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“The truth is, I took the futa-pill, Ms. Kato,” you say. “It had... a side-effect that I didn't anticipate. As you can see, I grew a cock and... Well, Cassie and I came in here to figure it out. Paris caught us...”

“Getting a blowjob from Cassie,” Paris continues. “And she was so startled, she ended up jizzing on my skirt. I made her clean it up, but she decided to do that by licking it up with your tongue.”

“Then you made us eat your pussy!” Cassie counters.

Ms. Kato looks back and forth. “Cassie, return to your desk.”

Her eyes widen. Then she swallows and then she rushes off. She shoots you a guilty, apologetic look before she scurries off. Then she's gone, the bathroom door swinging shut behind her. You tremble before Ms. Kato.

“You two, come with me,” she says, her voice ice. 

You stuff your cock back beneath your skirt while Paris shoves hers down over her hips. She's as pale-faced as you feel. She shakes her head at you, clearly annoyed that you ratted her out. Her eyes seemed to say, “Great, you got us both in trouble.”

You think it's better than having to be Paris's bitch. You'll just hope that Ms. Kato sees that Paris did worse than you. Your heels click on the bathroom tiles. Then you head through the door, following Ms. Kato out into the office. She sweeps past the cubicles. Your heart pounding. Your hands flex, palms sweaty.

You feel like everyone is staring at you, witnessing you and Paris being marched to your punishment in Ms. Kato's office. You spot Cassie in her cubicle. She gives you another nervous smile. And then you've swept past her.

Ms. Kato throws open her office door and marches past her desk to stand before the cabinet that's always behind it, blocking off her view out her window. She turns to face you as you close the door. You shudder as her eyes are hard.

“I can fire you both, or you can do what I say no questions asked,” she says, looking over you. “I can punish you my way.”

You swallow. Part of you thinks getting fired might be the better option, but... “Your way.”

“Yeah,” Paris says, sounding defiant.

“Good, strip,” commands your boss.

You blink.

“Ms. Kato?” asks Paris.

“You two don't have any problem fucking in my office, so strip.” The coldness in her voice lashes over you.

You jump and are unbuttoning your blouse before you realize it. Paris is slipping out of her light-blue blazer, her large breasts rising and falling in her scarlet blouse. You rip your own top off, your round breasts heaving in the light-blue satin bra you're wearing.

Ms. Kato smiles, am expression both cold and satisfied, as you and your rival strip naked. You lick your lips, still tasting Paris's tangy pussy on them. You unhook your bra, freeing your round breasts. They're plump and perky, with a jiggle to them. Paris blouse is doffed and her bra follows. Her tits are larger, softer, swaying more as she unzips her skirt.

You slide your own over your futa-cock. You had just stuffed it back into your skirt. A shiver runs through you. Your dick pops out, thrusting from the shaved folds of your pussy. You feel Ms. Kato's eyes on it.

“You are a futa,” she says. “I should have made the connection with the pill. I just thought the nickname was as coincidence.” Your boss shakes her head. “Deandra, Deandra, Deandra. What are you cooking up in my labs.”

“This, Ms. Kato,” You say as you step out of your skirt.

Paris is glancing at your cock as she strips out of her skirt and then panties. Her shaved pussy appears, clit piercing gleaming with her juices. You roll down your panties, too, but before you can take off your thigh-high stockings, Ms. Kato stops you.

“Bend over my desk,” she commands, turning around and flinging open her cabinet.

It's full of sex toys and BDSM paraphernalia. Leather cuffs, handcuffs, paddles, whips, gags, nipple clamps, blindfolds, collars, and more all hang from hooks or sit on shelves amid the dildos and vibrators. You can't believe that's what she's had in there all this time. She takes off a riding crop, a thin and flexible shaft with a small square of black leather at the end.

“Bend over now!” she snaps.

Both you and Paris squeak. You bend over her desk, pressing your naked breasts into the smooth surface. You shudder at the kiss of the wood on your body. You squirm, your pussy on fire. She moves around the desk, shaking her head. Her heels click as she walks. You swallow, this itch growing in your pussy.

“You two have been bad,” says Ms. Kato. “The only sex allowed in this office is with my permission.” 


The riding crock smacks down on your ass. The stinging sound echoes through the room. You gasp, your butt-cheeks clenching. Your futa-dick throbs and twitches. You shuddered, rubbing your tits into the desk. The pain melts across your rump. You can't believe how intense this is.

“If you want to lick pussy”—CRACK! The crop strikes Paris's rump—“or suck futa-dick”—CRACK! It blazes across your rump again—“then you ask my permission.”


