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“No, wait, Cassie,” you say as Cassie is about to pop the futa-pill past her cum-stained lips. “Let's do this in front of Ms. Kato.”

“Oh, sure,” she says, her hand balling tight around the pill like she's afraid she'll lose it.

“You're still going to get to take it,” you tell her, shaking your head in amusement.

She blushes. “I know that.”

The three of you get dress. You and Deandra have to awkwardly get your futa-cocks into panties. Poor Deandra has those jeans. She groans as she zips them up, a noticeable strain on her face. But she gets it in the end and lets out a huge sigh of relief.

“Damn, I didn't realize how inconvenient this would be,” she mutters as she pulls on her belly shirt. None of you put on bras or panties. Just enough clothes not to be noticed. “I have to throw out all my favorite jeans. Too fucking tight.”

“Mmm, but they really show off your bulge,” I say, her cock's outline plain as day. She has it angled to the side to keep it from popping out the waistband.

“So is yours, and you didn't have to suck in your breath to zip up.” Deandra shuddered. “My poor jeans feel like they're about to rip apart.”

“Futa cocks are amazing.”

“They are,” You say, Deandra's cum leaking down your thighs.

The three of you leave the office, Deandra almost waddling. Your cock drinks in the friction of the shifting fabric of your pencil skirt, but at least you can walk normally. At the end of the hallway, you ride the elevator up and up to the 75th floor where not only do you and Cassie work, but where Ms. Kato's office lies.

It's a long and uncomfortable ride. You just want to use your futa-dick again. It was amazing. Deandra curses, squirming like she has to take a pee. She lets out a huge groan when the doors ding open. She stumbles out with you and Cassie following.

“There you are!” Paris hisses.

Your redheaded rival marches up, anger blazing on her face. You fight a groan, not wanting to deal with the bitch. She crosses her arms, pushing up her large tits in her scarlet blouse, her blue blazer rustling about her.

“You were supposed to bring me a coffee!” she hisses. “When I give you an order, you will obey—”

“Out of the damned way,” Deandra snarls. “I have a futa-dick shoved into my pants and I have to show it to Ms. Kato!”

Paris blinks. Then she glances down and gasps at the huge bulge in Deandra's jeans. The scientist then bullies her way past Paris and marches down the side of the cubicles. You hurry after with Cassie, leaving Paris to make strangling sounds.

Deandra knocks hard on Ms. Kato's office door. You wince at how forceful it is.

“Yes,” Ms. Kato calls, her voice icy.

Deandra throws open the door. You follow in after her, heart thundering in your chest. Ms. Kato is not a woman to cross. Her chilly gaze could freeze a polar bear. This is a bad idea. You don't even know how this works.

“What can I do for the three of you?” she asks, staring at you with those black eyes of hers. “I am not changing my mind, Deandra. Your pill—”

“Is a success!” the scientist exclaims and unzips her jeans. Her fly pops open. Her ebony cock flops out.

Ms. Kato raises an eyebrow.

Groaning, you hike up your own skirt and your futa-dick bobs out. You grab it, unable to help to stroke up and down the girth. It feels so good to soothe it. You want to keep stroking it until you erupt.

“This is not amusing,” Ms. Kato says. “I don't know what has gotten into your heads, or where you got those... those...” Her eyes narrowed. “Those are not dildos.”

“They're futa-cocks!” Deandra says. “Cassie.”

“Do it, Cassie,” you say. “This is what happens when a woman takes the futa-pill.”

Cassie finally unclenches that balled-up fist. She pops the thick pill into her mouth and struggles to swallow it. She finally manages even as she undoes her pin-striped slacks. She thrusts those down, her blonde bush coming into view.

“Is something...” Ms. Kato's words trail off. “Oh, my.”

“I know,” you groan as Cassie's futa-dick sprouts.

It grows thicker and longer with every pulsing beat of her heart. She shivers, moaning in delight. It passes your last boyfriend's cock in size. Cassie grabs it, holding it in her hand as it reaches its full girth. As big as yours and Deandra's.

“It does this to every woman?” Ms. Kato asks.

“Yes, it does,” you say, eager for her to be thrilled.

Ms. Kato grins. It's something you've never seen. It's almost alien to her. It is full of hunger. “Strip.”

Her command echoes through her office. It ripples over all three of you. This dominating aura ripples off of Ms. Kato. You shudder, part of you wanting to just obey her. But you can see the lust in Ms. Kato's eyes.

Do you dare to take control?

What do you choose?

Do you, Deandra, and Cassie submit to Ms. Kato? 

Do you take command of the meeting with Ms. Kato?  


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