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You don't want to get Cassie into more trouble. You can do this. You're bigger than Ms. Kato. She just got lucky. Besides, you have a futa-cock. And that has to give you an advantage over your dominating boss.

So you grab her leg and shove. She falls off of you. You gain your feet, ready to pounce on her and drive your girl-dick into her cunt. You'll slam it in deep. She'll be gasping and moaning in rapture for you.

You lunge.

Your Japanese boss grabs your arms and somehow redirects your momentum to the right. You slam into her desk instead. You're bent over it, your breasts smacking into the surface, nipples bursting with pain. You gasp and cough, stunned by the impact.

“Such a bad, bad futa,” Ms. Kato purred, something creaking open. Like a cabinet. “But feisty. And you didn't even call for help.”


It's not too late. You open your mouth to shout for help but Ms. Kato darts her hand around your head and shoves a ring into your open maw. It shoves your lips wide and forces your teeth far apart. She pulls rubber straps around your head and pulls them tight.

She's gagged you.

It leaves your mouth open, your tongue able to thrust out of it, but you can't talk. Only make noises. Then she grabs your wrist. She smacks a cuff on your hand. She's binding you. You gasp and struggle to get away. You push back into her, pressing your naked rump into her crotch. Her silky bush rubs into your butt-cheeks.

The pair of you hit the cabinet. She still has your bound right wrist. She jerks it behind your back and then seizes your left arm. She's strong. Before you can do it, she has your other hand cuffed, too. Your bound and gagged.

She pushes you forward and you stumble into her desk, bent over it, panting. 

“Naughty, naughty futa,” she purrs. “I'm going to have to do something about that and... Yes.” 

As you straighten up and look over your shoulder, you see her inspecting the large cabinet behind her desk. It's and full of BDSM supplies and sex toys. Your eyes widen as she plucks a flogger, thick tails of black leather, off a hook. She swishes it through the air.

You whimper through your ring gag. She's going to whip you. You tense, experiencing it to fall on you right away.

Only she moves around the desk while dangling the tails of the flogger across your rump and up your back. You shudder as she stands before you, her round breasts swaying. She shakes her head and then climbs up onto the table with skill. She sinks down on her rump, her thighs spread out on either side of you.

Her black bush is right before your eyes.

Her dew gleams on the silk. The tart scent of her cunt fills your nose. You inhale it and shudder. You can't believe how delicious she smells. Your mouth waters at the possibility of burying your face into her snatch and licking her up.

She seizes your hair and moans, “Naughty, naughty futa.” She presses your face into her furred bush. Her hot cuntlips rub into your mouth. She drags the flogger across your back. “Mmm, trying to dominate me. You've been bad, haven't you?”

You moan into her pussy, trying to make it sound like a yes.

“Then why aren't you asking for forgiveness?” she purrs.

You take a second to realize what she means. Then your tongue thrusts through the ring and into the folds of her pussy. You lap up and down her, your tongue flying across the folds of her pussy. You shudder as you feast on her. Her tart juices soak your mouth. You groan, staring up her body, putting your all into it.

Maybe if you make her cum, she won't flog you.

That idea propels your tongue. You flutter up and down, feasting on her. Your head moves, rubbing your hungry mouth against her cuntlips. Her clit. You groan as you do, putting your all into giving her the pleasure she deserves. You won't fail her.

The flogger lifts from your back.


You squeal into her pussy at the smacking impact on your rump. Your butt-cheeks clench as the fire melts down to your cunt. It heats up your snatch. Your futa-dick sways between your thighs. Pussy cream trickles down your cock.

It hurt, but...


You squeal again at the next impact, both your asscheeks blazing. You flutter your tongue faster, wanting to show her that you are good now. She groans, her round breast heaving above you as she shudders, rubbing her furred muff into your face.

“Such a”—


—“bad futa!”

You squeal into her snatch. You shudder on the desk, rubbing your nipples into the smooth surface of her desk. The pressure at the tip of your futa-dick swells and swells. Your pussy grows perversely hotter as your ass blazes from the impacts.


Your tongue dances up to her clit. You flutter again it, knowing just how sensitive yours was before it changed. You caress her bud. Tease it. Her moans echo through the room. Pleasure crosses her face.


You're going to make her cum.


You're going to please her with your tongue.


You want to suck on her clit, but all you can do is flutter your tongue. More and more pussy juices dribbled down your cock. The frustrated ache to fuck her builds and builds. Your cunt blazes with lust. Your ass clenches as she raises the flogger again.


She cums on your face.

“Naughty futa!”


You lap up the tart juices flooding out of her pussy. She shudders, her round breasts jiggling over you. This thrill races through you from making her cum. You groan, so glad to serve her. You feast on her passion, licking up every drop you can.

