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Click here for Chapter Six! 

Illina – The River Whisper

“Why didn't any of you wet cunts tell me we were approaching the Illth-damned gates!” roared Captain Azure.

I turned from my appreciation of the approaching cliffs and the Equath River that had cut a passage through them to the sea. Striding out of the door to the cabins beneath the stern deck was Azure, naked, her cock swinging between her thighs, her large breasts bouncing.

“Well, Captain, it sounded like you were having fun with the angel,” said Foam.

My pussy clenched in memory of Wave's and Foam's cocks reaming my twat at the same time. What a wonderful delight that had been. It had taken my mind off so many things. My hand tightened on the hilt of the dagger in my toga.

“Interrupt me next time!” Azure said, shaking her head in exasperation. “Use the brains that Matar gave you and pull your cocks out of your own pussies!”

Could they fuck themselves? A shiver ran through me.

“Now, are we in the current?”

“We are,” Pool called, another of the crew. “The Equath's got us. She's taking us into the center channel.”

I glanced back to the cliff and frowned. They were dark shapes before us, the cut in them visible only by the stars that twinkled between them. Night had fallen. I shivered as I realized we were going through the Gates of Tur.

“Uh, Captain,” I said, moving from the bow. “Captain, isn't this dangerous going through at night. Aren't their sandbars or rocks or something in the river.”

“We can feel the channel,” said Azure. She was climbing up onto the stern deck, her wet, blue ass wiggling before me. 

I followed her up. She headed to the tiller, taking Tide's place. She grabbed the long handle that thrust out the back of the ship and lead to the rudder. She closed her eyes for a moment and nodded. Then she gave it just a nudge.

“I'm not going to run my ship aground,” said Azure, staring at me with complete confidence. Behind me, the sound of flowing water grew louder. “Reef sails!”

Sailors were pulling in the sails on the mast and tying them to the spars. I glanced at the dark cliffs. They had swallowed much of the starry sky save that gap. It rushed closer and closer to us. Then we passed between them and were rushing down the river. The captain gave another minute adjustment to the tiller.

Her eyes were closed.

I shuddered. Sailing with naiads was unnerving.

I left the stern deck. I didn't want to disturb the captain when she was sailing us blind down the river. I crossed the deck. The naiad sailors seemed relax. A group of them had started dicing, all sitting cross-legged. My fingers flexed, itching to join them, but at the same time thoughts of Barg weighed down on me.

I headed up to the bow of the ship where the deck narrowed to a point. It had no bow sprint thrust forward like other ships. I stretched out on my back on the strangely shaped coral planks and stared up at the sky. Las's Cum gleamed across the sky, a milky band of stars. Above it, Biaute's bright constellation looked about to take a dip in the river of the god's starry jizz.

I stared up at them, the stars twinkling as the dark sides of the cliff slid by, and thought about Barg. The first time I'd met him as a little girl. How handsome he was. Dark and dashing. Those first flares of jealousy that Mom had him.

The first time I went on a burglary with them to learn and practice. He had stood over me as I picked my first lock in the field. He made me so nervous I didn't want to fail, so I ended fumbling the lock to my mother's amusement.

How he'd paced when Mom became overdue when she went to rob the Black Vault. The way he comforted me when it was clear she wouldn't go back. Then it was just me and him and I felt guilty for ever wishing my mother would go away so I would have him all to myself.

The first time I'd seduced him. I had to prove to him I wasn't a little girl any longer. I had stripped naked and slipped into his bed. I had my hand on his cock before he had come fully awake. By the time he did, I had lost my cherry as I bounced on him, savoring taking him into my pussy. How my mind had whirled in delight.

The crimes we pulled. The capers and near misses. That time we scaled the cliff in a monsoon to rob the Doge of Baraconia's house. How we had spent a month tunneling into the strongroom of Lord Koriath of Metha. We had spent another month slowly replacing all his bars of gold with plated bricks so he never realized it until two years later.

As I thought of Barg, the cliffs fell away and the ship sailed through open farmland. Villages would float by, brief islands with spots of illumination here and there. The ship kept flowing down the river, the water rushing by the hull relaxing.

But I couldn't sleep. I just lay there thinking, remembering, aching for Barg to come back to me. I gripped the hilt of a knife. Exhaustion pressed on me. I should sleep. My clockwork mind needed to spin down. It had been grinding too much for too long.

But what would I dream about? Would Barg be there ready to say dying for me wasn't worth it? That I had broken my mother's ninth rule: “When a deal offers everything you wanted is when you have to be your most cautious. Greed gets more thieves killed than anything else.” I wanted to get into the Black Vault more than anything. I had convinced myself that Sir Dicklicker could be trusted. That a Paladin of Lagu wouldn't betray us.

