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Leywife Monica – The Mermaid's Tickler

The ship rocked furiously.

I gripped Alloria in the cabin as my stomach heaved with it. A helpless terror gripped me. I couldn't do anything but cling to Alloria. And she clung to me. We shifted on the bed. The entire ship groaned. It shuddered hard, pressing us against the wall. The wind howled outside, screaming at the ship.

Vedr's fury roared around us.

All I could do was cling to Alloria. Hold her tight as the tempest gripped the ship and shook it with the rage of a child's tantrum. The ship rolled. It pitched up and then dived down. The waves slapped into boat. The water spilled over the window, covering it in angry, gray foam before retreating. 

“We're going to die!” Alloria gasped. “We're going to die.”

“I know!” I gasped, fear for my baby growing in me. Not even my powers would save us now. “He's out there. Why is he out there?”

“Fool, idiot man!” gasped Alloria

The ship pitched violently down again. We shifted on the bed, the sheets spilling around us. Then we were tilting sideways. My feet planted on the decking to keep from spilling off of it. This was torture. When would it end? How long would it abuse us.

The door to the cabin burst open.

Bryce appeared, soaked to the skin. His clothing clung to him. A look of fury brimmed in his eyes, a violet rage. He shifted balance and grabbed one of the low rafters to keep from spilling to the floor as the ship heaved.

“Is it bad?” gasped Alloria. “Are we going to die?”

Bryce shot her a withering look. His face was taut. It brimmed with so much emotion. It was worse than I thought. I threw my head to the ceiling. There was only one thing I could do. One being I could call upon.

“Pater,” I cried out to the father of my child, “watch over us in this deadly peril. Shed your countenance upon your—”

“Praying to the damned Gods is useless!” roared Bryce. He stared at me with black rage in his eyes. An intensity. “They don't give a single damned iota about any of us. They spit on us. They laugh at us. Make sport of us! Do not waste your breath!”

“S-sorry.” I flinched beneath the gaze. My shoulders shook. “I-I-I just w-wanted...” The tears flowed. The sobs choked off my words. I buried my face into Alloria's shoulders as all the fear and dread burst out of me.

Alloria wrapped her arms around me and pulled me to her breast. She held me as the storm tossed the boats. I just wanted to help us. To keep us all safe. I didn't want us to die. Any of us. What was so wrong with that?

Bryce let out a frustrated growl. “Sorry.”

I didn't respond. Couldn't. It was all pouring out of me. Alloria stroked me as she held me. The ship rolled and tossed. The storm battered us. I just wanted it to end. I sobbed myself into exhaustion. Into this numb, helpless dread.

All we could do was ride it out.

Bryce stood over us, gripping the rafters. Not even he could protect us. The ship pitched and rolled and rocked. The storm screamed its fury. I could almost hear Vedr in the wind mixed with her wife, Throwia. The Goddess of Weather and the Goddess of Strife battering our ship with glee.

At some point, Alloria and I lay down on the bed, just holding each other as we whimpered and moaned through the pitching. It lasted for an eternity. Hours of enduring the fear. The groaning. Fearing that with each shuddering impact or moaning of wood that the ship would not survive. Every time it pitched too far right or left, forward or back, that this would the time we capsized.

But we didn't.

The storm calmed.

The fury abated.

After an eternity, the ride grew softer. The wind died down. My stomach eased. I felt drained. Emptied of all my strength. Outside the dark porthole, light blossomed again. I blinked at that. The sun was coming out. 

Hadn't it been dawn when the storm started? Had an entire day passed. 

Bryce relaxed then he marched out of the cabin. I shuddered and sat up with Alloria. Together, we followed him out. My legs shook, feeling as weak as if they were made of rotting lumber. If I wasn't leaning against Alloria, I would have collapsed.

The crew moved about the ship. There was damage everywhere. Broke railing. One of the spars had snapped. The rigging looked tangled. The sailors were attacking everything while the first officer bellowed orders.

“Captain,” growled Bryce, spotting the man. He headed towards Captain Artix.

I looked out at the ocean. It was blue and rippling with normal waves. I couldn't see land in any direction. Was that right? We should be in Misria Channel. We'd always been sailing in the sight of land.

“Captain, what's the situation?” Bryce asked. I followed after.

Captain Artix turned. “We've been blown out into the OcEna Ocean.”

My mind struggled with my memory of geography. 

“How far south are we?” Bryce asked, standing stiff.

