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Chapter One

I had so many plans, so many goals, so many things that I needed doing, so of course the world threw one more problem at me.

Things never remained calm when you were a dungeon builder. Called from my world to a fantasy world, given powers, the ability to recruit monster girls, and told to survive as everyone in this new lands wanted me dead.

Why? I was an interloper. A dungeon builder. I kept monster girls and siphoned off mana veins. Because for thousands of years, this world had been inflicted by invaders. Many of whom turned into tyrants. They conquered. Subdued. Butchered.

If they survived long enough. Adventurers abounded, full of righteous fury to slay us. They would break into our dungeons and disable our traps, fight our monster girls, and work deeper and deeper until they faced us at the end. The final boss. If they won, we were dead along with all who served us. Our Void Crystal, the nest of our power, would be destroyed. The Soul of the Void that we were charged with protecting would be lost.

And if it wasn't adventurers who got us, it was our fellow dungeon builders who were after our power. Our glyphs. There were twelve of them, and the easiest way to get them and get access to more monster girls and spells was to find another dungeon builder and raid their lands. To kill them.

It was how I had gotten the most of mine. But there were other ways. Those were the ways I wanted. I had two more glyphs to go, Thunder and Wind. I would love to never kill another dungeon builder—to never kill—but I knew that this world wouldn't give me the option.

But I was working to change that. I was working to be accepted.

I am Leo Baldwin, and I would change this world. I would make it so dungeon builders and the original races of humans, elves, dwarves, and halflings lived in harmony with my kind. This was the only way forward. The only choice I had to avoid becoming a tyrant like Fuegin.

I rubbed at my back. I was still exhausted from the stress of dealing with Anguin the Dark Saint, the reborn father of my paladin. A great hero twisted into a monster by the Lord and Lady of Darkness, two of the gods of this world. They had unleashed him on not just my dungeon, but the nearby village of Astovin.

Anguin's home village. He was considered a hero here.

And he had killed many. The damage was still being fixed. The dead needing to be buried.

I looked around Astovin. It was so poor by the standards I was used to. Wooden homes many with thatch roofs. Few roads that were paved with cobblestone. Most were hard-packed dirt. The women wore dresses with long sleeves and skirts. The men wore pants held up by suspenders and baggy shirts. No zippers. No tight fitting clothes. Simple stuff they had to make themselves.

They all smiled at me. They all bowed their heads to me. They weren't afraid of me.

“Good day, Lord Leo,” said a farmer, a big smile on his weathered face.

I nodded to him. I didn't know most of their names. But they served me. They had sworn themselves to me. I don't know if that had ever happened. They had feared me when I first arrived. Then tolerated me, treating me more as a conquering lord they were forced to serve despite my protests to the contrary.

But I had fought and bled for them several times. I defend them.

And if there was a new dungeon builder in the area, then they in trouble.

I didn't know how many dungeon builders there were in the world. How fast they arrived. When I appeared, there were two others in the area, all who seemed fairly new, like me. I had to kill them both. One attacked me and the other...

The other had kidnapped the girls from this village to breed them and make an army of his own sons. To get around the limitations of how many monster girls he could have. It was a sick plan, so vile that I had charged into his dungeon and gladly killed him.

“Good day, Lord Leo,” said a woman. She curtsied, a babe in a sling about her neck.

“Good day, ma'am,” I said, returning a polite nod of my head.

What did she think of that? Was I doing it right? I didn't know how to be a lord.

“You look awkward, big bro,” said Garnet. She was my little succubus and my roommate from the small college dorm run by Mrs. Maia. She licked to call me big bro as a nickname, often pretending to be my little sister. The second companion I had brought to this world. Like all my monster girls, she went around naked, wearing only a pair of black thigh-high boots I had given her. A petite girl with her black hair in pigtails, she had red, leathery wings and a thin tail caped by a spade-like tip. The classic demon-girl look, complete with horns peeking out of her hair. “You should be more regal.”

“Oh, I should?” I asked as she pranced along beside me. “Like you.”

“I am always regal!” she said, putting her hands on her hips. “Kweh, heh, heh, I am your cute and adorable succubus. By definition, I am always regal.”

“Even when your skipping around like a five-year-old girl?” I asked.