That he wouldn't dispose of the criminals the moment he had what he wanted. I should have been ready for the betrayal, but all I could think about was besting my mother. And now Barg was dead because of it.

Did he hate me?

I couldn't stand him hating me. I'd loved him for most of my life. First that girlish crush that had blossomed into romantic friendship. He was my partner. He made thieving fun. Showing off to him. Proving myself time and time again.

Would it ever be fun stealing again? What was the point of breaking into the most guarded strongroom if I didn't have Barg to see my skills. These thoughts swirled through my mind. What future did I have after I killed that bastard.

Bryce Cartith. I would kill him a hundred different ways. A thousand. Flense the flesh from his body. Carve out his bones. Rip out his bowels and strangle him with them. Slice a thousand cuts into his skin and let him bleed to death slowly. Bury him up to his neck in the Azi Waste and let the flesh-maw scorpions slowly eat away his face and burrow into his brain to lay there eggs.

So many wonderful ways he could die.

Not a one of them would bring Barg back.

The sky behind the ship lightened. I could see the masts clearly. The stern deck. The stars above faded as dawn arrived. Exhaustion clung to the gears in my mind, gunking them up. They turned slowly. My eyes ached. 

And then I heard the sounds of waves. I blinked and sat up. As the sun spilled light across the world, I stared out at the gray sea. Misria Channel. We had reached the ocean. I stood up and watched as the river's mouth grew wider. The ship slowed as it hit the meeting of fresh and salt water. Sailors scrambled in the rigging once more. The sails were lowered.

The wind filled them. They billowed out and we drove out into the ocean, the roll of the ship changing with the choppy waves rushing into shore. My stomach sloshed around inside of me. I stared dully ahead, hardly thinking at all now.

I needed sleep. How long could I go with out it. 

~   *   ~ 

Monica – The Mermaid's Tickler

I woke up with pressure on my bladder.

I groaned, sleeping beside Bryce in our cabin on the Mermaid's Tickler. I always had to pee. The second time it had woken me up this night. I rolled off the bed, careful not to disturb Bryce. Alloria slept on the other side of him, cuddled up. She had changed so much.

I smiled at them and hummed softly as I padded to the cabin deck. The ship rolled beneath my feet. It felt so different on the sea than it had on the river or the lake. I adjusted myself, my hands rubbing absently on my belly, feeling the start of my swell.

You're growing strong, my little demigod, I thought to my baby. To strong. You make mommy have to go pee every hour.

I padded naked out of the cabin. After being gangbanged by the crew twice, I had little to hide. I stumbled out onto the deck, blinking. The sky was lightening. Dawn was approaching. I drifted to that side of the ship as we sailed south to round Althis Isle. A large island off the coast of Secare and Valya. The northern half held the civilized Kingdom of Althos. The southern half was ruled by the barbaric Tribes of Ilt. On the far side lay or destination, a smaller island.

The Dead isle.

A shiver ran through me as I reached the railing. It sounded horrific. Tales abounded of the ghosts of those who had regrets at their fate circling the Black Spire where the three norns lived. The dead railed against the injustices of their deaths, blaming the three who wove, measured, and cut every mortal's life.

I turned around and pressed my upper thighs against the railing, my rump just hanging over it. I groaned as I let loose my stream of urine. That pressure in my bladder released. I sighed in relief, my toes curling.

As I released my water, Zarvil unlaced his pantaloons and pulled out his azure cock. The man, a scar running across his muscular chest, shook that dick at me, arching an eyebrow in question. I shuddered, my stream dying out.

Then I turned around and bent over, staring down at the gray sea water washing against the hull. The ship drove through the incoming waves, creating new ones that rippled out and met the ocean's rolling surface.

Zarvil padded up behind me and I smiled in anticipation. It was wonderful to be able to enjoy myself when I wanted. Monogamy was so hard. This felt better. Bryce and I could have all the pleasure we wanted. He could fuck any woman and I could fuck any man. It wouldn't change how we felt about each other.

“You got one sweet ass, Monica,” the sailor said. “And that pussy. You really got Pater's get in you.”

“I do,” I moaned. “His child. Get sounds so course.”

He chuckled. “I'm a sailor.”

“Mmm, with a big, hard cock needing a tight, juicy pussy,” I moaned, wiggling my hips.

He pressed that cock against the shaved folds of my pussy. I shuddered, coming more and more awake. Dawn was approaching. What a wonderful way to watch its arrival then with a cock pumping in and out of my cunt.