“Not sure,” the captain said. “The storm grabbed us and threw us where it wanted. We'll fix her up and get sailing north and find Althis.” He didn't sound wholly confident. “We'll find her. Might take us a few days longer to get you to the Dead Isle.” He glanced to Alloria. “But we'll do it, M'Lady. Don't you worry. Mermaid's Tickler won't let you down.”

“I know,” she said softly.

Bryce sighed and nodded. “A few days.” Then he turned and stared at me. He studied me. I flinched with embarrassment from his outburst. “Monica, I shouldn't have yelled at you for praying. I was just... stressed. Scared for you. All of us.”

I smiled at him. “It was a trying time.” I broke from Alloria. “But the Gods do care for us, Bryce. Lagu has armed you with the power to stop the Lawbreaker. She wouldn't have done that if she didn't care.”

He snorted.

I hugged him, pressing my face into his bare chest. “You're forgiven. The sun's out. We survived. That's what's important.”

His arms went around me. “Yes, it is. Just a few more days longer. We'll make it and stop him.” 

“We won't be late now?” Alloria asked.

“Hopefully not,” Bryce said. “No helping that, is there?” 

~   *   ~

Illina – The River Whisper

I dreamed of Barg.

They weren't terrible at all. They were happy. Comforting. A blur of situations that made no sense to me. They moved from one thing to another. As I came awake, they already started to fade. But they left me feeling good. Barg had cared for me. He had wanted me to be happy.

He was an amazing man.

Nothing would ever replace him. But I had those experiences with him. They were stored in the matrix of my memory banks. I could feel the world returning to me as I left him behind for wakefulness.

“Yes, yes, yes!” a woman moaned. “That angel pussy! Matar's cock!”

I woke to the sounds of fucking.

“Take it! Take my big cock! Oh, Gods, your pussy is heavenly, Ahlona!”

I blinked and shifted on a bed. Memories of where I was flooded back to me. The River Whisper. We were traveling beneath the waters of Misria Channel, sailing in the current that wrapped around the large Althis Island. I sat up and glanced over to see Ahlona on her hands and knees, her angelic wings spread wide. Her halo pulsed as she moaned her pleasure. Her round breasts swayed. Captain Azure knelt behind her, the blue-skinned naiad pounding the angel hard with her hermaphrodite-dick. Azure's big breasts heaved. She looked wet.

Naiad's always did.

“Welcome back,” Stefan said. He sat naked beside me watching his angel and the captain fucking. His cock thrust hard from his crotch. His smiled spread, surrounded by the brown whiskers of his goatee. “You've been asleep for a day.”

“A day?” I croaked. “No wonder my stomach feels like it's emptier than a wine skin on Winter's End.”

“We've been sailing in the current the entire time,” he said then chuckled. “Azure's been fucking my angel almost the entire time.”

“And you,” I asked, sitting up. 

“I've been slipping my dick in there, too,” he said. “When I'm not watching the mermaids frolicking. They sometimes like to swim past the porthole. One pair managed to do that while eating each other's pussies.”

“Impressive,” I said. I stretched. “So, is there anything to eat?”

“The crew brings in pickled fish wrapped in seaweed. It's not bad.” He nodded to a covered plate on an end table. “There's some in you.”

“Gods, yes,” I moaned and grabbed the plate. I uncovered it while Azure and Ahlona moaned their passion.

That had my pussy getting juicy and my nipples throbbing hard. My nervous system conducted the tingles of arousal through my body. Some of the cogs in my head licked a little faster. I grabbed a strip of pickled fish wrapped in seaweed and popped it in my mouth. The vinegar almost overwhelmed the taste of fish, but the sweeter seaweed wrap mellowed it. I chewed on it, the seaweed tough.

“I'm going to cum in that pussy. I'm going to—d”

The entire ship lurched. The force threw me into the back wall. I hit it. Pickled fish wrapped in seaweed splashed all over my body. Then the ship pitched downward. The coral hull groaning. Azure picked herself off the floor, a look of panic crossing the captain's face.

“Cernere's Black cunt,” I groaned, the back of my head throbbing.

“Stefan!” Ahlona gasped. She rose to her feet, her halo pulsing with her fear.

“Gods, what was that?” Stefan gasped.

Something slid over the porthole. Something dark and fleshy. I gaped at the purple mass. There were massive suction cups that reminded me nothing else than the tentacle of a large octopus that gripped the window.

“Kraken!” spat Captain Azure. “The Illth-spawned beasts got us. Matar's cock!” She bolted to the door and wrenched it open to leave the cabin.

“Stefan,” Ahlona groaned, “why did you say you wanted to see one.”

