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Chapter Forty-Two

I reached the Void Crystal and grabbed it. I had practiced this over and over again for the last few days. I knew what to do. I held the black jewel. It hummed. Souleen smiled at me as I concentrated and split the monster girls up into their sections. I made sure everyone was in place.

“Good luck, Lord Leo,” said Souleen, a big smile on her face. “I know you can do this.”

I created the stairs that led up into Astovin. Four of them busting out onto the streets. I released the gem and rushed out of the room. I wore my gray robes and my breastplate, the weight of my armor shifting about my chest. I snatched up the spear leaning against the wall and entered the waiting room.

Isatu, Garnet, Hagane, Feya, Grobi the Ghost, and the wildhounds all waited for me. Isatu had flames spilling out of her mouth, her dragon wings fluttering behind her. Garnet had her whip, Hagane had both her arms turned into deadly blades, and Feya had her want ready to fire beams of light at the bastard.

“Go, go, go!” I shouted.

The wildhounds howled, “For Lord Leo!” and rushed up the stairs first. They scampered with eagerness, their bushy, black tails swishing behind them. Around the town, the other monster girls were flooding up the streets to start the evacuation.

I rushed after them, my spear in hand, Isatu hot on my heels. Garnet chortled. My feet pounded up the stairs and into the frightened streets of Astovin. Villagers were staring in fear towards the far side of town where the temple is.

“Time to go!” shouted Ci.

“You there,” Du yipped. “Grab your family and move! Lord Leo's command!”

“Let's move, people,” Nos cried. “Don't make me bite your butt. I will!”

The people lurched into motion. Some glanced at me with such hope in their eyes. Once more, their village was under attack. I was here to defend them. The guardians I had placed around the town, the rock golems, lurched into motion. They would be lumbering toward the source of the attack. I had no idea how effective they would be.

“Garnet, get in the air and find where he is,” I shouted to my little succubus.

“Yes, big bro,” she shouted and flapped her red wings. She took off, her spade-like tail whipping behind her.

The screams were coming from the right. The sounds of people dying. I ran in that direction, crying out spells. I cast Granite Flesh, Strength of Earth, and Static Aura. I had to be ready to fight him. My monster girls ran behind me.

I have him, big bro! Garnet shouted in my mind. Turn right at the next street!

*  \ * /  *

Halia raced to the nearest exist and found the orcs and salamanders pouring up it. As much as Halia wanted to fight her father, she wasn't supposed to do it without backup. She nodded to the monster girls as they started barking at the civilians.

“Move your asses and get out of town!” Slepkavi bellowed. She pointed at a group of young men. “You! Get in those houses, make sure they're empty. We're not leaving anyone behind.”

“Halia,” Lana Fulmine shouted. The lightning sprout burst out of the tunnel followed by Terra, Usiku, Smerta, and Ipalsi the ghost. “Where is he?”

“By the temple,” I said. “This way.”

“Good,” Smerta shouted. She wore her icy armor and had her sword out. “I'm going to fuck him up this time. He's not going to take me out that easy.”

“Right?” Usiku asked. She had made a long spear out of shadows that ended with a sword-like blade. A weapon called a glaive.

He's at the central plaza,” Garnet reported. “And he's shooting at me! How rude!”

“Follow me!” Halia shouted and drew her blessed blade. It hummed with it magic. Sheturned and darted down the street, the other monster girls following the paladin while the orcs and salamanders had the civilians flowing in the other direction.

But not all of them had gotten to safety. Several dead littered the road to the square, cut down by the made shade of her father. The Gods havedone this to him, she thought with anger. At least the Gods of Dark. And he said there are more coming back. More like him.

She shuddered in terror as  ran for the square.

*  \ * /  *

Mrs. Zoe Maia rushed past the werebears evacuating the civilians in her section of town. Garnet's warning that Anguin was in the central square let the dryad know just where she had to lead her force. She had two of the ghosts flitting through the buildings as  ran forward. Paanee slithered behind her with Morana running at her side. Nina was in the air, the devil flying on her crimson wings.

Oh, yeah, I see the bastard,” Nina shouted, flames busting in her hand and forming into the shape of a pitchfork. She threw it towards the square ahead.

Garnet flew over that square, flying fast. She dodged and twisted in the air as blades of darkness came for her. Fear twisted the dryad's stomach as  watched the succubus risking death distracting the bastard while the rest of the harem rushed in for the fight.