He found the entrance and thrust in with a growl. His hands slid up my sides, caressing me with his calloused strength. Pleasure rippled through me from his dick plunging to the hilt in me. He filled me up. I shuddered, squeezing about him.

“Right nice pussy you got,” he groaned, his hands reaching my breasts. “Nice to be the first cock in you.”

“Don't you like fucking me when I'm sloppy?” I asked, rotating my hips and stirring my pussy around that thick dick. He was almost as big as Bryce and a little bit longer.

“That's got it's own charm, but bein' the one who gets to make that mess...” He drew back and squeezed my tits. “Why, that's a treat all on it's own.”

“Yes!” I moaned as he drove into me. “Mmm, Pater's big dick, fuck me hard. Stir me up, Zarvil.”

“Yes, your ladyship,” he panted, his balls smacking into me. 

I savored that hot plunge into my pussy, my cunt squeezing down around him. His hands kneaded my tits. He held tight to them, kneading them. Massaging them. It felt wonderful. I groaned, loving every second of his dick plunging to the hilt in me. He stirred me up. He fucked me hard and fast. He pounded me.

I groaned, his balls smacking into me over and over again. He buried his cock to the hilt in me. It was incredible to feel. I loved it. That big dick buried in me. He plowed hard and fast. He buried with powerful strokes, fucking me with heat.

“Yes, yes, yes!” I moaned. “Ooh, that's it. that's what I need. Just bury that cock into me. Gods, make me cum!”

“I will, your ladyship!” he panted. “You're gonna cum right hard on my dick!”


My pussy clenched about him. I savored that wonderful dick thrusting over and over into me. The way he stirred me up. My hips wiggled from side to side, reveling in that big dick filling me up. He plunged to the hilt in me. I leaned over, my pussy clenching around him. That wonderful shaft buried into me again and again.

It was amazing. He felt wonderful in me. He drove is cock over and over into my pussy. That thick dick filled me up again and again. His fingers kneaded up my round boobs to my aching nipples. He pinched them.

I gasped.

My pussy clenched around his cock. I held him tight. I savored that wonderful impact of his dick pounding into me. He plunged over and into my flesh. He stirred me up. It felt incredible. I loved it. I wiggled my hips from side to side, stirring his dick around in me.

“Yes, yes, yes!” I moaned. “Oh, ram that dick into me. Ooh, you're driving me wild. Gods, that's good. Just keep fucking me like that. Keep pounding me. Oh, yes, bury that cock into me.”

“Vedr's queef, that's good!” he panted, his balls smacking into my clit.

The sparks flared, feeding my impending orgasm. The sky before us grew redder and brighter as the sun came closer to rising. My orgasm rose with it. I shuddered, squeezing my pussy around his cock, savoring that friction.

His pants and grunts echoed around me. His rough fingers twisted my nipples. Then he tugged on them, stretching out my breasts. I groaned at that, my body trembling as he played with my nubs. My pussy grew hotter. Wetter.

“Pater's big dick!” I moaned, gripping the railing. 

Wave splashed into the hull. Water splashed on my tits. The boat rocked more and more as he buried his dick into my cunt again and again. The son was about to rise. The Eastern horizon entirely crimson now, blushing bright with lusty excitement.

“Zarvil!” I moaned.

“Let me feel that sweet pussy cum on my dick, your ladyship!” he groaned.

“I'm almost there!” I moaned. “Yes, yes, keep pounding me!”

Out of the corner of my eye, my husband appeared. He watched us with is flat expression and intense, dark eyes. He aimed his cock over the side and released his water. I shuddered, feeling him staring at me as I was fucked hard.

My pussy clamped down on the sailor's dick. My clit burst with pleasure from the impact of his swinging balls. He twisted my nipples. More delight shot down to my cunt. I groaned, the friction in my twat sending me over the edge.

“Gewin's mighty cock!” I howled.


My pussy went wild around his cock as Bryce watched. Stars burst across the crimson horizon. The sailor groaned and then he drove his cock deep into my pussy. His dick twitched and then his cum jetted into me.

“Vedr's mighty queef!” growled the sailor.

Spurt after spurt of hot cum fired into my pussy. I groaned, my cunt going wild about his cock. My flesh writhed and spasmed around his dick. That wonderful heat swept through me. It was amazing. This wonderful and exciting bliss.

“Yes, yes, yes!” I gasped. “Slata's hairy cunt, fill me up!”

I moaned, my pussy milking the sailor's spurting cock. He grunted, twisting my nipples as he flooded my pregnant pussy with all that cum. I groaned, the sun rising through the crimson sky before us. My body trembled as my orgasm hit that peak.

“Gods,” groaned Zarvil. “Gods, that's not good.”

