safety. The thunderbird wasn't so lucky. Two daggers struck her in her crackling belly. She fired off a blast of lightning moments before she died.

And struck Sukkub with it. The yuki-onna flew back in a burst of sparks. She screamed and hit the ground, her belly smoking. Her icy flesh melted then she vanished. Crystal spat her fury as she gained her feet.

“Fucking bitch!” Crystal snarled at the phoenix swooping over another roar.

Then Crystal smiled.

*  \ * /  *

Mrs. Zoe Maia gained the roof with her two basilisks.

“Okay, let's see if we can't get the fliers,” the motherly dryad cried.

“Behind you!” shouted Piaro.

Mrs. Maia turned around and gasped to see a phoenix streaking at their roof, fleeing from the one Crystal stood upon. Fire burst from the phoenix, hurtling right for the dryad. She dove to the side, big breasts heaving.

She hit the ground and rolled. The flames burst where she had stood, the heat washing over her woody body. She didn't catch alight. The two basilisks, Piaro and Mastab, both breathed their petrifying breath into the air.

The phoenix flew right into the gas. Her body hardened. She burst out of it, red wings turning into stone. She screamed then hit the roof in a burst of fragments. She tumbled across it then vanished into motes.

Mrs. Maia stood up and looked around, joy bursting through her.

*  \ * /  *

Leo, honey, the skies are clear of the enemy monster girls,” Mrs. Maia reported in my thoughts. “How goes the halfling evacuation.”

Relief burned through me that we had cleared out the fliers. A lot of my surviving monster girls had died. There were so few left. I glanced at the queue of halflings stepping onto the magic circle, Kassie moving around them.


White light engulfed the next group. They vanished.

We need more time,” Leo answered.

We'll try,” Lana Fulmine answered. “The werewolves along with Sulanga riding on that lightning wolf are here.”

Just hold,” I told them as more halflings filled the circle. “You all are amazing. Just hold them at bay for a little bit longer. I love you all.”

*  \ * /  *

Lana Fulmine soared over the city. The last one in the air. She watched the werewolves charging towards the city, Sulanga riding on the huge wolf made of lightning, the treant behind him. Twelve more monster girls and a dungeon builder to fight.

Everyone, get to down to the gate!” Lana cried. “Hurry, they're rushing for it. I don't think it will hold them off for long!”

*  \ * /  *

Crystal and Snezhinka, the last of the yuki-onna, rushed down the stairs followed by the three salamanders. Engana, Malvada, and Horca would be so useful in the fight. They burst out on the street. In the house across from them, Mrs. Mai appeared.

The dryad had Piaro and Mastab with her, the two salamanders pink hair fluttering behind them as they ran for the gate. From another building, Ms. Trueno and Morana darted out onto the street. The teacher's coppery scales flashed while a cloak of mist billowed from the goth banshee.

With Lana Fulmine in the air, that was all they had to fight off the next attack.

Thirteen on eleven. It was not great odds.

“We just have to hold them off,” Crystal said. “Mrs. Maia, let's set up an ambush here at the gate. Try to kill as many of them when they burst through!”

“Right!” Mrs. Maia said. “Okay, I want...”

*  \ * /  *

Morana stood on the right side of the gate, ready to unleash her deathly wail. Black mist spilled down her back. She could feel the dark power in her. She was the Dark Lord's banshee, here to smite his enemies and destroy them utterly.

Ms. Trueno was on the other side of the gate, ready to shriek. Their cries of vengeance and fury would rip into the enemy. As they did that, the basilisks and salamanders would breath fire and petrification. Mrs. Maia would send out her roots as Crystal and Snezhinka would throw their icy daggers. From the air, Lana Fulmine would fire lightning.

They were ready.

The howl of the werewolves grew louder and louder. Morana stood stalk steal. She was Dark Lord Leo's vengeance. She was an extension of his will. He fought for the halflings of this city. She would aid him in any way.

She would see they were all saved.

Here they come!” Lana Fulmine cried in Morana's mind.

This will be our finest moment, thought Morana. “For the Dark Lord!”

“LORD LEO!” the others cried.

*  \ * /  *

Sulanga Stormfury grinned as they city gates loomed closer. He had lost many of his monster girls again. Down to twelve. But he was here. He knew this upstart Leo's forces. Understood how they had attacked the city.