Mrs. Maia glanced behind her. Morana's misty cloak fluttered behind her as the pale-skinned banshee ran with force. She licked her lips. Her scream would be something to hear. Mrs. Maia hopped that the shadowy monster ahead enjoyed the piercing screech of an angry banshee and the loving touch of a pair of ghosts.

We're almost there!” Mrs. Maia sent.

*  \ * /  *

Mrs. Bella Lucina soared over the streets. The angel watched as Garnet and Nina danced in the skies over the square, both of them now dodging black swords. The devil through down her flaming pitchforks.

Almost there, thought Mrs. Lucina. She might be an angel, but she was eager to help out that devil. The irony that in this world they were both on the same side wasn't lost on Mrs. Lucina. It made her more excited.

Beneath her ran Maya, Crystal, and Baaghi. The ghost Dusata floated by them. The satyrs and unicorns were spreading through the streets to evacuate the townspeople. The angel didn't like to see the innocent hurt.

And there were innocent on the ground cut and bleeding.

The angel hated that. She flapped her wings faster as  soared to do battle.

Ahead Nina Naughty, threw a flaming pitchfork at Anguin. The angel could see him now. He opened one of his dark holes. The pitchfork vanished into hit and then flew out in another direction, hurtling at someone Mrs. Lucinda loved. Her halo glowed brighter as the sun set.

*  \ * /  *

Hagane slammed her shoulder into Leo, throwing him to the side. The flaming pitchfork slammed into the metallic girl's chest. It struck like it was made of steel, but so was the animated statue's body. She hardly felt the weapon clanging off her.

“Thanks!” Leo growled as he recovered.

Hagane nodded to her lover. Her armblades pumped as  ran into the square with the others. Anguin stood in the middle, waiting for them. They hadn't corralled him here. No, no, he had come to this open place to fight them.

He knew we would protect the town, Hagane thought, her mind racing. “Leo, he waited for us to be ready. This is his trap we are running into.”

Too late now,” Leo growled.

“Yes!” Feya hissed. The fairy's butterfly wings fluttered. Light flared above and behind Hagane. A beam of light shot out at the Anguin.

He pivoted around it. The beam struck the grass behind him. One lone cow crazing on the grass in the village center mooed in alarm and ran off, bell clanking about its neck. Hagane kept running, her metallic legs stretching out before her as  closed the distance.

Leo ran at her side, his spear in hand. His kin had the gray hue of granite. He had protected himself. She could feel the charge of static around him. Even though he was defended with spells, she would take no chance with his safety.

“Kick his ass, big bro!” Garnet shouted from above.

“Curb stomp his ass!” the porn star shouted. She circled with Garnet.

The light of Mrs. Lucinda appeared from the right, the angel's halo a small sun in the growing depths of night. That worried Hagane even more. The world plunged into dark. Into the very element that made up the reincarnated Anguin.

We are fighting him on the ground of his choosing just as his powers must be at their strongest. Hagane wanted to retreat, but she knew Leo would never leave the townspeople vulnerable.

Anguin rasied his sword and slammed into the grass at his feet. A great burst of shadows erupted from it and rushed at Leo. Hagane tackled him again, throwing him to the ground. He rolled out of the way of darkness.

It crashed into Hagane. The force of it was too much. She felt her body ripping apart. Shards of metal tore from her body. The shadows dissolved her. In her last moments before her soul tumbled free of her body, she knew Leo would not have survived.

Beat him, my love, Hagane thought before she fell into the warm and loving embrace of Souleen, a humming lullaby pulling her into the peace of death's sleep.

*  \ * /  *

“Fuck,” I muttered as the shadow wave crashed into a building and tore it down. Hagane was gone. I felt her die. The darkness had destroyed her and left a furrow in the ground, the grass shriveled and smoking along the edges.

Stones crashed to the ground as the building collapsed, smote by the attack. That was new. Anguin hadn't used that during the fight. I pushed up on my hands and feet, needing to be mobile to dodge another attack like that. My heart hammered against my ribs from its frantic beat. He had almost killed me last time...

I battered down the fear. I had defeated him once. I would do it again.

Death reaps and harvests, let the scythe of Lord Nergal kill!”

The Spectral Scythe appeared to Anguin's side and slashed at him in a blur of black negation. The shadowy Anguin blurred out of the way at the last instant. The scythe slashed through nothing and vanished.

That dodge seemed faster, too. A sinking weight plunged into my guts. Had the Lord and Lady of Darkness upgraded him? Had those bastards made him faster? Harder to kill? Had the super-powered his attacks?

