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My wings flapped over the boiling water. The dark waves crashed into each other as the remains of dugout sank beneath the waves. Illina ripped out her dagger before she vanished beneath the water. I grabbed the amulet around my neck, my sword flaming in my hand.

I dived for the water, folding my wings around my chest and thrusting my sword first. I splashed into the dark surface. A boiling hiss roared around me. Bubbles burst from around my blazing sword, the light almost snuffing out. 

The waters lit up around me anyways. A glow of darkness. It was unnerving. There was so much beneath me. I couldn't see any ocean bottom. Illina kicked to my right, her red hair flying about her. Where was my Stefan?

A bright light blossomed beneath me. A great sun appeared, the water becoming pale blue in every direction. There was still no sign of the ocean floor. How deep was it? That unnerved me. Stefan appeared further down, his blue robes billowing around him.

A dark shape flowed through the water. 

The sleek shape was nearly the size of the River Whisper. A great behemoth of a shark. Black and long, its tail a vertical sweep. It turned around, rushing at Stefan with mouth opening. Instead of fins on its side, it had arms. Legs.

It wasn't a real shark. It was some monstrous thing. The light fell across it's scales, revealing the patchy gleam of its hide. Grandmother Shark felt stitched together. From its head thrust out two metallic-looking whispers. An abomination. Revulsion rippled through me.

Then fear for Stefan.

I unfurled my wings in the water. The liquid pressed on them, making it difficult. I kicked down and flapped them, propelling me down further. Bubbles frothed from my blazing sword. My hair streamed around me.

Stefan yanked himself to the side with his magic. The shark's mouth bit on nothing. Then I was at it. The water buffeted around me. The turbulence from Grandmother Shark's wake swept into my body. I didn't care. I swung my sword and cut into hits hide. I tore through black scales. A minuscule misting of red burst from it.

The shark didn't make a sound. It flicked its fins hard. It shot past me. The water spun me. I screamed, bubbles bursting from my lips, the sound lost to the boiling froth of my sword. The blue world danced around me. I kicked legs to right myself.

I looked up to see Illina swimming by me, her dagger clutched in her hand. She had a determined look in her face. Her amulet floated out before her. I didn't need to breathe because of it. Felt no need as I kicked my body to straighten it.

Grandmother Shark turned in the water to come out at us. The metallic whiskers both crackled with lightning. It arched off into the water. A tingle raced through me as it turned to face us. Then the lightning zapped from both ends. Branches of white-hot plasma rushed at us, feeling up the world before me.

  ~   *   ~


“Cernere's black cunt!” I screamed into the water and kicked up.

The lightning sizzled through the water. I gripped my dagger, kicking mad to get clear. But it came at us too fast. My heart's rhythm surged faster. The crackling boil roared through my ears. Then white light burst around me.

My nervous system burst with activity.

My entire body spasmed as the short-circuit lanced through my body. My heart's rhythm flagged. The gears in my mind stuttered. Numbness burst through my leg. I spasmed in the body, every muscle contracting and relaxing at the same time.

I screamed, tumbling. I glimpsed the dark shape swimming at me, its clawed limbs paddling, hurtling the monstrous thing at me. Grandmother Shark's maw opened. Sharp teeth gleamed. My body didn't want to move. Every part of me tingled with pain. My limbs flailed.

I couldn't even scream. My jaw locked tight. 

~   *   ~ 

Stefan Halian

The lightning surged at us. 

I hardened water before us, forming a solid shield of it. I grabbed Ahlona and yanked her down. But Illina swam up. I shouted, but then the wide net of lightning boiled around us. It hit my shield and danced over the front. The entire water came alive. My skin tingled. I gasped, current arcing into us even though we were safe.

But it wasn't one of the main branches that swept by us. Illina wasn't so lucky.

Her body convulsed above. Her red hair flew. The deadly dagger in her hand flashed in the light from my sphere. Grandmother Shark swam for her, opening its mouth. Illina drifted towards it. I could feel the current shifting. A great vortex pulled at us, drawing us towards us.

I hardened a spear of water, binding it with a matrix of water magic. I hurtled it at the shark. This attack had devastated the kraken days ago. It rippled past the stunned Illina and slammed into the shark's open mouth. It hit the roof. 

It should have pierced into the brain pan.

Instead, it unraveled.

The magic that formed it came apart the moment it touched the beast. The water burst part in it mouth, snapping its head back. It swam over Illina. Her stunned body spun in the water as the hulk swam over her. Then current hit Ahlona and me.

I spun, cursing. My robes billowed around me, soaked with water. I kicked to fight for control, my body reeling. It had unwoven magic. It had been imbued with anarcane properties. I shuddered as horror swept into me.