Paris yelp, jumping.

You understand. Your as is stinging from two blows. It's a sharp pain that melts into a prickling heat. Your pussy grows hotter. Cunt juices leak down your thighs and your twitching futa-cock. You can't believe this is turning you on.


“Fuck!” you gasp from the impact.

“Fuck?” demands Ms. Kato. “That's how you address me. 


She hits your ass again.

“S-sorry, Ms. Kato!” you moan, the pain blazing.

“Mistress in here, futa-slave,” she hisses. 


The third blow in a row stings across your rump. You throw your head back, your cock twitching hard to the pain. It melts down to your pussy, warming up your cunt. An ache forms in your ovaries. Your nipples throb against the desk as you squirm.

“S-sorry, Mistress,” you grasp out.


Paris gasps, her body bucking beside you. Her red hair dances about her face.

“And how about you?” Ms. Kato asks.


“Mistress!” Paris groans through the pain. Her face twists. “Mistress! You're my Mistress!”


“That's right,” Ms. Kato coos as Paris jumps from being spanked a third time. “What will you two do the next time you get horny. Futa-slave?”


“Ask your p-permission, Mistress!” you moan, tears stinging your eyes. Your ass blazes. It hurts so much. You groan, your cock throbbing. Pulsing. It needs to be touched.

“And you, slave?” Ms. Kato asks.


“Ask you, Mistress!” howls Paris. “Oh, god, we ask you. It's your office, Mistress.”

“That's right,” she says.


She spanks both your asses in quick succession. You buck and moan, rubbing your tits into the desk. The pain is blazing across your ass. It's intense. Your rump is a mass of throbbing welts. You tremble there, breathing heavily.

“Now strip me,” Ms. Kato commands, setting the riding crop down beside the pair of you.

“Yes, Mistress!” you and Paris gasp at nearly the same moment.

You bolt up, so glad that the punishment's over. Your futa-cock and ass throb to your beating heart. You spin around, nearly smacking your dick into Ms. Kato's hip. Your hands go for her blouse. Paris falls to her knees and goes for the skirt. Your fingers work at the buttons of the mauve blouse, working down the buttons and exposing a cream-colored bra.

She holds her arms out, clearly comfortable with being stripped by others. She's done this before. Seeing all the BDSM gear, you're not surprised. You pull the top off and then unhook her bra. You expose her round tits. They are firm and taut, her nipples an exciting shade of dark-olive. 

Paris has already gotten her skirt off and is rolling down Ms. Kato's pantyhose, taking care not to make any runs. Beneath, she has on a pair of cream-colored panties. You lick your lips, eager to see her pussy. Is she shaved or not.

Paris peels off the nylons and goes for the panties next. She draws them down, tugging them down to reveal a thick, black bush. You lick your lips at the sight of it. This heat washes through you. You fan your face and wiggle your hips from side to side.

You can see juices on the silky strands. Little drops of dew. She's horny. Turned on. That's exciting for you. Your girl-dick throbs and aches. You're so ready to do wicked and naughty things to that pussy. To just lick her out. Eat her. Make her cum.

“On your back on my desk, futa-slave,” orders Ms. Kato. “I want your ass right on the edge.”

“Yes, Ms. Kato,” you gasp and obey.

You wince when you sit down on your blazing rump. You shudder and lean back, stretching out. the desk is cool and the pain retreats now that you don't have all your weight on it. Your breasts from two firm mounds.

Ms. Kato mounts the desk and straddles you. She grabs your cock. You groan, realizing the pleasure you're in for. You are so excited to feel her pussy sliding up and down your new futa-dick. She brings her pussy closer and closer.

Her silky hairs brush the tip.

You moan in excitement.

She impales her pussy down your cock. You gasp at that hot rush of cunt swallowing your dick. It's incredible. You shudder, your heart racing from the pleasure that's just consumed your girl-dick. You groan, your heart pounding in your chest. Your blood is racing through your veins. You'll have a huge orgasm.

Just fire all your cum into her pussy. You'll flood her. She bottoms out on you, her thick bush rubbing into the shaved lips of your pussy wrapped around your dick. That's a new delight. You groan at it, your body squirming from those ticklish curls. 

“Now, since you made her eat your pussy, slave, you have to return the favor,” Ms. Kato says. “Lick my futa-slave's cunt right now.”

“Yes, Mistress!” Paris gasps.

You can't help but smile at that. Then you groan as Paris licks her tongue up your thighs. She nuzzles right into your shaved pussy lips. She flutters her tongue up and down your lower folds, right over the entrance to your pussy.