“Shit,” I groaned.

From my right, Baaghi burst into the village square. The rakshasa loped on all fores, her tiger head roaring her fury. Behind her, Crystal and Maya raced after. Crystal had a shard of ice in her hand which she whipped at Anguin. It flew over Baaghi's head. A dark portal swallowed it and then it hurtled at Baaghi. The rakshasa leaped over it with nimble ease.

“Lord Leo,” Isatu hissed. My dragon grabbed my arm. “We might fight!”

“Yes!” Terra growled. She had turned her right hand into a heavy hammer. My golem had a fierce look on her face. “I want to Hulk smash is ass!”

“Yeah,” I said, my fear bubbling through me. Faster? Stronger?

From the left, Halia appeared, running in her golden armor. Usiku and Smerta were hot on her heels, frost spilling from the valkyrie's weapons. From the far side, Mrs. Maia reached the square, Morana and Paanee at her sides. The armless naga slithered fast, her entire body undulating.

Terra broke into a run, joining the charge that hurtled at Anguin from all sides. Terror for those I loved gripped me. This would be a bloodbath.

*  \ * /  *

The others were rushing in. This was Morana's chance to show her Dark Master just what she could do. She drew in a deep breath, her cape of black mist fluttering behind her. Her lungs filled with air. Her diaphragm tensed.

She screeched.

The grass rippled before her. The air warped with the force of her shouting attack. It slammed into Anguin. He shuddered. Shook. His body vibrated from her deathly wail. His ears didn't rupture. He didn't fall over from her shout. The banshee's face tightened in annoyance.

He slashed his sword at her.

She whirled to the side, her undead instincts sharp. The darkness whipped past Morana. She drew in another breath, but the others were on him. Baaghi leaped in from the left. Halia came slashing in from the right while Terra raised her hammer fist and slammed it down at him.

“Yessss!” Paanee hissed and spat her acidic poison.

*  \ * /  *

Terra slammed her hammering fist at Anguin as Paanee's acidic spit sizzled through the air. They were all on him. Halia's blessed blade sang. Smerta thrust her ice sword and a long, shadowy polearm slashed down at him, swung by Usiku.

He dodged her hammering blow. She struck the ground with hard thud. Paanee's acid spit vanished into a dark hole and spat up into the air. Garnet screeched in annoyance. Anguin flowed into towards the three threats on his right. He dodged Usiku's attack. Her glaive struck the ground. Halia's blessed blade slammed into her father's sword of darkness.

Smerta's sword buried into his side. “Thought you could kill me and not pay, bear fucker!”

A hole of darkness opened beneath Smerta's feet. The valkyrie shouted in shock and then she vanished, falling through the hole. Her scream then came from above. Distant. She had appeared in the skies about Terra.

“Fuck,” Terra groaned and swung her clay hammering fist for Anguin's wounded side, Halia slashing at her father. Baaghi's snapping jaws bit for his legs.

*  \ * /  *

Smerta burst out of a hole in the sky.

Mrs. Lucinda gasped. The angel flapped her wings, soaring towards the falling valkyrie. The angel swooped around Lana Fulmine and dove for the Smerta. Wings flapped to propel Mrs. Lucinda down as fast she could go. She had to reach the poor Valkyrie.

The wind whipped past Mrs. Lucinda. Her halo blazed bright. She tucked her wings in tight now, falling faster. The valkyrie thrust out her hand, fingers twitching. The ground hurtled closer and closer. Mrs. Lucinda grabbed Smerta's hand.

She spread her wings wide to stop their fall. The sudden jerk was too much. She didn't have a good enough hold on Smerta. The valkyrie ripped out of the angel's grip and slammed into the grass at bone-breaking speed.

Mrs. Lucinda closed her eyes against the pain as  banked around.

*  \ * /  *

Halia's attacks were met by her father's black sword. He flicked the blade of night in fast blurs. He slashed at Baaghi, driving back the rakshasa. Usiku's glaive stabbed past Halia, forcing Anguin to twist his body out of the way. Halia slashed.

He parried, moving his blade too fast.

Terra swung her heavy fist. The pummeling attack forced Anguin to dance to the right. His black blade swept out and cut off the golem's head. Her final blow struck him in the shoulder. He grunted. She fell to the ground and vanished.

Halia's stomach lurched. Smerta impacted to the ground nearby. Already, they were dying and felt like they had done nothing to him. Smerta's stab bled but didn't slow him down. It wasn't blood that poured out of her father's side. It was darkness.