Ahlona swam upward, fighting through the current. Her wings flapped. She swung her sword at the shark's belly. She slashed through the dark flesh. A rent appeared. Blood cloud the water. A clawed foot slashed at her. She blocked with her sword. The blow threw her through the water, wings spread wide to slow her. 

My mind whirled. This thing was an abomination. Nothing natural produced it. We were near Cenva. The warlocks had made something to guard the waters around their home. Something that was immune to magic.

Gods, that wasn't good. What could I do to it then? 

~   *   ~


Frustration rippled through me.

The water clung to me. It slowed down my swipe. That sword stroke to its belly had not been hard enough to cut deep. I snarled and swam after it. The tail swayed before me. The water slapped me. It threw me back, tumbling me. My wings fought to stabilize me.

It was so similar to flying and so different. My wings couldn't flap fast, but they could paddle me through the water. Grandmother Shark started her turn. I changed the angle of my attack, swimming out ahead to intercept the hoary beast.

I thrust my sword out before me. The water boiled off the glowing blade. My wings flapped hard. Fatigue already burned across my flight muscles. This was so much harder to push this heavy water, but I surged forward. The shark's beady, black eye reflected the glow from my sword.

I plunged into its side.

My sword rammed a foot into the shark's flesh just past its gills. Blood misted from the wound. I snarled my frustration. That should have rammed my entire blade into it. I flapped my wings to pushed my sword deeper, cutting into its flesh.

Darkness flashed to my right. A claw hurtled in. The water hardened to my right, forming a strange plane that bent and distorted everything beyond it.. The claw struck a barrier. It unraveled, but it deflected back the claw long enough for me to kick and swim over the shark, my sword cutting into the flesh.

I glanced at Stefan. He faced me in the water, floating almost motionless. The water swirled around me. It grabbed my body in strange ways. The shark kicked. The turbulence hit the current of ocean that streamed over my naked body, keeping me from being thrown back.

I smiled at Stefan and flapped my wings. I hurtled down at the shark, a way being cleared before me. The water pushed on me. I sent me thrusting at the monster with force. Power. I wasn't being restricted like before.

My mage's magic hurtled me at the shark.

My blade slammed into its back. The boiling tip punched through Grandmother Shark's hide. It buried deep this time. To the hilt. I smiled in triumph. Bubbles burst from my lips as I cried out my delight.

The shark thrashed.

Its tail slashed at the water as I twisted my blade. Its body twisted around. From my right, its snapping jaws lunged in at me. The motion ripped my sword free from its body. A long stream of red bled out.

The open maw loomed for me. But the water was around me. My Stefan held me tight. He pulled me up and over it. The mouth slammed close beneath me. I thrust out my blade and scored a long cut down its head, striking the hard skull. 

I could fight this thing. I flapped my wings hard, the water flowing around me. Stefan brought a vial to his mouth. He popped off the cork and then thrust it past his lips. He sucked on it as he floated there, his magic surging out into the ocean.

I slammed my sword deep into swimming shark's back.  

~   *   ~ 


The fuzzing spasms dwindled.

My gears churned properly. My nervous system responded. I spun about, looking for the beast. It circled the bright light Stefan had conjured. The mage floated. He did nothing that I could see. Was he injured? Unconscious.

No, he brought a vial of pussy juices to his lips.

I gripped my dagger and kicked down at the shark. Ahlona buried her sword into its back. She gripped her blade like it were an anchor, her body stretched out, her feet down by the dorsal fin. As the shark swam, she was pulled along after it, blood streaming around her.

I grinned in vicious delight and swam lower. I clawed at the water with my left hand my right holding the dagger tight. My legs kicked, my muscles responding to the commands of my nervous system. I hurtled towards that shark.

I hit the turbulence around it and fluttered my legs. I drove in for the side.

A claw slashed out at me.

I gasped as I felt the buffeting pressure of the swiping death come at me. The pressure hit me, spun me. I lost sight of it. The water surged around me, griping me. I yanked upward, stomach lurching. The claw slashed harmlessly beneath me.

What was that? 

The water flowed around me. I kicked and squirmed, gripped by it. Panic surged through me as I fought to control myself and go for the shark. It was past me know and turning around. Ahlona still clung to her sword buried in its spine.

The shark clawed at the water as it turned and surged at me. Its mouth opened wide. The water gripped me, ripping me away. I fought against it. I would get to the damn thing. I kicked hard for it, my knife held low. 

The mouth opened. I would stab it my blade into the roof of the knife. One nick and it would die. I grinned and—

The current violently tore at me from the side. It gripped my entire body, hurtling em out of the way. I screamed in frustration as the shark swam past me. I slashed fruitlessly with my knife. I kicked against his pressure. What was going on?