“I didn't think they were this big,” the mage said and then he grabbed at his robes. He fished around in its pocket. 

My stomach sank. Dread pulsed through my nervous system. 

~   *   ~

Stefan Halian

“What do we do?” Ahlona asked.

“We have to fight it,” I said, my heart pumping fear through my system. “If it crushes the hold, we'll drown.” I pulled out one of the vials of naiad pussy cream that Ahlona had gathered for me in the last day while we had passed the time in the cabin. I broke the sealing spell keeping the juices fresh and downed them.

The sweet cream. It poured hot down my body. A reserve of power blossomed inside of me. A source that I could use to funnel my magic. Especially water magic. I seized that source and wove air magic, forcing it into me. I supercharged myself with air. I could pull more out of the water.

I charged after the captain while downing a second vial to give myself a large reserve of magic. I feared we'd need it.

“Captain!” I called as she stepped into the water lock. “Wait up.”

She shook her head. “You'll drown.”

“I won't,” I said, giving her a look of flat confidence.”


The ship lurched again. I stumbled, catching myself on the wall. The ship pitched upward. I climbed to her braced in the water lock. The ship groaned louder. The mighty tentacles squeezed around the hull, threatening to break the ship apart.

I wasn't about to let my angle die.

I climbed into the waterlock. Azure closed the door. It sucked shut with a hiss of air. Then she began turning a circular valve on the side.

Water gushed into the dark enclosure. It spilled cold around my feet. I gasped at the shock of it. I seized some fire magic and warmed my body, holding back the icy touch of the water rising up to my knees and then my crotch.

Flashbacks of Cernere's Black Vault seized me. The terror of being crowded into the waterlock with Illina, Barg, and that Gods-damn, shit-cursed bastard. I sucked in my last breaths. The water rose around me, plunging me into icy tomb.

But I brimmed with air. I didn't feel any panic from that. Just the fear of being in the dark. Unable to see anything. The current rippled. Then a low suck. The door opened onto a twilight world of the deck.

The crew of naiads swam in the water. Many held harpoons that they stabbed at the tentacles. They waved through the water, swinging at the hermaphrodites. They swam down or up, dodging them. The passage tumbled their bodies. They somersaulted in the waters and straightened themselves.

The kraken's main body gripped the starboard side of the ship, a bulbous mass of flesh that thrust out into the dark waters. It had the shape of a massive octopus. A monster that had risen out of the hoary depths. It was half the size of the ship, and had dozens of tentacles as thick as I was, many wrapped around the hold. A pair of black eyes, beads the size of my chest, peered at us from the mass of its lumpy body.

The ship drifted away from me as I swam out to join the others. I realized that it was pulling us lower and lower. The world was getting darker by the moment. A great blackness surrounded us, up only a fainter blue than any other direction.

It was terrifying. Like swimming out into night itself. 

I swallowed down my fear. We had to get this damned thick off the ship. I channeled my magic and formed blades out of the water itself. I focused down at the nearest tentacle wrapped around the hold. 

The water rippled from my attack. The blade struck the thick tentacle, cutting deep into the flesh. Inky blood rose from it, staining the waters even blacker. I forced the sword of water to slice through the tentacle. It hacked through.

A great roar rumbled through the water. An angry fury. The boat croaked louder. Its other tentacles shifted on the boat. It squeezed tighter about it. I could hear the coral planking protesting the crushing embrace. Parts of the ship flexed.

Fear shot through me. Ahlona and Illina would drown if the ship broke apart. If I couldn't slice through the tentacles fast enough, it would squeeze even harder and rip the ship apart. It hadn't 'done that yet. It was taking us down whole.

I didn't know why. But something else had to be done to stop it.

The naiads threw harpoons. Many bristle din its body, but it didn't seem to care about them. I kicked in the water, thinking. How to attack it. The lesser tentacles lashed at the naiads. It wrapped one up in a small tentacle. She squirmed as it slid its tentacle up her thigh and found her pussy. 

Her body thrashed as the monster shoved its tentacle into her twat and fucked her hard. Her girl-cock bobbed before her as she thrashed. Another naiad came up and rammed a harpoon through the tentacle. It loosened, and the one grabbed, Wave, kicked free.

There had to be a way to lure it from the—

The pressure of water shifted. I looked to my right. Out of the murk, a purple tentacle hurtled at me. I gasped, a burst of bubbles rising from my mouth, and kicked with my legs and swam with my arms.

It stuck me.

I gasped, the bruising impact threw me to the side. The water flowed passed me. I spun, the world growing disoriented. I gasped, flailing limbs to right myself. Darkness surrounded me. I couldn't see much at all. I'd been knocked from the ship.

