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The Futa Pill: You Tell Ms. Kato about the Futa Pill and What It Did

  • Do you and Ms. Kato punish Deandra? 11
  • Do you tell Ms. Kato not to punish Deandra? 2
  • 2021-05-13
  • 13 votes
{'title': 'The Futa Pill: You Tell Ms. Kato about the Futa Pill and What It Did', 'choices': [{'text': 'Do you and Ms. Kato punish Deandra?', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Do you tell Ms. Kato not to punish Deandra?', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 5, 13, 2, 4, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 13}


Click here for the first part! 

Click here for the last part! 

“Ms. Kato,” you splutter. “I... this is...”

“What is going on?” hisses your boss.

Cassie whimpers.

There's really only one way out. “I... I took the pill. The futa-pill to... to prove that it worked, and... and... This happened!”

You point down at your clit-dick.

“You took the pill that obnoxious Deandra concocted and it gave you a cock?” demands Ms. Kato.

You nod. “Then Cassie, well, she was just helping me out because... I mean... I really... Oh, god, this is embarrassing.”

“You are in need of sexual release? You have cum pent up in you?” Her eyes burned bright. “Your dick ejaculates.”

“I think so,” you groan.

“Continue.” Ms. Kato folds her arms beneath her breast, pressing tight the mauve blouse she's wearing around her tits. They're nice. You've never noticed that before. “Cum in her mouth. Let me see it.”

“Um, okay,” you say, glancing down at your blonde friend kneeling on the floor.

She opens her mouth, her eyes as wild as a frightened gazelle. You bring your cock to her mouth and slip it past her plump lips. She shudders and then sucks hard on your dick. You groan at that suction, your pussy clenching.

You whimper, your heart racing from the pleasure and the fear inspired by Ms. Kato's piercing eyes. Her watching you is strangely exhilarating, too. You're performing for your boss. You have a second chance to prove the worth of the futa-pill.

The fear starts to melt away, replaced solely by that rapture. That wonderful delight that Cassie's mouth stirs in your cock. You groan, savoring every lick of her tongue and suck of her mouth. Her blue eyes grow glossy as she surrenders, moaning, enjoying herself.

“What does it feel like?” asks Ms. Kato.

“Like having my clit sucked but better,” you moan. “More... more surface area. When she sucks, I feel it deep in my pussy. There's pressure there. Two points. I think... I think that's where my cum is.”

“Your ovaries, perhaps.” Her hips rock from side to side, her nylons rasping together. “Mmm, yes yes, keep rising to your orgasm. Dump your cum in Cassie's mouth. I want her guzzling it down.”

“Yes, Ms. Kato,” you pant, your breasts rising and falling. “And... I'm sorry about lying. I was just... This was...”

She waves a dismissive hand. “You're so big. That huge cock from your little clit. Mmm, imagine it sliding into a pussy.”

“Oh, god,” you moan.

“A hot, juicy cunt just parting around your cock, welcoming you in. Hungry for your girl-cum.”

“Ms. Kato!” you moan, your orgasm surging towards the point of no release.

“Yes, yes, cum in her mouth! Fire all that futa-jizz into her!”

You explode.

Your cum erupts out of those two hard points, rushes through your body, and bursts out the tip of your cock. The pleasure is ecstatic. Powerful jets of bliss zap back through you with each spurt of your futa-jizz into Cassie's mouth.

At the same moment, your pussy is convulsing. It's writhing and spasming. The pleasure races through you. You gasp and moan. Your hips wiggle from side to side. You pant, your breasts bounce and heave. The pleasure burns across your thoughts. it's incredible. A rush that has you gasping out in bliss.

The rushing pleasure bursts out of you so fast. It fires wonderful bliss through your body, mixing with the delight from your cunt. Pussy juices soaked down your thighs to your stockings. You groaned, the ecstasy blazing across your thoughts. You throw back your head, whimpering and moaning, sparks zapping through your body.

“Oh, my god!” you groan. “Oh, that's so good. That's fucking incredible! Oh, yes, yes, yes!”

Cassie gulps down all your cum. You hit the pinnacle. You fire the last of your cum into her. Ms. Kato watches with hungry eyes as you shudder through the bliss. You quiver there, panting and groaning, your eyes fluttering.

“Best orgasm of your life?” Ms. Kato asks.

“Yes!” you gasp. “This is fantastic.

Cassie keeps nursing on you, drawing out any remaining cum in your urethra. You pant, your breasts rising and falling in your bra. They feel so constrained right now. Your fingers flex. You want more.

“Pull up your panties and follow,” Ms. Kato commands.

“Yes, ma'am,” you groan.

Cassie slides her mouth off your cock and stands up, her hands rubbing on her pin-striped slacks. She's panting as much as you. She licks her lips, cleaning up some of the pearly spunk staining the corners.

