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You feel your heart pounding as you come down from your high caused by cumming in Cassie. Your friend stares at you, making your heart beat faster. How had you never noticed how blue her eyes are? You want to just stay like this with her, but...

“We have to go see Deandra,” you say, fighting the pull of the new intimacy with Cassie.

“Yeah,” she says, her pussy clenching around your girl-dick. “Oh, wow, that was incredible, wasn't it?”

“Yes, it was,” you say, rubbing your nose against hers. You give her a quick kiss. The shelf rattles behind her. A roll of toilet paper makes the fateful plunge to the floor. 

You groan and pull out of her, your girl-dick popping out. You take a few steps back and bump into another shelf. It rocks and Cassie gasps, reaching out like she's going to catch something and then stops. You glance up to see a bottle of blue window cleaner on the edge of falling over.

But hadn't.

You pull up your panties, pushing your wet cock back in there. It doesn't really fit, and you just want to keep having fun with Cassie, but it's time to get down to see Deandra. You push down your skirt over it and smooth your clothing. She draws up her panties and her pin-striped pants. You both get yourself ready.

Then you slip out.

“I feel like a schoolgirl sneaking around behind my parents back,” you say in a hushed whisper as you enter the 12th-floor hallway.

“I know,” she says and then she takes your hand. She grips it tight. Her hand is warm.

The pair of you hurry down the hallway to the elevator bank and hit the down button. You keep looking around like someone on this floor is going to bust you. You don't even know who is on this floor; your company doesn't occupy them all.

The elevator dings. You slip on and the moment they close, you're kissing each other. You don't get to kiss for long since you're only going up a single floor to the thirteenth. You break the kiss and get off. You hurry down it. Deandra works in Lab 7 at the end of the hallway.

You pass Lab 4 and notice Paris in there with Dr. Isabella, the scientist behind the slut pill. You scowl but refuse to let that dampen your delight you found with Cassie. The pair of you almost float along to Deandra's lab.

“She is going to freak out when she sees what you've sprouted,” Cassie says, this bright smile on her lips.

“Yes, she is!” you say, nodding emphatically. 

You open the door and march in. There's a half-eaten lunch on the central metal table. Stainless steel gleams everywhere in the lab. There's all the standard equipment that you have no idea what it's for, racks for vials, a chemical shower in the corner, sinks, and one scientist whirling around to stare at you, shaking a piece of computer paper in her hand.

Deandra does not look happy. 

If she didn't have on her lab coat, you would have mistaken her for a twenty-something Black girl off the street. She has her hair cut short with a fade buzzed in on side and a silver nose ring contrasting against her ebony skin. Beneath her coat, she's wearing a pair of skinny jeans hugging her slender thighs and a crimson belly shirt.

“What the fuck is going on?” she demands. “I just got a call from Paris. That bitch is over in Isabella's lab. She told me my project is canceled! She was gloating about it. And now I have an email from Isabella gloating that her slut pill is better than mine. What happened up there? You were supposed to win Ms. Kato over to us. I was counting on you! This is my life work, and Paris is flushing it down the shitter.”

You are taken aback. You've never seen Deandra react like this before. You struggle to gather your thoughts, wondering if you should apologize and calm her down, or if you should just show her what happened when you took the pill. Either way, you have Cassie holding your hand in support.

What do you choose?

Do you apologize to Deandra with your lover Cassie at your side?

Do you whip out your cock to show Deandra with your lover Cassie's support? 


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