I could see it as a vague shadow to my right. I was beyond it and the monster. Nothing but open water was around. Panic shuddered through me. Slimy terror squeezed about my heart. I wanted to kick for the surface. Find light.

Light. I would love light.

I was a Gods damned mage. I could make it!

I wove the elements. In the waters above me, I created a massive light. A bright illumination that drove back the darkness. A world of blue engulfed me. The River Whisper appeared, pink and violet planks wrapped up in the darker purple of the krakens tentacles. Its bulbous body contracted as the light surged over it. Naiads swimming and fighting flinched before the sudden dawning of the season.

I had my bearings. I wasn't in a world of darkness. I fed a good portion of magic into that spell, but I had more. I began drawing air out of the water to keep myself alive as I studied the beast. Where was it vulnerable. There had to be a mind somewhere in that bulbous sack. I directed attack into the right place had to work.

Which was that right place?

Before I could even guess where it held its mind, the ship groaned. Creaked. Fear flashed in me until I realized it was releasing the River Whisper. Fleshy appendages unwrapped from about the ship. Confusion rippled through me as the ship lurched free of the monster's embrace.

“What?” I gasped aloud, my voice distorted. A torrent of bubbles rose from me.

The massive kraken fluttered tentacles and burst away from the ship. I didn't understand what it was doing. It was heading for me. Fear gripped me as it flexed its appendages again, propelling it through the water right at me.

No, at my light.

But the ship was free. Ahlona and Illina and the crew of the River Whisper were safe. No worry about it crushing the ship. It was out in the open water. I could fight it. Elation surged through me. Tendrils of water magic surged out of me, feeding on Azure's cunt cream brimming in my belly.

I burned her sexual fluids and fashioned blades in the cold sea water.

They hacked at the kraken.

Tentacles spasmed. Inky blood flooded the water as I severed through three of them. They came free to float away, spasming with the final moments of their usefulness. The kraken's entire body rippled. A mighty roar slammed into me, the water itself churned up its bellow. 

It thrashed. Tentacles flexed and coiled. Turbulence engulfed me. I shouted, my body twisted and tumbled in the current of water spinning me around. I kicked my legs and swept my arms to right myself. To regain my sense of balance. The light spun around me. 

The kraken loomed over me.

Fleshy tentacles reached for me. Black eyes focused with beady intensity on me. I hardened the water before me, burning magic to protect myself. The tentacle struck my shield and drove it back into me. It pushed me deeper into the water. My light grew farther away.

The kraken roared again. The water swirled around me. Its tentacles lashed at me from a dozen directions as it forced me deeper and deeper into the blackness. I fashioned barriers of water, hardening the sea round me to stop the body-crushing blows from striking me. The current washed over me, pushing me deeper.

The pressure on my ears grew. My entire body felt the weight of all that water. Bubbles burst from my mouth, forced out of my lungs. I pulled more air out of the water, but their was less and less the deeper the kraken drove me. My light glowed above, eclipsed by the dark form of the monster. Battering me down.

It took more and more magic to keep myself alive. I was burning through it faster and faster. I had to fight back. I couldn't stay on the defensive or I would die down here. I would be lost to the abyss beneath me. 

Terror rippled through me as tentacle lashed at my shields. The kraken growled. Something snapped in the water, the clack of beak snapping shut. I had to focus. On powerful attack to kill the monster before it killed me.

I formed a hardened lance of water before me. I kept up the shields, blazing through the energy in me. I was almost out. Not much left. The Gods damned thing loomed over me. It had utterly blocked out my light. 

But I couldn't miss.

Pater, I prayed to my father, guide my strike. Gewin, God of War, let me aim true!

I fired the lance of hardened water. It surged upward. The force of its passage sucked me up in its wake. I felt myself rising towards descending death. The spear hurtled into its flesh maw. My senses were in it, controlling it. 

The spear tore through its flesh. It entered its bulbous captivity. I sent a surge of magic into the lance as it penetrated its flesh. I detonated it. The water burst apart, pummeling its flesh from the inside. Tearing at flesh orgasms, ripping apart the insides. I stirred up a maelstrom. A violent vortex that sucked up the magic in me.

Tentacles stopped lashing me. A final groan came from the beast. 

I had only the dredges of magic. I had to be enough to get back to the ship. I pulled what air I could out of the water. I kicked as I felt something pushing at the water from above. Then the dead kraken hit me.