She puffed out her cheeks in annoyance. She had watched too much Anime. I think it had rotted her brain. But she was fun. “Don't pick on me, big bro. I won't suck your cock.”

“If I asked you to suck my cock right now, you would be on your knees blowing me,” I said.

My little succubus's wings fluttered. “Do you need me to suck your cock, Lord Leo? Show these village women how they have to serve you.”

“None of them have to suck my cock,” I said, my cheeks burning. “Just because they've sworn to me doesn't mean they have to be my lovers. I have enough monster girls for that.”

“Mmm, there's a few of them that want to suck your cock, big bro.” She gave me a sly look. “Like that girl Halia recruited for her adventurer party.”

Halia, my paladin and the first person from this world to serve me, had the idea of putting together my own adventurers squad. They would go out and attack the dungeons of those who were a threat. They would be extensions of my desire to foster cooperation with the people of this world and us dungeon builders.

If we could show that we weren't all power mad monsters, that would go a long way. The ones who were violent, who committed atrocities, had to be stopped. I understood how it happened. This world was hostile to us.

The stress of being attacked, the fear of nearly dying, and the necessity of having to take another life not only to protect you but your monster girls warped you. Back in my world, where I was a collegestudent, I had never thought I could hurt anyone. I had never been in a real fight. Never wielded a weapon.

I didn't think myself capable of killing.

I was so wrong. And the more you did it, the more the anger festered in you. The resentment that the Incarnation had summoned you to this world and begged you to protect her. But she didn't give us much to go on. We were plunged blind into this world.

Sink or swim.

“So, what are you going to do about this new dungeon builder?” asked Garnet as she pranced around me.

“Isn't that the question,” I muttered.

“I'm curious myself, Leo,” Maya said. My undine, and best friend, pressed off from the wall. She looked just like the Maya I had known all my life. My childhood friend. The girl next door. She had even gone to the same college as me. The freckled-faced brunette was now made entirely of rippling water. The various shades captured all her features, her hair just as curly.

Even her freckles.

She was naked now, her round breasts not just jiggling but rippling with small waves that washed over her liquid body. You could see through her, thought it was distorted. She was made entirely of water and yet she could feel things.

Magic at work.

She took my left arm leaned against me. I felt her warmth through my gray robe. I dressed like a wizard. It was my first instinct when I came here, and I didn't see the need to change it. I liked that she was here.

I liked that all my monster girls were here.

“I don't know,” I muttered. “I have a lot to do. I need to figure out how to protect this village. Just putting walls around it isn't enough.” That was one of the things I would do.

“Your golems are patrolling the outside,” pointed out Maya.

With a magic ritual, I had created three metal guardians that patrolled the outskirts. They were my first attempt to protect these people. And had been utterly useless when Anguin had appeared in the middle of the village and started killing them.

“It's not enough,” I said. “The golems don't think. They're just things. They'll stop any overt attackers, but that's not enough. This village needs guards.”

“How much magic did you get when you killed Anguin?” a woman asked from above.

I glanced up to see my first companion flying above us on wings made of crackling electricity. How Lana Fulmine flew was a mystery. The lightning of her body formed the wing bones, like a bat, but there was no skin between them. It should have been impossible for her to generate lift, but there she was flying anyways.

“A lot,” I admitted. “I'll need it to drive a tunnel all the way to Led's dungeon.”

Lana landed before me. She had silvery skin, round breasts, a gorgeous face. Golden hair arcing with electricity framed her lush features. She was the famous actress who had played Jane Dangerous, the adaption of the treasure-hunting video game character. I had loved those movies.

Lightning was my original glyph. The only one I didn't have to fight for.

“You really think we'll learn something from his dungeon, big bro?” asked Garnet. My little succubus took my right arm now, clinging to me like Maya did.

“He gained his Light glyph not by defeating another dungeon builder,” I said. Led was one of the twin brother dungeon builders who had attacked me. When I killed a dungeon builder and gained access to their glyphs, I also could take their companions. Led had Smerta, his first one, and Feya, his second. Smerta was Ice, his original glyph. Since Feya was the second, his Light Companion, he should either have claimed the dungeon builder he killed companion or rejected her.

If he rejected her, he would have access to make lesser monster girls in her image.

Monster girls came in two flavors in this world: the unique ones like Maya, Lana, and Garnet, and the lesser ones. They could be “mass produced.” I had eight wildhounds, for instance, and seven will o' wisps. Five orcs, three mermaids, and so on. They came in different levels of strength.