As Paris eats you, Ms. Kato rides you. She works her cunt up and down your girl-dick. She slides that hot and juicy twat up your shaft and then slides back down. You gasp, your ovaries quivering. The two different pleasures are incredible.

Her fingernails pinch your nipples. You gasp as they bite into your nubs. It hurts, making you squirm your burning ass into the desk. You whimper and then groan. Even though she's torturing your nipples, she's worshiping your girl-cock.

The pleasure is surging through your veins. Such wondrous excitement is rushing out of your twat. You shiver, your pussy clenching around Paris's probing tongue. She's swirling it around in your twat's depths.

You gasp. Moan. It's incredible to feel. You squirm in place, loving every moment of that tongue licking around you. You're going to have such a huge orgasm. You're going to explode. And that's going to be amazing. You tremble there as the pleasure surges through your body.

“Yes, yes, yes, Mistress!” you moan.

“You like that?” she asks, twisting your nipples. They flare with pain.

It feeds the pleasure in your cunt and your girl-dick.

“Yes, Mistress!” you groan. “Oh, I do. She's licking my pussy and you're riding my girl-dick.”

“Yes, I am!” gasps your boss. Her face twists in delight. She stretches out your nipples and tits. You groan as she pants, “I am finally fucking a futa!”

She slams her cunt down your girl-dick. Her hot twat swallows every inch of your cock while Paris licks and laps at your pussy. The two delights are swelling your orgasm faster and faster. Your ovaries brim with more of your futa-cum.

You want to erupt, but is that a good idea? If you cum before Ms. Kato, she'll be pissed. You whimper, denying your pleasure as she works that hot and tight cunt up and down your dick. She's riding you with passion. With zest.

Her round boobs heave over your body as she works her pussy up and down your girl-cock. You groan, that ache swelling. At the tip of your dick. In your ovaries. Paris's tongue flutters up and down your slit while that tight pussy rides your futa-dick.

“Fuck!” you moan.

“Mmm, yes!” Ms. Kato moans. “How's that pussy, slave?”

“Yummy, Mistress,” moans Paris into your twat. “It's delicious.”

“Good!” groans the Japanese boss. She slams down your cock as she reaches up and pulls the chopsticks from her hair.

Her long, black strands spill down her face. You groan at the sight of her hair falling down. She rides you faster, adding this twist with her hips. She stirs her tight cunt around your girl-dick. At the same time, your pussy drinks in Paris's naughty licking.

She strokes your labia. She's moving up and down your folds. Then she thrusts into you. She swirls around in you. You gasp, your pussy is about to burst with pleasure. Your ovaries want to unload all your cum into Ms. Kato's pussy.

“Mistress!” you squeal. “I... I...”

“I know!” Ms. Kato moans. “Your cock is so impressive. Futa-slave!”

She slams her pussy down your dick.

Her cunt goes wild.

You gasp as you feel the orgasmic delight of a hot twat writhing around your futa-cock. You've experienced your own pussy spasming in climactic rapture, but now you're feeling it from the other end. The way the hot flesh caresses around your shaft, almost sucking at you.

With a gasp, you erupt.

Your futa-cum fires out of your dick and pumps into Ms. Kato's pussy. You groan, basting her twat with blast after blast of cum. It fires out of you. The heady rush of sweeps over you. Your pussy is going wild. Your groaning. Gasping. The pleasure slams into your mind. It splashes heat across your thoughts.

You groan, bucking through the bliss as you pump spurt after spurt of your jizz into her pussy. You baste her cunt with all that spunk. Her twat writhes around your cock. She's working out your spunk. It feels incredible.

“Yes!” you gasp, your pussy gushing juices into Paris's mouth.

She's licking up the cream gushing out of you. She's gathering it up with her hungry tongue, just licking away at you. It's incredible to experience. You groan, trembling through the rapture. Your mind blazes with the bliss. It's fantastic to experience.

“Yes, yes, yes!” you whimper, savoring that wonderful delight. “Mistress!”

Her pussy milks your cock as her tits heave above you. Black hair dances around her face twisting in ecstasy. At the same time, Paris is lapping at the cream flooding out your spasming twat. Her licks are sending waves of rapture through your body.

Two wonderful delights for you to enjoy. 

You groan, trembling on your back. You blink your eyes, your tits rising and falling as you savor that amazing pleasure. It's an intense rush. You suck in deep breaths, your heart pounding wildly in your chest.

The blood is screaming through your veins, pumping all that bliss through your body. It's an incredible orgasm. Your first time dumping jizz in a woman's pussy. You're Mistress's pussy. You pant, staring up at her.