“What?” I blinked, shocked. “My pussy? Did you not have a good orgasm?”

“The sky,” he groaned. “It's red.”

“Mmm, it is,” I said, admiring that color. I had never seen a dawn look so red before.

“That's bad,” the sailor moaned. He pulled out of me.

“What?” I asked, turning to face him, his cum leaking out of me.

“When the sun dawn's red, arrogant sailors be dead,” he said, his face paling to a sky blue.

I blinked. Swallowed. “Dead?”

“Vedr's queefed a storm at us,” Zarvil said. “They come up form the south, from the Gate of Azi, and sweep up the Channel. It's a dangerous channel to be in during a storm. It drives us towards either coast, we can be run aground. Sink.”

“Oh,” I said, my stomach sinking. “Um, well, is there anything...” I trailed off as Zarvil, his pantaloons pulled back up, starting shouting.

The crew came awake. Captain Artix appeared out of the cabin and began shouting orders. The ship's ride already grew more and more choppy. I swallowed, staring at the southern and eastern horizon. The sun, once so bright, now looked dim. The crimson was slowly being swallowed by gray.

“Have to find a sheltered cove!” she heard Artix shout.

The gray grew darker and darker. Storm clouds swallowed up the south before us. Lightning flashed in them. A dozen heartbeats later, thunder rumbled. The seas grew even choppier. The Mermaid's Tickler rose up and down as it plunged through the turbulent waters. My frightened stomach sloshed around in me.

“Come on,” Bryce said, taking my arm and pulling me to the cabins. “It's not going to be safe for you out here.”

I didn't resist. Prayers to Pater spilled from my lips, my left hand clutching to my pregnant belly. Dread suffused me. 

~   *   ~ 

Ahlona – The River Whisper

“Red skies,” muttered Azure.

“What does that mean?” a haggard Illina asked. She was leaning against the side of the railing. Had she slept at all? The poor thing.

“A storm is coming,” said Azure. “It's sweeping up the channel. It happens this time of year.”

“Will that be bad?” I asked, glancing at the captain. I folded my arms around my body. I had come out on deck when I felt the change in the ship's sailing. Stefan was still getting up. 

“It would be bad, but this is a naiad's ship.” A smile crossed Azure's face. “It's time to sail the ocean's river. It whispers to us. We're almost there in its channel.”

“Ocean's river?” I glanced at the exhausted Illina. Bags dropped beneath her eyes. Her skin looked even more shiny and fake than normal.

She shrugged.

“Switch the current sails!” shouted Azure. “Bung up the ship. I want every hole sealed. Wave, on the ballast pump. I want to be ready to dive in a half hour!”

“Dive?” I asked.

“Wait, what?” gasped Illina.

Azure grinned at us. “We're sailing beneath the sea. There's a river, a current, that flows through Misria Channel and wraps around Althis Isle. It's faster and storm aren't a problem that deep.”

My wings hugged me tight. Around the ship, hatches were being shut on the deck and wheels on them spun. I goggled. The linen sails came down and new sails were brought out that were green and waxy as if they were wove of seaweed. The sailors used ropes and pulleys to haul them up. I googled at them.

“You two will want to be heading below deck unless you can breathe underwater,” Azure said, a big grin on her face. “It'll be fine. The River Whisper's bunged up as tight as a sylph's asshole.”

I glanced at Illina. She nodded.

We hurried off the stern deck and into the cabins. We passed through that small compartment and then were in the hallway. Behind us, a sailor closed the inner door for the first time. I heard a sucking sound then it was tight. I swallowed.

“Well...” Illina glanced at her cabin. “Suppose I should get some sleep.” Looking like she were about to fight a dragon, she marched into her bedroom and closed the door.

I headed into the captain's cabin where Stefan waited. He was sitting up and gave me a curious look. I explained what was about to happen. He grinned. He seemed to know that the ship could do this. He must have studied lots of strange things at the College of Esh-Esh to know this. 

He brought me before the circular porthole window. It was set in glass and the edges sealed with something hard and tar-like. We stared out at the seas. Shouts echoed from above while this nervousness grew in my stomach.

“I'm an angel,” I said. “We don't swim.”

He put his arm on my hip and pulled me close to him. “It'll be fine. Azure knows her stuff. She's confident, right?”

“Excited,” I muttered and then gasped as the ship pitched downward.

I gasped, clinging tight to my mage. He kept a hold on me as we shifted our posture. The ship nosed forward more. Water splashed and crashed. I could hear the waves careening over the front of the ship. The level of the ocean water rose. Then the wave lapped over the window for a moment, leaving behind streaks of foam.