Your cock twitches, throbs. You want to be in this pussy. You want to make her cum and then flood her. You moan and gasp, begging with your eyes for the honor of sliding into her cunt and fucking her to an orgasm.

She smiles down at you, dropping the flogger on the desk beside you “Mmm, you want to fuck me, don't you?”

You nod your head, rubbing your face through her bush and your open mouth against her juicy pussy.

“Well, I have just the thing,” she purrs. She slips off the desk with such grace. “Get up and sit your rump on the desk.”

You wince, knowing this is going to burn. But you obey. As she walks around the desk, you straighten up, your cock throbbing hard. She's going to ride your dick. Work that tight pussy up and down her cock. It's going to be glorious. 

You turn around, take a deep breath, and sit down.

You moan through the gag. The pain flares, a blazing burst of heat that sweeps through your flesh. You squeeze your eyes shut, panting through it. You shudder, hands pulling against the handcuffs. But the hurt retreats. 

Dwindles to just a simmering ache.

She reaches into the cabinet and pulls out a long case. She opens it. “I never thought futanari were real, but I always hoped to meet one. So I bought this if I ever got lucky.” The case snaps open. She pulls something out of it. She turns around, holding up a long, slender rod with a knob at the end covered in waxy plastic. “You know what this is?”

You shake your head.

“It's a medical instrument called a sounding rod.” She smiles. “Well, this one's a bit thicker than a urologist would use. You know that word?”

Your eyes bulge.

“Yes, yes, that's right. It's designed to slide down a man's urethra. It's supposed to be both uncomfortable and pleasurable.” Her tongue flicks around her lips. “Now, you should know it's dangerous to cum with a sounding rod inserted. If you do, your semen will back up. On a man, it will go to his bladder and will give him a urinary tract infection. I don't know what it will do to you. So don't cum.”

You nod your head as she brings the tip of the rod to your clit-dick.

Her smile broadens. She looks so excited as she nuzzles the rod into the slit, your precum bubbling out around the metal end. You gasp as she presses it a half-inch into your cock. Your futa-dick twitches and throbs.

She doesn't push it into you. She screws it.

The sensation is pure pleasure. Almost ecstasy. You can't believe how amazing it feels as inch after inch of the sounding rod reaches deeper and deeper into your cock. You shudder. Quiver. Your fingers clench. Your pussy aches. You want to cum already.

She's only inserted a quarter of it.

You groan as she keeps turning it. Keeps drilling the sounding rod deeper and deeper into you. You groan, your round tits heaving. Your pussy clenches. You can't say a word through the ring gag. You feel incredible. More and more pleasure ripples down your cock.

Your arms flex against the cuffs, trying to break the chain. You shudder and whimper. It's torture. Delicious, pleasurable torture. 

You want to cum.

Can't cum.

You squeal through the ring gag. Drool runs down your chin. You quiver as she keeps turning. It keeps going deeper and deeper and deeper. You buck. Shudder. Your futa-dick twitches against the rod sliding down it, making your cock stiffer.

More erect.

And then she turns it a final time and you can feel the cap rubbing on the tip of your cock.

“Mmm, there,” she purrs and then she mounts the desk. You. She's straddling you, her pussy lowering to your rigid cock. “Remember, no cumming.”

You squeal in absolute frustration. Her pussy swallows the tip and slides down your shaft. The weight of her body settling on you as she takes more and more of your futa-cock into her twat presses your burning ass tighter and tighter into the desk. This punishment for being a bad futa is intense.

You squeeze your eyes shut.

You moan and gasp and shudder as her pussy engulfs every inch of your rigid cock in her juicy twat. Your futa-dick twitches. Throbs. Wants to cum. The itch burns deep in you. Two hard points brimming with cum that needs to be released.

She slides up your cock while reaching above her head. She pulls out the two chopsticks holding her hair pinned up in a bun. Her black tresses sweep in glossy falls about her face twisting with passion. Her cunt clings to your dick, massaging you while she moans out in delight.

“You naughty, naughty futa!” she groans. “You know who's in charge now, don't you?”

You nod eagerly and try to moan her name. 

She smiles as she slams her cunt down your cock. Her slanted eyes smolder in delight. She leans in and licks up your cum. Your futa-cock throbs in her cunt. Your pussy clenches. Your legs kick and spasm.

You can't cum.

Want to cum.

Oh, you want to cum so badly.

You scrunch up your forehead. You moan against the need to cum while she works her pussy up and down your stiff clit-dick. The sounding rod stimulates your cock from the inside while her cunt does from the outside. 

“Yes, yes, yes!” she moans. Ms. Kato is loving your cock with hunger. She's working her twat up and down it faster and faster.

