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Chapter Twenty-Four

Terra was standing right next to Leo as the attack shouted through her mind. Every monster girl heard the cry. It set her off. Coiled like a spring, Terra broke into a sprint for the stairs that would lead upward. Leo had already penetrated into the building.

This is it, thought Terra. If she had a heart, it would be pounding right now.  “Let's go, orcs and werebears!”

The five werebears roared behind her and the five orcs shouted, “For Lord Leo!” as she took the stairs two at a time like she did on her jog every morning back in the real world. She always ran before going to her early shift at the Morning Drip.

The dungeon erupted into what looked to be a carpenter's shop. The stone flooring had been thrown to the side. A table knocked over and spilling woodworking tools across the floor. The scent of sawdust filled her nose.

She looked around and spotted a door. She charged it, her monster girls rushing right behind her. The werebears snarled as they turned into beasts. She leaned in and slammed through the door, her wiry copper hair flying behind her. Splinters exploded around her. She burst out into daylight onto a cobblestone street.

The halflings on the street screamed in alarm at the sight of her. Then the werebears and orcs flooded out. Terra looked around, getting her bearings and remembering her part of the plan. She formed her fists into hammers.

“Let's go!” she shouted. The ghosts reported the werewolves were concentrated in the northern part of town. Each of the monster girl types had their own section.

Like they were territorial or something.

More halflings shouted in fright at the sight of her. Many of them were injured, sporting bandages on their faces or moved with limps. Bruises, black eyes, and split lips abounded. Anger boiled through the barista. She would smite those damned werewolves.

She rounded a corner when a loud howl drifted through the streets.


The howl of a wolf. It was answered.

“Get ready!” Terra shouted, the orcs holding their golden swords and adorned in their shiny armor. The werebears blurred, their busty, female forms replaced by hulking bears that snarled their anger.


*  \ * /  *

Garnet burst outside of the building in the wake of the anti-werewolf team and the one her Ownerled. The succubus had a very important job. She flapped her scarlet wings hard and took to the air. Her black pigtails whipped behind her while her tail danced. She quickly rose above the street, the city laid out before her. The buildings were mostly two stories with some three here and there. The central building was taller.

The enemy fliers were in the distant, over the other quadrants of the city. She ignored them as she looked down at the ground. Terra vanished around the corner while her Owner, Ms. Trueno, and the arachne rushed south.

Garnet's gaze swept around the ground. The halflings that had seen the group burst out were hurdling down alleys, trembling in fear. She had to help them. She swooped down at one group. They gasped at the sight of her.

“I'm not going to hurt you!” she cried. “I serve Lord Leo! He's come to rescue you! Come on! We're evacuating the city! Let's go!”

The halflings quivered in shock. It hurt that they only seemed to be listening to her because they were afraid. But she pointed them toward the building, waving her hand to hurry them along. They headed the way at a fearful, half-crouched huddle, some helping the more wounded.

“Down the stairs the follow the tunnel!” she cried. “That'll lead you to Kassie. She's a mage from here. She's going to get you to safety! Hurry! Hurry!”

They vanished into the door, Garnet moving after the stragglers, waving her hands to urge them along. This was so important. She would make sure that every halfling was rescued. Their injuries made her so angry.

They vanished down the stairs. “Kassie, you have your first group coming. Oh, they're so hurt!”

Garnet flapped her wings high. The angry succubus took to the air to search for more halflings and get them out of the city. Shouts were echoing across it. The fight had begun. In the air now, she could see the battle for Sharithin had begun.

*  \ * /  *

I ran through the streets from the northern building with Ms. Trueno at my side. The five arachne scuttled behind us. Halflings in the streets saw us and shouted in fear. They ran from us. I didn't blame them. I might look human in my gray robe and silver breastplate, a crackling spear in my hand, but Ms. Trueno was a lizard-woman covered in coppery scales, and the arachne...

Well, they were spider-girls scuttling on eight legs.

“Get the carpenter shop!” I shouted at any halflings we passed. I pointed back at them as I rushed down the street, boots slapping on the cobblestone. “The carpenter shop!”