“For Lord Leo!” she cried and slashed at him.

“Whore!” her father spat at her. “How your mother must weep knowing who you spread your thighs for!”

“She weeps for twisted and foul thing you've been transformed into, Father!” Halia screamed back. “You are a warped shadow of who you used to be. No longer a champion. You're more monstrous than the dungeon builders!”

Attack him,” Usiku sent through their telepathy.

Halia swung at her father. Their swords came together in a clash of light and dark. Usiku's glaive slashed in for his head, a decapitating blow. Baaghi lunged in at the same time, giving Anguin no where to retreat to.

A shadowy hole opened beneath Usiku. The fomorian must have been ready for it. She abandoned her attack and rolled forward, just getting clear as the portal appeared around her. She hit the grass in a tumble and didn't fall to her death like poor Smerta had.

Anguin knocked back Halia and turned to slash at Baaghi.

Maya crashed into the shadowy man. Her water body flowed around him like a crashing wave.

*  \ * /  *

Maya engulfed Anguin. She covered his face and head with her body. She would drown the baster. He would perish in her liquid body. She hated doing it, but what choice did she have. They were dying. She would end this.

Maya smothered the terrible man. Her watery flesh rippled around him. There was nothing he could do. She had him. His sword through through her watery flesh. He tried to cut her off, but that didn't matter.

She flowed around him.

I have you! flashed through the Undine's mind. She wouldn't let up. She would keep drowning him until he died. He wouldn't kill Leo. She wouldn't let him hurt him. Maya was happy in this world. She would fight to keep that happiness.

Darkness washed over her. She floated weightless for a moment. Then she was falling. She gasped as she reformed into her body, the ground coming up at her fast. She hit a moment later. Her watery body compressed from the impact. She pressed down into a large, bulging disk, waves rippling over her exterior.

She hardly felt the impact as pain. She rebounded together a heartbeat later, lying on her back. She heard screams. Shouts. She sat up to see people running by her. Briesmoni stopped to stare down at her in shock, the orc's thick hair swaying around her face.

“Maya?” the orc asked.

“ASSHOLE!” screamed Maya as she realized she was on the edge of the village.

*  \ * /  *

Darkness washed over Anguin as Maya held him. She vanished.

Mrs. Zoe Maia's heart lurched for that girl she had known for the last year and a half. There was nothing to do, thought. So the dryad sent her roots to grab him as he battled with Halia, Baaghi, and Usiku. Paanee slithered up and slammed her tail at Anguin. He twisted and dodged as the dryad dug her roots through the soil of the green.

This had not worked out well last time, but Mrs. Maia hoped the element of surprise would help. Anguin dodged the tail. He went to cut Paanee in half only for Halia's blessed blade to catch his shadow sword. Usiku's polearm swung at him, forcing the bastard to dodge away. He slammed an elbow into Baaghi's jaw, knocking her back.

Mrs. Maia's roots burst out of the ground and snagged his feet, holding him in place. He lurched and snarled in shock. Paanee hissed. Her blue-scaled tail slashed out and slammed around his torso, holding him in place. He yanked his sword arm clear, thought. He slashed at Paanee.

Baaghi head shot in. Her feline jaws clamped down his sword arm. She arrested the blow, holding him steady. Mrs. Maia smiled. Then she gasped in delight as Leo, who had been hanging back with Isatu, burst into a run.

Leo, as magnificent as ever, charged up and thrust his hand against Anguin's back. A shiver ran through Mrs. Maia. The dryad's big breasts quivered.

Cold and hungry, let the power of Lord Nergal consume!” roared Leo

Anguin screamed, his head throwing back as the death magic attacked him.

Chapter Forty-Three

Leach Life drew energy from the bastard and flowed it into me. I kept my hand planted against him as he screamed. It was working. Death magic was effective on him. I didn't relent. I didn't release him. My monster girls had worked together to take him down.

“Lord Zuen, defend your saint!” roared Anguin, crying out to the God of Darkness.

Night burst from him. I had a moment to register it before it slammed into me and threw me back. Static Aura discharged against the darkness that sought to sweep over me. I ht the ground with a hard thud, rolling. My armor clattered.

“Fuck,” I groaned.

*  \ * /  *

Halia had a heartbeat of warning. She raised her blessed blade before her, bracing her left hand on the flat of the weapon right before the darkness slammed into her.

She flew back across the green, and struck a cart that had been left out. Her head cracked against the back of it. She collapsed on the ground. The world spun around her before unconsciousness crashed down on her.