When I killed Jindag and gained the Water and Life glyphs from him, I gained access to two Level 1 monster girls: mermaids and oozes. Jindag didn't keep the companion of whatever Water dungeon builder he had killed. He had turned her into a lesser type. I had inherited that from him.

But when I killed Led, I only had access to making Choirs, the standard Level 1 Light monster girl.

“He found something,” I said. “And I am going into uncover it. If there is a way for me to gain my last two glyphs without killing a dungeon builder, I want to take it.”

“You can always tame another dragon,” noted Hagane.

The nerdy, Japanese girl was leaning against the wall like she was waiting for me. Hagane was my animated statue. Made entirely out of chrome metal. The petite girl was very shiny. The fine wires that made her hair gleamed as she pushed off the wall .She still had the frames of her glasses though no lenses.

“If I could find another dragon, I just might,” I said. I had done that. Tamed a fire dragon named Isatu.

“Yes, yes, yes, get a new dragon-puppy, big bro!” squealed Garnet. My little succubus bounced up and down, her wings flapping. “That's sounds so neat. A thunder dragon and a wind dragon would be awesome! Then you could be super dominating and have a flight of dragons and conquer the world.”

“Do you listen to the words that come out of your mouth?” Maya asked. “Leo doesn't want to conquer the world. The big perv wants to seduce it like the lecher he is.”

“I mean...” Garnet squirmed. “Conquer the world with love. That's what I meant. Love and dragons!”

“Never going to get to see that Thor movie,” I realized.

“I'm not in it, so would you be missing out?” asked Lana Fulmine. “Unless you like bony Natalie Portman.”

I scowled. “You're the movie star for me. I don't need another.”

“One movie star and one hot porn star.” Nina Naughty landed before me. She had crimson and big boobs that bounced. Her wings looked much like Garnet's. Black nipple stopped those voluptuous tits of hers and a wicked smile graced her lips. Horn peeked out of her black hair and her eyes glowed like coals.

My porn star was my devil. My fire companion. She was my favorite porn star. I jacked it to her all the time. And now she was here in my harem. And surprisingly knowledgeable about Sumeria, which was turning out to be key.

“How's the work going with Fara?” I asked Nina. She was the one that worked closely with my elven scholar. Feya had come to serve me to find out more about dungeon builders, specifically the first one whose dungeon lay beneath mine.

That was where I had found Isatu slumbering. The daughter of Meskalamdug and his own dragon-wife. We were trying to unravel what his purpose was. As the first, he seemed to be closer to the Incarnation who brought us. Maybe understood why we were here.

“She is working on all the math,” said Nina. “So boring.”

“Perhaps I should offer my assistance,” said Hagane.

“Living up to those Asian stereotypes, Hagane,” said Maya with a smile.

“That is what I love about being here,” Hagane said, though she lacked much emotion. “My parents are not driving me to study, study, study. I am free to live with my new family. But I can help her. It's fun solving problems.”

“Head back,” I said.

Led's dungeon was important. But I also had to redesign my dungeon. I had become predictable with the guardians in the first room. I used werebears and basilisks, a combination of brute force and petrifaction. But adventurers were using magic to protect them from the gas the basilisk breathed while also were ready to deal with the werebears in their bulky bear forms.

Another problem I had to figure out was finding more mana veins. Those were important to increase the level of magic and monster girls I could create. When I appeared here, my Void Crystal was centered on one. So long as they flowed into my dungeon, I had access to their flow of mana to refill what I expended. Right now, I had three. I wanted one more to gain access to Level 3 magic and monster girls. After that, I would need sixteen for the strongest levels of both.

I had spread my dungeon through Meskalamdug's old one and had only come up with one replacement. The ones that he had used must have dried out thousands of years ago or something. It was frustrating. There were dungeon builders out there who had Level 3 or even Level 4 powers.

I would be horribly mismatched against one of them.

Technically, I would already have Level 3 magic. I had found four, but I had to burn one to turn Isatu into a dragon. Normally, she was a monster girl. A sexy one with big boobs, scales, wings, cute horns. She looked to be Garnet's age, eighteen. Absolutely adorable. When I burned a mana vein, she turned into a huge dragon in the classic sense.