“Hurry, hurry!” cried Ms. Trueno. “You need to get out of the city. The carpenter shop!”

“Yes, yes,” Damhanalla shouted, her voice quavering. “Just don't melt me with your eyes!”

But the halflings were not listening to us. They were scared of us. They scurried out of the way. I had feared that we would panic them. But we had no choice. We had to start the fight. I knew it was underway. I just hoped it would go well.

My women were amazing, but these monster girls were stronger.

I kept running for the central building and the companions that waited inside.

*  \ * /  *

Nina Naughty burst out of the smithy on the west side of city and flared her devilish wings wide. She took to the sky, forming a flaming pitchfork. The ghosts rose ethereal into the air after the devil. Their naked, translucent bodies were almost impossible to see.

Maya charged out of the building with the unicorns. The watery undine and the unicorns spread out, rushing to the frightened halflings. Many of them were hurt. Anger swelled in the porn star at how these poor, abused halflings were treated.

There were bodies in allies. Lying where they had been killed. Many of them had burn marks like they had been struck by lightning. Nina Naughty's tail swished behind her as she climbed over the city and gained her bearings.

The thunderbirds patrolled this part of the town. They were made entirely out of lightning. They were women with wings for arms and bird talons on their feet. They saw us and cawed like angry crows. They flapped their wings, winging towards Nina and the ghosts.

Well, just to me, Nina realized. They must think I'm all alone up here.

Nina grinned, eager to heart these bitches. She raised her arm and threw a flaming pitchfork at the first one of the. The thunderbird banked to dodge it with ease while fire burst in the devil's hand. A new weapon appeared.

The five thunderbirds all exploded with lightning. The bolts hurtled at Nina Naughty, crackling with fury.

*  \ * /  *

Maya nodded to Hagane and followed Nina out of the dungeon and into a smithy. The unicorn horns clopped behind her as she rushed through the shop, dodging an anvil. She reached the streets. The halflings were screaming in fear.

They were recoiling as Nina Naughty took to the air.

“Be gentle!” Maya cried, the undine rushing towards a group of halflings, her unicorns fanning out to help.

She rushed up to a group of halfling mothers grabbing their children. The undine put a big smile on her face as she moved towards them, her arms spread wide open. They stared at her with such fear as she stood taller than all of them

“It's okay,” Maya said. “Come with me. We're going to get you away from the thunderbirds and Sulanga Stormfury. Lord Leo is here to rescue you.”

One of them stared at her in shock.

“Go, to the smithy,” Maya said, pointing. “There are stairs, a room, and a tunnel. Follow it and you'll get to safety.”

The mothers nodded, maybe out of fear or hope. But they moved towards the smithy. Lightning crackled in the air above. Maya body rippled with dread. Was Nina and the ghosts all right? That wasn't her concern.

She spotted three young men with the group. “You, you, and you! Find everyone in the neighborhood and get them to the smithy. If they want to escape Sulanga's tyranny, then they need to evacuate right now!”

They gaped at the undine.

“Move!” she shouted. “Be heroes and save them!”

The three gasped and darted away, one crying, “Y-yes, Lady Undine!”

“We're here to help!” Rih shouted to another group. The unicorn's silvery tail swished behind her. Her big, black eyes were liquid and full of such gentle love. “Follow me!”

“Just this way!” Sriblo cried as she trotted out of an alley. She held a pair of halfling children. “We're your friends! Follow me!”

“Come with us!” Kin cried to another group, beckoning the out of a building.

Maya rushed down the street to another house. She threw open the door and found a group of ten halflings huddled inside. They stared at her in fear, a man shielding a woman and a child. Maya smiled at them.

“This way!” she said. “Kassie the Mage went to Lord Leo and begged him for help. Now she's going to take you to safety! Let's go!”

“Lord Leo?” the halfling shielding his family said. “The dwarves... They spoke of him.”

“And he's here to help!” Maya smiled at them all. “Let's go. We're getting you out of here!”