*  \ * /  *

The burst of darkness faded. Crystal readied to throw another shard of ice at Anguin. Everyone around Anguin had been thrown back. Usiku, Baaghi, and Paanee hit the ground, their bodies ravaged by the darkness that swept over them. They screamed and spasmed. Paanee's thrashed. The attack had ripped her in half. Her tail twitched to Crystal's left, Paanee's torso to the left.

She vanished first. Killed.

Usiku quivered and then went still and faded into motes. Baaghi whimpered in pain, sounding like a wounded kitten. She twitched a final time and was gone. Halia lay still by the cart. Crystal wasn't sure if he lived or not. There had been a flash of light from her.

But Leo stirred. He pushed himself up. His Static Aura had saved him. Such relief swept through Crystal. She would not let anything happened to him. She loved him. How could she tease him and call him “dirty boy” if he died?

“That's my dirty!” she howled and threw her ice shard at him. Then another. A third. She flung them at Anguin with a ferocity.

The bastard twisted around them. They flew past like glittering shards of glass. A winter's gale howled in her. A blizzard that would smother everything with their white anger. She flung her shards, glaring at him.

Nearby, Mrs. Maia had her roots burrowing through the ground at Anguin. Crystal had to keep him distracted. They had to hold him down. Keep him from killing any more. Terra, Hagane, Smerta, Maya, Halia, Usiku, Paanee, and Baaghi had already died. This had to stop.

Roots burst around his feet. His sword flicked down and cut them as he spun around another of her crystal shards. Mist spilled off the furious Crystal. Her shiny body gleamed as Morana had a big grin on her face.

“Now!” she shouted.

The five ghosts rose from the ground around Anguin. Their spectral hands reached out to grab the bastard. Crystal smiled.

*  \ * /  *

“Go, ghosties, go!” Garnet shouted and winged towards Mrs. Lucinda, Nina Naughty, and Lana Fulmine soaring through the air. “When they grab him, let's attack!”

“What can you do?” asked Nina. “Throw a dildo at him!”

“Yes!” hissed Garnet. The naughty succubus conjured one out of shadows. A great, big, floppy dildo she had seen in a video game called Saints Row 2. The Penetrator. It was a weapon, a dildo almost as long as she was tall.

The ghosts touched Anguin.

The four flies launched their attacks. Garnet's floppy dildo spun down out of the night. A flaming pitchfork chased after. Lightning burst from Lana Fulmine's wings, and a beam of light burst from Mrs. Lucinda's halo.

Anguin's screams filled the night.

Garnet chortled, “Kweh, heh, heh!”

*  \ * /  *

The naughty succubus laughed beside the porn star. Nina Naughty watched their attacks streaking down at the howling Anguin. The five ghosts all had their hands on him, draining the life from him. Down below, everyone else is attacking.

SeCtralCythe!” roared Director Leo.

Feya flicked her wand and a beam of light fired at Anguin. Morana screamed, the air warping before her. Isatu ran up and threw her wings wide. She breathed a gout of fire that swept at him. All the attacks surged at him.

Anguin thrust his sword into the air as they hit. The scythe struck him in the side. The dildo crashed into his head. Beams of light smote his body. Fire engulfed him. A pitchfork plunged into the maelstrom. Lightning crackled around him.


From around the village green, shadows flowed. They surged at him as he stood there battered, bleeding, burned. The attacks had hurt him. He swayed, the ghosts still pressing their hands into him, drawing his life.

“How is he not dead?” gasped Nina Naughty.

Garnet's chortles died.

The shadows surged over him. They washed over the ghosts. The spectral beauties threw back their heads as the tied of darkness that crashed into Anguin from all sides washed over them. It wiped them away. They vanished. Killed.

The darkness swirled around Anguin. A cocoon of night held him. What would emerge?

*  \ * /  *

I ran through the village, the monster girls hurrying out the citizens, knocking on doors, making sure they were not hurt. She ran fast and hard. If she had a heart, it would be pounding right now with fear. Her watery body rippled with every step.

Ahead, darkness surged up into the air. A column of it that whirled. A pillar of night. Maya swallowed. She knew this was bad. The undine ran faster, fear for Leo sending waves through her body. Her flesh convulsed, her from wavering from her terror.

“Don't die, you big perv!” she screamed.

Light exploded.

*  \ * /  *

I stared at the darkness rising up into the night. We had hit him with everything. The ghosts had drained his life. My monster girls had sent all their attacks. He had survived it all. And now... Now darkness consumed him.