Leo had brought his dungeon here. The man was vulnerable. He was evacuating those halflings. It would take days for him to get them through his dungeon and out to his home base on the other side of the mountain. Until then, he couldn't change his layout. Couldn't re-summon the monster girls he lost.

And though Sulanga had lost many today, so had Leo. The last of the phoenixes had reported numbers. Maybe a dozen left. Some of Leo's strongest, his personal companions, but Sulanga had Peda and Vilkas. They had failed him.

But they could earn a reprieve from the punishment by taking the city back.

If they could get Sulanga into the dungeon, he could crush Leo. Sulanga hungered for that. His foe had had glyphs Sulanga lacked. Death. Thunder. Ice. Light. Water. Metal. Earth. I will gain so much power. Have elven of the twelve glyphs.

Sulanga smiled and cast, “Life energizes and enervates, let the grace of Lady Ianna empower!”

Energy flooded Sulanga's body. Giving him more vitality. More endurance.

Incarnation of flames, let the passion of Lady Lamashtu embrace!”

His body burst into flames. They burned beneath his robes. He would cast every protective spell he had. He would not die here. This was the hour of his triumph.

Sulanga Stormfury would become a power that could stand against the most powerful dungeon builder there was. Fuegin.

Lightning crackle and hiss, gird me in the love of Lady Uttu!”

The static charge crackled around him. The city walls hurtled closer. A single monster girl with wings of lightning soared over the town watching his approach. She thought she owned the skies.

Gentle winds, let the support of Lady Tiamat billow!”

Sulanga Stormfury soared from the back of Vilkas. His robes fluttered as his werewolves reached the wall. He flew over it right for the lightning sprite. The woman spread her wings wide, her silvery body gleaming in the sunlight. Golden hair sparked with electricity.

Lightning exploded from her wings, hurtling right for him.

Lightning flashes, let the passion of Lady Uttu fly!” he roared.

Chapter Forty

Lana Fulmine fired her lightning at Sulanga Stormfury. The enemy dungeon builder soared up at her, using Wind magic to fly. His body burned with the Flamebody spell. He'll have Static Aura, too.

She already built her next attack when he vanished in a burst of electricity.

Her lightning blast swept through where he had been. Lana Fulmine gasped. Shock rippled through her. He had just vanished. She didn't understand how he could do that. Her head whipped around, searching the skies before her.

A gout of flame,” chanted behind her, “let the breath of Lord Gibil burn!

She barely had a chance to whirl around to see Sulanga floating behind her before the fire bursting from her engulfed her body. She screamed in agony as she blazed like a torch. Her skin cracked and peeled. Everything was orange.

Then the pain vanished.

“Shhh,” the motherly voice of Souleen hushed, hugging Lana Fulmine's soul as she floated in the void.

“How did he get behind me?” Lana wailed as sleep fell on her. The lullaby of rest the Soul of the Void Crystal hummed dragged down Lana into waiting sleep.

Would she wake up this time?

*  \ * /  *

Mrs. Zoe Maia stood ready at the gate. The howls of the werewolves were so loud. They were right outside, ready to break through the gates and rampage through the city. Her toes flexed, ready to grow into roots and seize the enemy.

Flames roared above. Lana Fulmine screamed.

Everyone looked up to see Sulanga Stormfury flying in the air above them, his flesh made of fire. He stared down at the monster girls. A dagger of ice shot up at him, thrown by Crystal. He dove for the ground, the attack flying over him.

He hurtled for them.

Mrs. Maia prepared her roots as he swooped out of his dive and landed with grace before her. His flaming gaze locked on the gates. The dryad sent her roots growing. She would not let this bastard anywhere near Leo.

They surged at him and struck an aura of static protection. Sparks crackled. Her roots sizzled. Pain shot through them. She stumbled back and hit the window. The other monster girls turned to attack him as he thrust out his hand at her.

Wind blows, let the might of Lord Anu slash!” he roared.

The wind slashed at her, the air compressed to white. The blade struck Mrs. Maia across the torso and slammed into the building behind her. She gasped as she fell to the ground in two pieces, the cut so clean, there wasn't even pain.

The world vanished from Mrs. Maia.