The halflings rushed towards the door. Such joy washed through Maya. More lightning crackled in the sky. The fight was on, but so was the evacuation. They would get the survivors to safety. She motioned them down the street towards the smithy where other small groups were running, escorted by the unicorns.

Maya smiled. It's working. It's really working!

Chapter Twenty-Five

Mrs. Bella Lucina raced up the stairs on the east side of town. It had burst out into a store of some kind. The shelves were almost all bare, one knocked over by the dungeon erupting through the floor. A bag of flour lay burst in the corner.

“Let's move!” Mrs. Lucina cried, the angel eager to get in the air and fight. Mrs. Maia was already heading out into the street with her basilisks to evacuate the halflings. Poor Morana had to stay behind, but she would be needed if things went badly.

The moment the angel was outside, her halo flashing bright, she lapped her white wings. She took to the sky. She rose, her heart pounding so fast. She was so ready for this fight. She would not let Leo down. Nor the halflings of this city.

The sphinxes followed me up into the air, Talalo at their lead. They beat their black wings, their dark-red manes fluttering. The group rose above the city. Mrs. Lucina surveyed the, searching for the fiery phoenixes that controlled this part of the city.

They were circling farther to the south. A group of five pale-skinned women. They had round breasts that jiggled as they banked towards us. Each of them had red-feathered wings instead of arms and matching plumage. They screeched in rage as they banked over and soared towards the angel and her sphinxes.

“Get ready, girls,” Mrs. Lucina cried as they winged to fight the phoenixes. Her halo glowed bright.

A beam of light fired from her halo and lanced at the lead phoenix. She flapped her wings hard, rising just above it. The beam flashed beneath her tits. The phoenix all roared in fury. The two groups hurtled closer.

This is going to be bad, the angel thought, fear rippling through her.

*  \ * /  *

“It's okay,” Mrs. Zoe Maia said as she moved to the frightened halflings. The motherly dryad had such a welcoming look on her brown face. Her leafy-green hair rustled about her shoulders. “We're here to help you.”

The halflings retreated from her the way a whipped dog would from the raised fist of an owner. They expected her to hit them. A child wept, such a little thing. The mother in Mrs. Maia was so angry that they would be so frightened by what was happening.

She bent down and scooped up the child. She lifted him easily in her arms. “It's going to be okay. Let's go. This way to safety!”

The blue-scaled basilisks were moving through the streets, trying to be friendly. Not the best monster girls for this, but they were corralling the halflings out of fear, if nothing else. All that mattered was the evacuation.

“Follow me,” the dryad said to the group as she held the child. “We're getting you all to safety.  Lord Leo sent me to save you.”

“Lord Leo?” a halfling woman said, a baby in her arms. “He sent you?”

“That's right,” Mrs. Maia said and hurried to the dry goods store. “Let's get you all to safety. How does that sound?”

She handed the child to another halfling woman. She ushered them to the shop, looking up in the air. She sighed as she watched the sphinxes and Mrs. Lucina close with the phoenixes. The fight was about to start.

The dying.

“Let's keep moving,” Mrs. Maia said, keeping her tone light and breezy. Like there was no danger to them at all.

*  \ * /  *

Lana Fulmine never thought she would be racing up stairs to go into battle against hippogriff monster girls. That she would be given such responsibilities as to deal with marauders. If she didn't win the fight, the halflings would be in trouble.

So many lives were on her shoulders. She wasn't that broken, coked out movie starlet any longer. She was someone better than her old self. Stronger. More resilient. Her number one fan believed in her. She would not fail Leo.

The quetzalcoatls slitheredup the stairs behind her, moving on their green snake tails, their rainbow wings folded behind them. Lana stepped into a cobbler's shop. The smell of leather filled her nose. Rich and strong.

She ignored it and found the door. She threw it open. A halfling shouted in alarm, dropping what they held. She spread her wings. The lightning crackled between them. She flapped them hard and leaped into the sky.

“Let's go!” Vaivory hissed behind her.