A second wave spilled over. Then a third swamped over our window and the surface never returned. The ship groaned around us. I heard something pumping while the hull creaked around us. I could feel all that water pressing in on us while my ears started to grow stuffed with ear.

Stefan yawned beside me. “Pressure change,” he said. “Happens when you go up or down real fast.”

It didn't happen this fast when flying. Water streamed by us. It was just this murky blue outside the ship. I felt us going lower and lower. I whimpered, my halo dimming. I didn't like this one bit. More ominous moans rumbled from the hull around us. 

Then the ship lurched forward. I gasped as we stopped pitching downward. I could feel us moving. Something carried us along like we'd caught an underwater wind. I shuddered as I spotted a school of fish swimming out on the edges, their silver bodies flashing and dancing.

“We're in the current,” said Stefan. “Sailors know about them. Their rivers in the ocean. No one knows why they happen. The naiads find them strongest beneath the waters and use them whenever they can.”

“Just so long as it's safe,” I muttered. 

“As safe as any other type of sailing,” he said. His hand rubbed at my back. “Relax. Look at that. We're seeing something few ever get to.”

“Water?” I asked.

“Those fish swimming out there. And look at that darker shadow. That might be a shark.”

“A shark?” I gasped. “Aren't those dangerous. What about Azure and her crew.”

“I'm sure they know how to handle a shark. There might be a kraken out there or hippocampi. We could see so many beautiful things.”

His enthusiasm and the fact the groans had, mostly, stopped, relaxed me. I stared out at the water, watching them pass. The school vanished after a while. It was only blue for a bit. It was starting to get boring when something swam up out of the water.

It was a woman.

At first, I thought it were a naiad until I saw her pale skin and purple hair. She was naked, her breasts pressed against her body. her hair fluttered behind her. She didn't have the lower half of a human, though.

Instead of legs, she had a tail.

“A mermaid,” I said, staring at one of Las's children. One of the single-sex race birthed by his indiscriminate masturbation.

“They're all female,” said Stefan. “Though there's a bay in Thlin where there is said to be a merman king. A human who transformed into one. They like to rescue male sailors and make love to them. Those who live by fishing villages often marry fisherman, helping their husband with the catch and making love to him out on the waters before her returns home.”

“You know so much,” I said as the mermaid swam on her side now. She was staring at us, a big smile on her lips. She blew us a kiss.

I blew her one back, moving to the porthole to stare at her. She was gorgeous. Her fish half was purple like her hair. I could see a slit, her pussy nestled amid her fish scales. She hardly had to flutter her fin to keep up with us, caught in the same river as us.

She squeezed her tits and kneaded them. I grabbed my own round breasts and shook them at her. She seemed to be giggling. My pussy grew hotter as the mermaid grabbed her nipples and twisted them. Her tail fluttered as she did, her breasts getting stretched taut by the action.

I licked my lips, doing the same to my own tits. My nipples throbbed, pleasure shooting to my twat. I had no chastity belt on. My juices dripped down my thighs. She had such a big and beautiful smile on here face.

Then she swam closer and closer to the window. Her belly flexed as she swam, making her bellybutton wink at me. I could make out her pussy better. She had a slit in her scales, her pink folds peeking out through it. 

She pressed her twat right up against the porthole.

“Oh, I wish I could lick you out,” I moaned and kissed the porthole. 

I licked right on it, my tongue caressing against the smooth glass. It was cold and made this slippery sound. I shuddered at the delight of it, this heat swelling through me as I pretended I could taste her twat

I stared at her up close as she humped against the porthole. My cunt was on fire. Juices ran down my thighs. I wiggled my hips from side to side, loving every moment of this. Then Stefan came up behind me. His hand gripped my rump.

His face nuzzled right into my pussy from behind. His nose pressed into my taint. His goatee rubbed so wonderfully into my aching vulva. I savored the whiskers caressing my shaved pussy lips as I lapped at the class.

“Stefan!” I moaned.

“Mmm, just enjoy, Ahlona,” he growled. “Love getting me some of my angel's sweet pussy!”

I shuddered in delight, savoring his tongue licking and lapping at me. My hips wiggled from side to side, smearing my cunt on his hungry mouth. He thrust his tongue into my pussy depths. He swirled it around in me.

I shuddered, squeezing about him. This wonderful heat washed through me. Stefan fluttered his tongue through my folds. I groaned, savoring that delightful touch. His whiskers massaged my sensitive flesh. 

“Oh, Stefan,” I moaned against the glass, the mermaid's pussy still pressed against it. “Yes, yes! Eat me while I eat her!”

