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Your clit is growing larger and larger, swelling in your panties. This strange panic surges through you. “I have to talk to Deandra!”

“What?” Cassie gasps.

You bolt out of your cubical and hurry through the office, passing the restrooms on your way to the elevator. Your clit feels so trapped in your panties. It pulses and throbs, the confines of your panties is forcing your engorging bud upward. You gasp as the elevator doors are open before you, but they're starting to close. You have to get in them right now.

Nylons whisking together, your friend crying your name behind you, you race the rest of the way to the elevator doors, running in your heels. Your skirt is tight about your legs. Your breasts are bouncing in your bra. And your clit...

Your clit feels like a long shaft now, the tip pushing out the top of your panties waistband and throbbing against your belly.

“Out of the way!” you shout as a coworker is about to exit his cubical. He jumps back in. 

You suck in your breath and enter the elevator just before the doors close on your tits. You gasp, turning, and stare at the panel. You hit the button for the 13th floor frantically. It lights up. You hear Cassie outside the doors crying your name.

The elevator lurches down as you groan, your expanded clit throbbing. It drops two levels from the 75th floor to the 73rd. You gasp as it stops. You groan, your entire body trembling. You need it to keep going down.

The doors open.

A fiery redhead sweeps in. She smiles at you, her round breasts jiggling in her light-purple blouse with a scoop neckline, showing off a delicious amount of her cleavage. You find yourself staring at your co-worker, Miranda. 

“Hey, how's the project going?” Miranda asks as she hits the button for the 31st floor where customer service lies.

“Fine, fine,” you moan, your new clit throbbing. You glance down past your rose-hue blouse to your charcoal-gray skirt bulging with what is unmistakably a cock.

Your clit has grown into a dick.

“Oh, no, no,” you moan.

“That bad, huh?” Miranda asks, glancing at you again. “They have me running back and forth with customer service.” Her red hair sweeps about her shoulders. You can't help but notice how sexy she is. This wild ache forms at the tip of your new clit-dick. This incredible pressure. 

Something needs to explode out of your cock.

This woman is so hot. You want to kiss Miranda. Her lips look so delicious. Her breasts look perfect through her blouse. Your nipples are as hard as your new cock while your pussy soaks your panties with your excitement. You have to cum. You have to stroke your dick. That pressure needs releasing or you'll go insane.

Do you let your lusts go and kiss Miranda, do you surrender to your need and whip out your new cock to masturbate it, or do you fight against your lust and hold on to your self-control until you reach Deandra's lab.

What do you choose?

Do you kiss Miranda? 

Do you whip your new clit-dick and masturbate? 

Do you hold off and hope that you make it to the lab? 



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