Stefan stared at me.

“Idiot!” I shouted, but only bubbles burst from my lips. 

~   *   ~ 


The shark pivoted, slowing its forward movement. I risked it.

I wrenched my sword free of the back back of the shark. I had to get to a vital. The skull. I kicked forward. My wings flapped. I swam up its body, the water surging along with me. My Stefan's power caressed over my flesh, cocooning me.

It turned to lunge for Illina again. She straightened in the water and faced it. She was shouting something, bubbles bursting from her angry lips. She raised her dagger up in the air. Grandmother Shark's whiskers crackled.

I kicked harder, fear for Illina surging through me.

The water rushed me up the shark's body faster. Then I was over its skull. I slammed my sword down. My blade pierced through the scales and struck the bone. A jarring impact halted my progress. I gasped, feeling the heaviness of the skull.

I would never penetrate it.

Lightning crackled forward.

Illina surged to the side, her toga billowing around her form, her limbs fluttering. The arc of crackling energy swept out before the shark. My skin tingled, current striking me even back here. My cheek spasmed.

The water held me in place. Stefan's magic pushed down on my arm. My sword. I could feel the weight of the water increasing there. I felt the tip of my sword grinding against the heavy skull. The pressure increased more and more.

Grandmother shark's head thrashed. I gasped, moved by the current. Stefan's magic held me in place, rocketing me back and forth. The water flowed over me. My brain rattled in my skull. A disorienting writhe burst through my stomach. A nauseating burst of bile crept up my throat.

The weight of all that water had my sword grinding into the skull. Bone popped. A loud cracking sound rent the water. Then my sword slammed down. The weight of the water ripped it from my hand and drove it deep into the Grandmother Shark's brainpan.

The best thrashed. The monstrosity writhed and twitched. Clawed hands slashed at the water. Lightning flickered at the ends of its metallic whiskers only to sizzle out a moment later. Blood streamed from the wound, turning the water crimson. The shark's twitching slowed.


It drifted through the water.

My mage had killed it with my sword. 

~   *   ~ 

Stefan Halian

I was burning through my magic fast. 

The construct of water solidified did not provide a stable ride. The three of us crowded on the liquid, the heart lying bloody on Illina's lap. The rouge glowered at me. She seemed to think that getting swallowed by a shark was the solution.

“It would have tore you in half,” I said for the thousandth time.

“Not before my knife pricked its skin and killed it,” she rotated.

“If that thing works that way,” I muttered.

“We missed a great chance to taste it.”

“Does it matter,” Ahlona asked, weary. “We have the heart. Tomorrow, we shall sail for the Dead Isle and be there when Sir Bryce arrives.”

“We'll gank his ass,” she said. “Assuming we don't die. He stole the Ambrosia for a reason.”

“I'll ward us with life magic,” I said and drank a vial of Illina's salty pussy juices. I gulped it down, the magic infusing me.

While hers was better suited for working earth, I could use it for all the elements. I kept up the current of water around our liquid craft. I maintained its shape, blazing through power. This should have been beyond my skill.

I had grown so much since leaving. Since having a purpose. My blood had come alive.

Ahead, the lights of the village grew brighter and brighter. Night had deepened. The moon shown as a crescent above, the waters around us dark and rippling with the occasional shiver highlight. We passed the moored River Whisper. Someone on the bow shouted at us, but her words were lost.

Then we were hurtling to the shore. A few of the warriors were crouched by a fire. They seemed to be dicing and laughing. One looked up and stared at us as I slammed our craft onto the shore. It melted back into liquid, depositing us gently on the sand.

I then dried us off, pulling the water from our clothing as we rose. My robe grew lighter. Illina's toga grew light an dairy. She glanced at me and grinned. Then she stood proud and held up the heart before her.

It was large. The size of a medium dog. It was impressive that she could even hold that thing. She was stronger than she looked. Krab had made her race well, and Las's animating cum gave them a vitality.

“You survived,” the headman grunted. Ko'van appeared out of the dark, arms folded.

“We triumphed!” Illina said, not caring about the blood that ran down her arms. “Look at this! Cut this beauty out myself.”

A cackling laugh emerged as more and more of the villagers appeared from huts, many wrapped up in furs or naked. Sleep was rubbed from eyes as they gazed out at us. I smiled at the, standing proud and triumphant beside Illina and Ahlona. Then the shaman marched up, her annoyed granddaughter in her wake.

“We have the component,” I said. “When can you perform the ritual?”