 I wanted to feast on her. I wanted to devour her cunt. I wished I could. Stefan's tongue thrust so deep into me. He swirled it around in me. He teased me It felt incredible. I groaned, loving every moment of his tongue's sweeping action while I licked at the cool glass.

The mermaid's pussy pressed on the glass, her inner petals spreading open. She smeared her own juices on the porthole, frothy streaks. She ground her clit on it. I just knew she was getting pleasure from this, too.

“Creation's passion!” I moaned, my pussy clenching around Stefan's tongue. “Ooh, this is so naughty. I love your licking, Stefan.”

“Mmm, I love your pussy!” he groaned, his tongue sliding through my folds. “I have to enjoy it before Azure claims you again.”

“Sorry!” I moaned. “I didn't 'think she'd want me so much!”

“It's fine,” he said, his hand reaching around my hip. He slid down for my pubic mound. I whimpered as his fingers crossed my plump vulva.

He reached my clit.

He massaged my bud. He stroked it, caressing me. This wonderful heat rushed through my body. I trembled, my cunt squeezing tight. The wonderful bliss shot through me. My hips wiggled from side to side, grinding my twat on his hungry mouth.

My orgasm built and built. My breasts swayed before me as I my tongue lapped at the glass. I stroked across it, pretending I was eating that wonderful snatch before me. Stefan rubbed harder at my clit. His tongue thrust in and out of me.

“The Divine Spark's rapture!” I moaned, my wings fluttering. My halo glowed brighter and brighter. “Stefan! Oh, Stefan, you know what I need. Love you!”

He just growled into my cunt and licked with hunger at me. Two of his fingers pinched my clit between them. I gasped at that. The pleasure shot through my body. I trembled there, the bliss rushing through my body.

“Yes, yes, yes!” I moaned. “That's it. Stefan! Yes!”

I came.

My pussy convulsed. Juices gushed out. Stefan licked at me as the pleasure rushed through me . I threw back my head. My halo glowed bright, shining golden hues across the room. My pussy convulsed, the pleasure washing through me.

The mermaid's cunt humped on the glass. Her juices gushed out, coating it with a thick layer of cream. Then she drifted away, floating beside the ship. I stared at her, stars dancing across my vision from the rapture that Stefan gave me.

“She came, too!” I moaned. “Stefan! Stefan! She came, too!”

“Good,” he growled and licked up my cream.

I hit that wonderful pinnacle of my orgasm. I hovered there, groaning, savoring every bit of pleasure that Stefan sent shooting through my body. I loved it. I wiggled back and forth, grinding my cunt on him.

He licked up all that cream with such relish. He savored it. He enjoyed giving me such wonderful rapture. I loved it, too. I groaned, enjoying every last second of this amazing rapture that had swept over my body.

“Damn,” I groaned. “Oh, damn, that's was good.”

“Yes, it was,” she groaned. “Ooh, we just had a wild time, didn't we. Now, I won't—”

The cabin door opened. I turned around to see the naked Azure walking in, her body dripping wet. I was surprised she could enter without flooding the ship. She had a hungry grin on her face, her hermaphrodite-dick thrusting out hard before her.

“I see you got her pussy primed for me, Stefan. It's a new day. I need that sweet, sweet angel pussy.” 

~   *   ~ 


I wanted to sleep so badly, but the fear gripped me. It held me tight. I had to find someway to amuse myself. Some way to keep it at bay for a moment longer. I heard the sound of pumping water. It flowed from nearby.

Then a sucking sound of a seal braking and then reforming. Footsteps padded down the hallway. A door opened across from mine. I opened my door to see naked Azure stepping into her cabin, her body dripping with water. She was saying something about pussy. It was so hard to focus. This hot heat rippled through me as I unwound my toga.

Naked, I headed in after. Sex was just the thing I needed to keep from falling asleep. Stefan was rising from licking Ahlona's pussy from behind. The angel was braced against the wall. Then she fell to her knees before Stefan grabbed his cock.

“Plunge in, Captain,” Ahlona said and then she swallowed Stefan's cock.

Barg never got to fuck the angel. She never let him. Never showed interest. But she would let the hermaphrodite do it. Why? I struggled to remember. There was a reason, wasn't there. I just stood there in the doorway as Azure fell to her knees.

She thrust her girl-dick into Ahlona's pussy. The angel moaned, her wings flapping. She shuddered, wiggling her hips from side to side as she took that hermaphrodite-cock in her depths. Azure's big boobs heaved, water flicking from them.

“Oh, yes, yes, that's what I need!” she moaned. “Mmm, I love this angel pussy.”

Is it really that good? I thought.

“Yes, it is, Illina,” said Azure.

I blinked. Did she read my mind?