A beast the size of a house that could fly and breathe fire. She was a potent weapon. A last resort. Using her came at a cost.

“I'm heading back to the dungeon,” I said. “I need to redesign it. I think that's more important.”

“Then dealing with this new dungeon builder?” asked Lana Fulmine. “I'm worried about him.”

“We'll protect the town first,” I said. “If he's hostile, then let's make sure my followers are safe. After that, we can hunt down his dungeon and figure out what to do with him.”

“I don't like it,” Nina said as she walked ahead of me beside Lana Fulmine. We were heading to one of the four entrance to my dungeon that I had made in the village to spring our trap on Anguin. Like the walls around the town. From there, we had a long walk back to my dungeon. But at least it was flat and straight. It took not quite an hour. It used to be longer.

Hela,” I thought. I could communicate with my monster girls telepathically. “Take out all the wildhounds. There is a new dungeon north of Astovin. Find it.”

Will do!” Hela yipped. My wildhounds were my Level 1 Darkness monster girls. I had the most of them. They were good at scouting and exploring. I often used them for this mission.

My mind whirling with ideas, I headed down the stairs and stood back in my dungeon.

I was home.

Chapter Two

It took more than an hour to get back to my Vault where the Void Crystal was held. It was the deepest part of my dungeon, the most important spot. If anyone ever got to that black crystal sitting on the plinth, I was done for. All they had to do was break it.

The crystal hummed as it sucked in mana. Little currents of energy could just be seen flowing into the gem. Sitting on top was the dusky-skinned Soul of the Void. She smiled at me, a miniature, motherly woman I had doubled Souleen. She straightened her back.

“Hey, Souleen,” I said. “We got lots of work to do.”

“You've returned,” a motherly voice said behind me.

“And have you eaten?” as second motherly voice asked.

I turned and smiled. A dryad with rich, golden brown skin and leafy-green hair stood next to an equally busty an angel with wings of white and a halo of gold floating over her head. Both were motherly, mature women.

“I'm not hungry, Mrs. Maia,” I said to the dryad. I had brought my MILF landlady to this world as my Life companion. Her heavy breasts brimmed with breast milk that was always a treat to drink from. “I have a lot of work to do.”

“You work too hard, Leo,” Mrs. Lucina said. She was the MILF who lived up the street. She often gardened wearing tight shorts that would draw my eye to her glorious ass. I had no idea she did it on purpose, enjoying that a young man like me was looking at her. A harmless thrill. When I brought her here, I had summoned a version of her that wanted more than the thrill.

The part of her that had, at times, wondered what it would be like to take me to her bed. The real Mrs. Lucina never would cheat on her husband, never give into her desire, but this was a better version. Well, for me, anyways.

“That's life, right?” I asked my angel. “I have a dungeon to redesign.”

“Not going to consult Fara?” a third voice. “You're no good to us, dirty boy, if you fall over. Eat.”

To my shock, Crystal was carrying a bowl of steaming stew. My other college roommate was made entirely of glittering ice. Her blue skin was reflective, a faint shimmer of mist spilling off her. White hair spilled down around her features and caressed her shoulders, her large breasts jiggling. She had always been a cocktease, getting mad whenever I would stare at her prancing around in booty shorts and tight tops that molded to her braless tits.

In this world, she liked to pretend she dominated me. Sometimes, I would go along with it. Other times, I would remind her that she was really my slut.

“Eat, dirty boy,” she said, shoving the bowl into my hand. My ice sprite had a wicked gleam in her eyes. “You need to keep your strength up. You have an army of horny monster girls who love your cock.”

That was the truth. I had ten glyphs now. Besides my companions, I had five I had taken from other monster builders, plus dozens of unicorns, salamanders, satyrs, oozes, ghosts, orcs, quetzalcoatls, and more. An army ready to fight and die for me.

And to love me. I didn't have the time for most of them, sadly. There were just too many. Fucking them when I first created them might be the only time they would ever get my cock. And it would only grow more likely the more I created.

Yet they loved me. They were loyal to me. They were more than willing to die for me.

“Is he eating?” Morana, my Death companion, appeared. She snuggled up to Mrs. Lucina. They had formed some sort of mother/daughter bond. The goth girl had the perfect look for the banshee. She already had pale skin and black hair, though her eyes were no red. A cloak of black mist spilled down her back. She rubbed her small breasts into Mrs. Lucina's side.

