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Previous Continuity: Angry at Paris. Just ordered to give Paris and Ms. Kato a cup of coffee. Clit has just started growing. In cubical with Cassie. Your cock has fully grown, the tip thrusting out the top of your panties. On the verge of cumming. Paris approaching, you forgot to get her and Ms. Kato coffee, your dick is about to erupt Dick thrusting out of panties, skirt bunched around waist, friend holding keyboard. Paris insisting on being called Ms. Richardson, just ordered to get coffee, In the last bathroom stall. Cassie kneeling before you, her lips stained with your pussy juices, her mouth wrapped about your cock, you're a few sucks from erupting when a woman (Ms. Kato) enters.

No way you're stopping. Not when it feels this good. Just don't make much noise, and the woman will never know you're here. Cassie's mouth is amazing on your dick, sliding up and down it. Your hands clench and relax as that delicious pleasure surges down your cock towards your pussy.

The footsteps click louder and louder as you run your fingers through Cassie's silky hair. The ache is building and building at the tip of your cock, that wonderful eruption that's going to make you feel amazing.

The woman reaches the stall next to yours as that wonderful moment happens.

Your first orgasm with your new girl-cock.

You groan through your teeth as the pleasure rushes through your body. It turns into a throaty moan as you unload your cum into Cassie's mouth. She whimpers, sucking, slurping, gulping down your cum with a hunger that has you trembling. Your entire body is shaking.

It's only hotter with the unknown woman not even realizing how naughty you are acting right now.

Pussy juices are gushing out of you. The pleasure burns through your thoughts. Every eruption of cum into your friend's mouth sends another splash of ecstasy spilling over your mind. Your fingers clench tight.

You moan again, a quite sound that you can't help as the pleasure slams through you.

“Who's in there?” the refined, cool diction of your boss, Ms. Kato, asks.

You clench your teeth, your thoughts struggling to think, to respond. You're cumming still, your pussy juices gushing out of you and soaking your panties. Your heart is racing in your chest. Little stars are dancing before your eyes as Cassie stops sucking, her blue eyes blinking up at you.

“I asked who's in there,” Ms. Kato repeats.

The final spurt of cum fires into Cassie's mouth, bulging her cheeks.

You freeze even as your heart thunders through your chest. You have to make up an excuse. You can't let her catch both of you in the stall. She'll be pissed. But how to explain what was going on? Maybe you can tell a lie, something that she might buy, or you and Cassie can just stay quiet and hope she thinks she's mistaken?

What do you do?

Do you lie and tell Ms. Kato you're sick?  

Do you stay quiet and hope Ms. Kato thinks she was mistaken? 

AUTHOR NOTE: Sorry for this being a day late! I'm out of town and... it slipped my mind.



Looks like we're staying quiet!