“You're talking out loud,” Stefan said. “We don't have to read your mind. You should get some sleep, Illina. You look out of it.”

“I'm a clockwork,” I said. “I'm not like you humans. I can go days without sleep.” 

“Are you sure,” he asked, Ahlona sucking on his cock. Azure had stopped her strokes, though. “I could use some magic. Put you to sleep.”

I waved a hand. “Listen, I got a pussy. You have a dick. I think we should just do what comes natural. I mean, your angel's twat is a tiny bit occupied.”

“A teeny bit?” asked Azure. She sounded offended.

“Fine, it's occupied by a big and huge and amazing hermaphrodite-dick and...” My words trailed off. “What was I talking about.”

“Getting some sleep,” Stefan said.

“Right, right, getting fucked.” 

I stretched out on the bed and spread my legs. I rubbed my fingers up and down the folds of my pussy. “Come and ram that dick into me. I need cock way more than I need sleep. Mmm, you can fuck me as hard as the sailors.”

He sighed and said, “Fine. I'll fuck you, but you have to go to sleep after.”

I waved my hand. “No promise. I might want to have more cock after that.” 

“Then I'll just have to wear you out,” he said, pulling his dick out of Ahlona's mouth and marching over to me.

“You think you can?” I said, my pussy getting wetter and wetter. “Ram that dick into me. Pound me hard!”

He mounted the bed, his cock thrusting at me. I shuddered as he aimed it right at my cunt. No foreplay. I was so wet and aching. I just needed anything to keep me awake. Stefan's dick plunged right into my pussy.

I gasped as the shock of pleasure surging through my nervous system. The rhythm of my heart sped up as I squeezed around that thick shaft filling me up. I groaned in delight, smiling at that the happy passion of having his dick in me.

It was wonderful. I squeezed about him. I held him tight as he groaned over me. He drew back. My pussy clung to his dick rejoicing at having his dick buried to the hilt in me It was amazing. Wonderful. I squeezed about him, savoring every bit of him in me.

“Gods damn,” he groaned, panting. He licked his lips, brushing his goatee matted with Ahlona's pussy juices. “You're tight, Illina.”

“Mmm, and you're hung. Fuck me! Drive that cock into me! Pound me like a whore! A slut!”

He groaned and drew back. My pussy clung to his shaft, increasing the friction, the pleasure rushing through my nervous system. That bliss got the gears in my mind clicking away. They were buzzing faster now as everything sharpened,.

Felt amazing.

I squirmed on the sheets as he pounded me hard. Ahlona and Azure moaned in the background, but I had all my focus on Stefan and his cock ramming into me. He buried deep into my pussy. Hard. His balls smacked into me.

My orgasm swelled. That wonderful burst of pleasure that would swallow me up swelled in me. I ached for it. I shuddered, my thighs gripping his waist. His rainbow amulet swung above me, penduluming from the force of his cock burying into me over and over again.

“Yes, yes, yes!” I moaned, grabbing the sheets. “Cernere's black cunt ,fuck me hard. Ram that big dick into me!”

“Take it!” he growled. “You want it, take it! Pater's big dick, enjoy it!”

“Oh, I'm enjoying it!” I moaned, his demigod cock slamming hard into me. My orgasm built so fast. My clit burst with pleasure. His balls smacked into my taint. “Gods, I'm enjoying it.”

The bed creaked as he buried in me. His cock slammed over and over into my juicy pussy. The pleasure built in me. It filled me up. Ecstasy that would spill over the dam and flood through my body. I couldn't wait for it.

He buried his cock hard into me. His balls smacked into my taint. Pleasure burst from my throbbing clit. I groaned, my back arching. My small breasts jiggled. I squeezed my twat around his dick, gripping him.

“Cernere's black cunt!” I moaned as he drilled in me. “I'm almost there. Oh, Gods, yes!”

He buried into me. I gasped, my pussy clamping down on him. That filled me up. The rapture brimmed, on the verge of breaking through my dam. His cock drew back through my folds, stimulating me. Teasing me.

My dam couldn't hold back the flood. The ecstasy burst through it and spilled through my body. 

I came.

“Cernere's nimble fingers! Yes!”

“Gods!” growled Stefan as he plunged into my pussy's spasming depths.

The pleasure surged through my body. It slammed into my mind. My cunt writhed around Stefan's cock. He growled out as he came in me. Spurt after spurt of his rapture splashed into my pussy. I gasped and moaned, bucking on him.

The rapture drowned me. Darkness washed over my vision. That wonderful ecstasy bathed my mind. I groaned, my clicking gears gummed up with the euphoria of my cunt wringing his dick dry. My nervous system burst with pleasure.