You draw up our panties and pin your cock to your stomach. Then you shove down your skirt and adjust your hair. Ms. Kato is already marching out of the bathroom, her heels clicking. You and Cassie dart after her, your futa-dick wanting to escape.

“Where are we going?” you ask as you exit the restroom.

“To the labs,” Ms. Kato says.

“There you are,” Paris hisses as you are heading to the elevators. “Where is my...? Ms. Kato.”

“She's showing me something in the lab,” Ms. Kato says. “There is a new development. Now, you have your own work to do, so get to it.”

“I... of course,” your rival stammers.

You wink at her as you pass by. She's going to be in for a shock. Ms. Kato is very interested in these new effects. You shudder in delight, so eager to get down to Deandra's lab. That wanton and naughty scientist has cooked up something truly wicked.

You squirm on the ride down, wanting to just pull out your cock and do things. Cassie's beside you, cheeks flushed, her hands rubbing together while her pant legs rub together. You know she's got a hot cunt.

And so does Ms. Kato. Her nylons whisk as she stands firm before you. Her hips move just enough, her rump a delicious curve in her tight, gray pencil skirt. You want to grab it. Rip her skirt down. Fuck her so bad.

You need to cum again.

The elevator dings on the 13th floor, a long ride down from the 75th floor where your offices lay. Ms. Kato strides ahead, marching past Lab 4 where Dr. Isabella works on Paris's slut pill. At the end of the hall is Deandra's Lab 7. The birthplace of this naughty pill that has your cock throbbing and aching in your panties.

Ms. Kato yanks open the door and snaps, “Deandra! You made a pill that creates futanari!”

The Black scientist, a young woman just sitting down at the stainless steel table in the center of her lab to eat, bolted to her feet. If she were Caucasian, you'd know the color would be draining from her features. She looks ashen face as Ms. Kato marches forward through the lab. It's full of strange equipment, a full body shower in the corner for washing off contaminations. There are many shelves above the counters, lots of them locked.

“Er, well, I mean, it might,” Deandra says. She rubs her hands together. “Did someone take it?”

“I want the pills right now,” Ms. Kato says. Her voice is a deadly chill. It's not a shout, but it feels like one.

Deandra leaps to obey, her lab coat swirling, flashing the jeans and belly shirt she's wearing. She never dressed appropriately for the business environment, but she was a genius or something, so the company looked the other way.

At least when Ms. Kato isn't around.

Deandra rips open a cabinet and pulls out an amber pill bottle. She tosses it to Ms. Kato and instantly winces. The Black scientist tenses, waiting for Ms. Kato's reprimand. But the Japanese woman merely catches the bottle, opens it, and dumps out a pill. Without even hesitating, she takes it.

The pink pill vanishes. Without even any water, she swallows it down. I had no idea how she did that. I had to drink water to choke down the thick pill. Then Ms. Kato lifts her skirt and exposes her brown pantyhose over a pair of pale panties.

“How long did it...” She blinks. “Oh, my.”

“Not long,” you say, your futa-dick throbbing.

You, Cassie, and Deandra are all staring at Ms. Kato's crotch. It happens. A bulge forms, swelling from her pussy then thrusting upward. A cock. It grows in pulses, engorging, enlarging. It reaches up towards the waistband of her panties and pops out.

Ms. Kato gasps.

The spongy head of her cock presses up through the pantyhose now, not quite reaching the much higher waistband of the nylons. Her clit-dick looks about the same size as yours. The Japanese woman sways.

“I'm a futa,” she gasps. She grabs her nylons' waistband and rips. The pantyhose tear, exposing the pale-olive shaft and much of her cream-colored panties. Then She shoves those down enough for her cock to thrust from a thick, black bush. “I have a futa-cock.”

“You do,” purrs Deandra, heat in her voice.

Deandra falls to her knees. She stars at the cock before her before she turns to look at your bulge. The scientist trembles. Excitement is clearly shining in her eyes. She whimpers, fanning her face. Her passion is obvious. Her desire as clear as day.

She wants to suck your futa-cocks.

“It really worked,” moans Deandra. She shivers. “You're both futas.”

Ms. Kato glances at you. “She's been a wicked scientist.”

“Yes, she has.”

A smile crosses your boss's face. “Should we punish her for not disclosing to the company the real reason she created these pills.”

You're shocked, not just by the suggestion of punishing her, but that you're included. “Why ask me?”

“This is your project that she mishandled,” says Ms. Kato. “No, that she mislead you and the company on. It's your decision if we should punish her or not.”

The glint in Ms. Kato's eyes makes you very sure she doesn't mean firing Deandra or writing her up or docking her pay. Ms. Kato means physical punishment. Corporeal. You've heard rumors about this woman.

You swallow. Should you punish Deandra with her or tell your boss that's not appropriate?

What do you choose?

Do you and Ms. Kato punish Deandra? 

Do you tell Ms. Kato not to punish Deandra? 


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