Its flesh pushed down at me. I gasped as panic hit me. Its weight carried me down and down into the ocean's depths. Panic shot me. The last of my magic fluttered out. The weight of the ocean pushed on me. My ears hurt. Air burst from my chest. I needed to breathe. I would die. I had to escape. I kicked hard, my mind growing dizzy.

Darkness fuzzed. Little lights danced in the water before me. My lungs screamed in agony. They begged me to draw in breath. They didn't care that I was in the ocean. I would die. I had to escape. I didn't want to die.


 I had to get back to my angel.

Soft hands cupped my face. She had come for me. My angel's soft fingers stroked me. Her lips found my mouth. She breathed air in me. I gasped and hugged her naked form to me. I felt her soft breasts on my chest. She breathed more ear into me, filling my mouth and lungs with her life. I could taste her.

That wasn't Ahlona.

We were moving. The kraken's form slid from me and then we were past him, surrounded by darkness. My light I had conjured had gone out. There was nothing around us. But this woman held me. She kissed me. Breathed for me.

I slid my hands down her back and found scales. A mermaid. 

Relief shot through me as I held her tight. I felt her tail fluttering against my legs. She swam us out of the depths while her lips, glued to mine, gave me the breath that I need. She filled me with life. One of her arms slid around my neck, holding me tight.

The other pushed between our body and found my cock.

I gasped as she stroked me. She worked at my dick, her touch so much warmer than the water around us. She was heat. It flowed into me along with her sweet breaths of life. She rubbed at the tip. Pater's blood flowed through my veins. 

I responded.

I hardened beneath her touch. I kissed her with passion, exhilaration surging through me. I killed the kraken like a hero out of a story, and now a sexy mermaid had rescued me. I lived. I triumphed. My passion surged through me.

My dick thrust into her belly. She kissed me with hunger between her breaths. I gripped her scaly rump, holding her tight as she slid the tip of my dick down her body. I felt the silk of her skin. Then that wonderful transition to her scales.

Then I found her pussy slit. Her flesh warm and inviting between her scales. I groaned as I slid into her juicy depths. She was tight around my cock. Living ecstasy. I groaned into her mouth, bubbles bursting up between us.

Both of her arms went around me. She held me tight, her tail still kicking as my cock sank to the hilt in her cunt. My balls rested against her scales. I groaned into her mouth. I kissed her with hunger. My tongue danced with hers. 

Her fingernails clawed at my back. She gripped me tight. My legs wrapped around her tail, holding her. It was different than being with a woman who had legs. I gripped her scales with my thighs as I  thrust my cock.

I fucked my dick in and out of her silky heaven.

Pater's cock, it felt amazing to be in her. The God of Lust was mocked for his indiscriminate masturbation, but some of the races born of his seed were amazing. Wondrous. I kissed the mermaid hard as I fucked into her pussy. I pounded that cunt, her flesh squeezing around me.

She moaned into the kiss. She breathed air and life into me as we made love. Her fingers scratched at my back. Her round breasts rubbed into my chest. I slammed hard into her. I fucked her with all my passion, the pleasure building and building in my balls.

At the tip of my cock.

The world grew lighter. We were coming closer to the surface. The shape of her hair floating around us grew clearer. Her face. Her eyes sparkled. I kissed her with hunger. My tongue danced with hers. I loved the feel of her against me. I gripped her ass with strength. My fingers dug into her flesh.

I slammed my dick into her hard and fast. I buried with all my strength into this sexy mermaid. She moaned and kissed with fervor. Her tongue danced with mine. Color began to appear as we rose higher and higher.

She had purple hair.

It was the mermaid who'd pressed her pussy against the porthole the other day. She had humped against the glass while Ahlona had pretended to lick her. I groaned, holding the mermaid even tighter as I fucked her.

She had saved me.

I gulped down the air from her while her pussy squeezed about my cock. Her flesh grew hotter and hotter. Her moans grew louder. She squirmed in my arms, kissing em with hunger. Her scaly ass flexed as she fucked me back.

The pressure at the tip of my dick swelled and swelled. I drove hard into her. I came closer and closer to cumming in her. I fucked her hard and fast. I buried to the hilt in her. I slammed to the depths in her cunt, coming closer and closer to erupting.

To pumping her full of all my jizz.

I kissed her with hunger. My tongue danced with hers. I kissed her with utter passion. My tongue caressed her, savoring the taste of her. I would have such a huge explosion. I would cum so hard into her.

I would baste her with all my spunk.