*  \ * /  *

“NOOOOO!” Crystal shouted and threw another dagger as her landlay's body split into two and fell to the ground.

The dagger hit the flaming body and melted.

Fire roared from the salamanders. Engana, Malvada, and Horca bathed the dungeon builder in their flames. He vanished beneath their fury while the basilisks rushed up to close the distance to petrify him. But is voice rose from the inferno, crying out with such power.

Howl and rage, let the winds of Lord Anu gust!”

From the fire, a mighty wind slammed forward and struck the basilisks. They were both flown back. Mastab struck Morana, blowing her over before she could shriek. She landed on her face, her mist spilling over her.

Crystal conjured ice dagger after ice dagger, throwing them at the flaming man. So did Snezhinka. Their attacks struck his fiery body. His flames spurted where they did. Hope flared in crystal. They were weakening is protection.

“Arrogant pissant!” she cried.

Lightning crackle and hiss, gird me in the love of Lady Uttu!” he roared. Static Aura crackled around him once more.

“Don't let up!” Crystal cried.

*  \ * /  *

Ms. Rosa Trueno drew in a breath and roared at Sulanga Stormfury.

He shriek slammed into his body. Static charge burst around him, but the force of her shout still threw him to his feet. He rolled. The teacher drew in another breath and rushed forward. They had him. Kill him, and this would be over.

Lightning arcs and sizzles, let the fury of Lord Enlil spread!” he roared.

A blast of lightning shot from Sulanga as he gained his feet. It slammed into Engana as she charged in, too, her sharp teeth dripping with hunger. The blast threw her back and arched from her into Malvada. Her wings fluttered as she screamed, flung to the ground. The spell arced a third time, slamming into Horca before she could throw herself at him.

She burst into motes. The spell then shot for Ms. Trueno.

The thunder sprite dove for the ground. It hissed over her and slammed into the gate behind her. The teacher gasped in shock. All three salamanders killed with a single spell and nearly herself. A more advance Lightning spell than Leo could cast.

The gates exploded behind her.

Werewolves howled. Lightning crackled.

Ms. Trueno pressed herself up to see the flood of the enemy pouring in. Their ambush ruined.

“Vilkas, take five werewolves and find the entrance to the dungeon,” growled Sulanga.

The treant hopped off the lightning wolf. She snarled and charged past Ms. Trueno. Five werewolves followed, rushing out into the dungeon. The others lunged and attacked at the monster girls knocked down by the wind.

Fear swept through Ms. Trueno as she rose to stand before Sulanga.

*  \ * /  *

“Terra,” Leo gasped.

The golem staggered to him, in so much pain. It hurt so much to walk, but she had had hurried here. She had to bet back in the fight. The enemy was at the gates. They would need her to fight. She reached him, his arms enfolding her.

“I have you,” Leo said. “I—”

Leo, Vilkas and five werewolves are searching for the dungeon!”Ms. Trueno shouted. “The gate's lost. Sulanga is too powerful for us to hold!”

Leo's face grimaced. Terra understood. Monster girls were drying.

Leo Graven wounds pulse in pain, let the healing of Lord Dumazid flow!” he chanted

His magic flowed into her. She gasped as the porcelain melted back into clay. Her arms began regrowing. She regained most of her left and all of her right from that spell. She shuddered, the pain vanished from her body.

“Thank you,” she groaned.

He nodded and cast it again.

He would need her at full fighting form. There were too many halflings. The fight would soon move into the dungeon. Their worst fears about to be realized.

Chapter Forty-One

Morana threw herself down an alley as a fireball from Sulanga exploded where she stood. She gained her feet only to see a werewolf charging at her. The gray-furred wolf snarled with hunger, fangs dripping with saliva.

Morana shrieked.

The werewolf hit the ground like a boneless fish. It rolled and vanished in a burst of motes. Morana panted. She had to ambush Sulanga. She looked around then darted away from the battle and rounded the building.

I'll hit him in the flank, she thought. They had to keep Sulanga out of Leo's dungeon. If the bastard entered the Dark Lord's domain, it would be over.

*  \ * /  *

Fire exploded by Morana while Crystal threw ice at the treant.

The woody monster girl, her crown of branches rustling overhead, dodged it. Then she swept out her arm. It grew into a whipping branch that hurtled at Crystal's head. She rolled beneath the attack, mist spilling off her icy body.