The rainbow-winged quetzalcoatls followed Lana Fulmine into the sky. She felt like Jane Dangerous in truth. She was going into danger against the deadly hippogriffs. She glanced down to see Crystal and the yuki-onna coming out next. They would be gaining a roof to help with the fight. Then came the Halia, Usiku, and the salamanders. They rushed north to join Lana's number one fan.

She had to push her worry for him out of her mind. The hippogriffs had seen her.

She flapped hard, rushing towards those monster girls. They had turquoise-hued wings thrusting from their backs, their bodies tan and lovely. Their fingers end at bird-like talons and they had horse hooves instead of feet, a turquoise tail swishing behind them.

They screeched like pissed off eagles.

“Let's go, girls!” cried Vaivory. “Big Sis Lana is leading us to glory!”

“BIG SIS!” the other four quetzalcoatls hissed.

Lightning crackled through Lana Fulmine's wings. A blast of lighting shot from her at the hippogriffs. At the same time, the five quetzalcoatls fired balls of electricity from their mouths. The attacks streaked out.

The battle had begun.

*  \ * /  *

Halia charged out of the cobbler shop on the heels of the yuki-onnas. She had her route in her head. Her humming blessed sword gripped in hand. She ran in her armor, Usiku at her side. The naked fomorian  formed a large sword of shadows that went well with her purple skin.

Halflings fled from them. Halia hated that they ran from her, but she couldn't blame them. She had her mission. Mrs. Maia or Maya would have to get those halflings to safety. She had to get to Lord Leo and assault the commanders. Drive out the most dangerous monster girls in the city.

Lightning crackled in sky overhead. She ignored those sounds, hoping the battle went well, and kept running. The salamanders were on her heels. The heat of them warmed her back. They were ready to fight. To burn.

“For Lord Leo!” she shouted as she ran.

“LORD LEO!” the five salamanders hissed behind her.

*  \ * /  *

“Let's get up on these buildings,” Crystal cried and threw herself at the side of one. The ice sprite used the wooden frames that made it to climb up the two stories and again the roof. She rolled over it and landed on her feet.

She looked around, getting her bearings. The yuki-onna were climbing up on the roofs, getting into position. The ice sprite nodded, eager for the fight. She looked around and spotted Lana Fulmine and the quetzalcoatls firing their lightning at the hippogriffs.

The hippogriffs dodged and banked, the blasts whizzing past them. Crystal grinned as she formed her ice dagger. She threw her first attack at the nearest hippogriff. The sparkling weapon flashed out to take off her head.

Crystal formed her next attack, eager to spill the enemy's blood and win the day for her dirty boy.

*  \ * /  *

Sulanga Stormfury's day was ruined quiet abruptly.

Lord Sulanga, monster girls serving Lord Leo have appeared across Sharithin,” Vilkas reported. She as his raiju, his unique lightning companion and one of the two he'd left to guard the city.

Sulanga brow furrowed in shock at that. Then his monster girls started dying.

Anger burned in him. Leo Baldwin would pay for attacking Sulanga Stormfury's territory. He clenched his fist then began giving orders.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Terra raised her hammer fists as the werewolves charged down the street. There were only five of them. They were not as big as the werebears. She had the werebears and the orcs on her side. The werebears were four times as size as the gray wolves rushing down the street, slathering with hunger. The orcs had their armor and swords.

We got this, Terra thought.

The werewolves attacked.

Terra slammed her clay fist into the head of the lead werewolf. The blow threw the beast to the ground. The werewolf rolled and kicked, snarling with fury. Golden eyes shone with such rage as the monster girl gained her feet.

She lunged at Terra faster than the golem could react.

The werewolf slammed into the golem's chest, the blow knocking her back. Big, clay-gray tits heaved as Terra stumbled for footing. Jaws bit at her clay flesh. She slammed her hammering fist down to knock the beast off her.

Around her, the fight raged.

A werewolf slammed into Garjan and ripped the werebear's throat out in a single, vicious jerk. Garjan fell back, much larger monster girl on her back, legs thrashing as she spilled her blood on the street. A crimson pool spread fast.