The spell Flash burst into my mind. I couldn't give up. I had to stop this monster, or we were all dead. I was dead. I didn't want to die. I wanted to live with my monster girls. I wanted to show this world that I wasn't a threat.

Radiance erupts, let the brilliance of Lord Shamash explode!”

The light exploded before the darkness. It snapped the pillar of night. The illumination was so bright, it drove back all the shadows and revealed not Anguin, but a hoary creature. A hulking, hairy beast with horns thrusting from his forehead and cloven hooves. He looked like a beastman from 40k. Something hair and misshapen.

“This is a saint?” I demanded at the foul thing.

The thing that had been Anguin roared with bestial fury, something between a bear and a goat. The sound echoed through the air. An unnerving sound. The thing still held its sword. Anguin fixed eyes on me, full of fury.

Isatu breathed fire. My dragoness engulfed the foul monster with her fire. The sword slashed, parting the flames. A blade of night flashed across the distance, traveling even faster than they had, and gut Isatu in half.

My dragoness's screamed as she fell in two pieces to the ground. Then she vanished, bound to my Void Crystal. My heart pounded. I was running out of monster girls, and he had grown stronger than ever.

How was I doing this.

*  \ * /  *

Morana the banshee rolled her eyes.

“Oh, god, what a poser,” she said, shaking her head. Her cloak of mist swept down her back. “You really went for the Baphomet look? What are you, some wanna-be satanist. That's so prep!”

She rushed at him and drew in a breath. It was time to scream. To pour her dark soul into an attack. Death affected him. The ghosts proved that. They had given their existence to hurt him. To drive him to call upon his ultimate form. Now they had to defeat him.

She stopped as the monster bellowed and screeched.

The air warped before the banshee's wail. It slammed into the hairy, disgusting beast. Anguin flinched and staggered from the power of death seeking to rip his soul from his body. Oh, her scream was loud, but it wasn't a sonic attack. This was no thunder. It attacked the very spirit.

Feya flicked her wand. A beam of light fired from the fairy as she fluttered low to the ground. It streaked out and struck him as he staggered beneath the assault of her deathly cry. Another beam of light slammed down from the motherly Mrs. Lucinda above.

She would never let anything happen to me, Morana thought. She's a great mother.

Anguin whipped his sword. Scythes of darkness, blades of utter midnight, swept from him, hurtling across the battlefield. Morana jumped to her right, ready for it. She rolled on the grass and took in another breath.

*  \ * /  *

The angelic Mrs. Lucinda flapped her wing hard. She banked hard to the right while Feya darted to her left. The spectral blades flashed through where Mrs. Lucinda had just flown. She turned around, her halo pulsing with her anger.

Morana was still alive. The goth girl had dodged the attack, too.

Lana's lightning crashed down on the bestial Anguin. He had become a devil-man. It was so disgusting. Nina's flaming pitchfork slammed down a moment later. Garnet shouted and started hurtling dildo after dildo down on the beast. They struck him, bouncing off him.

Then Leo was chanting below as the monster dodged the attacks. The lightning crackled around the ground. Pitchforks buried into the soil. Beams of light fired from Feya's wand and Mrs. Lucinda's own halo seared the grass.

Morana screamed, slamming into him again. He staggered and roared, fighting against the effect.

“Keep it up!” Lucinda shouted and fired another beam that struck the shadowy best. Something wavered in its flesh. It didn't burn it but a puff of shadowy mist erupted.

A ball of light appeared to the monster's right. It shed light on it. The creature didn't seem quite so solid bathed in the light.

A blade of night slashed at Leo. He rolled and came up again. Other swords of darkness hurtled from the monster, flashing at them all. Mrs. Lucinda fired off a beam, striking one. Morana rolled on the ground, narrowly dodging hers.

Anguin whirled, able to move easier. A flaming pitchfork struck his flesh. He ripped it out but it vansihed in a burst of flames before he could throw it back. Ice shards struck his back, Crystal screaming on the ground. Roots burst out of the ground to grab the monster.

Another ball of light appeared on the other side of the creature. It glowed brightly and the monster appeared... smoky. No longer solid. Mrs. Lucinda's brow furrowed. The angel didn't understand what she was seeing.

Anguin roared. He slashed at Leo, but the young man was already moving, his gray robe fluttering behind him. Morana scream slammed into the hazy monster. Dildos crashed not Anguin's face. More shards of ice struck his chest. The roots gripped his legs.