“He's going to eat,” Crystal said, giving me a hard look.

“He better eat it,” Terra called. The barista I had a crush on slipped into the room next. Now a golem (and not the animated statues moving around the village), she was a busty gal made of gray clay with copper wires for hair. She had my name carved into her forehead. She could shape her body in fun ways.

The girls really liked her clit-dildo.

“I'm eating it,” I muttered. “This is the problem with having ten wives. You all bully me.”

“Yep,” Mrs. Maia said, nodding. Her big boobs jiggled. “Your mistake for summoning us.”

“He's a big perv!” Maya called from the bedroom. The Vault was off our sleeping room. We had a kitchen down here with Mrs. Lucina and Mrs. Maia cooked for the three of us who had to eat. Halia, Fara, and I were not sustained by magic.

“They're right, Leo,” Souleen said. “You have to eat. It's very vital that you feed yourself.”

“I'll feed you, big bro,” called Garnet from the other room. “I'll put it in my pussy, then you can lick it out of me.”

“That's something fun to do,” said Nina. “But you don't want to do with stew. Fruits are wonderful. Orange slices can be exhilarating in your pussy. Not sure there are oranges in this world.”

I spooned up the first bite of the rich broth, a chunk of meat and potato on it. I chewed it, thinking about my dungeon. Right now, it was divided into three labyrinths. There was the entrance room. The tunnel to Astovin lead into that room as did the stairs up to the Observatory Tower that overlooked the mountains my dungeon lay in. From there, came the first labyrinth with a few trap rooms and my Level 1 monster girls. Smerta and Feya currently commanded the defenses there.

They were Led's companions. His favorite wrestler and his wife. Both had agreed to serve me after I killed Led. Neither had high opinions of him. It seemed the dungeon builder's personality influenced how his monster girls and companions saw him. I wanted to be loved, so my monster girls loved me. Led, it seemed, wanted to be respected. Others wanted to be feared.

My second labyrinth had more powerful monster girls and deadlier trap rooms. To get down to the second level and the final labyrinth, you had to go through a room covered in magical darkness and cross a narrow bridge over a pit. My will o' wisps, the first ever monster girls I created, would fire blasts of lightning from the safety of their alcoves, trying to knock off the intruders.

The most dangerous monster girls were in the third labyrinth. My orcs led the charge there. I had decoy labyrinths and hid the entrance to my living quarters with a rotating bridge the mermaids, hippocampi, and some of my quetzalcoatlsprotected. If they found the secret entrance, Baaghi, Paanee, and Usiku, three companions who had served other dungeon builders, would face them. Then it was down to me and my companions to fight in the throne room.

Defense in layers. But it was predictable. What to do about it?

My monster girls were chatting as I ate while I thought. They were a lively group of women. I was glad I had them. I already knew who I would chose for the Thunder and Wind glyphs when I got them. The last two who had made an impression on me.

“I should rotate the entrance room,” I muttered as the wooden spoon scraped along the bottom of the bowl. I scooped up the last dregs. That would do it.”

“Huh?” Morana asked. She drifted to me, her dark eyes full of soulful pain. “Did you think of something, Dark Lord?”

“I did,” I said, glancing down at her small breasts. She was gorgeous. Her pussy bald and hairless. She touched me with her cool hand. “I am going to rotate the dungeon entrance. Every few days, I'll change which trap room the adventurers have to go through. They'll never be able to predict it.”

“You should have Hagane come up with some way to randomly distribute it,” said Morana. “Have a huge list that won't have a pattern, but will still go through them all. Mix it up.”

“Yes,” I said. “That's a great idea. Where is Hagane.”

“With Fara,” said Morana. “She was very excited to do math.” The goth banshee rolled her eyes. “She's such a prep. She makes a good Metal girl. No emotion. No soul in her. She doesn't feel the anguish that afflicts you, my Dark Lord. Share with me. Put your burdens on me. I can bear them for you.”

She stroked my cheek with her cool hand.

I smiled at her. “I already put my burdens on you girls. I just did. The dungeon problem.”

“I can soothe that pain in your eyes,” she whispered. “I can revel in it. Rain your grief upon me, my Dark Lord.”