On the other side of Terra, a werewolf ducked Orka's sword stroke. The golden blade flashed in a wide arc. The wolf bit through Orka's armor. The blessed armor crumbled. The werewolf's powerful jaws ripped into the orc's belly an tore out her guts.

“Bitch!” screamed Orka as she staggered back, the werewolf gobbling down her entrails.

Terra slammed her fist down on the werewolf savaging her guts. The beast tore out a chunk of the golem's stomach. The clay of her body flowed to it, her breasts shrinking as the damage repaired. Then the werewolf clamped jaws on Terra's leg, savaging it.

“Fuck!” Terra screamed and pummeled the beast.

It was so strong.

*  \ * /  *

Mrs. Lucina fired another blast of light from her halo as she closed with the phoenixes. They responded with fire.

The sphinxes bellowed with such force the sky shook. Fire and thunder rushed past each other. Mrs. Lucina flapped her angelic wings, rising above a ball of fire. The heat seared down her body, her skin feeling tender.

She shouted her defiance at the phoenix and fired another blast of light from her halo. It struck a phoenix in the chest. Light burst from the monster girl. Her wings flared wide as she screamed. The enemy monster girl burst into fire as she died.

Mrs. Lucina flapped hard, rising above the battle.

Sphinxes roared. Their sonic attacks slammed into balls of fire, detonating the flames early. Heat rippled through the sky, buffeting the angel's wings. She gasped, fighting to keep in the air. A burst of flame seared her leg.

Pain screamed through the angel.

“Keep fighting!” she cried.

A ball of fire struck Igazsa. The sphinx burst into flames and died, her body vanishing. Mrs. Lucina winced and gathered another beam of light. She fired it down at the battle, missing a phoenix who banked around.

Only to be hit by two sonic attacks. They ripped off one of her wings. The enemy monster girl plunged for the ground and slammed into a building, dying in a burst of flames.

“That's it!” Mrs. Lucina cried. “Keep fighting!”

Fire roared beneath her. From below, a ball of flames shot up at her.

*  \ * /  *

Nina Naughty dodged the lightning bolts that hurtled at her.

They were so many of them. The porn star had no time to throw her flaming pitchforks. The devil's heart pounded as she dodged, banked, and swooped. The thunderbirds were all focused on her, screeching their fury.

The devilish porn star soared through the skies alive with electricity. She beat her wings hard, rising above another blast. Then she twisted a third shot past her, the current tingling her skin. She laughed her defiance.

“You can't take down a porn star legend that fucking easy, bitches!” she howled.

Elation surged through her because the five thunderbirds didn't see their danger. The ghosts pounced. All five of them grabbed a thunderbird and let their spectral touches drain the lives from the monster girls.

“That's right, cunts!” Nina Naughty howled as the ghosts hugged the thunderbirds, sucking away all their life. “Death's come for you little posers!”

Electricity crackled across all the thunderbirds.

*  \ * /  *

A volley of turquoise feathers flew from the hippogriffs at Lana Fulmine and her quetzalcoatls. The movie starlet banked to the right, the razor-sharp missiles hissing past her. But two of her quetzalcoatlswere not so lucky.

Iaidas and Skale were ripped apart by the feathers. They screeched in pain as they died. At the same time, from the rooftop below, a shard of Crystal's ice struck a hippogriff in the throat. Blood spurted. The monster girl clawed at it as she lost control and crashed into a rooftop, vanishing.

Avenging the two killed.

Lana Fulmine knew they could do this even with losing two of her quetzalcoatls.

From the rooftops, more shards of ice flew up as the yuki-onnas joined the fight. The four remaining hippogriffs screeched in shock, banking to avoid the volley. Paanee spat a ball of acid that flew into the midst of the enemy.

Chaos rained in the skies. Lana Fulmine ducked low as another flight of razor-sharp feathers hissed at her from a hippogriff. The lightning sprite flapped her wings hard as she flew beneath the engagement. She flared to bank around.