“Right now,” Shaman Ayniala said and glared at the heart. She spat on it. “Throw that warlock-cursed heart on the flames. Let the abomination burn.”

“So the Warlocks of Cenva did make it,” I said as Illina threw the heart onto the fire the warriors diced around. They jumped back as it sizzled and smoked. The blood on the outside boiled. The heart blackened as the flames attacked it.

She glared out into the bay. “They make mockeries on their black rock. Now we can fish again without fear. You are a great warrior. Follow.”

“Follow?” I asked, staring down at the burning heart. She was already pushing past the granddaughter and marching back to her heart. I hurried after her. “Don't you need the heart.”

“No, no, you needed the heart.”

I stared at her. “To buy your service?”

Her hawk-hard eyes fixed on me. “Do you think I would break a curse out of the kindness of my heart.”

I guess I was wrong about the Ilt hating commerce. I glanced back at the fire. If that was the price to pay, so be it. I needed this damned curse on me removed. I couldn't believe that Lagu supported Bryce. Did she want Pater dead? 

~   *   ~ 


“We must draw the curse out of you,” said the shaman the moment she entered the hut. She glanced at me and smiled. “And we have the perfect reciptical.”

“My angel?” demanded Stefan.

“She will be fine,” the shaman said. She pointed at her granddaughter and then snapped at the concoction steaming in a wooden bowl by the fire. It looked like she had just finished steeping it. A green fume rose from it. “You must drink this elixir to be blessed, angel.”

“What will this do to her?” Stefan asked.

“Why, inflame her blood.” The shaman glanced at him. Then she grabbed the ties of his robe and undid them. She threw him open and grabbed his cock with her wrinkled hand. She stroked him and he gaped.

“Ah, my touch isn't going to get you hard,” lamented the shaman. “A few decades ago, eh, I'd have boiled your blood.”

“Or shriveled his cock with your black womb,” muttered the girl, her voice soft.

“What as that?” barked the shaman.

“He would have risen to the occasion,” she said brightly.

The shaman eyed her granddaughter with suspicion as she brought me the bowl.

“Wait,” Stefan said as I took it. “It truly will not harm her.”

“No. Nor will it affect her. We just must get the spell out of you. It is on you.” She cackled. “You shall see the benefit eventually. Yes, yes.”

“Ahlona,” he said and stared at me. “You don't have to do this.”

“You must have your magic,” she said. “I won't to fight the Lawbreaker at your side.” I brought the foul concoction to my lips. The green smoke caressed my face before I touched it. A strongly bitter sent filled my nose.

It spilled onto my tongue. I wanted to gag. My wings fluttered as I tilted back the bowl. I gulped it down, my taste buds rebelling at the tonic. It settled down in my stomach, this heavy weight. I kept swallowing it, my throat working. It grew bitter as I reached the dregs. Bits of leaves and sodden roots spilled down my throat.

“Creation's passion, that is foul,” I gasped and thrust the bowl back at the granddaughter. “Now what.”

“Oh, it shall come to you,” said the grandmother. She sat down on by the fire. Her granddaughter knelt, too. An eager look on her face.

“Gods, they're going to watch us fuck,” Stefan said and pulled off his amulet that had the key to my chastity belt on it.

I blinked at that. Then I felt the fire in my belly. I gasped. My wings spread wide. This wild blaze ignited my cunt. My blood boiled. Nipples hardened. My cunt clenched. I flapped my wings, my halo blazing bright.

“Stefan!” I gasped. “The Divine Spark's rapture, get my chastity belt off!”

The heat consumed my mind. My thoughts. Cock. I needed his cock in me. I shuddered while Illina moved closer. She watched and then started unwinding her toga. A mischievous grin spread on her lips.

“Mmm, go get some angel pussy, Stefan!” she cheered, her hips rocking. Her small breasts came into view, jigging.

The granddaughter's hand slipped between her thighs, rubbing at herself as Stefan thrust the key into my lock. He twisted it. The chastity belt vanished in motes of golden light. They spilled down my body.

I lunged at him.

I seized him, pressing my tits against him. I kissed him, the whiskers of his goatee rasping on my face. My leg swept at his. I hooked it and tripped him. He gasped and fell on his back, ripped away from me. He stared up at me with a shock looked in his eyes. I stared at his dick.

“Yes!” I howled and threw myself down on him, straddling him. My wings flapped wide, rustling the fire. I ground my shaved twat on his dick. “I have to consume you in my passion! The Divine Spark's rapture!”

I grabbed his cock and slid my pussy up it. I nuzzled my cuntlips against the tip. The heat surging through me needed a release. There was no denying it. I had to have his cock in me. I slammed my twat down him.