“Keep it up!” cried Lana Fulmine.

Lightning struck the shadows.

“Kweh, heh, heh!” laughed Garnet. A vibrator struck Anguin, buzzing away as it smacked him in the snout.

A flurry of dark blades flew from the monster. Monster girls darted right and left. Crystal nearly was cut in half. She threw fresh shards of ice. Lana Fulmine banked gracefully. Garnet yelped and barely got out of the way.

Mrs. Lucinda dove beneath it and fired a halo at him. She so hated this creature. Her light struck it in the hazy chest. Bestial-Anguin stumbled back and glared up at her. He slashed his sword at her. She banked to the right, the darkness flying past her.

A third ball of light appeared. Leo was penning eh monster in. Anguin raised his arm against it. He looked almost translucent now. A thing made of nothing. A shell of shadows that could not stand up to the light. And in it...

A man stood in the midst of it. Anguin hadn't changed into a monster. He had been merely surrounded in darkness. It was a trick. An illusion.

Mrs. Lucinda grinned and fired her beams of light, striking the shadow. Her attacks dissolved it into mists. The beast howled and slashed at her. A blade night swept at her. She dodged it with ease and fired off another beam of light. It sizzled on him.

Feya hit him from the other side, the butterfly-winged fairy flitting around with her wand dancing. Pitchforks hurtled down. Lightning sizzled. Ice flew. Mrs. Lucinda smote him again then dodged around another slash of darkness.

Only for a portal to open before her. A flaming pitchfork soared out of it and struck the angel in the breasts before she could react. The burning weapon buried deep in her chest, striking her hard. She went limp from the shock. She hurtled to the ground in a spin.

Before she hit the ground, she saw a forth ball of light surround the monster, his shadowy shell hardly visible. Then she struck the grass and fell into Souleen's compassionate arms. Mrs. Lucinda had died, but she had hope.

*  \ * /  *

Horror struck the devilish porn star as Mrs. Lucinda spiraled towards the ground, a flaming pitchfork buried in her chest.

“Nooo!” screamed Nina Naughty. She soared down for the monster who was barely visible. She would fuck him up.

A new flaming pitchfork appeared in her hand as a dazzling blade of light swept at the insubstantial monster. The shadowy form was barely visible. Anguin turned and blocked the sword of light.

SpectralScythe!” Leo cried.

A slash of death struck Anguin in the back. He staggered from the blow, bracketed by the balls of light. They drove him back from their radiance. Leo had penned him in and Mrs. Maia's roots held him.

Morana scream slammed into him. The shadows wavered. Nina Naughty flared her wings and landed. The devil smiled, watching the air rippling before her. She was not immune to the deathly shriek. But she had a pitchfork.

She rammed it into the bastard.

Anguin roared, blocking another Dazzling Sword from Director Leo. Nina ripped her weapon free and slammed it in again. Light from Feya's wand sizzled on the shadow exterior. The faint outline of the beast wavered while the man inside thrashed.

Garnet swooped over and cracked her whip into the bestial muzzle. “Kweh, heh, heh! You will fall before the might of my Owner, fiend!”

Crystal's shards of ice crashed into the hide. Lightning struck it while Morana kept shrieking.

Girl's got a set of lungs on her, thought Nina. I bet she would be a howler on the porn set.

She buried her pitchfork into the monster, ripping at the shadowy shell. It still held. Some potent rage kept it up. Through sheer defiance, Anguin didn't relent. She could see it in the bastard's face as he thrashed in the middle of it.

He was too arrogant to give up.

*  \ * /  *

Mrs. Maia kept her roots gripping the bastard. She held him tight. His bestial hoofs could not escape it. He struggled. The light penned him in. The girls attacked him. The dryad's adopted daughters fought hard. She was so proud of them as they battled with Leo, her surrogate son.

Anguin's eyes flicked to the dryad. He flicked her scythe at him. She couldn't dodge with her feet buried in the ground. Death hurtled at her. She had to do something. She yanked hard on her roots to trip him. The bestial shell shifted, fighting for balance.

The blade of night slammed into the dryad and cut her in half.

*  \ * /  *

“Mrs. Maia!” I snarled as she fell.

“You bastard!” howled Crystal.

“No!” shouted Garnet as she swooped over. “Bad monster!”

Seeing the beast almost loosing its balance triggered something in me. The words for Slick spilled from my lips. “Slipper and treachery, let the slick cold of Lord Anshar coat!”