A hippogriff tackled her from behind. Bird talons ripped into her back. The lightning sprite snarled at the pain coursing through her. The monster girl tore at the movie starlet's flesh. Her wings crackled with electricity.

A burst of lightning struck the hippogriff on her back, killing the monster girl. The weight vanished. Lana groaned, her back torn up. She flapped her wings, wincing at the pain. The fight was far from over.

It had just begun.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

“This way!” Mrs. Maia cried, rushing a group of halflings along. “Safety is this way. Let's go!”

The skies were alive with shouts. Panic echoed through the city. The dryad had to focus on getting her next group of charges to the store. She was waving her hand, begging them to move faster. The halflings scurried through the streets, wincing at every noise.

“We're here to help you,” Vielmi, one of the basilisks, said to her group that was coming out of an alley. “Just be calm. There you are. See, nothing to be frightened of.”

They hurried down to the main street before the dry goods store where Piaro was leading another group. She actually was holding a halfling child in her hands, the girl's face buried in the basilisk's pink, feathery hair.

“I know we're scary,” Piaro was saying, “but we're your friends. We're not like the wicked monster girls who serve Sulanga Stormfury!”

Piaro set the child down at the entrance to the shop, motioning for the halflings to go inside. Mrs. Maia an Vielmi led their group towards Piaro while in the sky, fire burned. The crackle of flames was growing louder and louder mixed with thunderous roars, lionesses bellowing their fury.

I hope the battle is going well up there, Mrs. Maia thought. But she had more halflings to save.

*  \ * /  *

Maya thought the evacuation was going great.

The halflings were flowing towards the smithy as the unicorns darted down the streets to find more refugees. The young halfling males Maya had recruited were fanning out and going from house to house, making sure people were getting evacuated.

A crying child caught Maya's attention. There, by a stack of crates, a little halfling boy was sobbing. Maya gasped and rushed over to him, her watery form jiggling. She bent down before him, giving him a smile.

He looked up at her. Then lightning flashed above, crackling with hungry thunder.

The boy buried his face into his hands.

“It's okay,” Maya said, scooping up the little boy. She held him tight to her, realizing that as a monster girl there was one thing she would never have with Leo: his child.

I hope the me in the other would gets that with him, Maya prayed.

She spotted a group of halflings running down the street, led by Chystota. The unicorn trotted before them, her white tail flashing behind her and golden horn gleaming in the sunlight. Maya thrust the child at one of the men.

“You get him to safety,” she told the halfling.

“Yes, Lady Monster Girl!” the male said, holding the child in strong arms. “Come on, poppin, we'll get you to safety.”

Maya nodded. Then she turned and ran down the street. She had more halflings to save.

*  \ * /  *

Kassie smiled as the refugees began rushing down the tunnel. She waves to them, beckoning them as they come from the north. Then more are running in from the east and west. Tears almost spilled down her cheeks.

You really are saving my people, Kassie thought, joy bursting in her.

“Kassie!” gasped a halfling male named Zhane. “It's you. Kassie!”

“It's me!” the mage said, a big smile on her face. “Come on the circle. Everyone, step onto the circle. We have to get you all to safety. The Village of Astovin is taking you in. You're under Lord Leo's protection now.”

“Bless him,” a wounded woman carrying two children said, tears spilling down her cheeks.

Zhane helped get the first group on there. More than thirty were crowded on it. Kassie took in a deep breath. “Feya, first group is incoming!”

Ready!” Feya answered.


She spoke the activation command. The light flared and they were gone. Just like that. Kassie sighed inrelief. The first of her people were saved. That was amazing. She was so relived that she had rescued some of them.

Then she heard more cries. More halflings were rushing down the tunnel. Hurt and hale. Men and women. Children and the elderly. Such joy beat in Kassie's heart. Lord Leo was everything she had hoped he would be.

*  \ * /  *

Fauraliiithiliana stood with Feya in the dungeon beneath Astovin. The magical circle glowed bright then there were thirty halfling refugees standing there nervous. The fairy fluttered her purple wings and rushed over to them.