My back arched. My breasts heaved. Stefan moaned as my cunt engulfed his cock. Light burst from my halo. My pussy squeezed around him, burning hot. His cock felt so right. What would put out this inferno.

I needed his cum gushing in me.

I slid up him, my breasts heaving. My cunt squeezed about his cock. I shuddered, my hips dancing from side to side. Stefan groaned as I worked my twat up and down his dick. I flapped my wings, lifting me up fast before impaling myself back down every inch of his thick shaft.

“Yes, yes, yes!” I moaned, my tits bouncing. I glanced at Illina rubbing at her hairless cunt.

I grabbed her and pulled her to me. My body blazed with rapture. She gasped, almost tripping as hauled her over his body. She caught herself, fiery hair dancing around her face. Then I buried my face into her salty pussy.

I licked at her cunt.

The thief gasped. I fluttered my tongue up and down her folds, licking and lapping at her. I devoured her, reveling in the heat of her pussy on my chin. My tongue danced through her flesh, caressing her. I worked my pussy up and down her cock. I slammed down his dick over and over, squeezing about him.

Pussy cream ran down my chin. I thrust my tongue deep into Illina's cunt. I moaned into her twat as I worked my snatch up and down Stefan's amazing dick. I squeezed about him, reveling in every bit of his dick caressing me.

I would make him cum so hard. He would spurt all that jizz into me. It would be incredible. I would have that spunk spurting over and over into me. I moaned, wanting it so badly. I squeezed my cunt around his dick, riding him hard. Fast.

The pleasure built and built in me with every plunge down his cock. Every rise up that thick and long dick. That wonderful rapture that would have me exploding. I would have such a huge climax. My tongue fluttered through Illina's cunt.

“Cernere's nimble fingers!” the thief gasped. “What did you give her?”

“What she needs to be receptive to the curse,” the shaman said. She cackled. “To be young again.”

“Yes!” her granddaughter whimpered.

I ignored them. They didn't matter. I just had to make Stefan cum. I could hear his moans. His hands stroked my sides now. Strong. I shuddered at their touch as I worked my pussy and down his dick. My blazing cunt clung to him, burning about him.

I groaned into Illina's cunt. My tongue plundered her depths, her salty delight spilling over my tongue. I loved the taste of her. I had to feast on her with a mad frenzy. The flames blazing in my nethers needed to be put out.

“Gods, yes!” Stefan groaned. “Slata's hairy cunt, that's amazing. Work that pussy up and down my dick.”

“Cum in her,” groaned the granddaughter. “Ooh, just flood that angel's twat.”

“Yes, yes, yes!” Illina moaned. “Gods, you're angel is devouring my cunt. She's possessed.”

“She is!” panted Stefan. “Gods, Ahlona.”

My halo pulsed as I heard the pleasure in his voice. I was bringing him closer and closer to that moment of eruption. He would have such a hard boil He would cum and cum and cum. He would shower my twat in his passion.

It would be amazing. 

I squeezed my cunt around his cock every time I lifted up, wings flapping. The fire billowed and crackled near us. My tongue fluttered and lapped at Illina's folds. I caressed her soft petals. I brushed her clit. Her little titties jiggled over me.

She grinned down at me, this look of absolute delight in her eyes. She bit her lower lip and groaned out in delight at the wicked licking and lapping that I was doing to her. it was amazing to enjoy her. To lap at her with such a frenzy.

Her cream ran down my chin. My breasts jiggled. I worked my cunt up and down Stefan's cock faster and faster. My orgasm built, fed by the fire. By his dick caressing my silky pussy walls. I moaned into Illina's cunt, my halo pulsing with light. Shadows danced from her hard nipples.

“Gods, yes!” Stefan groaned. “Ahlona... That pussy.”

I squeezed about him. Then I slammed down his cock. I impaled every inch of my cunt on him. He groaned, his hands gripping my hips. He stroked my flesh. As he slid up me, he snarled out his pleasure.

His cum fired into me.

That wonderful splash of jizz on my cervix exploded rapture through me. As he doused my flames, my pussy convulsed in rapture. Waves of ecstasy washed out through my body, smothering the fire and replacing it with rapture.

“Creation's passion!” I howled into her cunt as my pussy went wild. My cunt writhed and spasmed around his cock. My flesh sucked at him. Worked at him.

It was amazing. I shuddered, my body trembling. My wings fluttered, my pussy rippling and writhing about that wonderful dick. I savored it. My heart pounded faster and faster. The pleasure surged through my body.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I moaned. And then sucked on Illina's clit.

“Oh, gods,” Illina gasped. “Cernere's black cunt!”