The ground beneath Anguin's feet became a slick of ice. He slipped and crashed on his back. He lay there, struggling to get up. I should have thought of this early. He was out a disadvantage if he couldn't stand. The conjured lights, SpELl, had worked even better than I hoped, but it still wasn't enough to banish that shell.

“FUCKER!” Crystal shouted and darted into the midst. She was pissed. She had been a tenant of Mrs. Maia for longer than I had.

She could run on the ice. She ran passed the lights and fell on the thrashing beast. This had to be it. We had to deal this monster a lethal blow and end things. I had to save my family. I couldn't let this fucker do any more harm to them. This had to end today. I would finish it.

*  \ * /  *

Morana's scream ended right before Crystal landed on the shadowy shell of the demon, blades of ice forming in her hands.

“This is my family you're killing, you mother fucker!” she howled. Never in Crystal's life had she been more furious, but watching Mrs. Maia being cut down had set her off. She raised her daggers to bury it through the shell and into the bastard's real heart. The man stared at her.

His bestial fist punched into her chest so hard, her icy flesh shattered. She flew back, chunks of her frozen body spinning through the air with her. She flew through a ball of light and crashed on the grass, pain searing through her. She gasped. Twitched.

Joined Mrs. Maia in the void.

*  \ * /  *

“No!” I groaned seeing Crystal being flung shattered from it.

“POSER!” screeched Morana. Her deathly wail slammed into the demon as he struggled to stand. Even with Slick, he had found footing, overcome that deficiency.

Still, he was weak. The demon wasn't moving as well. Feya hit Anguin with another bolt of light. This was my chance to finish it. I rushed forward. Leach Life had worked. If I had been able to keep it up for longer, I would have destroyed him.

I ran between my floating lights, my magic burning to maintain them. I planted my hand on his back and snarled the worlds. “Cold and hungry, let the power of Lord Nergal consume!”

The life flowed into me. Anguin howled. The man inside the shell shuddered as I drew in the shadowy force from it. So much vital energy flowed into me. I shuddered as it empowered me. He had so much brimming in him.

How could he have so much life? I was draining him, and it felt like trying to empty a sea with a hand pump. An impossible task. But it couldn't be impossible. There had to be someway to beat this mother fucker. I would not lose to him.

The dark sword slashed around and struck me in the chest. It punched through my armor and sturck my granite flesh. Stone shattered. The blow threw me back. I hit the ground, shards of rock spilling from me. I groaned, my ribs throbbing. The blade had cut into me.

“Shit,” I groaned, blood spilling over me.

Only... the wound was already closing. The vitality I had stolen from him mended me. That was the point of Leach Life. To steal from another to heal myself. I pushed up, staring at him trapped by my light. Feya smote him again.

Morana screeched and struck him.

But even better, the outer layer of darkness dissolved. It was weakening. We were getting to him. He might have that sea of vitality, but if I could get a good blow on him. If I could cut off his head. The outer layer billowed.

It vanished, unable to stand up to the light.

Anguin screamed, assaulted directly by Morana's scream. His blade flicked. Darkness slashed at the banshee. She dodged to the right, but not fast enough this time. It clipped through her side, cutting deep through her. She landed, nearly sliced in half.

“Leo,” she groaned.

“Fuck,” I growled.

“Bastard!” Nina snarled and thrust her pitchfork at him as Morana died.

Anguin parried Nina's pitchfork. Lana's lightning slammed down, forcing him to jump back towards the light. He flinched from the brilliance. It was still too much for him to take. Garnet soared over, her whip striking him in the face.

Death reaps and harvests, let the scythe of Lord Nergal kill!” I roared.

My Spectral Scythe slashed at the bastard. It cut into his side. He staggered.

Radiance erupts, let the brilliance of Lord Shamash explode!”

Flash normally didn't hurt, but it slammed into the exposed Anguin like an explosion of fire. He screamed and staggered towards Nina Naughty. My devil's wings fluttered as she thrust her pitchfork at him. She buried the long tines into his side.

His blade flicked out and cut her head off.

My heart clenched. I hated watching my monster girls die. My favorite porn star toppled to the ground and vanished into motes before she could react. I focused on the bastard. We had him on the ropes. We just had to finish him off.

With a roar, Anguin charged at me. He ran through the radiance of the balls of light. His flesh sizzled. He stared at me with such intensity, his eyes focused on killing me. He raised his black sword to kill me, free of the prison I had made.

Click here for the next part! 


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