“Welcome to Astovin,” she said. “I'm Feya. Just go up those stairs. The humans of Astovin are ready to help you with any injuries. Please, please, we have to get you out of here. Up the stairs.”

The stunned halflings stumbled along. Fauraliiithiliana nodded her approval, so glad to see these halflings heading to safety. Lord Leo was such a great mane. Such a noble hero. He would see that all these people were rescued.

Fauraliiithiliana was thrilled to be a member of Lord Leo's harem. She nodded to the halflings as they went by, smiling at them.

“You can send the next wave whenever you're ready, Kassie,” Feya reported through the link.

*  \ * /  *

Crystal was thrilled when the hippogriff died. The ice sprite wanted to kill them all. Already two of the quetzalcoatls were dead. That was not acceptable to Crystal. She wanted everyone to survive. For all these bitches to die.

Paanee and the yuki-onna were doing their part. They were firing off ice shards and spitting blobs of acid. Crystal threw another shard of frozen water. It flashed through the air, as sharp as broken glass, but missed her target.

It was chaos in the skies. Lana killed one on her back and one of the quetzalcoatl's lightning ball took another hippogriff in the side. The monster girl shrieked and spun through the air, smoking but not dead. Crystal tracked the enemy and threw her shard of ice.

It struck the wounded hippogriff in the side. The monster girl vanished as she tumbled for the ground, leaving only her blood to rain down on the street below. A big grin spread on Crystal's lips.

“Got you, bitch,” she hissed in delight.

Things were going great here. She formed her next attack and sought her target.

*  \ * /  *

I ran as fast as I could downthe street, Ms. Trueno at my side. She ran fast, the halflings scattering out of our way. There were less and less of them the closer that we got to the center. I could see our target building.

I glanced back to see the arachne were scuttling along the sides of buildings at times, running just as fast on the sides as they were on the ground. Their boobs bounced in strange ways as they seemed to defy gravity with their clawed feet.

My monster girls died.

I could feel the winking out as the battle rage. A werebear. An orc. A sphinx. Then two quetzalcoatls died. And more would come. I could feel who they were. Garjan, Orka, Igazsa, Iaidas, and Skale were all gone. Slain by the enemy. This was turning into a nightmare. I was so disgusted with it. My heart was hammering in my chest. I hated this so much.

I hoped the air battles were winnable. They had always concerned me. They were the places that I was most afraid that we would lose. I had far, far more ground monster girls, while this Sulanga Stormfury had all these air ones.

I just had to keep with the plan. Stay the course and hope we would pull out the win. What else could I do?

Then I staggered as five of my monster girls were killed at once.

*  \ * /  *

Nina Naughty watched as all of the thunderbirds burst with electricity, surging their power into the ghosts. The five ethereal forms, hardly visible in the daylight and the crackling of plasma, vanished at once.

Killed by the thunderbirds attack.

“Fuck me in the ass raw!” Nina Naughty gasped, the shock slapping her. That wasn't supposed to have happened. They were supposed to have drained them. The ghosts were supposed to be the sure thing.

The thunderbirds flapped their wings, shaking their heads. Their lightning didn't crackle as bright. They had been hurt by the ghosts and looked dazed by the attacks they had just suffered. They shook their heads from side to side.

Nina threw her pitchfork and struck one in the face. The thunderbird crackled and poofed out of existence, killed.

The other four recovered as Nina Naughty summoned her next pitchfork. Blasts of lightning rushed at her. She flapped her wings hard. The devil rose into the air as the four chased her. She threw her next pitchfork behind her as she did.

It slammed into the thunderbird's shoulder. She screeched in pain and spun out of control, winking out.

The other three hurtled their blasts of lightning at Nina Naughty. She banked to the right, the devil flapping hard. One bolt hissed by her. Another just flashed beneath her, tingling her nipples. The third struck her in the back. Pain exploded.

She gasped, sparks flashing around her. She spun through the air and crashed into the side of the building.

Souleen's arms wrapped around Nina Naughty. “Sleep,” the Soul of the Void Crystal whispered. “Sleep.”

Click here for the next part 


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