“Did you enjoy my futa-dick, Mistress?” you find yourself asking, suddenly feeling anxious.

“Mmm, yes, I did,” Ms. Kato asks, her voice throaty and warm. You've melted the ice queen with your molten spunk. “But you've filled me with all your cum.”

“I'm sorry,” you gasp.

She smiles. “Don't be. I get to enjoy Paris licking me clean now. She's already got a taste of your pussy, but...”

“I want to eat your pussy, Mistress!” Paris moans. “I'll make you cum so hard. You'll love every second of gasping and moaning on my mouth.”

“Yes, I will.” The Japanese woman lifts her pussy of your cock.

You groan as that hot cunt slides up your dick. The pleasure is intense. It's amazing. You groan, savoring every moment of it. Then her twat pops off. She throws her leg over and sits her rump on the desk. She has her thighs spread wide, your futa-jizz leaking out of her cunt.

“Well?” she coos.

“Yes, Mistress!” moans Paris.

She shifts over and buries her face into the Japanese woman's pussy. Black curls spill over Paris's features. Her red locks tumble over Ms. Kato's thighs. You shudder, your futa-dick still hard and aching as Ms. Kato shudders in delight.

You lick your lips, watching in fascination. Paris is licking your cum out of Ms. Kato's pussy. Just feasting on her with hunger. It makes you shiver. Your pussy clenches, the heat rushing through your body. You fan your face.

“And you are still erect, futa-slave,” Ms. Kato says. She grabs your cock and strokes up and down your girl-dick. “How utterly fascinating.”

“Thank you, Ms. Kato,” you whimper as she does that. The pleasure rushes through your body. 

“Why don't you fuck her up the ass with that beautiful dick?” Ms. Kato moans. “Really pound her hard. I know you want to, futa-slave. I know Paris has been a cunt to you for years.”

“I wanted to win,” Paris moaned.

“Mmm, and now you're getting your prize. A big futa-dick rammed up your asshole.” Ms. Kato squeezes your cock. “Do it, futa-slave.”

“Yes, Ms. Kato,” you moan and slide off the desk.

You aren't even going to pretend you don't want to do this. You're eager to fuck your rival in the ass. Your round breasts sway. Pussy juices leak down your thighs to the tops of your stockings. As you move behind her, your futa-dick twitches with your heartbeat.

Paris has a plump, pale ass. You part her welted cheeks with your left hand, fingers digging into her flesh. You expose her asshole, a puckered, brown hole that's just begging for your dick to sodomize her and make her cry out in rapture.

You place your girl-dick right against that naughty hole, a big grin spreading over your lips. You can feel that wicked sphincter against your cock. You shudder at the texture of it. Her asshole twitches against your dick. She's just begging to be fucked hard. Fast.

You push your girl-dick against her asshole. You push forward. Her sphincter spreads and spreads, opening up to swallow your thick crown. She groans, her back arching. She whimpers into Ms. Kato's pussy as her anal ring surrenders to you.

You groan as you penetrate into her bowels. “Fuck, yes!”

“Enjoy her,” Ms. Kato purrs, a look of wild lust in her eyes. “Just ass-fuck the slave hard.”

“Yes, Mistress!” you pant, sliding more and more of your cock into Paris's tight asshole. “Ooh, she's done this before.”

“Not with a woman's dick!” gasps Paris. “You're huge! Holy shit!”

“Yes!” Ms, Kato groans, leaning back on her elbows. Her round breasts jiggle. She looks so different with her hair down. So sensual. Exotic. Erotic. Gorgeous.

You stare at your mistress as you bottom out in Paris's tight asshole. Your pussy lips rub into her plump and welted butt-cheeks. It reminds you of the stripes burning across your own rump. Then you draw back, hands gripping Paris's hips tight. That velvety sheath grips your cock. Massages your tip.

You shudder, breasts jiggling. The heat melts down to your cunt. Your twat clenches, more cream running down your thighs. You shudder, savoring every inch of her asshole sliding around your cock. Then you ram back into her.

“Fuck, yes!”

You plunder her asshole over and over again. Your pussy drinks in the wonderful friction. The heat melts around your cock. It's a delicious and wicked delight to enjoy. You savor it as you fuck her bowels faster. Harder. You ram into her. You sodomize her. It's fantastic. You pump away at her. You plunge your dick to the hilt in her.

She moans. Her bowels clench about your dick. She's massaging you. She's making you feel incredible. You're going to spurt cum. Just fire all that jizz into her asshole. Your ovaries, you realize, are brimming with more of your futa-seed.