Salty juices gushed out of her pussy. As my Stefan pumped my cum into my pussy, I drank down Illina's wonderful cream. I guzzled it, loving every second of her juices gushing out of her. They spilled over my chin. They washed down my throat.

They were amazing. Rapturous. I feasted on her as Stefan's spunk extinguished the last of the fire the elixir ignited in me. My drowning ecstasy smothered my thoughts. I shuddered, my pussy milking out his cock. I wrung his balls dry of all his seed.

“Gods,” he moaned. “Ahlona...”

“Right?” gasped Illina. “Oh, Gods, that's amazing. You went wild, Ahlona. Mmm, naughty angel.”

I pulled my face from her, my orgasm hitting that peak. I winked at her as my body drew out everything in Stefan. I groaned, feeling something tingling in the depths of my pussy. More than cum had fired out of him.

“It's gone,” I moaned. “I can feel it, Stefan. You're not cursed any longer.”

“No, you're not!” the shaman pronounced. 

~   *   ~ 


I stepped off the longboat onto the deck of the River Whisper. I stretched my back. Half the night had passed. I should get sleep, tomorrow we would sail for the Dead Isle and reach it. We should be ready for what we found there, but I was too keyed up.

Fighting that shark had been exhilarating. Even if Stefan had mothered me with his magic. I would have been fine. I could have survived being swallowed. I would have cut my way out of the damned shark and killed it in the process.

But it still died. I had distracted it. The dumb thing saw me before it and ignored Ahlona on its back.

“Successful?” Azure asked, already heading for Ahlona. 

“Yes,” Stefan said. “We can head to the Dead Isle. If you're still willing.”

“Of course I am,” she said.

“Good, I need more vials of pussy juices from you.” He glanced at me. “And from you, Illina.”

“I'll get them for you,” I said, hearing moans. I held out my hand, curious about those sounds. 

Stefan slipped me three. I would feel them for him. Then Azure was dragging Ahlona towards the cabin. The captain was eager to get back in that angel pussy. Stefan might find it hard to get his angel away from her once we'd killed that bastard.

And I would kill him. 

I followed the sounds of moaning to the bow of the ship. Dark shapes moved their in that delicious way. As I got closer, they grew clearer. It was my two favorite naiads. They were fucking each other hard. Or, well, Wave was fucking Foam from behind, her round boobs heaving while her hand reached down and stroked Foam's cock. The busty naiad's tits heaved as she took Wave's pounding thrusts.

I licked my lips in delight at the sight. I needed more fun. Tomorrow would be a long day. I set the vials down and unwound my toga. I peeled it off of me and exposed my naked body. My heart's rhythm sped up. My nervous system burst with activity.

Wave threw a look over her shoulder and winked at me as she fucked into Foam's cunt hard and fast. I shuddered and grabbed a vial. I rubbed at my clit. I massaged my little bud. I masturbated as I watched them.

I twisted and pinched my clit. My orgasm swelled fast. I was still riding off the high of fighting the monster and I swear some of that tonic was on Ahlona's lips when she ate me out. I felt on fire. I twisted my clit.

My orgasm built.

I shuddered, watching the two naiads fucking. Waves tits heaved. Their moans filled the air as they hurtled towards their orgasms. Foam's hermaphrodite-dick thrust out before her, bobbing with the rhythm of their fucking.

“Yes, yes, yes!” Wave gasped. “Matar's tight cunt, I love your pussy, Foam!”

“Ooh, you're churning my cunt up. I'm going to cum!”

“Yes,” I hissed, pinching my bud. Sparks flared through me.

The pleasure in my pussy swelled faster and faster. I massaged my clit, holding the vial tight against me. Stefan would need my pussy juices tomorrow. They would be important to kicking backstabbing, dick-munching, jizz-guzzling paladin's ass. Wave's rhythm grew faster and faster, matching my delight.

I pinched my clit. Foam gasped. Her head threw back as she came. I shuddered, watching the side-profile of her right boob heave. She whimpered and moaned. Juices gushed own her thighs as Wave rammed forward into her lover's cunt. Spunk splashed the decking, so white against the pink and purple planks.

“Matar's foamy cum!” moaned Wave and buried into Foam. Pussy juices flooded down her thighs.

“Cernere's nimble fingers!” I gasped, my own orgasm surging through me. My pussy juices gushed out of me and into the vial.

I shuddered, massaging my clit. My cream gushed down around the vial, coating my fingers. The pleasure rushed through my nervous system. My heart's rhythm sped up faster and faster. It pounded so fast as I whimpered through this wonderful bliss. My eyes squeezed shut as I reveled in this amazing delight.