I gasped as I felt my mind lurching, having trouble working, the cogs all sticky with satisfied bliss I groaned, not wanting to slip into sleep. I felt Stefan's cock fire that last cum into my pussy. I shuddered, my thoughts clicking slower and slower and...

I fell into sleep. Into dreams. 

~   *   ~ 

Sir Bryce Cartith – The Mermaid Tickler

The ship rocked. The wind howled.

“Just stay here,” I told Monica. The naked leywife nodded. Alloria hugged her and pulled her down onto the bed. Both women looked terrified. “You'll be safe.”

“Okay,” croaked Monica, her face looking a pale shade of green. The ship rocked worse.

I grabbed my pants, pulling them on then I marched out, the cabin door smacking into me in the process. The entire ship was rolling and undulating now. My stomach lurched in all the wrong directions.

I burst out onto the deck to see the sailors scrambling along. They were dying down a few crates on the deck. Others were up in the mast, pulling up the sails to half. The captain was barking orders that were lost to the scream of wind.

Thunder rumbled.

The storm had swallowed the entire horizon. It was coming at us fast. Darkness fell on us. A wall of rain swept over the ship. The sky spat its fury down at us. Clouds boiled over head while dagger-like waves rolled through the sea. Each one topped with white froth. One slammed into the ship and spilled over the deck, washing water that surged around my feet.

“Throw that storm anchor over!” shouted the captain. “Hurry! Vedr's queefed a big one.”

Men at the front heaved over a large anchor made of iron with wide flanges that thrust out the side. It fell off the side of the ship. The chain played out and then snapped taut. The ship shuddered as it drag from the storm anchor pulled on it.

The mast quivered. Even if with the sails at half, it was getting pulled on by the wind. It swayed back and forth, the duck buckling around it. Another wave crashed over the front of the ship. The surge of water swept down it. Men were thrown from their feet. Then it hit me. The tide of cold water slammed me back into the stern deck. My head cracked into it.

Stars flared.

I groaned, shaking my head to clear my thoughts. The water spilled off the railing. I found myself lying near it on my belly. Sailors were getting to their feet, shouting. They were pulling up the sails the rest of the way and tying them to the spars.

Spray howled over the deck. It stung my face and chest as I pushed myself to my feet. I groaned as choppy oceans rolled around us. They I stumbled, fighting for balance as the decking rose up, climbing over a wave. And then it shot down the other side, hurtling towards the gray-tossed seas. The prove knifed into the water. It spilled over the ship, sloshing down the deck and soaking my feet.

“What are you doing on deck?” bellowed the captain. “Sir Bryce, get into the cabin right now!”

“I can't just sit in there and do nothing!” I shouted back.

“There's nothing to do!” He pointed at the angry clouds boiling above us. “There's only surviving this and hoping it didn't spit us into the coast. We're caught in her. WE ride it out and pray that Throwia isn't whispering sweet nothings into Vedr's ear. We might survive then.”

Bile churned in my stomach as the ship rocked gain. I stumbled to fight my balance, the sailors shifting as we climbed another wave. The boat shuddered. The sailless masts creaked and groaned above, the rigging whipping in the gusts of wind. The chill crept through me. Another wave slammed into the ship.

I hit the deck from the impact. Then the water surged over me. It drove me to the railing. I slammed into it, my head thrusting out between two balustrades. I stared up at the fury of the storm, unleashed by Vedr, Goddess of Weather. Her wife, Throwia, delighted in the suffering of others.

“You think we're all just your playthings!” I roared to the storm, fury burning in me. “That we're just toys. You can send storms to wreck our ships and earthquakes to collapse our buildings. You can create war to butcher and maim. But I am standing up to you all. I will kill Pater! I will kill the Father of All and show you that mortal lives are not here for your amusements! For you to come down and fuck and soil and ruin!

“I will kill Pater and you will ALL know fear! Every last one of you sniveling, pathetic, narcissistic gods!”

The storm howled above as I snarled my rage back at it. They would all pay. Not just Pater. I would exterminate all the gods. Dauthaz, Gewin, Saphique, Slata, Matar, poxed Illth, Las, even Cnawen and Rithi. 

They would all die! Mortals would be free of their meddling. Free to be who we were meant to be.

“I will murder every last god and goddess! Try to stop me! Try to send storms to drown me! Angels to hunt me down! Even you, Lagu. You're a Lawbreaker, too. You have violated your own vows. That's how that filthy Cernere was born. You created Crime when you cheated on your husband with Pater himself!”

I laughed my defiance to the storm as the Mermaid's Tickler plunged up and down the waves.

To be continued...

Click here for Chapter 8! 


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