I buried into her. My balls smacked into her scales. As I drew back, she squealed. Her pussy writhed around me. The mermaid's delicious cunt massaged my cock as I thrust back into her. Her hot flesh caressed my spongy tip. The friction was incredible.

I moaned into her lips and erupted.

I spurted blast after blast of my cum into her pussy. I flooded her. I pumped her full of all that spunk. It was incredible to do. An absolute thrill. I shuddered atop her. I loved every moment of spurting my cum into her pussy.

It was amazing. A treat to behold.

I lived because of this amazing mermaid. And now I gave her all that passion. I pumped my cum into her. I fired every last blast of my spunk I had into her. I emptied my balls as the pleasure slammed into my mind.

The triumph.

I groaned into the kiss. She shuddered against me, her lips sealed tight to mine. She breathed her life into me as her pussy wrung out the last of the jizz from my balls. Her eyes seemed to sparkle in the ocean.

Then I heard something else around us.

What sounded like shouts. Cheers. I broke the kiss with the mermaid, holding my breath, to see naiads swimming around us. Wave and Spray grinned at me. Creek and Sweet swam up from my right side. Azure was to my left. They were all grinning. A few were jerking cocks. One spurted milky cum into the ocean.

The River Whisper drifted below us. I glanced at the mermaid. “Thank you,” I said with a mouthful of bubbles.

She nodded and kissed me again. She breathed fresh life into my lungs. I groaned as I clutched to her. She swam me down to the door into the ship like she knew what it did. I shuddered as she pushed me into the waterlock.

She broke away from me, her pussy sliding off my cock. She closed the door. I didn't even know her name, but she had saved my life. I found the wheel, working it. The pumps wheezed and the water drained. My head broached the surface and I sucked in air.

I would never forget that wonderful mermaid. 

~   *   ~


The crew was cheering. I could hear them through the hull. I stood in the hallway, terrified. I wanted to be out there. I wanted to help him, but I needed to breathe. Why did I keep having to stay behind when he went into danger?

I had my sword.

I was sent to guide and protect him. I was his angelic warrior, but all I could do was stand here and worry for him, my wings wrapped around me like a blanket, Azure's cum dripping out of my pussy. He hadn't even been the last person to enjoy my body. What if he died? What if never saw him again?

I couldn't take that. Not again. Not after the Black Vault. He had to be alive.

The waterlock worked. Someone was in there. My wings fluttered. Anxiety tightened my belly. My halo flickered, the light dancing down the hallway. The pumps stopped. The door opened and out stepped...


I flew to my soaked lover. I threw my arms and wings around him. I pressed my naked body against his wet flesh. Seawater drenched him. The scent filled my nose. I kissed his salty lips, his powerful arms wrapping around me. I savored the rasp of his whiskers on my cheeks and nose.

I squeezed my eyes shut, savoring this moment. My Stefan had returned. My sexy hero had defeated the kraken and come back victorious. I knew he was destined for greatness. I told him that all those weeks ago when he thought he were a failure of a mage.

How many could say they swam out into the ocean's depths and battled a monster?

Tears spilled down my cheeks. My halo blazed so bright around us. I quivered there, my arms and wings clutching to him. His hands slid down. They found my rump. He gripped me with powerful hands, holding me to him.

He broke the kiss and I gasped, “I should have went out there with you!”

“It's okay,” he said. “It took all my magic to keep myself alive, and even that wasn't enough. I would have died if it wasn't for the mermaid.”


“Demigod's luck, I suppose,” he said. “She found me when the kraken corpse was carrying me to the sea floor. She kept me alive. She just wanted my seed.”

My eyes widened in understanding. Then I fell to my knees before him. His cock was there, wet as the rest of him, but it was a different sort of slickness. I could smell the salty-sweetness around him. The scent of a woman's musk.

A mermaid's cunt cream.

I engulfed his cock in my mouth, wanting to taste the passion of the mermaid who'd saved him. He groaned as my lips slid over the tip of his cock. He threw back his head, his passion echoing through the hold. I savored the flavor. I reveled in it.

If I could find her, I would kiss her. Lick her pussy clean of his seed. I would give her such pleasure for saving my Stefan. I gripped his hips as I slid more and more of my mouth down his cock, eager to taste every drop of the mermaid's pussy.

“Gods damn, Ahlona,” panted Stefan. “That's delicious. And it wasn't just any mermaid. That's the one who humped on the porthole.” 

My wings fluttered. I pictured that purple-haired siren, the majesty of her tail, the folds of her pussy. I had so wanted to eat her out the other day. Now, indirectly, I was. My wings fluttered, my halo glowed bright as I savored my Stefan's cock in my mouth. 