You squirm, pulling on the cuffs. Your tits heave. They brush her round tits as she bounces up and down your cock. Her loose hair sways about her lovely face. Your boss grabs your shoulders, riding you faster and faster.

Her pussy works up and down your cock. She slams that cunt down your futa-dick. She squeezes as she climbs, making the fight not to cum that much harder. You buck. Fingers ball into fists, nails biting into your palms. Your legs kick.

You fight it. Battle against it. You groan, your mind numbing from the pleasure begging to be unleashed. But you refuse to give in. You tried to be a bad futa and now you've learned your lesson. You'll be good from now on.

So good.

You won't ever try to be bad again. You're hers. You'll prove it, you just have to cum. You stare into her eyes, begging her to let you go. To pull out the sounding rod so you can cum in her pussy. She slams down your cock and cups your face.

“You are mine,” she purrs.

You nod your head emphatically as her pussy soaks your aching, stiff, throbbing cock. 

She kisses your spread-open mouth. She thrusts her tongue in as she slams her pussy down your cock. Her cunt clenches about you. Then her silky flesh convulses in wild passion. Her cunt writhes around you, teases you.

Sucks at you.

You groan into her mouth, squealing out the need to cum. You're so close, her pussy is sucking at you. But you can't. You squeeze your eyes shut. You whimper as her twat tortures you with spasming heaven.

Her juices soak your pussy lips.

She squirms on you her nipples brushing yours. You shudder, hands flexing hard against the cuffs. They bite into your wrist as she bucks on you. Her pussy writhes a final time. Then she groans and breaks the kiss.

“What a delicious futa you are,” she purrs and slides her pussy up and up your girl-dick.

You're so long that it feels like an eternity before her pussy slides off. Then you pant, your cock freed from her hot snatch, liberated from that silky prison. She slips off the table as you suck in breaths.

She grabs the tip of the sounding rod and begins unscrewing it.

Your eyes bulge as now it's coming out. It stimulates you from the inside. You shudder. Whimper. Your cock throbs and those points inside of you screaming to cum. Every twist and turn shoots bliss down your shaft that electrifies your pussy.

You squeeze your eyes shut.

You groan against the pressure.

The need is building faster and faster. The more and more of the sounding rod she removes, the harder and harder it is to control yourself. You whimper and squirm. Your toes curl. Your breasts jiggle as you thrash.

Halfway out.

You need to cum so badly.

Quarter of the way out.

You scream through the gag.

You open your eyes and watch more and more of the shiny rod emerging, soaked in your precum. Your cock is almost free. The last few inches are climbing out. You gasp, your orgasm slamming into your self-control.

Batters through.

You climax.

Your seed rushes out of the depths of your ovaries. It shoots through the plumping and up your cock just as Ms. Kato removes the sounding rod. Your cum erupts. A mighty fountain of futa-jizz bursts from your cock.

It showers you both in spunk. It lands on your heaving tits. Spatters across her face. It coats her breasts as they rise and fall. Your pussy convulses. Rapture slams in your mind. Stars explode as you howl in gagged pleasure.

More and more cum erupts. So much of it. More than you thought possible. You spasm through your orgasm. Your mind melts from it. Darkness washes across your vision. You whimper and moan, your cock twitching as it sprays you both in your futa-cum.

Your pussy convulses wildly. Juices gush out of your twat. You quiver and moan, more and more of your futa-spunk lands on your tits and stomach. On your legs. It splashes your face. The salty delight lands in your mouth.

“Well, well, well,” Ms. Kato moans, scooping cum off her round breasts and popping it in her mouth. “Mmm, what a delicious eruption that was. A volcano of cum.”

You can only pant as your orgasm finally dies. You want to lie down, but your hands are cuffed behind your back still, your wrists throbbing. You quiver, breasts heaving while the cum runs down your body.

She grabs a towel and wipes the cum off of her flesh. She works fast, staring at you. Then she tosses the towel beside her. She leans over you, her fingers walking up your cock to the tip. You're still hard. She strokes you.

“Now, are you mine?” she coos.

You nod with eager agreement. 

She smiles and reaches behind you. She grabs your cuffs. You hear buttons pop and then they spring open. You blink, realizing they have some sort of safety mechanism. You could have removed them at any time. She puts them away as you grab the towel and begin wiping the cum off your body. Next, she removes your gag.

“Ms. Kato,” you pant and set the towel down on the desk.

She reaches in and pulls out a new item. You shiver, wondering what it's going to be. She holds up a thick, black collar made of leather. She grins at you and a wild tingle rushes through your body starting at your cunt.

She's going to collar you. Make you into her BDSM pet. You shudder and realize that you want that. Submitting to her has been such a treat. You don't want to give it up. What new pleasures will she give you?

Time to find out.

Continue on to being Ms. Kato's Futa Sex Slave! 


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