“That's it, slave!” Ms. Kato hisses, her face twisting in pleasure. “Lick that cum out of me. Just drink it all up. Mmm, yes, you're going to have me gushing juices. You want to lick up all my cream, don't you, slave?”

“Yes, Mistress!” she moans, her asshole clenching around your cock.

“Keep doing that!” groans Ms. Kato. She leans her head back. “Just keep licking out that jizz. Oh, yes, yes!” 

Ms. Kato bucks. Shudders. Cums.

She's moaning. Gasping. Her body's shaking. Breasts heave as you ram your girl-dick into Paris's asshole. The redhead moves her head, licking up all that cream gushing out of Ms. Kato's pussy. The Japanese woman shudders and cries out her pleasure.

“Yes, yes, yes!” she moans. “That's it! Ooh, that's what I need. Give it to me. Yes! You're making me feel incredible. Yes, yes, just drink down all that yummy cream. Mmm, yes, you love it. Feast on my pussy. Oh, just like that. Ooh, yes! You're so wicked. Such a naughty whore. That's perfect. Yes!”

Paris squeals, “Mistress!” Her asshole clenches around your thrusting girl-dick. “I made you cum!”

“You did, slave!”

Paris's asshole writhes around your girl-dick.

You gasp as you feel that hot hole spasming around your cock. It's this wild, wicked, amazing burst of pleasure that has you throwing back your head and gasping out in delight. You shudder, your futa-dick aching and throbbing as you ream out her bowels.

You slam to the hilt in her, doing everything in your power not to erupt. It's so hard. You're so close to that moment of climactic ecstasy. You suck in deep breaths, your heart racing. The heat is blazing through your pussy.

“Yes, yes, yes!” you moan, your pussy clenching. The heat ripples out of your twat. Your futa-dick erupts.

Hot cum fires into Paris's asshole. Her spasming flesh sucks at your spurting girl-cock. Your pussy convulses, adding that bliss to the rapture firing from your clit-dick. You gasp, tits heaving from the rapture shaking your body.

“So fucking good!” you moan.

“Flood the slave's asshole!” snarls Ms. Kato.

“Yes, Mistress!” you groan, spurting over and over into her.

She's massaging you. She's working out that cum. You smile, reveling in the heat that's gushing out of your futa-cock and spilling down your thighs. It's an incredible rapture. You savor every bit of it. You suck in deep breaths through your nose.

“Oh, fuck, yes!” you gasp. “That's it. That's incredible! Ooh, I love it!”

Your orgasm hits that wonderful peak. You quiver there, your mind melting from the bliss. Paris mewls, her bowels' spasms slowing and then stopping. She lifts her head from Ms. Kato's pussy while you tremble, bathing in that pleasure.

“My two slaves,” Ms. Kato says. “Stand up straight. Face me.”

“Yes, Mistress!” you and Paris moan together.

You pull out of her asshole and stand up straight. She moves beside you, standing at attention. Her large tits sway. Ms. Kato smiles as she slides off her desk. She then strolls around it to the BDSM cabinet.

What will she pull out this time?

She grabs two thick collars. “You two are mine now.”

“Yes, Mistress,” you and Paris say in unison. You believe it. She's dominated you. Tamed you and your rival.

Ms. Kato saunters around the table and opens up the collar. She then slides it around your neck. You shiver at the weight of the leather on you. She tightens it, the smooth band gripping you. Not choking you, but it's there, a reminder to who owns you.

You shudder at that thought, your futa-dick twitching.

She puts the collar on Paris and the clips leashes onto both of them. “Get dressed,” she says. “Now.”

You and Paris scramble to pull on your clothing as fast as you can. Then you dress her while she smiles. Once you are all covered, she grabs you by the leashes and leads you to her office. She strolls past the cubicles, leading you and your rival like she owns you.

She does.

“It's time to get those nipples pierced,” says Ms. Kato. “Mmm, I'm going to have fun with you two.”

“Yes, Mistress,” you and Paris gasp together.

You are Ms. Kato's slave. You and your rival will serve her and do whatever she wants. It's exciting. Not at all what you thought would happen when you took the futa-pill, but you love it.

You're going to enjoy your life as a futa-slave.

You and Paris are Ms. Kato's Pets Ending

Author Note: Another ending! The links below are to give context to the poll choices!

 Do you dart to the restroom?  

 Do you stop masturbating in the stall? 

 Do you pause your masturbation until the person leaves?  

 Do you tell Cassie that you'll masturbate your cock on your own?

  Do you lie to Paris about how you became a Futa?  


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