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“Yes,” you groan. “I... I... I want that so badly!”

“Good,” Cassie moans. She falls to her knees right there in the open door of the stall. Her blonde hair sways about her face. Her breasts rise and fall in her gray, pinstriped vest. Her cream blouse rustles as her hands snags your futa-dick.

You groan at the contact of her hands on your cock. Your eyes flutter. Your heart pounds so fast at her touch. It's searing. Another woman is touching your new, transformed clit. It's incredible. You lick your lips as Cassie stares at it.

“This is incredible,” she moans, her eyes flicking over it. It's like she's taking her time when you just want to cum.

“Please, stroke it,” you say.

“I'm going to do more than stroke it,” she breathes, her hot exhale spilling over your dick, teasing you.

She licks the spongy crown. 

A shiver races down your dick. Your toes curl in you heels. Your back arches as the tingle races up your spine and through all your nerves. Fingers twitch. Nipples throb. You let out a whimper as a little fuzz of darkness dances on the edge of your vision.

She licks you again and again. Her tongue dances over the crown of your dick. She swirls and teases you. You groan, fists clenching. Your heart hammers in your chest. It pumps so fast, pounding through you. Your eyes flutter. This heat builds and builds in your pussy's depths. Your head shakes at the delight swelling and swelling in you. This is what you crave. What you need. You're so thrilled to experience this. 

Your pussy clenches. Your fingers flex and relax. You groan as she licks your cock again and again. She coats your entire tip while her hand pumps up and down your shaft. Your friend is loving your dick.

“Your precum tastes amazing,” she whimpers between her licks and nuzzles. “Oh, wow, that's good.”

“Awesome,” you groan, your heart hammering in your chest. “I... I... Damn!”

“Ooh, does this feel good?” she asks and licks you again.

“So good!” Your pussy clenches while her tongue swirls around that pink, sensitive tip. “Like having my clit played with, only there's so much more bliss to it. These jolts shoot down my shaft to my pussy. Then the rapture builds in there. I think... I think have to cum.”

“Like a guy?” she asks.

You nod your head, fingers flexing.


Cassie engulfs the entire tip of your dick. She sucks with passion. Her flushed cheeks hollow. Her blue eyes glow as they stare up at you. The suction reaches down your shaft to your pussy. Your cunt clenches, your juices flowing, soaking into your panties bunched beneath your thrusting clit-dick.

Your ovaries, deep inside of you, quiver. You can feel the cum in there. This pressure that needs releasing. Every suck from your friend's mouth brings you closer and closer to that eruption. You groan, your fingers quivering and flexing. Your head shakes. Your breasts rise and fall as you pant. Your eyes flutter, the pleasure building and building.

“Oh, Cassie, yes,” you whimper. “Ooh, this is amazing.”

Her mouth pops off your dick. “You sound like every guy I've blown, only sexier. That voice... Mmm, you're a woman with a dick!”

“Uh-huh!” you moan as she re-engulfs your cock.

Her head bobs, working that mouth up and down your dick. She's sucking the entire way. Her tongue's dancing. It's teasing you. This amazing rapture is surging through you. Your toes curl again. Your pussy clenches as the heat builds and builds.

That ache is swelling its release point. You're moments away from cumming. You can't hold back. You don't want to hold back. You're going to erupt into her mouth. You're going to flood her with so much jizz that—

The bathroom door opens. Someone enters the restroom.

Panic shoots through you. You're about to cum, but Cassie's kneeling half-in your stall. You'll be seen. Do you let her finish blowing you and risk getting caught? Or do you pull her inside and hope the newcomer doesn't notice?

What do you do?

Do you keep enjoying the blowjob and cum in Cassie's mouth? 

Do you stop Cassie sucking on your dick and pull her into the stall?