“I'm not really feeling any grief right now,” I cupped her face. “But when I am tormented by pain and suffering, I'll come to you.”

She quivered with excitement. I kissed her on the mouth, closing my eyes. I had to find a way to protect the town. The wall wasn't enough. I would need monster girls. That would be perfect. They could defend the town.

I also had to ad more traps to my dungeon. I had new glyphs. Death would make potent traps. I wanted those adventurers who entered my dungeon to deal with lethal, unpredictable issues. Some of the trap rooms were quiet deadly. They all presented different obstacles.

I broke the kiss. “Damn.”

“What?” she gasped. “I see the pain, my Dark Lord. What is it?”

“It's just... I'm thinking of the best way to kill adventurers.” I pulled from her. “And it doesn't bother me. Not like it used to. I wanted to avoid killing them. I even tried to reason with them. And that worked. I gained Halia.”

“Not without having to show her through your actions that you weren't a monster,” Lana Fulmine said. “And her companions were not nearly as supportive.”

“Still,” I said. “I'm going to kill them for attacking me, and I don't feel.. guilty about it.”

“Are you feeling guilty for not feeling guilty?” asked Crystal. She shook her head. “That is the dumbest thing you have ever said. And you've said some dumb things, Leo.”

“Thanks, Crystal,” I said, giving her an annoyed smile. “You always know what to say.”

“Yep,” she said. “Listen to your mistress, and things will go amazing.”

“It's necessary, Dark Lord,” Morana said, hugging me tight. She held my naked body with hers. “Let me comfort you. Slide your cock into my flesh and let me bear your pain.”

Her cool body felt wonderful against me. I thought about it. Just sliding into her, but I had to protect Astovin. They were vulnerable. Those people swore themselves to me. I couldn't just abandon them. They needed monster girls to defend them. They didn't have to be strong monster girls. Level Ones could do it.

Which ones should I bring in?

“Dark Lord?” asked Morana.

“He's thinking about other things than your nubile body,” said Maya. “Damn, Leo, if you're not perving on her, it must be serious.”

“Just thinking which of the level one monster girls I should pull out of the dungeon to guard the town. I need the wildhounds for scouting. The will o' wisps are important in guarding the Darkness Room. Maybe the satyrs? The oozes are no good. There's only three of them. I can't even use the mermaids.”

As much as I loved them, they were useless out of water.

The rest of my monster girls were Level 2. Most dungeon builders would have replaced all their weaker ones, sending them to eternal sleep in the Void Crystal. I could never do that to Sviesos and the will o' wisps, to Hela and all the adorable wildhounds. I loved Cikhala and the oozes, Mase and the mermaids, Bakara and the satyrs. They were all so precious to me. How could I do that to them.

“Make more level one monster girls,” said Terra. My barista leaned against the wall. “I mean, you have access to them. They can even be no types. Metal ones. Or Earth. Fire might be fun. Or some Light ones. Those are choirs, right. Some sort of angels.”

“More angels would be fun,” Ms. Lucina said.

“Damn,” I said, squeezing Morana's tight ass. “That's not a bad plan at all. I mean... Wow. They're cheap to make. I have the power. I could make... three squads of them. Each guarding a different gate out of town.”

My dick twitched against Morana.

“Oh, our Dark Lord is growing hard,” purred Morana. “The idea of making new monster girls has excited his passions. I can feel the strength of your emotions.”

“That's just lust,” said Maya. “Big perv wants to enjoy some naughty monster girl poon.”

“He does,” Morana said. My banshee sank to her knees, dragging her small breasts down my body. She grabbed my cock, her cool hand feeling so excited. She then opened wide and swallowed my dick. I groaned as she did that. Her mouth slid over my lips. Her deathly flesh engulfed me.

She hummed. She had such amazing control over her vocal cords. I groaned as she did that, my mind working. I would need someone to control the defenses of Astovin. Feya popped into my mind. My fairy. She wasn't really needed running the first dungeon with Smerta. The valkyrie had it under control.

“Morana,” I groaned as her cool mouth bobbed up and down my cock. “Yes, yes, that's good.” I reached out with my hand and touched my Void Crystal. With a thought, I summoned Feya. A light monster girl, she was gorgeous with the build of a ballerina.

She almost was one until she got pregnant with Led's child and married him.