I groaned and swayed, savoring every last moment of bliss that surged through my body. Wave howled, pumping Foam's pussy with more and more cum. The two naiads trembled through their pleasure.

“Gods,” I groaned, my orgasm hitting a peak. I pulled the vial from my pussy and capped it. I set it down and picked up the next. I licked my lips. “Mind if I have a taste of all that yummy foam you left in her.”

Foam giggled. “Yes, drink all of Wave's salty jizz out of me. I love it, Illina.”

“Be my guest,” purred Wave. “I will be taking payment out of your ass.”

“Perfect.” I moaned. “I have these vials to fill. I need two more orgasms before I can find my bed. Getting ass-fucked by a naughty naiad just might do the trick.”

Wave ripped her big girl-dick out of Foam's pussy. She shook the gleaming shaft at me. “Might?”

I winked at her and moved on the deck. It had a faint roll to it, the bay mostly calm. I hardly noticed it as I fell to my knees before Foam's hairless pussy. Her hermaphrodite-cock twitching between her thighs.

I fell to my knees behind her and nuzzled into that pussy. I licked at the sweet pussy cream mixed with salty cum. I pushed the vial into my pussy. Just enough so that my squirting would fill it. I clenched down on it and lapped.

“Mmm, that cute ass,” moaned Wave. “Matar's big dick, you make me hard.”

“Good,” I moaned, wiggling it. “Get that big dick in my keister. I want to cum hard. Butt-fuck me!”

“You heard her! Butt-fuck her, Wave!” moaned Foam.

“Gods, I can't resist.” Wave fell to her knees behind me and smacked her cock into my rump.

I shuddered, clenching my pussy down on the vial. I would give Stefan such powerful pussy juices. He'd feel supercharged with magic after he drank mine. 

I thrust my tongue deep into Foam's pussy, licking out that salty cum. Wave's cock slid down my butt-crack. Her spongy crown then nuzzled in. She was slick with the very sweet cunt I devoured. That made me shudder in delight.

Then gasp as her tip found my asshole. She rubbed it right there, making me shiver in delight. Then she pushed and pushed. I groaned, savoring every last moment of her girl-dick pushing deeper and deeper into my asshole.

I shuddered, my bowels squeezing down around her dick. That wonderful cock pushed and pushed against me. I whimpered, my toes curling. It was amazing. I would have such a huge orgasm. I would cum and cum and cum. It would be amazing.

I couldn't wait for that delight. 

My anal ring stretched and stretched. I moaned into Foam's cunt, scooping out jizz and cream as my sphincter surrendered. The thick shaft penetrated my bowels. I shuddered, my twat clenching on the mouth of the vial as Wave went deeper and deeper into my bowels.

“Matar's big dick!” gasped the naiad.

“You certainly have one!” I moaned, clenching my asshole down around her. “Ooh, work that in me. Yes!”

She did. She worked that cock deeper and deeper into my bowels until the hairless folds of her pussy rubbed on my back. I groaned, my asshole clenching about her hermaphrodite-dick. I reveled in that throbbing shaft being in me.

Then she drew back. She pulled and pulled on her cock. I groaned, my asshole clenching down around her. This heady rush shot through my nervous system. It was magnificent. I savored every moment of it. My heart's rhythm sped up, hurtling blood through my circulatory system 

I swirled my tongue around in Foam's . I danced about, loving every second of it. I lapped out more and more of that cum, my pussy getting juicier and juicier. Wave slammed back into my asshole. She buried that dick in deep.

“Cernere's black cunt!” I moaned, drinking in that hot friction. “Yes, yes, you know how to pound a girl's asshole.”

“Mmm, it's such a delicious asshole to pound,” she moaned, thrusting away at me.

“Matar's cock, make her cum!” gasped Foam. “I want to feel the naughty thief moaning into my cunt! She's stealing all that yummy jizz out of me.”

“So naughty of her!” 


Stinging heat melted across my rump. I clenched my butt-cheeks and squeezed my bowels around girl-dick. Then she drove back into me. I reveled in it, plundering more and more spunk out of Foam's sweet cunt.

I delighted in being ass-fucked. It was such an amazing delight to enjoy. I wiggled my hips from side to side, taking her girl-dick in my bowels over and over again. I groaned, reveling in every moment of this wonderful dick penetrating me. I would have such a huge orgasm. It would explode out of me. Just drown me delight.

I squeezed my bowels down tight as she drew back. I came closer and closer to my orgasm. The beat of my heart pumped such wild blood through my circulatory system. The gears in my mind clicked away.

“Oh, Gods, yes!” I moaned, my pussy drinking in the friction. My nervous system celebrated it. “Keep fucking me, Wave. Pound me like the surf does the shore!”