She came up to find a werewolf charging at her, howling with fury.

“Shit!” Crystal gasped as the wolf leaped.

Snezhinka threw a crystal dagger that struck the werewolf in the flank. The bitch snarled in pain then crashed into Crystal. As the werewolf tackled the ice sprite to the ground, she formed a dagger out of ice. Claws tore into her chest as Crystal hit the ground on her back.

She snarled in pain and buried her dagger in the werewolf's throat. Blood spurted. The wolfish monster girl howled in pain. Crystal cut through the tough hide. The werewolf snarled and snapped jaws down at Crystal's face.

But the fangs vanished into motes before they ripped into her flesh. The ice sprite heaved out a sigh of relief. She forced herself up, her breasts heaving before her. Pain throbbed from the cuts, but she was still in the fight.

Sulanga's voice boomed with magic to her right.

He stared at her.


She dove down an alley. The lightning struck the wall by her. Sparks sizzled. Crystal shook her head. Snezhinka rushed after her, entering the alley. The yuki-onna glanced at her, question on her face.

They needed a plan. Crystal struggled to think of one. They had to get the drop on Sulanga. Kill him fast. His Flamebody spell would be an issue. Their ice attacks were not as effective. They would have to him hard. Coordinate with—

Wood creaked.

“Look out!” Snezhinka shouted and shoved Crystal back.

She stumbled as a whipping branch slammed down on the yuki-onna. The clubbing blow from the treant slammed Snezhinka down into the pavement, her head bashed in. The yuki-onna hit in a burst of mist that rippled from her icy body.

She vanished into motes.

The treant, a wicked smile on her woody face, sent her branch surging up for Crystal. The ice sprite conjured a frozen dagger and slammed it into the attacking limb. He blade shattered on the hard exterior.

The branch grabbed her throat, lifting Crystal from the ground had choking her.

Lightning flashed from Sulanga at Crystal, who dived for cover.

Ms. Trueno saw her opening to strike. She drew in a breath and rose from cover. She shouted at Sulanga. Her sonic attack rippled the air, hurtling at him. But he surged into the sky. Her attack slammed into the building behind him, bursting the stone wall and shattering the window.

“No!” the teacher cried as he rose higher and higher.

“Ms. Trueno!” gasped Mastab. She dragged Ms. Trueno back.

The two salamanders stepped before her as a werewolf leaped at them, fur bristling. Piaro and Mastab both breathed their poisonous gas, their pink hair spilling feathery over their blue-scaled backs. The werewolf's roar cut off.

Stone crunched then vanished as the petrified werewolf died.

“Thank you,” Ms. Trueno gasped to the basilisks.

Chanting from above drew her attention. A ball of fire hurtled down at them.


The three scaled monster girls raced across the street and jumped through the hole Ms. Trueno's shout had burst into the wall. The fire exploded in the street behind them. The teacher turned around, staring at the flames scorching where they stood.

“How do we kill him?” Mastab asked.

“I think we just have to distract him long enough for Leo to get the halflings out of the dungeon,” Ms. Trueno said. “Then we can regroup.”

Piaro nodded. “Then let's keep him busy, Ms. Trueno.”

*  \ * /  *

Halia Vobria gripped her blessed blade as she watched another group of halflings step into the circle. Kassie waved her hand, motioning them to get on it. The stress squeezed about Halia's heart. It was much worse being down here. She wanted to be up there.


Sulanga Stormfury was up to her. She had the blessed blade. She could be like her father. Slay one of the dangers to this world. Sulanga today, Fuegin tomorrow.

The alarm blared.

“Shit,” Lord Leo growled. “They're in the dungeon.”

Screams burst from the halflings coming from the north. A bestial snarl echoed down the tunnel. Halia charged down it as the halflings pushed into each other, a panic bursting through them as the werewolf barreled down the hallway for them.

“Move! Move!” she cried, battling against them, her sword hungry to fight the monster girl.

She had to defend the dungeon. They were so close to getting all the halfling out. Just a few more minutes. That was all they needed. She broke past the halflings and ran at the enemy monster girl. She was Anguin's daughter.

She would make her father proud.

Click here for the next part! 


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