She appeared behind Morana and blinked in surprise. Feya had purple and pink butterfly wings that fluttered behind her. Purple hair that spilled around her young face. Petite like Morana or Garnet, her thighs sleek and gorgeous.

“Lord Leo,” she purred, bowing to me in an exaggerated way. “Do you need to cuckold my husband again. I am more than willing to let you do what you want to me. Led never made me cum.”

“Tempting,” I groaned, Morana's mouth working up and down my cock, “but I have another task for you.”

“Oh?” She flapped her wings and rose into the air with grace then landed on my shoulders. I gasped as she planted her pussy right before my face. The spicy aroma of her pussy filled my nose. This wonderful scent. “What's that.”

“Wow, I wish I had done that,” Garnet said. “Bravo, Feya.”

“Bold,” Crystal said. “I wish I had wings.”

“They are fun,” Nina said. “Come on. Let's go trib. We'll make the bedroom all steamy.”

“Ooh, yes,” Crystal said as she was led off.

“I need to be fucked,” Garnet whimpered. “Terra, can you use your clit-dildo on me.”

“Sure, cutie,” Terra answered.

I wanted to tell Feya about my plans, but her pussy was right there in my face. Morana bobbed her head, sucking on my cock with hunger. I groaned then licked Feya's spicy pussy. The fairy moaned her delight, glittering motes of pink and purple spilled down around us.

I licked and lapped at her. I caressed her with hunger. My tongue slid through her folds, loving the taste of her twat. She had such a yummy cunt. I brushed her clit. Her small breasts quivered above me. Her moans sang through the room, rising over the hum of the Void Crystal.

Morana hummed, too. She worked her mouth up and down my cock, her tongue sweeping around my warm shaft. My dick drank in the vibrations of her moans. It was such a treat o have her do that. I groaned, my face twisting in passion from what she did.

“Damn,” I groaned as the goth banshee suckled on my cock with hunger.

“Ooh, Lord Leo,” moaned Feya. “Yes, yes, you eat pussy so well. Led never could be bothered, that asshole.”

He was an asshole. A tyrant who had enslaved dwarves and sent them to attack me.

I grabbed Feya's ass, my tongue thrusting into her married depths. I swirled around in her, loving the taste of her flesh. Her moans echoed through the room. She ran her fingers through my hair as I scooped out her spicy pussy juices.

Morana's humming swelled, increasing the stimulation to the tip of my cock. I groaned at how great that felt. My nuts tightened. The pressure built and built in them as she bobbed her head, her lips sealed tight around my cock.

My tongue stirred up Feya's pussy. The fairy moaned. More glitter rained around me as she squirmed. Her purple hair swayed about her lovely face. Her butt-cheeks clenched beneath my kneading fingers as I loved her.

I enjoyed every moment of caressing her. Devouring her.

She whimpered as I tongued her twat. My balls tightened. I came closer and closer to spurting my jizz into Morana's hungry mouth. The banshee sucked with such passion. Her hands gripped my muscular thighs.

“Oh, Lord Leo!” gasped Feya. “Oh, I will do whatever you want. Oh, your tongue is so amazing. Yes, yes, just stir up my pussy. Ooh, make me cum. Lord Leo, you're so amazing.I love you so much! Yes, yes, I'm going to cum!”

“Then shower me in your pussy cream!” I moaned and nibbled on her clit.

Her moans echoed through the room as she trembled. Morana suckled hard on my cock as I nursed on Feya's clit. The fairy's wings flapped. Glitter swirled through the air. She threw her had back as she arched her spine.

“Lord Leo, I love you!” she squealed.

Her pussy cream gushed out. A spicy flood of delight that I gulped down. It was so wonderful to drink down every drop of her passion. A treat to enjoy such a wondrous delight from her. I felt honored to gulp down her pussy cream.

“Oh, yes, yes, Lord Leo!” she moaned. “Oh, I love you so much!”

I squeezed her ass, Morana sucking so hard on my dick. I groaned, my cock twitching in her mouth. I shuddered then I erupted. My cum fired out of my cock and flooded her mouth. My banshee moaned around my cock and gulped down my cum.

She swallowed my jizz as I drank Feya's pussy cream. The pleasure shot through my body. Stars burst across my vision. I loved this rapture sweeping over my mind. It was an intense delight to gulp down her passion as I pumped my spunk into Morana's mouth.