“Relentlessly!” Foam moaned. “Yes, yes, Illina. Keep stealing that cum out of my pussy.”

I thrust my tongue into her cunt. I didn't taste any more salt. “Too late! All gone!”

“Wicked thief!” Wave moaned, ass-fucking me so hard. She pounded me, her hairless pussy lips smacking wet into my rump.

I loved it. I reveled in her cock slamming into me. It was incredible to enjoy. I whimpered and moaned, stirring my bowels around her girl-dick. My pussy grew hotter. I was so close to that wonderful moment.

I sucked on Foam's clit.

She gasped, rubbing her pussy into my face. She ground it back and forth. She smeared her hot cunt against me. Her pussy cream ran down my chin. She whimpered as I nursed. I sucked on that bud. Her butt-cheeks clenched before my face.

“Matar's juicy cunt and hard dick!” she moaned.

I grabbed her girl-cock at that moment and fisted her. I pumped my hand up and down fast, matching Wave's rhythm. Foam's hermaphrodite-dick throbbed in my hand. Then she squealed in delight.

Her cock pulsed.

Juices gushed into my mouth.

I licked up her flood as she came. My asshole squeezed down on Wave's thrusting dick. Her cock hammered me hard. She buried her shaft deep into my bowel. I lapped up the flood of sweet cream as the fire blazed in me.

I came.

Juices squirted into the vial. Flames burned throughout my nervous system. The ecstatic heat melted the gears in my mind. I reveled in them, stars bursting through my vision. My bowels writhed around Wave's thrusting cock.

“Cernere's black cunt!” I howled, trembling from the fires blazing through my body.

“Matar's spurting cock!” Wave moaned and buried into me.

As my pussy juices flooded the vial, her cum pumped hot into my asshole. My spasming bowels massaged her squirting dick. I filled up that vial while she basted my anal sheath. I loved it, trembling. The rapturous heat blazed in my mind.

I hit that moment of ecstasy, wringing out the last of the cum from both naiads' cocks with my hand and asshole. I panted, shuddering. Panting, I ripped the vial out of my pussy and capped it quickly so they would be nice and fresh.

“Mmm, I need one more orgasm,” I said. “I need to be ready for tomorrow.”

“Then I should churn up your cunt,” said Foam. 

I grinned in delight. One last taste of pleasure before tomorrow.  

~   *   ~ 

Sir Bryce Cartith – The Mermaid's Tickler

The night passed.

I couldn't sleep. We were so close. The captain said we were only hours away. It was just beyond the horizon. The Dead Isle. I could feel it. My fate tugged at me. Pulling me closer and closer. We would soon sail up Dire Bay and land on the shores before the Black Spire. At its pinnacle, we would find the norn's home.

We would gain entry. I would gain the fate I need to kill Pater. I would summon him down and cut out his heart. He would finally pay for what he did to my wife. To my sweet and loving Deanna. He turned her into a whore.

He turned every woman he touched into one. 

For a while, Monica had held that promise of Deanna. She had promised to be faithful. Fought so hard, but the moment I gave her the choice to sleep with another, she threw herself at the barguest. Not Stefan like I had wanted. No, no, she had indulged.

That innocent face and form of hers were a lie. She was a slut like all the others. She reveled in being fucked over and over by the crew. As much a whore as Alloria. It made things easier. My emotions had wavered for a while, but they were clear again.

“Can't sleep either?” Monica asked.

She padded up to me in her robes, crossing the ship. 

“We're so close,” I said. “Tomorrow, this ends. We will punish the Lawbreaker.”

“How can you know he'll arrive tomorrow?” she asked.

I grabbed her and pulled her to me. I put my hand on her belly. “Because you'll be there. You have what he craves. What he needs. He will come for your baby.”

She gasped. “I'm bait.”

“Why do you think those goblins attacked?” I lied. I needed Monica pliant. Biddable. The best way was to have the cooperation of your victim was to make her think you were her savior. She never hesitated to travel the world with me. I rubbed at her round belly. 

The key to everything was in there. I had waited for my chance, readying for the day.

“Why didn't 'you tell me?” she asked. Then she nodded. “No, I understand. I was weak before. You weren't sure I would be committed. That I would let myself be used as bait. But I want him dead. We've come this far. We're going to do it, my husband. We're going to kill the Lawbreaker.”

I smiled out ta the dark sea. “Yes, we are.” 

To be continued...

Click here for Chapter 11!  



Doesn't seem like I can continue to chapter 11 from this link. It just opens a blank tab. Trying it from chapter 12 takes me to chapter 8.. oh the confusion lol