I worked my mouth up and down his dick. I sucked on him with hunger. I nursed on him as the ship drifted through the depths of the ocean. I loved my Stefan's cock. I took more and more and more of him, wanting to taste every drop of the mermaid's cunt cream.

“Gods, Ahlona,” moaned Stefan. His hands grabbed fistfuls of my fiery hair. “That's it. That's amazing.”

I sucked and nursed on him with hunger. The tip of his dick reached the back of my throat. I didn't stop. I swallowed his cock so my tongue could taste every last drop of the mermaid's passion she left on his cock.

Her salty-sweet delight melted across my taste buds. Stefan groaned as my cock slid down his gullet. He groaned, his chest rising and falling. He sucked in deep breaths. His dick twitched in my throat. I moaned around him to massage his cock. I swallowed. 

Loved him.

“Yes!” he growled as my lips nuzzled into his wet bush. I nuzzled into his pubic hair. “Oh, Gods, you're amazing Ahlona.”

My wings flapped in delight. I sucked and moaned around his cock, so eager to have his cum fire into my belly. My tongue swirled around his shaft, cleaning off all that mermaid cream. The flavor faded and faded.

Then it was just the taste of my Stefan's cock.

I sucked back up him. My cheeks hollowed as I slid higher and higher up his body. He groaned in delight. His face, illuminated by my halo, twisted. Passion shone in his brown eyes. His lips spread wide, surrounded by his exciting goatee.

Azure could never replace him. She didn't have his strong body and those wonderful whiskers. Hermaphrodite-dick was delightful, but it wasn't my Stefan's dick. I nursed on him, loving the taste of his shaft in my mouth.  He slid out my throat.

I bobbed my head, working my lips up and down his shaft. He groaned. His hands tightened in my hair. Pleasure crossed his face. I nursed with hunger, my cheeks hollowing. I brought loud groans from him.

“Gods damn, Ahlona!” he groaned. “Gewin's mighty cock and Biaute's sucking mouth!”

He erupted.

Hot cum spurted into my mouth. He fired that thick and salty jizz. He groaned with each eruption. It pumped into my mouth. I gulped it down. I swallowed every last drop of that delicious spunk. I groaned, my cunt wiggling from side to side, my pussy on fire. 

This amazing jizz surged through me. It was outstanding. I loved it. I savored this amazing spunk. It poured down my throat. I gulped down every last drop of the spunk that he had in him. My pussy clenched, the heat rippling through me.

“Ahlona!” he groaned as he bated my mouth. “Gods, I thought about you. I thought I was going to die, and you were all I would miss. I don't ever want to lose you. You're my angel.”

I ripped my mouth off his cock. “Stefan! You're my mage. My demigod. My hero!”

He lifted me up and kissed me, headless of the jizz he just spurting into my mouth. His whiskers rubbed on my lips as he pinned me against the wall. I groaned, feeling his hardon rubbing into my hairless pussy. I wanted him in my cum-filled depths.

I wanted him to wash all of Azure's jizz out of me and fill me up with something better. With his spunk. I threw my legs around him, holding him tight about the waist as our tongues danced together. My halo glowed so birth, matching the joy beating in my heart.

He grabbed his cock and guided me into him. He shifted his hips, pulling back so his big girth could ram into me. He pressed right into the folds of my pussy and thrust. I squealed into his mouth as I reveled in his dick penetrating me.

It was amazing to feel. I groaned as inch after inch of his dick slid into me. That big shaft filled me. I squeezed my twat down around him. I moaned into his lips and held him tight in my pussy. I reveled in him feeling me up.

It was amazing.

My hero was in me. My Stefan filled up my pussy. My wings fluttered against the corridor's walls. My pussy massaged his dick. I undulated my hips, stirring my cunt around his wonderful shaft. I squeezed my eyes shut, rejoicing at this bliss.

He pumped away at me. He fucked me hard and fast. He rammed his cock into me. He slammed to the hilt in my pussy. His whiskers rubbed on my cheeks as he fucked me hard. His bush caressed my hairless pussy lips on his every thrust. His balls smacked into me.

I broke the kiss to moan, “Creation's passion, Stefan! You saved us all! You're my hero! My demigod! I love you!”

“My angel!” he groaned, his hands squeezing my rump. “Gods, you feel amazing around me. Your pussy is squeezing tight about me. That's it. You drive me wild. I'm going to spurt my cum into you. Just baste your twat with all that jizz.”

“Gods, yes!” I squeezed my cunt around him. “I want your seed in me. I want your babies. Stefan, I want to be yours always.”