She nursed out every drop of jizz she could from me. She swallowed it all. I groaned as I ran dry. I shuddered, my heart racing. This wild beat pumped through me. I smiled, feeling so relaxed now. Feya whimpered as she squirmed on my shoulders.

Morana slid her mouth off my cock and moaned, “Dark Lord, thank you for sharing your passion with me. I'm here for you.”

“Yes!” Feya giggled. “Ooh, I am here for you, too.” She flapped her wings and dismounted me. “So, what do you need from me, oh Dark Lord of the Pussy Licking.”

I snorted at that, her juices dripping down my mouth. “I need you to command the defenses of Astovin. You're going to be instrumental in keep that town safe.”

“That I will do,” Feya said. She smiled at me. “Led would have just turned them into slaves. He and his bastard brother had not a problem using the dwarves to build them monuments. It was sick.”

“I remember,” I said, anger bubbling through me. I had no regrets killing them even if they hadn't attacked me.

“And I hated how I didn't have a problem with it,” Feya muttered. “Not then. I was just... In awe of Led. Honored to serve him. It wasn't me. I feel more like myself with you, Lord Leo.”

God, I hoped that was true.

“I feel more balanced here,” said Morana. “There's this whiny version of myself that hates my parents—my mother—and they're really good people. I'm just an immature twat.”

“You're nineteen,” I said, my age. “In our world, you're supposed to be an immature twat. People don't grow up as fast as they have to here.”

Morana nodded. “I can see that in your eyes, Leo. You've lost that boyishness you had. Shame you and Maya hooked up. I would have made a rocking girlfriend for you. I would have got you dressing better, for one.”

“Don't let Maya here that,” I said. “But, I like that my other self and her other self are dating.”

“Yeah, you two are made for each other.” Morana rose. “I can see it here, my Dark Lord. You're closer to her than me.” She put her finger to my lips before I could protest. “And that's okay. You have so much more history with her. With Garnet and Mrs. Maia. With Lana Fulmine. But you know what, we have so much time to build memories. I'm patient. We all our.”

I smiled at her, tears in my eyes. “Thanks. That's...” I cleared my throat. “I love you, Morana. Don't ever doubt that.”

She smiled at me. “I don't, though I might mope and cry and threaten to kill myself. That's just me having fun.” She put on a tragic expression. “I should just slit my wrists and bleed my life away. Then you'll notice me.”

Morana turned and swept out of the Vault leaving only Feya behind. The others had left.

“So, I'm the defend of Astovin now,” said Feya. “Nice.”

“You'll be there to coordinate the evacuation,” I said. “You'll be working closely with Mayor Bevlin.”

She smiled. “Get them all in to the dungeon, then you can seal it up and protect them.”

That was how my dungeons worked. I could move any room around, shift around anyone (except myself) all from the Void Crystal. But it only worked if there were no intruders or visitors in the dungeon. I couldn't revive dead monster girls, move around my forces, or reshape my dungeon when we were under attack.

Only those bound to my Void Crystal could be moved, and since the entire village had sworn to me on their own, well, they counted. I could move them around or change my dungeon layout. So if they could get inside before the attackers could, then I would keep them safe.

“I am going to make guards for you,” I added.

“New monster girls?” she asked. “How exciting.

“Yeah, some Level 1's.” Other dungeon builders didn't see their use, but I did. They were great for being guard or scouting. You could train them to be better fighters. Usiku and Smerta were always drilling my monster girls. If I had time, I would show up for them, but I often didn't.

“So how are we evacuating?” she asked. “Those stairs going down aren't going to allow many people.”

“No,” I said, tapping my foot. “But I can make buildings over them, extensions of my dungeon. They can even use them for storehouses. Keep supplies in them, extra food, that sort of thing. Will do five buildings, I think.”

“Four over the stairs and one in the middle?” Feya asked, her hands behind her back.

“I think so. The one in the middle will be your command post. Where you can deal with the day to day stuff. Make each building have two stories and a basement. Four entrances in so the people can pack themselves in. They just have to get inside. Then I'll move them to a safer place...” I thought about it. “I'll move them to a shelter off my throne room. They'll be as protected as I am.”

“You really are a good man, Leo,” Feya said.

I swallowed, emotion burning my throat. “Thanks.”

Click here for the next part! 


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