“Always!” he growled and kissed me again.

I rejoiced as he slammed that thick dick into me hard. His balls cracked into my taint. My legs gripped him as my orgasm swelled in me. His every thrust into my cunt stirred me up. His every plunge sent the pleasure surging through me.

He buried into me over and over again. He fucked me with every ounce of passion he possessed. He rammed that dick into me with out holding out. I savored the wiry rasp of his pubic hair on my bald twat. My clit throbbed, drinking in the sensations. 

I whimpered. Moaned.

I held him tight.

My nipples throbbed against his chest. They ached fro the massage. I shuddered as he pumped away at me. He fucked me with so much vigor. He slammed hard into me. It was amazing to feel. An outstanding delight that would have me exploding in rapture.

I broke the kiss to howl, “Yes, yes, yes! I'm going to cum, Stefan!”

“Do it!” He slammed hard into me. “Let me feel that pussy going wild on my dick. I want to feel your hunger for my seed, Ahlona.”

“I crave it. Your seed is what I want. Not Azure's. Yours!”

I exploded on his cock.

My pussy writhed and spasmed around his dick as he plunged it into me. He slammed it deep into my cunt. He buried it hard. I groaned, my flesh rippling around his dick. I bucked against him, rubbing my tits into his chest as the pleasure burned through me.

He groaned and slammed to the hilt in me. Hot cum spurted into me. He groaned into my lips. He kissed me with hunger as my pussy writhed and spasmed around his cock. I worked out all the jizz he had in him.

I savored every last moment of his cum basting my cunt.

I loved him. I would hold onto him. Fight with him. Be his woman. His lover. His angel. I would be whatever he needed from me. My mother had given me to him, and every day I rejoiced at that delight. 

I was so lucky to have him.

A throat cleared. “Gods, that was hot. So we must have won if you two are fucking that hard.”

Stefan broke the kiss. “I killed the kraken, Illina.”

“Glad to see you pulling your weight finally,” she said with an insolent grin. “I was afraid I'd have to swim out there and handle it myself. Instead, I got to have a nice nap. Mmm, but I'm feeling horny. You have any of that left.”

I glanced at Illina. She didn't look haggard. She looked bright and playful like she had before Barg's death. I smiled at her. Stefan let out a throaty growl of pleasure. I knew that he had something left for her. 

~   *   ~

Leywife Monica – The Mermaid's Tickler

By noon, we were underway again. The broken spar had been replaced with spare. Torn canvas patched. New ropes had been rigged through the complex system of pulleys, the tangled mess being unwoven to see what could be salvaged. Verix, who turned out to be the carpenter, worked to repair the damaged railing.

With the sails billowing, Bryce looked pleased. He stared north, nodding. His fury had abated. He had so scared me when he yelled at me. His raged had frightened me more than anything else had since the Temple's attack all those weeks ago.

But everything was fine now. It had just been the stress of the storm. Who wouldn't be acting badly during that mess. I had broken down and cried over it. Foolish of me. We lived. I breathed in the salt of the sea air.

“Leywife Monica and your Ladyship,” Captain Artix said, coming over to them. “Now that we're underway, we were wonderin' if the pair of you could give an offerin' to Vedr, seein' as she likes women better 'n us men.”

“Of course,” I said. 

“That sounds prudent,” Alloria said, her voice sounding a little nervous. “I don't want to suffer another of her storms.”

“Nor I.” He smiled. “Now, we just need to have some of the crew fuck each of you and then have you masturbate over the side of the ship, squirting out your quim cream and our seed into the ocean. That'll make Vedr happy.”

“Mmm, I can definitely do that,” Alloria said. “I could use a cock in me after that storm.”

“Yes,” I breathed. “Bryce, would you care to fuck Alloria. You must be feeling the need to be in her again.”

He shuddered, his face darkening for a moment. “Yes. I had almost forgotten that urge in tall the stress, but...”

“Oh, Gods, I do need you in me, Bryce,” moaned Alloria.

I glanced at the captain. “And would you honor me with your seed?”

“Vedr's mighty queefs, I would,” he said and unlaced his pantaloons.

We had survived the storm and sailed once more for the Dead Isle. Right now, pleasure sounded like just the thing. We lived. That was such a heady realization. It was so wonderful to draw in air and to enjoy the pleasures of my pussy.

I undid the ties of my robes, my pregnant twat melting with delight.

To be continued...

Click here for Chapter 9! 



Not quite where I was thinking it would go. The title had my mind racing in other directions lol